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UNIT Fantasy Lesson

2 Autonomous Work 2E


1. Find the missing words in the soup letter.

a. Animal
b. Batman
c. Billionaire
d. Dreams
e. Elektra
f. Feeling
g. Ferrari
h. Fighters
i. Flute
j. Hairy man
k. Human
l. Mansion
m. Robot
n. Slaves
o. Technological
p. wheelchairs

2. Choose four words of the soup letter and write sentences using the first or second conditional.

If the Ferrari were mine, I would take it out every day.


If the mansion had a swimming pool, I would take baths all the time.

If animals could talk, you could chat with them.


If robots conquer the world, they would replace us.



3. Read the text about Robots teachers and choose a, b, or c.

If you think of the job’s robots could never do, you
would probably put doctors and teachers at the top of
the list. It's easy to imagine robot cleaners and factory
workers, but some jobs need human connection and
creativity. But are we underestimating what robots can
do? In some cases, they already perform better than
doctors at diagnosing illness. Also, some patients
might feel more comfortable sharing personal
information with a machine than a person. Could there
be a place for robots in education after all?
British education expert Anthony Seldon thinks so. And he even has a date for the robot takeover of the
classroom: 2027. He predicts robots will do the main job of transferring information and teachers will be
like assistants. Intelligent robots will read students' faces, movements and maybe even brain signals. Then
they will adapt the information to each student. It's not a popular opinion and it's unlikely robots will ever
have empathy and the ability to really connect with humans like another human can. One thing is certain,
though. A robot teacher is better than no teacher at all. In some parts of the world, there aren't enough
teachers and 9–16 per cent of children under the age of 14 don't go to school. That problem could be partly
solved by robots because they can teach anywhere and won't get stressed, or tired, or move somewhere for
an easier, higher-paid job.
Those negative aspects of teaching are something everyone agrees on. Teachers all over the world are
leaving because it is a difficult job and they feel overworked. Perhaps the question is not 'Will robots
replace teachers?' but 'How can robots help teachers?' Office workers can use software to do things like
organize and answer emails, arrange meetings and update calendars. Teachers waste a lot of time doing
non-teaching work, including more than 11 hours a week marking homework. If robots could cut the time
teachers spend marking homework and writing reports, teachers would have more time and energy for the
parts of the job humans do best.

Choose the best answer of the six questions:

1. It´s easy to think robots … 3. Robots will probably never …
a. Will replace people even if we don´t like a. have human understanding of emotions.
the idea. b. be a popular choice for teachers.
b. Are more capable than people and it´s true. c. be intelligent enough to work in education.
c. Can do less plan people but it´s not always
4. Some parts of the world ...
a. pay robots to teach.
2. Anthony Seldon thinks teachers in the b. already use robots in teaching jobs.
future will … c. have a shortage of teachers.
a. help robots in class.
b. teach knowledge to students.
c. no longer exist.

5. Teachers … 6. Robots could …
a. work harder than office workers. a. empathize with students.
b. have less help than office workers. b. mark homework.
c. leave their jobs to become office workers. c. prepare lessons.


4. Choose the correct answers.

1. If Sarah likes skiing, …………water skiing. love b. you´ll love c. you ´d love
2. He wouldn´t eat tacos if Ethan ……. them.
a. didn’t like b. likes c. ‘ll like
3. If Thomas ………. first prize, I´ll buy him a present.
a. He’ll win b. wins c. ‘d win
4. Would you work in Australia if you win a ticket flight there?
a. Yes, I’d would b. Yes, I will do c. Yez, I would.
5. If I ………. you, I would buy a big boat.
a.was b. were c. ´ll be
6. Erick …….. all the files if he had the time.

a. would upload b. ´will upload c. uploaded

5. Complete the following halves of sentences with the second conditional.

a. If the weather was not so bad, I would do my things on time.
b. If they had given me a lot of bucks, The major would give a turkey for everyone.
c. If you really loved me, you wouldn't have done that to me.
d. If I hadn't worked so hard, I would not be so tired.
e. If I were a plant, I would be happy.
f. If there were no waves, I would live near the beach.
g. If he called me, I would hang up on him.


6. Listen carefully the next audio. Fill the blanks with the right word you hear. Track 2E. Robots
1. Japanese scientists
2. Look, ………….. and act like human.
3. The …………… of the Japanese word for child and adult.
4. an imaginary …………….
earthquake in Tokyo

5.When news
robots would really read the …………… on television.
6. Robots are big ………………..
business in Japan
7. Japanese people think they are ………………..
helpful and …………

8. Robots will take over ………….

the world
Robots do not replace
9. Robots are now becoming ……………………….
a laptop
teachers because they
have not experienced
E. WRITING adult life and do not have
the emotions in return that
all people have suffered
7. Watch the video below. What do you think about robot teachers? as we grow up. I believe
that robots will not replace
teachers but they would
be an essential tool for
chicken of the same since
this way they will have
less stress and more time
for themselves. In this
way they will also be more
efficient teachers when
Link: teaching.

Write a 120-150 essay about the following thesis: Do you think that robot teachers would completely
replace human teachers?
If so, defend your thesis explaining the advantages and disadvantages of having Robot teachers and
what teacher´s tasks they could do. Remember to use the second conditional.
Advantages Disadvantages
Firstly, robot teachers could potentially offer consistency However, the replacement of human teachers with
and reliability in education. They would deliver lessons robots would come with significant drawbacks. One
flawlessly and without the variability in teaching styles major concern is the lack of emotional intelligence and
that human teachers might have. This uniformity could empathy that robots cannot replicate. Teaching involves
ensure that all students receive the same quality of not only imparting knowledge but also understanding
education regardless of their location or the school they and responding to students' emotional and social needs.
attend. Robots may struggle to provide the emotional support
Secondly, robots could enhance learning efficiency and encouragement that human teachers naturally offer.
through personalized learning experiences. They could Furthermore, education is not solely about delivering
analyze each student's strengths and weaknesses in information but also about inspiring curiosity, critical
real-time, adjusting their teaching methods accordingly. thinking, and creativity. Human teachers excel in
This personalized approach could optimize student motivating students and fostering a passion for learning
learning outcomes by catering to individual needs. that robots might not be able to instill.
Moreover, robot teachers would not require breaks, Another disadvantage is the potential job displacement
sleep, or sick leave, leading to significant cost savings 57
of human teachers. If robots were to replace teachers, it
for educational institutions. They could operate 24/7, could lead to widespread unemployment and the loss of
providing continuous access to education without valuable human expertise in education. This could have
interruption. profound social and economic implications.

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