The Impact of Gender Discrimination On Society

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Name: Fritz Patrick F.


Grade: 10

Date: April 1, 2024

The Impact of Gender Discrimination on Society

Discrimination is the the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of

people, especially on the grounds of age, sex, or disability. Gender discrimination
is often rooted in preconceived, false societal and personal notions about what
gender is, how gender "should" look, or how gender is performed. For example,
many people inaccurately believe that someone's biological sex always
determines their gender and therefore their attitudes and behaviors. Gender
Discrimination happen often in personal, family and social relationships, but also
in institutions and in public policies, and affects not only women and girls, but also
men and boys.

One of the most common type of discrimination we can experience or what other
experiences is gender discrimination. The affects of this in society is girls become
exposed to the possibility of child marriage, teenage pregnancy, child domestic
work, poor education and health, sexual abuse, exploitation and violence. It really
affect the mind set of the youth because they can get an idea to others who
discriminate other genders. Discrimination in gender can lead to lose respect in
other genders, it also can lead to not giving each genders a equality and treat
every kind of gender differently.

If ever we get a chance to stop or prevent the discrimination from happening a lot
of things can change, first of all we might all get what we most want the
"Equality" equality is really big impact in our society for example in your working
place you can get treated by the same way as everyone in the work place and get
a same salary as every people who work at the place your working on. All genders
can finally have the same rights as the other genders have. As if this progress
continue we might earn the understanding of other genders to agree with the
other genders and leading us to understand each other. Having no discrimination
in our genders can lead to a even greater economy, and makes our communities
safer and healthier. This can maybe make the all genders cooperate to other

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