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Expense Management System

Abinash Timilsina
Roll No: 19996/20
T.U. Registration No: 7-2-20-880-2020
Bhaktapur Multiple Campus

A Summer Project Report Submitted to

Tribhuvan University
In partial fulfillment of IT 351: Summer Project
Student Declaration

This is to certify that I have completed the Summer Project entitled “Expense
Management System” under the guidance of “Umesh Dahal” in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Information
Management at Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University. This is my
original work and I have not submitted it earlier elsewhere.

Date: Signature:

Certificate from the supervisor

This is to certify that the summer project entitled “School Management

System” is an academic work done by “Abinash Timilsina” submitted in the
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of
Information Management at Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University
under my guidance and supervision. To the best of my knowledge, the
information presented by him/her in the summer project report has not been
submitted earlier.

Signature of the supervisor




I would first like to offer my sincere gratitude to our supervisor and lecturer
Mr. Umesh Dahal of Bhaktapur Multiple Campus, Faculty of BIM, Tribhuvan
University. The door of lecturer Mr. Umesh Dahal was always open whenever
I ran into a trouble spot or had a question about my study or writing. He
consistently allowed this project to be my own work.
I also like to take this opportunities to express my sincere thanks to the
Department of Information Technology/Management, BMC college for
providing me this opportunity to learn and present our studies in the form of
this project. And I feel very glad to present this project on “School
Management System”. This project helps to students for online registration
and helps to record the database of student and teacher in the college. The
completion of this project marks a significant milestone, one that wouldn’t
have been achievable without the unwavering support and guidance of
numerous individuals.

Finally, I must express my profound gratitude to my friends those who

directly and indirectly helped me during this project. And also my family
members for encouragement which I greatly needed most of the time.

Chapter One Project Overview

1.1 Introduction

A Personal Expenses Management System (PEMS) is a digital tool designed to help

individuals manage their finances by tracking income, expenses, and savings. This system
is essential for achieving financial stability and meeting both short-term and long-term
financial goals. Key features include expense tracking, budgeting, income management,
financial reporting, goal setting, and alerts. Users can categorize expenses, set budget
limits, record earnings, and receive notifications for upcoming bills or financial milestones.
The benefits of using a PEMS are numerous. It enhances financial awareness, improves
savings, aids in debt reduction, reduces financial stress, and supports informed decision-
making. By regularly monitoring spending habits and setting financial goals, users can
identify areas for improvement and make better financial choices.

1.2 Objectives of the Project

The aim and objectives of the project is fully manage and keep tracking the daily, monthly
and yearly expenditure. The following is the benefits that come with the Personal Expense
Tracker (PET).

 Minimize manual effort with daily record of expenditure and incomes.

 Immediate and easy retrieval of report.
 Secured and transparent data.
 Help in decision making with related results.
 Help in preparing wish list for pre-planning your expenses.

1.3 Problem of the Project

During the development of this application many problems were faced. Some of those
problems were expected while some were not expected. Despite encountering with many
problems, they were tackled along the ways to complete the project. Some of the problems
faced during preparation of this project are followings:

 Lack of knowledge of different programming tools.

 Limited time Duration
 Data Management.
 Change requirements.
 Unclear requirements.

1.4 Methodology
The methodology of personal expense tracking involves collecting data by manually
recording expenses or syncing accounts for automatic import. Expenses are categorized
using predefined or custom categories. Budgets are set and adjusted based on income.
Daily expense logging and real-time monitoring ensure accuracy, while monthly reports
and visualizations aid in analysis.

1.4.1 Project Framework

1. Project Initiation
The project initiation phase involves establishing the foundational aspects of the personal
expense tracking system. This includes defining the project's objectives, such as improving
financial management and enhancing budgeting practices. Key stakeholders, including
potential users, financial advisors, and developers, are identified to gather initial
requirements and support. A feasibility study is conducted to assess the technical,
financial, and operational viability of the project. The project scope is outlined, detailing
the key functionalities and boundaries of the expense tracking system. Approval and
funding are then secured to move forward with the project.

2. Project Planning

In the project planning phase, detailed requirements are gathered from stakeholders to
ensure the system meets user needs. Resources, including developers, project managers,
and financial experts, are allocated to the project. A comprehensive timeline with
milestones and deadlines is developed to guide the project’s progression. Risk management
strategies are formulated to identify and mitigate potential risks. Detailed design
specifications are created, outlining the user interface, data structures, and integration
points with other financial tools, ensuring a clear blueprint for development.

3. Project Execution

During project execution, the development of the expense tracking system begins, adhering
to the design specifications and project timeline. Thorough testing, including unit testing,
integration testing, and user acceptance testing, is conducted to ensure the system functions
correctly. Training sessions are held for users, and comprehensive documentation is
developed to assist with system use and troubleshooting. The system is then deployed,
making it operational for users. Continuous monitoring is implemented to gather user
feedback and ensure the system performs as expected, allowing for immediate issue

4. Project Closure

The project closure phase involves conducting a final review to ensure all project
objectives and deliverable have been met. Formal approval is obtained from stakeholders,
confirming satisfaction with the project outcomes. All project documentation is completed,
and the system is handed over to the users or a maintenance team, along with any
necessary support materials. Post-implementation support is provided to address any issues
that arise after the launch. A project retrospective is conducted to document lessons learned
and best practices, ensuring valuable insights for future projects.

1.4.2 Data and Information

1. Primary Source
Primary sources of data are direct and firsthand records of financial transactions. These
include receipts and invoices from purchases, bank statements detailing deposits,
withdrawals, and transfers, credit card statements showing all transactions and
charges.These primary sources provide the raw data needed for accurate expense tracking.

2. Secondary Source
Secondary sources include analyzed information from budgeting apps, financial reports,
and industry statistics, offering insights and trends to enhance financial management and

1.4.3 Tools used for Data Collection

Tools used for data collection in personal expense tracking vary depending on user
preference and complexity desired. Common tools include:
1. Mobile Apps: You Need a Budget and Pocket Guard for real-time expense logging and
budget management.
2. Financial Management Software: Such as Quicken or Quick Books, which sync with
bank accounts for automated transaction import and detailed financial reporting.
3. Digital Wallets: Such as PayPal, which provide transaction histories and categorization
4. Expense Trackers: Dedicated devices or apps like Ever-note that simplify logging
expenses and budget tracking.


2.1 Analysis of Task and Activities
Effective personal expense tracking involves several key tasks and activities that ensure
accurate data collection, analysis, and financial management. Below is an analysis of these
tasks and activities:
1. Data Collection:
This involves recording all expenses and income, either manually or through automated
syncing with bank accounts and credit cards. Managing receipts and ensuring every
transaction is documented is essential for maintaining accurate financial records.
2. Categorization:
Each expense is assigned to predefined or custom categories such as groceries, utilities,
and entertainment. This categorization helps in detailed tracking and analysis, providing a
clear understanding of where money is being spent.
3. Budgeting:
Setting budget limits for different categories based on income and financial goals is
crucial. Regularly reviewing and adjusting these budgets ensures that spending remains
aligned with financial objectives and accommodates any changes in financial
4. Monitoring and Tracking:
Consistent daily logging of expenses and real-time monitoring using financial apps or
software helps in staying within budget limits. This ongoing tracking is vital for preventing
overspending and maintaining financial discipline.
5. Analysis and Reporting:
Generating detailed reports and visualizations, such as charts and graphs, allows for the
review of spending patterns and identification of trends or anomalies. These insights are
crucial for making informed financial decisions and adjustments to improve financial

2.2 Analysis Problem

Personal expense tracking has several issues. People often make mistakes when entering
data manually or forget to log expenses, leading to inaccurate financial records. Many
tracking tools are too complicated, which can overwhelm users and cause inconsistent
tracking. Privacy concerns make some users wary of using digital tools due to the risk of
data breaches. Additionally, it can be difficult to integrate different financial accounts and
platforms, resulting in incomplete financial overviews. Solving these problems is crucial
for making expense tracking more accurate, easy to use, and secure.

2.3 Analysis of Solution

To address these issues, using automated systems that sync with bank accounts and credit
cards can reduce manual entry errors and ensure all expenses are logged. Simplifying
tracking tools can make them more user-friendly and encourage consistent use. Enhancing
security measures, such as data encryption and two-factor authentication, can alleviate
privacy concerns. Improving integration capabilities among different financial platforms
can provide a comprehensive financial overview. These solutions can make personal
expense tracking more accurate, easy to use, and secure, leading to better financial

2.4 Feasibility Study

This feasibility study will evaluate the technical, operational, and economical aspects of
the project to determine its feasibility.

2.4.1 Technical Feasibility

Assessing the availability of the necessary technology, including software tools for
expense tracking, mobile applications, and data integration platforms. Evaluating the
availability of skilled developers and IT personnel to design, develop, and maintain the
expense tracking system. Analyzing the capability to integrate with existing financial
systems such as bank accounts, credit cards, and digital wallets for seamless data import.
Ensuring the implementation of robust security protocols like encryption, two-factor
authentication, and secure data storage to protect user data.

2.4.2 Operational Feasibility

Designing an intuitive and easy-to-use interface that encourages consistent use and
minimizes user errors in data entry. Providing adequate support and training for users to
effectively utilize the expense tracking system. Establishing a plan for regular maintenance
and updates to ensure the system remains functional and up-to-date with new features and
security enhancements. Ensuring the system can handle an increasing number of users and
transactions without performance degradation.

2.4.3 Economic Feasibility

Estimating the initial costs of developing and deploying the expense tracking system,
including software development, hardware, and integration costs. Evaluating ongoing
operational costs such as maintenance, support, and periodic updates. Comparing the costs
with the anticipated benefits, such as improved financial management, reduced financial
stress for users, and potential savings from better budgeting. Exploring potential revenue
models if the system is offered as a commercial product, such as subscription fees, one-
time purchase costs, or premium features.

2.5 Requirement Analysis

Requirement analysis for personal expense tracking involves identifying and defining the
functional and non-functional requirements essential for the system's development and
operation. Here’s a structured approach:

2.5.1 Functional Requirement

 Expense Recording: Enable users to manually input expenses and automatically

import transactions from linked bank accounts for accuracy.
 Categorization: Allow users to categorize expenses into predefined and customizable
categories to organize and analyze spending habits effectively.
 Budget Management: Provide functionality for setting budget limits for different
expense categories and receiving alerts when nearing or exceeding set limits to support
proactive financial planning.
 Reporting and Analysis: Generate comprehensive reports and visualizations (e.g.,
charts, graphs) of spending patterns to facilitate insightful financial analysis and
 Data Security: Implement robust security measures such as data encryption, secure
authentication, and regular backups to protect users' financial information from
unauthorized access or breaches.
 Integration: Ensure seamless integration with various financial platforms and devices
(e.g., mobile apps, desktop software) to enable easy access and synchronization of
financial data across multiple sources.
Fig 2.1: Use case Diagram of Personal Expense Tracking

2.5.2 Non-Functional Requirements:

 Usability: Design an intuitive interface for easy navigation and efficient data entry.
 Performance: Ensure fast response times and scalability to handle a growing number
of users and transactions.
 Reliability: Maintain system availability and accuracy of financial data.
 Security: Implement stringent security measures to protect sensitive financial
 Compatibility: Support multiple devices and operating systems for broad accessibility.
 Regulatory Compliance: Adhere to data protection laws and financial regulations.
2.6 System Design
System design is the process of defining the architecture, components, and interactions of a
software system to meet specific requirements and achieve desired functionality. It
typically involves identifying key components, defining their relationships, specifying data
flows, and considering scalability, performance, and security aspects. A well-designed
system ensures that the software functions reliably and efficiently while being
maintainable and adaptable for future changes.

2.6.1 Activity Diagram

Creating an activity diagram for a personal expense tracking system involves illustrating
the workflow and steps involved in managing expenses.This activity diagram illustrates the
main activities involved in managing personal expenses within the system. Each activity
represents a specific action performed by the user or the system. Arrows indicate the flow
of activities from one step to the next.
Fig 2.2: Activity Diagram of Personal Expense Tracking

2.6.2 Sequence Diagram

Fig 2.2: Sequence Diagram of Personal Expense Tracking

2.6.3Class Diagram

Fig 2.3: Class Diagram of Personal Expense Tracking

2.7 Implementation

Implementing a personal expense tracking project begins with setting up the development
environment, choosing a suitable tech stack such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap
for the front-end, PHP for the back-end, and a database like MySQL. The project starts by
designing the database schema, defining tables for users, expenses, and budgets. Next, the
back-end API is developed to handle CRUD operations, authentication, and budget
management. Concurrently, the front-end interface is created to allow users to enter
expenses, categorize them, set budgets, and view reports through a user-friendly
dashboard. Security measures, such as data encryption and secure authentication, are
implemented to protect sensitive financial data. The application undergoes thorough testing
to ensure functionality, usability, and performance before deployment to a cloud platform
like AWS or Heroku. Finally, user support and documentation are provided to help users
navigate and utilize the system effectively.

2.7.1 Module Description

Modules Description shows the different page of the system and following are
different module of these system.

Home Page

A home page is generally the main page a visitor navigating to a website from a
web search engine will see.

Sign-up Page

2.7.2 Tools Used

1. JavaScript:

JavaScript is a versatile programming language commonly used for web

development, enabling dynamic and interactive content on websites.

2. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language):

HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages, defining the
structure and elements within a document.
3. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):

CSS is a style sheet language used to control the presentation and layout of HTML
documents, enhancing the visual appeal of web pages.

4. Microsoft Word:

Microsoft Word is a word processing software application used for creating,

editing, and formatting documents, widely utilized for various writing and
documentation tasks.

5. Bootstrap:

Bootstrap is a front-end framework that simplifies web development by providing

pre-designed HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components, facilitating the creation of
responsive and visually appealing websites.

6. Visual Studio Code:

Visual Studio Code is a free source-code editor developed by Microsoft, widely
used for programming and web development, known for its versatility, extensions,
and built-in Git integration.

2.8 System Testing

System testing is a crucial phase in the development of a personal expense tracking
application. It ensures that all components work together as intended and that the system
meets its requirements.

2.8.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing is a software testing approach where individual components or units of
code, such as functions or methods, are tested in isolation to verify that they perform as
intended. Unit testing was conducted to validate the correctness and reliability of
individual code components. Diligently created and executed a comprehensive suite of unit
tests for critical functions, methods, and classes within the application. These tests were
meticulously designed to cover various scenarios, including standard cases, edge cases, and
potential error condition.
Test Test Scenario Test Data Expected result Status
1 Check response Username = user Message display Pass
with invalid “The username or
Password = pass
username and password is
password is entered incorrect”

2 Check response Username = Message display Pass

with blank “ username is
username and required ”
password entered

3 Check response Username = Abinash Message display Pass

with correct Password = pass “The username or
username and password is
incorrect password incorrect”

4 Check response Username = User Message display pass

with incorrect “The username or
Password = 123456
username and password is
correct password incorrect”

5 Check response Username= Abinash123 Redirect to Admin Pass

with correct panel
Password = 123456
username and
correct password

Table 2.1: Login test case

2.8.2 Integration Testing

Integration testing is a software testing phase that focuses on evaluating the interactions
and interfaces between different components or modules of a software system. The
primary objective is to ensure that these components work together seamlessly and produce
the desired outcomes when integrated. Integration testing was conducted to evaluate the
interactions and compatibility of different components within the system. This testing
focused on ensuring that the various modules and functions integrated seamlessly to
produce accurate and reliable results.
2.8.3 Validation Testing

In validation testing software requirements analysis are validated against the software that
has been constructed. Validation testing provides final assurance that software meets all
functional, behavioral and performance requirements. Validation testing was conducted to
assess the overall functionality and compliance of this software with user requirements and
expectations. This critical testing phase involved evaluating the entire system to ensure it
met the intended objectives.

2.9 Finding
The implementation of personal expense tracking reveals significant benefits, including
improved financial awareness and better budget management. Users gain insights into their
spending habits, enabling more mindful spending and effective allocation of funds.
Automated data entry and detailed reports enhance accuracy and ease of use, while
customizable features and integration with financial accounts increase the system’s utility.
However, security and privacy concerns remain important considerations. Overall, these
systems foster greater financial discipline, helping users set and achieve financial goals,
reduce unnecessary expenses, and make informed financial decisions, leading to improved
overall financial health.

3.1 Discussion
Personal expense tracking plays a crucial role in effective financial management by
providing users with a clear view of their spending patterns and helping them make
informed decisions. By regularly logging expenses, users can identify areas where they can
cut back, allocate funds more efficiently, and set realistic financial goals. The use of
automated features, such as bank statement imports and expense categorization, simplifies
the tracking process and enhances accuracy. However, while the benefits are clear,
challenges such as ensuring data security and user privacy need to be addressed to build
trust in these systems. Additionally, the user experience is paramount; a simple, intuitive
interface encourages consistent use and maximizes the system’s effectiveness. Overall,
personal expense tracking fosters financial discipline, aids in achieving budgetary goals,
and leads to improved financial health, making it an invaluable tool for both short-term and
long-term financial planning.

3.2 Conclusion
In conclusion, personal expense tracking is an essential tool for effective financial
management. It empowers users to gain insights into their spending habits, identify
unnecessary expenses, and make informed financial decisions. By automating data entry
and categorization, these systems simplify the tracking process and improve accuracy. The
ability to set and monitor budgets helps users stay within their financial limits and work
towards their financial goals. Despite the significant benefits, challenges such as ensuring
data security and maintaining user privacy must be addressed to enhance trust and
adoption. Additionally, an intuitive and user-friendly interface is crucial for encouraging
consistent use and maximizing the system’s utility. Overall, personal expense tracking
fosters financial discipline, aids in achieving both short-term and long-term financial
objectives, and contributes to improved financial health, making it an invaluable resource
for individuals seeking to manage their finances more effectively.

3.3 Future Enhancement

1. Integration with multiple financial institutions

2. Advanced AI-based spending analysis and predictions
3. Enhanced data security and privacy features
4. Customizable alerts and notifications for budget thresholds
5. Multi-currency support and global financial tools

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