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Veronica Kissoon


A. Summarize the key points of the video. (overview, do not list/bullet ideas, write)

This video is an interview with Dr. David A. Kessler. According to the CDC, more than 30% of
the adults in the U.S, and nearly 20% of children, are obese, which is 90% people. The number
for people who are overweight, but not yet obese, is much higher and Dr. Kessler says this is a
public health crisis. He claims that this has roots in the way food is made and made available. He
wrote two influential books and the one that is heavily discussed in the video is called, “the End
of Overeating”. In this book, his thesis is that a potent and intentionally developed combination
of sugar, fat, and salt, and some foods, has made them so irresistible, teat our brains have been
rewired to irresistibly crave them. He claims that 3 quarters of us in America are going to die
from cancer, cardiovascular disease, or strokes. He briefly discusses the science behind food not
being a salient stimulus for some people and the power of food. The power of food does not
come simply from taste, but from emotions, memory, the anticipation. Lastly, I will mention that
Dr. Kessler discusses a point in his book that he wrote about in his book, which is that the food
in a restaurant is usually full of sugar, fat, and more sugar. In history, our nation has figured that
to feed a hungry nation, the industry learned to processed foods full of sugar and this goes
against the health of people in our nation.

B. Describe how the content of this video is relevant to nutrition.

Overall, the content of this video is about obesity, the root cause of obesity, and how people
could go about preventing it. This is relevant to nutrition because obesity is a complex condition
that is strongly linked to dietary habits and lifestyle factors. Obesity can lead to many health
problems, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancers, which is discussed heavily in this
video. In order to fight a condition like obesity, one must begin at the roots, which begins with
understanding nutrition and how one can develop healthier nutritional habits. Dr. Kessler does a
great job in discussing how obesity has become so common, where it has come from, and how to
choose healthier nutritional options, so that one can overcome obesity.

C. Discuss your personal insights on the information presented in the

video. Explain how the video influenced your thinking about the topic. You
may include your thoughts on potential application, connection to your
previous nutrition knowledge or personal experience. NOTE: Do not express
your feelings toward the video or whether you "liked it" or "learned a lot" from
it. Instead, use critical thinking skills to RESPOND to the topic/content. of the

I found this video to be very informative and I think I will read Dr. Kessler’s book on overeating.
For him to talk about the psychology of food and why we crave the food we do, which goes
beyond sugar simply tasting good, is very insightful. This video made me think about the food
industry in whole because it seems like the industry is committing a crime against the people
with their push for fast and processed foods that are made so readily available us. Our health
and welfare cannot be prioritized while unhealthy food is also the priority due to profitability.
Hearing Dr. Kessler talk about the biological affects that processed food has created only in the
past 4 decades, really makes me contemplate the future health (not only physically, but
emotionally and psychologically) of the people.

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