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A: Hello Jorge, where were you in the photo?
B: Hello Erli, in the photo we are celebrating my grandmother's birthday.
A: How old was your grandmother?
B:80 years.
A:How old were you when the event occurred?
B: 13 years old.
A:When did this event occur?
B: That event occurred on July 4, 2018.
A: Where did they celebrate it?
B:We celebrated the birthday at my aunt's house.
A:Why was it important to your family?
B:It was very important since my grandmother is a fundamental person in the family and we
wanted to make her feel happy, since she does a lot for us.
A: Okay, do you remember when you finished high school?
B:Yes, I remember that it ended in 2021, a year where many events happened.
A: Did you have a graduation party?
B:No, because that year the pandemic continued and I didn't know I could have parties due to
the increase in Covid-19 cases, but we did have a virtual ceremony via Zoom between teachers
and students, from our homes.
A: And how was your time?
B: Not also as we expected, since it is not the same as enjoying the party with our colleagues in
person, but it was a pleasant moment.

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