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There are many kinds oI english text. Those are recount, report, discussion,
explanation, hortatory exposition, analytical, anecdote, narrative, procedure, description.
#ecount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to
inIorm or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that
diIIerentiates Irom narrative
Generic Structure of Recount
Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
Ovents: Describing series oI event that happened in the pas
O #eorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment oI the writer to the story

Language Feature of Recount
OIntroducing personal participant; I, my group, etc
O&sing chronological connection; then, Iirst, etc
O&sing linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc
O&sing action verb; look, go, change, etc xample:

Lxamp|e of kecount 1ext
'isiting Bali
There were so many places to see in Bali that my Iriend decided to join the tours to see
as much as possible. My Iriend stayed in Kuta on arrival. He spent the Iirst three days
swimming and surIing on Kuta beach. He visited some tour agents and selected two tours.
The Iirst one was to Singaraja, the second was to &bud.
n the day oI the tour, he was ready. My Iriend and his group drove on through
mountains. Singaraja is a city oI about 90 thousands people. It is a busy but quiet town. The
street are lined with trees and there are many old Dutch houses. Then they returned very late
in the evening to Kuta.
The second tour to &bud was a very diIIerent tour. It was not to see the scenery but to
see the art and the craIt oI the island. The Iirst stop was at Batubulan, a center oI stone
sculpture. There my Iriend watched young boys were carving away at big blocks oI stone.
The next stop was Celuk, a center Ior silversmiths and goldensmiths. AIter that he stopped a
little while Ior lunch at Sukawati and on to mass. Mass is a tourist center.
My Iriend ten-day-stay ended very quickly beside his two tour, all his day was spent on the
beach. He went sailing or surIboarding every day. He was quiet satisIied.
'acation To London
Mr. #ichard`s Iamily was on vacation. They are Mr. and Mrs. #ichard with two sons.
They went to London. They saw their travel agent and booked their tickets. They went to the
British mbassy to get visas to enter Britain. They had booked Iourteen days tour. This
includes travel and accommodation. They also included tours around London.
They boarded a large Boeing Ilight. The Ilight was nearly Iourteen hours. n the plane the
cabin crews were very Iriendly. They gave them news paper and magazine to read. They gave
them Iood and drink. There was a Iilm Ior their entertainment. They had a very pleasant
Ilight. They slept part oI the way.
n arrival at Heathrow Airport, they had to go to Customs and Immigration. The
oIIicers were pleasant. They checked the document careIully but their manners were very
polite. Mr. #ichard and his Iamily collected their bags and went to London Welcome Desk.
They arranged the transIer to a hotel.The hotel was a well-known Iour-star hotel. The
room had perIect view oI the park. The room had its own bathroom and toilet. Instead oI keys
Ior the room, they inserted a key-card to open the door. n the third Iloor, there was a
restaurant serving Asian and uropean Iood.They had variety oI Iood.The two week in
London went by Iast. At the end oI the 14-day, they were quite tired but they Ielt very happy.
#eport is a text which presents inIormation about something, as it is. It is as a result oI
systematic observation and analysis
Generic Structure of Report
Oeneral classiIication: Stating classiIication oI general aspect oI thing; animal, public
place, plant, etc which will be discussed in general
ODescription: Describing the thing which will be discussed in detail; part per part ,
customs or deed Ior living creature and usage Ior materials
Language Feature of Report
OIntroducing group or general aspect
O&sing conditional logical connection; when, so, etc
O&sing simple present tense

Example of Report Text
Do you know what is the largest lizard? This lizard is called komodo. It lives in the
scrub and woodland oI a Iew Indonesian islands.Komodo dragon is the world's heaviest
lizard, weighing 150 pounds or more. The largest Komodo ever measured was more than 10
Ieet (3 meters) long and weighed 366 pounds (166 kg) but the average size oI komodo in the
wild is about 8 Ieet (2.5 meters) long and 200 pounds (91 kg)
Komodo has gray scaly skin, a pointed snout, powerIul limbs and a muscular tail. They
use their keen sense oI smell to locate decaying animal remains Irom several miles away.
They also hunt other lizards as well as large mammals and are sometimes cannibalistic.
The Komodo dragon's teeth are almost completely covered by its gums. When it Ieeds,
the gums bleed, creating an ideal culture Ior virulent bacteria. The bacteria that live in the
Komodo dragon's saliva causes septicemia, or blood poisoning, in its victims. A dragon will
bite its prey, then Iollow it until the animal is too weak to carry on. This lizard species is
threatened by hunting, loss oI prey species and habitat loss.
An elephant is the largest and strongest oI all animals. It is a strange looking animal
which it has thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long
white tusks and above all, elephant has a long nose, the trunk. An elephant is commonly seen
in a zoo, it has hard Iound in it natural habitat.
The trunk is the elephant's peculiar Ieature. This trunk has various usages. The elephant
draws up water by its trunk and can squirt the water all over its body like a shower bath. The
elephant's trunk also liIt leaves and put them into its mouth. In Iact, the trunk serves the
elephant as long arm and hand. An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet an elephant
can move very quickly.
The elephant is very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength
makes an elephant a very useIul servant to man. lephant can be trained to serve in various
ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt Ior tigers and even Iight. An elephant is really a smart

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Discussion is a text which present a problematic discourse. This problem will be
discussed Irom diIIerent viewpoints. Discussion is commonly Iound in philosophical,
historic, and social text.
Generic Structure of Discussion
OStatement oI issue; stating the issue which is to discussed
OList oI supporting points; presenting the point in in supporting the presented issue
OList oI contrastive point; presenting other points which disagree to the supporting
O#ecommendation; stating the writer' recommendation oI the discourse
Language Feature of Discussion
OIntroducing category or generic participant
O&sing thinking verb; Ieel, hope, believe, etc
O&sing additive, contrastive, and causal connection; similarly, on the hand, however.
O&sing modalities; must, should, could, may, etc
O&sing adverbial oI manner; deliberately, hopeIully, etc
Example of Discussion Text
National Exam in Pros and Contras
National exam becomes the hot topic in most oI discussions. Though the Supreme
Court has rejected an appeal by the go-vernment on the organization oI the national exams,
the controversy over whether it is necessary to maintain the national exams (&N) has
continued. Some debates include the primary questions such as; does the quality oI Indonesia
education depend on the national exam?, will the quality oI the Indonesian education system
worsen without national exam?
People, who support the national exam explain that the quality oI the Indonesia
education system will drop without the national exam, so they try to deIend the current
However there are people who disagree with the opinion. Those who against this national
exam kept in our high school education say that it doesn`t need the national exams because
the quality oI education does not just depend on the national exam. Further, the national exam
only measures a small portion oI students` competence in speciIic subjects, and does not
measure students` competences throughout the semester. In Iact, the national examination can
still be useIul as an instrument to evaluate or detect the level oI students` cognitive
competence in several subjects, on a national scale.Now we will see the Iollowing example oI
discussion text

Giving Children Homework; Pro and Con
There are a lot oI discussion as to whether children should be given homework or not.
Is it enough Ior children having time to study at school or needing additional time in home
Ior study aIter school time?
Some people claim that children do enough work in school already. They also argue
that children have their hobbies which they want to do aIter school, such as sport or music. A
Iurther point they make is that a lot oI homeworks are pointless and does not help the
children learn at all.
However, there are also strong arguments against this point oI view. Parents and
teachers argue that it is important to Iind out whether children can work on their own without
the support Irom the teacher. They say that the evening is a good time Ior children to sit down
and think about what they have learned in school.
Furthermore they claim that the school day is too short to get anything done. It makes
sense to send home tasks like independent reading or Iurther writing task which do not need
the teacher support.
I think, on balance, that some homework is good idea but that should only given at the
weekend when children have more time.

xplanation is a text which tells processes relating to Iorming oI natural, social,
scientiIic and cultural phenomena. xplanation text is to say 'why' and 'how' about the
Iorming oI the phenomena. It is oIten Iound in science, geography and history text books.
Generic structure of Explanation
Oeneral statement; stating the phenomenon issues which are to be explained.
OSequenced explanation; stating a series oI steps which explain the phenomena.
Language Feature of Explanation
OFeaturing generic participant; sun, rain, etc
O&sing chronological connection; to begin with, next, etc
O&sing passive voice pattern
O&sing simple present tense
Example of Explanation Text
The term oI 'tsunami comes Irom the Japanese which means harbour ("tsu") and wave
("nami"). A tsunami is a series oI waves generated when water in a lake or a sea is rapidly
displaced on a massive scale.
A tsunami can be generated when the sea Iloor abruptly deIorms and vertically
displaces the overlying water. Such large vertical movements oI the earth's crust can occur at
plate boundaries.
Subduction oI earthquakes are particularly eIIective in generating tsunami, and occur
where denser oceanic plates slip under continental plates.As the displaced water mass moves
under the inIluence oI gravity to regain its equilibrium, it radiates across the ocean like
ripples on a pond.
Tsunami always bring great damage. Most oI the damage is caused by the huge mass oI
water behind the initial wave Iront, as the height oI the sea keeps rising Iast and Iloods
powerIully into the coastal area.

What is photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is a Iood-making process that occurs in green
plants. It is the chieI Iunction oI leaves. The word photosynthesis means putting together with
light. reen plants use energy Irom light to combine carbon dioxide and water to make sugar
and other chemical compounds.
How is the light used in photosynthesis?The light used in photosynthesis is absorbed by
a green pigment called chlorophyll. ach Iood-making cell in a plant leaI contains
chlorophyll in small bodies called chloroplasts. In chloroplast, light energy causes water
drawn Iorm the soil to split into hydrogen and oxygen.
What are the steps oI photosynthesis process? Let me tell you the process oI
photosynthesis, in a series oI complicated steps, the hydrogen combines with carbon dioxide
Irom the air, Iorming a simple sugar. xygen Irom the water molecules is given oII in the
process. From sugar together with nitrogen, sulphur, and phosporus Irom the soil-green plants
can make starch, Iat, protein, vitamins, and other complex compounds essential Ior liIe.
Photosynthesis provides the chemical energy that is needed to produced these compounds.

Hortatory exposition is a text which represent the attempt oI the writer to have the
addressee do something or act in certain way.
Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition
O Arguments
O #ecommendation
Language Feature of Hortatory Exposition
O Focusing on the writer
O&sing abstract noun; policy, advantage, etc
O &sing action verb
O &sing thinking verb
O &sing modal adverb; certainly, surely, etc
O &sing temporal connective; Iirstly, secondly, etc
O&sing evaluative words; important, valuable, trustworthy, etc New item
Example of Hortatory Text
Never Try Smoking
A lot oI people, especially teenagers, who do not smoke, always want to try smoking.
They know it is bad Ior them and all, but it is just something they want to try. So they ask one
oI their smoker Iriends Ior a cigarette. Admittedly, they Iirstly can not light it on their own so
they ask his Iriend to do it. Then they inhale that cigarette and smoke occasionally.
Apparently that makes them the born smokers. Now they do smoke Iairly regularly.
They can not avoid smoking and they enjoy too. They have smoker Iriends. veryday they
bring a pack in their pocket. For them, a pack oI cigarette is as important as a wallet Ior their
Suddenly, Ior certain reason, they realize the Iact that tobacco is the cause oI a long list
oI nasty diseases. It is not only heart disease, stroke, and chronic lung disease but also
bladder, lung, and pancreatic cancer. ven it was reported that around 400,000 Americans
died each year. It was one every 80 seconds Irom tobacco-related illnesses.
Then they decide it is stupid to harm selves. They want to quit smoking. &nIortunately,
they Iind that quitting smoking is so diIIicult. 'Why can't I stop smoking? I really want to
stop it. It is hard to quit because nicotine is powerIully addictive. Cigarette is one oI the
most eIIicient drug-delivery devices ever devised. As result, when people try to quit smoking,
they oIten experience classic nicotine withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, irritability,
headache, depression, and restlessness.
Well, still want to try smoke? Think the Iacts beIore trying! II you are not smoker, you
should never and never try to smoke.

Watch your Kids While Watching T'
Television becomes one oI the most important devices which takes place in almost
houses. It can unite all members oI the Iamily as well as separate them. However, is it
important to know what your kids are watching? The answer is, oI course, absolutely "Yes"
and that should be done by all parents. Television can expose things you have tried to protect
the children Irom, especially violence, pornography, consumerism and so on.
#ecently, a study demonstrated that spending too much time on watching TV during the day
or at bedtime oIten cause bed-time disruption, stress, and short sleep duration.
Another research Iound that there is a signiIicant relationship between the amount oI time
spent Ior watching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the possibility oI
being aggressive.Meanwhile, many studies have identiIied a relationship between kids who
watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight.Considering some Iacts mentioning above,
protect your children with the Iollowing tips:
O Limit television viewing to one-two hours each day
O Do not allow your children to have a TV set in their own bedrooms
O #eview the rating oI TV shows which your children watch
O Watch television with your children and discuss what is happening in the show

xposition is a text that elaborates the writers idea about the phenomenon surrounding.
Its social Iunction is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter.
Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition
OThesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer`s position
OArguments: xplaining the arguments to support the writer`s position
O#eiteration: #estating the writer`s position
Language Features of Analytical Exposition
O&sing relational process
O&sing internal conjunction
O&sing causal conjunction
O&sing Simple Present Tense
Example of Analytical Exposition
Fast Food
Fast Iood nowadays is considered a normal eating venture. People are not just eating
out on special occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the time they mostly eat Iast
Ioods. However is Iast Iood good Ior health?
Fast Iood has its popularity in the 1940`s. Within a Iew years, Iast-Iood operations
popped up everywhere. With the compelling rise in Iast-Iood restaurants since the 1940`s,
oddly it started the rise in obesity and cancer during that same time period.
Fast Iood is highly processed with a wide array oI additives. To ensure Iast Iood`s low
cost, the Iast Iood products are made with highly-processed ingredients to give it shelI-liIe, to
hold consistency, and to enhance Ilavor. Fast Iood is altered Irom its original healthy Iorm.
It is not the calories in Iast Iood which damage health and waistline. It is the chemical
additives such as aspartame and MS (monosodium glutamate). Studies show that the
chemical additives lead to weight and disease issues.
So, there is absolutely nothing nutritional about Iast Iood. Fast Iood simply Ieeds
hunger and craving.

Is Smoking Good for Us?
BeIore we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the Iact. About 50 thousands people
die every year in Britain as direct result oI smoking. This is seven times as many as die in
road accidents. Nearly a quarter oI smokers die because oI diseases caused by smoking.
Ninety percent oI lung cancers are caused by smoking. II we smoke Iive cigarettes a
day, we are six times more likely to die oI lung cancer than a non smoker. II we smoke
twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen greater. Ninety Iive percent oI people who suIIer
oI bronchitis are people who are smoking. Smokers are two and halI times more likely to die
oI heart disease than non smokers.
Additionally, children oI smoker are more likely to develop bronchitis and pneumonia.
In one hour in smoky room, non smoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer as iI
he had smoked IiIteen cigarettes.
Smoking is really good Ior tobacco companies because they do make much money
Irom smoking habit. Smoking however is not good Ior every body else.

Anecdote is a text which retells Iunny and unusual incidents in Iact or imagination. Its
purpose is to entertain the readers.
Generic Structure of Anecdote
O Coda
Language Feature of Anecdote
O&sing exclamation words; it's awIul!, it's wonderIul!, etc
O&sing imperative; listen to this
O &sing rhetoric question; do you know what?
O &sing action verb; go, write, etc
O &sing conjunction oI time; then, aIterward
O&sing simple past tense Narrrative
Example of Anecdote Text
Snake in the Bathroom
How would you like to Iind a snake in you bath?We had just moved into a new house,
which had been empty Ior so long that everything was in a terrible mess. Anna and I decided
that we would clean the bath Iirst, so we set to, and turned on the tap.
Suddenly to my horror, a snake's head appeared in the plug hole. Then out slithered the
rest oI his long thin body. He twisted and turned on the slippery bottom oI the bath, spitting
and hissing at us.
For an instant I stood there quite paralyzed. Then I yelled Ior my husband, who luckily
came running and killed the snake with the handle oI a broom.Anna, who was only three at
the time, was quite interested in the whole business. Indeed I had to pull her out oI the way or
she'd probably have lean over the bath to get a better look.
We Iound out later that it was a black mamba, a poisonous kind oI snake. It had
obviously been Iast asleep, curled up at the bottom oI the nice warm water-pipe. It must have
had an awIul shock when the cold water came trickling down! But nothing to the shock I got!
ver since then I've always put the plug in Iirmly beIore running the bath water

Blessing Behind Tragedy
There was a black Iamily in Scotland years ago. They were Clark Iamily with nine
children. They had a dream to go to America. The Iamily worked and saved. They were
making plan to travel with their children to America. It had taken several years but Iinally
they had saved enough money. They had gotten passport. They had booked seats Ior the
whole Iamily member in a new liner to America.
The entire Iamily was Iull oI anticipation and excitement with their new liIe in
America. However Iew days beIore their departure, the youngest son was bitten by a dog.
The doctor sewed up the boy. Because oI the possibility oI getting rabies, there were being
quarantined Ior long days. They were in quarantine when the departure time came. The
Iamily dreams were dashed. They could not make the trip to America as they had planned.
The Iather was Iull oI disappointed and anger. He stomped the dock to watch the ship leaved
without him and his Iamily. He shed tears oI disappointment. He cursed both his son and od
Ior the misIortune.
Five days latter, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland. The ship, the mighty
Titanic, had shank. It took hundreds oI passenger and crew with it. Titanic which had been
called the unsinkable ship had sunk. It was unbelievable but it was.
The Clak Iamily should have been on that ship, but because oI the bitten son by a dog, they
were leIt behind. When the Iather heard the news, he hugged the son and thanked him Ior
saving the Iamily. He thanked od Ior saving their lives. It was a blessing behind a tragedy.

Narrative is a text Iocusing speciIic participants. Its social Iunction is to tell stories or
past events and entertain the readers.
Ceneric Structure of Aarrative
Orientation: Introducing the participants and inIorming the time and the place
OComplication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with
O#esolution: Showing the way oI participant to solve the crises, better or worse
anguage Features of Aarrative
O&sing processes verbs
O&sing temporal conjunction
O&sing Simple Past Tense
Example of Narrative Text
The Story of Lake Toba
nce upon a time, there was a man who was living in north Sumatra. He lived in a
simple hut in a Iarming Iield. The did some gardening and Iishing Ior his daily liIe.
ne day, while the man was do Iishing, he caught a big golden Iish in his trap. It was the
biggest catch which he ever had in his liIe. Surprisingly, this Iish turned into a beautiIul
princess. He Ielt in love with her and proposed her to be his wiIe. She said; "Yes, but you
have to promise not to tell anyone about the secret that I was once a Iish, otherwise there will
be a huge disaster". The man made the deal and they got married, lived happily and had a
Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her Iather out in the Iields.
ne day, his daughter was so hungry and she ate his Iather`s lunch. &nIortunately, he Iound
out and got Iurious, and shouted; 'You damned daughter oI a Iish. The daughter ran home
and asked her mother. The mother started crying, Ielt sad that her husband had broke his
Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was about to
come. When her daughter leIt, she prayed. Soon there was a big earthquake Iollowed by non-
stop pouring rain. The whole area got Ilooded and became Toba Lake. She turned into a Iish
again and the man became the island oI Samosir.

Snow White
nce upon a time there lived a little girl, named Snow White. She lived with her aunt
and uncle because her parents were died.
ne day she heard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving Snow White in the castle
because they wanted to go to America and they didn`t have enough money to take Snow
White with them.Snow White didn`t want her uncle and aunt to do this. So she decided to run
away. The next morning she run away Irom home when her aunt and uncle were having
breakIast, she run away into the wood.In the wood she Ielt very tired and hungry. Then she
saw this cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and Ielt
asleep.Meanwhile, seven dwarIs were coming home Irom work. They went inside. There,
they Iound Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarIs. The dwarIs said; 'What is your
name?. Snow White said; 'My name is Snow White. ne oI the dwarIs said; 'II you wish,
you may live here with us. Snow White told the whole story about her. Then Snow white ad
the seven dwarIs lived happily ever aIter.
Procedure is a text that show a process in order. Its social Iunction is to describe how
something is completely done through a sequence oI series.
Generic Structure of Procedure.
Ooal: Showing the purpose
OMaterial: Telling the needed materials
OStep 1-end: Describing the steps to achieve the purpose
Language Feature of Procedure.
O&sing temporal conjunction
O&sing action verb
O &sing imperative sentence
O &sing Simple Present Tense
Example of Procedure Text
How to operate a fan
1) Plug the power cord into a wall outlet. (AC 120 Volts 60 HZ)
2) To make the Ian move sideways, push the pin on top oI the motor.
3) To move the Ian up or down, Iirst pull up the oscilla ting pin, then press the tilt
adjustment knob.
4) To change the speed oI the Ian, press one oI the switches at the bottom.

How to insert SIM Card Cellphone
Cellphone is a modern communication device which connects one to the others by
voice, written message and data. However this device can not work until the SIM card is
inserted.When inserting the SIM Card to cellphone, make sure that the cellphone has been
switched oII and Iollow the direction bellow:
First oI all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then liIt it oII the phone. AIter
that, push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the battery. Next, slide the SIM
card careIully into the slot and make sure that the golden connect arson are Iacing to the
connector oI the phone. Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place.
Finally, insert the two catches oI the back cover corresponding slot in the phone and slide the
cover Iorward button oI the phone until locks into place. Don`t Iorget to switch on the
cellphone. Wait until it is ready to use.
Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to
describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
OIdentiIication; identiIying the phenomenon to be described.
ODescription; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics.
The Language Feature of Descriptive Text
O&sing attributive and identiIying process.
O&sing adjective and classiIiers in nominal group.
O&sing simple present tense
Example of Descriptive Text
Borobudur Temple
Borobudur is Hindu - Budhist temple. It was build in the nineth century under Sailendra
dynasty oI ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java,
Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its construction is inIluenced by the upta
architecture oI India. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 m high and consist oI eight step
like stone terrace. The Iirst Iive terrace are square and surrounded by walls adorned with
Budist sculpture in bas-relieI. The upper three are circular. ach oI them is with a circle oI
bell shape-stupa. The entire adiIice is crowned by a large stupa at the centre at the centre oI
the top circle. The way to the summit extends through some 4.8 km oI passage and starways.
The design oI borobudur which symbolizes the structure oI universe inIluences temples at
Angkor, Cambodia.
Borobudur temple which is rededicated as an Indonesian monument in 1983 is a
valuable treasure Ior Indonesian people.
My Cat Gregory
regory is my beautiIul gray Persian cat. He walks with pride and grace, perIorming a
dance oI disdain as he slowly liIts and lowers each paw with the delicacy oI a ballet dancer.
His pride, however, does not extend to his appearance, Ior he spends most oI his time indoors
watching television and growing Iat.
He enjoys TV commercials, especially those Ior Meow Mix and 9 Lives. His Iamiliarity
with cat Iood commercials has led him to reject generic brands oI cat Iood in Iavor oI only
the most expensive brands.
regory is as Iinicky about visitors as he is about what he eats, beIriending some and
repelling others. He may snuggle up against your ankle, begging to be petted, or he may
imitate a skunk and stain your Iavorite trousers. regory does not do this to establish his
territory, as many cat experts think, but to humiliate me because he is jealous oI my Iriends.
AIter my guests have Iled, I look at the old Ileabag snoozing and smiling to himselI in Iront
oI the television set, and I have to Iorgive him Ior his obnoxious, but endearing, habits.

reLrleved on March 11 and 12 2011 1414 pm 0713 pm

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