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Conducted by
General Editor Andrew Feng
Executive Summary
Brief History of Internet Evangelism

Today’s Internet & Digital Technologies

Topics about Digital Technologies

1. Digital Outreach and Evangelism
2. Online Discipleship
3. Christian Vendors
4. Apps
5. Content
6. Social Media Impacts
7. Prayer
8. Scripture Engagement
9. Artificial Intelligence
10. Gaming
11. Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
12. Blockchain
13. Frameworks
14. Collaboration Platforms
15. Volunteer Management Platforms
16. Networks
17. Conferences
18. Theological Education
19. Learning Management System
20. Research Articles and Journals

Opportunities and Considerations for Reaching All Peoples


Many missions executives feel lost in the digital transformation the COVID-19 pandemic
has necessitated. This report will help navigate strategic opportunities and identify
potential avenues for partnerships.

The internet has changed how we communicate, shop, travel, learn, and socialize.
Technological advances often happen so quickly that it can be challenging to keep up,
even for industry insiders. Billions of people worldwide now use specialized digital tools;
missional and global organizational leaders must be aware of current digital

This report provides a broad overview of the digital landscape, resources available, and
opportunities for strategic collaboration. The report surveys a wide range of digital
technologies, as listed in the Table of Contents. Each topic comes with a brief
explanation of the technology, a use case, and highlights several digital resources for
the Great Commission. The topics covered in this report cover a range of technological
adoption. Several technology categories reach billions, others reach millions, and some
technologies are still emerging.

These are innovative times for followers of Christ and mission organizations. It is
possible to advance the Great Commission faster than ever before. This report provides
leaders with an overview of digital opportunities to bring the gospel to every person. We
want to enable disciple-making churches to use the available digital tools to reach every
people and place. Our vision is to see missions leaders adept in digital transformation to
further their ministry and kingdom impact in every sphere of society. As digital
technologies advance, leaders can share new strategies and resources, especially in the
majority world and emerging markets.

This report provides extensive market research, strategic analysis, and insights into how
digital strategies, technology, and experiences can accelerate the work of the Great
Commission. This report was commissioned by the DXM Institute, in collaboration with the
Indigitous network.

Many publications have addressed the topics of digital ecclesiology and humanity's
relationship to digital technologies. This report will approach this vast space from a strategic
angle, highlighting the notably effective strategies in evangelism and discipleship.

As a disclaimer, this report aims to be a starting point. The research team was primarily
English-speaking and many of the resources listed come from a western perspective. We
recognize that there may be gaps and many resources not listed in this report. Further
research and analysis are required for a fully global report covering all resources in every
language and culture.

A Brief History
of Internet


When the internet became mainstream in Other notable pioneers in internet
the mid-1990s, several Christian evangelism include the following:
ministries launched outreach efforts Cybermissions, launched in 1995 by
through websites like Bible Gateway and Rev. John Edmiston, utilizes web
Blue Letter Bible. Mainstream media pages, email, mobile devices, social
noticed the growing trend of religion on media, and internet cafes to share the
the internet, indicated by an excerpt from gospel in over 150 nations. Their
the 1996 article, “Finding God projects include evangelism,
On The Web”: discipleship, theological training,
counseling, and leadership
"The signs of online development. began in 2000 and
religious activity are has grown to include over 45 language
versions. The site is a safe place to
everywhere. If you explore questions about who God is

instruct AltaVista, a and what it might be like to know God.

It is visited by more than 100,000
powerful Internet people each day. started in 2001 as a
search engine, to scour collaboration of websites to introduce
searchers to the Gospel. Since then,
the Web for references the worldwide network has grown to

to Microsoft's Bill more than 85 Christian ministries

engaged in online evangelism and
Gates, the program discipleship with content in 34
languages. Their websites have
turns up an impressive reached over 150 million visitors, over
2.7 million contact forms completed,
25,000 references. But and over 770,000 have subscribed to

ask it to look for Web their daily devotional email.

Global Media Outreach (GMO) is an
pages that mention internet-based ministry that began in
2004. To date, this outreach has over
God, and you'll get 2.2 billion gospel visits, over 258
million indicated decisions, and over
410,000 hits. Look for 320 million discipleship activities.

Christ on the Web, and Mobile Ministry Magazine started in

2004 to help individuals, ministries,
you'll find him—some and organizations utilize mobile
ministry practices.
146,000 times." Network211 has focused on global
evangelism and discipleship via the
One of the first evangelistic Christian internet since 2008. Network211
websites launched in 1995, dubbed its outreach Project
ChristianAnswers.Net. The site now has 100Million, and the statistics to date
content in 44 languages, well over include over 46.7 million visits, over
750,000 text files, 65,000 images, and an 2.2 million evangelism responses, and
estimated 340,000 visits monthly. over 393,000 connections.

Today’s Internet
and Digital


Fast forward from 1995 to 2021. In
Top 10 Internet User Languages
developed countries, and even in some
English 25.3%
developing countries, smartphones have
made communication more accessible 19.8%

than ever before. The internet has made Spanish 8%

the distribution of content and media Arabic 4.8%

ubiquitously accessible. Smartphone Portuguese 4.1%

users have the world’s knowledge at their Indonesian 4.1%

fingertips. Japanese 3%
Russian 2.8%

While internet usage has become French 2.8%

relatively normal in developed countries, German 2.2%

many people do not yet have internet Other 23.1%

access. As of January 2022, 62.5% of the 0% 10% 20% 30%
world’s population uses the internet. This
data implies that about one-third of the Top 20 Website Content Languages
world’s population does not use the
English 63.6%
internet or has limited access. However, Russian 6.9%
the number of internet users continues to Turkish 3.9%
grow. There are about 600,000 new Spanish 3.6%
internet users each day, growing at 4.8 Persian 3.5%
percent of total users annually. As French 2.5%

internet users grow, especially among German 2.0%

Japanese 1.9%
unreached people groups, the opportunity
Vietnamese 1.9%
for digital evangelism, discipleship, and
Chinese 1.3%
church planting also increases. Arabic 1.3%
Indonesian 0.8%
Additionally, the available content on the Portuguese 0.7%
web is disproportionate to the languages Italian 0.7%
of internet users. As a result, some users Ukrainian 0.6%
cannot access information simply 0.6%
Dutch 0.5%
because it is not in a language they
Hebrew 0.5%
understand. Although automation tools Korean 0.5%
can translate entire web pages, it is not Polish 0.5%
the most effective way to communicate. 0% 25% 50% 75%
This raises the need for collaboration
with people of different cultures and The available technology in the world is
languages. This way, we can pool our wonderfully vast, diverse, and complex. It
resources together and share our best is crucial to monitor the technologies that
strategies in every heart language. people groups use and the most
appropriate communication methods for
The chart on the top right shows that evangelism and discipleship. A single
76.9% of internet users speak English, solution will not work for everyone; every
Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, technology, language, and people group
Indonesian, French, Japanese, Russian or requires a contextualized and
German. Compare and contrast the personalized approach. Strategic use of
disproportionate percentages of websites today’s technology makes this type of
with content listed in the chart below. approach possible.

Topics about

This section presents an overview of

different topics to describe and highlight
the current digital technologies used in
evangelism and discipleship worldwide.
This report intends to briefly introduce
and familiarize readers with the various
technology categories in the digital
world. The report provides an
explanatory overview, top examples, and
a summary of implications for missions
and organizational leaders.

Digital Outreach and Evangelism
Many digital outreach and evangelism approaches exist as with traditional (non-digital)
evangelism. This section groups evangelism into three categories based on the target

1. Direct evangelism is to a friend, family member, or acquaintance. There is a pre-

existing relationship between the Christian and non-Christian before evangelism in
this situation.
2. Evangelism via inviting friends to events has one degree of separation. The friend
acts as a trusted broker and asks the person to an event with a gospel presentation.
The friend’s reputation serves as a trust factor to accept the invitation.
3. Evangelism to strangers requires no prior engagement. The Christian meets with the
non-Christian for the first time, with the sole intent of outreach.

Direct Evangelism
Because there is an existing relationship method, the app reduces the level of
between the Christian and non-Christian, knowledge training that an evangelist
direct digital evangelism facilitates the needs, reducing the anxiety often
conversation. For example, the associated with not feeling prepared for
Perspective Cards by CRU is a digital set spiritual conversations. The evangelist
of cards that guide a spiritual can then focus on the relationship and
conversation. Other apps and websites facilitate the discussion without
exist to replicate tracts into digital format, distractions. However, the creator’s
including GodTools: Gospel tradeoff is an inherent bias on the
Conversations by CRU. YesHEIs app by selection criteria of the content. Given the
Christian Vision is empowering a diversity in Christian traditions, curated
community of four million young adults answers on a specific topic might not
through a basic framework for sharing the align with the conviction of the evangelist.
gospel with others. Gospel Tracts
Worldwide has also produced digital Most of the tools mentioned above seem
gospel tracts in 37 languages and to replicate the paper experience of one-
distributed them to over 100 countries. on-one evangelism into a digital medium.
The goal is to offer tools to facilitate
Digital tools also empower direct spiritual conversations. As with any tool,
evangelism through content curation. the user’s familiarity may be limited.
Cru’s digital content app answers Training people with these digital tools
commonly asked spiritual questions via help to scale and cultivate a desire for
videos of Christian speakers. In this evangelism among God’s people.

Evangelism via Inviting
Friends to Events
This method of evangelism is through Some used an issue-specific topic to
invitation. In the non-digital world, this attract attendance (i.e., positive
could be an invitation to an evangelistic parenting). While the overall format varies,
crusade or inviting friends to a church it is usually either a webinar format for
Easter service. The distinction is the many participants or a more
invitation extended from a person known conversational style when the group is
to the individual to a group or event, where smaller. In this manner, digital is just a
both parties will attend. medium switch for the churches that
often run in-person workshops or
One excellent example of this in the digital evangelistic meetings to encourage
world is the Alpha course. Before the members to invite friends.
pandemic, Alpha’s founder Nicky Gumbel
shared that he never thought Alpha could Event-based digital evangelism merely
work in an all-virtual environment. He felt alters the medium from in-person to
that the food and community were pivotal virtual. Traditionally, proximity limits in-
aspects of the Alpha course’s success. To person event invitations, but advances in
his surprise, Nicky discovered that a communication technology have opened
virtual Alpha course allowed him to invite innovative solutions.
friends who typically would not attend an
in-person Alpha session due to distance, Each major community technology has its
scheduling conflicts, or other reasons. limitations. Zoom, Webex, and Microsoft
The digital version of the course still Teams favor only one speaker at a time.
maintains a group setting, encouraging Individuals cannot have side
people to watch the Alpha video followed conversations like one would encounter at
by a guided discussion. In this manner, an in-person gathering. Another challenge
the digital format is simply a medium is the competition of time and attention.
change while the content remains mostly There has been an increase in virtual
the same. Yet, this medium opened events due to the pandemic. Churches no
opportunities for more participants to join longer compete with other events in their
by reducing barriers to entry. area for attendance but with virtual
events happening worldwide. The
Another trend for digital evangelism came attention span for virtual events has also
as a result of the pandemic. Many decreased over the pandemic. Many
churches and para-church organizations people face digital fatigue from spending
moved their evangelistic meetings online increased time in front of a screen.
amid in-person gathering restrictions.

Evangelism to Strangers
Evangelizing to strangers is similar to when the user searches the internet with a
putting up flyers or handing out Christian specific question or issue they are facing.
tracts in public. This strategy is usually Through Search Engine Optimization
done by showing advertisements to many (SEO) techniques, the user lands on a
people at once in the digital realm. website established by Christians that
Clicking on an ad leads viewers to relevant answers the individual’s questions. The
content that could open up a deeper website aims to lead users to enter their
conversation. Below are a few examples contact information to start a
to highlight: conversation with a trained volunteer.

Ekballo University partners with the local Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
churches in Myanmar to run digital (BGEA) utilizes this method across
evangelism campaigns. They will post several websites, such as Search for
digital tracts as an advertisement on Jesus. They run websites in English,
Facebook or promote an online ad with a Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Portuguese,
video of the prodigal son. A small budget American Sign Language, Russian, and
also boosts the ad to reach the audience. Korean. BGEA invests time filtering and
If a person clicks on the advertisement, training its volunteers. To volunteer, one
they are led to a Facebook Messenger must go through several screenings,
chat with several opening questions. training, and mock conversations. This
Since they utilize Facebook business chat, dedication leads to high-quality volunteers
it splits across multiple local Christians. and a low volunteer turnover rate. They
Each person will have one Christian who also provide:
will continue to correspond to the person. Vital feedback to volunteers.
The goal is to build a relationship with the Periodic auditing of chat history.
person to share their phone number and Ongoing coaching.
location. Their information is then passed Volunteer recognition to keep up the
to a phone team to call and follow up. The volunteer engagement level.
team also tries to connect the person to
the nearest local church. Power to Change Ministries, based in
Canada, also utilizes a similar approach
Similarly, Dreams about Jesus is an with Issues I Face or The Life. Their
evangelistic ministry outreach to Muslims. website highlights social issues such as
They have a series of videos with Muslims debt, divorce, and gambling. The Mentor
sharing their dreams about Jesus. They Network recruits strong Christians to sign
utilize social media as a method of up as virtual mentors for people interested
sharing content via advertisements. Once in Christianity.
an individual clicks the ad, the call-to-
action is to complete a form and share Three of the largest online evangelism
their email address. The organization has ministries—GMO, BGEA, and Cru—
formed a team of volunteer pastors who account cumulatively for at least 200
divide the inquiries and correspond with million gospel presentations on the
the person via email. internet each year. All three say the
number of people seeking online
Another method of digital evangelism information about knowing Jesus has
directs users based on what they search increased since the COVID-19 outbreak
for on the internet. This method starts was declared a pandemic in March 2020.

Perhaps the most extensive collaboration engaged in online evangelism and
of digital evangelism is, a global discipleship. Every few seconds, someone
international network of more than 85 in the world decides to know more about
Christian organizations and ministries Jesus via their network of websites.

Opportunities in Digital
In summary, digital evangelism among Unlike traditional mass-market
mass audiences has primarily two entry evangelism, which broadcasts a message
points: digital advertisement or user to a large audience, digital evangelism
search. The goal is to get the user enables organizations to focus efforts on
interested and continue a conversation users with specific attributes. There is
with a Christian. This method utilizes a potential to target a person in a frontier
large team of volunteers to respond to people group with gospel content and
inquiries. tracts in their language. Or, a person
struggling with an addiction may see an
Data is one advantage of digital advertisement with a testimony of
evangelism. We can get a tangible count someone set free from addiction by the
and return on investment (ROI) for each gospel. Targeting specific market
campaign and improve each subsequent segments can help people see that the
campaign based on tracking from the gospel is relevant to their lives.
previous one. Growth in the digital
marketing space and search engine For next steps following digital
algorithms enables strategic decision- evangelism, there are opportunities to
making for the organization. continue the faith-journey with new
believers via online discipleship.

Online Discipleship
Many of our relationships engage online, whether regarding work, friends, or family. The
global pandemic accelerated the digitization of relationships, and it also highlighted a
universal need for human connection. These developments have clarified the need for
discipleship opportunities in the digital frontier.

Matthew 28:20 describes discipleship as “...baptizing them in the name of the Father and
of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
Discipleship is essential because believers are to guide people to Christ. Christians need
to have an online presence to bring light to online communities.

At a high level, two categories of digital discipleship include:

Consumption model: Digitization of church content and putting it online for audiences
to consume (one-to-many like blogs, videos, sermon recordings).
Transformation model: Facilitation of connection and engagement with the goal of
transformation (one-to-one, one-to-few, real-time and human-to-human interaction).

Christians must utilize digital tools to take advantage of discipleship opportunities. With
more interactions and connections becoming virtual, discipleship will naturally become
increasingly integrated with our everyday digital lives. However, it can feel like entering
uncharted territory at first. Through digital tools, discipleship can easily be made more
globally accessible.

Examples of Online Discipleship:

Consumption Model
Contagious Disciple Making (CDM) Discipleship Library is an online
provides methods and coaching to collection of discipleship training
use the Discovery Bible Study to build resources from the last 60 years.
disciples within one’s community. Discover is a popular method of
There are podcasts, webinars, a discipleship study. It allows people to
mobile app, and blogs to help guide a read the Bible and discover what God
movement in the community. CDM is says to them. It works best in small
an excellent example of combining groups of 4-8 people. The Discover
both the consumption and App also helps to facilitate the study
transformation models. E3 Partners has modules and videos
for believers to be trained as healthy
disciples and build others up.

Examples of Online Discipleship:
Transformation Model
Big Life provides 1-2 days of Mission Media U offers mentored
interactive participation. Simple tools online training courses to distribute to
train 15-30 people to be disciples who missionaries and church leaders to
make disciples. It is available in 21 learn to apply media and innovative
languages. technology to ministry. Courses are
Discipleship.Space is an online five weeks long and require 3 hours a
platform with courses to help week.
participants grow in their relationship Living on the Edge provides Biblical
with Christ and equips users to teaching and discipleship resources
disciple others. An “online missionary” that challenge and equip spiritually
may also serve as an e-coach. hungry Christians all over the world.
Indigitous PH & Cru Philippines The ultimate vision of Living on the
manages Discipleship.Space in Edge is to be a catalytic movement of
partnership with Christians living out their faith in ways
Kairos is an interactive course on the that transform families, churches, and
Great Commission and challenges communities for the common good
believers to participate meaningfully. and the glory of God.
The 9-session course caters to Zume Training is an online training
various learning styles through platform. It equips participants in
specially designed activities: group basic disciple-making and simple
discussions, short lecture church planting multiplication
introductions, devotions, video principles, processes, and practices. It
teaching, and student participation. is available in 40 languages.

According to Ourworldindata, 3.5 billion
people out of 7.7 billion people in the
world are online. Facebook has 2.5 billion
monthly active users, Twitter has 152
million daily active users, and Youtube has
2 billion monthly active users. Social
media platforms are used by 1 in 3 people
globally and more than two-thirds of all
internet users.

According to Barna, believers with a

background and expertise in digital tools
must be proactive with guidance
navigating the digital landscape.

Challenges and Summary
There are two significant challenges to be aware of regarding online discipleship. First, in
the digital world, the human connection often lacks depth. The bar for fellowship lowers
as it is easier to become passive on issues like accountability. Second, measuring
transformation can be elusive (although in-person measurements also have challenges).
The platforms for online discipleship exist, but there are challenges. Users need to
consider long-term action for individuals, tangible lifestyle changes, and communal

It is critical to stay ahead of the curve and leverage available tools to disciple others.
There is no shortage of materials and platforms. Christian thought leaders with expertise
in digital tools should proactively engage with churches on adoption, enablement, and
creation. However, the tools are a means to an end, not a replacement for connection and

Christian Vendors
There are an estimated 384,000 churches in America, not counting organic and house
churches. Churchs require organizational operations and processes which results in a
sizable marketplace for Christian vendors of products and services.

Monk Development was founded in 2006 and serves churches. Its product Ekklesia360
was developed by a former pastor who saw a need to uplevel churches’ digital presence
and deepen engagement with their community through technology. This website builder
platform has been used by over 8,500 Ministries in over 20 countries. Since its inception,
Monk Development has been acquired by Ministry Brands, a corporation with over 25
solutions and services that support more than 95,000 faith-based organizations
throughout North America.

Examples of Christian Vendors

Below is a small sampling of vendors and
companies that provide technical
expertise in a specific niche:

Basil Tech is a Christian tech nonprofit Onesheep is innovating, designing,

and provides tech consulting services, and building digital solutions for
design sprints, and product ministries. For example, through rapid
development. The team’s goal is to prototyping, they are able to provide a
utilize their God-given gifts to build roadmap, product strategy, and costs
technologies that redeem and serve. for a product to be fully developed.
They are the creators of the Read TechBridge is a nonprofit tech
Scripture app and Scripture Labs. consulting firm witha focus on
Christian Supply Chain Buying Group providing services to other nonprofits
(CSCBG) is a UK collective that aims to combat global hunger,
to help nonprofits utilize their capital homelessness, provide workforce
in effective manners through services, and fight for social justice.
economies of scale to provide savings
opportunities so members can To see a list of more than 100 business
reinvest more into their organizations. entities, browse the OpenChurch
MoonBeam Development is a database.
technology company offering
software engineering solutions, Churches and missions organizations can
mobile app development, website benefit from utilizing and maintaining
design and development, and technological resources, especially as the
software host/maintenance services. world continues to become more digital.

Opportunities and Challenges
Christian Vendors in the digital space offer technology in such a broad category with
diverse opportunities, and many professionals and companies can implement the
strategies, services, or products well. Defining the problem is essential to developing an
effective solution.

In a world with both developed and developing countries, vendors promote a digital
society and enable any country to benefit from technologies. However, this may cause an
imbalance for countries where the infrastructure has not yet developed enough to
support high levels of technology usage.

Apps are downloaded software with a specific function for a user on a mobile device.
When worldwide mobile internet usage surpassed desktop usage for the first time in
October 2016, it became more strategic to reach larger audiences through mobile apps.

About 92 percent of users access the internet via mobile devices. App users spread
across different age groups among the global population. Individuals in the 18-24 age
range spent an average of 113 hours per month on apps, those aged 25 to 24 spent 102
hours per month, and 35-44 year-old individuals spent 94 hours per month.

These individuals typically use nine mobile apps daily and 30 apps per month. Ministries
have unique opportunities to leverage mobile applications to spread Christ. They can
enlighten an individual with Christ or nurture a believer with steps to live out God’s
kingdom work.

Desktop and browser sites are rich resources to leverage. Mobile apps bring added
flexibility and act as tools for habit-building. The space is broad and falls under several
categories, including spiritual disciplines of prayer, Scripture reading, gospel sharing, and
communication platforms.

The mobile app space is ripe for mission organizations to use and aid God’s people in
working for His kingdom. Below is a list of top mobile apps that offer content in four

Average Monthly Hours per Mobile App User by Age

125 112.6
100 93.6

75 69.3



18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+

Prayer Read-Study-Memorize the
Abide (iOS, Android) provides resources
for users to listen, sleep, and meditate to Bible Study Tools (iOS, Android) is from
Scripture. the largest online library of study Bible
versions with commentaries, dictionaries,
Interseed has developed an app that lexicons, encyclopedias, concordances,
engages a community in prayer, historical facts, and sample sermons.
encouragements, and testimonies. This
app contains customization features, Glorify (iOS, Android) is a Bible devotional
filtering displays, and tracks every time designed for increasing spiritual wellness
you pray for someone with a visualization habits. It takes the user through bite-sized
of a growing plant. Bible passages, prayer, meditation, and
music. In its first two years, Glorify
Lectio 365 is a free daily devotional completed over 19 million Daily Worship
resource from 24/7 Prayer that helps sessions and has grown to 1.8 million
users pray the Bible every day, follow daily users. In December 2021, this London-
Bible readings, thoughts, and prayers that based company raised $40 million from
follow a simple P.R.A.Y rhythm. It is investors.
inspired by Lectio Divina, a way of
meditating on the Bible that Christians Logos (iOS, Android, Web, Desktop) is a
have used for centuries. leading Bible study app with free and paid
content. The platform features various
PrayerMate (iOS, Android) helps organize commentaries, books, and sermons
users' prayer lives so they can focus on available for users to dive deeper into the
what matters. Users can create prayer Bible.
groups to pray for the people and causes.
Our Daily Bread (iOS, Android, Web,
Church Communication Desktop) provides a quick daily devotional
thought and a passage of scripture to
reflect on. (iOS, Android) is a platform that
helps churches engage with their YouVersion (iOS, Android, Web, Desktop)
community. enables members to is the original Bible app and has over 500
take interactive sermon notes, listen to million downloads. With over 2,646 Bible
messages on the go, access small group versions in 1,774 languages available, it is
material, check the prayer list, engage the most robust and versatile Bible app in
with real-time church newsfeeds, and give providing God’s Word to the world. The
a donation. Bible app hosts a vast library of reading
plans provided by content partners that
have effectively helped millions read
Scripture more often. The Bible app
nurtures social-media-like communities
through friends, prayers, sharing images,
highlighting verses, and more. Its
companion website at makes
the Bible text more easily displayed on
search engine results, furthering its reach
and impact.
Churches can foster accountability
Share the Gospel through mobile apps that are
GodTools (iOS, Android) provides communication platforms for members.
graphics in 90+ languages and short Before COVID-19, generational changes
videos to help users share the gospel and may have prompted church communities
grow in their faith. This app has tools such to adopt mobile or online tithing, as the
as “Knowing God Personally” and “The young population often does not use
Four” that users can walk through with checks or cash. COVID-19 instigated a
others when evangelizing. new phase of connecting with the church
body remotely. Touchless practices make
Jesus Film Project (iOS, Android, Web, mobile giving more appealing and
Desktop) has an app that provides a full convenient.
digital library of more than 200 movies,
miniseries, and short films produced to Mobile apps can also create links
help the world know Jesus better. between believers across the globe. For
Everything on the app is free to watch, example, YouVersion’s community forum
download and share with anyone you allows users to comment on a verse when
meet. Content is available in over 1,900 a friend highlights it. In this way, believers
languages. are encouraged to see others reading
God’s Word and gain insight from others’
YesHEis (iOS, Android, Web) provides contributions.
faith-sharing tools to equip young adults
to introduce someone to Jesus, with To use and deploy technology effectively
content available in 11 languages. They’ve in a global context, digital experiences can
helped over 1.29 million people talk about be tailored to each end-user and provide a
Jesus. smooth user experience (UX) for those
receiving the gospel. User-friendly apps
can be carefully designed so no training is
Impact of Apps required.

Apps are shaping the spiritual lives of In evangelism, language barriers are a
people in two major areas: spiritual common challenge to overcome.
disciplines and global connections. However, apps like GodTools offer
translations for illustrations and graphics.
For spiritual disciplines, mobile apps act Mobile apps packaged with multi-
as tangible tools for personal growth, language content are crucial in
even if an individual has little knowledge remembering God’s Great Commission.
of growing. For example, an individual
may acknowledge a lackluster prayer
relationship with God. A mobile app can
guide principles of prayer, passages to
pray, or questions to consider. The
scenario is similar for Scripture reading
and evangelism.

Challenges with Apps
Several factors may deter the adoption of Reliable platforms and infrastructure are
mobile app users in the church required to host the mobile apps and to
community and missions space. The access them without frustration. Google’s
issues are not only related to study in 2017 showed that “more than half
technological infrastructures, such as (53%) of mobile users abandon a page if it
content security, reliable platforms, or takes more than three seconds to load.”
internet access but also stem from This highlights the importance of a
personal barriers such as lack of trust or platform that can be used efficiently.
unfamiliarity with technologies.
Lastly, it may take considerable time and
Mission organizations must consider effort to help people learn to use new
using methods to provide compelling technologies and mobile apps.
content to the intended audience Communities and organizations must
securely. Even though the internet is accommodate this by providing adequate
available in many closed or sensitive promotion, training, and reminders to help
countries, individuals may face penalties individuals understand the benefits of
or life-threatening situations if found to using each mobile app for productivity at
have any Christ-related apps on their work and propagation of the gospel.
mobile devices. In the last few years,
China has censored content about Christ Despite these challenges, mission
across social media and internet organizations must recognize the
browsing. Open Doors has a World Watch increasing use of digital technologies and
list of the top 50 countries where the available opportunities that mobile
following Christ is the most difficult and apps present in bringing Jesus to the
riddled with persecution. To protect users, world.
app creators must prepare secure access

The term “content” broadly encompasses various modes of communication such as
media, stories, and technology. It includes publications, articles, videos, films, websites,
games, training resources, apps, social media, and other digital experiences. Digital
content has become a mainstay for sharing the gospel in all of these various forms,
especially for global audiences in all languages.

Biblical and missional content has become readily available, becoming one of the
immediate solutions in an age of digital transformation. While the power of engaging
content is undeniable, audiences can become oversaturated with content. For Christians,
this is no different. The challenge is to engage the right audience with the right content.

Content strategy is a marketing plan designed to reach the desired audience organically
by providing value. The goal is to build trust and awareness with the desired audience
around one’s ministry brand. Consistent, high-quality, and engaging content impacts

Reliant Creative, a creative agency for ministries, explains three types of content.
Informational content includes ministry updates and announcements. Educational
content enables the audience to learn something new. Finally, inspirational content is
story-driven content that motivates the audience to take action.

Each of these three content types offers value to the audience. In the case of missions,
consistent value can help Christians better understand the global missions landscape
through an engaging and memorable story. Powerful testimonies of God at work provide
context for potential donors and long-term supporters.

Impact of Apps
The Bible Project is an education Create International has teams in seven
technology company that produces media countries on four continents. Teams
to help people encounter the Bible. Their produce indigenous gospel films for the
resources are available for free. Their world’s unreached peoples. They have
most popular resources are animated produced films for more than 225 least-
videos on specific biblical themes, book reached people groups, all of which one
overviews, word series, and a “How to may download for free at Indigitube.
Read the Bible” series.
Other ministries of Create International:
Bible Project has recently released an
app that builds a reading journey to 1. Create Mobile produces & trains
educate readers on the larger story of the others to create audio-visual
Bible. As part of the Bible Project’s resources to make the gospel of
Mission, they actively remake and Jesus known to every unreached
distribute their videos to as many people people group.
as possible. At this writing, Bible Project 2. Create Middle East uses video
has over 3,100 videos in 48 languages. production, social media strategies,
Sixty percent of their video views are and discipleship resources to reach
from outside the U.S. the Middle East and North Africa in
their heart language.
Create International is a communication
ministry of Youth With A Mission that Disciple.Tools is an open-source software
seeks to “declare God’s glory in all the that aims to improve the quality of
world” through producing and distributing evangelism follow-up and intentionality in
indigenous media resources. They strive disciple-making. Conceptually, it is
to initiate and strengthen evangelistic and software that includes the following:
church planting efforts among the 1. Contact Management (CRM).
remaining Least Evangelized Mega 2. Group tracking for church planting.
Peoples of the world. Their goals are to: 3. Generation and leadership tracking.
4. Saturation strategy and mapping for
1. PRODUCE an indigenous evangelistic church planting efforts.
audio-visual tool for every one of the 5. Media to Movement for connecting
least evangelized peoples. Their list of online seekers with offline disciple-
554 people groups can be found here. makers.
2. BROADEN strategic partnerships with 6. Open software releases ministries to
the Body of Christ to maximize impact customize or expand tracking
and results according to their needs.
3. ACCELERATE proven techniques and
strategies through innovative training
4. DISTRIBUTE indigenous gospel
presentations among targeted
unreached peoples using 21st-century

Global Media Outreach has demonstrated Visual Story Network accelerates the
the strength of the internet by providing mission of the Church by equipping our
over 1.5 billion gospel presentations. The generation to use media, story, and
organization shares Jesus online in 26 innovation to make disciples in least-
languages by driving traffic to the website reached nations. The team does this by
via search engine optimization (SEO). The training leaders, connecting global
organization spends as little as five cents partnerships, producing media, and
per gospel presentation and can use SEO equipping resources. Its purpose is to
to connect with people looking for foster movements that encourage
answers. People who decide to follow disciple-making and church planting.
Jesus after a gospel presentation are
contacted by one of over 5,000 online
missionaries and are ensured a
connection in their local context.

Social Media Impacts
Social media was created to build and maintain interpersonal relationships. Social media
connects people from around the globe. Some individuals have never experienced life
without social media.

Billions of people use popular social networks around the world, as illustrated in this

Most Popular Social Networks Worldwide

As of October 2021, ranked by number of active users (in millions)

Facebook 2895
Youtube 2291
WhatsApp 2000
TikTok/Douyin 1600 (TikTok: 1000, Douyin: 600)
Instagram 1393
Facebook Messenger 1251
WeChat 1251
QQ 591
Sina Weibo 566
Telegram 550
Snapchat 538
Kuaishou 454
Pinterest 436
Reddit 430
Quora 300
0 1,000 2,000 3,000

In 2022, social networks are estimated to reach 4.5 billion users. The commonly used
industry metric is “monthly active users,” which are individuals who have interacted at
least once a month.

Volumes of books, articles, and studies have been published about the negative impact of
social media on users. Pew Research Center alone has produced over 800 publications
about social media. Numerous studies have exposed the risks and dangers of social
media on mental health, privacy, and democracy.

And yet, there are vast opportunities to use social media for the Gospel’s sake in
evangelism and discipleship. There are three categories to consider when discussing
opportunities on social media: content, conversation, and influencers.

For a more goal-oriented approach to
Content social media content, organizations can
For many businesses and nonprofits, the run a campaign with focused thematic
role of social media marketing has content for a set duration that’s designed
become a paid staff position. It has to mobilize an audience to collectively
become normative to produce compelling respond. Radical’s Secret Church is an
and engaging content to sell products and example of an online event that will be
services. Merely posting quality content streamed online to more than 50,000
online is no longer enough to reach users. participants around the world. Another
Advertising fees have to be paid. Paid one is a fundraising campaign called the
placement is how social networks can Twelve Verse Challenge hosted by
financially sustain themselves and profit IllumiNations.Bible.
from their user base.

Most social platforms operate on a pay-

to-play model because the model enables Conversation
platforms to remain profitable while
providing their services to millions of Social media is powerful because it offers
users for “free.” The average reach of an anyone a public voice and flattens social
organic post on a Facebook Page hovers hierarchies. That is also its downside, but
around 5.20 percent. That means only one there is no putting the genie back in the
out of 19 users who like your page gets to bottle. Followers of Christ cannot
see non-promoted content. An ad budget counteract negative voices by retreating
is required to reach more users. or criticizing. It is much wiser to use social
media by posting God-honoring content.
Here is an example of how social media There is no better way to lead than by
content reached and engaged many example.
This quote from an article regarding
“Now, it’s not unusual for one of our Twitter said it well: “Conversation
Facebook posts to be seen by half a connects people, lets us share knowledge,
million people in the region, and and inspires creativity and innovation.”
sometimes far more. One in ten people When it comes to evangelism and
typically respond by liking or sharing the discipleship, it often takes more than
post, and one in a thousand comments. consuming a static piece of content. It is
the human connection over time via back-
“On one of our recent posts, we dared to and-forth conversations that forms a
ask, ‘Can God deceive?’ and referred to a relationship and truly makes a disciple.
verse of the Quran that implies God is the
greatest of deceivers. Suddenly people Pastor Rick Warren joined Twitter when he
were talking! realized that social media is not only for
being narcissistic. He discovered that
“We fielded over 1,350 comments in three social media can be used to mentor
days. ‘No, never! How can you say such a others, to encourage, to shine a light in the
thing?’ and ‘Curses on you!’ they wrote.” darkness. Ephesians 5:16 exhorts
believers to redeem the times. Christian
leaders and organizations must redeem
social media.

When an active user combines content Carll is the official unofficial
engagement and conversations to attract spokesperson for Sunday Cool Tees
a sizable audience on a social network, and his YouTube videos have had
the user becomes known as an millions of views. The videos are
“influencer.” An influencer can grow a created to benefit youth ministries
loyal following and can convey quality across the globe.
content that inspires, informs, entertains, Carlos Whittaker is a social media
and connects. While brands of companies maven, author, and speaker. Carlos
and nonprofits could grow their social shares his life openly as a digital
media presence, it is often the individual native. Carlos is a People’s Choice
(or sometimes, a pair or a small number Award winner, with appearances on
of individuals) that has a greater influence shows like CBS Early Morning, The
on audience behavior. A single individual Today Show, and the Nick Cannon
seems to offer a more genuine Show. He was invited by President
interaction. Obama to lead a worship song at a
White House breakfast.
There are numerous popular authors, Jefferson Bethke rose to fame with a
motivational speakers, and Christian viral video on YouTube, “Why I Hate
ministry leaders who have established Religion, But Love Jesus.” The video
their audiences and followings through now has over 35 million views. Since
books and conference appearances, that video in 2012, he has become a
where social media is merely an extension published author and speaker.
of their brand. This section draws
attention to those who have established
their audiences and influence primarily TikTok reported in September 2021 that
through social media. Here are some the app averages about 1 billion monthly
examples of Christian influencers on active users. Christian influencers include
popular social networks: Invasion Ministries with 6.4 million likes,
404.4 thousand followers, and over
170,600 TikTok salvations. Strong in
Christ has 3.3 million likes and 735.2
thousand followers. Warriors of Christ has
24.6 million likes and 1.9 million
followers. One marketing study found that
Christian TikTok accounts drove more
than 169 million engagements in 2020.
Christianity Today’s article, “Meet the
TikTok Generation of Televangelists”
speaks more about this phenomenon.

Opportunities and Challenges
Social media powerfully opens the opportunity to reach people in an effective, albeit
mediated manner through the internet. Engaging content can prompt questions from
people who are curious and would like to learn more about Jesus Christ. Social media
can quickly distribute different forms of media (text, images, and videos) to engage with
unreached people groups and potentially plant the seeds to bring them to Christ.

However, sharing the Gospel publicly is often challenging in a closed country or where
Christianity is a minority. For some, social media is not as personal as face-to-face
interaction. For digital natives, however, relationships are often perceived the same
whether online or in person. Opportunities to reach more people on social media abound.
Yet there are some precautions to keep in mind.

Social media requires internet access, and millions of people around the globe do not
have access or reliable access.

Different regions and countries prefer different social networks which makes developing
ministry strategy challenging in contextualizing to different channels, formats, and social
media subcultures. Additionally, some countries have restrictions. For example,
Facebook is not available in China, Iran, Syria, or North Korea.

Culturally speaking, it is imperative to have accurate translations of media rendered by a

native speaker. Sensitivity to cultural differences is much more important in mediated
communication. From a missionary standpoint, one has to be careful not to promote the
“Western Savior” image and must allow room for nuance.

It is time to consider shifting the mentality of how missions activities can be carried out.
With social media, it is no longer necessary for believers to travel to serve and impact
people in other places.

Imagine a place where believers worldwide can worship and pray together in multiple
languages at any time of the day. Digital prayer platforms make this vision a reality.
These platforms have tremendous potential to impact lives by facilitating a regular prayer
life. The global Church can stay connected by creating online communities that pray
together and educating believers on targeted prayer needs. Through prayer, more people
may be aware of both the needs of fellow believers and the needs of those still waiting to
hear the Gospel. Additionally, the ease through which digital platforms connect believers
is unmatched by any other platform.

Platforms that already have ongoing The International House of Prayer

partnerships and sharing of resources (IHOP) community exists to partner in
include those below: the Great Commission by advancing
24/7 prayer proclaiming the beauty of
The Global Prayer Resource Network Jesus and His glorious return. The
wishes to connect praying Christians International House of Prayer is an
with local and global prayer needs. evangelical missions organization
The website offers prayer resources committed to praying to release the
to help believers pray informed fullness of God’s power to win the
prayers and sustain fervent lost, heal the sick, feed the poor, make
intercession. Their website meets the disciples, and impact every sphere of
growing demand for tools and society. IHOP was founded by Mike
resources that allow believers to pray Bickle. The International House of
more specifically. There is a plethora Prayer of Kansas City began on May 7,
of information and resources available 1999, with a humble group of young
through many respected ministries people crying out to God for thirteen
and organizations. The resources hours each day. Four months later,
enable believers to pray effectively for these “intercessory missionaries”
the nation. The more informed extended their schedule to 24/7.
believers are, the more relevant our
prayers can become.

International Prayer Connect (IPC) Joshua Project is a research initiative
exists as a coalition of prayer seeking to highlight ethnic people
networkers and mobilizers working groups with the fewest followers of
together to motivate, develop, and Christ. Accurate, updated ethnic
equip national movements and local people group information is critical for
churches. The goal is to fill all nations understanding and completing the
with prayer for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Joshua Project
Great Commandment and the began in 1995 as part of the AD2000
completion of the Great Commission. and Beyond Movement. Since 2006
Several prayer initiatives contributed Joshua Project has been a ministry of
to the birth of the International Prayer Frontier Ventures (formerly known as
Connect, also known as the the U.S. Center for World Mission).
International Prayer Council, including Joshua Project serves missions
The International Prayer Assembly for agencies, denominations, churches,
World Evangelization in Korea and the and individuals worldwide that have a
World Prayer Advisory Council. Prayer heart for pioneer church planting
leaders worldwide decided to form a among least-reached people groups.
new organization that would connect Providers of Joshua Project data
prayer networks and ministries include international researchers and
worldwide to focus prayer on common church planters, local churches and
global concerns. Global Family 24-7 individuals, denominations, and
Prayer runs under the auspices of the mission agencies. Field workers utilize
International Prayer Connect. Its co- the information for building prayer and
founder Dr. Jason Hubbard said: We vision for their ministries and
are convinced that the Crux of the discovering available ministry tools.
Great Commission and the reaching of 24-7 Prayer is an international,
every person by 2030 in the Go interdenominational prayer movement
Decade need to especially focus on with a vision to revive the Church and
the Unreached People Groups. They rewire the culture through non-stop
are the ethne of Matthew 28, of which prayer. The ministry started in 1999
there are about 5,000 such people when a simple student-led prayer vigil
groups still separated by language went viral, and groups worldwide
and culture with an average of only joined in to pray. Now, thousands of
one believer per thousand. They need communities worldwide have
cross-cultural efforts integrated with a participated in 24-7 Prayer.
focused, ongoing prayer to see
indigenous gospel movements
established in them.

Insights & Trends
Data is used to encourage believers to Other websites, such as Joshua Project
pray. The most prevalent initiatives and Open Doors, offer prayer points to
calculate the number of people praying at help believers pray for the specific needs
a given time and the number of prayers of unreached people groups. These
submitted by “prayer warriors.” Statistics websites are focused more on the
on people groups, lists of suggested accuracy of the data than the experience
topics, and information about current of the person praying.
events/initiatives offer guidance for
choosing prayer topics. Forms allow Most prayer resources use a standard
users to submit prayer requests, sign up website design and overlapping features,
for scheduled prayer times, and receive including prayer rooms (or signing up to
regular updates. pray for a specific topic/time block) and
prayer topics/articles. The International
One current trend for online prayer is House of Prayer is the most complex
creating prayer rooms where people can system. IHOP strives to be a self-
pray for specific topics. Another trend is sustaining movement by hosting
creating a worship atmosphere to conferences, training, church involvement,
facilitate both prayer and worship. Several and even a university. Other websites,
websites and many apps include music such as Joshua Project, are complex and
alongside prayer. Some even have daily utilize older designs that are less intuitive
devotionals on various topics that can be to navigate. Global Prayer Resource
read before or after praying. Thus, these Network has the most straightforward
trends emphasize that prayer is not design as it serves to collect and share
perceived or treated as an isolated other organizations’ resources on prayer.
activity. It does not have an interactive interface
for users.

Considerations and
One challenge is the risk of digital prayer and International House of Prayer) seem
platforms encouraging believers to more isolated and often create their
forego regular in-person prayer meetings resources or provide training,
in favor of exclusively online conferences, and events. The smaller
communities. This is dangerous because platforms (as mentioned above) do a
online communities have the potential to better job of networking and sharing
be superficial. In-person gatherings resources.
facilitate deeper relationships where
people share life more closely, encourage Like all digital platforms, these resources
each other, and provide opportunities for are dependent on people and money.
accountability that may not exist in an Smaller initiatives like Joshua Project and
online prayer room. Global Prayer Resource Network only have
one to three people maintaining the
As the world changes, it may be hard for system. Other systems tend to depend on
certain websites to stay up-to-date on denominations and churches, limiting the
current statistics. They have implemented ability to network and diminishing the
a system that allows anyone to submit work of global prayer.
updated info for review with this
realization. Other platforms, such as A possible second-order effect of online
Global Prayer Resource Network, are run global prayer opportunities is the ability to
solely by individuals who desire to provide track people who use these platforms.
a joint space for all nation-unreached Especially for believers in sensitive areas,
prayer resources. The task of updating online security is of utmost importance. A
links, resources, and calendar events can possible solution could be utilizing secular
be overwhelming for one individual. platforms that make it easier to hide one’s
identity. However, countries continue to
It is crucial to network and share control online access to sites deemed
resources. Larger platforms (24-7 Prayer threatening.

Scripture Engagement
Historically, the Bible is often the first text to be published and distributed by new
technology. In the 21st century, that has taken the form of internet websites and apps as
well as application programming interfaces (APIs) and artificial intelligence (AI).

The term “Scripture Engagement” can have different meanings. It can broadly describe
the entire process of how people acquire the Bible in their language. Or it can delineate
the way people read and interact with Scriptures. This chart illustrates the finer
distinctions used among some Bible experts:

Examples of Scripture People Need the Word
Engagement Apps Accessing the Bible has become easier
because of the internet, even in countries
1. (a ministry of Faith Comes By where the Bible is not permitted.
Hearing) provides a vast library of However, nearly a billion people in the
Bible translations in 1,579 languages world do not yet have the Bible in their
to make disciples from every nation language. Over 3,800 languages are still in
and language. The app also includes need of a full Bible translation, of which
word-for-word Gospel films about the 1,892 languages have yet to begin
life and ministry of Jesus in 1,000+ translation work. Here are several efforts
languages. working to eradicate Bible poverty:
2. Deaf Bible app (by Deaf Bible Society)
provides free access to video Bible American Bible Society aims to make
translations in 25+ sign languages. It the Bible available to every person in a
connects the Deaf community by language and format each can
training leaders to establish Deaf Bible understand and afford, so all people
Together groups. The Deaf Church may experience its life-changing
Where tool points the way to Christian message. Over 700 Bible resources
services and ministries for the Deaf. can be found in their Resource Center.
3. Dwell app (iOS and Android) lets users Their library includes the option to
explore Scripture through daily filter resources by audience, format,
listening plans, topical playlists, and more.
curated stories, passages, and more. Every Tribe Every Nation (ETEN) was
Individuals can choose from ten established in 2010 as an alliance of
genuine voices, each passionate Bible translation organizations and
about reading Scripture. Resource Partners committed to
4. YouVersion (iOS, Android, Web, eradicating Bible poverty. It uniquely
Desktop) is the original Bible app. combines the perspectives of
Learn more in the “Apps” section. missiology and philanthropy by
bringing together implementers and
Bible Resources investors. It seeks to leverage the
alliance partners to ensure that by
Looking at the United States as an 2033 at least a portion of the Bible is
example, about 54 million people, or 17 translated into every language
percent of the population, engages with needed to reach every nation.
the Bible regularly.

In the United States today, just 54 million

people—or 17 percent of the population—
engage with the Bible on a regular basis.
Millions more want to build a Bible-
reading routine, but need help overcoming
the obstacles that stand in their way.
Through online Bible-reading tools, apps
and games more Americans can engage
with the life-changing message of God’s

Global.Bible is part of The Global Bible There is one glaring obstacle to digital
Project. It is a collection of over 1,000 outreach. Two-thirds of the world’s
Bibles published online in individual population does not read, including
desktop and mobile sites with the full Unreached People Groups, which
user experience in the local eliminates any application that does not
languages. The audio recording of include some form of oral
Scripture can enhance the text reading communication. Spoken Worldwide trains
experience when available. Users can local leaders to share Bible stories by
also search for a specific Bible by using a proprietary MP3 player or SD
language name or country. cards because many people in developing
Global.Bible also features a search countries have cell phones.
tool called to help equip
users to read, study and reference the To find a Bible resource that is already
Bible in more than 800 versions and produced in various media formats (print,
more than 700 languages. To facilitate digital, audio, visual), browse the catalog
Bible studies, users can add notes and at Find.Bible. The directory has over
tags to their favorite Scripture 23,000 Scripture resources and over
passages. 4,500 Bible Versions in 4,580 Languages.
illumiNations.Bible was launched in
2017 alongside ETEN. It works to Get.Bible provides a new, top-level domain
grow a larger community of givers and using “.Bible” for websites. Note that
provide project-based tracking for several resources in this section use the
translations to more deeply engage domain as the trusted source for all of
donors with specific needs. This kind their Bible-related content. For website
of collaboration among Bible needs, Get.Bible has written several blogs,
translation agencies is including one for finding trustworthy
unprecedented and has the potential information pertaining to Google SEO
to mobilize collaboration around ranking.
other giant causes that no one
organization can address alone.
International Scripture Ministries
(ISM) actively seeks to use cutting-
edge and emerging technologies (e.g.,
5G, satellite communications) to
reach every person on earth with the
whole Word of God. One plan in the
works is to build a “direct to device”
architecture to translate ISM’s initial
Bible study programs into every
available language through its ministry

Many people don’t realize that almost all
APIs (Application Bible translations are bound by
Programming Interfaces) significant royalties and restrictions. It is
often a slow and painful process to get
Access to the Bible is just the first step to permission to use the texts. Faith Comes
engaging with the Bible in life-changing By Hearing cleverly gets around this by
ways. Effective Scripture engagement establishing legal contracts and payments
consists of three important factors: with each translation owner and then lets
frequency of interaction with the Bible, users piggyback off their access for free
spiritual impact of the Bible, and moral via an API.
centrality of the Bible.
Much more has been articulated and
Websites, apps, and platforms can be built elaborated about Scripture engagement in
to encourage scripture engagement the digital strategy guides published by
beyond displaying the biblical text. One of SIL International.
the best ways to develop Bible companion
software is through APIs.

API.Bible is a service that provides digital Challenges and

Bibles to ministries that develop websites Opportunities
and applications. The serves helps
accelerate digital ministries by providing For people without the Bible in their
Scripture in over 2.500 versions across language, translation efforts are actively
1,600 languages. Limited and non- being made with the help of the latest
commercial use are free. technologies. For people who do have
access to the Bible in their language, the
Digital Bible Library (DBL) is managed by challenge is to find fresh and relevant
the United Bible Societies and exists to ways to keep people engaged when there
preserve and safeguard biblical texts in a are so many other technological
standardized format. Those who are distractions.
granted a “library card” can leapfrog
beyond the historically cumbersome Christian organizations and followers of
process of getting permission to use Christ have a higher calling to discover
translations and can even obtain new ways of using existing technologies
permission to store the Bible text on their to encourage Scripture engagement.
servers. Imagine that people will one day not only
read the Bible but be virtually immersed
The Digital Bible Platform (DBP) is in Bible stories. With advances in
perhaps the easiest path to getting digital machine learning and natural language
Bible texts for your projects. However, it processing, apps can be built to simulate
limits individuals to only accessing the conversations with Jesus Christ, the
texts via an API. Because it lacks the Apostle Paul, and other major biblical
rights to store Bible texts on an figures.
individual’s server, it may not be the best
fit for more robust Bible applications, but
it can be an ideal solution for small

Artificial Intelligence
During the last few decades, society saw the rising popularity of artificial intelligence (AI).
Computers began to work together to make suggestions, recommendations, and
decisions based on data. Engineers design algorithms to simulate intelligence for desired
purposes and outcomes. Within the context of global missions, AI can be used in
missions to achieve results in effective evangelism and discipleship.

Current Applications of AI
in Missions
Below are six ministry and missions Clear.Bible leads another collaborative
efforts that utilize artificial intelligence: innovation to accelerate Bible
translation. It developed the
The Avodah company has developed ClearEngine and ClearSuite software
proprietary AI technology for sign to take advantage of advances in
language translation and transcription machine learning and natural
used to create Bible translations for language processing: “The
the Deaf. Avodah incorporates ClearEngine auto-aligns a target
machine learning, deep learning, language text to the original Greek and
natural language processing, Hebrew texts. The ClearSuite makes
computer vision, and more. With over the results of the ClearEngine visible
95% of sign languages without a Bible to users, providing an overview of the
translation and 70 million deaf people work they have completed. Users can
in the world, this population can be see patterns, discover inconsistencies,
described as the largest unreached and also correct the automatic
people group. alignment from the ClearEngine.”
Cherith Analytics is a team of AI CV Digital AI Lab is a division within
researchers and developers that have Christian Vision that is pioneering
integrated machine learning and machine learning (ML) and applying it
natural language understanding to to innovative solutions which were
build useful applications for spiritual previously not possible in the natural
growth. The team is geared toward language processing (NLP) space.
reaching individuals and offering
expertise to mission organizations.
Cherith’s technologies enable search
and indexing of the biblical text in
multiple languages. Missionary
organizations could use their
expertise in quantitative prediction
and natural language modeling to be
more productive and efficient.

SIL International has started using is a software platform that
Machine Learning for Bible translation offers real-time translation in
through projects like Scripture Forge multiple languages so that audiences
and Paratext. One of its key AI leaders can fully engage during virtual and in-
is Daniel Whitenack, a Ph.D. trained person events. The software provides
data scientist working with SIL real-time captioning, transcriptions, or
International on natural language live audio streaming for prepared
processing (NLP) and speech content and live content. For example,
technology for local languages in a global missions event could live
emerging markets. Artificial stream with more than two subtitle
intelligence brings incredible value to languages. acted as the host
Bible translation. As the President of platform for a virtual event held in 11
American Bible Society said, languages, during which there were
“Artificial intelligence will be the 45,000 attendees from 143 countries.
driver of increasing the speed of In an additional scenario, a church
Bible translation and helping us could only translate into one language
ensure that we can get to the year with the help of a volunteer. But with
2033 and achieve what we refer to technology, the church made
as all access goals, where their worship available in 60
everyone will have access to at languages.
least some portion of the scripture
in their heart language.”

Insights about AI
As with many new technologies, One form of AI, chatbots, could guide
theologians and Christian leaders are members around a church’s website with
discussing the ethical implications of AI. various functions like site navigation,
Some Christians may have a defensive, tithing portal, or reading plans.
cautious, or skeptical view toward new Organizations could also potentially use
technologies like AI. Others are willing to chatbots to have a conversation and
explore new opportunities to advance the share the gospel with individuals
gospel that AI promises. browsing the internet. However, there is
discussion regarding the authenticity of
AI affects people around the world daily. sharing the gospel through a chatbot.
The commonplace use of AI includes:
Autocomplete on Google searches AI grows in popularity because of its
Email spam filtering, customer service ability to save users time through
chatbots seamless integration. Although AI is not
Facial recognition on photos without its cautions, organizations are
Face ID on iPhones responsible for evaluating their needs
Online advertising and more according to the advantages and
Recommended products in online disadvantages of using AI.
Text-to-speech services
Voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, and
Google Home
More sophisticated applications include
Criminal Justice, Traffic Management,
Medical Insurance and Diagnoses, and
Reviewing Job Applications.

The early adopters among Christian

ministries are using AI and Natural
Language Processing (NLP) to parse and
tag the Bible to accelerate Bible
translation. Several are exploring AI usage
in automation, chatbots, recommender
systems, pre-training, and final training.
The possibilities for AI usage open up
when resources are available for research
and development.

Missions and Ministry
Opportunities with AI
Language translation is critical to
effectively communicating in cross-
cultural work, and AI holds great potential
to be an aid. In software, translation
between languages has become more
readily available through Google
Translate, Apple Translate, and other
translation apps. For example, on the
hardware side, Google Pixel earbuds
(2020) can transcribe real-time speech
into readable text in a different language.
Over time, these translation apps gather
more data and become “smarter.” As a
result, the translation becomes more
accurate, smoother, and more effective
through the machine learning process.

One topic of discussion concerns the

risks of AI for ministries. Gartner writes,
“The most common mistake with AI is to
focus on automation rather than
augmentation of human decision making
and interactions.” AI offers observable
data and tracks behaviors outwardly. For
missions, AI may be best considered as
supplementary to human activities and
not a substitution for them. As AI takes on
human tasks, even as a supplement, it will
reshape the habits and activities of
humans, as well as the relationships
between individuals.

Upcoming Missional AI Event

The next Global Missional AI Summit will
be a hybrid event featuring the latest
innovation and applications for AI in
global missions. Learn more in

The global video game market continues to grow annually, and it is projected to grow to
over $200 billion (USD) by 2023. The greatest share of game market revenue is generated
by mobile games, while console games make up almost a third of the revenue generated
worldwide. In 2020 there were an estimated 201.9 million video gamers in the USA, up
from 188.2 million in 2019. COVID-19 pandemic caused this increase in gaming

While a majority of video games are designed for casual recreation and entertainment,
games can also imaginatively give players the means to save worlds. Players are
incentivized to learn the habits of heroes and solve real-world problems. Christian games
have been developed to make Bible stories more interactive and engaging, as these
examples illustrate.

Top 4 Examples of Christian

Bible App for Kids is a digital Bible for One of 500 is a story-driven adventure
kids with illustrated stories, culturally in which players experience the
sensitive skin tones, and interactive events and meaning of the gospel
activities to make the Bible accessible interactively through their journey
at an early age. The app is available in with the main character. Players must
30 languages for iOS and Android. The face the big questions of life, find their
Bible App for Kids is a collaboration position, and make difficult decisions.
between YouVersion and OneHope. While a player experiences their
Lightgliders is a digital world filled adventure, their path intersects in a
with games and activities for kids to meaningful way with the biblical
encourage faith and conversations events.
during the critical pre-teenage years. Superbook Kids Bible App brings the
Lightglider Academy is a multiplayer Bible to life for the entire family with
online game available via the desktop an easy-to-understand Bible, videos,
or mobile app (iOS and Android). Kids and over 20 engaging Bible games. It
get to customize their character, play features 39 free full-length episodes
games, go on missions, socialize with from the exciting Superbook
friends, attend community-wide animation series. Episodes include
events, send postcards, decorate their David and Goliath, Daniel in the Lions’
treehouse, engage in discipleship Den, the Miracles of Jesus, The First
activities, and explore a world of Christmas, He Is Risen, and more. Kids
adventure. Everything in Lightgliders is can choose from multiple versions of
designed to: the Bible, including an audio Bible.
Teach a biblical worldview and They can bookmark verses, highlight
values. passages, and take notes. Available
Encourage prayer and reflection. on iOS and Android.
Impart a vision for service.
Spark meaningful conversations in
the home.
A network called Christian Game
Developers Conference (CGDC) supports
and connects Christian game developers
by hosting an annual conference for
sharing the latest technologies and
sharing ideas. CGDC also fosters a
passionate community year-round for
spiritual encouragement. CGDC hosted its
second virtual conference online on
February 5-6, 2022.

Opportunities in Gaming
There is a need for quality Bible games Teenage soccer players reluctant to
that accurately portray the Bible. On a spend 15 minutes discussing spiritual
very basic level, consumers need games matters in person were willing to engage
that hit the benchmarks for both for three to four hours over video games
satisfactory gaming quality and online. Eventually, the ministry opened its
presentation of Scripture. These games Twitch channel to the public and began to
do not have to be award winners. They establish a presence on other gaming
can be quite simple without falling into the platforms as well, with coaches talking
common pitfalls of Christian games, such with people online. Among the success
as being Christian for Christianity’s sake stories, a man from the Netherlands
or having subpar aesthetics and game professed faith in Christ while gaming,
mechanics. then brought five friends to hear the
Gospel too.
Producing games that engage players
with biblical stories isn’t the only way to For a more in-depth exploration about the
evangelize and disciple gamers. This value and potential of Christian gaming to
Christianity Today’s article titled “The Next impact the world see Of Games and God:
Mission Field Is a Game” shared a A Christian Exploration of Video Games by
compelling example of how gaming can Kevin Schut.
connect people with the gospel:

Augmented Reality / Virtual
Augmented Reality (AR) is technology, applications, and computer-generated
simulations that integrate with the real world. If simulations are entirely self-contained
rather than integrated with the real world, then they are termed virtual reality (VR).

Facebook announced it would rename the company “Meta” in fall 2021. The
announcement generated significant buzz about the future of AR and VR. With the
introduction of standalone VR headsets like the Oculus Quest 2, high-quality VR has
finally become accessible, affordable, and considerably more user-friendly, making it a
perfect digital tool for language teaching and learning.

AR/VR technologies are currently being used for gospel purposes in various areas
including companies, content, churches, and networks. While there is heavy interest in
AR and VR, the costs are often prohibitive for typical nonprofits and missions

One of the leading innovations with There are many existing AR/VR
missional impact is Immerse, which companies with various ideas. Fishermen
describes itself as “the First VR English Labs is an award-winning agency founded
Teaching Platform.” Its Virtual Language by two Christians, Eden Chen and Charles
Experience Platform (VLEP) empowers Hu. This agency has worked with major
teachers to design language learning brands like Nike, Snapchat, HTC, and
experiences that help students become Sony, as well as Christian ministries like
confident in speaking a new language Harvest (Greg Laurie) and Turning Point
quickly from anywhere. (David Jeremiah).

Screenshot from an Immerse demo that 3DreamVR provides Virtual Reality

shows students and a teacher learning a solutions for in-depth education as well as
new language together in a real-life training in safety and job tasks.
Lastly, Immersed is a VR platform
A previous version of this organization founded by a Christian entrepreneur and
was known as VR Mission, with a bold Forbes 30 under 30, Renji Bijoy. Immersed
invitation for volunteer missionaries to puts users all around the world into a
“Become a Teacher today! And change distraction-free workspace for deeper
the life of a student in a closed country.” focus and increased productivity.
In VR space, even students in closed-off
countries can safely and privately learn
from missional teachers about the English
language as well as the life of Jesus

Content Churches
Creating a VR experience requires a wide VR Church was launched by D.J. Soto in
range of skills such as 3D animation, 2016. His pioneering effort has garnered
digital filming, scriptwriting, and video media mentions in WIRED magazine, BBC,
storytelling. It also requires a substantial and USA Today. VR Church currently holds
investment and a creative imagination. worship experiences in AltspaceVR,
Here are a few examples of engaging VRChat, RecRoom, and Facebook
Christian VR content: Horizons. Soto has inspired other pastors
to launch churches that exclusively meet
The Immersive Bible Experience in the metaverse. The notably innovative
launched a Kickstarter campaign to Life.Church recently launched a VR church
bring the Bible to life through an campus.
interactive experience of Bible visuals,
events, and characters overlaid within
the real-world environment around the
user. While its founders are of the
Mormon faith, their biblical content is Mission ARVR is a private Facebook group
reasonably reliable. that promotes “a partnership of ministries
The Octagon Project has filmed and individuals creating, collaborating,
several scenes from biblical sites in and exploring the use of augmented and
Israel and turned them into virtual virtual reality technology in ministry
experiences for mobile devices and contexts.”
VR headsets. People can “walk in the
Holy Land without being in the Holy Organizers at FaithTech and VR Mission
Land.” The team also produced the were scheduled to host an in-person event
“Explore: A Virtual Reality Tour of the in Fall 2020 for Christian VR industry
Lands of the Bible” VR experience that leaders, technologists, developers, and
is exclusively available to visitors at missions leaders. The event was
the Museum of the Bible in postponed due to COVID-19.
Washington DC.
7 Miracles is an immersive VR For additional resources in AR, VR, and
adaptation of the seven miracles of other media, check out the Wiki of
Jesus Christ from the Gospel of John. Resources curated by Visual Story
This short film was released in 2018 Network.
by HTC, a VR headset manufacturer. A
blog post titled “HTC Thinks
Christians are VR’s Next Big Audience”
described how often Christianity has
often embraced cutting-edge tech.

Potential with VR in the
In 2020, the global VR market size was The price of both hardware and software
valued at $15.81 billion (USD) and is are current hurdles to the mainstream
projected to grow annually around 18.0% adoption of AR and VR technology. Due to
from 2021 to 2028. The number of VR the prohibitive costs and limited audience
headsets worldwide is over 16 million as size, this does not seem to be the most
of 2021 and is projected to exceed 34 effective technology to consider for
million by 2024. Many industries are missional efforts to reach unreached and
already using AR and VR for education, unengaged.
learning, and training:
However, AR and VR could have a place in
Art and Design recruiting and training missionaries. Just
Architecture as a small number of charities use VR
Automotive Industry experiences to immerse potential donors
Charity to feel empathy for needy constituents in
Education their context, VR experiences could be
Entertainment developed to immerse potential
Events and Conferences missionary candidates to get a taste of
Healthcare serving in a foreign context. Similarly, just
Law Enforcement as flight simulators are training airplane
Learning and Development pilots, VR experiences can prepare
Retail missionaries for managing hostile
Real Estate situations in foreign contexts.
Tourism For further consideration, see the journal
article entitled “Virtual Reality Church as a
Meta (previously known as Facebook) and New Mission Frontier in the Metaverse:
other VR headset manufacturers are Exploring Theological Controversies and
continuing their effort to make hardware Missional Potential of Virtual Reality
more affordable. Each year, the hardware Church” by Guichun Jun.
costs will drop. But hardware is only half
of the equation. People also need relevant
software and content. Currently, the cost
of creating VR applications is very high.

Blockchain technology is storming into the world at an unprecedented rate, mainly thanks
to cryptocurrencies. The widespread growth and adoption of cryptocurrency are growing
at a rate not seen since the “Dot Com Boom” (1995-2000) (World Bank, With
the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies comes the adoption of the underlying
technology—the blockchain.

A blockchain is often referred to as a digital ledger with immutable data. A blockchain

utilizes “blocks,” which are pieces of information that are recorded on a public
decentralized network. A “block” cannot be deleted or changed once it has been
uploaded, only new information can be added.

Currently, the two most popular uses of blockchain are cryptocurrency and Non-Fungible
Tokens (NFTs). To better understand what blockchain digital ledgers can do, take a look
at a couple of potential scenarios and real-life examples.

Digital ledgers would bring transparency into how churches, missions, and/or charitable
finances are managed. The ledger could track transactions that occur regularly within a
church, like recording and uploading sermons, collecting tithes or offerings, managing
donations, tracking church membership, timestamping milestones, and important events.

A digital ledger for a missions organization could send funds discreetly to missionaries or
closed nations, as well as assist with adoption agencies. A digital ledger for a Bible
translation agency could keep records of Scripture translations, versions, and languages.
A digital ledger could also document Scripture commentaries and track how perspectives
change over time.

Current Applications of
Blockchain in Missions
Below are two real-life examples to clarify Autonomous Organization (DAO), Mission
how blockchain technology is used today: DAO does not have formal ties to any
church, denomination, missions
1. Engiven is a product of, a organization, or charity. Through the
digital giving platform for online Mission DAO NFT art sales, they aim to
donations. Engiven is the fund both traditional missions and digital
cryptocurrency portion while the missions. A portion of sales is set aside to app handles traditional giving cover operational costs and support
via credit card, check and SMS text. Christian businesses and artists. Mission
Notable organizations using Engiven DAO founder Broderick Elisha Sim is an
include The Salvation Army, NFT Fund Manager based in Singapore.
Saddleback Church, and The Rock
Church in San Diego. Out of all the technology topics in this
2. Mission DAO is touted as the world’s report, blockchain is the newest
first fully transparent and technology that is emerging and not
decentralized missions fund. commonly understood. Its volatility would
Believing that the only solution to the prompt the typical organization leader to
human condition is Jesus, Mission wait and see, while its enormous
DAO exists to advance the kingdom potential will inspire innovative pioneers
of God on earth and in the Metaverse. to experiment and explore uncharted
As an independent Decentralized territory.

Frameworks help to define and implement processes. These frameworks outline how
organizations can manage their digital transformation. They also suggest methods to
improve and incorporate technology in evangelism. urges business leaders to consider digital transformation as a top initiative led
by technology. These critical capabilities include:
1. Transforming business models.
2. Creating new experiences for customers, workers, and citizens.
3. Empowering workforce innovation.

Cisco’s framework for digital transformation is as follows:

1. Identify specific business outcomes to achieve.
2. Build a digital-first culture that starts at the executive level and permeates the entire
3. Connect everything touching the outcome and collect data.
4. Shift to a threat-centric security strategy that quickly locates threats and contains
5. Automate as many processes as possible.
6. Analyze data and gain new insights.

This section shows a few ministry frameworks that incorporate a digital missions
component. created a model called “Multiply the Harvest” based on Mark 4. The
principles help place discipleship, rather than “digital,” at the forefront.

The phases are as follows:

1. Adoption: Adopting the skillful and strategic use of select digital tools for
2. Enablement: An account from the Upper New York Conference captures the lift and
shift that many congregations went through when they transitioned to remote
3. Creation: Package the Gospel message and teachings of Jesus into various digital-
friendly formats such as video, blogs, images, and podcasts.
4. Distribution: Use digital tools and technologies to share content within their sphere of
digital influence.
5. Engagement: Individuals within an organization engage in online conversations to
build meaningful relationships, understand needs, and determine valuable ways to
serve others in the community.

The model, phases, and roles create a framework where believers, individually or as
organizations, can utilize the platforms, tools, and apps wisely. Knowing which platform
is appropriate on the Consumption model or Transformation model will allow believers,
particularly those participating in the Enablement, Distribution, and Engagement phases,
to better leverage the tools for discipleship.

Media to Movements visualizes their ideal end-to-end process. It highlights the various
media components and personnel roles involved in a seeker’s journey from discovering
Jesus online to making disciples offline. The process is as follows:
Media content and ads grab their attention.
Digital conversations filter for potential persons of peace.
Disciple.Tools dispatches seekers to disciple-makers.
Face-to-face follow-up fosters the discovery, sharing, and obeying of Jesus.
Ultimately we pray this leads to a movement.

Disciple.Tools provides a platform to track seekers’ progress in their discipleship
journeys. The developers recognized that the traditional media ministry’s “influence at a
distance” model of pushing media into the internet is no longer sufficient. They want to
serve the seekers by bridging online media to face-to-face and life-on-life meetings.
This framework illustrates the faith timeline of an online seeker:

Catalyst Services has put together a Global Engagement Framework to show its five-step
approach to developing powerful missions involvement in churches. While this
framework is not designed specifically for digital missions, its scope can be adjusted for
online or hybrid ministry.

Frameworks Used for Innovation

IDEO U teaches design thinking to help Agile methodology helps to streamline

teams and organizations better software development. It includes high
understand the unmet needs of their levels of communication and
audience. It reduces any risks associated collaboration with fast response to
with launching new ideas, products, and change, adaptive planning, and
services. It can generate revolutionary continuous improvement. The Agile
solutions, learning and iterating faster. framework incorporates elements of
planning, testing, and integration,
Design thinking follows these six phases: including the following:
1. Frame a Question - Determine a
driving question that motivates others 1. Scrum - Breaking down big projects
to seek innovative solutions. into small tasks.
2. Gather Inspiration - Inspire new 2. Crystal - Focuses on individuals in
thinking by determining what people team interaction over processes and
genuinely need. tools.
3. Create Ideas - Explore alternatives to 3. Kanban - Visual layout of tasks in
obvious solutions to develop game- categories of project status.
changing ideas. 4. Dynamic Systems Development
4. Make Ideas Tangible - Create rough Method - Project management and
prototypes to learn how to improve product delivery method for a robust
ideas. governance system.
5. Test to Learn - Fine-tune ideas by 5. Feature-Driven Development -
soliciting feedback and experimenting Thorough documentation and strict
further. organization for development.
6. Share Your Story - Create a human
story to motivate others to take When implementing these frameworks for
action. projects, missions organizations gather
the best industry standards practices.
FaithTech Labs and Indigitous Serve are Ministries stand to gain new forms of
examples of two faith-based collaboration within their organizations
organizations employing this type of and with potential partnerships. Other
framework in design sprints. Cohorts benefits include prototyping new digital
innovate and prototype solutions to tools and resources used for evangelism
address the challenges of global from the receiver’s perspective.

Collaboration Platforms
There are many types of collaboration platforms built to facilitate teamwork within an
organization or around a project. Some platforms are all-in-one solutions and others have
a singular or primary function. When the global pandemic relocated most staff members
from office locations to working from home, collaboration platforms were essential to
allow team members to communicate and work effectively.

Popular collaboration tools include the following:

Dropbox is a file-sharing service with Trello is a popular collaboration tool

easy-to-use cloud-based storage. for teams to coordinate their work
Recently, features have been added to around boards, lists, and cards. Its
make Dropbox more collaborative; flexibility offers teams a customizable
Dropbox Paper allows multiple users experience based on project needs.
to edit web-based documents Zoom video conferencing was
simultaneously. founded in 2011 and was lesser
Google Workspace is an all-in-one known than Skype for years. Zoom
solution for productivity and became the most popular video
collaboration for teams. This platform calling platform as a result of the
has email, a cloud-based drive for file COVID-19 pandemic. As people
sharing, web-based document editing, isolated physically, Zoom was
video and voice conferencing, real- instrumental in keeping people
time chat, shared calendars, virtual connected. Church fellowships and
whiteboard, and more. Google worship services met online through
Workspace for Nonprofits is free for Zoom. Campus ministries and
eligible organizations. missionaries reached out to people
Microsoft 365 is a suite of apps that across the globe. For productivity and
help organizations and teams stay collaboration, real-time conversations
connected. Popular software like over video were a sufficient substitute
Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, for in-person meetings.
OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams are Notion is a highly customizable
integrated for improved productivity. project management, database, and
Microsoft 365 can be discounted or note-taking tool with unlimited storage
donated for approved nonprofits. and the ability to embed media and
Miro and Mural are digital whiteboards projects from other platforms into its
that allow for real-time collaboration pages, which can also be published as
on an endless canvas. This is no-code websites. Collaborators can
especially helpful to visually process access templates for a wide variety of
ideas and discussion. purposes, created by a large
Slack is built to bring all work-related community of Notion users who build
communication to one place. When new setups and share best practices.
used well, it can almost replace email.
Slack integrates with over 2,400 apps
for cloud storage, project
management, calendars, CRMs, and
other services. As a result, this
collaboration platform is used widely.

Collaborating Effectively
With over 1,000 collaboration software on As an organization and team become
the market, it is not so much about more proficient with a collaboration tool,
selecting the “right” collaboration tool to the transferable skills developed in
use. It is more important to adopt at least internal staff communication carry over
one of the popular collaboration tools. into collaborations and partnerships with
Widely used tools are typically more user- other organizations. The Great
friendly, well-maintained, up-to-date, and Commission will advance further and
self-directed training is more available. faster with effective collaborations.

Volunteer Management Platforms
Numerous software and platforms exist on the market to manage volunteers and serving
opportunities. Churches and nonprofits constantly have to manage volunteers as a vital
part of their ongoing work. The largest number of software platforms in this category are
built for an organization to manage its volunteers, like Giveffect, Timecounts, and

There are also more complex and collaborative platforms that can match volunteers with
serving opportunities from multiple organizations.

There are also more complex and collaborative platforms that can match volunteers with
serving opportunities from multiple organizations. VolunteerMatch does this for
community service with schools, government agencies, nonprofits, and NGOs. In the past,
a web-based platform called listed Christian organizations and
their ministry opportunities in need of volunteers.

Most of these volunteer opportunities tend to be entry-level, so anyone interested can

sign up to serve. However, platforms like Catchafire and Taproot Plus curate skills-based
volunteer opportunities, so professionals with specialized skills can bring more value to
an organization’s needs.

VOMO is a platform that streamlines the volunteer experience by connecting volunteers

with organizations. Some of the features included are:
1. Promoting a Project Map for an expanded presence
2. Managing volunteer database, integrating background checks, scheduling events
3. Communicating through group and individual messaging, push notifications, and
4. Reporting economic impact and volunteer hours

The Commissioned platform is particularly notable for its intent to mobilize volunteers
and resources around the world for the Great Commission. Described as “The Great
Commission Supply Chain” and available in 80+ languages, the platform aims to turn
ideas into action plans, crowdsource resources, and accelerate collaboration by using
machine learning algorithms. More information about this app, sponsored by World
Changer Foundation, cannot yet be found through an internet search.

Potential Opportunities
At this stage of development, the majority of volunteer management platforms are built
to serve single organizations. However, there are a few emerging platforms that seek to
develop the greater potential of partnerships between multiple organizations. This type of
collaboration would allow networks of volunteers to take on greater issues than one
organization on its own.

The church uses digital resources like blogs, articles, videos, and social media to further
disciple Christians and non-Christians alike. Networks are valuable for sharing resources
to achieve the Great Commission collaboratively. The list of networks below are
missions-related, with some having a focus on digital missions and technology.

Coalition of the Willing (COTW) is a FaithTech exists to help people in the

coordinated effort of willing tech ecosystem find community and
ministries who share strategic data steward their skills to glorify God.
on Christian and church presence to FaithTech facilitates the formation of
plant a church in every people and regional communities, labs for
every place. As data is aggregated at volunteer-led projects, and an
various levels (country, state, district, institute to shape new language for
block, village, etc), the gaps become talking about technology.
easier to see. When places where a Finishing the Task (FTT) exists to
church has not yet been planted are convene and to catalyze the global
identified, priority attention can be body of Christ towards the goal of
given to those locations. ensuring that everyone, everywhere
EMDC networks and equips the body has access to a Bible, Believer and
of Christ to communicate the gospel Body of Christ.
in culturally-relevant ways that lead Global Alliance for Church
to transformed lives. EMDC Multiplication (GACX) is a global
resources include classroom coalition of churches and mission
sessions, blogs, Scripture agencies working to saturate the
engagement guides, podcasts, and world with multiplying disciples,
in-person gatherings. leaders, and churches.
Ergatas has created a funding The Global CHE Network is an
platform to connect Christians with association of people and
missionaries. The website allows organizations that strategically
missionaries to create a public- serves impoverished communities in
facing profile describing their urban and rural settings around the
ministry and support needs. world. This network of organizations
Supporters can then use the website adopts a holistic strategy for an
to contact the missionary to learn outreach called Community Health
more about them, their work, and Evangelism. The term “health”
prayer requests. transcends a secular biomedical
FaithTech exists to help people in the definition to include spiritual life and
tech ecosystem find community and community resources. In terms of
steward their skills to glorify God. digital outreach, this network is
FaithTech facilitates the formation of valuable for the 10,000+ open-source
regional communities, labs for lesson plans available to members
volunteer-led projects, and an who complete the first phase of
institute to shape new language for training for problem-solving in rural
talking about technology. village contexts, where most of the
developing world’s unreached people
groups reside.

Global Mission Mobilization Initiative LGV has a large directory of 650+
(GMMI) is a resourcing ministry missions-related networks. GenMobile
equipping the global church for is a digital platform that connects
mission mobilization through practical global networks and network leaders.
resources, teaching, training, and It uses the database maintained by
strategies. Linking Global Voices. Some of its
Indigitous is engaging believers with features include:
digital missions through global events, Ministry listings and location
digital resourcing, and community details.
building. Co-founders Simon Seow Network member profile listings
and Russ Martin formed from the and locations.
fusion of two important ideas: Direct messaging, group chats,
indigenous and digital. “Indigenous” and public forums.
reflects their desire for locally- Mobile Ministry Forum (MMF) is a
generated strategies that work in each network of missional innovators
generation, language, and culture. representing more than 250
“Digital” represents the belief that ministries. They seek to reach every
digital tools, resources, platforms, and unreached person through their
strategies can accelerate God’s personal mobile device.
mission. Indigitous uses a Slack Waybase began in Canada and has
workspace with over 3,000 the goal to create an “impact network”
technologists across 40+ countries. serving the whole world. They do this
Je Suis Deuxieme is a movement by offering easy-to-use, data-powered
based in Canada that gathers digital tools, highlighting causes in
discussion groups in a localized area. local communities, supporting local
They share their stories, create events where leaders can collaborate
contacts, and learn about the person together, measuring impact, and
of God. providing analytical insights.
Linking Global Voices (LGV) serves
the global missions community by
focusing on the unique role of
networks. The new paradigm of “from
anywhere to everywhere” is by nature
complex, resulting in an increasing
need to form partnerships for
effective ministry. Networks are a
strategic tool for ministry leaders to
navigate the complexities of the
globalized world of missions. Mission-
minded churches and agencies are
developing network engagement
strategies. Healthy networks facilitate
the sharing of resources and are
constantly birthing partnerships.

Conferences are large gatherings of people, whether in-person or virtual, where the latest
learnings are shared interactively and experientially. Below is a list of conferences related
to digital missions:

EMDC is consultation that meets Global Missional AI Summit explores the

annually. EMDC is intended to be a opportunities of artificial intelligence in
secure venue where minority language Kingdom work. The summit gathers
workers, Bible translators, literacy impactful speakers and content from
workers, and language development both industry and missional
workers can meet with media perspectives in a hybrid event. The
specialists (including radio, TV, topics include Bible Translation
internet, mobile), IT technicians, (Scripture Engagement, Machine
recording specialists, graphic artists, Learning) and Kingdom Growth (Media
and specialists in Orality and to Movement, Digital Discipleship). The
EthnoArts (arts, drama, dance). dates are April 6-7, 2022, and the in-
Tentative dates for EMDC 2022 are person portion of the event will be in
May 31 to June 3, 2022, in Holland. A Dallas, Texas.
Spanish EMDC is scheduled for Indigitous’ #HACK is a global hackathon
October 2022 in Mexico. that brings together the collective skills
Finishing The Task is calling the of Christian technologists,
global church to partner together to entrepreneurs, and those desiring to put
run faster and further towards the their faith and talents to work for Jesus.​
following shared goals by AD 2033. This global hackathon usually occurs
With Executive Director Rick Warren’s annually in October.
leadership, more attention and International Conference on Computing
resources are being catalyzed for the and Mission (ICCM) holds gatherings of
unengaged, unreached people groups women and men who have a common
(UPGs) of the world. interest in computers and missions.
Global Missional AI Summit explores Their conferences share a vision of
the opportunities of artificial cooperation for the effective use of
intelligence in Kingdom work. The technology, bringing the gospel to every
summit gathers impactful speakers nation. In 2021, ICCM held conferences
and content from both industry and in Thailand and Missouri.
missional perspectives in a hybrid
event. The topics include Bible
Translation (Scripture Engagement,
Machine Learning) and Kingdom
Growth (Media to Movement, Digital
Discipleship). The dates are April 6-7,
2022, and the in-person portion of the
event will be in Dallas, Texas.

Theological Education
Theological education is traditionally provided by institutions like Bible colleges and
seminaries to train students in the discipline of theology. The Association of Theological
Schools has a membership of more than 270 graduate theology schools in North
America. Because of the global pandemic and technological advances, more of these
schools have developed distance education and offer their courses online.

But since these traditional institutions were founded and grounded for in-person
enrollment, they are designed for students to physically come to them. They are often not
best suited for distributing theological training to Christian leaders.

Online Theological Education

Among seminaries accredited by The Association of Theological Schools, these
institutions have online degree programs:

Columbia International University

Denver Seminary
Dallas Theological Seminary
Fuller Seminary
Gateway Seminary
Knox Seminary
Liberty University
Moody Bible Institute
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Reformed Theological Seminary
Rockbridge Seminary
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Western Seminary

Redemption Seminary uses Logos
Theological Education with (including the Mobile Ed lectures),
Digital-First Approaches Moodle, Zoom, and Google Docs to
deliver an online master’s degree in
Ministry organizations that provide
biblical studies. Churches and other
theological education with a digital-first
ministries looking to provide a degree
approach can leverage the advantages of
program but lack resources can work
accessibility to make the most of learning
with Redemption to embed its program
management systems and related
into theirs.
Thirdmill was launched in 1997 to create
multimedia curricula for Christian
Kairos University takes an innovative
leaders everywhere. Its curriculum is
approach with competency-based
produced in over 20 languages.
theological education. Its programs
Thirdmill’s mission is to prepare
are designed to root students in their
Christian leaders to lead a
local community by working with a
transformation of the world into God's
mentor team and crafting an
Kingdom by providing biblical education
educational journey that encourages
to anyone for free. Directly and through
face-to-face interaction in their
partner ministries, they have already
community. Kairos Project has
taught over one million students.
expanded to include individuals
spread out across six continents,
For more info about theological education,
dozens of ministry training
see the Global Directory of Theological
organizations and seminaries, and
Education Institutions, an online database
hundreds of churches, nonprofits, and
with more than 7,000 institutions of
businesses. Kairos’ educational
theological education—church-based
programs are currently in Spanish,
theological seminaries, Bible schools,
English, French, and Portuguese.
university departments of theology, and
Global Frontier Missions developed
faculties of religious studies.
the Missionary Training School to
equip people that want to serve cross-
culturally among unreached people
groups (UPGs). UPGs may live across
the street while others live across the
globe. GFM has networked with the
best churches, missions
organizations, and Bible schools out
there to come up with the most
strategic materials we could find to
train laborers to make disciples
among all nations.

Learning Management System
A learning management system (LMS) is a computer information system used to
administer instructor-led e-learning courses that track students’ progress. This type of
system has been commonly used in university settings for more than a decade. The use
of LMS has accelerated as the popularity of remote learning has increased. This growth
is attributed to improvements in internet infrastructure, video conferencing, and storage.
Online learning also offers students cost savings, flexibility, and the ability to study with
the best teachers, content, and institutions.

Common functions of learning management systems include audio or video delivery, e-

textbooks, guided learning modules, interactive communication among teachers and
students, electronic submission of course-work, and a means to track student progress in

The global pandemic greatly advanced the adoption of learning management systems,
particularly outside traditional educational institutions. An article in the Harvard Business
Review summarizes this well:

Pre-pandemic, there was already widespread acknowledgment that the traditional

higher education business model is seriously challenged. Fall 2020 marks a clear
inflection point as students, educators, and government leaders alike scrutinize the
price and value proposition of higher education through the new lens of traditional
classroom versus multiple modes of digital delivery.

Popular learning management systems include:


Open Source and Free LMS's used by Christian
While most learning management systems are available for purchase or subscription
service, a few are open source and free (like Moodle and TalentLMS). These systems are
relevant to Christian organizations whose mission includes teaching or an online

Biblearc provides methods and tools for studying the Bible systematically. The
methods include arcing, paraphrasing and sentence diagramming. Biblearc offers in-
depth self-paced classes and live web-based classes that use the methods to study
through passages of Scripture. The Biblearc platform and tools can also be used by
ministries teaching their classes.
Logos Bible study software provides a virtual library to remote students. Calvary
Chapel Bible College began providing Logos to its students for free when COVID-19
lockdowns prevented them from accessing the school’s physical library. In recent
years, FaithLife has been recruiting seminary professors to record lectures in short
segments which are delivered in Logos and integrated with assignments and
additional reading material.
Oleholdings is a learning management system that offers individual access to
national government initiatives. This includes education, healthcare, and competency
training. This team consists of 40+ engineers, subject matter experts, managers, and
administrators. They are working in developing government-backed initiatives in the
Philippines, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda.

Research Articles and Journals
Technology advances faster than the typical time required for thoughtful study and
analysis typically required for academic research. Nevertheless, the value of academic
studies about digital spirituality offers valuable insight. This section highlights excerpts
from studies and publications about digital missions, digital evangelism, and the digital
church. A list of related journals is included below.

List of Related Journals

The Evangelical Missions Quarterly FaithTech offers trend papers on 15
(EMQ) is published quarterly by topics in emerging technologies. Each
Mission Nexus. Geared toward paper describes the technology,
missionary practitioners, EMQ provides samples, and offers insight
provides a forum for the exchange of on Biblical implications and missional
concepts, strategies, and ideas. EMQ applications. These technologies are:
has two stated purposes: “to make 3D Printing
available to the Church as a whole the 5G
wide range of insights gained from its Agriculture Tech
work throughout the world and for Artificial Intelligence
mission agencies to keep each other Blockchain
stimulated and informed in the realm Cryptocurrency
of ideas and practical missionary Digital Learning Platforms
tactics.” Drones
The International Journal of Frontier Facial Recognition
Missions (IJFM) seeks to promote Information Security
intergenerational dialogue between Mapping & Tracking Tech
senior and junior mission leaders, Social Media
cultivate an international fraternity of Tech Policy
thought in the development of frontier Telehealth
missiology. It highlights the need to Virtual Reality
maintain, renew, and create mission The Journal of the Evangelical
agencies as vehicles for frontier Missiological Society is published by
missions, encourage multidimensional the Evangelical Missiological Society
and interdisciplinary studies, and (EMS), which exists to advance the
advocate "A Church for Every People." cause of world evangelization. EMS
does this through the study and
evaluation of mission concepts and
strategies from a biblical perspective.
The aim is to promote sound mission
theory and practice to churches,
mission agencies, and schools of
missionary training around the world.

Mission Frontiers is a bi-monthly John Dyer is the author of From the
magazine of Frontier Ventures. Garden to the City: The Redeeming and
Since 1979, Mission Frontiers has Corrupting Power of Technology and is
published innovative insights on a currently the Dean of Enrollment and
wide range of topics from the most Distance Education at Dallas Theological
creative minds and well-known Seminary. As a thought leader, Dyer has
thought leaders in missiology. keen insights about AI & VR technology,
Mission Frontiers is dedicated to faith, spirituality, and missions freely
fostering and supporting a global shared on his blog. His book noted that as
movement to establish indigenous technology advances, more time and
and self-reproducing Church- education are required to use it. Both
Planting Movements among the leisure and business applications bring up
7,000 unreached peoples (ethnic moral issues that must be addressed.
groups) of the world. Here is a challenge to consider: time and
The Routledge Studies in Religion education are rare commodities for many
and Digital Culture book series is people in lower socio-economic groups
published by Network for New and in countries where power is not
Media, Religion and Digital Culture distributed equally among people.
Studies. They aim to increase public
awareness of the unique research David R. Bourgeois is author of Ministry in
being undertaken in new media and the Digital Age: Strategies and Best
religious studies and translate these Practices for a Post-Website World and
important findings to a popular Associate Dean for Undergraduate
audience. The Digital Religion Programs (Crowell School of Business) at
Yearbook 2021 is a new e- Biola University. Bourgeois asserts how
publication that valuably highlights digital strategies may be more successful
important contributions, emerging for organizations that have an established
scholars, and innovative research in base of followers. This notion highlights
the growing field of Digital Religion that what one knows (i.e. having a
Studies. message and the communication skills to
Sacred Tribes Journal is an produce it) may not be as important as
international refereed online journal whom one knows (digital producers need
for the ongoing study of new help spreading their messages from well-
religious movements. The journal connected others). Bourgeois describes
offers descriptive articles on new that society has moved away from
religious movements as well as website usage because they want to use
articles related to the Christian digital media for relational purposes
engagement of these religions from rather than informational purposes. As a
leading Christian academics in the result, the top websites are social
field. networks, search engines, online shopping
Second Nature is an online journal sites, and video platforms that collate
for critical thinking about technology information rather than present a
and new media in light of the particular formal message.
Christian tradition. It is published by
the International Institute for the
Study of Technology and

Thus, it is important to build digital
relationships. Bourgeois notes that “in
reality, for most ministries, spending less
time on technology and more time on
people and processes will bring a better
chance of success.” This requires
knowing what functions a ministry wants
to accomplish, how to teach technology
to people, measuring their use of the
technology, and knowing who you are

Below are two insights to mention from

the Orality Journal - The Word Became

In “Co-Editors’ Note: Memory and Media

in Revelation, the Reformation and Digital
Orality,” is remarkable for its insight on
Revelation 1-3. The passage
demonstrates the integration of spoken
and written communication and media
(cf. “…one can suggest that the Holy
Spirit is intimately concerned with our
present-day understanding of the role of
memory and media for sharing the good
news”, p. 9). This provides a biblical and
theological perspective for what leaders
hope to accomplish in adopting

In another article, Paul Konstanski, a

project specialist with Cru, presents the
global statistics of digital technologies
and how it leads many people around the
world to experience “present shock.”
After some discussion of the implications
of “present shock,” he offers Daniel Pink’s
six fundamentally human abilities for
communicating messages powerfully:
Design, Story, Empathy, Symphony,
Meaning, and Fun. As he presents these
six abilities, the article consciously
illustrates their use. This article gives
practical considerations on how to use
digital technology effectively amidst
competing voices.

Opportunities and Considerations for
Reaching All Peoples
When considering strategies for global missions on a worldwide scale, we must consider
the total number of nations, languages, and cultures. But digital technologies are not
available to anyone and everyone because of many factors related to affordability and
accessibility. Some developing countries don’t have basic needs met, like clean water and
sanitation, conveniences of modern society like electricity and transportation. Internet
and digital technologies are even further off.

Many of the resources listed above are only available in English, which could leave out as
many as 75% of the world’s internet users. Secondly, Digital technologies cannot reach all
people, so other technologies and strategies must be employed. As mentioned
previously, around 34.4% of the world’s population, over 2.7 billion people, does not use
the internet or does not have access.

What will it take to reach the 2.7 billion people who don’t use the internet? Some
possibilities come to mind:
1. Get internet access to them and bridge the digital divide. This would be the most
expensive endeavor and requires both governmental and commercial entities to
2. Audio technologies may be more suitable for people groups with low literacy rates.
3. Use technologies that don’t require internet connectivity to distribute gospel content.
4. With any new technology, app, or software, there is a learning curve and some training
involved. For those who do not use the internet already, other non-digital media may
be more affordable and require less training.

For those who are connected to the internet, there are many opportunities to further
connect with people online for evangelism and discipleship. Yet, many who do not yet
have digital technologies need the gospel too. Let’s be mindful of all people when
considering the Great Commission.

The current generation stands at a unique point in the fulfillment of the Great
Commission. We have the chance to develop new technologies that motivate people to
pursue Godly living, evangelism, and discipleship. Technology allows Christians to reach
a broader audience from their fingertips.

Digital tools are a means to supplement face-to-face and in-person evangelistic efforts.
Digital tools can be customized by geography, demographic audiences, and relevant
topics to reach people in culturally relevant ways. Many apps and tools are already
showing the effectiveness of online discipleship.

Organization leaders need a high level of understanding of the digital missions

landscape. Increased awareness of opportunities to utilize technology to reach audiences
more effectively is the first step. Through the knowledge of the available technology, it is
possible to drive strategic partnerships among leaders to maximize the efficiency of the
implementation and operation of new technologies. Digital tools are most valuable when
used collaboratively.

We encourage missions leaders to consider use-cases with the resources listed in this
report for their ministry needs. We also suggest that these resources be shared with
operational teams. Lastly, we encourage leaders to reach out to other ministries and
utilize the available technology to collaborate.

Technology is progressing rapidly and requires constant maintenance. Churches and

missions organizations can benefit from utilizing and maintaining technological
resources, especially as the world continues to become more digital.

This appendix is a compilation of all resources identified during the research phase of
creating the report. There are undoubtedly many more resources that have been
produced, published, and available on the internet. This curated subset was selected as
being useful to learn from.


Apps (29)
Prayer Read-Study-Memorize the Bible
1. Abide - Listen and sleep and meditate 1. Bible App for Kids (iOS, Android, Web)
to Scripture - engages children with Bible stories
2. Lectio 365 is a free daily devotional on an age-appropriate level
resource from 24/7 Prayer that helps 2. Bible Study Tools (iOS, Android) - large
users pray the Bible every day, follow online library of study Bible versions,
daily Bible readings, thoughts, and with commentaries, dictionaries,
prayers lexicons, encyclopedias,
3. Miles a Minute (iOS, Android) - daily concordances
encouragement from Pastor Miles 3. (iOS, Android, Web) - Bible in
McPherson text form, audio and Video Bibles in
4. PrayerMate (iOS, Android) - organize more than 1600+ languages inclusive
your prayer life, prayer groups of sign language
5. Praying God’s Word (iOS) 4. Daily Bible Inspirations (iOS, Android) -
6. App - Jumaa Prayer Fellowship Read daily passages and journal
7. Joshua Project apps 5. Glorify (iOS, Android) is a Bible
8. Prayer App | Powerful Christian devotional designed for increasing
Prayers | Open Doors USA spiritual wellness habits. It takes the
9. Download OW Prayer App - Operation user through bite-sized Bible
World passages, prayer, meditation, and
6. Logos (iOS, Android, Web) - Leading
Bible study app
7. Neubible (iOS) - modern Bible app
designed for delightful, distraction-
free reading
8. Our Daily Bread (iOS, Android) - quick
daily devotional
9. Read Scripture (iOS, Android) -
minimalistic Bible reader and with
10. Verses (iOS) - Memorize and meditate
on the Bible
11. YouVersion Bible (iOS, Android, Web) -
mobile Bible with videos, commentary,
translations, reading plans, and
community connection

Share the Gospel Church/Organization/Global
GodTools (iOS, Android) - tools for Communication
both sharing the Gospel and also Commissioned (iOS, Android) - “The
growing in faith. This app has tools Great Commission Supply Chain” in
such as “Knowing God Personally” 80+ languages, with Volunteer
and “The Four” that you can walk management, job postings, group
through with another person. messaging, projects
Jesus Film Project (iOS, Android, Web) Planning Center (Web) - Church
- a full digital library of more than 200 management system that can connect
movies, miniseries, and short films with members, help organize
produced to help the world know information, coordinate events,
Jesus better. Content is available in communicate with teams
over 1900 languages. (iOS, Android) - platform
Life Conversations (iOS) - has created to help church members
illustrations to use to talk through and engage, with interactive sermon notes,
includes a short (under 3 minute) listen to messages, access small
video explaining the Gospel. group material, check the prayer list,
Share Your Faith (iOS, Android) - church newsfeed, give a donation
illustrations to walk through an easy-
to-understand explanation of the Missions Data
Gospel (Web) Stratus
YesHEis (iOS, Android) - app with synthesizes data from many disparate
content to inspire, train and challenge sources into one comprehensive
normal, everyday Christians to be able index, filtering the holistic condition of
to confidently talk to people about each country through a spiritual lens.

Artificial Intelligence (35)
Faith-based JesusBot - AI chatbot for evangelism,
Advodah - Real-time translation, cf. Podcast: Evangelism ChatBots,
transcription, language preservation being developed by CV Digital AI Lab,
and language education in spoken, using leading edge ML research to
written and signed languages. Its innovate solutions which were
avatar simulation trained detection on previously not possible in the NLP
real human imagery is being used for space.
sign language recognition and Light of Hope Media - Tim Klassen,
translation data scientist, working with media
AI and Faith consortium - Run by ministries on: Predictive analytics,
David Brenner, with heavy hitter Chatbots, Recommender systems
participation by the likes of Bill Gates - Conference gathering
Foundation, corporations, as well as individuals at the highest level of AI
excellent AI-savvy leaders from Scripture Forge tools is Assistive,
various faiths exploring the ethics of Incremental, Adaptive, providing
AI. Community Checking tools that
Ask A Missionary - Q & A on Becoming facilitate modular Scripture checking
a Missionary, has 500+ answers from campaigns, to deliver broader
experienced missionaries to questions feedback to the translation
about mission service committee, faster. Works with
AskGod.Bible - a hackathon project to Paratext.
use NLP for parsing user questions - Platform to make your church
and providing answers from the Bible, worship services and events
by Larry Walters; GitHub repository ​ accessible in any language via Audio
Biblica Live Streaming, Real-time Subtitles,
Bridge Connectivity Solutions - Graph Slide and Document Translation,
Database for Bible Data Audio Description
Cherith Analytics - AI, Machine TheoTech - Advances technology
Learning, Natural Language entrepreneurship for the Gospel, Chris
Understanding for Faith, Discipleship Lim Podcast with James Adams
and Christian living, including Viz.Bible - “Images capture attention
expertise to mission organizations and ignite emotions. Pictures filled
Clear.Bible - the ClearEngine auto- with data engage the mind. They
aligns a target language text to the cause us to notice something, ask
original Greek and Hebrew texts and questions, and search for answers.”
the ClearSuite makes the results of - The tool allows you to
the ClearEngine visible to users, select from three training libraries:
providing an overview of the work they modern worship music, classic
have completed, to see patterns and hymns, or the Psalms (KJV).
discover inconsistencies Wycliffe Bible Translation using AI - to
Colin Leong - Dayton Research store audio recordings, words and
Institute - Machine Learning Engineer, patterns in grammar on computing
AQuA project, Audio data devices. SIL’s linguists use AI to learn
Compassion International - languages more quickly and complete
Registering children digitally using Bible translations faster, teach people
mobile devices, connecting supporters how to read and write using text-to-
with the needs across Compassion’s speech software, create video-based
7,500 locations globally sign languages.
Secular IBM Watson - a question answering
Amazon Alexa - a virtual voice- system. When you train your model
activated assistant. It can understand with Watson, it will deeply understand
English, French, German, Japanese, the real concepts.
Italian, and Spanish. Infosys Nia - help the enterprises by
Azure Machine Learning Studio - to making complex tasks into simpler
deploy your model as a web service. ones. It has three components, i.e.
Cortana - a virtual assistant, will Data platform, Knowledge platform,
perform tasks like setting reminders, and automation platform.
answering your questions etc. Jukebox - example of AI music, could
Deep Fakes - a person in an existing be used to generate worship music in
image or video is replaced with unreached people’s heart languages
someone else's likeness. Useful for and cultural context
protecting people’s faces with a OtterAI - speech to text transcription
constructed persona, such as in the and translation applications using
use of sign language videos artificial intelligence and machine
Dream - AI-generated art based on learning. Its software, called Otter,
prompts shows captions for live speakers, and
Google Assistant - a virtual assistant generates written transcriptions of the
by Google. Languages supported by speeches.
Google Assistant are English, Hindi, Recommender Systems - Relevancy,
Indonesian, French, German, Italian, Diversity, Novelty, used by Netflix,
Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, YouTube, Amazon, ranked resources
Spanish, Dutch, Russian, and Swedish. with a matched user-journey that
Google Cloud Machine Learning match organizational goals
Engine Vertex AI - helps with training Salesforce Einstein - a Customer
your model. Relationship Management (CRM)
H2O.AI - for banking, insurance, system. This smart CRM system is for
healthcare, marketing, and telecom, to Sales, Marketing, Community,
use programming languages like R Analytics, and Commerce.
and Python to build models. TensorFlow - a numeric computational
tool and an open source ML system.
Topazlabs - AI enhancing photo and
video image quality

Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality (34)
Church Companies
“LifeChurch Launches Virtual Reality 3 Dream VR - Virtual Reality solutions
Church Campus” including VRES™ Virtual Reality
The Future of Worship: Virtual and Education System and is actively
Private - article by David Murrow engaged in producing custom VR
VR Church - the first church in VR, development for safety training and
pastored by D.J. Soto, with multiple job task training for national and
worship services in metaverses. global clients.
Featured in Wired Magazine article. Augmented Reality & Co. South East
Asia company
Content CHVRCH+ - creating authentic and
7 Miracles - An immersive adaptation interactive digital faith communities.
of the seven miracles of Jesus Christ Fishermen Labs - agency that provides
from the Gospel of John design for UX/UI and development for
Discover God App - Re-creates biblical web, AR, and VR applications
experiences in a virtual reality video Improve your English
game/experience. Become Jesus and speaking and listening skills with live
participate fully in the biblical language training in context-specific
narrative. virtual reality scenarios.
Holy Land VR Tour - Walk through all Immersed - VR platform for remote
the Biblical sites that you read about teamwork collaboration
in The Merged Gospels in virtual Industry Lift A public benefit
space on your mobile device. corporation addressing the need for
The Immersive Bible Experience - A skilled trade workers.
Kickstarter campaign to bring the Tentmakers CR - Costa Rica based VR
Bible to life, creating an interactive company.
experience of Bible visuals, events, The Octagon Project - films biblical
and characters overlaid within the sites in Israel and turned them into
real-world environment around you. virtual experiences
JesusVR - A you-are-there VR VirBela - Enables next-generation,
experience for the entirety of Jesus’s remote collaboration.
life and death, from his baptism to the Visually Linked Bible - championing
Sermon on the Mount, and from the cutting-edge innovations that bring
Last Supper to his crucifixion. fresh visual Bible content to life
desiring to expand the boundaries for
how people can explore and
experience the Bible as it comes alive
visually for our generation and the

Events Executive Summary: Mission ARVR
CES - is the most influential tech event Meet & Greet. (September 29, 2020)
in the world, the proving ground for discussed the implications of the
breakthrough technologies and global recent FB Connect event and the new
innovators. Oculus II headset.
Gospel Outreach with Media - hosted Executive Summary: Why the Future
by the Christ in Media Institute at Will Be Immersive. (December 11,
Bethany Lutheran College, usually has 2019) why virtual worlds will shape us
a Virtual Reality Emerging track spiritually, teach us to learn differently
SIGGRAPH 2020. A helpful guide from and change how we share our stories.
Irv Klaschus.
VR Summit - gathering the world’s Ministries
leaders to explore how to leverage this Lausanne Media Engagement
emerging technology for Gospel Network - connecting key Christian
impact. media professionals, influencers, and
leaders. The network is continuing to
Event Summaries reflect biblically and strategically on
Executive Summary: 5 Principles of the whole area of media engagement
Community Building in Virtual Reality. to better understand the needs of the
(May 23, 2018) At "Mission AR/VR global church and identify the highest
Network" online event, D.J. Soto (VR priorities.
Church) told the story of the world's Mission ARVR Closed FB group. You
first VR church and shared "5 may request to join. Mission ARVR
Principles of Community Building in Facebook Page. A network for
Virtual Reality." creating, collaborating, and exploring
Executive Summary: 5 Principles of the use of augmented and virtual
Storytelling in Virtual Reality. (July 18, reality technology in ministry contexts
2018) John Bucher addressed five key Visual Story Network and their WIKI
ideas to help students of new media have 24 pages of AR/VR resources.
and professionals navigate the
emerging world of VR technology and Training
the art form of classical storytelling. AVR Course - 11 month course at Oral
Executive Summary: How to Get Roberts University.
Started in VR. (March 29, 2019) learn Get Started in VR - 4 module course
how to get your ministry going in offered by Oral Roberts University.
virtual reality from a technology and
ministry perspective.
Executive Summary: Leaning into the
ARVR World. (September 6, 2017) Jay
Kranda (Saddleback Church’s Online
Campus Pastor) shared “5 Principles
on How the Church Can Adopt
Technology, Social Media.” L Michelle
Salvant shared “Principles of Building
VR Environments.”

Blockchain (6)
Endaoment - A Decentralized
Autonomous Organiation Public
charity providing philanthropic
financial services, donor advised
funds and community funds
Engiven - the cryptocurrency platform
for, integrating cryptocurrency
giving with traditional (fiat) giving
GiveTree - NFT marketplace that
raises money for charity (platform has
not launched yet)
HeartChurch - First “blockchain
church” and has an international reach
Mission DAO - The world’s first fully
transparent and decentralized
missions fund. Through the Mission
DAO NFT art sales, we aim to fund
both traditional missions and digital
VeChain - Supply chain focused
protocol, using IoT, BaaS (blockchain-
as-a-service), and AI, to track, record,
and build models for products
throughout the global supply chain

Christian Vendors (14)
Basil Tech - Tech consulting, Design MVS - Tech consulting with a focus on
sprints, Product development the development of e-business apps,
Christian Supply Chain Buying Group e-comm apps, an e-business solutions
(CSCBG) - Using the principles of in the financial sector. Developed
economies of scale, the group and
provides improved pricing and
discounts from recommended Revival AI - AI driven software leading
suppliers and vendors custom Bible design and
Credera - Consulting firm covering a manufacturing
wide range of industries, including TechBridge - Nonprofit tech firm
non-profits providing products and services with
Ekklesia360 and SiteOrganic are the goal of ending world hunger,
church website builders, under the provide homeless support, services
Ministry Brands company for workforce development, and social
Fishermen Labs - agency that provides justice
design for UX/UI and development for 107 Business entities listed in
web, AR, and VR applications OpenChurch
Gloo - Data and insights company that In-Depth Reports for this topic:
uses third-party data points and Global Church Management
organically collected data to enable Software Market Report 2022,
churches to target specific single-user license $3145
demographics and groups. Global Church Software Market
Liferay software is helping 1,300+ Size, Status and Forecast 2021-
companies with their digital 2027, single-user license $4250
experience platform. They provide Church Management Software
intranet, website, customer portals, Market - Global Industry Analysis,
partner portals, and integration Size, Share, Growth Opportunities,
platforms. Future Trends, Covid-19 Impact,
Ministry One - Church management SWOT Analysis, Competition and
software (SaaS) Forecasts 2021 to 2028, single-
MoonBeam Development - Mobile app user license $4500

Collaboration Platforms (22) Conferences (12)
Messaging-First Beijing Brief
Discord Business as Missions
Signal EMDC
Slack EMS National Conference
Threema Finishing The Task
Whatsapp GACX Conference
Globalocal Missions Conference
Video Conferencing-First Indigitous #HACK
Microsoft Teams ICCM Conference
Zoom Missio Nexus
Missional AI
Forum-First Chinese Mission Convention

Document Management-First
Google Workspace
Microsoft 365

Task Management-First

Idea Management-First
Miro and Mural are digital white
boards allow for real-time
YouVersion Bible app

Community Management-First
Crosswired is a platform and
collaborative space managed by
Khalibre Pte Ltd, a social enterprise,
formed in 2007 in Singapore and
Cambodia to deliver business
technology solutions and e-learning
for medium and large organizations

Content (49) - Chinese “YouTube” The Chosen TV Series
AFC - Chinese Mission Convention Think Eternity - Faith content and
Alpha course training of young influencers to
BibleProject - produces media to help leverage social media and other
people encounter the Bible platforms as “digital Billy Grahams”
Device & Virtue - Podcast, from (FB: 300k, IG: 110K)
FaithTech, Chris Ridgeway and Adam - Informational platform,
Graber answering user-submitted questions
Global Media Outreach - shares Jesus Visual Story Network and their WIKI
with the world in 26 languages by has 24 pages of resources listed
driving traffic to our websites through
search engines and using the power Animation
of search engine optimization (SEO). Blu Elephant Studios - a full-fledge
i.BIBLE - an ambitious project to production and animation studio. Rajiv
create a visual interactive Bible into is a trusted brother with this company
7,000 languages based in India.
Jesus Film Project - animated the - a worldwide network of “Pilgrim's Progress” movie and are
over 85 organizations operating in 34 working with Kingstone Comics on the
languages, with a common dream and Animated Bible
strategy to help people take one step
closer to Jesus every day Corporate Production Work
Media 4 Movements - sharing Contexture - Orange County, CA, USA
resources, events, and discussions Cooke Pictures - Burbank, CA, USA
related to how media can be used to Get Kinetic - Philadelphia, PA, USA
enhance Disciple Making Movements Steele House - Tulsa, OK, USA
among the Unreached. Story Telling Pictures - Grand Rapids.
Media to Movements - equips disciple- MI USA
makers in media strategies to identify Untamed - Seattle, WA, USA
and engage spiritual seekers who Veracity CoLab - Newport Beach, CA,
accelerate a movement of USA
reproducing disciples Siskey Productions - Jacksonville, FL,
Ministry One - Church management USA
software (Saas), customized app, SmallMediaLarge - 3 US Offices:
focusing on congregation connections Moscow, ID, Boone, NC, and
and media, integrates with YouTube, Pittsburgh, PA
Vimeo, and Clover, heavy focus on
mobile usage - Foreign
language Christian resources
Rightnow Media - Video streaming
library covering a range of topics from
books of the Bible, music/worship,
small group content, men’s and
women’s studies, and children studies

Faith-Oriented Production Work Film Resources
Al Horreya tv 8 Ways to Know You Have a Great
Ablaze Media Productions - a Story - VSN webinar with script-writer
production team based in South East Brian Bird.
Asia and beyond, seeking to provide Check Out My Package: Making Your
quality media services ​to workers, Film Project Irresistible - 90-minute
sending bodies, missions panel on how to package your film
organizations, agencies. script from the Writers Guild of
Create International - Producing America.
indigenous gospel films for the How to Entertain and Engage
world’s Unreached peoples. They have Spiritually - VSN webinar with David
produced films for more than 225 Nixon.
least reached people groups, all of Top 10 Roles of a Producer - VSN
which can be downloaded for free at Webinar with Ralph Winter.
Create Middle East - Amman, Jordan
Create Mobile - Falmouth, MA
Deidox - Austin, TX
Digital Evangelism (12)
Emci TV (French only) Perspective Cards by CRU
Frontier Alliance International GodTools: Gospel Conversations by
GNPI Ten studios in 7 countries, CRU
including: Mexico, Ukraine, Thailand, YesHEIs app by Christian Vision
Philippines, India, Kenya, Uganda. Gospel Tracts Worldwide
(India has 3 studios. USA base is Alpha course
Joplin MO). Ekballo University
Harvest Media Ministry - Arizona Dreams about Jesus
International Media Ministries - Based Search for Jesus
in Madrid, Spain, we collaborate to Power to Change Ministries
produce visual story content and have Issues I Face
a library of existing Bible-based The Life
content for translation. The Mentor Network
Messenger Films - Tampa, FL
Reliant Creative - Creative agency for
ministries, with training on video,
media, storytelling
Rogue Marble - US-based, interested in
helping ministries tell their stories.
The Cultivation Project - disciples
Christian storytellers, educates the
Church about the missions field, and
provides professional multimedia
production to missionaries, ministries
and churches
TWR Motion - creates custom gospel-
centered videos to support the local
mission of church planters and

Frameworks (15)
Catalyst Services - Global LDHR Leadership Framework -
Engagement Framework - 5 phases combines the requirements of both
for developing a global engagement spiritual and strategic leadership in
strategy for a local church light of our calling and identifies what
Cisco’s digital transformation is critical for leaders in our
Media to Movements - visualizes the
end-to-end process, highlighting the
/never- various media components and
better/assets/files/Transform_into_a_ personnel roles involved in a seeker's
Digital_Business_with_Cisco.pdf journey in discovering Jesus online
Coalition of the Willing and iShare - a and accelerating a disciple making
coalition of ministries who share movement offline.
strategic data on Christian and church “Multiply the Harvest” - digital
presence with the purpose of planting discipleship and evangelism model
a church in every people and every from Metachurch - Digital
Ads Framework for Non-Specialists - - End to End Funnel
to show non-specialists a framework
Disciple-Making Movement examples: to help cut through the confusion with
Zume Training, More Disciples - 30 digital advertising.
day challenge, Jonathan Training - Training 4 Trainers - a process of
Team Expansion Discipleship, Evangelism,
FaithTech Labs - employs design Group/Church Formation, and
sprints, cohorts, and prototypes Leadership Development that was
Global Frontier Missions - a developed by Southern Baptist
movement of Christ-centered missionaries Ying & Grace Kai during
their time in China.
communities dedicated to mobilizing,
World Vision Ministry Framework -
training, and multiplying disciples and
brings together the strategy and vision
churches to meet the physical and for TD, HEA, A&JC, Children in Ministry
spiritual needs of the least reached and Christian Commitment in an
people groups of the earth. integrated way. It ties together the
IDEO U teaches design thinking to existing model of ministry and child
help teams and organizations well-being outcomes and provides a
innovate revolutionary solutions platform for revising and developing
Indigitous Serve - Pipeline to mobilize our operational guidance such as IPM
young adults in digital missions micro- project models and starting point
projects, supporting frontline workers

Gaming (19) Learning Management
A Journey Towards Jesus System (11)
Airship Genesis
Bible App for Kids
Biblearc provides methods and tools
BibleByte Books
for studying the Bible systematically.
Christian Game Developers
The methods include arcing,
paraphrasing, and sentence
diagramming. Biblearc offers in-depth
Guardians of Ancora
self-paced classes on these methods
as well as live web-based classes that
I Am Jesus Christ (not yet released)
use the methods to study through
Kingdom Games
passages of Scripture.
LOGOS the Game
Canvas - subscription-based LMS
Not So Boring Bible
Faithlife Groups - Schools and groups
One of 500
can set up an online presence for
RD Games
collaboration. For users with Logos,
Righteous Tales
this allows notes made in the
Superbook Kids Bible App
software to be shared with other
students, who can also respond to
“The Next Mission Field Is a Game.”
these notes, turning every digital book
Christianity Today. 2020.
in Logos into a place for conversation.
Gnowbe - “Create compelling mobile-
friendly learning experiences in hours,
not days”
Moodle - free, open source LMS
Open Badges are a standard for
creating, awarding, and displaying
digital credentials. Open Badges are
being awarded by universities as well
as private sector companies like
Microsoft and IBM.
Redemption Seminary uses Logos
(including the Mobile Ed lectures),
Moodle, Zoom, and Google Docs to
deliver an online master’s degree in
biblical studies. Churches and other
ministries looking to provide a degree
program but lacking the resources to
create one from scratch can work with
Redemption to embed its program
into theirs.

Networks (16)
Coalition of the Willing (COTW)
Connect GC Network
Ergatas has created a funding
platform to connect Christians with
Finishing the Task (FTT)
GenMobile is a digital platform that
connects global networks and
network leaders, using the database
maintained by Linking Global Voices
Global Alliance for Church
Multiplication (GACX)
Global CHE Network
Global Mission Mobilization Initiative
Je Suis Deuxieme is a movement
based in Canada that gathers
discussion groups in a localized area.
Linking Global Voices - LGV has a
large directory of 650+ missions-
related networks
Mobile Ministry Forum

Online Discipleship (31)
Arise - lessons with quizzes and Discover - This Bible Study is a
connect with other individuals in popular method of discipleship study
discussion. The curriculum is divided to allow people to read the Bible and
into 7 chapters for an overview of the discover what God is saying to them,
biblical narrative. working best in small groups of 4-8
Big Life - Modules to teach people to people.
proclaim Christ with nteractive E3 Partners - 4 fields of Jesus’
participation and practicing simple Strategy - Modules and videos for
tools—much more than gaining leaders and believers to be trained as
information and knowledge. Trainings healthy disciples and to be used to
are best when done in groups of 15-30 build others up
people. J-Life Africa - a non-denominational
Contagious Disciple Making (CDM) - movement that exists to develop
Provides methods and coaching to leaders who will mobilize disciple-
use the Discovery Bible Study and making movements across Africa. At
build disciples within one’s J-Life, we believe that the best way to
community. There are podcasts, bring about lasting life transformation
webinars, a mobile app, and blogs to is through life-on-life discipling, which
help guide and develop a movement in requires of disciplemakers to go deep
the community with each person they are discipling
Disciple Makers Increase (YWAM) - Kairos - Interactive course on the
courses with an instructor to learn Great Commission and to challenge
about missions and disciple making believers to meaningfully participate.
Disciple Nations Alliance - Free online Like Jesus - modules to learn with
in 7 languages with the purpose to individuals, small groups, or churches
disciple nations. They have various to model Jesus in life and ministry.
courses like Kingdomizer Training Jesus is the model, and he showed
Program, Monday Church course, the missions and gave methods to
Grand Design course, and a Thriving make disciples.
Nation course. Living on the Edge - Biblical teaching
Discipler Training International - and discipleship resources that
Discipleship lessons with an challenge and equip spiritually hungry
emphasis on spiritual maturity, Christians all over the world. The
spiritual fruitfulness, and spiritual ultimate vision is to be a catalytic
multiplication (available in Spanish, movement of Christians living out
Chinese, Burmese, Korean) their faith in ways that transform
Disciples Path - shows individuals families, churches, and communities..
how to disciple others - in the same Matthew28 Movements Training -
way Jesus did African-continent focused course
Discipleship Library - Online collection Media to Movement - a collection of
of discipleship training resources from training modules from its partner
the last 60 years ministries, which are Disciple Tools,
Discipleship.Space - courses to grow Kavanah Media, Kingdom Training,
in personal relationship with Christ and Mission Media U.
and be equipped to disciple others.
They can also be paired with an
individual/e-coach who is an “online
Ministry Training Institute (MTI) - Examples of secular tools to facilitate
Online institute for spiritual leadership connection
training through doctrinal Clubhouse - the social audio app
understanding and “real-world” Howspace - an AI-powered digital
practice facilitation tool made specifically for
Mission Media U - a mentored online facilitator-led workshops and events
training course to distribute to that thrive on high levels of
missionaries and church leaders so involvement and collaboration.
that they may learn to apply media Kahoot! - It only takes minutes to
and innovative technology to ministry. create a learning game or trivia quiz
This is a ministry of Visual Story on any topic, in any language.
Network. Lunchclub - facilitates casual
Navigators Global Student Programs conversations that lead to not-so-
(GSP and GSPX) - equip and train casual professional impact. Powered
young Christian leaders from around by AI.
the world to become better equipped Mentimeter - increase audience
and more fruitful ministers of the participation with easy-to-build
Gospel of Jesus Christ. presentations, interactive Polls,
No Place Left - Global network of Quizzes, and Word Clouds
believers who use the strategy of the 4 - a platform to engage your
fields to train how to multiply disciples participants with live polls, Q&A,
and churches. There are future quizzes and word clouds
training or personal coaches to sign
up for. (in English and Arabic)
ReadySetGo - the process of gathering
and envisioning people to make
disciples for Christ in sport and play.
Sync with God- an integrated platform
that includes video chat, screen
sharing, text chat, a virtual journal, file
storage, monitoring capabilities, and
modules that can be led by passionate
and influential mentors. This
innovative app engages young people
and provides the means for well-
ordered instruction for online
Zume Training - learning experience
designed for small groups who follow
Jesus to learn how to obey His Great
Commission and make disciples who
Need Him Global - Gospel-focused
conversations via content, media,
phone, text, or online chat

Prayer (6)
24-7 Prayer - an organization that has International Prayer Connect (IPC) - a
helped people encounter God and coalition of more than 5,000 Christian
engage with the needs of the world prayer networks, organizations,
through prayer. They started as a Houses of Prayer, prayer leaders, and
prayer room and have since inspired praying people who share a common
vision to mobilize and equip
prayer in the most unlikely of places,
worldwide prayer for the blessing,
from churches and cathedrals to tents
healing, and transformation of the
and breweries. Lectio 365 is a free nations. They partner with many
daily devotional app from 24/7 Prayer. organizations including 4-14 Window,
Global Prayer Resource Network - a 24/7 Prayer Movement, Cru, Every
hub for prayer resources. It is an Home for Christ, Global Alliance for
initiative that was born out of the Church Multiplication, Global Day of
global day of prayer. It seeks to Prayer, IHOP, Transform World, and
provide a worldwide platform for many others.
prayer, fueled by worship and quality Joshua Project - a research initiative
seeking to highlight the ethnic people
resources shared across borders and
groups of the world with the fewest
followers of Christ. They gather,
International House of Prayer - a integrate, and share people group
community of believers committed to information to encourage church
God, each other and establishing and planting movements among every
maintaining a 24/7 house of prayer in ethnic group and facilitate the
Kansas City. Their interactive prayer coordination of mission agency
experience is in multiple languages efforts.
and is connected to a church. They Prayercast - a ministry of OneWay,
also have the full “faith experience” leverages innovative technologies and
the help of gifted intercessors and
online. As well as, quarterly 5-day
journalists to gather prayers, news,
prayer conference, a university, and a
stories, and video from around the
variety of prayer training. world.

Scripture Engagement (25)
Accordance Bible
American Bible Society
Bible App for Kids
Bible Web App
Deaf Bible Society
Digital Bible Library
Dwell app
Every Tribe Every Nation
Faith Comes By Hearing has 2 notable
products: and Digital Bible
Fighter Verses App
Global Bible Project. and
He Reads Truth
International Scripture Ministries
Logos Bible Software
Military Bible Challenge
She Reads Truth
Streetlights Bible
Superbook Kids Bible App
Visually Linked Bible

Social Media and Influencers (44)
A Third of Us - The Alliance for the Influencing Generations for Christ
Unreached is united in a vision to (IGC) - exists to help bring the next
bring the Good News of Jesus to generation back to Christ by helping
every single people group. Each has a Christian schools become stronger
unique and important role: some in financially and operationally so they
Bible translation, some in church can focus on academic development
planting, others in community and discipleship of students.
discipleship, media technology, - Christian social network
teaching, evangelism, or even helping dedicated to Christ. They desire to
Christians pursue their careers unify the body of Christ through
overseas. technology and tools.
Christar (website) and Instagram - Joshua Project - a research initiative
focuses on the least-reached regions seeking to highlight the ethnic people
of the world: areas where people have groups of the world with the fewest
no access to a church that presents followers of Christ. They published
the gospel in their language and in a this how-to guide, “Using Facebook to
culturally relevant way reach the Unreached” - Online, faith-based, social MissionBox - a “one-stop” online
media community sharing various knowledge and connection hub for
forms of media. nonprofits and charities from around
Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ the world. While they’re not a Christian
International) - global ministry, helping organization, MissionBox has a global
students come to know Jesus, grow in reach and provides resources that can
their faith, and go to their families, be utilized by the church and missions
communities, and the world to share organizations.
God’s love. Good article they’ve TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance
posted: “How Social Media Will Help Mission) - global missions agency that
You Share Your Faith” partners with local churches to send
ERLC article, “An untapped mission missionaries and plant reproducing
field: How your church can use social churches around the world. TEAM
media” - a main point: “Be creative, members created a media ministry
and think outside the box” - Churches after being denied visas to return to
and missions orgs have creative the Middle East, with a 24/7 satellite-
individuals, give them the tools to television channel, website, mobile
leverage their skills to show what we apps, and various social media
believe in, in a creative way. accounts.
FaithMeet - a Christian social network The Big 3 (Meta/Facebook, Instagram,
to connect the Christian community Twitter) - Share information about
and churches together to enable missions, including needs, progress,
access to quality faith-based content, and impact of the missions at hand
events, and support in each members’ TikTok’s Impacts - New assortment of
walk. content to share the gospel in small,
FrontGate Media - the largest and easy to consume, video snippets
most culture-engaged media group
and marketing service in the Christian

Notable Influencers Andre Valadao - Brazilian Christian singer
Joyce Meyer - Author and speaker Facebook Followers: 5M | Facebook
Facebook Followers: 11M | Facebook Handle: @andrevaladaoofficial
Handle: @joycemeyerministries Instagram Followers: 4.7M | Instagram
Instagram Followers: 3.9M | Instagram Handle: @andrevaladao
Handle: @joycemeyer Tiktok Followers: 440.8K| Tiktok
Tiktok Followers: 6.9K | Tiktok Handle: @andrevaladao
Handle: joycemeyerministry YouTube Subscribers: 783K| YouTube
YouTube Subscribers: 735K| YouTube Handle: Andre Valadao
Handle: joycemeyerministry
Kari Jobe - Contemporary Christian music
Nick Vujicic - Christian evangelist, singer and songwriter
motivational speaker, and author Facebook Followers: 2.6M |Facebook
Facebook Followers: 10M |Facebook Handle: @KariJobe
Handle: Nick Vujicic Instagram Followers: 1.4M |Instagram
Instagram Followers: 1.6M |Instagram Handle: @karijobe
Handle: @nickvujicic TikTok Followers: 11K |TikTok
TikTok Followers: 702K |TikTok Handle: karijobeofficial
Handle: limbless.preacher YouTube Subscribers: 1.19M
YouTube Subscribers: 199K |YouTube |YouTube Handle: Kari Jobe
Handle: Life Without Limbs
Philip Mantofa - Pastor (Mawar Sharon
Franklin Graham - Evangelist and Church) and Author
missionary Facebook Followers: 1M |Facebook
Facebook Followers: 9.7M | Facebook Handle: Philip Mantofa
Handle: @FranklinGraham Instagram Followers: 910K |Instagram
Instagram Followers: 1.2M | Handle: Philip Mantofa
@franklin_graham TikTok Followers: 24.2K |TikTok
Handle: @psphilipmantofa
Rick Warren - Pastor (Saddleback Church) YouTube Subscribers: 861K |YouTube
and author Handle: Philip Mantofa
Facebook Followers: 8.1M | Facebook
Handle: @pastorrickwarren Sadie Robertson Huff - Author and
Instagram Followers: 1M | Instagram speaker
Handle: @pastorrickwarren Facebook Followers: 1.7M | Facebook
YouTube Subscribers: 157K| YouTube Handle: @sadiecrobertson
Handle: Pastor Rick Instagram Followers: 4.6M | Instagram
Handle: @legitsadierob
Steven Furtick - Pastor (Elevation Church), TikTok Followers: 480K | TikTok
author, and Elevation Worship songwriter Handle: @sadierobhuff
Facebook Followers: 6.8M |Facebook YouTube Subscribers: 528K | YouTube
Handle: @StevenFurtick Handle: Sadie Robertson
Instagram Followers: 3.6M |Instagram
Handle: @stevenfurtick Maurice Dowell - TikTok Influencer
TikTok Followers: 565.9K |TikTok Instagram Followers: 41.6K |
Handle: stevenfurtick Instagram Handle: @mauricerdowell
YouTube Subscribers: 2.14M TikTok Followers 3.7M | TikTok
|YouTube Handle: Official Steven Handle: @mauricedowell

More Christian Influencers
1. Ariel Fitzpatrick
2. Bethany Hamilton
3. Carlos Whittaker
4. Craig Groeschel
5. Jefferson Bethke
6. Jess and Gabe Conte
7. Joanna Gaines
8. John Crist
9. Sunday Cool

Tik Tok Influencers

1. Abideinhisword
2. Annalise Thompson
3. @fernqndaaa
4. Invasion Ministries
5. Olivia Rose
6. Sophia Ruffin
7. Strong in Christ
8. Warriors of Christ

Popular Christian Social Media

1. Cross Conference
2. Radical’s Secret Church
3. Urbana

Theological Education (18) Volunteer Movement (12)
Columbia International University Catchafire - skills-based volunteering
Denver Seminary matching platform
Dallas Theological Seminary Commissioned (iOS, Android) - “The
Fuller Seminary Great Commission Supply Chain” in
Gateway Seminary 80+ languages, with Volunteer
Global Directory of Theological management, job postings, group
Education Institutions messaging, projects
Kairos University Giveffect - 10-in-1 Nonprofit Software -
Knox Seminary Volunteer Tracking & Management
Liberty University Software for Nonprofits
Moody Bible Institute Mission Finder - helps Christian
New Orleans Baptist Theological organizations by connecting them
Seminary with local volunteers, global
Reformed Theological Seminary missionaries, and donors
Rockbridge Seminary City Vision Library City Vision's
Southeastern Baptist Theological organization directory (previously
Seminary listed on TechMission's - multimedia curricula for
Christian leaders, produced in over 20 International Volunteer HQ -
languages empowering volunteers with fully-
Western Seminary hosted experience to make volunteering abroad more affordable
m/data/ and accessible to everyone.
BibleMesh Taproot Plus - connects nonprofits
and skilled volunteers to build
stronger organizations
Timecounts - Volunteer Database
Management & Tracking Software-
because it has integrations with a lot
of software they would potentially
already have
Salesforce nonprofit CRM has a
Volunteers for Salesforce add-on,
especially helpful if organization
already uses Salesforce
Volunteer World - Search & compare
international volunteer programs
offered by volunteer organizations and
local NGOs
Volunteer Match - connects you to
ready volunteers and then you can
manage your opportunities etc.
VOMO is a platform that streamlines
the volunteer experience by
connecting volunteers with

Visit the site:


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