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Himgiri Zee University, Dehradun

Internal Examination - 2
Title of Paper: Interpretation of Statutes
Paper Code: 309,307
Course name: LLB/BBALLB/BALLB Semester: V
Time: 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 50
All questions of this section are compulsory. Each question carries equal marks.(10 Marks)

1. Who gave the theory of "Principle of Utility"?

a) Jeremy Bentham
b) HLA Hart
c) John Austin
d) None

2. John Rawls presented the theory of?

b) Fraternity
c) Sovereignty
d) None

3. What are the types of ambiguity?

a) Latent ambiguity
b) Patent ambiguity

4. Latent Ambiguity means

a) Apparent on face of the instrument
b) Hidden or concealed

5. "Mention of one thing implies the exclusion of other" is which maxim

a) In pari delicto potior est condition possidentis
b) Expressum facit cessare tacitum
c) Generalia specialibus non derogant
d) None

Attempt any five questions from this section. Each question carries equal marks. 40 Marks

1. Explain the principle of utility.

2. In relevance to the John Rawls discuss the theory he has given.
3. What are the distinctions between Morals and Laws?
4. What do you mean by the term statutes? Explain different types of statutes.
5. Examine any four kinds of Internal and External aids to interpretation.
6. What do you mean by primary rules of statutory interpretation? Briefly write about any two of
the primary rules.
7. Write about the rule of Harmonious construction with case laws.

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