Chapter 48

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"And why are you running away from me Circenn " Kimberly's thick voice suddenly takes up the
space between Naomi and I.

Damn it.

"Aren't you ashamed, haven't you done enough already?

I turn to her, trying to control the rage burning through me.

"Calm down Circen, hear me out"

"You need to hear me out, I want you gone from my life"

Her eyes flashes but she steadies herself maintaining her composure.

"We're talking about your child, I know you hate me, you despise , but your child __

" We both know it isn't mine so stop playing this game"

" I'm not playing any Game,why would I?

"Yes , why would you? there's no reason for you to be here"

" I'm here cos of everything we've shared,every moment"she says.

" For the moment you left me to wallow in pain and misery"

" Circenn"

" I.......

" You'll take yourself and your child out of here to it's rightful place, not here tho , but to exactly
where it belongs"

" It is yours, and you should know it, I missed you Circenn, you can't tell how hard, how painful it
was to stay without you, I missed you so much.

Something twist in my chest as I watch her.

So beautiful , Elegant, exquisite couldn't match up to the beauty standing in front of me, her
blonde hair, blue perfect perfect eyes.

Anyone could get lost staring into them,they are so perfect, she's striking, gorgeous.

Hott and classic

The dress she wore looks quite expensive, her preety long legs in full view.

Her skin , that glowwww, everything about her screams perfection.

She's a model, not just any model , but a very popular one at that.

The reporters could not stop taking shots of her, right from when she walked in.

Her dazzling beauty really did align her as a favourable match.

I could not stop staring, she's perfect, the girl, Circenn onced love.

I couldn't stand the thought as it repeated itself in my head.

He onced loved her,he onced adored her, giving her all of him.

The thoughts of them together close , doing all sort of things together.

It hurts.

There's not a single reason why it should, but yet it did.

"I really miss you so much Circenn"

She repeats.

"I'm tired of all this , I'm tired of hearing your lies Kimberly, I'm so tired of all this"

I stare at Circen, as he runs his hands through his hair,

The tiredness, hurt and anger,I could not only feel them.

I could see it all.

"I'm not lying to you" she continues.

Her eyes directly at him with full focus.

"I'm not lying Circenn, please believe me, please"

She's cunning no doubt, after all she had done to him.

She dare show her face here with a child claiming it to be his.

What did she want from him?

I stare at Circenn.

"I don't care if you are lying or not" Circenn looks at her defiantly, his face not showing a single
trace of emotion.

" I don't care, if you miss me or not " he continues.

"I just want you out, out of my life for good"

" For the child's sake, quit being stubborn "

She glances at me, more like a glare.
She rolls her eyes.

" There's no child between us and there won't be one" he says.

" You left cos I couldn't give you a child and now you're back, what do you take me for?

"The man I've always loved? She replies.

He says nothing, staring at her in disbelief.

" Please excuse me "I say.

My eyes moves tenderly to my boys.

I could not take it in anymore.

The urge to be away from here,my insides clawing me,I couldn't breathe.

I feel circenn's eyes on my face,I look away ignoring his gaze.

Sometimes about his eyes , his gaze softens ,his eyes quite dreamy as he stares at me.

I walk out without looking back, I walk straight to the bathroom.

I couldn't process this feeling.

It's all stress. The only tangible reason I could give as I struggle to breathe.

"Relax Naomi" I say to myself, breathing in and breathing out repeatedly.

"Relax" I continue.

I turn on the tap, washing my hands, feeling the cool water, struggling within myself, replaying
the scene with Circenn and Kimberly.

Willing myself to shut them off my mind.

I could do this ,I can.

Within few minutes,I feel relaxed.

I came out, going straight to where I left them, my boys, Circenn, and Kimberly.

My life torn in bits of complicated twist.

I gasp,as someone directly hits me.

I could swear it was intentional.

"Uhh sorry"

I look up to find a pair of blue eyes staring at me with a cunning smile.

" uhhh I'm sorry, but you know that's what people get for not making proper use of their eyes"

I look down, at the stain on my dress.

I try to ignore her but she walks to my front stopping me.

"Who do you think you are? I wonder what he sees in you"

" Low class , unfashionable and undesirable, how did Circenn's taste in women change?

I say nothing, not really intent on carrying on the conversation.

Inasmuch as I would have love to say something, I feel it best to ignore her.

Sometimes silence is also the best tool.

I walk out feeling her sharp dissapointed gaze.

Another opportunity could present itself,I could get back at her, but not today.

I walk back to the previous spot,I look all around,my eyes darting to and fro, penetrating every

Where is he?

Where do I start looking for him?

There were lots of quest?

Where do I start?

I re-sorted to asking questions.

Ofcourse everyone here knew Circeen.

But yet I could not get a positive reply from the few people I talked with,they had no idea, where
he was.

My boys came to mind,I hope they are safe,I take deep breaths as I turn to continue my search
for them.

I walk through the crowd of guest, till I'm away from them, yet no sign of sign of Circenn or the

I intend to move another section to continue my search, but strong pair of hands hooked on

I turn.


" I've been looking for you everywhere"I say.

He stares at me,his emotions working, I could see the worried frown he has on his face.

"Blake is missing" He says before I could say something else.

My whole body shakes from the impact of his words,I couldn't stand.

"Blake is missing?

" Yes I can't find him anywhere, I've searched everywhere for him, Damn it, I can't find him"
I look down to see Jake, Circen's hands held his, his eyes staring up at me.

" Where's Blake?

"I don't know,I and Dad have searched the entire place for him"

I watch as Circenn looks down at Jake,a small smile displaying on his lips.

He looks pleased or is it all in my head?

I can't think straight.

Blake missing?

I couldn't register it in my head.

It can't be.

My Blake.

My Boy, he can't be missing.

" Blake! Blake! I called out not minding the guest, my heart beating wildly as I found my way
through the crowd in a desperate search for my son.

My precious little boy.

Circenn follows,he shouts Blake's name as he joins me, holding Jake firmly in his hands.

I feel dizzy from shock, my body trembles.

"We'll find him okay?

Circenn's eyes reassures me,he holds my hands, leading us through the crowd of people,as we
check every corner for him.
Suddenly the fire alarm goes off disrupting everything.


" Move outside!

"Get out of the way"


"Everybody out!

" Out!

"Out now!

"The panic, the scream, the tension.

I stopped, tears streaming down my face.

I could imagine it, Blake alone and scared.

Where could he be?

I couldn't bear it.

I look all around as people ran in different direction.

I could picture it , Blake running me, fear in his eyes hugging me tightly.

But it didn't happen, I shivered.

They're precious to me ,my kids, I couldn't afford to loose any one of them.
"Let's go, we'll find him" Circeen pulls me along.
" Don't worry we'll find him"he says softly.

" Wait"he says.

He pulls out his phone, Dial's a number.

" Hello Ralph"

" Please there's a situation here , could you check around for Blake, we've been searching for him
like forever"

I watch him eagerly.

" No sign of him there?

His eyes closes, could he feel this intense pain also?

"Do well to search all around there for me, Call me if you see him"

He hangs up and looks at me.

" Let's go find him"

I let him lead the way as we continue the search, with people running to and fro

It get's more and more intense....

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