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Actividad de aprendizaje 11

Evidencia 2: Comparing my product

Para esto, elabore un documento con un listado de once (11) oraciones sobre
características para un producto, utilizando la información presentada en la
siguiente tabla y haciendo uso de adjetivos en inglés. Finalmente piense en un
producto de su preferencia, diligencie la tabla de evaluación del producto y realice
el respectivo listado de características.

Product evaluation: Camera

Does it meet the specifications? 1 2 3 4 5

1. Functions *
2. Size *
3. Quality *
4. Weight *
5. Products *
6. Colors *
Is it within target?
7. Production cost *
8. Selling price *
9. Price *
Does it compete in the market?
10. Quality *
11. Unique features *

1. The camera is used for only to take good pictures.

2. The camera has only two sizes: small and medium.

3. The quality of the camera is excellent.

4. The weight of the camera is light.

5. There are many types of camera in the market with different

6. The cameras have different colors in their presentations, for example:
pink, blue, black and white.

7. The production cost is expensive and unfavorable.

8. The sale price is not cheap.

9. The price of the camera is normal.

10. The quality of the camera is not good, that means it is bad.

11. The camera doesn’t have unique features.

Product evaluation: Jeans R5 INVERSIONES

Does it meet the specifications? 1 2 3 4 5

1. Functions *
2. Size *
3. Quality *
4. Weight *
5. Products *
6. Colors *
Is it within target?
7. Production cost *
8. Selling price *
9. Price *
Does it compete in the market?
10. Quality *
11. Unique features *

1. The jeans R5 Inversiones are comfortable and durable.

2. The jeans R5 I. have different sizes: small, medium and large.

3. The quality of the jeans is the best of the market.

4. The weight of the jeans is light.

5. The company have different models, they are beauty and nice.
6. There are a big variety of colors, like blue, yellow, red, orange, green…

7. The product cost is favorable to the company.

8. The sale price is the best in the market.

9. The price is affordable to the customers.

10. Comparing with other companies, R5 I. have a unique quality for the
materials that it uses to make them.

11. The unique features are represented in its quality, variety and prices.

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