Charismatic Leader

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html charismatic business leaders are not always effective business leaders.Discuss g iving relevant examples both national and international Transformational and charismatic leadership starts by developing a vision and in spiring followers to achieve strategic goals. Transformational and charismatic m anagers lead with passion and enthusiasm. They convince subordinates to accept t he recommended changes and commit to completing the work necessary to transform the organization. Transformational and charismatic leaders use their personal in tegrity and expertise to build trust in their followers. Typically, they do not ask for input from their subordinates, which limits their interaction. Dependence on Leaders Charismatic leaders tend to attract followers who seek out energetic and inspiri ng guidance. Because these followers may follow their hero blindly, obediently a nd loyally, the subordinates may place too much emphasis on pleasing the leader, rather than achieving a long-term goal. Transformational and charismatic leader s tend to give emotional speeches to motivate subordinates. If narcissistic lead ers behave unethically, they may encourage overly dependent followers to do so a s well. Potential Abuse of Power Transformational and charismatic leaders succeed in situations that require risk -taking by inspiring subordinates to take chances to bring about innovation. Whi le effective charismatic leaders use their power to make a positive impact on th eir organization, some leaders exploit their totalitarian control and manipulate the situation for their own personal gain. Subordinates may obey charismatic le aders without considering the long-term impact simply because these leaders are so convincing and inspiring. Achieving Only a Single Vision Effective charismatic leaders articulate their vision and encourage followers to accept and endorse their ideas. If these leaders reject all other interpretatio ns, subordinates may be forced solely 9 Employees may not feel empowered to act in a creative or innovative capacity, leading to low morale and decreased job sa tisfaction. Additionally, if something changes, such as economic or political co nditions, and the organization can no longer succeed at achieving the vision, ef forts to pursue alternative paths must be started from scratch and opportunities may be missed as a result. Ethical Behavior Authentic transformational and charismatic leaders behave ethically and morally. However, followers may evaluate their leaders on these behaviors, leading some to take actions to achieve that leader's vision without fully understanding the consequences. Leaders who encourage their subordinates to take illegal or immora l actions undermine the organization's long-term interests. A leader's motives s hould be clear to his constituents and followers should be wary of leaders whose egos and self-interest govern their decision making.

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