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One-loop W boson contributions to the

decay H → Zγ in the general Rξ gauge

Dzung Tri Tran
University of Science Ho Chi Minh City, 227 Nguyen Van Cu, District 5, HCM City, Vietnam

Le Tho Hue
Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 10 Dao Tan, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Vietnam
arXiv:2103.14248v2 [hep-ph] 30 Jun 2021

Khiem Hong Phan

Institute of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, Duy Tan University, Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Duy Tan University, Da Nang City 550000, Vietnam

One-loop W boson contributions to the decay H → Zγ in the general Rξ gauge are presented.
The analytical results are expressed in terms of well-known Passarino-Veltman functions which
their numerical evaluations can be generated using LoopTools. In the limit d → 4, we have shown
that these analytical results are independent of the unphysical parameter ξ and consistent with
previous results. The gauge parameter independence are also checked numerically for consistence.
Our results are also well stable with different values of ξ = 0, 1, 100, and ξ → ∞.
Keywords: One-loop corrections, analytic methods for Quantum Field Theory, Dimensional
regularization, Higgs phenomenology.

1. Introduction
The decay process of the standard model-like (SM-like) Higgs boson H → Zγ is of great interest
at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as well as future colliders [1, 2, 3, 4]. Similar to the important
loop-induced decay H → γγ, which is one of the key channel for finding the SM-like Higgs boson
at LHC, the partial decay width of the decay H → Zγ will provide important information on
the nature of Higgs sector. Since the leading contributions to this decay amplitude are from one-
loop Feynman diagrams, it is sensitive to new physics predicted by many recent models beyond
the standard model (BSM), i.e., new contributions of many new heavy charged particles that
exchange in the loop diagrams. Therefore, detailed calculations for one-loop and higher-loop
contributions to the decay channel H → Zγ are necessary.
There have been many computations for one-loop contributions to the decay channel H → Zγ
within standard model (SM) and its extensions in [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24] also in the references therein. In the paper Ref. [25], the authors
have proposed the dispersion theoretic evaluations for H → Zγ. In addition, hypergeometric
presentation for one-loop contribution to the amplitude of the decay H → Zγ has been presented
in Ref. [26]. Almost the calculations were carried out in the unitary gauge because of the less

Email address: (Khiem Hong Phan)

number of the Feynman diagrams in this gauge than the other ones. However, the results may
appear problems of the large numerical cancellations, especially the higher-rank tensor one-loop
integrals occur in the diagrams due to the W boson exchange. In our opinion, the derivation
the one-loop W boson contributions to the decay amplitude H → Zγ in the general Rξ gauge is
mandatory, even in the SM framework. This helps to verify the correctness of the final results
supposed to be independent of the unphysical parameter ξ. Furthermore, one can obtain a good
stability of the results by fixing suitable values of ξ.
Many recent BSMs are electroweak gauge extensions such as the left-right models (LR)
constructed from the SU(2)L × SU(2)R × U(1)Y [27, 28, 29], the 3-3-1 models (SU(3)L ×
U(1)X ) [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35], the 3-4-1 models (SU(4)L × U(1)X ) [35], ect. They all pre-
dict new charged gauge bosons which may give considerable one-loop contributions to the decay
amplitude H → Zγ. Once their couplings and the respective golstone bosons and ghosts are
determined, their contributions to the decay amplitude H → Zγ can be presented analytically
using the results given in this paper, although it is limited in the standard model framework.
They can be used to cross-check with other results calculated in the unitary gauge [20]. This is
another way to confirm the complicated properties of the couplings relating with new goldstone
bosons appearing in BSM.
As the above reasons, detailed calculations for one-loop W boson contributions to H → Zγ
in the Rξ gauge will be presented in this paper. The analytical results will be grouped in form
factors that are written in terms of the Passarino-Veltman functions so that their numerical
evaluations can be generated by LoopTools [39]. In the limit d → 4, the analytic results will
be used to check for the ξ-independence and confirm previous results. Numerical checks for the
ξ-independence of the form factors will be also discussed. The stability of results will be tested
with varying ξ = 0, 1, 100 and ξ → ∞.
The layout of the paper is as follows: In section 2, we present briefly one-loop tensor reduction
method. Notations for one-loop form factors contributing to the amplitude of the SM-like Higgs
decay into a Z boson and a photon will be defined before listing all analytical results in this
section. Conclusions and outlook are devoted in section 3. In appendices, Feynman rules and
one-loop amplitude for the decay channel are discussed.

2. Calculations
In general, an one-loop decay amplitude is decomposed into one-loop tensor integrals which can
be reduced frequently to the final forms being sums of only scalar functions. Our calculation will
follow the tensor reduction method for one-loop integrals developed in Ref. [37]. This technique
is described briefly in the following.
The notations of one-loop one-, two- and three-point tensor integrals with rank P are given

dd k k µ1 k µ2 · · · k µP
µ1 µ2 ···µP
{A; B; C} = . (1)
(2π)d {D1 ; D1 D2 ; D1 D2 D3 }

In this formula, Dj (j = 1, 2, 3) are the inverse Feynman propagators

Dj = (k + qj )2 − m2j + iρ, (2)

qj = pi , pi are the external momenta, and mj are internal masses in the loops.

The explicit reduction formulas for one-loop one-, two-, three-points tensor integrals up to
rank P = 3 are written as follows [37]:

Aµ = 0, (3)
Aµν = g µν A00 , (4)
Aµνρ = 0, (5)
Bµ = q µ B1 , (6)
B µν = g µν B00 + q µ q ν B11 , (7)
B µνρ = {g, q}µνρB001 + q µ q ν q ρ B111 , (8)
X µ
Cµ = q1µ C1 + q2µ C2 = qi Ci , (9)
C µν = g µν C00 + qiµ qjν Cij , (10)
X 2
C µνρ
= {g, qi } µνρ
C00i + qiµ qjν qkρ Cijk . (11)
i=1 i,j,k=1

For convenience, another short notation [37] {g, qi }µνρ will be used as follows: {g, qi }µνρ =
g µν qiρ + g νρ qiµ + g µρ qiν . Following this approach, the scalar coefficients A00 , B1 , · · · , C222 in the
right hand sides of the above equations are so-called Passarino-Veltman functions [37]. Their
analytic formulas for numerical calculations are well-known. More convenience, these functions
can be calculated numerically using the available package LoopTools [39].
The above notations will be used to evaluate the one-loop W contributions to the decay
amplitude H → Z(p1 )γ(p2 ). In the SM framework, these contributions comes from the Feynman
diagrams given in Fig. A.1, where all particles W boson, Goldstone boson and Ghost exchanging
in the loop must be considered in the general Rξ gauge.
The total amplitude of the decay channel is then expressed in terms of the Lorentz invariant
structure as follows:
n 2
X o
AH→Zγ = Aµν ǫ∗µ (p1 )ǫ∗ν (p2 ) = A00 g µν
+ Aij pµi pνj ǫ∗µ (p1 )ǫ∗ν (p2 ). (12)

All kinematic invariant variables are relevant in this process:

p21 = MZ2 , (13)

p22 = 0, (14)
p2 = (p1 + p2 )2 = MH2 , (15)

which results in a consequence that

MH2 − MZ2
p1 p2 = . (16)
The Ward identity pν2 ǫ∗ν (p2 ) = 0 implies that the two form factors A22 and A12 do not contribute
to the amplitude given in Eq. (12). In addition, we have pν2 Aµν = 0, leading to another zero
form factor, namely A11 = 0. Now, the amplitude has a very simple form as follows
n o
AH→Zγ = A00 g µν + A21 pν1 pµ2 ǫ∗µ (p1 )ǫ∗ν (p2 ). (17)

The form factors A00 , A21 will be expressed in terms of the Passarino-Veltman functions men-
tioned in the beginning of this section. The derivation are performed with the help of Package-
X [38] for handling all Dirac traces in d dimensions. One-loop form factors are presented in the
standard notations defined in LoopTools [39] on a diagram-by-diagram basis.

2.1. In the general Rξ gauge

We first arrive the calculations in general Rξ gauge. To simplify the computations, the W
boson propagator is decomposed into the following form
" #
pµ pν kµ kν −i k µ k ν
−i µν −i µν
g − (1 − ξ) = g − + (18)
p2 − MW p2 − Mξ2 2
p2 − MW MW 2
p2 − Mξ2 MW

with Mξ2 = ξMW 2

. The first term in the right hand side of Eq. (18) is nothing but the W boson
propagator in unitary gauge. While the second term relates to the propagators of Goldstone
boson and Ghost particles. In the convention of Eq. (18), each diagram with W boson exchanging
in the loop will be separated into several parts. For an example, the Feynman amplitude for
diagram (a) in Fig. A.1 is divided into 8 terms as follows:
A(a) = Aijk . (19)

The notation Aijk is corresponding to which term on the right hand side of Eq. (18) is taken. In
this scheme, the amplitude in (17) is presented by mean of
nh i h i o
(diag) (diag)
X X µ ν
AH→Zγ = AL (ξ) g + µν
AT (ξ) p2 p1 ǫ∗µ (p1 )ǫ∗ν (p2 ). (20)
diag≡{a,··· ,j} diag≡{a,··· ,j}

(diag) (diag)
The terms AL (ξ) and AT (ξ) will be collected on a diagram-by-diagram basis in the fol-
lowing subsections. In this article, we show analytic results for AT (ξ) as examples.

2.1.1. Diagrams a and a′

We first calculate the topologies (a + a′ ) having only W boson in the loop diagrams (see the
two diagrams a and a′ in Fig. A.1). The respective form factors denoted in Eq. (20) are splitted
into the 8 pieces, namely
(a+a′ ) gHW W gZW W gAW W n T
AT (ξ) = 4
A111 (ξ) + AT112 (ξ) + AT121 (ξ) + AT211 (ξ) + AT122 (ξ)
32π 2 MW
+AT212 (ξ) + AT221 (ξ) + AT222 (ξ) . (21)

All terms in the above equations are presented in terms of the Passarino-Veltman functions as
h i
AT111 (ξ) = (2MH2 + 4MW 2
) B11 + B1 (MH2 , MW
, MW2
) + 4MW2
B0 (MH2 , MW
2 2
, MW )
2 2
+8MW (4MW − MZ2 )C0 (MH2 , MZ2 , 0, MW2 2
, MW 2
, MW )
h i
+2 2MH2 (2MW2
− MZ2 ) + 8(d − 1)MW 4
− 4MW 2
MZ2 ×
×[C22 + C12 + C2 ](MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW
2 2
, MW 2
, MW ), (22)

AT112 (ξ) = −4MW B0 (MH2 , MW
, Mξ2 ) + (6MW
MZ2 − 8MW
)C0 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW
2 2
, MW , Mξ2 )
+2MW MZ2 C1 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW 2
, MW 2
, Mξ2 ) + [MH2 − MW 2
(ξ − 1)] ×
n h i
× (3MZ2 − 4MW 2
) C22 + C12 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW 2
, MW2
, Mξ2 )
−2B11 (MH2 , MW 2
, Mξ2 ) + [MH2 − MW 2
(ξ − 3)] ×
h i
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
× − 2B1 (MH , MW , Mξ ) − (4MW − 3MZ )C2 (MZ , 0, MH , MW , MW , Mξ ) , (23)
h i
AT121 (ξ) = 2MH2 (MZ2 − MW2
) C22 + C12 + C2 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW
, Mξ2 , MW
h i
+4MW (MZ2 − MW 2
) C22 + C12 + C2 + C1 + C0 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW2
, Mξ2 , MW
), (24)

AT211 (ξ) = [MW (ξ + 1) − MH2 ] ×
n o
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
× 2B1 (MH , Mξ , MW ) + (4MW − 3MZ )C1 (MH , MZ , 0, Mξ , MW , MW )
2 2
+4MW (2MW − MZ2 )C1 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , Mξ2 , MW
2 2
, MW )
+[MH2 − MW
(ξ − 1)] × (25)
n h i o
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
× (3MZ − 4MW ) C22 + C12 (MZ , 0, MH , Mξ , MW , MW ) − 2B11 (MH , Mξ , MW ) ,
h i
AT122 (ξ) = MZ2 [MW

− 1) − MH2 ] C12 + C11 (MH2 , MZ2 , 0, MW
, Mξ2 , Mξ2 )
h i
−2MZ2 MW
C2 + C0 (MH2 , MZ2 , 0, MW
, Mξ2 , Mξ2 )
−MZ2 [MH2 − MW
(ξ − 3)]C1 (MH2 , MZ2 , 0, MW
, Mξ2 , Mξ2 ), (26)
h i
AT212 (ξ) = 2(MH2 − 2Mξ2 ) B11 + B1 (MH2 , Mξ2 , Mξ2 )
h i
+2(MW − MZ2 )(MH2 − 2Mξ2 ) C22 + C12 + C2 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , Mξ2 , MW
, Mξ2 ), (27)

AT221 (ξ) = MZ2 [MW

(ξ + 1) − MH2 ]C2 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , Mξ2 , Mξ2 , MW
h i
+MZ2 [MW2
(ξ − 1) − MH2 ] C22 + C12 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , Mξ2 , Mξ2 , MW
), (28)

AT222 (ξ) = 0. (29)

2.1.2. Diagram b
We next consider the topology b having two W boson internal lines. One-loop form factors
h i
AT11 (ξ) = MH2 B111 + 2B001 + (MH2 − MW 2 2
)B11 + B00 − MW 2
(B1 + B0 ) (MH2 , MW 2
, MW ),
h i
AT12 (ξ) = MW (B0 + B1 ) − B00 − MH2 (B11 + B111 ) − 2B001 (MH2 , MW
, Mξ2 ), (31)
h i
AT21 (ξ) = [MW (1 − ξ) − MH2 ]B11 − Mξ2 B1 − MH2 B111 − B00 − 2B001 (MH2 , Mξ2 , MW
), (32)
h i
AT22 (ξ) = (MH2 + Mξ2 )B11 + Mξ2 B1 + MH2 B111 + B00 + 2B001 (MH2 , Mξ2 , Mξ2 ). (33)

2.1.3. Diagrams c and c′
The form factors due to the triangle diagrams having two W bosons and a Goldstone boson
in the loop are next considered. They are expressed in the same scheme
(c+c′ )
AT (ξ) = AT110 (ξ) + AT120 (ξ) + AT210 (ξ) + AT220 (ξ). (34)
The related terms in the above equations are shown
gHW X gZW W gAW X n 2 2
AT110 (ξ) = 4
2MW (2MW − MZ2 )C0 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW 2 2
, MW , Mξ2 )
8π 2 MW
−2MW MZ2 C1 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW 2 2
, MW , Mξ2 )
h i
+(2MW − MZ2 )[MH2 − MW 2
(ξ − 1)] C12 + C22 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW 2
, MW2
, Mξ2 )
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
+(2MW − MZ )[MH − MW (ξ − 3)]C2 (MZ , 0, MH , MW , MW , Mξ )
gHW X gAW W gZW X n 4
+ 4
4MW C0 (MH2 , MZ2 , 0, MW2
, Mξ2 , MW 2
8π 2 MW
h i
+2MW [MH2 − MW 2
(ξ − 1)] C12 + C11 (MH2 , MZ2 , 0, MW 2
, Mξ2 , MW 2
+2MW [MH2 − MW 2
(ξ − 3)]C1 (MH2 , MZ2 , 0, MW 2
, Mξ2 , MW 2
) , (35)

gHW X gZW W gAW X n 2

AT120 (ξ) = 4
(MW − MZ2 )[MW 2
(ξ − 3) − MH2 ]C2 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW 2
, Mξ2 , Mξ2 )
8π 2 MW
h i
+(MZ − MW )[MH − MW (ξ − 1)] C22 + C12 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW
2 2 2 2 2
, Mξ2 , Mξ2 )
h i o
+2MW (MZ2 − MW 2
) C1 + C0 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW 2
, Mξ2 , Mξ2 )
gHW X gAW W gZW X n 2 2
+ 4
MW [MW (ξ − 3) − MH2 ]C1 (MH2 , MZ2 , 0, MW 2
, Mξ2 , Mξ2 )
8π 2 MW
h i
−MW [MH − MW (ξ − 1)] C12 + C11 (MH2 , MZ2 , 0, MW
2 2 2 2
, Mξ2 , Mξ2 )
h i o
−2MW C2 + C0 (MH2 , MZ2 , 0, MW2
, Mξ2 , Mξ2 ) , (36)

gHW X gZW W gAW X n 2

AT210 (ξ) = 4
(Mξ − MH2 )(MW2
− MZ2 ) ×
8π 2 MW
h i o
× C22 + C12 + C2 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , Mξ2 , MW
, Mξ2 )
gHW X gAW W gZW X n 2
+ 4
(Mξ − MH2 )MW 2
8π 2 MW
h i o
2 2 2 2 2
× C12 + C11 + C1 (MH , MZ , 0, Mξ , Mξ , MW ) , (37)

gHW X gZW W gAW X n 2 2 2

h i
2 2 2 2 2
AT220 (ξ) = 4
MZ (Mξ − MH ) C 22 + C 12 + C 2 (MZ , 0, MH , Mξ , Mξ , Mξ ) .
8π 2 MW
2.1.4. Diagrams d and d′
We are now going to consider one-loop two-point diagrams with exchanging a W boson and
a Goldstone boson in the loop (seen diagrams d and d′ ). The form factors are divided into two
parts as follows:
(d+d′ )
AT (ξ) = AT10 (ξ) + AT20 (ξ). (39)

All components in the equations are given

AT10 (ξ) = 0, (40)

gHZW X gAW X h 2
2 2
AT20 (ξ) = 2
B 00 − MW 0 (0, MW , Mξ )
8π 2 MW
gHAW X gZW X h i
+ 2 2
B00 − MW B0 (MZ2 , Mξ2 , MW
2 2
). (41)
8π MW

2.1.5. Diagrams e and e′

One-loop topologies with two Goldstone bosons and one W boson in internal lines are con-
cerned. The form factors are written as:

(e+e′ ) gHW X (gZW X gAXX + gAW X gZXX ) h T T

AT (ξ) = 2
A 100 (ξ) + A 200 (ξ) . (42)
4π 2 MW

The related terms in the equation are decomposed as

AT100 (ξ) = [MH2 + MW 2

(3 − ξ)]C2 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW 2
, Mξ2 , Mξ2 ) (43)
h i
+2MW C0 + C1 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW 2
, Mξ2 , Mξ2 )
h i
+[MH + MW (1 − ξ)] C22 + C12 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW
2 2 2
, Mξ2 , Mξ2 ),
h i
AT200 (ξ) = (Mξ2 − MH2 ) C22 + C12 + C2 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , Mξ2 , Mξ2 , Mξ2 ). (44)

2.1.6. Diagrams f and f ′

Other topologies with two W bosons and one Goldstone in the loop are mentioned. The
corresponding form factors are presented in the form of
(f +f ′ ) gHW W gZW X gAW X h T T T T
AT (ξ) = 4
A 101 (ξ) + A 102 (ξ) + A 201 (ξ) + A 202 (ξ) . (45)
16π 2 MW

Where the relevant terms are expressed in terms of Passarino-Veltman functions. The results
read in detail
h i
A101 (ξ) = (MH + 2MW ) C22 + C12 + C2 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW
T 2 2 2
, Mξ2 , MW
h i
+2MW C0 + C1 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW2
, Mξ2 , MW
), (46)
h i
AT102 (ξ) = [MW (ξ − 1) − MH2 ] C22 + C12 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW 2
, Mξ2 , Mξ2 )
h i
−2MW C0 + C1 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW2
, Mξ2 , Mξ2 )
+[MW (ξ − 3) − MH2 ]C2 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW
, Mξ2 , Mξ2 ), (47)
h i
AT201 (ξ) = [MW (ξ − 1) − MH2 ] C22 + C12 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , Mξ2 , Mξ2 , MW
+[MW (ξ + 1) − MH2 ]C2 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , Mξ2 , Mξ2 , MW
), (48)
n o
AT202 (ξ) = (MH2 − 2Mξ2 ) C22 + C12 + C2 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , Mξ2 , Mξ2 , Mξ2 ). (49)

2.1.7. Diagrams g and g ′
Applying the same procedure, the form factors for diagrams g and g ′ are shown in this
subsection. The results read
(g+g ′ ) gHXX gZW X gAW X h T T
AT (ξ) = 2
A010 (ξ) + A020 (ξ) . (50)
8π 2 MW

All terms in these equations are obtained

h i
AT010 (ξ) = C22 + C12 + C2 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , Mξ2 , MW2
, Mξ2 ), (51)
h i
AT020 (ξ) = − C22 + C12 + C2 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , Mξ2 , Mξ2 , Mξ2 ). (52)

2.1.8. Diagrams h and h′

We also have
(h+h′ ) gHXX gZXX gAXX h i
2 2 2 2 2
AT (ξ) = C 22 + C 12 + C 2 (MZ , 0, MH , Mξ , Mξ , Mξ ). (53)
2π 2
2.1.9. Diagram i
We next have
AT (ξ) = 0. (54)

2.1.10. Diagrams j and j ′

Finally, we obtain
(j+j ′ ) gHcc gZccgAcc h i
AT (ξ) = −ξ C22 + C12 + C2 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , Mξ2 , Mξ2 , Mξ2 ). (55)
4π 2
2.2. In ’t Hooft-Veltman gauge
Summing all of the contributions listed in the previous subsection, we obtain the analytic
results of the one-loop form factors needed to determine the decay amplitude H → Zγ in the
general Rξ . In this subsection, we set ξ = 1 corresponding to the ’t Hooft-Veltman gauge. The
form factors read in a compact form as follows:
2 T
(16π ) × A21 = 4gZW W [(2d − 3)gAW W gHW W + gAW X gHW X ] − 4gAcc gHcc gZcc
+8gAXX (gHW X gZW X + gHXX gZXX ) [C22 + C12 ](MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW 2
, MW2 2
, MW )
+ 4gZW W [(2d − 3)gAW W gHW W + 3gAW X gHW X ] − 4gAccgHcc gZcc
+8gAXX (3gHW X gZW X + gHXX gZXX ) C2 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW2
, MW2
, MW 2
+ 2gAW W gHW W gZW W − 8gAW W gHW X gZW X + 16gAW X gHW X gZXX ×
×C2 (MH2 , MZ2 , 0, MW
2 2
, MW 2
, MW )
+ 10gAW W gHW W gZW W + 8gAW X gHW X gZW W + 16gAXX gHW X gZW X ×
×C0 (MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW
2 2
, MW 2
, MW ). (56)

2.3. In unitary gauge
(a+a′ ) (b)
In the unitary gauge, we only take A111 and A11 into account. The result reads
h i
2 4 T 2 2 2 2
(32π MW ) × A21 = 2(MH + 2MW )gAW W gHW W gZW W + 4(MH − MW )gHW W gZAW W ×
×B11 (MH2 , MW
, MW2
+4MW gHW W gAW W gZW W − gZAW W B0 (MH2 , MW 2 2

, MW )
h i
+2gHW W (MH2 + 2MW 2
)gAW W gZW W − 2MW 2
gZAW W B1 (MH2 , MW
, MW2
h i
+4gHW W gZAW W MH2 B111 + B00 + 2B001 (MH2 , MW 2
, MW 2
) (57)
h i
+4gAW W gHW W gZW W 2MW (MH2 − MZ2 ) − MH2 MZ2 + 4(d − 1)MW4

×[C22 + C12 + C2 ](MZ2 , 0, MH2 , MW

2 2
, MW 2
, MW )
2 2 2
+8MW 4MW − MZ gAW W gHW W gZW W C0 (MH2 , MZ2 , 0, MW
2 2 2

, MW , MW ).

In the limit d → 4, the form factors in the three different gauges Rξ , ’t Hooft-Veltam and unitary
result in the same simple form given as follows:

eg 2 cos θW h
µ ν 2 2
H→Zγ = 2 p p
2 1 − (MH − MZ )g µν
2 2

32π 2 MH2 MW
MH2 − MZ
q h i
− MZ2 + 12MW
4 2
MZ2 ×

× MZ MH4 − 4MH2 MW 2
− 2MW
"p #
MH4 − 4MH2 MW 2
+ 2MW − MH2
× ln 2
h i
+MH2 MW 2
MH2 MZ2 − 6MW 2 4 2
MZ2 − 2MZ4 ×

+ 12MW + 6MW
"p #
4 2 2 2 2
M − 4M M + 2M − M
× ln2 H H W
q h i
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
4 2 2

+MH MZ − 4MW MZ MH MZ − 2MW + 2MW MZ − 6MW ×
"p #
MZ4 − 4MW 2
MZ2 + 2MW − MZ2
× ln 2
h i
−MH2 MW 2
MH2 MZ2 − 6MW 2 4 2
MZ2 − 2MZ4 ×

+ 12MW + 6MW
"p #
4 2 2 2 2
M − 4M M + 2M − M
× ln2 Z W Z
+2MH2 MW 2
MH2 − MZ2 + MH2 12MW 4
− MH2 MZ2 MH2 − MZ2 .

By taking MZ2 → 0 in Eq. (58), we then verify again many previous results for H → γγ,
take [40, 41] as examples. For W bosons exchanging in the loop, their masses are included the
Feynman’s prescription as MW −iρ. Therefore all the above logarithmic functions are well-defined
in complex plane.

3. Numerical tests for the ξ-independence
Numerical illustrations of the form factors relating with the decay amplitude H → Zγ in
different gauges are shown in Table 1. The last line of this Table gives the numerical value of
eg 2
the form factors after taking out the coefficient 16π 2 . The related masses are fixed as follows:

MH = 125 GeV, MZ = 91.2 GeV, and MW = 80.4 GeV. We find that the results are well stable
with different values ξ = 0, 1, 100 and ξ → ∞.

Diagrams/ξ ξ→0 ξ=1 ξ = 100 ξ→∞

a 0.05985185065310632 0.06215891398415416 0.3209209899754058 3.045808943133905 · 107

+0.00467528078266156 i

b −0.004780425280300761 0 −0.2507738185381761 −3.045808936065990 · 107

−0.012912138304675886 i

c 0.01420681172938953 0.011041675936102476 0.0011888522641987549 0.0005410399289955083

+0.00618230306965115 i

d 0 0 0 0

e 0.003381779143108288 0.0004225556213988878 0.00007343857541803593 0.00006391517156179955


−0.003941724009915961 i

f −0.005045377867037107 0 0.0001476405256009515 0.0002619707739754035

+0.005184705008759242 i

g 0.0001233773368155624 0 1.0436687818979681 · 10−6 1.0553816412933658 · 10−14

+0.0008115734535198974 i

h 0.004721799775923751 −0.002769766130017844 −0.00001581903805520466 −1.575446161278000 · 10−13

i 0 0 0 0

j O(10−23 ) 0.001606436079367905 0.0009174880578314728 0.0009137426900957666

Sum 0.07245981549100559 0.07245981549100559 0.07245981549100559 0.07245981549100559

Table 1: Numerical checks for the ξ-independence of the form factors are studied.
The numerical result of the form factor in Eq. (21) (as a example of numerical cross-check)
of Ref. [20] is

eg 2
F21 = 0.07245981549100559 × . (59)
16π 2
We find a perfect agreement between the result in this paper with that in Ref. [20].

4. Conclusions
The analytical results for the form factors presenting one-loop contributions of the W boson to
the decay amplitude H → Zγ in the Rξ gauge have been collected. They are expressed as func-
tions of the Passarino-Veltman functions that numerical calculations are easily generated with
LoopTools. In the limit of d → 4, we have shown that these analytic results are independent
of the unphysical parameter ξ and consistent with those given in previous works. Numerical
checks for the ξ-independence of the form factors has also discussed. The results are also in good
stability with varying ξ = 0, 1, 100 and ξ → ∞. We emphasize that the results in this paper will
be applied to calculate one-loop contributions of new charged gauge bosons appearing in many
BSMs. They can be used to cross-checks for consistence with well-known results given in the
unitary gauge. This is another indirect way to confirm the new goldstone boson couplings which
often have complicated forms in the BSMs.

Acknowledgment: This research is funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and
Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under the grant number 103.01-2019.346.

Appendix A. Feynman rules and Feynman diagrams

In this Appendix, we list Feynman rules needed for writing precisely all one-loop integrals
contributing to the decay amplitude of the process H → Zγ. All propagators and related
couplings are shown in Tables A.2 and A.3, respectively.

Types propagators
Goldstone boson
p2 − Mξ2
p − Mξ2 "
µ ν
−i p p
W boson 2
g µν − (1 − ξ) 2
p2 − MW p − Mξ2

Table A.2: Feynman rules involving the decay H → Zγ through W boson loops in the Rξ gauge.

Feynman diagrams for one-loop contributions to the decay amplitude H → Zγ in Rξ gauge

are plotted in Fig. A.1.

Vertices Couplings
H · Wµ · Wν , H(p1 ) · Wµ · χ(p2 ), H · χ · χ, H · c · c igHW W gµν , −igHW X (p2 − p1 )µ , −igHXX , −iξgHcc
Aµ (p1 ) · Wν+ (p2 ) · Wλ− (p3 ), Zµ (p1 ) · Wν+ (p2 ) · Wλ− (p3 ) −igAW W Γµνλ (p1 , p2 , p3 ), −igZW W Γµνλ (p1 , p2 , p3 )
Aµ · Aν · Wα+ · Wβ− , Zµ · Aν · Wα+ · Wβ− −igAAW W Sµν,αβ , −igZAW W Sµν,αβ
Aµ · Wν · χ, Zµ · Wν · χ −igAW X gµν , −igZW X gµν
Aµ · χ(p1 ) · χ(p2 ), Zµ · χ(p1 ) · χ(p2 ) −igAXX (p2 − p1 )µ , −igZXX (p2 − p1 )µ
Aµ · Aν · χ · χ, Zµ · Aν · χ · χ igAAXX gµν , igZAXX gµν
H · Aµ · Wν · χ, H · Zµ · Wν · χ −igHAW X gµν , −igHZW X gµν
Aµ · c · c, Zµ · c · c −igAcc pµ , −igZcc pµ

Table A.3: All couplings involving the decay H → Zγ through W boson loops in the Rξ gauge. The notations
defining these couplings are: gHW W = gMW , gHW X = g/2, gHXX = gMH /(2MW ), gHcc = gMW /2, gAW W =
e, gZW W = −g cos θW , gAAW W = e , gZAW W = −eg cos θW , gAW X = eMW , gZW X = gMZ sin2 θW , gAXX =

e, gZXX = −g cos 2θW /(2 cos θW ), gAAXX = 2e2 , gZAXX = −eg cos 2θW /(cos θW ), gHAW X = eg/2, gHZW X =
g 2 sin2 θW /(2 cos θW ), gAcc = e, gZcc = −g cos θW . The standard Lorentz tensors of the gauge boson self couplings
are Γµνλ (p1 , p2 , p3 ) = gµν (p1 − p2 )λ + gλν (p2 − p3 )µ + gµλ (p3 − p1 )ν and Sµν,αβ = 2gµν gαβ − gµα gνβ − gµβ gνα .

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(a) k λ (a ) k ρ (h) k

(h ) k

χ χ
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