INT Personal Goals

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Personal Goals

Teacher Day Time Branch TA Class

Title: Personal Goals

Resources needed:
• Markers • Stress management article
• Dreams vs. goals article • Stress management worksheet
• Sticky ball • Time management skills article
• Goals hand out • Planning skills article
• Goals worksheet • Planning skills worksheet
• Motivation article

Stage: Introduction Aim: Ss will familiarize themselves with what goals are.
Page: Method: Imagine activity/ Discussion
Time: 3-4 minutes

You have been studying a lot for the school term and you finally have some time off
from your studies. The school is going to be closed for ______. You have decided to
take a road trip to_____. You are very excited because you have been waiting for
some time off from school. Your phone rings and your friend tells you he/she is
outside, waiting for you. You quickly grab your bags and wallet/purse and run
outside. Your friend has been driving for 2 hours and asks you for a map. You reach
for your bag and can’t find your map. You stop at the petrol station to ask for
directions and to put gas into the car. The attendant doesn’t know how to get to____.
You reach for your wallet and it’s not there. You tell your friend that you have left
your wallet at home. Your friend says it’s ok, but only has ____ for the trip. You and
your friend find someone that knows where to go. You get to the hotel and give them
your name and details. You realize that you were supposed to reserve two rooms and
you forgot to. The attendant tells you that they have no rooms available…….

• Teacher will present scenario.

• Teacher will have Ss imagine a scenario.
• Teacher will ask Ss questions like: What went wrong? What could you have
done so that they above would not have happened?
• Teacher will say: “Life is like this when you don’t have some sort of road map
or plan.
• Teacher will ask Ss: What do you think would happen if I decided to come to
class without preparing what I have to teach?
• Teacher will ask Ss what their thoughts are on having some sort of road map
or involve some sort of planning.
• Teacher will ask Ss if they agree with having some sort of road map when
dealing with life (school, work, personal, financial (exp. saving money).
• Ss will respond with their thoughts.

Stage: Practice Aim: Ss will further familiarize themselves with what goals are.
Time: 5-7minutes Method: Dreams vs. Goals

• Teacher will ask Ss: “What are your dreams? What do you want to do hope to
do by the time your ____ (exp. 50 years old)?
• Teacher will ask for a couple of volunteers (4).
• Teacher will draw a bull’s-eye and hand Ss a sticky ball
• Teacher will model for Ss (throw the sticky ball at the bull’s-eye)
• Ss will take turns trying to hit the bull’s eye
• Teacher will take the sticky ball and aim for bull’s eye, but won’t throw it.
• Teacher will then erase the points off the board.
• Teacher will call for volunteers (2)
• Teacher will ask Ss what they wish or hope to do with their life.
• Teacher will write them on the bull’s eye
• Teacher will instruct Ss to throw the sticky ball at the one thing they hope for
• Ss will throw the sticky ball.
• Teacher will call next Ss
• Teacher will ask Ss what they wish or hope to do with their life.
• Teacher will write them on the bull’s eye
• Teacher will tell Ss to say them out loud.
• Ss will hold the sticky ball and won’t do anything.


Stage: Production Aim: Ss will learn what goals are.

Time: 4-6 minutes Method: Dreams vs. Goals hand out

• Teacher will hand out

• Teacher will go over vocabulary
• Teacher will divide Ss into groups.
• Teacher will instruct Ss to work on birthday wish list.
• Ss will work in groups and write items they wish to receive.
• Teacher will ask Ss for answers.
• Ss will provide answers.
• Teacher will write some on the board.
• Teacher will ask Ss to work on: what to you plan to get out of this class?
• Teacher will ask Ss for answers.
• Ss will provide answers.
• Teacher will write some on the board.


Stage: CCQ Aim: Check Ss comprehension of what goals are.

Time: 3-4 minutes Method: Dreams vs. Goals hand out CCQ

• Teacher will point to a few of the wishes and ask Ss what they are.
• Ss will say they are dreams/wishes.
• Teacher will point to a few of the goals and ask Ss what they are.
• Ss will say they are goals.
• Teacher will point to a Ss and say: Billy hopes to get an A in this class.
• Ss will say they are dreams/wishes.
• Teacher will say: Billy says he will turn in homework and study to get an A in
this class.
• Ss will say they this is a goal.


Stage: Introduction Aim: Ss will familiarize themselves with personal goals.

Time: 4-6 minutes Method: What types of goals are there?

• Teacher will write a few examples of goals on the board (for example: My
company plans make 1,000,000 RMB, this year. I am going to save 100 RMB
this month. I am going to eat less. She is going to buy a car this year. Billy is
planning to go to the temple every week.
• Teacher will ask Ss what type of goals are these? (mentioned above)
• Ss will provide answers (if they don’t know, teacher will write the categories
on the board (business, personal, financial, asset, and spiritual).
• Teacher will go over the meaning of each category.
• Teacher will ask Ss to match the sentences with the categories.
• Teacher will correct errors.


Stage: Practice Aim: Ss will further familiarize themselves with personal goals.
Time: 4-6 minutes Method: Personal goals

• Teacher will hand out article.

• Teacher will go over vocabulary
• Ss will read over article.
• Teacher will ask Ss to give an example of each type of goal and write it on the
• Teacher will erase all the types of goals (except personal).
• Teacher will ask Ss to give examples of personal goals.
• Teacher will write an example of her own goals (for example: My goal is for
my Ss to do well in my class. My goal is to do more exercise)


Stage: Production Aim: Ss will learn what personal goals are.

Time: 4-6 minutes Method: Write 8 goals in groups.

• Teacher will divide Ss into groups

• Teacher will write an example of a personal goal on the board.
• Teacher will instruct Ss to think of 8 goals they have for the year.
• Ss will think of 8 goals.


Stage: CCQ Aim: Check Ss comprehension of personal goals.

Time: 3-5 minutes Method: 8 goals check

• Teacher will call on groups to say what goals their personal goals are.
• Teacher will ask Ss what they think personal goals are.
• Ss will provide answers.
• Teacher will recap
• Teacher will correct errors.


Stage: Introduction Aim: Ss will familiarize themselves with motivation.

Time: 5-7 minutes Method: Spill my stuff on the floor.

• Teacher will “accidentally” drop her items in front of Ss desks.

• Ss will either help pick up items or they won’t
• If Ss help: Teacher will ask Ss: “What made you want to help me?”
• If Ss don’t help: Teacher will say: “What will make you want to help me?”
“What if I said I would take you to lunch if you helped me?”
• Ss will respond to question.
• Teacher will go over basic definition of motivation.
• Teacher will give Ss motivation handout.
• Ss will read over article.
• Teacher will ask questions about article.


Stage: Practice Aim: Ss will further familiarize themselves with motivation.

Time: 4-6minutes Method: Different types of motivation scenarios:

You are walking down the street and you see a woman slip on ice and fall in the street.
She is about to get hit by a taxi. What would motivate you to help her?

China did very well in the Olympics. What do you think was their motivation to train
and compete? (Country, family, for themselves)

You see a beautiful or handsome guy/girl. What would motivate you to talk to

You see a wallet on the street. Would you pick it up? Why? What would motivate you
to pick it up?

• Teacher will provide Ss with scenario

• Teacher will divide Ss into groups
• Ss will discuss the scenarios above.
• Teacher will call on groups to provide reasons for motivation.
• Teacher will ask Ss to think of scenarios for the remaining categories.
• Ss will respond with examples
• Teacher will note errors


Stage: Production Aim: Ss will learn what motivation is.

Time: 3-5 minutes Method: What motivates you?

• Teacher will refer to some of the goals mentioned by Ss.

• Teacher will say: “Why do you want to _______. What makes you want to
• Teacher will divide Ss into groups
• Teacher will ask Ss to think of reasons why they want to do accomplish their
• Ss will provide answers
• Teacher will write answers on the board.


Stage: CCQ Aim: Check comprehension of motivation.

Time: 2-4 minutes Method: Types of motivation check

• Teacher will ask Ss what types of motivation there are.

• Ss will provide answers
• Teacher will correct errors


Stage: Introduction Aim: Ss will familiarize themselves with stress management.

Time: 3-5 minutes Method: What is stress?

• Teacher will draw a face on the board (with crazy hair and x s on the eyes and
a frown)
• Teacher will refer to the drawing and say this person is stressed.
• Teacher will ask Ss: “What is stress?”
• Ss will respond with answers
• Teacher will write answers on the board.
• Teacher will ask Ss: “What makes you stress?”
• Ss will say what stresses them out.
• Teacher will go over general definition of stress.

Stage: Practice Aim: Ss will further familiarize themselves with stress management.
Time: 4-6 minutes Method: Ways to beat stress

• Teacher will hand out stress management article.

• Teacher will go over vocabulary with Ss
• Teacher will have Ss read through article.
• Teacher will ask for examples for each category.


Stage: Production Aim: Ss will learn what stress management is.

Time: 3-5 minutes Method: How do you manage stress?

• Teacher will ask Ss: “How do you help yourself when you are stressed? What
do you do?
• Teacher will ask Ss to remember what they said stresses them out
• Teacher will ask Ss to write down what they do to help themselves in these
• Ss will write stress management techniques for each one.
• Teacher will call on Ss to provide examples.
• Teacher will correct errors.


Stage: CCQ Aim: Check Ss comprehension of stress management.

Time: 2-4 minutes Method: Stress management questions

• Teacher will ask Ss: What is stress?

• Ss will respond with examples
• Teacher will ask Ss: What can we do about stress?
• Ss will provide teacher with examples
• Teacher will correct errors


Stage: Introduction Aim: Ss will familiarize themselves with time management.

Time: 3-5 minutes Method: How do you manage your time?

• Teacher will pick a Ss

• Teacher will ask: “What do you have to do today?
• Ss will say what they have to do.
• Teacher will pick another Ss and say: What do you have to do this week?
• Ss will say what they have to do.
• Teacher will say how do you remember what to do everyday? Every week?
• Teacher will ask class: What is time management?
• Ss will provide answers
• Teacher will go over basic definition of time management.

Stage: Practice Aim: Ss will further familiarize themselves with time management.
Time: 4-6 minutes Method: Time game

• Teacher will ask for 2 volunteers

• Teacher will model for Ss
• Teacher will hand Ss a piece of paper (has basic definition of time
• Ss will have to write the definition of time management on the board.
• Ss will hand the marker to the other student to do the same.
• 2nd Ss can’t start writing till 1st Ss sits down.
• 2nd Ss will have to write the definition of the board under the 1st
• If time runs out before they finish, they lose. If they finish before time ends,
they win.
• Teacher will explain the purpose of the activity (if you don’t manage your time
wisely, you won’t finish what you want or need to do).


Stage: Production Aim: Ss will learn what time management is.

Time: 3-5 minutes Method: How do you manage your time?

• Teacher will ask Ss to form groups (depending on the number of Ss)

• Teacher will ask Ss to discuss what are the best ways to manage time?
• Ss will work in groups
• Teacher will call on groups
• Ss will provide methods of time management.


Stage: CCQ Aim: Check Ss comprehension of time management.

Time: 2-4 minutes Method: Time management questions

• Teacher will ask Ss: what is time management?

• Ss will provide answer
• Teacher will ask Ss: what are examples or how can you manage your time?
• Ss will respond with answers


Stage: Introduction Aim: Ss will familiarize themselves with planning skills.

Time: 3-5 minutes Method: What are planning skills?
• Teacher will refer back to the scenario mentioned in goals.
• Teacher will mention the things they said would have helped the scenario.
• Teacher will ask Ss: What are planning skills?
• Ss will respond with examples.
• Teacher will give examples of planning skills.


Stage: Practice Aim: Ss will further familiarize themselves with planning skills.
Time: 4-6 minutes Method: Help Denise plan her day!

• Teacher will divide Ss into groups

• Teacher will draw a picture Denise (stressed one)
• Teacher will explain that Denise is a student and she has a lot of homework.
• Teacher will write things she has to do (amount of time for each task next to
• Teacher will give a time frame to complete homework.
• Ss will have to organize Denise’s schedule.
• Teacher will call on Ss to provide answers
• Ss will respond with their answers
• Teacher will correct errors.


Stage: Production Aim: Ss will learn planning skills.

Time: 4-6 minutes Method: Birthday party

• Teacher will present scenario

• Teacher will ask groups to think of ways to organize a birthday party (What
items do they need, Where would it be, what type of activities to you want to
have, who do you invite?)
• Ss will plan a birthday party
• Teacher will ask groups to go over their plans.
• Teacher will ask questions (exp. would you have enough for people to eat and
drink? What if food or drinks run out?)
• Ss will respond with answers.


Stage: CCQ Aim: Check Ss comprehension of planning skills.

Time: 2-4 minutes Method: Planning skills questions

• Teacher will ask Ss what planning skills are.

• Ss will respond with examples
• Teacher will correct errors.


Dreams vs. Goals

• Dreams: A dream is also a type of target: it is the realization of your desire or wish. In other
words, it means something you hope for or wish for.


Q: What do you hope to get for your birthday?

Birthday wish list

1. 11.
2. 12.
3. 13
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.

• Goal: It is the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end. In other words,
it means taking a dream or something you hope for and working to achieve it.


Q: What do you plan to get out of this class?

1. 11.
2. 12.
3. 13
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.
Q: How will you achieve it? Pick one of the plans you wrote down. Write about how you are
going to achieve it?


1. Action - something done or performed; act; deed (exp. turning on a washing machine)
2. Reality- a real thing or fact
3. Achieve- to get or attain by effort; gain; obtain: to achieve victory
4. Goal setting- to make plans for a goal
5. Proactive- controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than waiting to
respond to it after it happens

Dreams vs. Goals

Goal are like shooting an arrow toward a target. Think of the bull’s eye activity. You may want to
hit the target, but if you don’t take action—shooting the arrow—you only have a dream. To turn
your dreams into reality you need to take action and do something to achieve it.

Goal setting is your key. It is the art of wanting something and proactive plan to get it.
Five Types of Goals

Financial Goals:

Financial goals can be planning to save money for something or planning to pay for bills that you may

Business: Goals:

Business goals show what the business is hoping to achieve.

Personal Goals:

Personal Goals can be anything that you want to accomplish personally. Do you want to find a
husband/wife? Make it a goal! Do you want to backpack through Italy? Make it a goal! How about finish
school, or take your kids on a trip. Make it a Goal! Just make sure any goal you make, you accomplish.

Personal Goals can also be mixed with your other goals. For example: It is a personal goal of mine to
help people.

Asset Goals:

These are the goals referred to as "stuff"! Make a list of stuff that you wish to get as you accomplish
your goals. Things like a house or buying a car are examples of asset goals. If those seem too big to
start: how about setting some asset goals on things you can achieve quickly: new tables for your
house or a plant for your kitchen window are good examples. You should have something to work
towards. What good is having money if you don't spend it on anything?

Spiritual Goals:

Whatever religion you may be; whatever you believe in; spiritual goals are an important. What you
believe in is important.

Your spiritual goals can be learning more about it. As an example: My spiritual goal is to read more
about it. I have set the goal and I have to take the steps to accomplish my goal.
My Personal Goals










1) Socialization –a person learns what is accepted by family, friends, and others and acts this way to get
along with everyone.
2) Incentive – reward
3) Punishment – to punish
4) Consequences – what will happen if you do something or make a decision

What is motivation?

It is something that makes you want to take action toward a goal. It is the reason for your action.

Different types of Motivation:

) Achievement -

This is the motivation of a person to achieve goals. The longing for achievement is inherent in every man,
but not all persons look to achieve as their motivation. They are motivated by a goal. In order to attain that
goal, they are willing to go as far as possible.

2) Socialization -

Some people consider socialization to be their main motivation for actions. Some people are willing to do
anything to be treated as an equal within a group of people or friends. The idea of being accepted among a
group of people is their motivation for doing certain things.

3) Incentive motivation -

This motivation involves getting something. People who believe that they will receive rewards for doing
something are motivated to do everything they can to reach a certain goal. Incentive motivation is driven by
the fact that the goal will give people benefits.

4) Fear motivation -

When incentives do not work, people often turn to fear and punishment as the next tools. Fear motivation
involves pointing out various consequences if someone does not follow a set of rules.

5) Change motivation -

Sometimes people do things just to bring about changes in their lives. Change motivation is often the cause
of true progress. People just become tired of how things are and thus, think of ways to improve their lives.
Stress Management

What is stress?
It is something what makes us worry. For example: Worry over his job and his wife's health put him under a
great stress.

How can I get rid of stress?


Getting a hobby

Write your thought in a book/journal


Deep breathing


Artistic Expression (drawing, painting)


Time management

Take a break

Listen to music

Stress Activity

Stress What can I do to help

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
8. 8.
Planning Skills

The Planning Process

• Is deciding what to do and how to do something.

1) Avoid wasting effort:

It is easy to spend large amounts of time on activities that you don’t need to work on. Planning helps
you avoid wasting your time.
2) Take into account all factors.

3) Be aware of all changes that will need to be made:

If you know these, then you can change things to prepare for it.
4) Gather the things you need:
5) Carry out the task in the best way possible
6) Think about where you are now (What have you achieved?)
7) Detail and cost- Think of who, what, when, where, why and how of achieving your target.

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