Module 1 v.2

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NSG 125


Module 1. Overview of the Immune System

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson and given relevant health care situations, the students will be able to:

1. Understand the basic concepts on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Immune and Defense

2. Recognize clients who are at risk of developing problems in inflammatory and immunologic

3. Explain how these risk factors contribute to the development of problems in inflammatory
and immunologic response.

4. Demonstrate logical, analytical and critical thinking skills in determining clients at risk of
developing problems in inflammatory and immunologic response.



a. Anatomy and Physiology

b. The Normal Inflammatory and Immunologic reaction
c. Risk factors among clients that contribute to the development of problems in
inflammatory and immunologic response.

Key Terminologies:

Acquired Immunity: Immunity received passively from the mother’s antibodies, animal serum, or
antibodies produced in response to a disease. Immunization produces
active acquired immunity.

Allergy: An abnormal, individual response to certain substances that normally do

not trigger such an exaggerated reaction.

Cellular response: A delayed response against slowly developing bacterial infections; also
called delayed hypersensitivity.

Humoral response: An immediate response that provides protection against acute, rapidly
developing bacterial and viral infections.

Immunodeficiency: The absence or inadequate production of immune bodies.

Innate immunity: Immunity present at birth, and is the first-line defense against pathogens;
also known as natural immunity.


The immune system has evolved to protect the host (human body) from a universe of
pathogenic microbes that are themselves constantly evolving. The immune system also helps
the host eliminate toxic or allergenic substances that enter through mucosal surfaces. Central to
the immune system's ability to mobilize a response to an invading pathogen, toxin, or allergen is
its ability to distinguish self from non-self. The host uses both innate and adaptive mechanisms
to detect and eliminate pathogenic microbes, and both of these mechanisms include self / non-
self discrimination. This overview identifies key mechanisms used by the immune system to
respond to invading microbes and other exogenous threats and identifies settings in which
disturbed immune function exacerbates tissue injury (Chaplin, 2010).
The immune system provides protection against invasion by microorganisms from the
outside body. The immune system protects the body from internal threats and maintains the
internal environment by removing dead or damaged cells (Saunders Elsevier, 2014).

Please refer to this link below for reference and additional information:

In order to understand better the comprehensive and systematic function of the immune
system, a discussion of the anatomy and physiology of all organs and tissues involved in the
immune response need to be underscored. It will also contain a discussion on the normal
inflammatory and immune response. Moreover a section of the slides will tackle on the major
factors contributing to the development of immunologic disorders.

The following PowerPoint presentation shall help guide learners to the better
understanding of the topic.

Copy of the PDF/PPT file has been saved in the Class Google Drive.

Journal Sharing:

In this activity, a recent scientific study regarding Immunology shall be presented in the
class. The journal article will be discussed and critiqued by the learners. Reactions to the
presented article will be appraised based on its relevance, consistency with learned concepts in
anatomy and physiology, and its implication to nursing practice. If unable to discuss using
synchronous means, feedback and reactions shall be submitted through a narrative report. The
(link to the) journal is shown below:


Authors: Mohammad Chowdhury, Nayem Husain Mohammad Abul Kashem, Abdus

Shahid, Ashraful Alam
Journal: Journal of Infection and Public Health, July 2020


The immune system protects against viruses and diseases and produces antibodies to
kill pathogens. This review presents a brief overview of the immune system regarding its
protection of the human body from COVID-19; illustrates the process of the immune system,
how it works, and its mechanism to fight virus; and presents information on the most recent
COVID-19 treatments and experimental data. Various types of potential challenges for the
immunes system are also discussed. At the end of the article, foods to consume and avoid are
suggested, and physical exercise is encouraged. This article can be used worldwide as a state
of the art in this critical moment for promising alternative solutions related to surviving the

Keywords: Immunity system, COVID-19, Case study, Potential challenges, Data analysis

Full text of the journal can be accessed using this link:

Module 1 Assignment:

Journal Reaction, Immune Response in Times of COVID 19


Acute illness on the immune defenses has a sudden onset and short trajectory of symptoms.
Nurses play a key role in the restoration of health for individuals who experience acute illness.
The purpose of this assessment is to explore the pathophysiology of a selected acute illness
and apply the synergy model of patient care to facilitate person-centered restoration of health.
Educational, pharmacological, and nutritional strategies to restore health will be analyzed.

Course Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcomes.

1. Understand the basic concepts on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Immune and
Defense Systems.

2. Recognize clients who are at risk of developing problems in inflammatory and

immunologic response.

3. Explain how these risk factors contribute to the development of problems in

inflammatory and immunologic response.

4. Demonstrate logical, analytical and critical thinking skills in determining clients at risk
of developing problems in inflammatory and immunologic response.

Suggested Due Date

This assignment has a suggested due date of Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of the month of

Total Points Possible: 200 Points

Assignment Overview

Create a 2-3 page paper to address the rubric criteria.

1. Provide an introduction to the paper.

2. Describe the anatomic organs involved in the discussion. How do these body organs
try to counter the effect of an invading foreign pathogen?

3. Who are the populations that are at highest risk of developing poor outcomes from

4. Cite at least three important risk factors that contributing to the development of
COVID 19. Explain.

5. Provide a conclusion to the paper.

Assignment Instructions

1. Abide by the Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.

2. Title page, pagination, subheadings, body of paper, citation of sources, and

reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the most current edition
of the manual.

3. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph

structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the
most current edition of the APA Manual.

4. No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) may be used in this

5. First person should not be used within this assignment.

Assignment Criteria

Assessment Points % Description

This section includes the following.
 General statements regarding the
content of Journal Reading
Introduction 20  Identification of sections of paper
 Sufficient integration of scholarly
sources to support information
Description 50 25 This section includes the following.
of Anatomic % Description of the organs involved in the
Organs cited acute illness
Involved Definition of their normal functions
Explanation of how organs counter the
effects of COVI-19
Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to
support information presented
This section includes the following.
Identification of variables that increase
20 susceptibility to the illness within the
at Risk 40
% identified group
Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to
support information presented
This section includes the following.
Discuss three patient characteristics that
Important 20 influence the acquisition and trajectory
Risk Factors % of the cited acute illness
Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to
support information presented
This section includes the following.
Concluding statements regarding the
selected acute illness and population
Conclusion 30 affected
Role of person-centered, holistic care in
restoration of health
Implications for advanced nursing practice
 Correct use of spelling, grammar,
punctuation, sentence and paragraph
 Clarity, organization, and logical flow of
ideas within writing
 Scholarly, professional writing tone with no
use of first person
 Synthesis of information is present with no

10 more than one short direct quote (15 words

Writing Style 20
% or less)
 Correct APA format for the following.
o Page numbering
o Font style and size
o Margins and spacing
o Headings; subheadings
o Citation and referencing sources
o Mechanics of style (abbreviations,
capitalization, italics, numbers)
Quality of It is an expectation that a minimum of four scholarly sources, current within
Literature 5 years, are integrated within the assignment.
If the above expectation is not met, 4 points shall be deducted.
It is an expectation that the paper is a minimum of three pages in length,
and a maximum of three pages (not including the title and reference pages).
If the above expectation is not met, 4 points shall be deducted.
A quality assignment will meet or exceed the
Total 200 0%
above requirements.


This formative assessment shall assess the learned knowledge of the students on the
Anatomy and Physiology of the Immune and Defense Systems. This may be given immediately
after the module presentation. It can be taken through a Google Form template which shall have
an immediate submission schedule. This shall examine the comprehension level of cognitive
understanding on the topics covering Anatomy and Physiology.

1. _________________ are excess tissue fluid carried by lymphatic vessels.

2. The lymph nodes filter lymph before it is returned to the blood. It has defense cells
within its lymph nodules that include: ____________________ which functions to
engulf and destroy foreign substances and ___________________ which provides
immune response to antigens.

3. __________________ is a lymphoid organ that destroys worn out blood cells and
acts as a blood reservoir.

4. The thymus is another lymphoid organ located low in the throat, overlying the heart.
It produces a hormone called __________________________ to program

5. Mucosa Associated Lymphatic Tissues (MALT) acts as a guard to protect respiratory

and digestive tracts. Examples of tissues in the MALT system are
___________________, ___________________, and other small accumulation of
lymphoid tissues.

6. Saliva and lacrimal fluid contain ____________________ that helps in the

elimination of surface bound and oral microorganisms.

7. The four cardinal signs of inflammation are: ________________ referring to redness,

_______________ for pain, ___________________ for warmth, and
_______________________ for swelling.

8. ________________________ is antibody-mediated immunity.

9. ________________________ is any substance capable of exciting the immune

system and provoking an immune response.

10. ________________________ is the first line of physical defense against


Answer Key:

1. Lymphs 6. Lysozyme
2. Macrophages, Lymphocytes 7. Rubor, Dolor, Calor, Tumor
3. Spleen 8. Humoral
4. Thymosin 9. Antigen
5. Tonsils, Peyer’s Patches 10. Skin

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