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Ingles II

“Actividades en la empresa”

Heinz Katny Valenzuela.

Escuela de administración y negocios, Instituto profesional de Chile.
Ingeniería en Administración de Empresas.
Módulo N° 1, epe 1
Profesora: Gladys Solorza Pérez.
30 de mayo de 2022.

Ingles II

Next we will carry out three related activities in the context of a company, create a
dialogue, make 10 sentences and create an audio between Jorge and Martha's dialogue.

Actividad Evaluativa M1 (EPE 1)

Ingles II

Actividades en la Empresa

Instrucción general de la actividad:

La siguiente actividad será presentada en inglés en su totalidad de manera que usted se

vaya familiarizando con los términos y las palabras aprendidas.

Jorge es el director de recursos humanos de la empresa “Tecno Activa” y le ha pedido a la

directora de Finanzas Martha, que le apruebe unos recursos para iniciar un plan de
capacitación para todo el personal. En este sentido se requiere que:

1. Elabore un diálogo en inglés entre Jorge y Martha que simule la situación

anterior. Al menos debe establecer 3 líneas de diálogo en la conversación para
cada uno de los involucrados.

Jorge: Good morning Martha, will the budget for training be approved?

Martha: The budget is approved by management, but we need to coordinate a

meeting to define points.
Jorge: Ok, could you tell me the points, to be able to prepare a good meeting.

Martha: Yes, if the points are the following:

1.- what area of work do you need to train first?
2.- The training will be face-to-face or online.
3.- How many hours will the training have?

Jorge: OK, thank you very much, coordinate the meeting to go next Thursday at
9 am.

Martha: ok, I will do it.

Ingles II

2. Write 10 sentences using “be going to” and “will”

1.- She is going to tell Jorge that she is going to approve resources for the training.

2.-Jorge is going to plan for training.

3.- Jorge feels that the training will work.

4.-Martha will work on the costs for training.

5.- Jorge is going to be very rigorous so that everyone learns.

6.-Martha will arrive on time to review the people who will participate in the training.

7.-Jorge tells the staff that they are going to learn new things in the training.

8.-Martha wants to know if everyone will attend the training.

9.-Jorge will go to verify that all the staff participate

10.- Jorge is going to speak at the meeting with Martha to define the start of the training.

3.Make a podcast where you relate the previous dialogue between Jorge and

Ingles II

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