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### A Symphony of Seasons

**Page 1**

In the quiet embrace of winter’s chill,

Where frost adorns each window sill,

The world sleeps under blankets white,

In hushed serenity, veiled in light.

Silent snowflakes gently fall,

Softly whispering a winter’s call,
Blanketing fields with icy grace,
A crystal kingdom, a frozen embrace.

Trees stand bare against the sky,

Their branches reaching, stark and
A testament to nature’s art,
In winter’s stillness, a quiet heart.

**Page 2**

But as the sun climbs higher still,

And winter bows to spring’s sweet
The earth awakens from its rest,
With colors bursting, nature’s best.

Blossoms bloom in vibrant hue,

Painting meadows with morning dew,
A symphony of scents and sights,
Underneath the warming light.

Birdsong fills the warming air,

A chorus rising, free from care,
Wings flutter in the azure blue,
As life emerges, born anew.

Through summer’s heat and autumn’s

Nature’s story, ageless and bold,
In every season’s ebb and flow,
A timeless rhythm, nature’s show.


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