A Dangerous Hand

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A Dangerous Hand

Players explore ruins in search of a it's history and find quite a few disembodied hands!
They search for the truth and also come across something much more dangerouns... the
Deck of Many Things!

A short, dangerous (and perhaps humorous?) dungeon delve for 4-5 chacters of level 3-4 that introduces the one and only Deck of
Many Things to your world!
By Taylor Kane
Adventure Summary
The party explores the ruins of an ancient keep, attempting to Danger In This Adventure
slay the beasts within to open up safe passage to the north of This adventure, like any that I make, has a high
the desert. While exploring they find the Deck of Many chance of player death. If you wish to avoid this,
Things and then go on to slay the monsters of the dungeon. run the adventure with a larger party size or with a
higher level party.
Or perhaps destroy everything as the Deck plunges the world I personally enjoy the threat of death, so be
into chaos. Who knows? aware that this adventure may not be suited for
those that are looking for a safer adventure to run
Using This Adventure for their group.
This adventure will, at times, refer to various monsters from The easiest way to modifiy this adventure is to
substitute weaker enemies for various encounters
preexisting manuals. The first time a monster is referenced, it (or removing a few of the enemies), though this
will have the source book where it can be found listed in greatly reduces the fun in my opinion. I
parentheses immedieately following. The same is true of recommend leaving everything as is, though once
spells and magic items (when necessary). The respective again, you know your group best!
manuals are abbreviated as follows:
Player's Handbook (PHB) Missing A Sourcebook?
Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG) If you are missing any of the sourcebooks used for
Monster Manual (MM) this adventure, it is perfectly fine to put other
Volo's Guide To Monsters (VG) monsters in place of those provided. Just make
Tome of Beasts (TB) sure that they are undead and/or have a
Appendix A of this PDF (AA) desert/bandit theme if possible. Though to be
honest, Volo's Guide to Monsters and the Tome of
Beasts are both incredible resources. You should
Legal Stuff go get them!
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This PDF was created using the D&D Homebrewery.
Credit for this template goes to them.
The accompanying dungeon map in Appendix A was
created using the free Dungeonographer program. All credit
for the tool used to create it goes to them.

By Taylor Kane
Act 1: Shuffling The Deck
Lefty himself returned as a unique revenant bound to the
Hooks room where he died. Lefty has vowed vengeance on any that
Presented below are possible hooks to get the enter the ruins of the Cat's Claw that are not from the
party to begin this adventure. The most important Alamichos, and he seeks to destroy the Deck of Many Things.
element is that they enter the Ruins of the Wicked He has lost his famous playing hand, his left, in undeath and
so that they may begin the dungeon delve. is obsessed with finding it. He has taken the left hands of all
Shelter: Traveling through the desert is never those that have come to the ruins since, in an attempt to find
easy, especially when a giant sandstorm is a replacement. Lefty's spirit will be at rest if he regains his
barrelling toward you! You need a shelter, and fast. left hand and also is given the Deck of Many Things.
Luckily, there is what appears to be the remnants
of an old fortress ahead. Is this your lucky day? General Features
Paid Explorers The kingdoms of men to the south
have always wondered what lies in the northern The following features are found throughout the Ruins of the
desert. They have heard tales, but want to finance Wicked.
an expedition to explore it and bring back reliable Darkness There is no light within the ruins, as the building
information, rather than bardic tales of old. You has no windows. This was in an attempt to make the place
have been hired for such a task, and it is on your safer from attack and from prying eyes.
journey that you come across the Ruins of the Cold Due to the chill of the undead and the ruins' burial
Wicked. beneath the sand, the ruins are considered 'Extreme Cold' as
Family History Long ago your great, great,
grandfather was swindled by the former occupants
described in the DMG (pg. 110).
of the Ruins of the Wicked. He lost a family
Closed Doors All doors are closed throughout the complex
heirloom and the history of his shame have been and unlocked, though the doors are unable to be opened by
passed down through the generations. You have any evil undead. This is another side effect of the great
found yourself not so far off from the Ruins of the disaster that befell the place. All undead in the Ruins are evil
Wicked, and you find yourself thinking... maybe it's unless otherwise indicated.
time to get back that heirloom! Floors The floors of the 1st and 2nd floor are wood (it has
been preserved through the years due to the dry desert, but
creaks loudly as if it will give way at any moment. The
basement floor is dirt, as it is still the original earth that was
Summary of This Act here before the Deck of Many Things transformed the region
This act largely gives background information on the into a desert.
adventure and things to keep in mind while running it. Hands Many of the undead in the Ruins do not have left
hands. Make certain to point this out to the PCs to build their
History of the Ruins of the Wicked intrigue on why this may be. Their hands have been magically
severed and summoned to Lefty. Each room in the Ruins has
None alive today know the true history of the Ruins of the at least 1 crawling claw (MM) in it. When these are slain,
Wicked, however, it is not just called this due to the evil spirits they become incorporeal and sink into the floor to return to
that lurk there. Although no one knows exactly the purpose of their master in area C7. Consider using more than one in
the ruined keep in the past, it is known that nefarious deeds larger rooms.
were done there and that it attracted wicked men and women
throughout the lands. Using the Deck of Many Things
Originally, the Ruins of the Wicked was a fortress for
bandits and ne'er-do-wells. It was both a brothel, thieves' guild, Many DM's are nervous to use this item, though do not be
and gambling den. It was here that many saw their fortunes afraid! It can be carefully controlled and put to good use by
made and lost. In those times, the fortress was known as The following various guidelines I will outline below.
Cat's Claw atht he time of its destruction. It was held by many Don't Leave Things To Fate. Although there is an appeal
criminal groups, but its last occupants were known as the to using the Deck of Many Things, that doesn't mean you
Alamichos (meaning the Winged Cats). want it to be a disaster to your PCs and your world. You want
The Cat's Claw met its demise when one of the guild fun, epic moments! In order to do this, feel free to cheat a bit.
members, a rogue and bard known as Lefty (AA), came Stack the deck, or remove some options from the players.
across the Deck of Many Things. Lefty thought the cards Maybe take things like "The Void" don't usually have leave the
were simply bewitched to allow the user to cheat at gambling. PCs feeling too great. Consider making the deck incomplete
When he drew forth a hand of several cards as he began a in order to make the PCs feel less like you are taking it easy
game of chance against a group of visiting scoundrels, all hell on them. Consider stacking more good things than bad
broke loose. The entire region was destroyed in a great toward your players, or taking out cards that you feel are too
cataclysm that created the desert region that the Ruins of the over-the-top.
Wicked now lie in. Prior to the destruction, it was simply
more of the forested area that surrounds the desert. The
Deck also filled the Cat's Claw with evil energy and caused
the multitude of dead there to rise again in undeath.
By Taylor Kane
Using the Deck of Many Things
Use Physical Cards. It makes a big difference when you are
just using fanciful language or dice to determine what card
you draw, rather than using a real tarot deck or playing cards.
Shell out $5 to get some old school tarot cards and make the
players feel special as they hold the deck in their hands
(which, as the previous point stated, may or may not be
More/Different Options I personally do not use the same
results that are found in the DMG for the Deck of Many
Things. There just isn't enough variation for me, and some of
the effects are too strong. I use a product I found on the DM's
Guild website called "The Tarot Deck of Many, Many Things",
which offers a LOT of options, but does require you to have a
set of tarot cards to use. I strongly recommend this though, it
is a blast of a product. Either way, you are always welcome to
tone down or modify the effects of the Deck of Many Things
to better suit your world and your players. In fact, I highly
encourage it.
Get Rid Of It. The Deck of Many Things provides a great
boost in the chaos of the adventure. It could be removed and
replaced with a Deck of Illusions (DMG). I find this to be
much less exciting though, but at the same time you better
believe that I don't want my players holding onto the
legendary deck for too long! This is part of the reason Lefty is
so bent on getting the thing; it gives players a reason to get rid
of it. Once Lefty has the Deck, consider having it become
incorporeal, held by a multitude of the spectral hands he
commands. This way, when Lefty dies, the deck will vanish
along with his ghostly hands.

By Taylor Kane
Act 2: Dealing Your Fate or Cashing Out
Summary of this Act B1 Second Floor Landing
The party arrives at the Ruins of the Wicked and come across A wooden, spiral stairway leads down to area A2 from here. A
the Deck of Many Things (DMG). The party then explores the broken railing follows the stairway down. This room also
Ruins of the Wicked and confronts the evil force within. connects to areas B2 (southwest), B3 (east), and B4 (south).
The areas of the Ruins are presented in approximate order The sound of laughter and the rustling of sheets can be heard
of appearance (based on where I felt players would go/be able coming from the door to area B4. You can hear the sound of
to go as they explored). merriment and shouts from the floor below.
Exterior B4 The Lovers' Den
The exterior of the Ruins of the Wicked is mostly buried in When the players enter this room, they see two forms moving
sand. The sand is a darker grain color here, almost gray or around beneath the sheets of the king-size bed. If the players
black. The second floor is visible poking out beneath the investigate or remain in the room more than 1 round or the
sand. A rough sandstorm is on the way, and the PCs need to party interrupts the figures in the sheets, the sheets are
seek shelter. If the PCs are too fearful to enter for fear of thrown aside and two gray thirsters (TB) attack the party.
being buried in the structure, make it clear to them that this One of the thirsters will attempt to get their "toys" to help on
is not a risk due to the shape of the dunes against the Ruins. their turn if able. If the party is quick to enter and leave
When the players arrive, read the following text: before a round passes, the monsters will leave them be.
A chest is in this room labeled "Toys". Inside is a swarm of
"Trekking through the desert has not been easy on you. It's
scorpions (AA) which attacks if anyone but the two gray
thirsters open it. The swarm is loyal to the thirsters. There is
hot, dry, and you have sand in all the wrong places. To make
also a table and chair present that have decayed
matters worse, on the horizon you see an approaching storm. undergarments tossed atop it. Underneath the table there are
The swirling sand looks fierce, the storm barreling toward you. two empty glass glass bottles and a Philter of Love (DMG).
You know that it won't be pleasant, and it would be best to There is a fireplace in the room that is has a small mound
find shelter. But perhaps your luck is changing, as you see of sand within. If the PCs succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom
what appears to be a buried stone structure poking out near a (Perception) check, they notice that there is a loose brick
dune of dark, black sand. The black sand does seem rather
inside the fireplace. Behind the brick is the Deck of Many
Things (DMG). The Deck was placed here by Dunwold (Area
ominous, though as the storm draws nearer, you think that the
C4) in order to hide it from Lefty.
ruined building looks more and more welcoming." When I run this adventure, I have the Deck inside of a
small box and try to get the players to draw out a few of the
If the players decide to try to stick it out through the storm, cards without knowing what it is (a lot of PCs may be too
make it abundantly clear that this is a bad storm. Consider afraid to draw from the deck). Use whatever you can to get
having them take slashing damage from the grains of sand them to find the thing though! It's a blast to use.
being whipped around and blind all the PCs. Don't railroad
them too hard of course, but give them a gentle nudge to get B2 Bed Chamber 1
them going the right direction. Chances are your group is This chamber is empty save a lone bed that appears to be in
ready to explore this ruin (especially if you used one of the pristine condition. It is terrifically comfortable and any player
earlier hooks from Act 1), so don't worry too much. sleeping in it gains 1 point of inspiration upon waking. There
If all else fails and you really want them to get inside, have is a charred outline in the shape of a body against the back of
the ceiling of the Ruin collapse and drop them into any of the the door in this room.
rooms in area A (the 1st floor) or deeper to area C. Have the
sand pour in and fill to the ceiling in a large mound, trapping
the players within until they find the exit (B3). A2 Main Gambler's Den
This large room has four long tables surrounded by chairs, as
B3 Entry Point / Sleeping Quarters well as old barrels of fouled, frozen ale. One large table has
This small room has a pile of sand to the ceiling here where a been broken in two and there are several broken chairs as
large hole has formed where the roof collapsed in. This is the well. A spiral staircase in the northeast leads up to area B1. A
place where the PCs may enter/exit the Ruins. The floor is door to the east leads to area A6, a door to the south leads to
covered in sand, and there is an ancient wooden door to the area A3, and a door to the southwest leads to area A1.
west that leads to B1. A bed is in the northwest corner of the When the PCs first enter this room, they are greeted by the
room, though it looks as though it would fall to pieces if sight of 10 skeletons (MM) and 6 zombies (MM), some
someone were to lay upon it. If the PCs dig through the sand playing cards, others waiting on tables, others still arm
that covers the floor they can find up to 15 gp about the room. wrestling or doing other such feats of strength. The PCs may
If the PCs peel back the bedsheets, they find there is a hole in attempt to be stealthy, as the undead here are quite
the mattress surrounded by a large bloodstain. When the PCs distracted, but if they are seen the undead attack the
open the door to area B1, a blast of cool frigid air meets them. intruders. They pursue the PCs upstairs if need be, but will
not leave the Ruins.

B1 Second Floor Landing By Taylor Kane

A2 Main Gambler's Den (Continued) The far eastern portion of the room has broken glasses all
around, as well as many dusty muggs and pitchers of frozen
The room has 12 decks of cards that are ancient and crumble ale. As soon as players step out of the hallway in this room
to dust if removed from the Ruins. There are approximately and into the main room of A6, the room becomes even colder
100 gold coins in the rooms among all the tables and coin than the rest of the Ruins. For every 5 minutes the PCs spend
purses of the undead. If the PCs check the bodies, they in this room, they gain 1 level of exhaustion.
realize that most of the undead are missing their left hands. Within the large room of A6 there are several tables and
There are also around 200 wooden tokens used to represent chairs, 11 altogether. Each has a frozen zombie (MM) in it.
coin. The zombies, if thawed, will frantically try to get at the frozen
ale, clawing and licking at it. They will ignore the PCs unless
A1 Entryway attacked.
This room has two decrepit sofas and two crates in it. There The mounted deer have a secret; they are actually undead!
is a door to area A2 in the north, a door to area A3 in the east, If a creature comes within their square, the deer attacks.
and a door to the exterior in the south. They have the same statistics as the Deer (MM), except their
This room formally was used to screen people who were movement speed is zero and they are undead instead of
entering and either direct them to the main Main Gambler's beasts.
Den (A2) or the High Roller's Tables (A3)
When the PCs first arrive in the room, two floating lights A4 Side Hall
appear and begin leading the PCs through the Ruins toward This room has a door to the south leading to the hallway of
area A5. These are two Will-o-wisps (MM) which want to area A6. It is filled with crates in the northeast. Each holds
lead the PCs to the Boss's Personal Quarters (A5) in order to wooden tokens used to reprent coins. The room is also full of
have their bosses deal with the intruders personally. The undead: 5 shrouds (TB), 6 skeletons (MM), and 4 zombies
crates are filled with wooden tokens used for gambling that (MM). When the PCs arrive, they are taking turns gambling
were distributed to patrons. the wooden tokens with each other while trying to bowl with
If the door to the exterior is opened, a 10 foot cone of sand the skull of one of the skeletons toward makeshift bowling
blasts into the room. Creatures in the area of effect must pinds made of pieces of wood from the broken tables/chairs.
succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be buried by The undead will not attack the PCs when they enter. In
the sand. They are restrained and begins to suffocate. It will fact, they will invite them to play if they have real gold to
need another creature to dig it out or succeed on a DC 15 wager. The undead have longed to see real coins in the ages
Strength check to get out of the sand. they've been trapped in this room. The undead will only
attack if the PCs win at a game of chance. As long as the
A3 High Roller's Table undead keep winning the PCs' gold, they're happy!
This room was once used for the few higher end clientele that
would come to the Cat's Claw. Each table here is covered A5 Cat's Cradle
with a beautiful cloth covering (and a covering of dust). Each This is the room where the two bosses that ran the Cat's
is worth 25 gp if taken to the right person. There is an old Claw lived before it fell. They now are two wights (MM). They
fireplace as well. A door to the north leads to area A2 and the were a pair of lovers that have been trapped in the same
door to the east leads to area A1. A beautiful lion-skin rug lies room together for hundred of years (have fun with that
near the north door and is worth 50 gp. roleplaying). Even so, they are still ready to run the Cat's Claw
The only creature in here is a zombie (MM) dressed in if they gain access to the other rooms. They are happy to
fancy clothing. If the PCs acknowledge it, it raises a monocle whip their minions back into shape. The only place they will
to its eye, sneers, and its jaw falls off. Then it loudly guffaws not go is area C7 where Lefty is. They desperately want
begins crawling around on the ground to find his missing revenge on him, but are afraid of his strange powers. The
mouth part. The zombie, once its jaw is recovered, sits back male is Cesar and the female is Turlane.
and sips on dusty wine. It has no interest in the PCs, but will The room has a door to the north leading to area A6. There
attempt to aid them if any of them have the Noble background are two barrels in the room filled with frozen wine. A sofa
or is a part of high society. near the door shows that this is the main area that the two
wights sit. The bed has a large zombie bear (AA) sleeping on
A6 Drinking Hall it. This is the pair's pet, Bippo. He has taken residence up in
The hall leading into this room has four finely made rugs laid their bed and is not going to share anytime soon. There are
out on the floor. In addition, every 10 feet of down this small two book shelves and a chair as well. The books crumble to
hallway there is a mounted deer on either side of the wall. dust if removed from the Ruins. The desk contains 400 gold
These deer are decayed and falling apart. A door to the south coins in 4 bags of 100. There is also a treasure map on the
east contains a pathway down a spiral stairway to area C1. A desk, however it is actually a map mimic (TB) that came to
door to the east leads to area A2, a door to the north leads to the Ruins a few years ago. It will strike at whoever picks it up.
area A4, and a door to the south leads to area A5. The wights are aware of its presence and have left it alone.
There is also a potion of diminution (DMG) in the right hand

By Taylor Kane
A5 Cat's Cradle (Continued) C4 Ale Room
The wights will attack the PCs, and their pet bear will come This room is where all the wine and ale were stored for the
to their aid. The wights will relent if the PCs convince them Cat's Claw. It is all frozen solid now, and this room is similar
that they are here to help restore the Cat's Claw to its former to room A6 in that it gives PCs a level of exhaustion every 5
glory. The undead in the Ruins have a 50% chance to follow minutes spent inside. There is brown mold (DMG) against
the commands of the wights, otherwise they will ignore them the south wall to lower the temperature of the room. If the
and attack (thieves are only so loyal after all, and they've had PCs bring heat into their squares, they are going to be in for a
hundreds of years to stew about their fate here). hurting! There are also two undead here, a ghost (MM) and a
zombie bear+, mimic map, wights banshee (MM).
The ghost is named Melanie and she is neutral good. She
C1 Secondary Drinking Hall was friends with the bansee in life and looks after her now.
Area C1 has a spiral stairway in the southeast leading up to The banshee is called Cait and is completely out of her mind.
area A6. It also has a doorway to the east leading to area C2. She will attack the party as soon as she sees them. She will
The tables here are all dry and cracked. The air is still frigid, retreat only if she gets close to death. Melanie will defend her
but it is incredibly dry, unlike the other rooms of the dugeon friend only if the PCs attempt to slay her. She confides with
that are slightly more dank. the party that the only way to put her friend (and as a result
This room was the secondary drinking hall and has only her) at rest is to defeat or put to rest Lefty (area C7). She
shattered glass around the room, no frozen ale to be found. confides that she cut off Lefty's left hand and hid it inside the
This is because the undead that holds this room is a drunken barrel of wine in the southeast corner, as a favor to try to put
edimmu (TB) and his four zombie (MM) allies. The enemies Cait's spirit to rest. Melanie is good natured and kind, mixed
will prioritize attacking anyone that has liquid on them, up with the wrong crowd. Cait is... well, she's a banshee.
especially alcohol. C5 Torture Room
C2 Dancers' Hall This room was used to torture people who couldn't pay up, or
This is the dance hall. This is where dancing girls would be for the odd interrogation that the thieves would do. There is a
brought out to enterain the patrons of Cat's Claw in between door to the south to area C2 and a secret door to areas C6
gambling. There are tables and chairs all arranged facing a and C7 to the north. The secret door can be opened by
stage up a small set of stairs. Boxes near the stage store old pressing a switch underneath the rug beside the fireplace
and tattered dancers' costumes. A statues of a scantily which swings the the hidden door open. There is also a lone
dressed human is in center stage. There are several doors stool in the room, blood staining the ground around it.
leading to other rooms here: the door to the northeast leads This room also contains the ghost (MM) of a chaotic good
to area C3, the door to the northwest leads to area C5, the human named Dunwold. Dunwold was tortured to death by
door to the southeast leads to area C1, and the door to the Lefty (area C7) right before he caused the cataclysm that
southwest leads to area C4. destroyed the Cat's Claw and left everyone within trapped in
The statue on the stage is actually a woman petrified by the undeath. It was Dunwold who initially brought the Deck here
cataclysm. She is a human named Merna. She is not terribly before Lefty took it from him, mistaking it for a magic tool for
pretty, but she is all the undead here have to look at, so she is cheating. During the intial confusion of the cataclysm's
QUITE popular with the undead in this room. They attack aftermath, Dunwold took the Deck of Many Things (DMG)
any PCs entering, believing they are here to steal their back from Lefty and hid it in area B4. Dunwold will aid the
woman. There are 4 shrouds (TB) and 5 beggar ghouls (TB). players as best as he can, especially if he feels they can get rid
There is also one skeleton (MM) dressed in woman's clothing of Lefty. He will happily show them the secret door if they
that is on stage trying to perform for the undead, though they prove trustworthy and give any other information he can.
are disinterested, knowing that this skeleton is actually that of C6 Room of Passion
a man and they are far too macho for this, despite how
androgynous those bones may be! This room has a rickey bed and two frozen casks of wine
inside. The walls are rocky and blood stains the ground. This
C3 Stash Room room was where the worst of the thieves would take
This is the room used to store all the gold that the Cat's Claw unwilling women and have their way with them. The spirits of
took in. There is a door to area C2 in the east. The boxes in those women are trapped here now and will attack any man
the room are filled with wooden tokens that represent coins. that enters the room. There are 3 specters (MM) here, and
The room also is filled with chests full of real coins. They're their spirits are full of hatred (and rightly so). They will not
all unlocked, since the room was always staffed with guards. attack women unless it is to defend themselves, and they will
In fact, the guards are still here! They are a ghast (MM) and 4 never kill a woman.
ghouls (MM). They aggresively defend the room and will not
let anyone take anything out of the room without permission
from their bosses. The coins in the chests total 1,200 gp.

By Taylor Kane
C7 Lefty's Stage
This is a hidden back stage for private dances and
performances by the thief/bard Lefty. Broken chairs and
tables are mixed with those still intact. A small, wooden stage
is here as well, with a small, wooden set of stairs leading up to
it. Torches are on the wall with the stage and are lit whenever
Lefty is performing.
Lefty (AA) is still here and is the most vengeful of the
undead. He wishes nothing else but the death of all those not
of the guild who enter, believing that all who are not of the
Cat's Claw are his enemies. More than this though, Lefty
wants his left hand returned to him, as well as the Deck of
Many Things. If Lefty receives the Deck, it becomes
incorporeal and is taken by his ghostly hands. Lefty is too
afraid to use the Deck again.
When the PCs first arrive, Lefty is on the stage, performing
a song for three skeletons (MM), though his performance is
quite bad considering he is without his dominant hand. Lefty
will attack as soon as he sees them, since they are obviously
not of the Cat's Claw.
There is an Instrument of the Bards (Doss Lute) (DMG)
thrown against the wall to the north. There are also around
30 gold coins scattered around on the stage.
If the PCs defeat the undead here, they can excavate the site
and reopen it as an outpost or a potential base for
themselves. Otherwise, they may wish to seal the undead
here forever.
Even if the undead are vanquished (and the peaceful ones
put to rest), Lefty may still remain. If Lefty was killed instead
of given what he needs to move on, he will rise again and
puruse the PCs. It can be rather exciting to have him return
as a recurring villain, especially when the PCs are out
figthing some other quest and start seeing crawling claws
(MM) lurking about.

By Taylor Kane
Appendix A
Lefty Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft., one
target. Hit 11 (3d4 + 7) piercing damage. If the target
Medium undead, evil
is a creature against which Lefty has sworn vengeance,
Armor Class 13 (leather armor) the target takes an extra 14 (4d6) slashing damage.
Hit Points 136(16d8 + 64) Instead of dealing damage, Lefty can instead grapple
Speed 30ft. the target by covering them in four Crawling Claws
(MM), provided the target is Large or smaller).
Vengeful Glare. Lefty targets one creature that he swore
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA vengeance against that he can see within 30 feet of
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) him. The target must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving
throw. On a failure, the target is paralyzed until Lefty
Saving Throws Str +7, Con +7, Wis +6, Cha +7 deals damage to it, or until the end of Lefty's next turn.
Damage Resistances necrotic, psychic When the paralysis ends, the target is frightened of
Damage Immunities poison Lefty for 1 minute. The frightened target can repeat the
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with
paralyzed, poisoned, stunned disadvantage if it can see the revenant, ending the
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 13 frightened condition on itself on a success.
Languages Common, Elven
Challenge 5 (9024 XP) Reactions
Backup (recharge 5-6). When a creature makes a melee
Regeneration. Lefty regains 10 hit points at the start of or ranged weapon attack against Lefty, he may
his turn. If he takes fire or radiant damage, this trait materialize a Crawling Claw and have that become the
doesn't function at the start of the revenant's next turn. target for the attack instead.
Lefty's body is destroyed only if it starts his turn with 0
hit points and doesn't regenerate. Legendary Actions
Rejuvenation. When his body is destroyed, Lefty's soul Lefty can take 3 legendary actions, using any of options
lingers. After 24 hours, his soul inhabits and animates below. It can take only one legendary action at a time
another corpse on the same plane of existence and he and only at the end of another creature's turn. Lefty
regains all his hit points. While his soul is bodiless, a regains spent lengendary actions at the start of its turn.
wish spell can be used to force Lefty's soul to go to the
afterlife and not return. Right Hand Men. Lefty creates 5 Crawling Claws adjacent
to him which then immediately move and make an
Turn Immunity. Lefty is immune to effects that turn attack.
Dirge. Lefty lets out a soul-scarring wail. Creatures that
Handy. Lefty is covered in Crawling Claws (MM). They can hear him within 20 feet must make a DC 14
grab and cling to his body, but are incorporeal until he Wisdom saving throw. Those creatures take 7 (2d6)
chooses to manifest them. Each Crawling Claw is left psychic damage, or half as much on a success.
Make Them Loose Lefty sings out to a target that can
hear him within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a
Actions DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or take 13 (3d6)
Multiattack. Lefty makes two dagger attacks. psychich damage and be deafened for 1 minute. If the
target succeeds, they are not damaged, but have
disadvantage against the Lefty until the end of Lefty's
next turn.

By Taylor Kane
Swarm of Scorpions Zombie Bear
medium swarm of tiny beasts, unaligned Large undead, evil

Armor Class 13 Armor Class 8

Hit Points 36(8d8) Hit Points 56(5d10 + 26)
Speed 10ft. Speed 25 ft.

8 (-1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 20 (+5) 6 (-2) 20 (+5) 2 (-4) 6 (-2) 4 (-3)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing Saving Throws Wis +0

Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, Damage Immunities poison
paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses blindsight 10ft., passive Perception 10 Senses passive Perception 8
Languages - Languages -
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature's Undead Fortitude. If damage would reduce the
space and vice versa, and the swarm an move zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution
through any opening large enough for a tiny saving throw with a DC of 5+ the damage taken,
scorpion. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain unless the damage is radiant or from a critical. On a
temporary hit points. success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead..

Actions Actions
Stings. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 0ft., Multiattack. The zombie makes to attacks: one with
one creature in the swarm's space. Hit 7 (2d6) its bite and one with its claws. Bite. Melee Weapon
piercing damage, or 3 (1d6) piercing damage if the Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 12
swarm has half of its hit points or fewer. The taret (1d12 + 5) Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 16 (3d6 + 5)
taking 28 (4d6+4) poison damage on a failed save,
or half as much damage on a successful one.

By Taylor Kane
Credit: By Taylor Kane using Dungeonographer

By Taylor Kane

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