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SUBMITTED TO: Prof. Vikas Kumar MFM-1

SUBMITTED BY: Kandra Mardi


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1. To respect property and personal rights, cooperate and render support to all and to take responsibility for a safe and healthy environment in the School / College. 2. To safeguard the teachers duty to teach and a students right to learn.


The s mooth functioning of the College depends upon observance of discipline by the students. The College can help the students better when Rules of Discipline are observed properly. Violation of these rules deprives the students of the advantages of different facilities prov ided by the College. Following are some of the important rules of discipline. Parents /Guardians are requested to direct their wards to observe the following Rules of Discipline:

Students mus t attend lectures, practicals, tutorials, etc. as per the Time Table. They must not abstain themselves from classes , practicals, tutorials, examinations etc. without permission. Students whos e attendance are likely to lose their terms. the University makes provision for a minimum 75% attendance for a student to be eligible to appear in the Sess ional Test and University Semester (Theory and Practical) examinations. Every student must compulsorily appear in all the tests, complete all assignments, including tutorial and project work etc. given by different teachers within the time period specified. Students should bear in mind that internal assessment marks are bas ed on their performance and any failure in this regard would be at the cost of the student concerned.

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Employed students will not be given any concession in matters of attendance or rules regarding appearance at College examinations. Suitable disciplinary action will be taken against such s tudents. Employed students must give details of their employment on the admission form. They are expected to take admission after consulting the Principal in this regard. The names of s tudents who remain absent for six continuous days are liable to be struck off the rolls. For any long absence a prior permission shall be obtained for the school. The Identity Card is meant for identifying bonafide students and is used for permitting the student to participate in various activities and programs of the College. Every student must wear the Identity Card as long as he/ she is in the College campus. it must be produced by the student whenever demanded by a member of the teaching or non-teaching s taff of the College. Every student must bring his /her Identity Card to the College ev ery day. He/She must take proper care of it to avoid its misuse by other students and outs iders. In case the Identity Card is lost, the matter should be immediately reported to the Principal and an application should be made for a duplicate Identity Card which will be issued on payment of charges. The conduct of the students in the classes and in the premises of the College shall be such as will cause no disturbance to teachers, fellow students or other classes. Eatables, tea, coffee, soft drinks or any such items cannot be consumed during academic engagement and in academic s paces, including classrooms, labs, library corridors, staircases and the like. Every student shall wear a clean and decent dress while coming to the College

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No Society or Association shall be formed in the College and no person s hould be invited on the College campus without the specific permission of the Principal. The Principal has a right to refuse such permission. No student is allowed to display any Notice/Circular/Poster/Banner in the College premises without permission. Strict action will be taken agains t the defaulters. No student will be allowed to conduct any political activity in the College premises. Outsiders are not permitted in the College premises without the prior permission of the Principal. College students are not allowed to bring their relatives/friends to the College premises. Strict action will be taken against the concerned outsider as well as the College student who is ins trumental in bringing outsiders to the College premises All meetings, cultural programs, debates, elocutions, etc. organized on the College premises must be held in presence of teaching s taff members and with the prior permission of the Principal. The subjects of debates/elocutions must have the prior approval of the Principal. Students mus t take proper care of the College property. Strict action will be taken against the student/s damaging College property and will be required to compens ate the damage. Students involv ed in malpractices at the College / Board / University Examinations will not be admitted to the College. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the College premises. Bullying, ragging and harassment and all other disruptive behaviors are totally unacceptable and will be dealt with accordingly. Playing music on Transis tors, Tape-recorders, Car stereos, Mobile Telephones or any other similar gadgets in the premises. Defaulters will be punished and their instrument confiscated.

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Use of Mobile Telephones is strictly prohibited in the academic area of the College which includes Lecture Halls, Laboratories, Library buildin. Defaulters will be penalized and their instrument confiscated. Students mus t not attend clas ses other than their own without the permission of the authority concerned. Students shall do nothing inside or outside the College that will interfere with the discipline of the College or tarnish the image of the College. Students are not allowed to communicate any information about College matters to the Press. Matters not covered above will be decided at the discretion of the Principal.

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1. Students are bound to abide by Hostel rules. Erring students may be punished, fined or even expelled from the hostel as well as the Institute. 2. All hostellers are expected to be in their rooms by 10:00 PM. Attendance will be taken by the Warden at 10:00 P.M. every night. 3. Prior permission for staying away during the night is to be obtained from the warden in writing duly specify ing the purpose. 4. Application duly signed by Guardian/ Parents is required from the res idents for absenting themselves from hostel for more then 3 days. 5. All residents are required to have meals from the hostel mess 6. Meals will be served only in the dining hall and during the hours notified for the purpose. 7. Normally, guests are not permitted to stay in hostel at night. In exceptional cases, with the prior permission of the warden, blood relations, -viz father, brother may be allowed to stay for a single night. Women guests are not allowed to vis it a male resident's room and vice versa 8. General

Hostellers have to conduct themselves with dignity and decorum. Any damage to hostel property would repaired at resident's cost. No resident will disturb fellow residents by making loud noise or playing music loudly. Gambling and use of alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited. Lights and fans and all electrical appliances must be s witched off and taps must be closed when not in use.

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Acts of misbehavior, misconduct, indiscipline or violation of the Rules of Discipline mentioned above are liable for one or more punishments as stated below:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Warning to the student. Warning to the student as well as a letter to the parents. Imposition of a fine. Denial of library, laboratory, N.C.C., N. S. S., student aid or any other facility for a specified period or for the whole Term/year.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Cancellation of Terms Refusal of admission in the next term or academic year Cancellation of admission. Expulsion from the College for a specified period. Rus tication

However, the Principal reserves the right to expel any student for any offence of a serious nature. The principal also has the right to withhold the character certificate of any student whose conduct is not in consonance with the rules laid down by the college.

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