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### Ephemeral Symphony

**Page 1**

In fields where wildflowers sway,

Underneath the azure day,
Whispers of the gentle breeze,
Caress the petals, dance with ease.

Butterflies in vibrant flight,

Painting colors, pure delight,
Chasing dreams of sunlit gleam,
In this fleeting, cherished theme.

Mountains rise with ancient might,

Silhouetted 'gainst the light,
Guardians of the silent sky,
Where eagles soar and echoes lie.

Rivers rush with liquid song,

A journey steady, swift and strong,
Carving paths through rugged land,
With every twist, a tale is fanned.

**Page 2**

At dusk, when shadows softly fall,

The world transforms, answering the
Of moonlit whispers, silver thread,
Weaving secrets through starry spread.

Owls in solemn watchful flight,

Under velvet cloak of night,
Their hoots a chorus, wise and deep,
In the realm where dreams do keep.

Stars above in cosmic gleam,

Infinite as thoughts that stream,
Across the canvas of the sky,
Where time and space in union lie.

Ephemeral, this symphony,

Of nature's beauty, wild and free,
In every leaf, in every tree,
A testament to life’s decree.

As day gives way to quiet rest,

The world in slumber finds its nest,
And in the silence, hearts commune,
With echoes of this fleeting tune.

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