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Warlock Patron:

The Mirror Lurker

ou have made your pact with a shadowy entity
that dwells within reflections, a creature that
exists on the precipice of our world and the
unknown depths beyond. It peers into our
reality from the other side of the glass,
offering glimpses into the secrets that lie
beyond reflections

Steal Form
At 1st level, you gain the ability to, as an action,
magically appear as a creature you can see.
You replicate their appearance, body type, voice, and
any belongings on their person, though none of your
statistics change.
You can choose to appear exactly as the target or only
manifest some features, such as the colour of their eyes.
If the target creature is size large or greater, you appear
as a medium size version of that creature.
The changes wrought by this ability fail to hold up to
physical inspection. For example, if you take the form of
a creature smaller than you are, the hand of someone
who reaches out to touch you would bump into you
while it was seemingly still in midair.
To discern that you are disguised, a creature can use its
action to inspect your appearance and must succeed on
an Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell
save DC.
This transformation lasts for 1 hour or until you use this
ability again.
Also at 1st level, you learn to replicate not only the form
but the abilities of your foes.
When you see a creature whose form you’ve taken as
part of Steal Form make an attack, cast a spell, or use
an ability, you can use your reaction to replicate that
same action against the creature.
The triggering attack, spell, or ability must be an action
or bonus action, target a single creature and, if it is a
spell, be of a level for which you have spell slots.
After resolving the triggering action, the creature
immediately makes the same action targeting itself,
using its own statistics.
For the purposes of this action, the creature is
considered within normal range.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses after
finishing a long rest.
Snow White by Naarringe
Mirror Step Amalgamation
At 6th level, you gain the ability to invisibly mark Upon reaching 10th level, you can use Steal Form to
reflective surfaces such as still water, polished metal, or become a twisted amalgamation of up to three different
mirrors, that are at least 10 inches in diameter. creatures you can see, gaining visual traits from all
These magical marks remain until dispelled, dismissed chosen creatures.
as an action, or the surface becomes non-reflective. As an amalgamation, you count as having taken the
You can have a number of these marked surfaces equal form of all targeted creatures for the purposes of
to your proficiency bonus. Reflection.
Using an action, you can touch a reflective surface to Negation
project a magical illusionary image of yourself within 10 At 10th level, when using the Reflection ability, you can
feet of a marked surface. choose to negate all effects of the triggering attack,
This reflection lasts for 10 minutes or until you end the spell, or ability.
effect as an action. While this effect is active, the Once an effect is negated in this way you must complete
marked surface shines brightly and gives off a subtle a long rest before doing so again
hum audible within 500ft.
Mirror Mastery
Your projected image has AC 5, 1 hit point, no bonus to
saving throws, and is immune to all conditions. At 14th level, you have mastered mimicry.
You can see, hear, speak, and cast spells from the When you see a creature whose form you’ve taken as
image’s location as if you were standing in its space. As part of Steal Form make an attack, cast a spell, or use
a free action on your turn, you can mentally command an ability, you can use this ability to use Reflection.
the image to move up to 30 feet. When using Reflection in this way, the triggering action
If the image moves more than 500 feet away from a or bonus action can be any attack, spell, or ability,
marked surface or is reduced to 0 hp, it vanishes. regardless of number of targets or spell level.
If the image vanishes before the effect has ended, the In addition, you can choose the creature or location the
marked surface becomes unmarked. reflected attack targets.
After using this ability to project an image, you must You must be able to see point or target you choose.
finish a long rest before you can use it again After using this ability, you must finish a long rest before
you can use it again.

Inside By LatteaChatte

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