ESCP Europe Madrid - Kirtika

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ESCP Europe.

Two words that embody the school´s main objective - to offer the best quality
education in business, economics and commerce throughout Europe, while attracting talent from all
over the world. It has been debated in the past that since the name is French, it directly conflicts
with the school´s vision. However, as the motto of ESCP Europe states: “European identity, global
perspective”. It is endearing that in a world of changing identities to suit the target audience, the
founders of our school want to staunchly maintain their European identity. It is not a mistake or lack
of attention to detail, but a matter of pride, even though the objective is to have a global perspective
and welcome students from all nationalities. Hence, the French title, as it is in Paris that one of the
oldest schools in Europe originated in 1819.

With the inauguration of its branches in 5 more cities, ESCP Europe quickly became a multi – campus
European school, staying true to its vision and making it the originality and strength of the school´s
future strategy. This article, however is not about ESCP Europe itself, nor is it about ESCP Europe
(Madrid campus), where I am currently a Master´s student. It is about the life of a few people who
work tirelessly in the cafeteria here at Madrid to make every day worthwhile for students like us,
and how this effort connected to our lives. About how they make it possible for us to satiate our
appetites amidst hectic classes, projects and also make it possible for us to enjoy once in a while
with small parties to destress.

When you enter the ESCP Madrid campus, there might be nothing striking to the average European
student or to the likes of those having seen sparkling campuses like ESCP Paris, HEC or even Stanford
University. But to me, it is the gateway to my dreams, to achieving all that I couldn´t when I was in a
country of billions (no guesses there, I am talking about India ;)) – the one place that saw something
worthwhile in my mundane credentials and offered me a chance to reach my true potential, by
opening a plethora of new opportunities.

Surrounded by classrooms, offices and an open grassy garden, the cafeteria is a cosy, central part of
the Madrid campus where students can relax, discuss projects or weekend plans over coffee and
lunch. The two heroes of our cafeteria are Paco and Victor, always ready to serve food and
beverages with a smiling face. Sometimes, depending on their mood, we even get to hear great
music while eating.

Both, Paco and Victor, have no diploma and come from the same agency originally which landed
them this job at ESCP Madrid, 7 years ago. While Victor manages another job at a hotel after the day
shift at the school, Paco works full time. Victor prefers his job at the school than the one at the hotel
since the latter is more stressful and formal. On being asked if they would like to work
internationally, they say they would like too, but it is difficult with a family to manage. However,
they enjoy working here and interacting with international students. Their main activities after work
are diverse and exciting – sleeping. And sleeping. Some more sleeping. Sleeping.

ESCP Madrid occasionally has team building and networking events. One of these is the ESCPeritivo,
held once a month. It is an initiative by the students that includes an evening of snacks, drinks and
fun games. Paco tells us he plans the logistics carefully for each event in advance and does the food
and drinks accounting every Friday according to Google calendar. This includes how many items in
which quantity are needed every day according to the number of students that are supposed to
attend, and any extra activities / events / conferences taking place in the week. I always recall seeing
Paco whenever I leave school from an event, even if it is late at night and it makes me think that
planning is not the end of his chores. He has to clean up, estimate leftovers and probably re-evaluate
the pricing.
After a hard week of classes and with our focus on ´more important´ things such as getting good
grades, a secure job, we usually tend to focus more on what happened in the past or what the future
holds. We forget how much effort goes into making our short stay in Madrid hassle free, the people
who work their asses off to see a smile on students´ faces and make us feel as much at home as
possible when we come from different countries and to integrate us with the Spanish culture. This
article portrays a small dimension of what goes on ‘behind the scenes’ for our comfort. There are
many more dimensions, related to administration, financing, organising, teaching, research and so

In the words of Henry David Thoreau, “In any weather, at any hour of the day or night, I have been
anxious to improve the nick of time, and notch it on my stick too; to stand on the meeting of two
eternities, the past and future, which is precisely the present moment; to toe that line.”

Getting past the fancy quote, the important point to dwell on is to just stop for a moment. Stop
whatever you are doing and take a deep breath. You are in Spain, and a friend once described it for
me perfectly – the land of fiesta, siesta, Iniesta (party, sleep and football). If not Spain, you are in
another beautiful city with a unique culture, because of ESCP, where many have not been before.
This is the present, enjoy it to the fullest. For once, forget all those shortcomings you keep focussing
on. Just let it go. Look around at neighbouring cities with their rich heritage and castles, the arenas
for bull fighting, Pamplona and ‘San Fermin’, Buñol and ‘Tomatina’, Seville and Flamenco, Valencia
and ‘Las Fallas’, Granada and ‘Alhambra’, Barcelona and Estrella Damm, Tapas and Cerveza. This is
where you are and who knows where you will be tomorrow. Live it, love it and laugh along with it.
Remember, to be happy is a choice, that choice is yours; and yes, people who help you get it don’t
need to have a high class diploma!

Signing off,
A happy international student :)

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