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LEARNING UNIT 3 English: Level PRE A1

Let's show our cultural identity, following the example of our fathers in the patriotic month
Activity 1: “ I travelled to Cusco last month!”

Full name Degree Date / /24

o Goal
▪ Identifica información y comprende textos breves en tiempo pasado empleando el
pasado simple.

o Classroom rules:
1. Raise your hand to 2.Have an active 3.Respect classmate’s 4.Keep order in the
participate participation opions classroom

1. Put the verbs in the correct column and complete:

paint go listen watch drink clean see write play study

take visit eat have travel swim

Spanish Regular verbs -d -ed -ied Spanish Irregular verbs

1. painted 1. went

2. listened 2. drank

3. traveled 3. saw

4. visited 4. wrote

5. studied 5. ate

6. played 6. had

7. cleaned 7. took

8. watched 8. swam

2.Order the sentences:

o Listen to and read the text “Holiday in Cusco”, then number the picture from 1 to 5

Holiday in Cusco
I’m Charlie , I’m 15 years old, last year , I travelled to
Cusco - Peru by plane, I stayed here 4 days in a nice
On first day, I visited Machu Picchu , Koricancha
Sacsahuaman with my family.On second day, I ate
typical food from Cusco. On third day, I took photos
many from Cathedral, Main square and bought
souviniers for my friends. On fourth day, I met new
people from different countries.
Cusco is fantastic, Peru is wondeful!

1. Read and answer the questions:

a. What is the topic of the text?


b. How old is Charlie?


2. Read the sentences and circle the correct option:

a. Charlie travelled to Paris Peru England by car airplane taxi
b. Charlie stayed in Cusco three days four weeks four days
c. Charlie traveled to her friends family girlfriend
d. Charlie took photos from Cusco beaches Cusco catedral Cusco restaurant
e. Charlie played met enjoyed new people.
f. Charlie’s holiday was terrible fantastic horrible
3. Complete the diagram using information from the text :
What is his name?


Where did Charlie travel to ? Did Charlie travel to Cusco alone?

Did Charlie buy souvenir ?

Did Charlie take photos in Bolivia ?

Did Charlie stay in his uncle’s house? Did Charlie eat typical food from Cusco?

1. Complete the sentences in past (affirmative and negative):


2. Conjugate the verbs in past :

3. Find 8 means of transport :

c f

b e

What did you learn in this What was difficult to you in this What activity did you like most in this
class? class? class?

Past simple

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