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The table illustrates/demonstrates/presents data regarding/respecting/concerning/on

underground railway systems in six metropolitan areas in various parts of the
world/ in different countries.
Overall, London and Paris have the oldest and longest underground train systems
in the world as compared to the two youngest and shortest railway systems being
Los Angeles and Kyoto. In addition, the number of passengers taking Tokyo trains
is the largest in contrast to the smallest number of passengers taking Kyoto trains.
The London Underground Railway, which was opened in 1863, is the oldest
network in the world with the most extensive railway route of 394 kilometers. The
second oldest system was opened in 1900 in Paris. Its length of route is
approximately half of that of London, but it serves more passengers than the
railway system of London with the former serving 1191 million passengers and the
later 775 million passengers. Tokyo Underground System is the youngest of the
three with the shortest route, but the system serves the largest number of
passengers of all. Its annual number of passengers reaches 1928 million people.
By contrast, the three other systems include Washington DC, Kyoto and Los
Angeles. Out of the three systems, Washington DC railway is the oldest, the
longest and the server of the largest number of passengers. Kyoto is not the
youngest, but the shortest and the server of the smallest number passengers. Los
Angeles is second to Washington DC system in age, route length and numbers of

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