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Crying But Capable

Greater Visibility for Crying But Capable in the Cosplay Community

Kathleen Fanor Adkins

Innovative Public Relations Tools and Resources

Full Sail University

October 22, 2023

Crying But Capable, a unique and inspiring organization, was founded in the vibrant city

of Orlando, Florida, in 2021 by the talented Florida Cosplayer, Taylor Valentine. From its

modest beginnings, this venture has grown into an influential force in the cosplay community,

with 8-9 dedicated employees who share the same passion for promoting diversity and inclusion

in cosplay (ABOUT | Crying but Capable, n.d.). Though it started small, Crying But Capable has

rapidly gained popularity, particularly in the United States, where it has captured the hearts of

many within the cosplay community. Crying But Capable has taken its message of inclusivity

and diversity on the road, attending conventions across the United States, from the bustling halls

of MegaCon Orlando to the vibrant scene of New York Comic Con (APPEARANCES | Crying

but Capable, n.d.). Their presence at these conventions reflects their commitment to reaching a

wide and diverse audience, further solidifying their reputation as advocates for inclusivity in the

cosplay community. What sets Crying But Capable apart is its unwavering commitment to

fostering an environment that embraces diversity and inclusion. Their initiatives have resonated

with cosplayers and enthusiasts across the nation, drawing support from various quarters. The

organization primarily relies on funding from their Ko-fi page and generous donations received

at conventions, which goes towards furthering their mission of making the cosplay world a more

inclusive place (Ko-fi, n.d.). Looking to the future, Crying But Capable has ambitious plans.

They aim to collaborate with organizations like Extra Life, leveraging their success to give back

to the community, particularly to children in need. This altruistic spirit is a testament to their

dedication to not only the craft of cosplay but also to the betterment of society. Crying But

Capable competes with other cosplay groups, steadily making its presence felt in this niche. The

owner envisions the business expanding exponentially, both in terms of outreach and impact.

With a global vision in mind, they plan to eventually branch out of the United States,
establishing multiple teams that can spread their message of diversity and inclusion across the

world. As Crying But Capable continues to grow and evolve, it remains a shining example of

how a small business with a noble mission can thrive and inspire change. The story of this

organization is a testament to the boundless potential that lies within the cosplay community to

create a more inclusive and diverse world.

Crying But Capable attracts a diverse and passionate audience within the cosplay and

advocacy community. Their followers primarily consist of individuals aged 18-35, representing

the tech-savvy millennial and younger generations. Many of their supporters are residents of the

United States, with a significant presence in metropolitan areas like Orlando, where the

organization was founded. Their demographic includes individuals from various racial and ethnic

backgrounds, showcasing the inclusive nature of their mission and the appeal to a broad

spectrum of the cosplay community.

The cosplay community, like many other creative industries, is in dire need of groups like

Crying But Capable. Far too often, cosplayers with disabilities, plus-size cosplayers, and

cosplayers of color face underrepresentation and a lack of recognition. This dearth of inclusivity

not only perpetuates stereotypes but also robs the community of the rich tapestry of talent and

creativity that these individuals bring. Crying But Capable is a vital beacon of change, offering a

platform where the often-overlooked voices and talents of these individuals can shine. By

advocating for diversity and inclusion in cosplay, they address a glaring gap in the industry and

help pave the way for a more equitable and vibrant future.

Crying But Capable's unique background as a plus-size cosplay group has a profound

impact on my PR efforts during my capstone project. It provides an outstanding case study to

demonstrate the power of inclusivity and diversity within the cosplay community, a topic of
growing importance in the industry. By showcasing how Crying But Capable has garnered

attention and support, I can effectively illustrate the impact of authentic representation and the

positive outcomes of embracing a broader range of body types in cosplay. This case study serves

as a compelling example to highlight the broader social and cultural significance of my PR

initiatives and the potential for increased audience engagement and support. The PR work I will

undertake for my capstone project on Crying But Capable serves as the culmination of the skills

and knowledge I've acquired throughout my master's degree in branding and social media

presence. It offers a comprehensive platform to showcase my proficiency in developing and

enhancing an organization's brand identity. I will utilize my expertise in crafting compelling

narratives, strategic messaging, and leveraging social media to not only raise awareness but also

to create a lasting and resonant presence for Crying But Capable in the highly competitive world

of cosplay and social advocacy.

Crying But Capable has fostered an exceptionally intimate relationship with its

community, serving as a testament to their dedication to inclusivity and authenticity. Through

frequent interactions on platforms like Discord, social media, and at conventions, they have

cultivated a deep connection with their supporters. Unlike many organizations, they have yet to

employ traditional PR methods, relying instead on genuine engagement to build their brand.The

organization strategically utilizes various social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram,

Twitter, TikTok, and LinkedIn, to reach their diverse audience. This multi-platform approach

allows them to connect with individuals on the platforms they frequent the most, ensuring that

their message of inclusivity resonates far and wide.One remarkable aspect of their community

engagement is the real-time feedback they receive at conventions and on Discord. Attendees

often express how Crying But Capable's work has made them feel more included and represented
within the cosplay world. This immediate feedback loop empowers the organization to fine-tune

their initiatives to better cater to the needs and desires of their community. Perhaps one of Crying

But Capable's most notable achievements is their stellar reputation. Both internally among

employees and externally within the community, they've managed to maintain a pristine record,

free from any major PR issues. This speaks volumes about the organization's commitment to its

mission and the effectiveness of their grassroots approach to PR, which hinges on genuine

engagement, inclusivity, and a profound connection with their supporters. It's a testament to their

sincerity in promoting diversity in the cosplay community and the impact they've had on the

lives of many. This admirable reputation not only reflects their core values but also underscores

the strength of their brand and the loyalty they've garnered from their passionate community.

My upcoming PR campaign for Crying But Capable is geared towards enhancing their

brand image and bolstering their visibility within the cosplay community. Currently, the

organization's branding lacks consistency, with multiple logos and irregular social media

engagement. One of my key objectives will be to guide them in creating a clearer and more

cohesive brand identity. This will entail refining their logo usage and ensuring that their mission

and values shine through consistently in their messaging and content. To achieve this, I will

work closely with Crying But Capable's leadership, even amidst their other job commitments.

Regular meetings will be crucial in maintaining effective communication and strategy alignment.

I understand the challenges they may face with occasional hiatuses, and I'll be ready to promote

them strategically during their active periods. In terms of social media, I'll help the organization

establish a more consistent presence across various platforms, aligning content with the unique

dynamics of each. Different platforms require tailored approaches. For instance, Instagram and

TikTok could focus on visually appealing content, while Twitter and LinkedIn can emphasize the
organization's advocacy work. Another aspect of our campaign will be promoting Crying But

Capable for appearances at comic conventions, potentially outside of Florida. This may require

some travel but presents a valuable opportunity to expand their reach beyond their current

region. By strategically selecting conventions that align with their mission and values, we can

maximize their impact.

In summary, the PR campaign aims to elevate Crying But Capable's brand image,

streamline their social media presence, and amplify their community engagement. While there

will be challenges, including aligning schedules and accommodating occasional hiatuses, these

hurdles can be navigated with careful planning and a commitment to a shared vision. Ultimately,

the goal is to position Crying But Capable as a shining example of inclusivity and diversity in the

cosplay community, and I'm excited to work alongside them in achieving this vision.

ABOUT | Crying But Capable. (n.d.). Crying but Capable.

APPEARANCES | Crying But Capable. (n.d.). Crying but Capable.

Crying But Capable | Cosplay For All. (n.d.). Crying but Capable.

Ko-fi. (n.d.). Support Crying But Capable on Ko-fi!. https://ko-

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