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Exercise on Reported Speech

Reported Speech Exercise 1

Helen is in front of the class holding a presentation on London. As Helen is rather shy, she speaks with a very low voice. Your classmate Gareth does not understand her, so you have to repeat every sentence to him. Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns and verbs.

Helen: I want to tell you something about my holiday in London. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that ____________________________________________ Helen: I went to London in July. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that ____________________________________________ Helen: My parents went with me. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that ____________________________________________ Helen: We spent three days in London. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that ____________________________________________ Helen: London is a multicultural place. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that ____________________________________________ Helen: I saw people of all colours. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that ____________________________________________ Helen: Me and my parents visited the Tower. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that ____________________________________________ Helen: One evening we went to see a musical. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that ____________________________________________ Helen: I love London. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that ____________________________________________ Helen: The people are so nice there. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that ____________________________________________

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note whether the sentence is a request, a statement or a question and whether you have to change the tenses or not. 1. He said, "I like this song." He said ____________________________________________ 2. "Where is your sister?" she asked me. She asked me ____________________________________________ 3. "I don't speak Italian," she said. She said ____________________________________________ 4. "Say hello to Jim," they said. They asked me ____________________________________________ 5. "The film began at seven o'clock," he said. He said ____________________________________________ 6. "Don't play on the grass, boys," she said. She told the boys ____________________________________________ 7. "Where have you spent your money?" she asked him. She asked him ____________________________________________ 8. "I never make mistakes," he said. He said ____________________________________________ 9. "Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know. He wanted to know ____________________________________________ 10. "Don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience. The stuntman advised the audience _____________________________________ 11. "I was very tired," she said. She said_____________________________________ 12. "Be careful, Ben," she said. She told Ben _____________________________________ 13. "I will get myself a drink," she says. She says _____________________________________ 14. "Why haven't you phoned me?" he asked me. He wondered _____________________________________ 15. "I cannot drive them home," he said. He said _____________________________________ 16. "Peter, do you prefer tea or coffee?" she says. She asks Peter _____________________________________ 17. "Where did you spend your holidays last year?" she asked me. She asked me _____________________________________ 18. He said, "Don't go too far." He advised her _____________________________________ 19. "Have you been shopping?" he asked us. He wanted to know _____________________________________ 20. "Don't make so much noise," he says. He asks us _____________________________________

Exercise 3
Highlight Direct Speech and Reported Speech

Chapter VI
About ten minutes later, the bell rang for dinner, and, as Virginia did not come down, Mrs Otis sent up one of the servants. After a little time he returned and said that he could not find Miss Virginia anywhere. So, the whole family started looking for her. The hours passed, but they could find no trace of Virginia. So, after dinner, Mr Otis ordered them all to bed, saying that nothing more could be done that night, and that he would contact Scotland Yard in the morning.Just when everybody was about to leave the dining-room, the clock struck midnight, and when the last stroke sounded, a secret door opened in the wall and in that door stood Virginia with a little box in her hand. Everybody ran up to her. Good heavens! child, where have you been? said Mr Otis, rather angrily, as he thought she had been playing a trick on them. Papa, said Virginia quietly, I have been with the ghost. He is dead, and you must come and see him. He had been very nasty, but he was really sorry for all that he had done, and he gave me this box of beautiful jewels before he died. Then she led the others down a narrow secret corridor to a little low room. There the family found the skeleton of Sir Simon, who had been starved to death by his wife's brothers. Virginia knelt down beside the skeleton, and, folding her little hands together, began to pray silently. Meanwhile, one of the twins was looking out of the window in the little room and suddenly said, Look! The old almond-tree has blossoms. Then God has forgiven him, said Virginia and stood up.

Conditional Sentences Type 2

Exercise 1
Janine is a daydreamer. She imagines what would happen if she won the lottery. Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. If I _______________the lottery, I _______________a chance to hit the jackpot. If I _______________the jackpot, I _______________rich. If I _______________rich, my life _______________completely. I _______________a lonely island, if I _______________a nice one. If I _______________a lonely island, I _______________a huge house by the beach. I _______________all my friends if I _______________a house by the beach. I _______________my friends up in my yacht if they _______________to spend their holidays on my island. 8. We _______________great parties if my friends _______________to my island. 9. If we _______________to go shopping in a big city, we _______________a helicopter. 10. But if my friends' holidays _______________over, I very lonely _______________on my lonely island.

Exercise 2
Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type II) by putting the verbs into the correct form. Use conditional I with would in the main clause. 1. 2. 3. 4. If we (have) _____had______a yacht, we (sail) _____would sail______the seven seas. If he (have) _______________more time, he (learn) _______________karate. If they (tell) _______________their father, he (be) _______________very angry. She (spend) _______________a year in the USA if it (be) _______________easier to get a green card. 5. If I (live) _______________on a lonely island, I (run) _______________around naked all day. 6. We (help) _______________you if we (know) _______________how. 7. My brother (buy) _______________a sports car if he (have) _______________the money. 8. If I (feel) _______________better, I (go) _______________to the cinema with you. 9. If you (go) _______________by bike more often, you (be / not) _______________so flabby. 10. She (not / talk) _______________to you if she (be) _______________mad at you.

Exercise 3
Exercise on Exceptions (Conditional Sentences with different Tenses)
Study the following situations. In every sentence, the 'if' clause expresses a general situation in the present (Type II). Decide, however, whether the consequences refer to the present (Conditional I) or past (Conditional II). 1. I am trying to reach Sue on the phone now, but I'm afraid she is not there because If she (be) _______________at the office, she (answer) _______________the phone. 2. A couple of minutes ago, I tried to reach Sue on the phone, but I'm afraid she is not there because If she (be) _______________at the office, she (answer) _______________the phone. 3. I want to ring a friend now, but I don't know his phone number. If I (know) _______________his phone number, I (ring) _______________him. 4. A week ago, I wanted to ring a friend, but I don't know his phone number. If I (know) _______________his phone number, I (ring) _______________him. 5. A friend tells me what she is planning to do. I don't think what she is planning is a good idea. If I (be) _______________you, I (do / not) _______________this. 6. A friend tells me what she did. I don't think what she did was a good idea. If I (be) _______________you, I (do / not) _______________this. 7. Somebody tells me that Sarah is on holiday in Italy at the moment. This cannot be true because I'm seeing her in town tonight. If Sarah (be) _______________in Italy, I (see / not) _______________her in town tonight. 8. Somebody tells me that Sarah is on holiday in Italy at the moment. This cannot be true because I saw her in town last night. If Sarah (be) _______________in Italy, I (see / not) _______________her in town last night. 9. My brother feels like he is getting the flu. I tell him You (get / not) _______________the flu if you (eat) _______________more fruit. 10. A few weeks ago, my brother had the flu. I tell him You (get / not) _______________the flu if you (eat) _______________more fruit.

Past Participle
Write the past participle (3rd form) of the following irregular verbs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. think -_______________ sleep -_______________ throw -_______________ wear -_______________ swim -_______________

Complete the sentences in Past Perfect Simple (positive). 1. They spent their honeymoon in Paris where they (meet) _______________two years before. 2. When Alice (do) _______________the shopping, she picked her children up from school. 3. He showed us the place where he (hurt) _______________his leg. 4. I looked at the photos that he (send) _______________. 5. Yesterday I read an interesting article which my teacher (recommend) _______________to me. Complete the sentences in Past Perfect Simple (negative). 1. 2. 3. 4. I (not / touch) _______________a snake before that day. Andy won the match although he (not / play) _______________squash before. When I left the house, I (not / have) _______________breakfast yet. Jim crashed into another car because he (not / realize) _______________the red traffic light. 5. I worked on Saturday, so I (not / go) _______________to the party the day before. Complete the questions in Past Perfect Simple. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (what / you / say) _______________before you opened the window? (he / speak) _______________to you before he called us? (you / switch) _______________off the cooker before we left? (you / take) _______________the laundry in when it started to rain? (who / live) _______________in that house before the Smiths bought it?

Exercise on the Form of Adverbs

Exercise 1
Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill the gap with the adverb. 1. Joanne is happy. She smiles_______________. 2. The boy is loud. He shouts_______________. 3. Her English is fluent. She speaks English_______________. 4. Our mum was angry. She spoke to us_______________. 5. My neighbour is a careless driver. He drives_______________. 6. The painter is awful. He paints_______________. 7. Jim is a wonderful piano player. He plays the piano_______________. 8. This girl is very quiet. She often sneaks out of the house_______________. 9. She is a good dancer. She dances really_______________. 10. This exercise is simple. You_______________have to put one word in each space.

Exercise 2
Fill in the correct adverb form (comparative or superlative) of the adjectives in brackets. 1. I speak English (fluent) more fluently now than last year. 2. She greeted me (polite) _______________of all. 3. She smiled (happy) _______________than before. 4. This girl dances (graceful) _______________of all. 5. Could you write (clear) _______________? 6. Planes can fly (high) _______________than birds. 7. He had an accident last year. Now, he drives (careful) _______________than before. 8. Jim can run (fast) _______________than John. 9. Our team played (bad) _______________of all. 10. He worked (hard) _______________than ever before.

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