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© 2009 by www.AmigurumiParadise.blogspot.

Please do not redistribute, resell, and/or translate pattern into another language for reselling;
including publishing on the internet. Do not sell the finished dolls on the internet.
Feel free to sell your Amigurumis in your local stores/bazaars!
Easter Egglings Pattern © 2009 by

Skills level: easy – medium

You should already be familiar with crocheting in rounds and working with different kinds of stitches. There is
no basic crochet tutorial included. Special stitches you will need to know: back/front post double crochet,
crab stitch.
For up-to-date information, free patterns, interesting links and other tutorials please visit my blog:

If you have any questions about this pattern or problems while making your Egglings, feel free to contact me!

Materials Abbreviations
US notation
− colors of yarn/wool and additional materials
are listed at the beginning of each individual st stitch(es)
pattern sl st slip stitch
− crochet hook in fitting size (I used 3.0 mm) ch chain
− filling sc single crochet
hdc half double crochet
− pink powder for cheeks (e.g. chalk, make-up)
dc double crochet
− sewing needle, embroidery needle, scissors,
stitch marker, craft glue (if needed) tr treble
BPdc back post double crochet
FPdc front post double crochet
inc increase (2 sc in next stitch)
dec decrease (2 sc worked off together)
BLO back loops only
FO fasten off

Hook size
I recommend using a hook that’s smaller than for “usual” crochet works because you should keep the gauge
as tight as you can so that the stuffing doesn't show through.

Yarn and Wool

I mostly use “Catania” from Schachenmayr ( and “Cotton Quick” from Gründl
( It's a 4-ply fingering weight cotton yarn with a specified gauge of 36 rows and
26 sts = 10 cm (about 9 rows and 6.5 sts = 1”) and recommended hook sizes of 2.5 to 3.5 mm.
My gauge (for single crochets in round):
8 rows and 7 sts = 1” with 3.0 mm hook and 7 rows and 7 sts = 1” with 3.5 mm hook

I measured 22 WPI for this yarn.

WPI = wraps per inch: To measure the WPI of your yarn, wrap it around
a pencil, a ruler or something else, until it reaches 1 inch. Then count the
number of wraps you have.

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Easter Egglings Pattern © 2009 by

Some tips for making your Egglings

− I recommend beginning all rounds with an adjustable ring.

− Rounds are worked in a continuous spiral; do not join rounds with a slip stitch, unless indicated.
− You may find it useful to use a stitch marker for counting your rounds.
− When stuffing your Eggling (or parts of it), take care to give each part a nice shape, don’t just put the
filling in randomly.
− I also recommend taking your time when making (embroidering) your Eggling’s face. The face is a very
important part and gives character and expression to your little creation. (I usually spend a lot of time for
this part on every single Amigurumi…)

Note: All figures are made from one basic pattern for body and feet (if they have some).

Basic Pattern: Body (Egg)

Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: inc around (12)
Round 3: (sc, inc) repeat around (18)
Round 4: sc around (18)
Round 5: (2 sc, inc) repeat around (24)
Round 6: sc around (24)
Round 7: (3 sc, inc) repeat around (30)
Round 8 – 13: sc around (30)
Round 14: (3 sc, dec) repeat around (24)
Round 15: (2 sc, dec) repeat around (18)

Now would be a good time for attaching safety eyes if necessary. Embroider face, stuff a bit.

Round 16: (sc, dec) repeat around (12)

Round 17: dec around (6) or: sc in every 2nd st (6)

FO, leave a long yarn tail, stuff firmly, shape the egg, weave yarn tail through front loops of last round and
pull tight so that the hole is closed; weave in loose end.

Basic Pattern: Feet (make 2)

Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: inc around (12)
Round 3 – 6: sc around (12)
Round 7: (2 sc, dec) repeat around (9)
Round 8: sc around (9)
Round 9: (sc, dec) repeat around (6)

FO, leave a long yarn tail; stuff as indicated, put the open end flat together, close the hole, and sew to body.

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Easter Egglings Pattern © 2009 by

1. Duckling

− yarn/wool in yellow and orange
− embroidery floss in black

Work basic body in yellow.

Feet (make 2)
Work basic feet in orange.
Do NOT stuff, sew to body.

Wings (make 2) + Tail

With yellow:
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: (sc, inc) repeat around (9)
Round 3: (2 sc, inc) repeat around (12)
Round 4 – 5: sc around (12)
Round 6: (sc, dec) repeat around (9)

FO, leave a long yarn tail, do NOT stuff, sew open

ends together, sew wings and tail to body.

With orange:
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: (sc, inc) repeat around (9)
Round 3: (2 sc, inc) repeat around (12)

FO, leave a long yarn tail, do NOT stuff (or stuff only slightly), flatten a bit, and sew to face.

− Embroider eyes with black embroidery floss.
− Take a bit of pink powder and apply cheeks using a paintbrush.
− Hair: attach 2 pieces of yellow yarn on the head, make a knot,
and cut at desired length.

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Easter Egglings Pattern © 2009 by

2. Bunny

− yarn/wool in brown
− embroidery floss in black and pink
− yarn in white or ready made white pompom

Work basic body in brown.

Feet (make 2)
Work basic feet in brown. Stuff front part of each foot (not the whole foot).

Ears (make 2)
With brown:
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: (sc, inc) repeat around (9)
Round 3: (2 sc, inc) repeat around (12)
Round 4 – 9: sc around (12)
Round 10: 3 dec, 6 sc (9)

FO, leave a long yarn tail, do NOT stuff, sew open ends together,
sew ear to head (decreases of round 10 are on the inside of the ear).

Arms (make 2)
With brown:
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: (sc, inc) repeat around (9)
Round 3 – 5: sc around (9)

FO, leave a long yarn tail, do not stuff (or stuff only slightly), sew to body.

Finishing (Another idea for embellishment.)

− Embroider eyes with black and nose with pink embroidery floss.
− Take a bit of pink powder and apply cheeks using a paintbrush. Also apply some powder on the inside of
the ears and a very little bit on the bunny’s tummy.
− Make a pompom of white yarn/wool (or use a ready made one) and make a tail out of it.

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Easter Egglings Pattern © 2009 by

3. Chick in nest

− yarn/wool in white, orange, red, brown
− embroidery floss in black

Work basic body in white.

Note: The chick has no feet.

Wings (make 2)
With white:
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: (sc, inc) repeat around (9)
Round 3: (2 sc, inc) repeat around (12)
Round 4 – 5: sc around (12)
Round 6: (sc, dec) repeat around (9)

FO, leave a long yarn tail, do NOT stuff, sew open ends together, sew wings to body.

With orange:
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: (sc, inc) repeat around (9)
Round 3: (2 sc, inc) repeat around (12)

FO, leave a long yarn tail, do not stuff (or stuff only slightly), sew to face.

Note: Work these 4 tr off together!
With white:
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: inc around (12)
Round 3: sc, inc, sc, hdc, (2 dc, 2 tr) into next st, ch 3, (sl st, ch 4, 2 tr) into next st, (2 tr, ch 4, sl st) into next
st, ch 3, (2 tr, 2 dc) into next st, hdc, sc, inc, sc

FO, leave a long yarn tail, sew to body, weave in loose ends.

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Easter Egglings Pattern © 2009 by

With red: ch 6
Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, 4 sc; turn
Row 2: ch 3, 2 dc worked off together into 1st sc, ch 3, sl st into 2nd sc, ch 3, 2 dc worked off together into 3rd
sc, ch 3, sl st into 4th sc, ch 3, 2 dc worked off together into last sc, ch 3, sl st into last sc
FO, leave a long yarn tail, sew to head.


− Embroider eyes with black embroidery floss.

Basket (Nest)
With brown:
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: inc around (12)
Round 3: (sc, inc) repeat around (18)
Round 4: (2 sc, inc) repeat around (24)
Round 5: (3 sc, inc) repeat around (30) J JOIN round with sl st
Round 6: ch 3 at beginning of round; in BLO: dc around (30) J join with sl st
Round 7 – 8: ch 3 at beginning of round; (FPdc, BPdc) repeat around (30) J join with sl st
Round 9: ch 1 at beginning; crab stitch (= reverse single crochet) around (30)

FO, weave in loose ends.

Now your chick is ready to breed in its tiny nest! ☺

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Easter Egglings Pattern © 2009 by

4. Butterfly

− yarn/wool in light pink, pink, red, green
− embroidery floss in brown and red
− some pipe cleaner in a nice color

Work basic body in following colors:
Round 1 – 8: light pink
Round 9: red
Round 10: pink
Round 11: red
Round 12: pink
Round 13 – 17: red
Ö Note: You may want to join rounds to get tidy looking color changes.

Wings (make 2)
With green:

Small lower part

Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: inc around (12)
Round 3: (sc, inc) repeat around (18)
Round 4 – 6: sc around (18)
Round 7: (sc, dec) repeat around (12)

FO, break yarn, lay aside.

Big upper part

Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: inc around (12)
Round 3: (sc, inc) repeat around (18)
Round 4: (2 sc, inc) repeat around (24)
Round 5: (3 sc, inc) repeat around (30)
Round 6 – 10: sc around (30)
Round 11: (3 sc, dec) repeat around (24)

Ö In Round 12 you will crochet the 2 parts of the wing together and make one piece out of them:
Round 12: (2 sc, dec) for 3 times; Ö then take the small part of the wing and work (2 sc, dec) for 3 times
around it; work (2 sc, dec) for another 3 times on the big part of the wing (27)

[ continued on next page… ]

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Easter Egglings Pattern © 2009 by

[ … wing continued ]

Round 13: sc around (27)

Round 14: (7 sc, dec) repeat around (24)
Round 15: sc around (24)
Round 16: (2 sc, dec) repeat around (18)
Round 17: sc around (18)

FO, leave a long yarn tail, close the hole, and sew the 2 wings
together (see picture on the right).

Then sew the wings to the body.

Note: If your wings don’t lie flat, you can iron them very, very slightly (with steam)
or damp it and let it dry with some weight on it.


− Embroider eyes and eyelashes with brown and mouth with red embroidery floss.

− Take a bit of pink powder and apply cheeks using a paintbrush.

− Antennas: Take 2 pieces of pipe cleaner, put them into the top of the head and wind them a bit.

− Attach some yarn or ribbon on the head (or top of wings) for hanging up.

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Easter Egglings Pattern © 2009 by

5. Bee

− yarn/wool in white, yellow, brown
− embroidery floss in red
− craft eyes (I used 4.5 mm black plastic half balls)

Work basic body in following colors:
Round 1 – 3: brown
Round 4 – 8: yellow
Round 9 – 10: brown
Round 11: yellow
Round 12: brown
Round 13: yellow
Round 14 – 17: brown
Note: You may want to join rounds to get tidy looking color changes.
When closing the hole, weave the yarn tail through the front loops of last round and pull tight and towards
the outside so that you get a nice little spike. Then weave in loose end.

Wings (make 2)
With white:
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: inc around (12)
Round 3: (sc, inc) repeat around (18)
Round 4 – 5: sc around (18)
Round 6: (sc, dec) repeat around (12)
Round 7 – 8: sc around (12)

FO, leave a long yarn tail, close the hole, and sew to body.

Antennas (make 2)
Cut about a 30 cm (12 inches) length of brown yarn and fold it in half. Stick the crochet hook in one hole
and out another on the head (around a stitch). Grab the yarn with the hook and pull a small loop of the yarn
through. Keeping the hook in the loop, hook the two sections of yarn and pull another loop through the first
(like you are making a crochet chain with 2 yarns).
Ch 4 (or repeat until the antenna is the length you like).
Pull tightly to end and cut yarn to desired length.

− Attach (or embroider) eyes, embroider mouth with red embroidery floss.
− Take a bit of pink powder and apply cheeks using a paintbrush.

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Easter Egglings Pattern © 2009 by

6. Freddie Blue

− yarn/wool in white, light blue, blue
− embroidery floss in red
− craft eyes (I used 6 mm black safety eyes)

Eyes (make 2)
With white:

Round 1: 6 sc J join with sl st; ch 1

Round 2: inc around (12) J join with sl st

FO, leave a long yarn tail, lay aside.

Work basic body in light blue.
When reaching Round 13/14, attach eyes: put safety eyes through the crocheted part of the eyes (between
round 1 and 2), then attach them to the body. Sew eyes to body.

Feet (make 2)
Work basic feet in blue. Stuff front part of each foot (not the whole foot).


− Embroider mouth with red embroidery floss.

− Hair: attach 2 pieces of blue yarn on the head, make a knot, and cut at desired length.

− Take a bit of pink powder and apply cheeks using a paintbrush.

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Easter Egglings Pattern © 2009 by

7. Stripy Eggling

− yarn/wool in light pink, white, orange, red, green
− embroidery floss in black and red
− pink felt

Work basic body in following colors:
Round 1 – 3: red
Round 4 – 7: light pink
Round 8 – 9: red
Round 10: white
Round 11 – 12: orange
Round 13: white
Round 14 – 17: green
Note: You may want to join rounds to get tidy looking color changes.

Feet (make 2)
Work basic feet in green. Stuff front part of each foot (not the whole foot).


− Embroider eyes with black and mouth with red embroidery floss.

− For cheeks: Cut out two little circles of pink felt; glue and/or sew to face.

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