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Chapter 61

Infinite loop

The final battle finally arrives after many years of fighting

against crime and evil forces, and Ángel is this old woman, where only

an evil enemy: Osaba, then fight this one with his former

attacks... Sombra decides to continue fighting, although the long battles are already weighing him down,

Then she starts fighting, already a little tired, Osaba uses her powers and creates

several beings called "Labyrinthosaurs" that are statues of bipedal reptiles

prehistoric creatures that launch elemental attacks such as fire, air, water, earth,

stones, electricity, light, poisonous gases.

Sombra uses his magical powers to protect himself from the attacks of the

statues with their powers and attack fire with water, ice with fire, water

with electricity... Poisonous gases use a tornado of air and spread it, even

thus, he is slightly hit by those attacks.

Osaba uses her powers and begins to drain the hero's powers with

his snout and this begins to weaken Shadow who is in trouble, he

He tries to release with force, but he can't and his magical power begins to go down.

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Shadow decides to increase his powers once again and frees himself from the

creature, Scalight enlightens and regains his powers, but tells him that only one last

You may be able to do this since there is no more regeneration power due to the

The energy of this sword is in crisis and needs to be renewed after millennia.

Osaba decides to throw blue fire at the floor turning everything into water, then

He throws himself into the water and swims towards Sombra to devour her, without power from where

attacks. The heroine tries to search and appears from the water powerfully trying

devour with his teeth, Shadow dodges the attack, but sinks and tries

attack again and jumps, this time he manages to bite his arm slightly and sinks it into

the bottom which is as intense as the ocean, but lifeless and full of garbage and

it is dark. Shadow tries to free himself but the being is very powerful and begins to

bite him all over the body by holding him with his clawed paws, orders him

the Labyrinthosaurs to help him take Shadow to the bottom of the sea to

devour him completely, without being able to let go, apparently Shadow has no choice

They launch their electric shock but the sea is without electrolytes so it does not

works, so the heroine uses her strength to defend herself by moving her

luminous fists but it doesn't work either, so he decides to use his power

freezing and crystallizing the entire sea making everyone stop frozen

and with his powers of his wings of fire he flies towards the surface

thinking how to defeat the creature, but nothing occurs to him.

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Shadow comes out, but the other beings thaw and come out of the ice.

strongly crossing the entire site until reaching an area where it is not

flooded as Shadow flies overhead.

Shadow launches a powerful electrical discharge but the creature is

immune to electricity, in fact, he has learned from all of Sombra's attacks

and is immune to all generic attacks. With its snout it launches a sonic wave

in an echo so strong that it makes Shadow dizzy, who cannot concentrate or fight,

causing it to fall into the sea where the Labyrinthosaurs begin to bite it

strongly, as they are stone type they are not affected by electricity.

The sonic wave is so powerful that it can be heard throughout the planet

Divilux with great force, then Sombra with great force concentrates

thinking what his previous heroes would do and thinks that first he must

get rid of those stone beings as well with his short illuminated Scalight sword

everyone destroying everyone, being left in dust, while remembering how

was freed and it was that a secret government agent man gave powers to that

creature to dominate various powers as well as having a power called

Timeskkautt but in the end that evil being devoured the evil agent.

Sombra manages to get out of the sea and with his powers covers himself to be immune

to the echoing sounds and even the earthquakes that that creature produces; Shade

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He decides to go fight seriously, fighting against the creature's bites and tail.

with his fists and kicks against the evil being, he releases poisonous gases

which damages Sombra's body, but he increases the protection with his


The battle continues between the creature and Shadow in a duel of strength and

aggressiveness where both do not want to give up. Osaba throws blue fire

destroyer of souls and Sombra launches phoenix fire causing the two

collide in a duel of forces where each one makes it stronger and more powerful

until they explode causing the two beings to suffer the impact of the powers.

The two warriors fall, but get up again to continue

fighting, Osaba makes his plates light up, making everything around him glow.

turns metal and even turns Shadow into a powerless metal statue

move, remaining useless without being able to get out of the conversion, begins to sink into

the bottomless sea and Osaba believes he has finally won.

The statue sinks and goes ever meters from the water, then Scalight

lights up and regains its normal form and returns the heroine to normal and is

He swims to the creature to confront it, but it launches another bolt of lightning.

petrification, but with his magic of his sword the lightning turns it back making it a

gold statue that only turns it gold, but it can be moved.

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Daring with his magic orders it to rain acid and diamonds, but, although

It is deadly, the two warriors cover themselves with their powers to avoid being harmed.

for that terrible magical power. It multiplies into several and begins to launch rays

laser towards Shadow who dodges them and fights by launching beams of light that collide

and destroys the laser beams, neutralizing the effect. The multiple Osaba are launched

to bite, but Sombra attacks them with luminous fists which now disappear.

which are weaker than the original.

Sombra tells Osaba that it's enough, but she still has two

attacks, with his powers he orders a gigantic wave of 1000 meters to attack

the heroine and kill her like a tsunami. Seeing the gigantic wave of

water, he gets a little scared, but decides to fly up, only the more he flies

The higher the wave becomes and there is no way to escape, that wave is destroying

entire continents, but don't do anything to Osaba since he is using his power

to weigh a thousand tons so as not to get carried away.

Shadow thinks about how to face a mass of tons of water, but he doesn't.

I know nothing happens to her and she is absorbed by the water, but in that Scalight illuminates

and protects it like a protective field from water, making the water pass strongly,

but without moving it, leaving only the two of them in the world, the water continues passing

forcefully passing through the sites like a universal flood while Scalight still

shines protecting the hero.

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After an hour the water stops and begins to go down, changing

the shape of the continents and where it was a city is currently an island.

Osaba is furious to see what doesn't die and she has already tried everything except her

final attack and uses his Timeskkautt attack where time portals open

that destroy the time of all eras making there be no tomorrow, no today

just a mini 1 hour time loop that will repeat indefinitely doing

that if Shadow dies he will do so for all eternity over and over and over again.

Shadow lunges to attack, but the creature launches a field of light like a

dome that strongly attacks the heroine and throws her strongly away to Earth

remaining unconscious without being able to wake up for minutes...Sombra dreams that his

family, friends and everyone calls her to the afterlife ready to say goodbye and live in

heaven, but they tell him that there is still a task to do and to make his last wish

so that we can rest and finally save the universe from evil.

Shadow wakes up without strength, but for the last time Scalight illuminates

restoring the girl's strength and greatly increases the essence level of

light (level 300X) which makes her immune to Osaba's light dome powers

who attacks with that dome of light again and several times

powerfully and although he destroys rocks nothing happens to Shadow.

Sombra launches and Osaba increases the powers to the maximum fighting in

a final battle force against forces fighting in a final battle with their

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punches and kicks against the bites and blows of the mermaid's fins in a

final duel where Shadow is finally the winner of the duel and manages to shoot

He knocked Osaba to the ground, cursing.

Osaba says that it doesn't matter since the times of the past and future are

They are breaking up, there are only 5 minutes left until everything is over and when the

exterminate he will do so for all eternity feeling the same pain without being able to die.

Sombra decides to use his new and final power called ultima illusion and throws a

lightning at the creature believing that he has already won and has finally defeated Sombra,

At that point she sees Seedus and Verjem who call her to give her a reward, but at the same time

entering is a magical Vortex where time is destroyed, upon entering the Vortex the

It completely disintegrates, disappearing forever.

Shadow remembers how he used that power with Krimbell making him

will attack, likewise, with Algiers making him believe that he was horrible, with

Thanathos making him believe that he once smelled of roses and perfume which

hated that, with Shogun believing his target was himself making him

will shoot himself and finally at Infierno causing him to stab his

sword in his body dying by his same weapon, without forgetting the Spider Mother

that he made his own offspring destroy his legs on an order. Without power

stop the portals, there were only 30 seconds left and if not I would do something again

Osaba would come out and she would be trapped in an infinite loop.

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As a last hope Sombra decides to unleash all his powers

magical levels dropping from 300X until they are down to 1, leaving them without powers

which pulls them into the energy vortexes to avoid the loop. Shadow begins to

lose his magic up to critical levels, but it doesn't matter anymore because he defeated evil

and all that remains is to finally rest. She becomes human and as a last resort

throws Scalight with a goodbye and a goodbye, this sword emits a light and

a farewell voice.

Finally Shadow is left in extreme old age and the portals close and

times are definitely recovered...Ángel falls to the ground without energy, in

that sees her family and friends pick her up to take her home and

rest, his last years of old age, finally leaving only a body without

powers who spent years fighting evil, being the last time

Shadow exists over that era, he says goodbye with sadness, but pride of his


Finalizing everything. Scalight remains at level 1 and flies with his strength

between dimension of time, traveling through the dimensions until reaching where

Hyos, Drumm and Drobb to stay in the kingdom of the gods where one day

will serve another descendant of a new reboot and all the adventures again

be what they once were in their maximum splendor, restarting time and

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rebirthing the saga of Sombra's adventures against the armies of the


The sword returns to heaven in the 21st century, there is no descendant

Sombra, until now because the evil invasion has not returned

appear, there are many normal and advanced cities, there is wealth and poverty,

wars and peace... in short, a normal and postmodern world, where justice is

questionable and reigns both good versus evil.

There is an unknown young man who is away from society, it is

meditative, quiet and who respects nature, however, has Disorder

of the Autism Spectrum; He comes home to sleep thinking about his mysterious things

in the life. When sleeping that night, he dreams that he is in a giant plant with

leaves where he climbs them jumping towards the clouds, each time the plant goes up and up,

until you reach the sky where you can only see clouds and other giant plants, with nothing

to appear.

Suddenly, two monsters from the past appear between the leaves: The

Mother Spider with her frightening face, and next to her is the magician

Masterstrunk, but in Young and Thanathos, his powers have been rejuvenated

becoming so powerful, the mysterious young man begins to flee, but the spider

jumps and moves between the stems, jumping the giant leaves to go destroy the

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young man, while Masterstrunk launches very powerful electric rays. Mother

Spider appears to attack, becomes gigantic and horrible, thanks to the magic of

Masterstrunk, also with his powers makes the young man get tangled in jelly that

cannot let go, absorbing chocolate causing him to suffer from blood sugar,

triglycerides and get sick. Spider Mother is going to kill him, if he doesn't wake up it will be

killed by a heart attack.

Then, a sword appears and suddenly cuts off the Mother's leg.

Spider, she turns to see, Shadow coming to the rescue, it's her version

spiritual/essential... flees the site promising revenge, Masterstrunk launches

rays, but fails to destroy the being with a sword, using his magic he wraps it in

some chains tightly, but with great force the chains without any


Masterstrunk with his magic makes it rain and produces strong winds, winds

hurricanes that make the boy slip, the magician makes the

plants turn black in necrosis, the soil is filled with parasitic worms,

Also, zombies come out climbing the plants. The magician laughs with wishes of

exterminate a victim since that boy would be the next descendant of

Shadow, but there is no possibility of it transforming because there is no sword.

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Thanathos sends with his power the call to attract skeletons that

They try to scratch and bite while trying to attack aggressively, they all have

knives and go out to kill, plus those skeletons are green

luminous viruses launching deadly viruses from their mouths (COVID, adenovirus,

measles, rubella, Ebola, in addition to thousands of viruses), the hero increases

powers since that being is a non-real spiritual Shadow, they have no effects on it.

Sombra fights the skeletons that disarm, but reassemble

and attack, but the hero moves quickly and hits them, avoiding stab wounds,

fights hard against them, but they form again and continue fighting like this

until he launches a ray of light that destroys them. The king of the Zombies throws with

his hands some Halloween pumpkins with sharp teeth that try to bite

and jump, Shadow is bitten, but also destroys them with his Scalight sword;

Thanathos uses his powers by launching others, but they are destroyed, although it is

bitten by some, without effect.

Thanathos uses his magical powers to bring out undead that

They come out of the ground, they come out aggressively to bite and scratch, with their bites

They try to eat the hero or transform him into a zombie. Shadow fights with his

sword killing several zombies with its power, fights powerfully but

quickly because they all come together, fight strongly at greater speed,

but suddenly they surround him and start biting, then he uses his discharge

electric to the maximum causing the bodies to char and dying, they come out

again and are exterminated with its rays of light.

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Osirius throws poisonous disintegrating powder from his snout which serves

to molecularly destroy any warrior, then falls on Sombra

and his body begins to dissolve, the hero is disappearing until he is

destroyed, dropping his sword... The bird flies away thinking that it was finally

defeated that warrior, while the dust spins in the shape of a tornado. everything is

very well until he decides the sword disappears, but that's when he reacts

with a powerful beam of light that destroys the tornado and strongly pulls the bird...

Then the tornado of darkness spins faster making Shadow

relive again what causes anger in the owl. Osirius becomes furious and launches

another tornado, but it no longer has an effect on the hero, who tells him that he does not doubt

he is a danger, but his powers don't work with him, so the owl flies away

angry trying to peck at Shadow who quickly dodges it, although

It receives some and thus attacks it, but the bird cannot hit hard because it is made of dust.

Lordriner throws the gum that is a glue with his snout

diabolical that does not let go and traps the hero without being able to make him move, tries

detach itself, but it cannot and that is where it receives fatal scratches from that

monster, in addition to aggressive bites, also attacks it with rays

photonics from his eyes that burn slightly, unable to defend himself. Shade

He tries to free himself, but it is useless even his sword is trapped and Lordriner continues

attacking strongly, then tries to get out with his strength shouting at the top of his lungs

until after a painful overexertion he manages to free himself and with his

advanced powers is covered from photonic rays by a field of light while

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Those rays disperse, burning everything in their path. Lordriner throws flames with

his mouth, but the hero protects himself with wings of fire. The devil continues

scratching, while the hero still with rubber tries to free himself completely while

forcefully fights with his luminous fists while the demon scratches

aggressively, in a fight of strength and power... Until they are exhausted in the

force; The demon throws another rubber band, but with a ray of light it is burned, like this

manages to free itself from that evil product that is as viscous as a sponge


Osirius sends a ray of light with his eyes that leaves the hero dazzled

Without being able to see, Sombra tries to look for his enemy, but the light does not allow him to see,

It takes a bit of darkness to see, but his sword does nothing but absorb

light. It cannot be seen... Then the hero, learning from the dark gem, launches

with his hand a ray of darkness that banishes that light.

Osirius uses his power to create an opposing Shadow reflection that makes

that imitates Shadow by preventing him from passing, if he hits himself he does it himself, the hero

It flies and its reflection moves towards it, if you kick it or electrocute it, this is what happens to it

himself... He can't avoid his reflection, if he moves away he follows him too, if he attacks him he

hurts... The evil owl sees that and mocks the hero, however, the double does not

can reflect the level of the sword and with it launches a ray of light that destroys

to the evil reflection, which rebounds the power causing the golden shield to reflect

rays with greater power.

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Cronus appears to help Osirius and with his power tries to make the hero

becomes old, but there is no effect like before, then he uses his power of

launch slow motion and fast motion, reverse and forward to see the warrior

move as a rep, however, does no absolute damage and only achieves

make him a little dizzy, he used a magical power to scare him making him half

planet outside day and half a planet outside night, but he says it doesn't scare him.

Then freeze time with a magic counter making the days and months

pass without the hero being able to move easily, he even sees his friends and

known die and be buried... Human extinction, the death of all

animal species, Sombra tries to free himself, but it is difficult for him since he is

in a frozen trance in a timeless dimension as Cronus begins to

scratch heavily every hundred years.

The hero makes an effort, but it is difficult for him, he tries to leave, but they have already

past three billion years where he is in an ancient jungle watching

insects and giant mollusks, Cronus laughs at him as he will take him to the

planetary extinction, but tries to free itself... More centuries pass until with

all his courage and being able to cast a glow from his body covering himself in a tone

crystalline as if his body would turn into glass... Thus he manages to let go and with a

powerful beam of light from his sword manages to exterminate Cronus, since, although

I try to stop this, energy moves through space not through time and it is


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With that crystalline temporal body he is capable of moving through eras, thus

seeing several in minutes such as solar extinction, new animals, animals

prehistoric, historical eras and is not seen since it is reflected as invisible,

It also reflects the sun's rays. So he runs back quickly through time

until he reaches his battle against Osirius, but Folhemgearo emerges who maintains

Shadow with his stone tail and is going to eat him with his snout similar to a

grater or shredder... The blades rotate to shred the hero and destroy him in

pieces, the blades rotate up and down... Just when it is about

Shadow reaches the crushing teeth, the hero frees his arm and draws his sword

sticking it in his teeth, destroying all the edges, thus freeing himself from the monster.

But Colder also comes on stage and also uses his second teeth

internal crushers, the hero dodges those graters quickly and moves

dodging bites, protecting himself from attacks with his shield.

Colder uses his powers to cast freezing breath to cover Shadow of

ice, so it hits it hard with its tail and throws it back, then returns to

cast freezing breath but before attacking he defrosts and dodges the tail,

but Colder casts freezing breath again and the hero covers himself with his wings

of fire, neutralizing the attack.

Angelspratz appears without his vase and launches a power with his hands

destructive force of light which strongly fights against the powers of the light ray of

Shadow in a clash of powers that makes the sky and the air rumble, they fight

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strongly with great intensity while one tries to beat the other with great

strength and power, until the collision nullifies both attacks. Angelspratz goes out to

fight with his Roman sword against the Scalight sword, where the latter is

bathed in the blood of people he has killed while Sombra's sword has

freed to the world of justice, they fight mightily with their swords without

give up nor rest, fighting heavily in a duel until Scalight

destroy the bloody sword.

Angelspratz revives Rubet the hyena who begins to bite fiercely

With its beaked teeth and poisonous breath, the hero quickly evades it

and it becomes more and more furious trying to bite and devour strongly,

but Shadow defeats her with a very powerful electric shock. Hyena

Maleficent gets back up, but is defeated again, then releases breath-

anti-living beings poison, that poison is capable of killing any living being such as

a bug killer, Shadow resists poison with great strength and uses a tornado of

air to spread the poison before he drowns.

Angelspratz uses his magic power to magnetically make

Shadow is stuck on a cross and crucified, then some nails are driven in

magic in his arms and legs, but the hero, despite the pain, resists, with great

strength and screams is released and frees itself from the nails, in addition to attacking the angel with

electric shock defeating him, then recovers his wounds with his sword.

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Rubet uses his powers to spit poison like a cobra, Sombra

He covers himself with his golden shield from the monster's powerful attacks and avoids

at all costs be crushed, then the monster howls in anger and runs quickly

to devour and is attacked by Shadow's luminous fists that quickly

defeats him and throws him defeated to the ground, then disappears to appear behind Sombra and

He goes to bite, but receives an electric shock and is defeated again.

Krimbell Vortax appears on the scene and with its magical powers and more

evil spirits become a being as big as a building that tries to crush

Shadow with his strength, he dodges footsteps and strong blows

devastating, avoid being hit by his great gigantic power and his power is

to the maximum, then Shadow uses the magic army necklace and asks to become

as big as Krimbell, fighting with great force against each other with their

fists in a duel between two powerful titans where they hit each other

devastating forts while the others in the plant watch the battle. The battle

It is even and lasts until after so many strong blows from both warriors that

They both hit each other, they both fall to the ground from the super fists and return to each other.

its normal form.

Rubet gets angry and turns the size of a jaguar and attacks.

With his body alight with great ferocity, the hero dodges his

body and the flames that come out of its snout, this being moves very fast

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and tries to destroy Shadow with his super speed and fire claws, the hero

He moves quickly and covers himself with wings of fire, avoiding attacks

powerful, using the gem of water produces a wave that sweeps and hits the

be overcoming it by pulling it strongly. The Spider Mother is going to attack, but

Shadow remains unharmed in the middle of a swirl of water, but the

mutant can't do anything to him since he hates water too.

All the warriors flee saying that they are going to take revenge, going out to other

dimensions of the world of dreams, to gather forces through the

time and space, since when the hero entered the world of dreams, a

portal to this. The young man is freed with the rays of the sword who cures him of

blood sugar, when he turns to look, Shadow appears and shakes his hand and lifts him up,

The young man comments on what happened...

The hero takes the hand and says: “Come, let's go to battle, today the battle begins.”

Sombra's new adventure against the armies of darkness", a

road under the big plant, a place where is a path near a

bridge, full of wooden houses and large mushrooms, as well as plants

beautiful where all the warriors of good are happy to be together the end they all run with motivation starting a new adventure.

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In this final part I want to say goodbye to this book very happily, giving

thanks to Sombra for being my inspiration and strength for writing it; I give many

thanks to those people who supported me in my project, this story

It is my audience who I hope likes it, since despite the difficulties,

I set out to achieve it, since Sombra taught me that the true objective

of life is happiness itself because even if we have difficulties, we always

We will have the strength to move forward, to have strength and to be better, since

As Maya says: “new day, new opportunity.” many people in life

They tell us that there are impossible things but the impossible lives in our mind and the

Achieving it with faith and courage is possible to turn them into reality.

In this final part I want to say goodbye to this book very happily, giving

thanks to Sombra for being my inspiration and strength for writing it; I give many

thanks to those people who supported me in my project, whether they are family

and friends, this story belongs to my audience who I hope you like, since

Despite the difficulties, I set out to achieve it, since Sombra taught me how to

that the true goal of life is one's own happiness because although

If we have difficulties, we will always have the strength to move forward, to have

strength to be better, since as Maya says: “new day, new opportunity.”

Many people in life tell us that there are impossible things but the impossible lives

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in our minds and achieving it with faith and courage are possible to convert them

actually because everything is possible; look for your friends who will be

supporting you through thick and thin. Let's never lose that inner child anymore

which is the desire for creativity and makes goals live in our hearts

stay alive within us.

When you feel problems, just face it bravely and look for your solution.

solution and fight with all your heart as those bad days will go away one day

forever. Happiness is a utopia that we must achieve, since, although

Happiness is not forever, sadness is not forever, as long as there is life

we will continue fighting. Don't forget to love your life, your goals, what you do and believe.

in your own 876 projects, with maximum happiness, without fear since there is no

nothing written in stone not to do it. Love nature, all animals

and plants of the world are a blessing from God, because they are all very

important, our brothers in the world and our friends, who give us

interior peace.

I thank my pets that I have and others that I have as inspiration.

were, thank you for making my life special and for giving me so much happiness,

fidelity and love. Do good and you will reap good things, even if it is late and if

you do evil, it will perish one day, remember that you are no longer

least of all, face life with humility and learn, live each day as

If it were the last one and don't be afraid to try; money is vital for things, but not

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It is complete happiness since it is not greater than our heart, even

We are born and die without it in the same way.

Remember that you are the hero of your own story, you are a person

very strong you are very determined and you have the power to do great things if you

you propose, don't think so much about whether x person loves you or y person loves you,

think about your dreams, projects, things you like to do and what you want

do what are your dreams for the future what are your goals what is the reason

You were born and remember you were not born for anyone but for you, that is, you should not tie yourself down.

to anyone, be it a couple, parents or grandparents or anything, you are you and no one goes

to live your life more than you because in the end... You are only going to have yourself until the end.

day you die, then light that flame of courage, that inner power that

you have, they can tell you what to do but only you make your decisions, not them.

Furthermore, if one came into the world to be free and happy, it does not depend on others,

always try things, that is always better than saying you can't or

fear or because they prohibit you or they tell you to stop that dream, it is better to try

and lose having never done anything, that's why the road is long but you have the

great power to shine not as a husband or boyfriend but for your projects that you must

perform, it is your obligation to help yourself because you are you

best friend and your worst enemy but that's up to you, if the world rejects you

Outside you still have the inner world where the people who accept you accept you.

They really love you and support you and don't listen to others but to your heart,

and if you fall I know that you will get back up because you are strong because of something you have been through

and you have gotten up, if you fall a thousand times you will get up a thousand and once, that is courage

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The desire to achieve your dreams is the power to lift your own sword,

Visualize yourself as a hero as someone capable of fighting and do not allow

Nobody overshadows you or that your happiness depends on whether they love you or not, your goals are

yours and look for that reason that makes you happy, what you like to do, what you like

create, you can I have faith in you and a lot not because I love you but because you are someone unique

and special!!!!! Love wisdom, freedom, sciences, art, and your royal family,

Although some are not there, remember that those essences of good will always be

somewhere else to take care of you, protect you, they will never die if they live in your heart.

The true place where goodness is hidden is within the heart,

do good actions and you will see the glory and divine beauty of God, when you start

to believe that love and kindness exist even if the world is bad, when

find yourself in your inner peace, when you love and know for whom and for

that you must fight and affirm that you must be happy, you will find a way of

happiness that no one will destroy, you will see that every day is new adventures,

drive away the bad from your life and sadness, attract love, kindness, instead of crying

think that in the universe the forces of light are there and want to help you,

attract love and hope to your life, to your home, to your loved ones and let's make

May this world one day be a place worth living for.

I thank my god Nature, who is the pillar to believe in my goals, the

strength to love and move forward, who illuminates my life every day and that is why he is

my greatest inspiration to grow and have hope in the future.

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I thank my mother Gretty for my work for motivating me a lot, she

I dedicate my work because I owe her who I am, my dreams and I love her very much,

She taught me to be who I am and why I should fight, she is the most special person.

of my entire life and I will always love you, thank you for always accompanying me,

love me and help me realize myself as a person. I appreciate your support

brother Oscar who is a great pianist, a great brother and a very person

special, I admire him a lot and thank you for all the good times we have

spent together. To my sister Ericka, so beautiful and small, I love her very much,

with a voice that is worth a lot, with a heart full of tenderness, remember that

You must move forward and the flame that lights your heart must not go out.

To my grandfather Oscar, even though he is no longer here to give me strength and be like a

father and teach me that the value of the impossible does not exist, that I must have the courage

to face life; thank you grandfather for having made me a strong man, in

memory of him, thank you and my brother-in-law Jason for being a great friend, a very

good person and someone whom I came to esteem very much, thank you for your

brotherhood and your understanding, thank you for your friendship, your support and for your

fidelity, successes in your life; I also dedicate to my grandmother Marielos, thank you for your

understanding, your kindness and your infinite goodness, truly thank you for all your

unconditional support and your great attention and for being a great grandmother to me.

I also dedicate my work finally to the love of my life, I wait for you and I love you

wherever you are.

Thank you dear reader for appreciating my creation, Blessings and

very good wishes from your friend Cesar Jiménez Cambronero.

Machine Translated by Google Character Actual size in meters (m)
angelspratz 1.7
Anglorplossion 3.5
Antrooper 1.7
Apocalypse 1200
Algiers 23
Argus 2.5
Beelzebub 1.8
Blastvax 2.1
Centurionher 2.0
Colder 1.5
Crystal 23
Daykiris 1.8
Dorteceratops 3.5
Drag 1.5
Dryammula 1.7
Dryp 2.2
Electron 3452 1.7
Endescrew 1.3
Eve 1.6
Finger 1.8
Flame 1.5
Folhemgearo 9.5
Fusion 1.8
Gargodrome 1.5
Gygantodritche 4.0
Gyrospy 1.4
Helena Sunsong 1.6
Hermes 2.5
hydrik 2.4
Hydros 1.7
Junker 15.6
Klastik 1
Klounk 1.6
Krabadrain 2
Krimbell Vortax 4.7
Kurchev 2.7
Kywan Matsumoto 1.6
Leivous 2.7
Lyena 1.7
Lynch 2.6
Lynnsky 1.6
Maldravosaur 6x14
Mascrehog 5.5
Masterstrunk 1.6
Mortula 23
Mugry 1.2
Murdercrew 1.7
Nature 1.9
Neonchrome 2
Orthomeus 6
Osiris 3.5
Ostrous 1
Peritborg 1.8
Psyncro 1.5
Queen Hornet 1.6
roadcrash 3
Scila 15x30
Sharkraptor 2.2
Shellix 6
Shogun 1.8
Shade 1.8
Sparkdrom 1.7

Machine Translated by Google

Spine 2.5
Spydrax 23
Stringfrog 1.5
Swordmaster 1.4
Tamura 1.8
Thanat hos 1.7
Trilangerbero 1.7
Venusoria 1.6
Vile 1.7
VOID 100
Vortex 1.5
Wartauron 1.6
Wombat 23
Zenomia 1.8
Zoxerbian 1.9
Gangrene 2
Vairus 0.001
Warmann 13
Dinocroco 2.2
Ringdra 1.6
Brissa 1.4
Leadher 1.6
Mattrank 7.6
Navy 1
Bombuin 1.2
Assault 7.7
Trap 1.3
Dustar 2
Oddine 1.8
Hippo 3.6x1.5
Zhelong 1.7
Birdrate 1.7
Venomous 2.7
Astrosquatch 3.4
Cronos 1.9
Petrylleum 2.8
Hercolubus 1.5
Squiroghost 11.8
Mastermind 2.5
Magnetrunk 1.3
Walyursa 6.8
Sword 2.1
Dr. Charmaleon 23
Sparkroach 1.7
Dactyl 1.8
Billhen 1.7
Drummstorm 17
Inferno 2.5
Toratrum 9.5
Flywegon 1.7
Cardomo 23
Bulbor 12.8
Drobyte 1.2
Toydman 1.7
Obelisk 1.9
Coloxide.exe twenty

Galaxyan 1.6
Pyrhara 1.4

Machine Translated by Google

Surrey 23
Darkronikon 2.5
Arcadesaur 17
Tunes 3
Evilhem 2.5
Centroro 6.5
Freakror 3
Gyganthor 2.5
Devolique 9
Barkaban 1.7
Katsura 1.6
Icemary 1.6
Liquid 1.6
stormcat 2.2
Behemoth 50x10
Gnanomire 1.4
Agoragon 12
Trainctor 8.7
Dowerfly 2
Teacher 2.2
Papilionsun 4
Project 3.5
Obscurer 1.7
Rocker 2
Mega Encyclode 20x5
goard 10
Flashback 7
sniper 10.5x6
Infinitive 2.2
noodle 1.7
Zorkonikon 2.6
Medustar 1.6
Lee Tsunami Sucher 2
A stranger 1.8
Flighter 30x20
Gluetank 23
Foracer 1.8
Botter 4
Tyrannoceros 4.5
Bearer 1
Fourtrey 1.9
Spirokya 1.2
Hydrus 1.7
tryon 23
Dark Hornet 2
Donywhale 1.9
Shadow -man 1.6
Arachnoman 23
ribbit 1.7
Frozen 1.8
Yanicel 1.7
evil shadow 1.8
Greens 2
Illuminate 1.6
Papercraps 1.8
Samba 1.2
Red Dragon 1.8
Dymetron 30x12

Machine Translated by Google

Moonberang 1.3
Kaurameshi 1.8
Globatron 3x8
Faker 23
Native 1.4
zombie 1.6
Tortudragon 3.4
Zykka 2.1
Wingdra 1.7
Durval 1.7
Maya 1.6
Arkrivosaur 120
Alazam 2
skywarp 1.7
swarrow 2.8
Slasher 3
Zarcas 1.8
Zynk 1.8
Elementary 1.9
car wash 2.5
Airoman 3
Berminator 10
Zumboids 1.6
Gaznor 1.8
Zophar 1.7
Psymaniac 1.6
Syrazor 1.2
Scartree 2
Clouder 2x10
Bombux 1.5
Strong-man 2
Krimbell Vortax 2 4x7
Somnier Witch 1.6
Chuu 1
Pasteline 1
Mantiske 2.5
Solarex 2
Haungre 1.8
Solphin 23
Zataryn 1.6
Necropsila 1.5
Moaman 2
Anrayer 1.8
Sharkaster 10
Vampister 1.7
last shadow 1.8
Raynlander 1.7
Raystar 1.8
The polio child 1.4
Puckey 2
Rackson 2x3
Llyul Van Gogh 1.8
Cleary Moon 1.6
Astrosome 3.5
Argul 1.7
rockstro 8
Astaroth 1.5
little devil 2

Machine Translated by Google

Faklaw 1.7
Tigerd 1.9
M11 1
Virtue 1.8
Crocar 2.5
Dorteceraptops 4
Neizer form 1 2
Neizer form 2 6
Muscaskorp 1.6
Hephaestus 2
Protonema 4
Mach 23
Killberto 1.7
Bulbbroken 1.6
Magnet 1.5
Electrem 1.6
Forespirit 1.8
Dreagon 10
Ragnetron fifty

Shyba fifty
Anti-Shadow 2
Might 6.3
Lilibert 80
Zalemvine 1.65
kage 1.95
bulldozer 23
Danube 2.5
Annmaki 10
The Great Mass 1000
Karatche 1.8
Spider Mother 2.6
anguish 2
Baal 8
Doctor Terror 1.7
Domileon 23
Molback 1x5
Duckrant 3
tumor 3
Flauros 2.1
Smastoise 30
Spinhex 23
Plantific 1.7
Toxike 1.8
Warder 2
Syurano 2
Redrez 1
Reshita 1.6
Verjem 2
Totryon 3
Seedus 2.5
Serbra 2
Hiroki 1.8
Blue Dragon 2.1
lighten 1.65
Walvie 1.7
satanger 5
Verber 23
Ancienter 2

Machine Translated by Google

Huga 10
Shiper 10x20
Ironbuster 3.5
Labyrinthosaurs 1x2
Muskaar 1.8
Metamor 4
Osaba 3
Zonger 2
Qualkord 23
Infiniteagle 2.2
Sounder 1.8
Batter 1.8
Majestrik 1.5
Humbak 1.0 -2.0
Ratyx 1.7
Yugat 1.0
Dorhan 2.2
Itzagual 1.85
Fusion X 3.0
Verb -man 2.1
Chinchin 1.6
Locker 1.8
Persephone 1.7
Pozoña 2.2
Zonwar Metallix 1.8
Bayri 1.2
Clauds 5
Sambaste 1.6
Rangylar 10x1
Teknotherium 15x3
Zekrusser 300000000
Cactaplum 1.0
Lanter 1.5
Siquical 1.6
Rubet 1.0
Troner 1.8
Caballero Estrella 2.1
Hombre Azul 23
Fleasher 1.6
Hyrone 3.0
Harpeak 23
Frezinx 1.4
Anferno 1.8
Syvali 1.7
Leizer 2
Trackman 1.7
Kobayard 1.0
Dragonian 2x10
Funky 1.75
U. I 1.4
Positron 2.0
Libby 1.65
Kan-fuusemide 1.6

Images: Cesar Jimenez Cambronero

Machine Translated by Google


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