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Please attach a Please complete all

passport-style sections in Black

photograph or Blue Ink in

1. Surname
2. Forenames
3. Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Title / Rank 4. Honours and Decorations
5. Date of Birth DD/MM/YYY Y 6. Nationality
7. Profession or Occupation (if retired, please indicate your former occupation)
8. Company / Organisation Name
9. Company / Organisation Address
10. If you have spent time in the East, please indicate where and for how long (not an essential qualification)

11. Clubs of which you are a Member

12. Has any application for membership of any other social club been refused or membership terminated other than
by resignation?

13. Schools / University Attended

14. Category Applied For (see overleaf) TOWN COUNTRY OVERSEAS

15. Home Address
16. Home Telephone No. 17. Mobile Telephone No.
18. Email Address
19. LinkedIn Profile Address (if applicable)
20. I agree to be bound by the Rules and By-Laws of the Oriental Club
I agree to permit the Oriental Club to communicate with me by post, electronic means and telephone
Signature of

21. Proposer Years Known

22. Proposer’s

23. Seconder Years Known

24. Seconder’s
Notes for Proposers and Seconders
The Club Rules concerning the election of Members are numbers 11 to 15 and are printed below.
However, the following is requested by the Election Committee:
1. A detailed letter of support from the proposer and seconder including:
A. The professional background and qualifications of the candidate.
B. His / Her social background including education, marital status, family, Interests and hobbies.
C. Details of association with the candidate and the names of other Club Members known to the candidate.
2. A Member may propose or second a candidate after being a Member for one year or more.
3. Town and Country candidates are requested to meet the Election Committee before election. This is not mandatory for Overseas candidates,
but the Committee would prefer to meet if possible.

Rule 3
The number of Members of the Club shall be unlimited provided that in order to regulate the number of the various classes of Members the Committee
shall have power from time to time to require that candidates for Membership of the Club shall, before their application can be considered by the
Election Committee in accordance with the rules for election of Members, be required to join a waiting list for such period or until the happening of
such event as the Committee shall from time to time determine. In exercising this power the Committee may exempt a particular class or classes of
Membership from these requirements.

The Members shall be classified as follows:–

(a) Town Members, namely Members (not being Honorary, Temporary or Associate Members), who on election or on the 1st January of the year in
respect of which their annual subscription last became due ordinarily resided in the British Isles within 100 miles of the Clubhouse, or, being resident
in the British Isles beyond such distance, had their regular place of business in London.
(b) Country Members, namely Members (not being Honorary, Temporary or Associate Members) who on election or on the 1st January of the year
in respect of which their annual subscription last become due ordinarily resided in the British Isles but who did not reside within 100 miles of the
Club house or have their regular place of business in London and also Members who on election or on the 1st January of the year in which their annual
subscription last became due ordinarily resided on the Continent of Europe and did not have their regular place of business in London.
(c) Overseas Members, namely Members who are not Town Members, Honorary, Temporary or Associate Members or Country Members.

Election of Members
Application for Membership Notification of Election
11. Every candidate for membership (other than for Honorary Life 13. When a candidate has been duly elected by the Election Committee
Membership or Honorary Membership or for Temporary Membership the Secretary shall forthwith send to him at the address given in his
pursuant to Rule 5 (b) shall deliver to the Secretary an application in such application a notification of his election together with a request for
form as the Committee shall from time to time prescribe. His application payment of his entrance fee (if any) and his first annual subscription or,
shall be proposed by one Member and (except in the case of a candidate where appropriate, the first instalment thereof. Until payment of the
for Associate Membership) seconded by another and supported by such entrance fee (if any) or, if the candidate so wishes, one half thereof and
number of other Members, none of which Members may be an of the first annual subscription or, where appropriate, the first instalment
Honorary, Temporary or Associate Member, as the Committee may from thereof, an elected candidate shall not be entitled to exercise any of the
time to time prescribe by By-Law. rights of a member.

Election procedure Re-election after Resignation

12. Subject to Rule 14 every candidate for Town, Country or Overseas 14. A Town, Country or Overseas Member who resigns from the Club
membership shall be subject to election by the Election Committee who and subsequently after resignation applies for re-election may be re-elected
shall have power to reject the application for membership of any candidate by the Committee who may in their discretion waive the payment of the
without being called upon to give reasons for their decision. Any such whole or any part of the entrance fee for the time being in force.
election shall be conducted in such manner as the Election Committee shall
determine. No candidate shall be deemed to be elected unless at least ten Rules Binding on every Member
votes are cast in his favour and not more than two votes are cast against 15. Every Member at the date of the adoption of these presents and every
him. The Election Committee shall at least fourteen days before the date person who hereafter becomes a Member of the Club shall be bound by
fixed for them for an election cause a notice to be placed on a notice board the Rules and By-laws for the time being of the Club to the same extent
in the Clubhouse, setting out the names of the candidates for election and as if such Rules and By-laws had been signed and delivered as a deed by
the names of the Members proposing and seconding them, and stating the him or her and contained covenants on his or her part to be bound by the
date upon which the election will take place. provisions thereof.

The Oriental Club is a company limited by guarantee whose registered company name is Oriental Club (1824) Limited, and by submitting your
application for membership you agree to become a member of the company.

For Office Use: Date Application Received DD/MM/YYYY Membership No.:

Accounts Use:
Oriental Club is the trading name of Oriental Club (1824) Limited, a company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales with company number 08986415. The registered office is Stratford House, Stratford Place, London W1C 1ES.

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