Introducing Oneself and Others

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INTRODUCE YOURSELF: formally for the first time, they shake their hand

and say "How do you do?" or "Pleased to meet you."

"How do you do?" isn't really a question; it just
Greeting someone means "Hello" or they even just smile at each other.
Hi / Hello. If it’s a friend or casual acquaintance, they would
Good morning / afternoon / evening / night. hug or (between two women or a man and woman)
Good to see you. make one kiss on the cheek.
How are you ? How do you do ? When young people meet informally
(Americans naturally add "How are you?" to their greeting. they sometimes say "Give me five!" and
However, you need to be aware that this "How are you" is not slap their hands together (high five).
really a question of one's emotional or physical state but rather
a polite phrase. You would never reply "Actually, I am really Generally we do not shake hands with
annoyed and I've had a terrible day." You'd usually say "Good, people we know well.
how are you?".
Look out, the British say "How do you do?" instead.) American greetings are generally quite informal.
Although it is expected in business situations, some
Introducing yourself Americans do not shake hands at social events.
Hello, my name is … "See you later" is just an expression. People say this
Hi, I'm … even if they never plan to see you again.
Let me introduce myself, I am … It is good to include some information about a
I’d like to introduce myself, my name is … person you are introducing. Handshakes are usually
Good afternoon. May I introduce myself? My name brief. Light handshakes are considered distasteful.
is … (formal) Use a firm grip.
Eye contact is important when shaking someone’s
Introducing other people to someone hand.
(If you want to introduce an acquaintance, a Hugging: Men don't hug each other, even if they are
friend, a relative or a colleague to someone) good friends. There may be exceptions if the men
are extremely good friends and they haven't seen
I'd like you to meet my friend/colleague/brother … each other in a long period of time. Male relatives
Tom, please, this is … may hug, but it’s usually a very brief hug. Men
Paul, this is Lian, Lian, this is Paul. should not hug women they don't know. That is
This is my friend … considered in bad taste and awkward for all parties.
May I introduce … to you? (Formal) Women may hug women friends they know well or
Let me introduce you to my friend Jack. are especially happy to see. Women would be more
Have you met …? likely to hug female relatives than men would male
This is… relatives. Young boys slap and teenage girls hug.

Possible replies
Nice to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
Nice to see you.
How do you do?

Saying goodbye
It was good to see you.
It was great to see you again.
It was nice meeting you. (Première rencontre) A formal conversation
Have a good day!
Enjoy! Have fun! Read and act it with your schoolmates:
Have a safe journey home!
Goodbye. Hi! My name is Paul Stuart, the new manager.
Bye bye. Hello! I am Pamela Smith. Pleased to meet you.
See you soon / later / tomorrow / next week / on Pamela, please, let me introduce you to Mr David
Saturday. Brown my assistant.
Take care! How do you do?
How do you do?
Shaking Hands, Hugs, kiss …
(Use full names and titles if any)
The British are usually not very
tactile. When meeting someone

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