U2.Evaluación 4tom

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English evaluation. Unit 2

¨Finance to Feed the World¨

Fecha: 17- 06- 24 Curso:4to medio Docente: Andrea Tackeray

Tipo de Evaluación: Producto 70% Descuento Puntaje total 33 Puntaje obtenido

Objetivo de la prueba: Demostrar el uso correcto del Estilo indirecto (reported speech). Aplicar el vocabulario de la temática
*Finance to feed the world* Identificar información general y específica de textos escritos no literarios. Expresar, de forma
escrita, opiniones propias sobre la temática, con base en lo debatido durante clases.

I. Reading comprehension:

1. Read the information on the infographic. Then answer the questions. (Reconocer información 0.5 puntos c/u.
1.5 puntos en total)

a. How much has ODA increased since the SDGs were


b. How do you think they can reach the target of 0.7 % of GNI?

c. How do you think ODA helps developing countries? Analizar/Aplicar 4


2. Read the poster. Then answer the questions

(Identificar información 0.5 puntos c/u. 1.5 puntos en total)

a. How much debt relief has the HIPC given?


b. In which continent are the most countries that need more

debt relief?

c. How much can Somalia reduce its debt by?

II. Vocabulary:

1. Write a short definition for each term in your notes.. (Describir 1 punto c/u. 5 puntos en total)

a. Loan

b. Currency

c. Aid

d. Debt

e. Interest

2. Match the definitions with the correct word from the box. (Reconocer 1 punto c/u. 8 puntos en total)

Crowdfunding - Credit card - Overdraft -

Loan - Taxes - Finances - Saving account -
Debt - Hire Purchase

3. Write a short definition about this concept. (Definir 0.5 puntos c/u. 2 puntos en total)

a Domestic
b Harassment
c stereotyping
d Prejudice

III. Grammar: “Reported speech”

1. Read the direct speech and indirect speech sentences, write the correct speech. (Aplicar 1.5 punto c/u. 9
puntos en total)

a. “We will finish the reform next year”

b. “I will be talking, to my sister´s company, very soon”

c. “We have completed the recovery plan”

d. “The government has been looking for the problem”

e. She said she had finished her homework

f. My mom said she had been studying Spanish for years

2. Listen to a debate between two politician in the parliament. Complete the sentences with the correct tense
of the verbs in brackets. Use indirect speech forms for the man. (Identificar 1 punto c/u. 6 puntos en total)

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