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Del Taco

Bob- This is so cool, right?!

Tony- Yeah! Congrats on getting the gig!

Bob- Awe thanks man you too!

Tony- This seems like a really fun commercial.

Bob- Hey I’m just here for the check! Na na kidding!

(Director Enters)

Director- Hellllooooooooo actors! Bob, Tony thanks for being here. We’re so lucky we got our
first choices!

Tony- Thank you man that’s so nice

Director- Yeah so listen, Del Tacos VP of branding is here today and he’s VERY excited about
their Buc ‘n under menu.

VP- Happy to be here. Have a good day.

Director- Alright, ready to give it a try?!

Tony- Hell yeah let’s do it!

Bob- Totally, yeah I was almost late today because I was about to stop at a Del Taco

Director- Oh! HAHAHAHA

VP- hahahah yep, save that. That’s funny.

Director- Alrighty it looks like we are all ready to roll. You guys wanna give it a shot?

Tony and Bob- Yeah!

Director- AAALLLRIGHTY quiet on set. And…. action!

Tony- MMMMMMMM This Del Taco is AMAZING. You gotta get some!

Bob- Awe man I’m all outta cash.

Tony- Well with the Del Taco Buc n’ under menu you can get ALL this for…

Director- Cut! Alright let’s hold there. Sorry to interrupt. Tony that was great! Bob….um what
we’re trying to get here is that you’re hungry but…you’re all outta cash. So it’s like… AWE man!
I’m all outta cash!

Bob- Oh ok

Director- Yeah try that, Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Bob- Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Director- No it’s like, Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Bob- Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Director- Sorta like, Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Bob- Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Director- It’s kinda like, Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Bob- Oh ok, Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Director- No it’s more, Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Bob- OHH right right right. So It’s uh…Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Director- No

VP- Mark can I talk to you?

Director- Yes sir.

VP- He’s bad. He’s very very bad. It should be fun, lively. It’s the Buc n’ under menu for cryin out
loud it should be, Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Director- Exactly! That’s perfect. Alright I’ll handle it. Tony, you are killin it! Bob…you’re kinda
freakin us out. Cuz, you don’t want it to be bad, right?

Bob- Uh no. No sir.

Director- Alright so maybe it’s brighter!

Bob- Ok ok got it.

Director- Yeah, we were thinking something more like, Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Bob- Got it yeah yeah.

Director- Yeah let’s hear it. Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Bob- Awe man I’m all outta cash!

VP- No you don’t wanna kill yourself. You just want a taco! It should be like, Awe man I’m all
outta cash!

Bob- Um..Ok

VP- Now say it, Awe man I’m all outta cash.

Bob- Awe man I’m all outta cash!

VP- No you’re not a pervert!

Director- He’s gotta get out of his head.

VP- I think we just gotta beat the fuck outta this guy.

Director- No no no no. We can’t.

VP- AHH Crap. Crap crap crap crap crap.

Director- Oh ok! I have an idea! Bobby we gotta get out of your head and into your body.
Loosen up. Alright come on.

(Director and Bob start jumping up and down making noises)

Director- ahhhhhuggggahhhhhahhh! Ahhhhhahhhhhhhuuhhhh! AWWWWEEEE MAAAAAN I’m

all outaaaaa caaaaaaash

Bob- AAAWWWEEE MAAAAAAN I’m all outta cash

VP- No you’re still too tight. You gotta loosen up. Drop your pants.

Director- Yeah Yeah pull em down and get into your body. Get into your body! Good! Now
breath deep through to your butthole. (He inhales deep) Awe man I’m all outta cash!
Bob- Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Director- Squat into it! Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Bob- Awe Man I’m all outta cash!

VP- No you still read it like you’re a pervert. Here. Put your shirt over your head like cornholio

(He Does)

Bob- Awe man I’m all outta cash!


Director- Bobby you have to slow it down. Awe man I’m all outta cash!

Bob- Awe man I’m all outta cash!

VP- Christ, now he’s saying it like he’s hard.

Director- Just throw it away! Awe Man I’m all outta cash!

Bob- Awe man I’m all outta cash!

VP- Yes! That’s it. One more time!

Bob- Awe man I’m all outta cash!


Director- Yes! Tony did he look awesome?!?!

Tony- ……No

Director- Doesn’t matter! That’s a wrap!

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