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Vanessa in Mexico Week 3

Let’s Practice!

Let’s request some information in Mexico City!

Instructions: Draw a line from the first part of the statement on the left
to the second part on the right.

1) Excuse very much.

2) Can you I do on a Sunday?

3) Any me?

4) What can help me?

5) Thank you attractions to see?

Let’s Practice!

Vanessa wants to know where to go. Where does she go?

Instructions: Organize the mystery sentences. Write each word in the correct

1) I/How/market?/do/get/the/to

2) station./can/You/take/General/the/Anaya/Metro/to

3) Plaza/Use/Hidalgo/the/exit.

4) north/on/Street./Hidalgo/Head

5) market/your/The/on/left./is

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