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Big marv ch.

Null where is the sandwich

You awaken rusty and tired in your sleep pod, your face is covered in a synthetic skin bassed film and hygernetic
oxygen filters flowing through to your nasal cavity. You whisper off, the film dissolves and the sleek hood of the
pod rushes off of you, standing up in your junior sized pocket dimension.
(witch is basically a football field + the stadium sized cathedral)
You see pictures of your mom dad cousins and mates
and when your walking to your bath house to wash up your stepping over gloorb cans and used bump poppers
and you make it to the bathhouse to brush your teeth and wash your face you see you self in the mirror and
somebody shaved your hair off. You get frustrated and start touching your head like that shits rey help. And then
you check what’s the rotation of colu compared to the sun and you realize your on the 2nd rotation for the day.
You scream out shit and try put on your zinthon suit to exit the dimension you end up putting it on. And then
you activate open access and leave through a portal you leave with your suit leaning off your should.
And your infront on sunam the elder colu is echoing your name out you stand still with fear he says

202 detentions 1056 tardys negative x 18 Us in all classes, and your practicing fornication with the mamal semen
extracter!!! Simulated thunder strikes and fake electricity sparking around your feet your instincts are to flinch
but for your entire life you've never been in real danger so you just stand.
I hear by punish you to banishment by dimensional prisoning. His enlared green head starts to conjure a small
black dot and it zooms into your neck. You will be punihed for 100 year i , then you see the elder colu temu
202 detentions 1045 tardies and fornications with the mammal sperm extractor do you have any thing to say for
your self.

I hear by expell you to a dimensional prison for 100 years or if you find your way back. Jaz you will find the true
meaning of hardship. The floating head of temu is shining a green light and a small black dot appears and
attaches to your neck. Then you get sucked in to a large wormhole.
You wake up in a air bnb

So your in the party and you see that the guy that brought you into the house, stepping into the
bedroom with your “partner” in crime what will you do issue #1 marv. He yells out hey get out
ocupado then he looks around to see that all of his shit is on the floor. What the.? He says
rubbing the back of his head. Roll a dex
I step into the light that's shadowed buy the white dude and his fat lady friend. What do you do
I need you to move out of my way

Tyler:fuck no, not until you put my shit down!!

We cannot do that
Tyler: no dude, your not leaving untill i get my shiii…. You just said we didnt you.

A separate person phasing out of the main body of the criminal in the situation at hand. Then
you see the process of duplication starts out with a ball of flesh that morphed into a person, the
same person that's being caught for stealing. Roll strength. Ahhhhhhh the girl screams and what
do you do?

Robert your infront of these guys with long heads and hair that covers there eyes with tie dye
headbands smiling saying heheheheheh watch this marv. They blow smoke into your face and
your waving it off and it dont work…. Shits in your nose. Cuts to T N TY. your laying down on
the cold hard floor staring into the moon and basking in its light, you clench your fist to get up
then you see your hand crack and crunch with loud dissonance. You yell out waxing and waning
your already busted vocal cords. You stop mid way cause you feel that its no use.

Uou start to contemplate that if kana died and that if it was your fault. You try to raise your hands
up to your head and it beaks down on it self leaving you more of a imobile husk than normal,
you see rex with his large body and stature reigning over your he grew 2ft taller, and is way
more muscular than prior it looks like hes losing his mind. Slamming his hand into the ground
the concrete, screaming out louu!!!!!!!! He picks up a trash can thats infront of the town home
1457 and throws it at the wall of the house, used male adult diapers and old funichi pasta flung
then stuck onto the wall. Still rampaging.

Chris your in the house party trying to enjoy yourself, and you hear arguments being had in the
main room and you hear your drunk ass brother trying to calm a situation down.

You walk into the room thinking about the couple of days you've been having, you think about
ms. laurine and how she would figure out a way to make you take your mind off it, since you've
been 15 shes been calmly distracting you.. With those hazel eyes and long hair and carefree
attitude.. Huh oh yeah your dumb ass brother charlie, you see him arguing with everyone thats
being hostile to the black kid and hes screaming: now everybody callm dwown, he obviously
trying to listen to music outside. Just chill out man. Nah fuck that my boy is saying that he
punched him in the face and tried to run off with his nintendo switch.
Charlie rushes to defend the guy thats stealing the large speaker screaming out thats my friend
and then the group of guys try to rush the speaker and pull it from the thief and your brother and
it doesnt work.. Like at all
Big marv ch.1 the ballot of the alpha and the omega
x ch.5 t n ty: the tall the tame and the terrible
[cutscene] you see men in black suits and with black shades on that have blue hud highlights.
You see. These men walk in with a briefcase and you see this woman with a fatt neck that you
know as the president. Then the two men that are handcuffed to the briefcase and are unlocking
the case

Diego your on your feet and you see that the limited edition nike dunk low retro 4s. And them
hoes were clean. You se a single tear fall down your face. The guy with waves walks up to you
and crys with you and says. Sniff i know i know them hoes was clean. Your were gonna get all
the bitches with that, but theres no mourning for now they will prepare, and we will spin back.
Meanwhile you see the guy in the kickass costume walking around the x jet and geeking out
over the little details. Ohh my god its the real x jet and these are a real x men team, and oh my
god a wolverine claw marks. Oh jesus its the beast lab equipment, and one of cyclops visors is
sitting on the coffee table, oh and a pride cup classic ice man dude i'm actually freaking out. And
then theres rouge like literally rouge he walks up with blood on his suit and walks up on his
knees with his hands cupped begging, please let this be real god or goddess.

Rouge butts in and says yea im real sugar. But you wanna see something cool.
My character bows his head and says it would be a honor my lady. And rouge just laughs and
snorts a little bit. Tyrese looks at him and his eyes start to hurt and rubs them. Then he see the
pink aura all over him. And you see him wax and wayne as he and her are walking out of the
room with her having her arm around him. Tyrese looks around and sees his brother tyrone
laying on this random white kid while the kids brother is crying next to his feet and while the kid
is crying tyrone is yelling at him to stfu and stop crying. He´s gonna make it his vitals are stable

You see the girl with the green spandex is standing over the both of us and try

You look at the projected screen on the left side of the x wing, and you see that its displaying
new york news. 2 in the morning we have first footage of the situation and the nextdoor
neighbors are giving us the story of this destroyed and abandoned neighborhood. We have
stacy green a neighbo upr she says yeah i seen the whole thing and there were these mutants
that were just destroying everything and blowing up houses and stuff. My mom and me were
terrifed but the sentinels came back and ran those guys off but there was this ( cuts her off)
uknow then a jet came and just picked them up and they flew off. And then they show a drawing
of everyone's face.
The man in yellow and blue tights shakes his head in disappointment and starts murmuring to
himself. He sighs And he says we have to tell professor x, hey how you guys get into that
anyway, those were sentinels man those aren't just some random robots. Especially as fresh
mutants arent yall like what 15, 16, 17. Damn you niggas old (nigga im the most freshed
dressed youngin)

Cuts to chris is laying with his hands being held by his brother, while his brother is tearing up
over the fact that he thinks his brother is dead the room is silent and then you open your eyes to
see that your vision is clear. what do you think? You look down at your hands and see that there
covered in this comfortable goo that you cant really just peel off, you squeeze your fist

You hear a voice in your head and it goes. Oh fuck oohhh shit go back to sleep or this is gonna

You see visions in your head about the past and your looking at the last thing youve saw. Your
wondering where your brother is and what hes doing since he flaked on you. You feel
abondonded and betrayed. Youve been bothers with him for about 1 year it feels like. Your
inscriptions of love you gave to him were like pills for you. A partner in crime, someone that can
call you out with out gawking you in mind. But now your all alone… in you own head reading
your thoughts like there a comic book. All on the flat plane of existing you feel bad realizing you
can make yourself anything more than what you are right now stuck

You see your brother in your mind room whatever you think your inner planet is.

Seeing him in a red shirt without any of his stains and glowing brown skin and a black crown
thats crooked on his head, it shakes and twist as my body rushes you in excitment, but still not
falling off from the rotation and spinning. You see him rush and starts jumping like a child on
Christmas finding there favorite toy. The more he leaps and hops twords you the more a red
cape materializez in front of you. Then for the first time you see him fly. Its alot different than
when you saw him with a bullet wound in his stomach. He's taller and more muscular with a
beard on his face, and way longer dreads with his skin a dee[per brown, with theses eyes you
can get lost in, like theres diamonds of love and wisdom deep within them. Like your getting
hugged by the most nostalgic smell you had at daycare…. Before getting kicked out for being
too “extra”.

Making himself it too something new and you look at your now healed arms and see there are
no scars. And you laugh and you start to run twords him and you both are laughing. You didn't
care about the betrayed feeling that you have. And when you try and make a stand and
statement of the situation, you realize you dont care then you crash into his arms and him into
yours, there is nothing but bliss with your best friend, your partner,the only family you got rn.
Then while you are both laughing while floating down to the ground. He looks at you in your face
saying your not dead just chill out. Listen i just wanted to tell you that im gonna try and break
you out okay but its not the me your know its me me in the future but its not a full me its like a
part of me. Eguh you'll get it later but ill teleport you to the main fields of krakoa but when i do
this make sure you tell nobody that you were in mr sinisters… not until he gets killed. And its for
a good reason trust me.
Yeah in 1 day ill teleport you to the field and you be “reunited” with my past self. Love you
tyrone. And im sorry for not saving you. And hey you know what's cool about being in your
He makes a silly face and says you can make anything up, yeaNotaste anything but you can
also he lowers his head and weakly punches you and says fight???. Then he smiles at you
while you realized that the last fight that you've been in you almost died again. For the 2nd time,
but you figure that you would learn something from the experience, then you throw a punch and
all he does is step back, then he says yeah this isnt gonna work unless i give you aura, but this
is some new shit like really. He looks at you seriously and says look at me for a second.

Youy see that his aura changes into this infinitely layered aura with a near infinite amount of
colors that your being shown. Then he laughs and says bruh look at your face and your face
was stretched in awe over his power. And he says nice right i kall it my zero. Its like if god
wanted to show everything it represents in life in a cool light show and a dab up. But i dont think
you would be able to handle it like your brain might flatten. Imagine if a second for you was like
your entire life's worth of time stuffed inside of it. Yeah your not like that yet. But ill give you
alpha aura tho. You start to look confused at him and he says okay so with alpha aura its like a
cloak of who you are personified like to your deepest core. But it also lets you switch and swap
into any aura you can think of, but don't let it take you over.

He walks up towards you and taps you on your shoulder and you feel a warm heat and you start
to imagine your inner form and how cool and edgy you think it would be, you let your brain
runwild with imagination and anticipation. You think your darkest part of your soul will be
realized and how your brother would be scared of you. But then you open your eyes and you
see your brother amping himself so he wouldn't laugh at you and your mode and he holds in a
laugh and says: so i thought it would be cooler. But I guess I was wrong. You start to look at
yourself and see a pink light? Aura surrounds your body ;like armor then you clench your fist
and it disperses, then you see your arms have pink tattoos like it's a sleeve job. You start getting
mad and whining on how your “alpha mode” fucking sucks, and then you think about how its not
even as cool as your arm gattling gun, at least that was cool and practical. But then big ty says
hey stop complaining in your head and look. You open your eyes to shattering hearts made out
of your pink hard light, then you see your gatling arm appear out of nowhere but the more you
think about it the more you can refine it. Like you can make the bullets more explosive, or the
barrel longer and add a scope or something it's up to you. He starts laughing even harder and
says you got a fruity gatling gun oh my fucking god my stomach hurts.

Ah that was a good fight man i missed you, like at least fighting you, and seeing your mode at
this age it was beautiful, its like if this lifetime was a cake this would be like the sprinkles. Then
he says you need to get stronger, like way stronger for kana. And cho and them, cause if not
what will happen in front of you will just end this beautiful person you are now, you start getting
confused imagining the worst thing that could happen there and what is that?? He says in the
future where i came from you went crazy killing villains and heros alike. Nobody mattered it was
all to find your father and you did… and he was dead already you were weeping from the things
you've done and the cities you've destroyed, you felt numb and tried to kill god and you… lets
just say that it didnt work. But that doesn't matter anymore the only thing that does matter right
now is you and your next decision, if your going back to our original reality, if your going to try
and get stronger if your going to visit mom before its too late or weather your good or evil. You
have to put your big boy pants on right now. Cause when i send you back you have to tell me,
well younger me what decision your gonna make. Please at this age i need to know your the
only think i looked up to at this time. Good or evil you were my leader, so where ever you went i
would follow.

Details a good start to tr brother fight

And detail the new omega aura
You get teleported to the middle of krakoa and you see the northern lights in the sky it seems
like krakoa traveled from where it was at to here. Like krakoa is a garden of eden that can
contain itself and relocate. But you start to hear cracks of lighting and

Moon knight side quest

Spiderman showing up and uncovering a conspiracy.

Robert you see us closing in on a island the green shrubbery and trees are expanding infront of
you see the royal blue aura. Then it gets closer and closer and then you see

Robert puts on wolverine suit and fights him for the claws

You get taken to the living quarters and you see all types of females that are mutants and
You see this girl she is crying right now with a mark on her face and theres this blonde girl thats
walking up with this girls she's looking around and I keep my head locked on her face and i ask
who she is and what's going on. She says its fine , then her female friend tries and butts in to
the situation then her face starts leaking and blood spurts out on to her friends clothes. Her
friend steps back and assesses the situation. Then she looks at one of the onlookers and says
go get tony.

What do you do

You see this guy with a large green shirt walk up to you all and the girls and he says dont worry
about tony
Jade: 35/35
Corben: 98/98 hp
Jonathan edwards: 45/45 hp

You walk with colossus seeing all types of mutants doing things you've only seen in movies and
comic books. Flying , having force fields move food and play tennis simultaneously, huge
hulking people wrestling you hear them crash and rumble in the strange black glowing material
on the ground the ground, and the shapeshifters trying to emulate museum statues. and all of
them ju

We walk out and we see that its still daylight with the sun set in the background beaming on our
faces. Then through the light coming from the sun you see kids ages all the way up from
preschool to your age. Running twords the beach and screaming and yelling with excitement in
there voice. there blue and yellow swimming inflatables.
[If they try to ask what there running for] you see them while running saying its typhoon time!!!!
Come on come on! A little girl that couldn't be older than a 1rst grader running up to you and
grabbing your arm pulling you to the sand path pointing to the beach, with her obsidian colored
guardian keeping a black lighted orb following her and it makes a nice hum and tune to the little
girl. She says ill be safe then continues with a

You see two red juggernauts with

You walk up to the x wing seeing kids in cadet outfits doing a type of training that you haven't
seen yet. Danger room training some are training too
. The 3 x teams that frequent in this part of the island
are teams 12, 47 and 29, your 47 you see your crew mates, jj hope, dart with their commander
corben. You see corben lecturing them in attack tactics and there kinda fucking up. While the 3
of them are training and hope shoots a pink blast of energy at dart on accident and hits dart in
the ribs.
Then dart jumps up and and is holding on his stomach saying bitch im bout to beat the fuck out
of you if you keep hiting me You hear hope say. Oh stfu it was a acident you spit on my lip last
time. Bitch come here

Dart jumps up and tries to whip him with his tounge and hope creates a bubble around him and
he slams him on his head cracking the concrete
Then her father walks in the leader of the x men scott lang aka cyclops. He walks into the large
gym with a new team of mutants. He walks up and says oh hello corben didnt see you there

Corben: hello sir

Oh hello icy hot.

Gayzer beam

Fake ass ice man

Over rated flashlight

Old ass man

Cant beat my ass tho

There both preping to fight and cyclops steps back and sighs and says heh almost got my hair
messy but im not here to fight your knockoff ass im here to train my new team.

Corben starts laughing and drops a knee. Then cyclops says whats funny
Ah nothing just the fact that xavier gave you 7 co teams but you fucking failed all of them.
Seems like you cant hold a superhero team unless there absent minded adults.

Cyclops says hey not too much now cause your team sucks without my daughter on there. No
disrespect but what can dart even do. You see corben have veins popping out his neck and he
says well we got a spider person

Cut too gobby and darrel

You walk up to the black and red titanic door, probably taller than your body, with naked
roman women crawling to a man in black armor and red tie lifting him self with the help
of a rope thats spanning up to the top of the doors, you look at the detail of his eyes and
that theres nothing but false mallus. Roll a d100

The door topples down forwards to the entrance of the manor you walk in and you see art
that is older than any art you've seen in any museum or art gallery on tv. You start to
think about your beginning and how you and your family 12 would live in one 2 bed room
apartment, and how every day mamas mama would wait with the remote in her hands till
7:30 to watch global museums on free world tv, daddy grabbing her wheel chair and
shaking it so that she gives up the remote. Now your starting to think that mamas mama
would hate it here. Your seeing paintings of massacres and knights and conquistadors,
battling for int check) suc probably for territory and resources standing over the left over
dead bodies of pillaged villages with woman and children cowering in fear. Then on the
other side is the most perverted sexual models frozen in euphoria.

You walk closer to the stairs and you look up and see a large mural of 1000s of women
giving birth and one man in a suit and tie smiling with glee. Not like a father seing his
kids being born smile,. Like a fox watching its next prey coming closer. It leaves your
nerves on the frits this place makes you want to leave. Roll a wis

HELLO!!!!! Dont leave so soon my new found guest… he walks up with his devilish smile
and fresh outfit his stature is towering over you and you feel his presence staring at you
with a docile calmness and you look at the paintings to break the contact he laughs and
he says you like the para phinellia. Yeah me too took me almost 78 years of artistic
practise and expertise to get what i want to create in perfect harmony with my plans for
it. Waves his hand twords the room and shows you the disturbing wall of paintings and
he says like this for example art isnt art unless you use it for true decor. Just like for
anything what is a couch that you can not lounge on. What is a lounge that you cant
waste space in or a void thats not uhh voided i dont really dont know where i was going
with that donny stop reading this point. Or a piano he turns around and his black
tasseled armor twists in the air walking up to the church piano with those red keys, he
Sits down with a clone of him lifting his cape so he can sit comfortably, and begins
playing dacula music the piano score that comes on in mamas mama museum shows.he
begins with why are you here

You see the dilapidated mr sinister in the dark echos of the room the light of the fire is more and
more surreal the ever changing colors his usual armor with dark rings in his eyes sitting on that
throne with bottles of wine and a golden crown, with wine coming out his mouth and he has long
black hair and a goat t, staring you deep in your eyes with the same. Uncaring false mallus
that the wall did express. His face starts to swirl. Cause the effect of the drugs are
kicking in you see veins popping out of his forehead,

Sigh…. Darrel winchem you come from the depths and slums of zoo oklahoma. After the
great purge of the Underground. Your mother felecia winchem was dying of terminal
brain cancer caused by your uncle taking her medication to seel to get his daily fix

Your eyes start to widen as you see this man reading your life in front of you, hearing
things you've never told a soul. And the more he pauses the more you want to say
something to get … answers. You start to say something and then he reads off with. In
2nd grade darrel started to yell and scream at his teacher because she didn't allow him to
mix his “home made” gasoline, ms bacon told darrel no and he did it anyway the fumes
were so bad without proper ventilation that 5 kids passed out from asphyxiation and had
to be rushed to the hospital. Ms bacons assistant stated that Darrel constantly would
torment kids and staff to prove a point that the children were suffering from, preaching
about how the inner machinations of the schools architecture spacing is flawed and if a
genuinely evil person wanted to … kill us that they can.
Then as i recall the boy laughed and said hell even i could kill you all if i wanted too.,
truly a sinister child.

You see him throw the file with the page cover flying off to the ground so that its
touching the fire. You hear the fire pop and crackle from the file contents touching it. He
snaps his fingers AND a pile of roasted walnuts dropping from the top of his ceiling. He
sighs even more cracking the walnuts with his bare hands. Ive been alive for 157-years.
He continues to eat the walnuts decade have passed, millions have come and faded but
yet i am bored. How could a being of my stature be confined to this era. Living under a
bunch of apeish anarchist that believe that there lives are more just cause they dont have
the foresite to see that we are gods. Then a projector filled with star light glows and
shines on his face his still staring at you.

Having the ability to mold the world as we see it. Taking the extra clay we have over the
average man and using it to change the world. Living in A boiling pot filled with sheepish
wolves that are too scared to jump out of the stew to kill the cook and eat him. Ive been
waiting for you my lucky boy. My solomon. If you belive that youy are worth having the
power to change the world as you see fit my, curious Solomon, you must stay for tea.
Your mouth is gaping with euphoria from the drugs that you've been dosed with. Droping
to your knees. I will give you my final gift for you only to receive. you will learn wisdom
plenty my solomon. I pray you are strong. While you are kneeling off the drugs, your
palms are open he drops down toyour hands and holds them. And taps the tip of his
thumb 3 times and it turns a glow in the dark green and he draws a spade in your palm,
Because this was
he lements and starts to preach with your hand up to his mouth
in your heart, and you have not asked riches or wealth or honour or
the life of your enemies, nor have you asked long life; but have asked
wisdom and knowledge for yourself, that you may judge My people
over whom I have made you king chronicles 2 1:11
the red hot chemical burn you feel on your hand is a superficial sting. Making you bounce back to reality, seeing the
brand that he put on you feeling numb and scared he says and it shall begin…..

YOU AWAKE in a dark room with a hot brease that's hitting on your face and a mist of hot water. You feel like your
starving like you haven't eaten in years. Your tied to a obelisk that has writing that's like mini spikes on your back
Hours go by. And you hear nights by frank ocean in the background and feet stomping towards your cell. The effects
of the drugs are still running in your system, you see things start to run at you, then the whispering starts to happen.
They tell you things but you know its a hallucinogenic effect from the drugs. Then the stomps get closer and closer to
your room then it stops, and you hear a door get throwed open, then you hear knives and forks scraping on plates then
the door closes. Your stomach starts to growl but you're used to this.

You start to remember how it was when you were back at the zoo, you used to have this friend named delilah.. Delilah
was one of the most funny people you've ever met. She was skinny and hard headed with that heart shaped birthmark
under her left cheek.

You both used to steal from corner stores and supply shops for lab equipment and snacks for each other cause your
family used to be running off of food stamps, and not everybody would eat. You both would do the craziest shit ever.
But one day when you both went to herts a hardware that was on 11th on gale and you were trying to get
motherboards and styrofoam to try and complete the hacker challenge that was live in the world at that time. She was
way more lively on that day, you stole the equipment and left for the store and she didnt want anything. And she's the
fattest person you've ever met.

Then after that day all she use to do is sleep in and when you do see her its like she's getting smaller and smaller. It
used to fuck with you like all the time to the point that you wouldnt eat cause she wasnt.
The door starts to open and the crescendo of the door shows the lights and it blinds you and you see mr sinister
bathed in red light. With an aura of malice and malevolence.

He doesn't say anything and too little girls one was a black girl and white girl right next to her, both with his red eyes
but not with his evil staining the sight. They look innocent and they each drop a plate of food in front of you. You see
the white girl has your favorite food mama would make for you. and Bbq Steak and pork sandwich. You remember
those days when the first of the month came and you and your mama would go to joes and she would let you pick
anything you would want then you would always pick pork butt and steak. Joe would always give you a soda cause
him and your mama go way back. Then theres a wagyu steak on the black girls plate, with a bottle of pinot brahm wine
right next to it expensive stuff. The chain around your neck forcing you to see the 2 girls run away laughing towards
mr sinister. And him looking down on you with pity and he grabs a box walks into the left corner of the dark room and
sits try to pay attention as much as you possibly can. But the sweat from your hair and the top of your head
leaks down into your eyes and it stings. And then he says Eat while watching
You try and move your dehydrated and starving body to the food and water, reaching for the ties around your neck
then they dissolve. He says the minnesota starvation experiment was enacted around the 1940s i was one of the
lead researchers for a side of the experiment that isnt shown on the tele, or on a simple web search. I was in charge
of how starvation would effect anomalous personnel witch is what the morons called us back then. Ive conducted a
similar experiment in 1912, knowing that the effects of starvation ends the same for us as it does them. But i didnt
care cause i was so intrigued, they put mutant children in an enclosed area with and starved them for every 2
months straight they havent eaten we would drop a package of rotten fish meat in the middle of the enclosure.
There anger and frustration would grow and grow. From bitter arguments to brutal tribal disputes then to one side
committing horrors on the other side. From rapes to torture. It was brutally enlightening cause the mutant tribe
would have one of there own die, then they would kill around 40 of the humans. Then to level the playing field we
gave the humans guns and ammo. Sides started to get signs of shell shock, some would break off from the main
tribes to develop a religion on the aircrafts that would drop the fish meat. But thats a long story. The experiment
lasted around 1 year. The population of 1000 children were subsequently gone…. Wiped off the map. But there was
one mutant child that somewhat evolved from the experience. He didnt have a name and he had a rather common
ability, flame manipulation. but i followed him around the enclosure with my invisa watch. He was a child that
instead of crying about being taken from his family, he relished in his environment he adapted…. By the end he was
the only one standing. He survived by eating the dead bodies of his fellow mutants and of the humans that have
been killed by him or starved to death. I turned off my invisa watch so he could see me for the first time he
immediately activated his flames covering himself in them with blood red flames. used his new found abilities to
try and kill me. But i “stopped him”

Your left arms chain is fully dissolved. Still trying to grab at the food. You dont have the strength to move anymore
you used it all up on rushing to be free
I ripped the child's arm off for trying to burn me. Then I see him left there defeated. All that vigor to live in his eyes
left, and the one and only words we ever exchanged started with him saying. Can I get a rob Dylan burger?
I said no your going to have to die now, you've been fighting your entire life havent you boy, but i like you sorry my
child . and he didnt cry he started laughing screaming cussing at me then he started laughing louder and louder.
Then his hair turned blood red. And he burned so bright my nose hairs caught on fire. That day I looked in his eyes
and didnt see a child. I saw a king, something worth living to change the world. And so I helped him escape.
He wouldn't waste food neither should you. He grabs both plates and walks towards the red light of the door. His
shadow blocking the red light is like how you think death will grace you. He drops the 2 plates on the ground at the
edge of the door and he says eat my lucky solomon

You awake with piss and shit all in your pants. Seems like you passed out from exhaustion and you havent had any
water or even spit to rejuvenate your mouth with liquids, you smell something horrible and you start to look around
and see a dead carcass of a cow with its guts pulled out and dried brown blood around it. Roll a wis to see if you dont
throw up. Dc 20+ you throw up on your stomach and all on your pants that are already filthy. And then that red light
gets shined on your face again and you see mr sinister in a strange outfit. And hes just standing there, maybe it was
the drugs still in your system or the heaps of sweat in your eyes but it looked like he was shining and his face was
illuminated with golden light and his eyes glowed a orange hue. Your scared on what hes going to do. Your character
is channeling his fear into aggressiveness to lighten his inner horror. What does he say

You feel your self getting kicked in your stomach, pushed further into the mini spikes on the obelisk, whatever the
words are there in your back now bleeding into your pants and you cry out in pain cause its hitting each one of your
central nerves. You see yourself crying in pain then its back to anger. You start to egg him on to hurt you more and for
him to take the chains off for you and for him to end it once and for all. But he doesn't even budge in your act of rage
and just keeps staring at you. The chains dissolve and he says you stink, and claps his hands then women in skimpy
out fits start laughing and giggling as they lift you up with one arm each.

They say yea this boy does stink, he smells like shit. Heheh the other one laughs at you and says its not his falt cause
hes been here as long as we have, the girl with the sin spade on her hair looks at you in worry, she says oh my god.. i
been here since I was a girl, Then the one with the spade on her forehead says oh my god in surprise and worry. And
the other girl just says yeah, then the girl with the spade on her forehead says that you will be okay cause were gonna
have fun. You wanna have fun don't you? What do you say okay she smiles and you get taken through a large hallway
that's all in pink and white, with a door that has a pink heart on the top of it.

You smell soap and perfume. And then you hear women laughing inside. They open the doors and the bright
light blinds you and your eyes can't adjust, Then you see all of these girls in skimpy bathing suits in this huge
bath looks like that one scene from coming to america. And your seeing all of this and your heart feels a
little lighter pain coming from your back or not. You didnt care. You've spent this time captured
You figure why not right your gonna die anyway. Then the girls whisper in your ear that your gonna be washed and
have new clothes for you, okay i know that your thirsty and really hungry so ill get you a cup, then you look at her like a
feral dog, snarling and growling, gen she says okay im guessing thats a yes! With a awkward smile. She says im
Veronica by he way, stripped naked and positioned in a vacuum tube with clean pristine washing technique makes
you feel cleaner than a (make your voice weird) baby's bottle. Eugg the drugs it seems like the dosage is higher. Your
head starts to whitent. Like smarts arg gone, everything is muffled too you. Then your clean, you see the duo grab
your week body up and hauls you to the bathtub. You see all these women laughing and playing in the water theres
sitting on the top layer of the bathtub your so out of it that you think that in the foam, hearts of smoke are rising up
What do you do

You get the girl with a spade on her fore head takes your hand but not aggressively like how a mother leads her child.
You think that your head is gonna be spinning over how crazy this all has been, you stumble over your feet. And the
spade girl gasps and rushes to lift you up and the other girl say jesus hes fine hes just had to much from partying.
Then the spade girl starts yelling at her and saying, PARTYING!!!! Do you think someone would be held up in a hot
room beaten with blood coming out of his back would be FUCKING PARTYING!!!, jesus carol i mean do you have a
even small part of u that has common sense, the other girl says what im just going off of what mr sin said. Well he
doesnt look like a guest thats just staying her for 12 days now is he. NOW!! Go get his food and water. The other girl
walks up and says im telling him this and everything too, she walks up with a dead seriousness and puts her finger on
her lip. And says just cause you his favorite doesnt mean that you cant be touched. Spade girl says get your grimy
finger off my face. I will tell him what you've been watching on rubys phone, the other girl says you wouldnt!! Yep get.
The. food. She storms off out of the tub. with this angry look on her face, then the girl with the spade on her forehead
is grabbing supplies to start cleaning you up and trying to comfort you somehow, she’s not good at it but shes trying
but shes looking at you and seeing you frown and she starts tickling you in your sides and neck, roll a dc of wis. Then
she starts asking
Then the more girls that are laughing and playing and they all turn around and roll a luck and they all say is that the
guest, ooohh hes kinda cute. All of them with those red eyes. They all start rubbing on you and what not trying to feel
your skin. The room starts getting quiet and your tripping major balls rn seeing unicorns and applications to deadpool
inc. seeing his fake ass spiderman mask. You hear footsteps get louder and louder, then they reab the door you see
mr sinister walk with purpose twords the door of the tub room then black chains push open the door and you hear a
loud thump on the door. Then you see him with the same outfit he got brung you in. Your getting worried and
confused, you see him raise himself up with the chains with his arms streched out. He snaps then the lights start to
fade into a pink hue Then you see all those girls start undressing, then you hear music thats hipnotising
Write key points
Delilah getting cloned
Sex with the finest celebrities
And disobedience that gets someone's head cut off
And him waking up with a dead rotting cow in the room wit him
Multiple intellect
Adaptive intelligence

I see you, i see you all… humans but no humanity. You all see yourself as people, an
conglomerate of philosophy and ideals of the past generations. To follow their footsteps into a
blind dark future, for either solidarity of living amongst your kind or ERADICATION of the other
race! Its sickening to see you all bicker and fight for your freedom. Ḧe starts to rip at his xmen
uniform leaving nothing but tattered rags of his top half laying down next to his waist.
He begins walking up to the middle of the crowd and begins floating ̈ free from what! Fear, of
uncomfortability, of death.. Hehehe thats it your afraid of your people being killed, death is not
the thing to be scared of children!!! Hah hah haaaaa! Ice starts covering himself and the terrain
around him makes this boiling/slash sound and perma frost appears. Under and on him he is a

The rob dylan

A burger with pepper jack cheese, Iceland lettuce, and indian tomatoes, all covered with a fat
ass layer of 4 bacon strips. With a special “love” sauce on top the buns are
The valey of stone
Spinnerette library
Blue zone of space

Mermaids mansion
16 dungeon to 20
21 a steep hill that has a orb size hole in the middle of it
22 a town of raiders and cannibals with dead bodys strung up on pikes with a wall of skulls and
helmets all around it


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