Dinh Quang Anh - Individual Final Report - HRM2023

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SCHOOL OF Western Sydney University



Student name: Dinh Quang Anh Student ID number: 21000586



Tutorial group: Tutorial day and time: Saturday, 8:00-11:30
Lecturer or Tutor name: Mark Benessio Carace


Length: Due date: 21/4/2022 Date submitted: 21/4/2023
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ARO 00380 08/15

Assessment 4-Final Project-Individual
Topic: The use of technology in HR: Benefits and Challenges
Company: Intel
Dinh Quang Anh-21000586

Table of contents
Executive Summary 4
Brief Company background 5
Disscussion 6
Conclusion 10
Recommendations 11
References 12

This report discusses the benefits and challenges of using technology in HR at Intel, with
a specific focus on increased accuracy in data management. The report outlines several
benefits of technology in HR, including cost reduction, improved organizational consistency,
increased productivity, and better growth opportunities. Furthermore, it highlights the
importance of accurate HR data, as inaccuracies can lead to compliance issues, payroll errors,
and other unnecessary distractions.
The report also provides several recommendations to help Intel leverage technology for
better HR outcomes, including investing in data management tools, improving data accuracy
through regular data cleansing, and leveraging data analytics for more informed decision-
making. Finally, the report recommends that Intel prioritize employee training to ensure that
the HR team is equipped with the necessary skills to leverage technology effectively. By
adopting these recommendations, Intel can realize the full potential of technology in HR and
drive better business outcomes.

II. Brief company background

According to Wikipedia, Intel Corporation is an mutinational technology company
headquartered in Santa Clara, California. Founded by American engineers Gordon Moore and
Robert Noyce, derives its name from "integrated electronics." Arthur Rock, a reputable
investor and venture capitalist, aided in their search for financial backing, while Max Palevsky
served on the board from an early phase. Moore and Noyce departed from Fairchild
Semiconductor to establish Intel(“Intel Company History”, 2019). Intel has left an indelible
mark on the technology industry, having introduced the 1103 dynamic random-access memory
(DRAM) in 1970. This revolutionized memory, rendering magnetic core memories obsolete,
and set a new standard for semiconductors. The company's first company-owned facility was
built, and a new slogan emphasizing their commitment to making the theoretical possible was
adopted. Nowadays, Intel main products are microprocessors, graphics chips, flash memory, and
motherboards which are supplied for system manufacturer such as Dell, Lenovo, Acer and HP.
In addtition the company also works on other devices like network interface controllers,
intergrated circuts, embedded processor. Besides, Intel's dedication to innovation and adapting
to emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and 5G network technologies, has
remained steadfast over the years. (Explore Intel’s History, n.d)
Intel Corporation's human resources department, commonly known as Intel HR,
provides a range of services to its global workforce. As a multinational technology company,
they offer comprehensive employee benefits such as healthcare and retirement plans, in
addition to employee assistance programs. To assist with HR-related inquiries, Intel has
dedicated representatives available to answer employee service telephone lines (“Intel
employees HR services and benefits”, n.d)


HR processes have been used actively by a company which is Intel but its coming
across a lot of challenges as well as gaining benefits. The purpose of this part is list
out the advantages and downsides of applying technologies in HR activities in
addtition pointing out relevant theories.

1. Benefits
a. Improved efficiency in HR proccesses
The use of modern technology streamlines routine HR management tasks,
allowing HR professionals to dedicate more time to creative aspects of their
jobs. HR systems are designed to minimize administrative time, widen
headhunting opportunities, simplify onboarding processes, expedite information
sharing among team members, enhance security, and streamline payroll
processing, among other benefits. ESS tools provide an efficient solution for
employees to manage their benefits and necessary changes. This not only
reduces administrative pressure on HR professionals but also expedites the
process. Employees can take charge of their personal information, review plans,
enroll and make updates independently without any intervention from HR
representatives. The recruitment process for companies is being revolutionized
by technology, enabling greater efficiency and effectiveness. Previously,
businesses would spend months searching for the ideal candidate, leading to
increased time and financial costs. (“Benefits of Technology in Human
Resources Management”, 2019)
Take an example of applying technology in HR of Intel corporation.
According to the senior director-HR from Intel India Anjaji Rao at Intel they
had created an in-house artificial Intelligent using algorithm to calculate the
attrition based on upcoming trends in order to ensure their recruiting strategy in
India ( “How Intel is leveraging technology to predict and minimize attrition,”

b. Increased accuracy in data management

Data accuracy is an important aspect of data management in human
resources. Inaccurate HR data can have significant consequences on
employee access to benefits, compliance with laws and regulations, and
payroll operations (“Why Accurate HR Data Is Vital for Companies
Operating in a Crisis”, 2020). However, technology can help HR
managers to ensure data accuracy and provide other benefits in HR
management. One of the most significant benefits of using technology in
HR is the option to use software for daily HR management, rather than

staffing an entire HR department, which can lead to reduced costs and the
ability to give back more to employees (“Nine Benefits Of Embracing Big
Data In Human Resources”, 2020). Technology can also improve
organizational consistency, increase productivity, and enhance
collaboration and communication within the organization (“Why Using
Technology Is Important for Data Management”, 2018).In terms of data
accuracy specifically, technology can ensure error-free records that can be
used as a reliable source of information. Data management solutions
become essential for making sense of the vast quantities of data, as
organizations create and consume data at unprecedented rates . By using
HR data to improve decisions, make employees happier, and optimize
processes, it adds value to the company (“Why Data Is HR's Most
Important Asset, 2018”).
Overall, using technology in HR management at Intel can have significant
benefits, including increased accuracy in data management. By leveraging
technology to manage HR data, HR managers can make better decisions,
increase productivity, reduce costs, and ultimately improve the employee
c. Enhanced employee engagement and satisfaction
Technology has enabled HR departments to automate repetitive tasks such
as onboarding and payroll, and has made recruitment processes more
intelligent through the use of AI. It is also driving employee engagement by
understanding employee satisfaction and enabling employee development and
retention (“How Technology is Transforming Human Resource
Management”, n.d).

Furthermore, technology has made the working process much easier and
enjoyable for employees, reducing dissatisfaction and exhaustion. Innovations
such as queue management systems can help employees with their workload
and serve customers more efficiently, leading to enhanced satisfaction and
engagement (“How Technology is Transforming Human Resource
Management”, n.d)

Collaboration is another essential strategy for enhancing employee

engagement, and technology has made it easier for people to communicate
and work together successfully. Using tools such as online project
management platforms and video conferencing, employees can collaborate
more efficiently and effectively, leading to improved engagement and job
satisfaction (“Role of technology in boosting employee engagement”, 2020)

For instance, Intel has established several programs to engage employees
in meeting the company's CSR goals, giving them an outlet for their personal
interests and helping raise morale. Such programs can also identify new
opportunities to improve practices and achieve sustainability goals, leading to
enhanced employee engagement and satisfaction (“Case in Point: How Intel
Engages Employees in Sustainability”, 2009)

2. Challenges
a. Dd
According to a forrester consulting thought leadership paper commissioned by
Intel and Lenovo while technology can offer many benefits to HR at Intel, there
are also challenges associated with its implementation and maintenance. One
significant challenge is the cost of implementing and maintaining new technology
solutions. HR technology can require significant investments in hardware,
software, and personnel to ensure it is correctly integrated and maintained over
time. These costs can add up quickly and may require HR departments to
carefully consider which solutions they choose to implement (“Invest In
Employee Experience (EX), Drive Your Bottom Line Growth”, 2020)
Another challenge is ensuring that employees are adequately trained to use
new technology solutions. HR technology is continually evolving, and new
solutions can be complex and difficult to use without proper training. Providing
adequate training to employees can be costly and time-consuming but is essential
to ensure that the benefits of the technology are realized.
Finally, there can be challenges associated with data security and privacy
when implementing new HR technology solutions. Intel and other companies
must ensure that employee data is adequately protected and not vulnerable to
cyber threats. As technology evolves and becomes more advanced, so too must
Intel's cybersecurity measures to protect employees' sensitive information (“The
impact of technology on HR: The good, bad and daunting”, 2020).
b. Ee
One of the challenges of implementing technology in HR at Intel is the
potential for technological failures and system glitches. While technology can
bring significant benefits, such as increased efficiency and productivity, it can
also be susceptible to problems. For instance, software bugs, system crashes, and
network outages can disrupt HR processes and cause delays in decision-making.
Moreover, cybersecurity threats pose a significant risk to sensitive HR data,
which requires continuous monitoring and protection (“Invest In Employee
Experience (EX), Drive Your Bottom Line Growth”, 2020).

c. Ff
Another challenge of implementing technology in HR at Intel is resistance to
change among employees and HR staff. Some employees and HR staff may be
hesitant to embrace new technologies due to the fear of job displacement,
perceived loss of control, or lack of technical skills ("Engaging workers as
consumers", 2019). This resistance can lead to delays in the adoption and
implementation of new HR technologies, which can result in missed opportunities
for improved efficiency and productivity. To address this challenge, it is crucial to
provide training and support for employees and HR staff to help them become
familiar with the new technology and understand the benefits it can bring.
Additionally, involving employees and HR staff in the design and implementation
of new HR technologies can help to reduce resistance and increase buy-in (“The
impact of technology on HR: The good, bad and daunting”, 2020).
3. Relevant Theories from text book ( “Human Resource Management: Gaining
a Competitive Advantage (11th ed.)” )

a. contingency theory
The contingency theory states that there is no one best way to manage HR;
instead, the best approach depends on various situational factors, including the
organization's size, technology, and culture. By utilizing technology in their
HR processes, Intel is applying a contingency approach to HR management,
recognizing that technology is the best solution for improving efficiency and
communication in their specific situation.
b. The social exchange theory
It emphasizes the importance of a mutually beneficial exchange between
employees and employers. By providing tools for employee development and
engagement, Intel is fostering a positive exchange that benefits both parties.
Additionally, the use of technology can help reduce stress among employees
by processing big data at a speed, scale, and accuracy that humans cannot
match, leading to a better work-life balance and improved job satisfaction.

In conclusion, technology has become an integral part of HR management,
and its benefits cannot be overstated. Intel and other companies that embrace
technology in HR management have reported increased accuracy in data
management, improved organizational consistency, increased productivity,
greater collaboration and communication, faster and more knowledgeable
business decisions, reduced costs, and better employee experience .
Additionally, accurate HR data is vital in ensuring compliance with laws and
regulations and can help organizations identify opportunities for growth.
Therefore, it is crucial for companies to adopt data management solutions and
use technology to manage their HR departments effectively . By leveraging
technology, HR departments can achieve better outcomes, optimize processes,
and drive business success.

10 | P a g e
Based on the discussion of the benefits and challenges of technology in HR at Intel, here
are some recommendations:
Embrace technology: HR departments at Intel should embrace technology and its
potential benefits to improve efficiency and productivity. They should invest in tools such as
HR software, data management systems, and automation tools to streamline their operations.
Foster a culture of data accuracy: HR professionals should ensure that data is collected
and entered accurately to avoid any errors or inconsistencies. This can be done by providing
proper training, implementing data quality checks, and creating a culture of data accuracy.
Prioritize data security and privacy: The HR department should prioritize data security
and privacy by ensuring that data is protected from unauthorized access, both internally and
externally. They should also comply with relevant data protection laws and regulations to
maintain the trust of employees.
Develop skills for HR professionals: The HR department should provide training and
development opportunities for HR professionals to develop skills in data analysis, data
management, and technology to keep up with the evolving HR landscape.
Continuously evaluate technology solutions: As technology advances rapidly, HR
departments at Intel should continuously evaluate technology solutions to ensure they are
meeting the organization's needs and are aligned with their goals. They should also keep up-
to-date with the latest trends in HR technology to ensure they are not left behind.

11 | P a g e
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