Unit 28

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Learning Objective
By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the understand sentence fragment (missing verb).
2. Analyze the terms in traffic.

I. Observe the picture and answer the following questions:

Taken from voanews.com

a. Where was the photo taken?

b. What do you think the causes of the above situation?

I. Vocabulary and Speaking
Try to match the meaning of the bold words below.
1. When she parked in the no parking area, she received a ticket.
2. You must not pass at the red light.
3. You can attend the cycling education program to get a biking license.
4. To stop the car, you use the brake.
5. There is a crosswalk for pedestrian to cross the street.
a. device that makes a vehicle go slower or stop, or a pedal, bar, or handle that makes this
device work.
b. a place on a road, especially one where there is a lot of traffic, at which vehicles must
c. notice issued by a law enforcement official to a motorist or other road user, indicating
that the user has violated traffic laws
d. a traffic signal to mean “stop
e. the approval of the privilege in operating a motorcycle

II. Reading
Read the information below and then answer the questions follow by choosing the letter
of the word or group of words which best completes the sentence.

It is common for any of these elements or a combination of two or more of these elements
to be missing from the stem. The most common problem in structure involves a missing

Example I
Newspapers _______ every morning and every evening.
A. Delivery
B. are delivered
C. on time
D. regularly

In this example, we should notice immediately that the sentence has a subject, newspapers,
but that there is no verb. Because answer (B), are delivered, is a verb, it is the best answer.
Answers (A), (C), and (D) are not verbs, so they are not correct.

Example II
The plane _______ landing at the airport in five minutes.
A. it is
B. it really is
C. is descending
D. will be
This sentence has a subject, plane, and has part verb, landing; to be correct, some form of
the verb be is needed to make the verb complete. Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because
the sentence already has a subject, plane, and does not need the extra subject it. Answer
(C) is incorrect because descending is an extra part of a verb that is unnecessary because
of landing. Answer (D) is the best answer; will be together with landing is a complete verb.

Choose the letter of the word or group of words which best completes the sentence.
1. The police _______ a parking ticket to the driver of the white SUV.
(A) is issued
(B) is issuing
(C) issuing
(D) was issued
2. The red light is a sign when every vehicle needs ________.
(A) to stop
(B) to stopping
(C) to be stopped
(D) to be stopping
3. In Japan, everyone ________ a biking license to ride a bike.
(A) must be having
(B) must be have
(C) must have
(D) must having
4. Vehicle components, like brakes, oil, and engine, ________ periodically to avoid
(A) must maintained
(B) must be maintaining
(C) must maintaining
(D) must be maintained
5. The crosswalk near the hospital ________ closed for a while.
(A) will be
(B) will being
(C) will
(D) would
Read the sentences carefully. Analyze and decide whether the sentences are True or False by
checking the verbs.

1. The police issuing a speeding ticket during a traffic stop last night. T/F
2. The black sedan was chased by the police for running a red light. T/F
3. It was revealed that a brake failure causing the accident. T/F
4. The crosswalk near the city hall are busier than usual. T/F
5. The man’s driver’s license were suspended. T/F
6. The police performed a checkpoint to arrest the robbers just a moment ago. T/F
7. A congestion is happen right now near the museum. T/F
8. There will be some road closure due to the National Day’s Parade. T/F

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