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Part ii Examining and Imaging the Cornea and External Eye

Section 3 Imaging Techniques of the Cornea

Chapter 15
Confocal Microscopy
W. Matthew Petroll, H. Dwight Cavanagh, James V. Jester

Historical overview
Key Concepts
The optical design of confocal microscopy is based on the
• Confocal microscopy provides high resolution images principle of Lukosz, which states that resolution may be
of all corneal cell layers in vivo. improved at the expense of field of view.1 In 1955, Marvin
• Confocal microscopy through focusing, can be used for Minsky developed the first confocal microscope, which was
three-dimensional assessment of corneal wound used for studying neural networks in the living brain.2 In
healing. modern confocal microscopy, a point light source is focused
• A range of corneal infections can be diagnosed and onto a small volume within the specimen, and a confocal
tracked temporally using confocal imaging. point detector is used to collect the resulting signal. This
• Confocal microscopy is now widely used for measuring technique results in a reduction of the amount of out-of-
changes in the density and organization of corneal focus signal from above and below the focal plane which
sub-basal nerves. contributes to the detected image, and produces a marked
• Changes in corneal sub-basal nerve structures increase in both lateral (x, y) and axial (z) resolution.3
identified with confocal imaging may be an early The use of a point source/detector in the confocal optical
indicator of peripheral neuropathy in diabetes. design trades field of view for enhanced resolution; there-
• Multiphoton-second harmonic generation confocal fore, a full field of view must be built up by scanning. Petran
imaging is a more advanced technology that allows et al.4,5 developed the first scanning confocal microscope,
noninvasive assessment of corneal collagen matrix named the tandem scanning confocal microscope (TSCM),
organization in ex vivo tissue. which used a spinning disk containing thousands of opti-
cally conjugate (source/detector) pinholes arranged in Archi-
medean spirals (Fig. 15.1A). In 1986, Lemp et al.6 were the
first to apply confocal imaging techniques to the study of
the cornea ex vivo. This work led to the design of a TSCM
Background with a horizontally oriented objective (Tandem Scanning
Corp, Reston, VA), which was the first system suitable for
It is well established that confocal microscopy provides use in ophthalmology.7
higher-resolution images with better rejection of out-of-
focus information than conventional light microscopy. The Current confocal systems in clinical use
optical sectioning ability of confocal microscopy allows
images to be obtained from different depths within a thick Three main confocal imaging systems have been used
tissue specimen, thereby eliminating the need for processing clinically: the TSCM, the HRT III with Rostock Corneal
and sectioning procedures. Thus, confocal microscopy is Module (HRT-RCM) from Heidelberg Engineering, and the
uniquely suited to the study of intact tissue in living sub- Confoscan 4 from Nidek, Inc. Much of the in vivo imaging
jects. In vivo confocal microscopy has been used in a variety to date has been accomplished with the TSCM design. Most
of corneal research applications on experimental animals TSCM systems currently in use employ a specially designed
since its development over 25 years ago. In recent years, the surface contact objective (24×, 0.6 NA, 1.5 mm working
use of the confocal microscope on human patients has distance). The position of the focal plane relative to the
also expanded dramatically. In this article we review the objective tip is varied by moving the lenses within the
latest developments and most current applications of clini- objective casing (Fig. 15.1B). Thus, the depth of the focal
cal confocal microscopy of the cornea. In addition, we also plane within the tissue can be calibrated, and quantitative
discuss multiphoton-second harmonic generation confocal three-dimensional imaging is possible with this system.8,9
imaging, a more advanced technology that allows noninva- With this objective, the TSCM has an axial (z-axis) resolution
sive assessment of collagen matrix organization in intact of approximately 9 µm.8 The TSCM system is no longer com-
corneal tissue. mercially available.

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Confocal Microscopy

Chapter Outline
In Vivo Confocal Imaging Techniques
Clinical Applications
Advanced Technology: Second Harmonic Generation Imaging
of Corneal Collagen Architecture

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Confocal Microscopy

images with excellent resolution and contrast, and has better

1 2 3 4 5 axial resolution than the TSCM, due to the higher NA
The Confoscan 4 is a variable-slit, real-time scanning con-
focal microscope.12,13 The system uses a 40× objective lens
(0.75 NA), and digitized images are 460 µm × 345 µm in size.
This is a user-friendly instrument that incorporates auto-
mated alignment and scanning software. In addition, the
scanning slit design allows better light throughput and pro-
vides images with a higher signal to noise ratio than the
TSCM. However, this is achieved at the expense of axial reso-
lution, which has been measured at approximately 26 µm.14

In Vivo Confocal Imaging Techniques

A 6 Normal corneal structures
Normal corneal anatomy as observed with the TSCM is
shown in Figure 15.2.15 Confocal images are always taken en
face: that is, the viewer sees thin slices of the cornea that are
parallel to the epithelial surface. The borders of the surface
epithelial cells are readily seen, as are the bright cell nuclei
(Fig. 15.2A). Immediately beneath the basal epithelium, a
fine nerve plexus can be detected (Fig. 15.2B). In the corneal
stroma, only cell nuclei are visible using TSCM under normal
conditions, with a dark background in between (Fig. 15.2C
and D). Interestingly, the interconnected cell processes of
the keratocytes become visible under certain pathologic con-
ditions, possibly due to tissue edema or cell activation. Large
numbers of keratocytes are present in the anterior stroma as
compared to the mid and deeper stroma, which show a
lower cell density.16 Prominent nerve fibers can be seen
within the stroma, and tracked over long distances three-
dimensionally. TSCM images of the normal endothelium
appear similar to what is observed using specular microscopy
B (Fig. 15.2E).
HRT-RCM images of a normal human cornea are shown
Fig. 15.1 The tandem scanning confocal microscope (TSCM).
in Figure 15.3. Due to its higher signal-to-noise ratio and
(A) An illustration of the optical pathway used in TSCM. Light from a
improved axial and lateral resolution, intraepithelial section-
broadband source (1) passes through the pinholes on one side of a
Nipkow disk (2) and a beam splitter (3), and is focused by an objective ing can be achieved, and wing cells (Fig. 15.3A) and basal
lens (4) into the specimen (5). The reflected or emitted signal is then cells (Fig. 15.3B) can be easily distinguished. Langerhans
reflected by the beam splitter (3) and front surface mirror (6) to the cells can also be identified and their density quantified using
conjugate pinholes on the opposite side of the disk, which prevent light the HRT-RCM microscope.17 Images of the sub-basal nerve
from outside the optical volume from reaching a camera or eyepiece. plexus (Fig. 15.3C), stromal cells (Fig. 15.3D and E) and
Rotation of the disk results in even scanning of the tissue in real time. corneal endothelium (Fig. 15.3F) are generally similar to that
(B) A simplified sketch of the TSCM objective, demonstrating how the observed with the TSCM, albeit with higher contrast.
depth or z position of the focal plane can be changed by moving the The Confoscan 4 also provides images of all corneal cell
internal lenses. This allows acquisition of a series of optical sections
layers, albeit with less resolution than the HRT-RCM. The
through a single cell or other tissue structure. (A from Cavanagh HD,
Confoscan 4 is particularly well suited to imaging the corneal
Petroll WM, Alizadeh H, et al. Clinical and diagnostic use of in vivo
confocal microscopy in patients with corneal disease, Ophthalmology endothelial cells. Due to its thicker optical volume, full-field
100:1444–54, 1993. B from Petroll WM, Cavanagh HD, Jester JV. images are easily obtained. Unlike specular microscopy, the
Three–dimensional reconstruction of corneal cells using in vivo confocal optical sectioning capability of confocal microscopy allows
microscopy, J Microsc 170(3):213–9, 1993.) imaging through edematous corneas.

Confocal microscopy through-focusing

The HRT-RCM is a laser scanning confocal microscope. It
operates by scanning a 670-nm laser beam (<1 µm diameter) To collect and quantify 3-D information from the cornea,
in a raster pattern over the field of view. The system typically a technique termed confocal microscopy through-focusing
uses a 63× objective lens (0.95 NA), and provides images (CMTF) is typically used. CMTF scans are obtained by focus-
that are 400 µm × 400 µm in size. The microscope produces ing through the cornea from the epithelium to endothelium

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PART ii Examining and Imaging the Cornea and External Eye

Section 3 Imaging Techniques of the Cornea


90 A
Fig. 15.2 Corneal images digitized directly from a CMTF scan (A–E) and the
corresponding reconstruction (F) and CMTF intensity curve (G) in a human
volunteer. (A) Epithelial image corresponding to peak A; (B) basal–epithelial
nerve plexus image corresponding to peak B; (C) image of anterior layer of
70 C
keratocyte nuclei corresponding to peak C; (D) stromal image corresponding
Image intensity

B to position D; (E) endothelial image corresponding to peak E; (F) 3-D

E reconstruction. (G) CMTF intensity curve. Horizontal field width (A–E) = 330 µm.
(Reproduced from Li HF, Petroll WM, Møller–Pederson T, et al. Epithelial and
D corneal thickness measurements by in vivo confocal microscopy through
focusing (CMTF). Curr Eye Res 1997, 16:214–21.)

-20 80 180 280 380 480 580
Depth (mm)

at a constant lens speed, while continuously digitizing image of the cornea by stacking the images and projecting
images. The CMTF intensity curve is then generated by cal- them using surface or volume rendering (Fig. 15.2F).
culating the average pixel intensity in a central region of As mentioned previously, the TSCM uses an applanating
each image, and plotting versus z depth (Fig. 15.2G). After objective, which stabilizes the cornea, and the position of
a z series of CMTF images have been digitized, a cursor can the focal plane within the tissue is changed by moving the
be moved along the intensity curve as corresponding images lenses within the objective casing (Fig. 15.1B). A stack of
are displayed. In this way, the user can identify images of evenly spaced CMTF images can thus be obtained and recon-
interest and record their exact z axis depth.18,19 Two major structed. The HRT III also uses an applanating tip to provide
peaks corresponding to the superficial epithelium anteri- stability, and cross-sections with excellent resolution and
orly (Fig. 15.2A) and the corneal endothelium posteriorly contrast can be generated. Unfortunately, automated scans
(Fig. 15.2E) are present in the normal human cornea, as of only 80 µm can be generated using the commercially
well as smaller peaks corresponding to the basal corneal available system, and changing the focal plane over larger
epithelial nerve plexus (Fig. 15.2B) and the anterior layer of distances must be performed manually (by rotating the
corneal keratocytes (Fig. 15.2C). By measuring the distance objective housing by hand). A modified prototype that
between the various peaks, accurate and reproducible mea- overcomes this limitation and allows CMTF scanning has
surements of corneal, epithelial, and stromal thickness can recently been developed and applied to the rabbit cornea
be obtained.18 CMTF scans can also be used to generate a 3-D (Fig. 15.4A).20 These datasets can be used for interactive

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Confocal Microscopy



Fig. 15.3 Images of a normal human cornea obtained using the HRT III. (A) Epithelial wing cells. (B) Basal epithelial cells. (C) Sub-basal nerve plexus.
(D) Anterior stroma just below Bowman’s layer. (E) Mid stroma. Note decreased density of keratocyte nuclei as compared to (D). (F) Normal
endothelium. Horizontal field width = 400 µm.

A 80µm B 80µm C 50µm

Fig. 15.4 (A) 3-D reconstruction of a CMTF scan in a normal rabbit cornea obtained using a prototype HRT–RCM system. (B&C) Volume renderings
of HRT–RCM CMTF data. Images were cropped in 3-D to focus on a region of interest, and rendered using an orthogonal maximum intensity
projection within the Surpass module of Imaris. (B) In this rabbit, there was minimal x−y movement of the cornea during the scanning process
(maximum drift of less than 10 microns), and the reconstruction was made without aligning the images within the stack. (C) In this rabbit, there was
more x−y movement of the cornea during this scan (a maximum drift of 78 µm), thus the planes within the stack were registered using the linear stack
alignment plug–in in image J prior to performing the reconstruction. (Adapted from Petroll WM, Weaver M, Vaidya S et al. Quantitative 3-dimensional
corneal imaging in vivo using a modified HRT–RCM confocal microscope. Cornea 2013;32:e36–43.)

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PART ii Examining and Imaging the Cornea and External Eye

Section 3 Imaging Techniques of the Cornea

visualization of corneal cell layers, quantitative assessment as other surgical techniques such as Descemet stripping with
of sub-layer thickness and depth-dependent measurements automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK).41
of keratocyte density. Because of the enhanced contrast as PRK: CMTF has been used to assess multiple parameters
compared to the TSCM, orthogonal 3-D projections through associated with corneal wound healing following PRK.42
the full thickness cornea can also be generated from the Changes in corneal, epithelial, and stromal thickness fol-
CMTF stacks (Fig. 15.4B and C). Overall, these modifications lowing surgery can be made from the CMTF curves. In addi-
have the potential to significantly expand the capabilities of tion, confocal microscopy can be used to assess the degree
the HRT-RCM for quantitative research applications. of subepithelial haze induced by the procedure. Confocal
The Confoscan system uses a noncontact objective lens microscopy following PRK has demonstrated that the devel-
(for patient comfort), and movement of the entire objective opment of corneal haze is correlated with the activation
lens is used to change the focal plane position and generate of corneal keratocytes and transformation to a fibroblast
CMTF scans. A trade-off with this design is that the cornea or myofibroblast phenotype.43,44 These activated cells are
can move randomly with respect to the lens tip during a more reflective than quiescent corneal keratocytes, and syn-
CMTF scan. A “Z-Ring” which touches the corneal surface thesize extracellular matrix components that also reduce
can be used to allow accurate calculation of z-axis position corneal transparency. As shown in Figure 15.5, a “haze peak”
within the cornea during scanning,21 but the distance is observed in the CMTF curves after PRK, and the width
between images in CMTF scans is generally not as uniform and height of the haze peak indicate the thickness and
as that obtained using applanating objectives. Thus, both reflectivity of the subepithelial tissue. An objective haze esti-
the stability and axial resolution of the Confoscan 4 are mate can be obtained by calculating the area under the haze
reduced as compared to the TSCM and HRT-RCM. peak for each patient. Interestingly, increased subepithelial
haze has been detected using CMTF in patients who were
Clinical Applications graded clinically clear using the slit lamp, demonstrating
the higher sensitivity of confocal microscopy.42 Temporal
Although confocal microscopy has been used extensively in changes in keratocyte density have also been documented
research applications on experimental animals, its noninva- following PRK.22 Overall, in vivo confocal microscopy
sive nature makes it ideally suited for clinical use in ophthal- represents an important tool for quantitative assessment of
mology.15 In recent years, the clinical application of in initial photoablation depth, temporal changes in epithe-
vivo confocal microscopy has expanded rapidly. Confocal lial, stromal, and corneal thickness, nerve regeneration,45,46
microscopy has been used to monitor changes in keratocyte cell loss and/or repopulation, and unbiased haze estimation
density during aging, in keratoconus patients, and following after PRK.
surgery.16,22–25 The effects of contact lens wear on the mor- LASIK: Confocal microscopy has also been used to assess
phology and thickness of the corneal epithelium have also numerous parameters following LASIK, such as epithelial
been quantified, and such studies have provided important thickness, flap thickness, interface particle density, keratocyte
insight into how lens type and wear pattern influence bacte- density, nerve damage and recovery, stromal cell activation,
rial binding and corneal epithelial homeostasis.26–30 There and interface haze.23,38,46–59 Confocal microscopy has been
are numerous other applications of this technology in the used to assess the corneal response to both microkeratome-
literature which cannot be covered here due to space limita- assisted LASIK, and LASIK with flap creation using IntraLase
tions; many of these are discussed in recent review arti- (IntraLASIK). Following traditional LASIK with a micro-
cles.26,31–33 Below, we discuss three of the most common keratome, corneal haze is not generally observed clinically.
applications of clinical confocal microscopy in more detail: Although regions of keratocyte activation and changes in
(1) assessment of wound healing following injury or refrac- keratocyte density have been observed by confocal micros-
tive surgery, (2) diagnosis of corneal infections, and (3) copy, the overall stromal wound healing response is much
changes in the density and organization of sub-basal nerves less pronounced than that of PRK.23,47–50
in response to surgery or disease. Previous clinical studies have shown that femtosecond
laser enabled flap creation provides fewer complications
Wound healing following injury or refractive surgery than mechanical microkeratomes, and results in better
visual outcomes in most patients. Consistent with these
Because of its unique ability to image the cornea four- results, confocal imaging has demonstrated that the femto-
dimensionally at the cellular level (x, y, z, and t), confocal second laser provides more accurate and reproducible flap
microscopy is ideally suited to monitoring the cellular events thickness, as well as a significant reduction in the number
of epithelial and stromal wound healing, particularly follow- of interface particles detected.54,60–64 Early confocal microscopy
ing refractive surgical procedures.34,35 For example, confocal studies following IntraLase identified keratocyte activation
microscopy allows measurement of wound gape, the depth in some patients, particularly at higher raster energies.62–65
of epithelial ingrowth, and the degree of corneal fibrosis in An example of a cornea with keratocyte activation and ECM
radial keratotomy wounds.9 Similar assessments can also be haze is shown in Figure 15.6. Note the areas of increased
performed following penetrating keratoplasty (PK),36,37 or reflectivity near the flap interface (Fig. 15.6A, arrows). Exami-
lacerating injury. As detailed below, confocal microscopy is nation of individual images revealed keratocyte activation
especially well suited to assessing the corneal response to near the interface, as indicated by highly reflective nuclei
photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and laser assisted in situ (Fig. 15.6B and C, arrows). An increase in ECM reflectivity
keratomeliosis (LASIK). It has also been applied following (ECM haze) was also observed surrounding the cells in many
related procedures such as LASEK38,39 and epi-LASIK,40 as well cases. In addition, cell processes were sometimes visible,

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Confocal Microscopy


Image pixel intensity

150 epi

100 epi epi

haze endo

0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500

Distance (µm) Distance (µm) Distance (µm)

Fig. 15.5 Three-dimensional reconstructions and corresponding confocal microscopy through–focusing (CMTF) scans of three human corneas one
month after photorefractive keratectomy. (A) A clinically clear cornea (grade 0 haze). (B) Cornea with clinical grade 2 haze. (C) Cornea with clinical grade 4
haze. Note the increased subepithelial reflectivity in all three corneas. In the corresponding CMTF scans, a profound increase in both haze thickness (haze
peak width) and haze intensity (haze peak height) is seen with increasing clinical grades. (From Møller-Pederson T, Vogel M, et al. Quantification of stromal
thinning, epithelial thickness, and corneal haze after photorefractive keratectomy using in vivo confocal microscopy. Ophthalmology 1997, 104:360–8.)

Fig. 15.6 (A) CMTF stack taken 3 months after

LASIK with IntraLase. Note the areas of increased
reflectivity near the flap interface (arrows). (B)
Single image taken from the CMTF stack in A, at
the level of the flap interface. Note highly reflective
keratocyte nuclei (arrows), indicating cell
activation. An increase in ECM reflectivity (ECM
haze) is also observed surrounding the cells (C)
Single image from the CMTF stack taken 30 µm
below the interface. A few activated keratocytes
(arrow) and ECM haze is detected. Horizontal field
width = 375 µm. (From Petroll WM, Goldberg D,
B Lindsey SS, et al. Confocal assessment of the
corneal response to intracorneal lens insertion and
LASIK with flap creation using IntraLase. J
Cataract Refract Surg 32:1119–28, 2006,
copyright Elsevier.)


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PART ii Examining and Imaging the Cornea and External Eye

Section 3 Imaging Techniques of the Cornea

suggesting local stromal edema and/or fibroblast transforma- Aspergillus keratitis66,75,80 in human patients, and may provide
tion of corneal keratocytes. a unique means for early detection of these infections. Elon-
gated particles resembling Candida pseudofilaments have
Infectious keratitis also been identified in infected corneas.73 Other studies have
demonstrated the potential usefulness of confocal microscopy
Because it provides much higher magnification than a slit in diagnosing bacterial contact lens-related keratitis,76 micro-
lamp biomicroscope, confocal microscopy is ideally suited sporidial keratitis,77,78 and Borrelia keratitis.79 It should be
for early detection and diagnosis of a number of infectious noted that not all infectious agents can be detected and/or
organisms (for reviews, see references 26, 31, 32, 33, and 66). distinguished using confocal microscopy, and physical
One important clinical application of the confocal micros- biopsy of the cornea is still often necessary to confirm diag-
copy is the localization of Acanthamoeba cysts and tropho- nosis.31,66,70 Further studies are needed to clarify which infec-
zoites in the living eye for diagnosis and assessment of the tious organisms can be reliably detected and distinguished
efficacy of ongoing medical treatment.15,66–72 Figure 15.7A using confocal microscopy.
shows easily identifiable brightly reflective cysts (1) in a
human patient who had a biopsy confirming Acanthamoeba Imaging changes in the sub-basal nerve plexus
infection. Figure 15.7B is from a patient who was being
treated with Brolene (propamidine isetionate), and was An important feature of in vivo confocal microscopy is the
showing symptoms of an active infection. Note the appear- ability to obtain high-resolution images of the sub-basal
ance of two types of highly reflective structures, presumably nerve plexus, particularly with the HRT-RCM (Fig. 15.3C).
cysts (1) and trophozoites (2). The three-dimensional nature Several studies have used confocal microscopy to assess tem-
of this process can be assessed using confocal imaging; thus, poral changes in the density and organization of sub-basal
the total spatial volume delineated by the infection can nerves in response to surgery or disease.38,81–83 In temporal
be quantitated, and response to antiamoebal drug therapy studies following PRK, regenerating sub-basal nerve fibers
monitored. were detected as early as seven days after PRK, but required
The detection of fungal keratitis has also become an at least 1–2 years for complete recovery, perhaps due to the
important clinical application of confocal microscopy, due persistence of the subepithelial scarring.45,46,84 Following
in part to the increased incidence of these infections.73 Con- LASIK, sub-basal nerve density remained lower for 3–5 years
focal microscopy has been shown to provide distinctive after surgery.84
images of the filaments of Fusarium solani (Fig. 15.8)66,74 and Confocal microscopy of the sub-basal nerve plexus has
been increasingly used as an indicator of peripheral neuropa-
thy in diabetes and other conditions which can affect small
nerve fibers. Changes in the pattern of innervation can
be assessed using quantitative outcome measures such as


Fig. 15.7 Acanthamoeba keratitis. (A) Easily identifiable brightly

reflective cysts (1) in a human patient who had a biopsy confirming
Acanthamoeba infection. (B) TSCM image from a patient who was
being treated with Brolene, and was showing symptoms of an active Fig. 15.8 Fungal keratitis. Fusarium imaged using the HRT III confocal
infection. Note the appearance of two types of highly reflective microscope. Horizontal field width = 300 µm. (Courtesy of Dr Brasnu
structures, presumably cysts (1) and trophozoites (2). Horizontal field and Dr Baudouin, Paris, France, and courtesy of Heidelberg
width = 350 µm. Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.)

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Confocal Microscopy



Fig. 15.9 Confocal microscopy and quantification of morphological parameters of sub-basal nerves. Initial images of sub-basal nerve plexus in the
central cornea in a healthy volunteer (A) with corneal sensation 60 mm and diabetic patient (D) with corneal sensation 40 mm and NDS = 8 (image
size: 400 × 400 µm). B and E represent the results of segmentation from the corresponding images in control and diabetic subjects, respectively.
C and F show traces of the geometry of the sub-basal nerve plexus in a final surface reconstruction. Total fiber length of 4706 and 545.4 µm, nerve
fiber density 0.034 mm/mm2 and 0.004 mm/mm2, and single nerve fiber count 68 and 3 were measured in control subject and diabetic patient,
respectively. (From Zhivov A, Winter K, Hovakimyan M, et al. Imaging and quantification of subbasal nerve plexus in healthy volunteers and diabetic
patients with or without retinopathy. PLoS ONE 2013;8:e52157.)

nerve density, length, branching, and tortuosity.85–87 Using

these techniques, significant differences have been identified
between normal and diabetic subjects (Fig. 15.9), which may
precede the development of diabetic retinopathy.85,86,88
One limitation of corneal confocal imaging of the sub-
basal nerve plexus is that it has a limited field of view. Recent
studies have demonstrated that collecting several single
(nonoverlapping) confocal images is sufficient for detecting
differences in morphological parameters between healthy
and diseased states.87,89 However, in order to map temporal
changes in the overall organization and nerve branching
patterns over large areas of the cornea, the generation of
image montages is required. Both manual and automated
approaches to image registration and stitching have been Fig. 15.10 A montage of the human sub-basal nerve plexus
used to generate wide field montages of sub-basal nerves constructed from 32 HRT–RCM images. A vortex or whorl-like pattern
using the HRT-RCM (Fig. 15.10).90–93 More advanced image of the sub-basal nerve plexus in the infero-central cornea of the subject
acquisition, processing, and reconstruction techniques are is observed. Scale bar, 200 µm. (From Patel DV and McGhee NJ. Fully
also under development that may reduce patient examina- automated montaging of laser scanning in vivo confocal microscopy
tion time, remove motion artifacts, and improve detection images of the human corneal subbasal nerve plexus. Invest Ophthalmol
of sub-basal nerves that are normally obscured by ridges Vis Sci 2005;46:4485–8, Copyright, Association for Research in Vision
induced by applanation pressure, thereby allowing more and Ophthalmology.)
complete reconstructions.93,94

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PART ii Examining and Imaging the Cornea and External Eye

Section 3 Imaging Techniques of the Cornea

Advanced Technology: Second Harmonic

Generation Imaging of Corneal
Collagen Architecture
The application of lasers to biology and medicine, while
not new, has been greatly expanded by the development
of ultrafast, femtosecond lasers that enable the focusing
of very high-intensity light within small optical volumes
to generate nonlinear optical effects including two photon
excited fluorescence (TPEF), second harmonic generated
signals (SHG), and laser-induced optical break down (LIOB).95
SHG has particular relevance to studying the structure of the
cornea, since collagen fibrils generate strong SHG signals
that can be imaged using optical microscopic techniques.96
To generate an SHG signal, a material is excited by the simul-
taneous absorption of two photons of light of the same
frequency and then the material emits a single photon of
light that is double the frequency or half the wavelength of
the excitation light. The ability to generate SHG signals is
limited to materials that are highly ordered and non-
centrosymmetric, such as collagen.97 Hochheimer, in 1982,
was the first to show that SHG signals could be generated
from the rabbit cornea.98 Past studies have also shown that
Fig. 15.11 Combined forwardscattered (cyan) and backscattered
imaging of SHG signals can be used to establish collagen
(magenta) image of SHG signal from the anterior human corneal stroma.
fibril orientation, as well as study the three-dimensional col- Collagen fibril organization shows a highly interwoven pattern in the
lagen organization.99,100 anterior cornea. (From Morishige N, Wahlert AJ, Kenney MC, et al.
Second harmonic imaging microscopy of normal human and
Human corneal stromal collagen organization keratoconus cornea. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2007;48:1087–94,
Copyright, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.)
Imaging of forward scattered SHG signals from normal
human cornea identifies distinct fiber-like structures, approx-
imately 1 µm in diameter, that vary in length and orientation
depending upon the depth within the cornea (Fig. 15.11).
Viewing of sequential images taken deeper within the cornea
shows that these short collagen lamellae extend continu-
ously deeper into the stroma, indicating that the short seg-
ments represented longer collagen fibers that run in and out A
of the plane of focus. This pattern indicates that the anterior
collagen is organized into a highly interwoven lamellar struc-
ture with many lamellae running in a transverse, anterior–
posterior direction and not parallel to the corneal surface.
Deeper within the cornea, collagen bundles become wider,
but continue to pass through multiple optical planes, sug-
gesting that lamellae continued to be highly interwoven. In
the posterior cornea, large numbers of fibers can be detected
that are grouped together into orthogonally arranged lamel-
lae that run parallel to the corneal surface and show markedly
less interweaving than observed in the other regions. B
To characterize the organization of collagen within the
stroma more precisely, high resolution macroscopy (HRMac) Fig. 15.12 Sample HRMac image. (A) Single-plane, zoomed-out
has been used to generate 3-D reconstructions of the indi- HRMac image of a full-diameter corneal cross-section along the vertical
vidual collagen lamellae detected by SHG imaging.101 A meridian. The full scan is comprised of 60 such planes and is made up
typical HRMac image of a human corneal cross-section is of over 80 000 individual images with a total size of 25000 × 6500 pixels
shown in Figure 15.12. This particular sample had a corneal per plane, shown here at a resolution of 3 µm / pixel. (B) Shows the
anterior central cornea at full resolution (0.44 µm / pixel). Note the
arc length of approximately 12 mm. The original HRMac
presence of the ALL (white arrow) and the insertion of collagen fibers
scan was 25 000 by 9000 pixels for each of the 60 planes at (black arrowheads). (Adapted from Winkler M, Chai D, Kriling S, et al.
a resolution of 0.44 µm/pixel and was made up of over Nonlinear optical macroscopic assessment of 3-D corneal collagen
80 000 individual images. Figure 15.12B shows a view of the organization and axial biomechanics. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
central portion of the cornea at full resolution (0.44 µm/ 2011;52:8818–27, Copyright, Association for Research in Vision and
pixel), revealing complex interactions between collagen Ophthalmology.)

Descargado para Anonymous User (n/a) en National Autonomous University of Mexico de por Elsevier en julio 04, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Confocal Microscopy

Fig. 15.14 3-D reconstruction of “Bow spring” fibers (blue) that fuse
with Bowman’s layer (gold). (Adapted from Winkler M, Chai D, Kriling S,
et al. Nonlinear optical macroscopic assessment of 3-D corneal collagen
organization and axial biomechanics. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.
2011;52:8818–27, Copyright, Association for Research in Vision and

detected by Komai and Ushiki using transmission electron

microscopy.103 Furthermore, as discussed by Bron, the ante-
rior stromal collagen is known to have extensive anterior–
posterior interweaving with occasionally insertion into
B Bowman’s layer that may contribute to the anterior corneal
mosaic.104 The observations using SHG imaging complement
Fig. 15.13 3-D reconstructions of collagen lamellae at different depths these earlier observations and point to the extension of col-
from Bowman’s layer. (A) Section from a single HRMac plane of the lagen lamellae from Bowman’s layer much deeper into the
central cornea overlaid with representative segmented lamellae at stroma than formerly appreciated. In this respect, studies by
different depths. (B) This panel shows the segmented lamellae Muller et al.105 evaluating swollen human corneas have
overlaying the single HRMac plane at reduced opacity. (Adapted from shown that the anterior 100–120 µm of stroma is resistant
Winkler M, Chai D, Kriling S, et al. Nonlinear optical macroscopic
to swelling and maintains the corneal curvature. While it
assessment of 3-D corneal collagen organization and axial
biomechanics. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;52:8818–27, Copyright,
has been proposed that the interwoven nature of the ante-
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.) rior cornea is responsible for this mechanical property, this
region also corresponds to the region containing transverse
lamellae that extends to a depth of approximately 130 µm.
lamellae. Surface renderings showed that branching occurred Therefore, it is likely that the presence of transverse lamellae
three-dimensionally, with some lamellae continuing later- that insert into Bowman’s layer explains the rigidity of the
ally after branching, and with others branching in the anterior corneal stroma.
anterior-posterior direction. Figure 15.13 shows a 3-D view
of branching collagen lamellae in the anterior, mid, and Conclusions
posterior corneal stroma that have been segmented from the
other lamellae in those regions. Extraction of the anterior This chapter has described the ability of confocal micros-
segmented collagen lamellae (B) shows a markedly higher copy to resolve noninvasively structural and functional
degree of branching than the segmented lamellae from the interrelationships, both temporally and spatially, in the
deeper stroma, whereas those in the posterior part of the corneas of human patients. Using confocal microscopy, the
stroma exhibited almost no branching at all. cellular details of fundamental biological processes such
3-D reconstructions also identified other distinct collagen as inflammation, wound healing, toxicity, infection, and
fiber structures including “Bow spring”-like lamellae that disease, which could previously be studied only under static
originated from the highly intertwined lamellae directly or isolated conditions, can now be dynamically evaluated
beneath Bowman’s layer and arced upwards, fusing with the over time and the effectiveness of treatment modalities
Bowman’s layer before arcing back down (Fig. 15.14; blue = determined. The application of femtosecond laser-based
Bow spring fibers, yellow = Bowman’s layer). “Bow spring” nonlinear optical imaging of SHG signals from collagen is
lamellae were, therefore, characterized by a near-parabolic an important emerging technology which can be used to
shape, the apex of which appeared fused with Bowman’s study noninvasively the structural organization of the
layer. In part, these Bow spring lamellae represent a dual human cornea with high spatial and lateral resolution. In
“suture” lamellae identified earlier by Morishige et al. that the future, incorporation of multiphoton lasers into clinical
are lost in keratoconus and are thought to provide mechani- confocal instruments may allow imaging of both cellular
cal stability to the corneal stroma.102 The insertion of colla- biology and interactions with extracellular matrix in human
gen lamellae into Bowman’s layer has been previously corneas, opening up a new world of potential applications.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
PART ii Examining and Imaging the Cornea and External Eye

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