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Quinton- , and when he finally



Inside of a quick!! Grab N Go. down near the middle of nowhere. Is a

(You see our main ch quinton)

A tall black kid with a gray hoodie and dried blood on his sweatpants
Black kid: walks around inside the Grab N Go, and is talking and humming to himself.
Calm and relaxed like he's having a quiet conversation with someone.

Black kid: well dad i think that this field trip has been fun, but i've done alunk…. A Lot of
thinking and I think…..I should live alone for a while, becau…. *stops talking because of
people walking in the shop gas station.

He puts in headphones and then continues his speech. He starts walking around the
dry snacks section seeing all of these sketchy and unwanted bags of trail mix, mixed
nuts, and nutty puree. He visibly starts zoning out and staring at the trail mix and hears
two sounds under the blatent elevator music, the ring of the sliding doors open. And
then a drunk couple talking to each other.

Random woman: ohh my fucking gawd do you remember her face, *wheezes while

Random man: hahahaha heheh *starts to wheeze and how she always wanted us to
chip in on her canned….
(he started the words but they both finished it)

Both: tuna business!!!!!

They start laughing while clumsily walking through the backways of the isles. The light
on the drinks section is hitting the side of his face and then he turns to look at the nuts
and acts like he's busy. The black kid began to try and whisper a little quieter than
before and started murmuring.
woman : eheheheheh!! Sh….she fuckin called me on the phone and told me that she
made 25% more profit this year than last year. next day I saw her having a yard sale!!!!

The woman started to slip on the floor and the man grabbed the edges of her pink
hoodie so that she wouldn't fall then she started laughing a bit quieter. They pull each
other a little Then she says i love you then he says i love you. And they swey a little bit
while holding each other. Then they start whispering. Meanwhile Quinton is staring at
them and trying not to attract their attention and still murmuring to himself.

Quinton: And I just think that it's redundant for me to be constantly put on watch. I
think we'd get sick of eachother, and nobody wants that right. And i know that mom
loves me but she just does shit off of instinct.. Sometimes not saying this is a time but
you know what i mean really like… what do i mean exactly *acting like he's on the phone
but not very good i mean like how she…

The couples give him a weird ass look

Woman: pulls her partner to the side

woman:(whispering)You see that guy over there “mpf” “gshmm” look at his fucking face. She begins
to chuckle and then laughs quietly. Who the fuck even dresses like that in ok.

MAN:yea dudes got a fucking staring problem.

He quietly whispers to his partner, i could kick his fucking ass.

You see the black kid start to wince his face a little.

They start to murmur even more and then he picks up a plastic package of [winstons nuts] LLC
® and throws it straight in his face. The package hits his face and it drops and plops down and
hits the floor.

Everything looks like music to him from the isles to the products, the mini tv thats stationed
above him that shows his recording is all music. Little keys and musical notes strung into people
and objects, even the cashier girl.

Kids thoughts: Just black, white, and music…

Then his vision starts to turn blood red and he jumps on the guys neck while he was behind him,
and he took his hoodie off to try and choke him out. The guy lays on his back and grabs a
plunger from the isle right next to him. He batters up the black kid and the black kid's eyes are
terrifying… then in a sudden jolt of energy from the drunk guy he slams the plunger in the black
kid's face..
The black kid started leaking blood and tries to stand up but the woman starts scratching him in
his face and neck, then the kid grabs her face and slams her into the isle and the metal snack
holder that was carrying nerds on it punctures her from the back of her neck and then you see
the grown man start to fye up.

He grabs the kids body from his hips and then slams him into the isle next to him the kid gets
up with his back stabbed from the jagged item holders. blow the kid grabs another container of
nuts and throws them at his face and he starts leaking again. The blood rushes from the kids
head then it starts to drip on his hoodie, he gets back into the actions with a haymaker that was
just a little to short on the aim.

The man launches on him like a tiger ready to pounce he jumps and then lands on his chest.
Grabbing his arms so that he has no more strength in his body anymore. Then the grown man
starts leaning over him with his hands clasped around his neck. Then he starts yelling at him as
we see

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