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SID: 1070171

Task A
1.0 Introduction
Bob & Lloyd planned to diversify their business by using legacy of RM100,000 left by
their aunt to open up a fast-food restaurant. The restaurant will be named as ZERO
CARB and restaurant are located at Petaling street. The main menu serves in
restaurant are low carbohydrates food with variety of fruit juices. The menu of the
restaurant will change depend on breakfast, lunch and dinner and all food sold in
restaurant are Halal. There's also a delivery services but with minimum purchase of two
set of food provided and distance cover by the restaurant are 20km expected minute to
be deliver are 40minutes depend on road condition. The delivery transport also equip
with special case that will make sure that the food are at it fresh condition. The Petaling
street is a place located in a heart of Kuala Lumpur City. This area is one of the must-
visit places for tourist. t also strategically located within public transport facilities, offices
and banks area. As a Business Consultant for Bob & Lloyd, opening a new fast food
restaurant at Petaling street was a great idea. The porter's five forces will be used to
further analysis the internal market and pestle analysis to further analysis the external
market at Petaling street. The porter's five forces include(threat of substitute products,
threat of new entrants, industry rivalry, bargaining power of suppliers and bargaining
power of buyers. Pestle analysis will include(political, economic, sociological,
technological, legal and environmental factor.)

1.10 Porter's five forces
1.11 Threat of substitute products
There are many substitute products available at Petaling street that sells local favourite
and sell fast food such as KFC and McD fast food restaurant which is located just
outside of the Petaling street. Although they are Big corporate fast food restaurant, the
product which Bob & Lloyd are offering are totally different from other competitors. Bob
& Lloyd offering a new type of fast food which is much healthier than most typical big
corporate fast food has to offer. t is called low carbohydrate food. To outlast present
competitor, a quality product, high quality ingredients, excellent customer service and a
fast response time are ensured. The prices of the food are affordable by any class of
consumer as the price is much cheaper than fast food and it quality is up to the
1.12 Threat of new entrants
There is small threat of new entrants due to high entry barrier, whereas the exit barrier
is low at Petaling street due to it high competitive market with high capital input to start
the business and different type of food that Bob & Lloyd have to offer.
1.13 Industry RivaIry
There is equal competitor at Petaling street due to variety type of food which target the
different type and level of people.
1.14 Bargaining power of suppIiers
n Bob & Lloyd case, there's a low bargaining power of suppliers because the ingredient
of theirs food are from daily ingredient such as vegetable and fruit which can be bought
from anywhere. A few substitutes are available to supplies. Switching cost, from one
supplier to another is low. Bob & Lloyd will be an important customer to Supplier as they
will buy huge quantity of ingredients from the supplier every day.

1.15 Bargaining power of Buyers
n Bob & Lloyd case, bargaining power of buyers is low due to the offer of different
product type. Buyer's cost of switching to a competitors' product is high and Buyers are
price sensitive.
1.2 PestIe anaIysis
1.21 PoIiticaI factor
Current taxation policy requires every fast food restaurant to impose a 6% government
tax to be included in their bills. There is no political support present in fast food
restaurant in Malaysia. Effect of wars or worsening relations with particular countries
doesn't affect the market in Malaysia.
1.22 Economic factor
Overall economic situation in Malaysia is stable. Strength of consumer spending on
consuming food in Malaysia are high. Food business are profitable business if doing it in
the right way. Current and future level of government spending on food is increasing.
Ease of access to loans for entrepreneur. Current and future level of interest rates,
inflation and unemployment are low.
1.23 SocioIogicaI
Malaysian enjoy having food outside of their home. Most of the choices of places that
they take their food are fast food restaurant. n Media views and perceptions fast food is
an unhealthy kind of food which will lead to obesity, which is one of the major problems
in Malaysia. Majority of Malaysia are Muslim people. n order for everyone to enjoy Bob
& Lloyd food, their food must not contain any non-halal food.

1.24 TechnoIogicaI factor

The level of current and future technology in Malaysia is improving. The technology
need inside the restaurant are all available.

1.25 LegaI factor
Malaysia forbid of using child labour in their employment. FOMCA, a trade bodies in
Malaysia control price of food product in Malaysia to make sure there is no hidden hand
manipulating the price.

1.26 EnvironmentaI

The level of pollution created by the product or service is considered low compare to
For environmental considerations, Saturday is a no plastic bag day for Malaysia. There
is good response came from the government, media and consumers regarding the this

2.0 Target Market
The fast food market in Petaling street is highly competitive. Based on the market
analysis above, our target for new fast food restaurant will be everyone that visit
Petaling street as well as people that work around that area. We look at these groups
because these are the types of people who wish to eat healthy and the taste of the food
is excellent. Compare to big corporate fast food restaurant. Each meal calories are up to
1000 kcal which is half of total energies need in human bodies to function per day. What
Bob & Lloyd have to offer are food that satisfied their tongue and fill up their stomach
and energy for them to work the rest of the day. The food that Bob & Lloyd offer are
around 500kcal that is half from competitor offered. This will make Bob & Lloyd at better
position of offering a much healthier food and consumer can consume it every day
compare to other type of fast food that will lead to obesity if continuously consume it
every day.

3.0 Marketing Objectives
To ensure that a Bob & Lloyd are on it right track for their fast food restaurant a
objective for the company have to be create by using SMART objective. We can clearly
identify their work objectives, indicators and targets. S as in Specific objective is to
increase awareness and market share at Petaling street. M as in Measurable objective
is to increase sales by 20% by first 3 months. A as in Achievable objective is to open up
a branch store by end of the year. R as in Realistic, believe that the objective set
above is realistic with their current resource and their expertise in managing the fast
food restaurant. T as in Time, we want to achieve every of our objective above within a
year of time bound.

4.0 TacticaI pIan
Marketing mix most commonly made up of 4p's. The 4p's represent product, price,
place and promotion. Using marketing mix to identify and specify your product and other
marketing related activities so that every objective set is achieve within time frame.

4.1 Product
Excellent product makes its marketing by itself because it gives benefits to the customer.
The fast food restaurant name are "ZERO CARB" What Bob & Lloyd has to offer are
healthy based food despite the term used are fast food but the fast food term used are
actually because of their fast time of producing a set of food. The packaging of our food
are specially made to keep their freshness for maximum time of one hour and the
packaging are environmental friendly. The safety of our food are ensure as the
ingredient used are all high quality and fresh every day. Non fresh ingredient will be
dispose. ncase if the food deliver or the food that bough in store within a hour become
no fresh we will replace you a new one provided customer show us the receipt and it
must not be more than one hour.
The most important part of a business is how you distribute a product and what
distribution channels will be using. Bob & Lloyd will act as direct retailer to distribute
their product and using the Petaling street itself to distribute. They also can setup a
website where they can have a catering and ordering function for distributing their
products to final customer.

The life cycle of any company are depend on their financial stability. Thus pricing
strategies play a key role in maintaining Bob & Lloyd restaurant. n order for them to
succeed against big corporate fast food restaurant they have to use competitive pricing
strategies whereby their sell their product at much cheaper than other corporate product.
Despite selling price at much cheaper, we should not neglecting profit and set the price
below our cost and return no profit in the end and the worst will lead to bankruptcy. One
major role that play part in your pricing strategies will be your supplier. As your cost of
producing the food are depend on the price that supplier gave you. The average price
for a set of meal in our restaurant will be around RM 7++ compare to big corporate meal
that cost around RM 10++
Promotion are essential for a new brand of product to merge from a market. The
function of doing a promotion for your company are to increase awareness and affect
the customer behavior toward your product. A successful promotion will increase your
customer gradually thus increasing your sales. Every fast food restaurant has a slogan
or messages for their product. For your new product suggest using " Eat Zero And Eat
Fresh" beside that packaging of your product are also important as it give the first
impression that will impact your customer idea toward your product. However,
promotion doesn't stop there, there are a lot of type and ways to promote your product.
Some of the example will be advertisement, public relations and sales promotions. n
advertisement, recommend that you do your advertising at TV, newspapers and
internet. t prove that Malaysian spend most of their time watching TV, reading
newspapers and surfing internet and by using these three channels to promote your
product it will have a better result compare to other channels. t is ideal to do promotion
for the first 12 month of opening to increase awareness toward your restaurant. This will
help you increase customer and more sales year onward.

1808 words

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