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We conclude from the evidence that in all /~-caseins. Biochim. Diophys Aeta, 194: 421.
probability 7-, TS-, R- and S-caseins are pieces (3) Peterson, R. F., Nauman, L. W., and Hamil-
of the fl-casein molecule. One uncertainty ton, D. F. 1966. Amino acid composition of
should be mentioned. I t has been thought that six distinct types of fl-casein. J. Dairy Sci.,
all the phosphorus in fl-casein occurs in the 49 : 601.
.'c-terminal phosphopeptide, T1, Residues 1 to (4) Pion, R., Garnier, J., Ribadeau Dumas, B., de
Koning, P. J., and Van Rooyen, P. J. 1965.
25. However, T-casein, which begins at Position Amino acid composition of fl-casein variants.
28 in the sequence of fl-casein, is known to Diochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 20: 246.
contain one P per molecule. The location of (5) Ribadeau Dumas, D., Grosclaude, F., and
this atom of phosphorus, presumably as a Mercier, J.-C. 1970. Primary structure of
phosphorylated amino acid, remains to be bovine fl-casein. Isolation and amino acid
established. composition of the tryptic peptides and of
Our conclusion, if substantiated, may have the peptldes obtained by action of cyanogen
important imp/ications f o r more understanding bromide. European J. Dioehem., 14: 451.
of the biosynthesis of casein micelles, in par- (6) Ribadeau Dumas, B., Grosclaude, F., and
titular, and of proteins in general. Mercier, J.-C. 1970. Location of the sub-
stitution His/Gln differentiating genetic
William G. Gordon, Merton L. Groves, Rae variants As and A3 in the peptide chain of
Greenberg, Susan B. Jones, Edwin B. Kalan, bovine fl-casein. C. R. Hcbd. S~anees Acad.
Robert F. Peterson and Robert E. Townend Sci. Paris, 270: 2369.
Eastern Marketing and Nutrition Research (7) Ribadeau Dumas, B., Groselaude, F., and
Division, ARS, USDA, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- Mercier, J.-C. 1971. Primary structure of
vania 19118 bovine fl-casein. Ordering of the tryptic
peptides and of the peptides obtained by
References action of cyanogen bromide. European J.
(1) Groves, M. L. 1969. Some minor components Diochem., 18: 252.
of casein and other phosphoproteins in milk. (8) Rose, D., Drunner, J. R., Ka]an, E. B., Larsolb
A review. J. Dairy Sci., 52: 1155. D. L., Melnychyn, P., Swaisgood, H. E., and
(2) Groves, M. L., and Gordon, W. G. 1969. Evi- Waugh, D. F. 1970. Nomenclature of the
dence from amino acid analysis for a rela- proteins of cow's milk: Third revision. J.
tionship in the biosynthesis of "y- and Dairy Sci., 53: 1.

Simple Method for the Isolation of Riboflavin from Whey

Abstract isolate riboflavin from dairy products is of
A convenient, facile method for the interest. Leviton (1) removed riboflavin by
isolation of riboflavin from whey is de- adsorption on crystallized lactose from whey
scribed. Whey is passed over a column concentrates. Koziolowa (2) successfully used
of the neutral resin Amberlite XAD-2, on ion exchange resins for the isolation of flavins
which riboflavin is adsorbed. Recoveries in certain food products. We noticed that when
of the riboflavin with acetone as the eluant milk was passed over a column of neutral
were satisfactory. The method i s also resin Amberlite XAD-2, a yellowish-green band
convenient for removing riboflavin when formed at the top of the column. This ob-
it interferes in the analysis of other con- servation led us to investigate the feasibility of
stituents. using this resin for the extraction and recovery
of riboflavin from whey.
Experimental Procedure
Although riboflavin is now readily available A standard solution of riboflavin 1 was pre-
in synthesized form, it is expensive. Therefore, pared by dissolving 10 mg in 250 ml of re-
the need for an inexpensive, facile way to distilled H20. A column of the resin Amberlite
XAD-22 was prepared by slurrying 4 g of the
1 Matheson, Coleman, and Bell, East Rutherford,
New Jersey. resin in redistilled water and pouring into a
2 Rohm and Haas, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. glass chromatographic column (1.3 cm id ×
•~Daker Analyzed, Baker Chemical Company, 30 era). The column was then washed with
Phillipsburg, New Jersey. 5 to 10 column volumes of water, 5 column

volumes of redistilled methanol, 3 and again with TABLE 2. Recoveries using whey plus riboflavin.
5 column volumes of redistilled water. The
column was maintained in water. Riboflavin
Recoveri~ were made of the pure riboflavin added to Recovered Recov-
by diluting 1, 2, 3, and 4 nfl of the standard whey duplicates ered
solution to 10 ml with redistilled water. The (ml) (%)
individual solutions were passed over the column
at about 4 ml/min. Recoveries were made by 0 .155 .160
adding 1, 2, 3, and 4 ml of the standard solu- 1 .240 .235 85
tion to 50 ml of sweet cheese whey and passing 2 .340 .335 83
the solution over the colunm at 4 ml/min. 3 .44 .44 83
A f t er application of the solutions to the resin, 4 .55 .56 84
the column was washed with 5 colunm volumes
of redistilled water or until the eluate was clear. satisfactory. The loss is probably due to binding
The adsorbed riboflavin was then eluted with of added riboflavin by whey protein, thus
30 ml of redistilled acetone) The acetone eluate preventing the riboflavin from being adsorbed.
was evaporated on a steam bath under a stream The method conveniently isolates natural,
of nitrogen, and the residues were dissolved in pure riboflavin. Because the resin is relatively
10 ml of water. The amount of riboflavin was inert and neutral, resin-induced transformations
then determined spectrophotometrically at wave- (2) are minimized. The capacity of the column
length 447 nm (3). was about 1 mg for a 4-g colunm at the desig-
nated flow rate. This could be increased by
Results and Discussion reducing the flow rate.
The results in Table 1 indicate satisfactory The method is economically advantageous.
recoveries of riboflavin by adsorption and de- It can be scaled up thereby utilizing whey as
sorption from the resin. The loss of about 10% a source of riboflavin. The materials are
can probably be attributed to the irreversible relatively inexpensive and can be recovered
adsorption of riboflavin by the column or de- and used repeatedly.
-~ctivation of riboflavin by light. Acetone is the Not only is the method suitable for the
best solvent for removing adsorbed riboflavin. recovery of riboflavin, but it conveniently re-
The column must be moist when the acetone moves riboflavin when it interferes with analyses
is added: if not. poorer extractions are realized. of other milk constituents. In addition, it would
be useful in other areas, e.g., protein extracts,
T.~BLE 1. Recovery of riboflavin. where riboflavin and other flavins interfere with
Dilu- (447 Recovered Recov- C. R. BREWINGTON and D. P. SCHWARTZ,
tions nm) duplicates ered Dairy Products Laboratory, ARS, USDA,
Washington, D.C. 20250
1:10 .125 .115 .115 91
2:10 .255 .225 .220 88 (1) Leviton, A. 1943. Absorption of riboflavin
3:10 .375 .335 .330 89 by lactose. Ind. Eng. Chem., 35: 589.
4:10 .500 .45 .46 91 (2) Koziolowa, A. 1966. Applications of ion
exchange resins in the isolation of flavines
for qualitative and quantitative studies in
However, acetone-water mixtures did not in- food products. Pr. Zakresu Towarozn Chem.
Wyzsza Sak. Ekon. Poanan, Zesz. Nauk.
crease yields. Whereas hot water was an effec-
(Ser. 1) 25: 41.
tive eluant, methanol and ethanol were almost as
(3) Penzer, G. R., and G. K. Radda. 1967. The
efficient as acetone. chemistry and biological function of isoal-
Table 2 shows that when riboflavin was added lorazines (Flavines). London Chem. Soc.
to the whey, the recoveries were lower but Quart. Rev., 21:43.


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