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DePIN DAO Social Club

(DePIN Data Centre & T3DS)

A Decentralized social media of DePIN Powered by


Update: Apr 29, 2024

Version: 0.0.1 (beta)

Disclaimer This paper is intended to be a technical overview. It is not intended to be

comprehensive nor to be the final design; thus, non-core aspects are not covered, such as
APIs, bindings or programming languages.

The current social media landscape is plagued by issues of centralization, censorship, and
privacy breaches, where a few dominant platforms control the flow of information and
user data. DDSC, a decentralized social media protocol built on a multi-chain architecture,
aims to revolutionize this paradigm by empowering users and fostering a more
transparent, censorship-resistant, and privacy-preserving social media experience. This
white paper outlines the design, architecture, and key features of DDSC, which leverages
the power of blockchain technology to address the shortcomings of traditional social
media platforms. By introducing a decentralized, interoperable, and user-centric
approach, DDSC seeks to redefine the way individuals engage, share, and connect online.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. Centralization and Censorship
1.2. Privacy Concerns
1.3. Lack of User Autonomy
2. DDSC: A Decentralized Social Media Protocol
2.1. Decentralized Architecture
2.2. Interoperability
2.3. User Autonomy
3. Key Features of DDSC
3.1. Censorship Resistance
3.2. Privacy Protection
3.3. Automated Interactions
3.4. Anti-Bot Measures
3.5. Interoperability and Cross-Chain Functionality
4. DDSC Ecosystem and Applications
4.1. T3DS: DDSC's Flagship dApp
4.2. Decentralized Content Curation
4.3. Decentralized Monetization
4.4. Decentralized Identity Management
5. DDSC Token ($DDSC)
5.1. Token Utility
5.2. Token Economics
5.3. Governance
6. Roadmap and Future Developments
7. Technical Architecture
7.1. Rootchain and Subchains
7.2. Cross-Chain Communication
7.3. Privacy-Preserving Techniques
7.4. Consensus Mechanism: Randomized Delegated Proof of Stake (Roll-DPOS)
7.5. Decentralized Identity Management
8. DDSC Ecosystem Expansion and Adoption Strategies
8.1. Ecosystem Expansion
8.2. Developer Engagement
8.3. User Acquisition and Retention
8.4. Governance and Decentralized Autonomy
9. Regulatory Considerations and Compliance
9.1. Regulatory Compliance
9.2. Regulatory Advocacy
10.DDSC and the DePIN Ecosystem: Integrating with IoTeX
10.1. DePIN: The Decentralized Internet of Things (IoT) Platform
10.2. DDSC's Integration with IoTeX
10.3. Scalability and Performance
10.4. Privacy and Security
10.5. Interoperability and Cross-Chain Functionality
10.6. IoT-Powered Social Media Experiences
10.7. Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) Governance
10.8. DePIN Data Base on IPFS
11.Technical Details: APIs, SDKs, and Mathematical Foundations
11.1. DDSC and T3DS APIs
11.2. DDSC and T3DS SDKs
11.2.1 Mathematical Foundations
11.2.2. Elliptic Curve Cryptography
11.2.3. Zero-Knowledge Proofs
11.2.4. Verifiable Random Functions
11.3. Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) for DDSC and T3DS
12.Technical Details: Advanced Foundations
12.1. Accumulators and Set Membership Proofs
12.2. Linkable Ring Signatures
12.3. Series Expansions and Approximations
12.4. Probabilistic and Statistical Techniques
13.Conclusion and Future Roadmap (Beta)
1. Introduction
Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, shaping the way we
communicate, consume information, and interact with one another. However, the
current social media landscape is marred by significant challenges, including:

1.1.Centralization and Censorship

Existing social media platforms are controlled by a few dominant companies,
which have the power to censor content, suspend accounts, and manipulate the
flow of information. This centralized control undermines the principles of free
speech and open discourse.

1.2.Privacy Concerns
Social media platforms often collect and monetize user data without adequate
transparency or user consent, leading to widespread privacy breaches and the
exploitation of personal information.

1.3.Lack of User Autonomy

Users on traditional social media platforms have limited control over their
content, audience, and the overall user experience, as these aspects are dictated
by the platform's policies and algorithms.

To address these challenges, the emergence of decentralized social media networks, such
as DDSC, presents a promising solution. By leveraging blockchain technology, these
platforms aim to create a more transparent, censorship-resistant, and user-centric social
media ecosystem.
2. DDSC: A Decentralized Social Media Protocol
DDSC is a decentralized social media protocol built on a multi-chain architecture,
combining the strengths of SOLANA, ERC20, and IoTeX blockchains. This approach
ensures decentralization, security, and interoperability, enabling the development of a
diverse ecosystem of decentralized social media applications (dapps) on the DDSC
2.1.Decentralized Architecture
DDSC's decentralized architecture eliminates the need for a central authority to
control or censor the flow of information. Instead, the protocol is governed by a
distributed network of nodes, ensuring that no single entity can manipulate or
restrict user content and interactions.

DDSC's multi-chain design allows for seamless integration and communication
between different blockchains, enabling the exchange of assets, data, and
functionalities across various dBeta-apps built on the DDSC protocol. This
interoperability fosters a vibrant and interconnected social media ecosystem.

2.3.User Autonomy
DDSC empowers users by giving them full control over their content, audience,
and social interactions. Users can directly engage with their followers, share
content, and curate their experience without interference from a central
3. Key Features of DDSC
DDSC's decentralized architecture and user-centric design are underpinned by several
key features that set it apart from traditional social media platforms.
3.1.Censorship Resistance
DDSC's decentralized nature and the use of blockchain technology make it
resistant to censorship. Content moderation is handled by the distributed
network of nodes, ensuring that no single entity can arbitrarily remove or
suppress user-generated content.

3.2.Privacy Protection
DDSC incorporates advanced privacy-preserving techniques, such as stealth
addresses, ring signatures, and bulletproofs, to protect user data and ensure that
personal information is not exploited or misused.

3.3.Automated Interactions
DDSC leverages smart contracts to automate various social interactions, such as
following, sharing, and liking, within the protocol. This introduces a layer of
programmability and customization, allowing users to tailor their social media

3.4.Anti-Bot Measures
To mitigate the impact of bot activity and spam, DDSC requires users to hold a
certain amount of the platform's native token, $DDSC, and possess an invitation
code to register. This helps to create a more authentic and engaged user base.

3.5.Interoperability and Cross-Chain Functionality

DDSC's multi-chain architecture enables seamless integration and communication
between different blockchains, allowing for the exchange of assets, data, and
functionalities across various dBeta-apps built on the DDSC protocol.
4. DDSC Ecosystem and Applications
The DDSC protocol serves as the foundation for a diverse ecosystem of
decentralized social media applications (dBeta-apps), each catering to specific
user needs and preferences.

4.1.T3DS: DDSC's Flagship dBeta-app

T3DS (Transaction on DePIN DAO dApps), DDSC's flagship dBeta-app, is a
decentralized social media protocol that closely resembles the functionality of
traditional social media platforms, such as X (formerly Twitter). T3DS allows users
to follow others, post Dispatches (posts), Relays (shares), and interact with
content through likes and comments.

4.2.Decentralized Content Curation

DDSC's decentralized architecture enables users to curate and discover content
through peer-to-peer recommendations and community-driven curation, rather
than relying on centralized algorithms.

4.3.Decentralized Monetization
DDSC provides opportunities for users to monetize their content and social
interactions through features like tipping, paid subscriptions, and revenue
sharing, all facilitated by the platform's native token, $DDSC.

4.4.Decentralized Identity Management

DDSC's identity management system, built on blockchain technology, allows users
to maintain a consistent and verifiable digital identity across the entire DDSC
ecosystem, enabling seamless cross-dBeta-app interactions and portability of user

5. DDSC Token ($DDSC)

The DDSC protocol has a native utility token, $DDSC, which serves as the primary
medium of exchange and facilitates various functionalities within the ecosystem.
5.1.Token Utility
$DDSC is required for user registration, on-chain transactions, and accessing
premium features within the DDSC ecosystem. It also enables decentralized
monetization opportunities, such as tipping, paid subscriptions, and revenue

5.2.Token Economics
$DDSC is designed to be a deflationary token, with a fixed total supply and a
portion of the tokens being burned or locked through various mechanisms, such
as transaction fees and user activity.

$DDSC token holders are granted voting rights, allowing them to participate in
the governance of the DDSC protocol and influence the direction of its
development and evolution.

6. Roadmap and Future Developments

DDSC is currently in its Beta phase, with the flagship dBeta-app, T3DS, available
for Android and iOS users. The protocol is actively working on expanding its
ecosystem, enhancing its features, and onboarding more developers and users.

Future developments include:

• Integration of additional blockchains to further improve interoperability
• Expansion of the dBeta-app ecosystem with new use cases and functionalities
• Advancements in privacy-preserving technologies and user-centric features
• Continuous improvements to the DDSC protocol's scalability and performance

7. Technical Architecture
DDSC's technical architecture is designed to provide a scalable, secure, and
interoperable platform for decentralized social media applications. The protocol's multi-
chain approach, combining the strengths of SOLANA, ERC20 [EVM], and IoTeX (XRC20)
blockchains, ensures a robust and flexible foundation for the ecosystem.
7.1.Rootchain and Subchains
The DDSC protocol follows a hierarchical architecture, with a rootchain managing
multiple independent subchains. The rootchain is responsible for facilitating
cross-chain transactions, supervising subchains, and anchoring payments and
trust. Subchains, on the other hand, are tailored to specific social media use cases
and can be public or private, depending on the requirements of the dBeta-app.

7.2.Cross-Chain Communication
DDSC’s cross-chain communication protocol enables seamless transfer of value
and data between subchains and the rootchain, as well as between different
subchains. This is achieved through a combination of pegging mechanisms and
instant block finality, ensuring fast and cost-effective cross-chain interactions.

7.3.Privacy-Preserving Techniques
To protect user privacy, DDSC integrates advanced cryptographic techniques, such
as stealth addresses, ring signatures, and bulletproofs. These methods allow
users to conceal their identities, transaction details, and content interactions
without compromising the overall transparency and verifiability of the

7.4.Consensus Mechanism: Randomized Delegated Proof of Stake (Roll-DPOS)

DDSC employs a custom consensus mechanism called Randomized Delegated
Proof of Stake (Roll-DPOS), which combines the benefits of Delegated Proof of
Stake (DPoS) and Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT). Roll-DPOS ensures
fast block finality, high throughput, and resistance to Sybil attacks, making it well-
suited for the demands of decentralized social media applications.

7.5.Decentralized Identity Management

DDSC's identity management system leverages blockchain technology to provide
users with a verifiable and portable digital identity. This allows users to maintain a
consistent profile and reputation across the entire DDSC ecosystem, facilitating
seamless cross-dBeta-app interactions and content portability.
8. DDSC Ecosystem Expansion and Adoption Strategies
To drive the growth and adoption of the DDSC protocol, the project team has developed
a multi-pronged strategy focused on ecosystem expansion, developer engagement, and
user acquisition.
8.1.Ecosystem Expansion
DDSC aims to continuously expand its ecosystem by onboarding new dBeta-app
developers, integrating additional blockchains, and fostering partnerships with
complementary Web3 projects. This will enhance the protocol's interoperability,
increase the diversity of social media use cases, and attract a wider user base.
8.2.Developer Engagement
DDSC places a strong emphasis on developer engagement, providing
comprehensive documentation, developer tools, and technical support to
facilitate the creation of innovative dBeta-apps. The protocol also plans to host
hackathons, workshops, and community events to encourage developer
participation and collaboration.
8.3.User Acquisition and Retention
To drive user adoption, DDSC will implement various strategies, including
targeted marketing campaigns, user incentivization programs, and community-
building initiatives. The protocol will also focus on improving the user experience,
enhancing the feature set, and addressing user feedback to ensure long-term
user retention and engagement.
8.4.Governance and Decentralized Autonomy
As the DDSC ecosystem matures, the protocol will gradually transition towards a
decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) model, where $DDSC token
holders will have a direct say in the protocol's governance and decision-making
processes. This will empower the community to shape the future direction of
DDSC and ensure its long-term sustainability.
9. Regulatory Considerations and Compliance
DDSC is committed to operating within the bounds of applicable laws and regulations.
The protocol's team closely monitors the evolving regulatory landscape and actively
engages with policymakers and regulatory authorities to ensure compliance and mitigate
legal risks.
9.1.Regulatory Compliance
DDSC will adhere to relevant regulations, such as those related to anti-money
laundering (AML), know-your-customer (KYC), and data protection, to maintain
the integrity and legitimacy of the ecosystem. The protocol will also work with
legal experts to develop robust compliance frameworks and policies.
9.2.Regulatory Advocacy
DDSC will actively participate in industry discussions and engage with
policymakers to advocate for regulatory frameworks that foster innovation and
protect user rights in the decentralized social media space. The protocol aims to
contribute to the development of clear and supportive regulations that enable
the growth of the DDSC ecosystem.

10. DDSC and the DePIN Ecosystem: Integrating with IoTeX

DDSC's decentralized social media protocol is deeply integrated with the DePIN
ecosystem, leveraging the capabilities of the IoTeX blockchain to enhance the overall
user experience and ensure the long-term sustainability of the DDSC ecosystem.
10.1. DePIN: The Decentralized Internet of Things (IoT) Platform
DePIN is a decentralized platform that aims to revolutionize the Internet of Things (IoT)
industry by addressing the challenges of scalability, privacy, and functional value. DePIN
is built on the IoTeX blockchain, a scalable and privacy-centric blockchain designed
specifically for IoT applications.
10.2. DDSC's Integration with IoTeX
DDSC's multi-chain architecture seamlessly integrates with the IoTeX blockchain,
allowing the protocol to benefit from IoTeX's unique features and capabilities. This
integration enhances DDSC's overall functionality, security, and user experience.
10.3. Scalability and Performance
By leveraging IoTeX's scalable blockchain infrastructure, DDSC can handle the high
transaction volumes and data demands of a decentralized social media platform. IoTeX's
fast consensus mechanism, Randomized Delegated Proof of Stake (Roll-DPOS), ensures
low latency and high throughput, enabling DDSC to provide a smooth and responsive
user experience.
10.4. Privacy and Security
IoTeX's focus on privacy-preserving technologies, such as its implementation of
bulletproofs and other advanced cryptographic techniques, directly benefits DDSC's
efforts to protect user data and ensure the confidentiality of social interactions. This
alignment with IoTeX's privacy-centric approach strengthens DDSC's position as a
decentralized social media platform that prioritizes user privacy.
10.5. Interoperability and Cross-Chain Functionality
The integration of DDSC with the IoTeX ecosystem allows for seamless interoperability
between the DDSC protocol and other decentralized applications (dApps) built on the
IoTeX blockchain. This cross-chain functionality enables the exchange of assets, data, and
functionalities, fostering a more interconnected and vibrant DePIN ecosystem.
10.6. IoT-Powered Social Media Experiences
The DePIN platform, powered by IoTeX, provides opportunities for DDSC to integrate IoT
devices and sensors, enabling new and innovative social media experiences. For
example, users could share real-time updates from their smart home devices, or
leverage IoT-based location services to enhance location-based social interactions.
10.7. Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) Governance
As DDSC transitions towards a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) model, the
protocol's integration with IoTeX's governance mechanisms will allow $DDSC token
holders to actively participate in the decision-making processes that shape the future of
the DDSC ecosystem. This alignment with IoTeX's DAO-centric approach reinforces
DDSC's commitment to decentralization and user empowerment.
10.8. DePIN Data Base on IPFS
In the closed beta version of DDSC, the protocol utilizes the DePIN Data Base,
which is hosted on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a decentralized file
storage and sharing system. This integration with the DePIN Data Base on IPFS
ensures the decentralization and resilience of DDSC's data storage, further
enhancing the platform's privacy and security measures.

11. Technical Details: APIs, SDKs, and Mathematical Foundations

DDSC and its flagship dBeta-app, T3DS, are designed with a robust set of APIs and SDKs
to enable seamless integration, extensibility, and developer participation within the
ecosystem. Additionally, the protocol's underlying mathematical foundations play a
crucial role in ensuring the security, privacy, and efficiency of the DDSC network.

11.1. DDSC and T3DS APIs

DDSC provides a comprehensive set of APIs that allow developers to interact with the
protocol's core functionalities, such as user management, content creation and curation,
social interactions, and cross-chain communication. These APIs are designed to be
intuitive, well-documented, and easily accessible, enabling developers to build
innovative dBeta-apps that seamlessly integrate with the DDSC ecosystem. The T3DS
dBeta-app also exposes a set of APIs that grant developers access to specific features
and data within the T3DS platform. These include APIs for user profiles, Dispatches
(posts), Relays (shares), and engagement metrics, allowing developers to build custom
integrations and extensions that enhance the user experience.

11.2. DDSC and T3DS SDKs

To further simplify the development process, DDSC and T3DS provide software
development kits (SDKs) for various programming languages and platforms. These SDKs
abstract away the complexities of interacting with the DDSC protocol and the T3DS
dBeta-app, enabling developers to focus on building their applications without having to
delve into the underlying technical details. The DDSC SDK includes modules for
managing user accounts, creating and interacting with content, handling cross-chain
transactions, and integrating with the protocol's privacy-preserving features. Similarly,
the T3DS SDK provides developers with tools for building custom user interfaces,
implementing social features, and leveraging the dBeta-app's data and analytics.

11.2.1. Mathematical Foundations

The DDSC protocol is built upon a strong mathematical foundation, which underpins the
security, privacy, and efficiency of the network. Some of the key mathematical concepts
and techniques employed in DDSC include:

11.2.2. Elliptic Curve Cryptography

DDSC utilizes elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) as the primary cryptographic primitive for
securing user identities, transactions, and other sensitive data. ECC provides a high level
of security with smaller key sizes compared to traditional RSA cryptography, making it
well-suited for resource-constrained IoT devices and mobile applications. The DDSC
protocol uses the secp256k1 elliptic curve, which is the same curve used by Bitcoin and
Ethereum. The mathematical representation of the secp256k1 curve is given by the
equation: y^2 = x^3 + 7 where x and y are elements of the finite field Fp, with
p = 2^256 - 2^32 - 2^9 - 2^8 - 2^7 - 2^6 - 2^4 - 1.

11.2.3. Zero-Knowledge Proofs

DDSC's privacy-preserving features, such as stealth addresses and confidential
transactions, rely on advanced cryptographic techniques like zero-knowledge proofs
(ZKPs). ZKPs allow users to prove the validity of a statement without revealing any
additional information, enabling DDSC to conceal sensitive details about transactions
and user interactions. One of the ZKP schemes used in DDSC is the Bulletproof protocol,
which allows for efficient range proofs. The Bulletproof protocol is based on the
following mathematical representation: NIZKPoK(a, b) : C = g^a * h^b where C is the
commitment, g and h are generators of the group, and a and b are the values being

11.2.4. Verifiable Random Functions

DDSC's Randomized Delegated Proof of Stake (Roll-DPOS) consensus mechanism utilizes
verifiable random functions (VRFs) to randomly select committee members for block
proposal and validation. VRFs provide a secure and transparent way to generate
unpredictable outputs, ensuring fairness and preventing Sybil attacks in the DDSC
network. The VRF used in DDSC is based on the following mathematical expression:
VRF(sk, x) = (y, π) where sk is the private key, x is the input, y is the random output, and
π is the proof of correctness. By incorporating these advanced mathematical techniques,
DDSC ensures the security, privacy, and efficiency of the decentralized social media
protocol, enabling developers to build robust and innovative dBeta-apps within the

11.3. Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) for DDSC and T3DS

To further enhance the privacy and security of the DDSC protocol and the T3DS dApp,
both platforms leverage Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to protect sensitive
computations and data processing.

11.3.1. TEE Integration in DDSC

DDSC integrates TEE technology, such as Intel SGX or ARM TrustZone, to create a secure
enclave for the execution of privacy-sensitive smart contracts and transactions. This
ensures that the code and data within the TEE are protected from the underlying
blockchain platform and other participants, even in the event of a system compromise.
The mathematical representation of the TEE-based privacy protection in DDSC can be
expressed as follows:
Let C be the set of computations that require privacy protection, and let E be the set of
TEE-enabled nodes in the DDSC network. Then, for each computation c ∈ C, the protocol
ensures that c is executed within the secure enclave of a node e ∈ E, such that:
c = Enc(c, k_e)
where Enc is the encryption function, and k_e is the encryption key associated with the
TEE of node e.
The verification of the TEE-based computation can be represented as:
Dec(c, k_e) = c
where Dec is the decryption function.
This TEE-based approach ensures that the sensitive details of the computations, such as
smart contract logic or transaction data, are not exposed to the broader DDSC network,
enhancing the overall privacy and confidentiality of the protocol.

11.3.2. TEE Integration in T3DS

The T3DS dApp, as the flagship application of the DDSC ecosystem, also integrates TEE
technology to protect user data and social interactions. Within the T3DS platform, TEEs
are used to securely store and process user profiles, content, and engagement data,
ensuring that this sensitive information is not accessible to the underlying blockchain or
other T3DS users.
The mathematical representation of the TEE-based data protection in T3DS can be
expressed as follows:
Let D be the set of user data that requires privacy protection, and let E be the set of TEE-
enabled nodes in the T3DS network. Then, for each data item d ∈ D, the protocol
ensures that d is stored and processed within the secure enclave of a node e ∈ E, such
d = Enc(d, k_e)
where Enc is the encryption function, and k_e is the encryption key associated with the
TEE of node e.
The retrieval and verification of the TEE-protected data can be represented as:
Dec(d, k_e) = d
where Dec is the decryption function.
By integrating TEEs, the T3DS dApp can provide users with a heightened level of privacy
and control over their personal data, aligning with the overall decentralized and user-
centric design principles of the DDSC protocol.

11.3.3. TEE-based Secure Oracle Integration

To further enhance the privacy and security of the DDSC ecosystem, the protocol also
leverages TEEs to create trusted oracle services. These TEE-based oracles securely
integrate external data sources into the DDSC network, ensuring the authenticity and
integrity of the data before it is used in smart contracts or other blockchain applications.
The mathematical representation of the TEE-based oracle integration can be expressed
as follows:
Let O be the set of external data sources that need to be integrated into the DDSC
network, and let E be the set of TEE-enabled nodes in the DDSC network. Then, for each
data source o ∈ O, the protocol ensures that the data is verified and processed within
the secure enclave of a node e ∈ E, such that:
o = Enc(o, k_e)
where Enc is the encryption function, and k_e is the encryption key associated with the
TEE of node e.
The verification and integration of the TEE-protected oracle data can be represented as:
Dec(o, k_e) = o
where Dec is the decryption function.
By leveraging TEE-based oracles, the DDSC protocol can securely incorporate external
data sources into its decentralized ecosystem, further enhancing the overall functionality
and reliability of the platform. The integration of Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs)
in both the DDSC protocol and the T3DS dApp demonstrates the project's commitment
to addressing privacy concerns and ensuring the confidentiality of user data and
sensitive computations. This hardware-based security approach, combined with the
other advanced cryptographic techniques and mathematical foundations discussed
earlier, solidifies the technical foundations of the DDSC ecosystem and its ability to
provide a truly decentralized, privacy-preserving, and user-centric social media
12. Technical Details: Advanced Foundations
DDSC's technical architecture is built upon a strong foundation of advanced
mathematical concepts and techniques, which play a crucial role in ensuring the security,
privacy, and efficiency of the protocol. In addition to the cryptographic primitives and
zero-knowledge proofs discussed in the previous section, DDSC also leverages other
mathematical constructs to enhance the overall functionality of the ecosystem.

12.1. Accumulators and Set Membership Proofs

DDSC utilizes cryptographic accumulators to enable efficient set membership
proofs, which are essential for various protocol features, such as user reputation
management and content curation. The mathematical representation of a
cryptographic accumulator is as follows:
Acc(S) = Πx∈S h(x) where S is the set of elements, h is a one-way hash function,
and Acc(S) is the accumulator value. To prove that an element x is a member of
the set S, the prover can provide a witness w, such that:
w = Πy∈S{x} h(y) The verifier can then check the membership proof by
computing: Acc(S) = h(x) * w

12.2. Linkable Ring Signatures

DDSC's privacy-preserving features, such as anonymous transactions and content
interactions, are further enhanced through the use of linkable ring signatures.
Linkable ring signatures allow users to sign messages while concealing their
identity within a group of potential signers, while still providing a way to link
multiple signatures from the same signer. The mathematical representation of a
linkable ring signature is as follows:
σ = (R, s, c) where R is the set of public keys, s is the signature, and c is the
linkability tag. The verification of a linkable ring signature involves checking the
following equation: Πi∈R g^si = Πi∈R pki^c * h(R, m)^s where g and h are group
generators, and pki are the public keys in the ring.
12.3. Series Expansions and Approximations
DDSC's consensus mechanism, Randomized Delegated Proof of Stake (Roll-DPOS),
relies on various mathematical series expansions and approximations to optimize
the performance and efficiency of the protocol. For example, the protocol utilizes
Taylor series expansions to approximate certain computationally intensive
functions, such as the calculation of block rewards and the evaluation of VRF
outputs. The general form of a Taylor series expansion is:
f(x) = f(a) + f'(a)(x-a) + f''(a)(x-a)^2/2! + f'''(a)(x-a)^3/3! + ... where f(a) is the
function evaluated at a, and the derivatives f'(a), f''(a), f'''(a), etc. are evaluated at
the same point. By leveraging these mathematical series expansions and
approximations, DDSC is able to reduce the computational complexity of its
consensus algorithm, enabling faster block times and higher throughput without
compromising the overall security and reliability of the network.

12.4. Probabilistic and Statistical Techniques

DDSC also incorporates various probabilistic and statistical techniques to enhance
the protocol's resilience and decision-making processes. For example, the
protocol uses Bayesian inference and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
methods to model user behavior, detect anomalies, and optimize content
curation algorithms. The mathematical representation of a Bayesian inference
model can be expressed as:
P(θ|D) = P(D|θ)P(θ) / P(D) where θ represents the model parameters, D is the
observed data, P(D|θ) is the likelihood function, P(θ) is the prior distribution, and
P(θ|D) is the posterior distribution. By integrating these advanced mathematical
techniques, DDSC ensures the robustness, efficiency, and reliability of the
decentralized social media protocol, providing a solid foundation for developers
to build innovative and secure dBeta-apps within the ecosystem.

13. Conclusion and Future Roadmap (Beta)

DDSC, the decentralized social media protocol built on a multi-chain architecture,
represents a significant step towards a more user-centric, privacy-preserving, and
censorship-resistant social media landscape. By leveraging the strengths of
blockchain technology, DDSC addresses the fundamental issues that plague
traditional social media platforms, empowering users and fostering a vibrant,
interconnected ecosystem of decentralized social media applications (dBeta-

The protocol's deep integration with the DePIN ecosystem, powered by the IoTeX
blockchain, further enhances its capabilities, providing scalability, privacy, and
interoperability features that are crucial for the success of a decentralized social
media platform. The utilization of the DePIN Data Base, hosted on the
decentralized IPFS network, adds an additional layer of resilience and
decentralization to DDSC's data storage and management.

DDSC's technical foundations, as outlined in this white paper, demonstrate the

protocol's commitment to security, efficiency, and innovation. The incorporation
of advanced cryptographic techniques, such as elliptic curve cryptography, zero-
knowledge proofs, and verifiable random functions, ensures the privacy and
integrity of user data and social interactions. Furthermore, the protocol's use of
mathematical series expansions, accumulators, and probabilistic methods
enhances the performance and reliability of the DDSC network.

Looking ahead, DDSC has an ambitious roadmap that aims to drive the continued
growth and adoption of the protocol. In the future, the flagship dBeta-app, T3DS,
is planned to integrate support for multiple blockchain protocols, including
Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), SOLANA, and IoTeX, in a "curved blockchain"
The mathematical foundation for this multi-chain integration can be represented
as follows:

Let C = {CEVM, CSOLANA, CIoTeX} be the set of blockchains that T3DS will
integrate with, where CEVM represents the Ethereum Virtual Machine, CSOLANA
represents the SOLANA blockchain, and CIoTeX represents the IoTeX blockchain.

The "curved blockchain" approach can be modeled as a function F that maps the
individual blockchains to a unified, multi-layer blockchain:
F: C → B

where B represents the resulting "curved blockchain" that combines the features
and functionalities of the individual blockchains.

To ensure multi-layer security, the function F can be designed to incorporate

various cryptographic techniques, such as:
1. Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) wallets: F can generate a unified wallet structure
that seamlessly manages user keys and addresses across the different blockchain
2. Cross-chain atomic swaps: F can enable secure, trustless exchange of assets
between the integrated blockchains using atomic swap protocols.
3. Interoperability oracles: F can leverage decentralized oracles to facilitate the
exchange of data and information between the different blockchain networks.
4. Multi-signature transactions: F can require multi-signature approvals for critical
operations, such as cross-chain transfers, to enhance the overall security of the
"curved blockchain" ecosystem.
By incorporating these advanced mathematical and cryptographic techniques, the
"curved blockchain" approach of T3DS will enable seamless cross-chain
functionality, allowing users to engage with a diverse range of decentralized social
media applications and services within the DDSC ecosystem. As the DDSC
protocol and its ecosystem continue to evolve, the project team remains
committed to fostering a thriving community of developers, users, and partners.
Through ongoing innovation, regulatory compliance, and a focus on user
empowerment, DDSC is poised to redefine the social media landscape and inspire
a new era of decentralized, privacy-centric, and IoT-enabled online interactions.

Here's an example of how the multi-chain integration and multi-layer security

could be implemented using Web3.js, a popular JavaScript library for interacting
with Ethereum-based blockchains, and the IoTeX and Solana SDKs:
Beta V. 0.0.1 Build

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