Sombra Contra Las Armadas de La Oscuridad (Ultima Version) - 1601-1900

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check it to see what they can steal from it, finding the magic gems which

They are left to see what they do, but according to legend if two stones join together or

several can nullify the magic spell that is currently in place.

When that happens, the girl looks scared at the magical power and flies away from the

planet to the world of nature.

The rodent uses its tail as a powerful whip that tries to whip the

hero, he dodges it, but receives strong powerful scourges since it is like

a weapon, the hero begins to feel the pain of the rat's hard scourges,

until he holds the rat's tail and prevents it from flagellating, then he moves the tail

in the air and spins Ratyx and pulls her back hard causing her to

fall to the ground. But Ratyx gets up and with his powers throws with his hands

several powerful wooden stakes, as if they were bullets that hit everything around

As he passes, the hero increases his powers and covers himself with his magic, making him

has no effect on Shadow, passing through them and causing them to break.

Ratyx uses his magical powers, making spikes come out of the ground

like flashers to get through the hero, they come out and hide to try

stab or impale Shadow, the hero tries to fly, but they become more

large and tries to dodge them, using his Scalight sword and his speed is

move avoiding the giant stakes and cut them all with his sword canceling

the attack of the rodent who takes out more but they are also cut.

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The elf with his blue eyes and brown hair thinks about how he can

defeat such an evil being, he reproaches him that since someone like him

considers a warrior worthy of a sacred sword but who will avenge

those who died in his world, then with his goblin powers he begins

to run fast and throw several dangerous darts with his magic gloves to

try to kill the hero, but he covers himself with his wings of fire making him

the darts melt, even so the darts do not hurt the hero.

With the help of his other magic dust, he throws dust to create magic

that produces fairies to fly and make him stand upside down, the hero laughs at the

see that it is a very simple attack and with the help of its power increase and

covers in a magical field that neutralizes flight and the fairies leave.

Sombra asks for explanations, but the goblin tells him that he only

will achieve if he defeats him, then he casts with his magic spell a power

transforming him and Ratyx into a tornado, but made of metal that rotates with

great force, managing to get Shadow inside and hit him with his

metal edges causing the hero to become dizzy and lose his balance, it is

hit several times and can't get out.

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Shadow, already tired of the attack that is hitting him a lot, gives

realize that it is made of metal and releases an electric discharge so powerful that

spreads the tornado and electrocutes the two warriors who fall to the ground

totally defeated.

Shadow holds the elf and tells him that it is time for him to explain himself.

because he attacks him, the goblin, seeing that he is another kind of person, tells him that

A few months ago, a guy arrived like the hero but with a black suit and

exterminated humanity with the help of a monster called Humbak and

They were the ones who killed everyone, even the elite of the good of the universe guided

by Krimbell Vortax (who in the parallel universe is the king of warriors),

They were all exterminated, Shogun was bad, in the end he fought against Shadow and

He perished producing an atomic explosion that annihilated all humans,

The mutants died and the Shadow being betrayed his allies like Tamura,

Venusoria and Trilangerbero, they died since he only occupies one subordinate, the

goblin cries and tells him that only the two of them and the two bad guys are left on Earth for

what deserves death, but the hero tells him that he does not plan to kill him and that he is going

to go defeat evil.

Then the evil Shadow appears flying, which is nothing more and less.

that the Evil Shadow and his dark sword, then tells him that the end has

arrived but the hero without thinking tells the warriors that he is going to fight,

Majestrik realizes that they are two different beings.

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Sombra and his evil one fight in a sword duel where both are

very powerful, they fight with great power and fury, rays of light are produced against

the rays of darkness, both warriors begin to fight with great strength.

Shadow uses his luminous fist attack so strong against the fists

luminous shadows of the Evil Shadow which are dark fists, they both hurt each other

of both light and darkness, yet neither yields to

let themselves be defeated and continue fighting.

The fight continues, they fight by launching their electric rays against each other.

another, they also fly, giving each other strong attacks and strong blows with their

fists and kicks, and even attack each other with elemental powers since that being

He is a Shadow clone in every way.

Evil shadow launches several rays of dark fire with his powers

which destroy everything in their path, the hero uses his elemental stones to create

red fire and fight between the two, both collide, but nothing happens since

They both have the same power level.

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Sombra and the other clone warrior continue fighting hard, they fight

With their same attacks, they fight with great power and aggressiveness. The hero throws

rays of light and the being launches attacks of darkness, since that being is very

strengthened by the dark powers of the Spider Mother.

Evil shadow uses his powers and with his hands transforms them into

very strong metal spikes that transform intermittently to hit

Sombra tries to stab him, but the hero cuts his arm with his sword.

sword, then transforms them into round pieces of metal like mallets that

tries to hit the hero, breaking stones everywhere and crushing with

great force producing even holes in the floor. Shadow dodges him for a while.

avoiding the solid blow of that weapon, until he holds the mallet in his hands

struggling against the evil one who tries to crush him, remembering the attack of the

Magic Mazoo, but in metal, but the evil one gets loose and moves fast

giving several metal fists to the hero that injure him and lower his body a lot.

energy, until throwing it strongly into the air. Shadow gets up and concentrates his

forces resisting the creature's new attacks without suffering damage.

Evil shadow becomes invisible and attacks the hero who cannot

Seeing him, he kicks him hard and hits him with his fists without being able to hurt him, he remembers.

the gem he obtained of invisibility, becoming invisible and the warriors fight

both, only the blows and sword blows are heard in an invisible space,

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causing thunder in the clouds due to the intensity of both warriors,

They fight everywhere unseen in an intense battle, until

Finally the two warriors lose the invisibility effect and they both see each other.

with serious bodily harm.

After a long battle both warriors are tired, since

They both have the same level of power, so seeing that there is nothing more than

do, Evil Shadow uses a power and launches a dark wave attack

called dark suicide wave, which forms a power of darkness so strong

that covers everything and destroys anything to destroy it, Shadow

He asks Scalight for strength to increase his light powers and launches a super

ray of light that collides with the wave, temporarily stopping it while it

strengthened by evil power.

Shadow is running out of energy, he is really tired of

many battles and is very weak, the evil being is winning and the wave is

towards the hero who can't take it anymore, then with a spell from his book the

goblin casts a spell to restore Sombra's powers, creating a

light wave so powerful that it totally destroys the darkness of the dark being and

He hits him hard, knocking him to the ground.

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However, Shadow also falls into a corner unable to move and

He throws Scalight without him realizing it, the Evil Shadow taking advantage of this.

He takes out his evil Scalight sword to go kill the hero, but when he is

nearby about to kill him, the goblin takes Scalight and protects Sombra from the

sword blow, making forces against the evil one who struggles with the other

sword, but when he sees that the goblin interrupts the act, he kicks him hard.

hurting him severely, Ratyx launches himself to hit him and climbs on top of him

while he sees the hero fallen on the ground and his master very hurt.

Evil shadow grabs Ratyx by the neck to stab him with his

sword, then the hero appears and holds the sword hand of the evil one,

preventing the murder and gives him a strong punch in the face that knocks him

forcefully backwards, this makes the giant rat loose.

Shadow is furious that it could have been like this and that he made a good decision.

in being in alliance with good and not being a piece of crap like his clone. The Shadow

evil gets quite angry, he sets out with Scalight to kill the hero, who

He also throws himself with his sword and they fight in a sword duel to test

which is the best of all, in an intense battle.

Sombra fights until he destroys the false Scalight with his powers.

of the universe and throws strong luminous fists at him that seriously hurt him and

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He delivers an uppercut, knocking him to the ground in defeat. The hero believes that it is the end of everything

and turns his back to help his friends, but in that the evil Shadow

He gets up and goes to attack with a dark lightning bolt, but the hero stabs him with his sword.

In the womb, the power of light is released and disintegrates the evil Shadow to

always and eliminating one less from the planet.

Sombra tells him that he senses another presence of evil and asks him to leave.

Stay there, with your powers you give energy to your friends so they can heal.

which they thank and tell him to forgive him for the confusion, the hero tells them

They are now friends which makes them both feel better.

Shadow arrives at an old, somewhat spooky theater, it is full of closets and

curtains, the theater has several wide boxes and the seats are

destroyed, in that with great fury and rumbling of feet an amphibious creature comes out

of turquoise green skin with three eyes, hunchback, with torn black pants of

hair, long hands and with a horn on the nose, called Humbak the monster of the

function and speaks thickly, tells him that this time the play comes to an end.

Shadow launches himself to attack with great force, attacks with his sword, but

The being grabs hold of the curtains and climbs up, then falls on the hero and

crush it slightly, the monster runs away again and Shadow gets up again

without knowing where the monster is; then receives another impact from the being that

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believes that he is a dwarf, which is not entirely true since in his hunchbacked state

It measures 1 meter and in its normal state 2 meters.

Humbak gets on again and is going to flee, but the hero with a

electric shock causes him to fall and remain on the ground stunned, then with

Its firepower burns the curtains, preventing it from rising.

Humbak starts throwing powerful mud balls with his snout.

that, although they are hard, they only manage to dirty the hero's suit, however, they are

annoying since, if they have a horrible and stinking smell, Shadow with his powers

He covers himself to avoid getting dirty with those dirty things.

Shadow increases his powers, but notices that the being also increases

of power by producing a red aura, however, he does not believe that he is a good rival.

Humbak uses his amphibious hands to fight with his open-handed strikes,

the hero uses his strong fists to fight and easily defeats him.

Humbak uses his snout to shoot poisonous water, Dodges Shadow

those attacks and with his fire elemental attack he manages to evaporate all the water

leaving only stains on the floor. The dwarf gets an idea and searches the

place two very sharp knives with which he killed people, he throws himself towards

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Shadow to stab him, but due to the power level it doesn't do anything to him

neither, which the hero thinks that this rival is very poor in attacks.

Shadow with a simple air attack makes him roll normally, he

He laughs thinking that his rival is very poor, but at that moment his body dilates and he

transforms into a very strong giant, with prominent muscles and tells him that

Now you will see who the weak one is.

With his third eye he manages to perform very strong hypnosis, causing

Shadow cannot move, thus he is unable to use his fists or sword,

then Humbak takes advantage of that and starts laughing, without thinking about it carefully.

His strong fists and kicks begin to hit him hard all over his body.

at lightning speed which hurts without being able to defend itself, its power

magic is decreasing. In one minute he has given him many blows since

it moves fast and can't move, in fact if it had movement it could

dodge or defend against attacks.

Shadow concentrates while being brutally beaten, thinks about

how to free yourself, thus increasing the energy completely from within, but the

hypnosis blocks him, then he decides to forcefully illuminate his eyes making him

his hypnosis eye is blocked and stunned, he frees himself from hypnosis and forms

an anti-hypnotic shield that allows you to fight without reaching the effects.

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Humbak decides to fight with his forces and fight Sombra in a

duel of two creatures of great power, they fight aggressively against each other in

a duel of fists and kicks so fast, they hit each other in the face and in the

belly, they fight greatly like two warriors while Humbak emits

roars of fury upon seeing that this being is not an easy rival.

The battle continues and they continue fighting with great fury and courage, the being

confesses that he has killed thousands of people in the theater, as once

It belonged to Centurionher too, who turned out the lights for the

darkness biting and eating people, in fact, the reward of it

is that her essence exists, since she and Sword the mutant for things that will not

recount gave rise to it, it is time to avenge the death of his parents.

Sombra fights with courage and without caring what that monster thinks,

Even so, it continues fighting, until the being pulls back and with its eyes

begins to launch spheres of light that disintegrate everything in its path, Shadow

begins to move quickly so as not to be damaged, but on one occasion the

creature throws several at him at once without being able to escape and temporarily wounds his arm

falling asleep, dropping the sword.

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Taking advantage of this, the being begins to punch and kick him, then

He lifts him up and pulls him hard back, throwing him over the theater curtains.

that are far away. The hero regains his powers and returns to battle.

Humbak throws spheres of light again, but with his lightsaber

absorbs all the spheres and gives it more power, which surprises the creature which

He is not very intelligent, since he is half zombie - half mutant.

Shadow goes to punch him, but the creature turns away.

mercury and dissolves as water, then moves rapidly in the soil and

is formed to only kick Shadow who is careless in front of him.

attack of that creature. The hero hits him again and transforms again.

in mercury...Suddenly, the being appears above Shadow in the form of mercury

and it falls on the hero, transforming into an organic living being again,

This deals a good blow to Sombra, then he turns into quicksilver and is

disappears. The monster appears like quicksilver below the hero and thinks

give him a low blow, the hero does not see it yet, but with his powers he tries

detect it... that's when he's going to hit the low blow and Sombra realizes,

transforming into a living being (at least its head), hits it with both

hands leaving him stunned and takes away his transformation into mercury.

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The being gets very angry and begins to shoot red fire with its snout and

burning towards Sombra, he trusts, but he can burn him because he is

magic fire so be careful. The counter warrior attacks with his

powers of fire, but apparently he cannot face it since that fire is

becomes invisible and passes through the magical fire.

Shadow runs away from the fire, but it is very powerful and deals damage to him.

since he suffers some burns that damage his suit, it is because he is

fire from hell, one of the few things that, if they can hurt you or

kill him, the mutant turns into a stone being to increase the fire to

deadly flare which makes the flame bigger.

With his magical powers, he asks the powers of nature to extinguish

that kind of fire, so he uses his water elemental power making it

A super wave comes out that hits the creature that throws flames and the being feels

disgust for water, apart from the fact that it put out the fire in his throat.

Shadow thinks that this being, despite being small, is difficult to fight,

then he decides to face it with all his strength, Humbak believes that the bad

It is the right thing to do and he begins to fight with great force with his body made of rocks,

Shadow remembers Rackson's race which are lithomorphs, a race of beings

that turn to stone. He launches into a fight with great fury with his body.

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stone and as if it were a statue it sinks into the floor, swimming and emerging from the

himself to attack Sombra when he is off guard, hitting him several times

with the horn of his nose, but also receives fists when the hero can

give him attacks, plus his arms become sharp metal blades and

dangerous ones that try to peck Shadow hard and how they are magical

deal damage, the blades are super sharp and are like two sharp spikes that

They can penetrate even the strongest stone, and they are also quick to attack.

Shadow is tired of hearing about his parents' deaths and being

hit by a mutant, so he takes it with his arms, but with his

daggers-arms crosses him twice in the belly without being able to let go and with his

wings fly up to the top of the theater and they fly out of it, like Humbak does not

can fly and weighs a lot, it makes it difficult for Sombra to do a flying maneuver and

They both fall to the ground, raising dust. When the dust is released, see the converted

in stone since he cannot bear to receive pure air and being a demonic entity he cannot

He had to leave the place, then he vanishes like dust from the place.

At the end Majestrik and Ratyx arrive, they shake hands, the goblin heals his

wounds and restores energy; the hero opens a time portal to take him

to his universe to both, considering him a hero there for having defeated the

evil, Sombra with his supersonic speed manages to get out of that dimension and manages

get back on your way to your adventure.

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A time portal appears, Sombra crosses it and when he arrives, Natura appears.

this time full of leaves in a place near a moor, he tells Shadow that

This will be a decisive battle, to test their powers since they have never had

a great battle, the hero accepts among the void.

Natura increases its leaves by launching powers of leaves and roses but that

They are resistant to fire, they are rather sharp with great magnetism, the goddess

throws towards Sombra, causing him to dodge them, cover himself with his shield

golden but others dig deep into Shadow's body as if

They were bullets, which makes the hero fall down from the pain in his legs; Nature

He tells him that his strength still needs evolution and he is not worthy of being a hero.

Being such a low attack, so it increases the hero's powers and with courage,

Shouting, he removes the sharp blades from his body while screaming in pain, with this he

He gets up and tells him that he is not finished yet, even if the battle has to die

still starts.

Natura throws other pointed blades, the hero increases his powers

creating a magnetic field causing them to become blocked in the

attack, they also bend when it comes into contact. Shadow uses his power

electric causing them to return towards the goddess, who stops them in the air.

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Sombra tells him that it is an interesting attack, but that it is not yet

finished, so it launches a powerful electrical discharge that goes towards the essence,

but due to its power to make earth it has no effect on it, in fact, it absorbs

all rays without suffering any damage. Natura says that its powers greatly

They have increased, but not enough.

Natura uses some magical spells making the sky begin to

rain axes, knives and arrows that are highly deadly, the hero sees everything

black the sky from the amount of weapons that are coming towards him, he decides to avoid them

Moving at the speed of light, he dodges some weapons within thousandths of a

seconds, he moves avoiding any attack since those weapons are

spelled and can easily damage you, so avoid being hit by them.

Natura sees how surprised he is that Sombra has advanced so

powers, tells him that the level he has obtained from his battles is incredible, but

that he must prepare if he wants to defeat the Spider Mother and the Great Mass. Decide

attack by releasing a powerful smell of evil roses, which makes the hero

smelling them can turn you into an evil, amorous or lazy being

depending on the type of power, so he throws it and when he smells it, Shadow relaxes and

He says that he is not going to fight, that he is tired and bored of this absurd fight, so

which is not going to make any movement, rather lies down to sleep.

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When Natura sees this vague reaction from the hero, she begins to hit him.

flagella with their branches all over his body making Shadow not even flinch, he

It hurts but he doesn't want to fight because he doesn't want to get tired, but after many

He starts to feel discomfort and asks him to stop but it doesn't happen, so

what the power of Scalight illuminates neutralizing the power of laziness,

causing him to completely wake up from the state, seeing this and being

hit by the essence, avoids the attacks and moves quickly cutting

all the branches whip, who makes the essence stop. Natura tells him that

She is proud because she has passed a challenge but there are still many more to go.

Natura uses her powers and transforms into a type of leopard made

of light, which aggressively launches itself towards Shadow, ready to attack him

with his nails and bites, the hero stops her while she struggles not to be

attacked being a fight between two forces that want to dominate each other.

The hero struggles strongly until with a push of his leg he pulls her towards

another side, which makes the leopard of light go backwards, but it returns

and it is there where the hero moves at an impressive speed fleeing from the

creature, although he receives bites, but manages to get out of it and continues fighting with

his speed, he has also learned that if he goes to bite he must use his

luminous fists to hit the creature, which is an ancient Nahuatl of the

Mesoamerican Indians.

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After an intense battle, Natura returns to her normal form where

prepares to fight in another way, Sombra is all beaten up and with some

bites, in fact, for some strange reason it starts to hurt despite

not having organs, however, has overcome the tests since what the

essence is to help the hero to be better.

Natura launches a power called essential ray, which is a light capable of

hitting strongly like a shooting star, it can attack a being if it has

errors or defects in his soul, if he does not have evil it makes him invisible. Shadow is

hit hard in its belly, since it is a being that still retains

thoughts of pessimism and aggressiveness, so the goddess shoots several

rays making the hero feel bad and in body pain.

Natura continues to launch quite a few more rays, the hero feels very bad

and tells the essence to stop, but she tells him that otherwise he defeats her that he will not

You will be able to defeat evil in the final battle. Seeing him fallen, he tells him that tomorrow is better.

train, so he leaves the training, but the very stubborn hero tells him

no... he came to train and become strong, he gets up with difficulty and tells him

It's time to continue the battle. The goddess accepts and launches other rays

essential, which makes the hero concentrate and attack the stars

fleeting attacks effectively, defeating them all.

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Natura feels happy, she tells him that his attacks are very good, but that

something is still missing, launching with his powers several stakes that come out of the ground

In addition, he shoots the stakes from his mouth as if they were pencils, the hero to

avoid being hit with them moves before they leave the ground, but also

at lightning speed he avoids stake impacts, even so he is grazed by


Natura tells him that his speed is impressive, but now he will see his

level of concentration, so with its leaves it produces flowers that release a

charm called spring essence, which makes Shadow feel

in love, sees Natura as if she were a beautiful woman, with a nice body and

face of a goddess that calls him to search for love, the hero goes to her

inexplicably since within his heart his only love is his princess. To the

approach, Natura begins to hit him, but he remains in love, remains excited about

despite the blows she gives him and that is where she punches him hard with

his tree branches that lift him up and throw him to the ground aggressively, causing him

wake up from trance.

Shadow wakes up, Natura tells him that if he doesn't overcome that, he will be lost

since the Spider Mother is the mother of deception, so she asks him to reconsider.

Shadow thanks her and tells her that he needs more training, so she tells him.

He says yes but that the final attack is still missing.

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Natura shoots water bubbles with its snout, but these can take

your object and put it inside the bubble to take it to the atmosphere and leave it

fall, that happens and the bubbles enclose it, forming a single bubble to

trap it in something viscous without being able to get out, taking it to the atmosphere if not

something may explode and fall from a great height without being able to fly... until

who has an idea and it is to cut the bubble but it doesn't work, so he succeeds

Increase your powers to the maximum by bursting the giant bubble. Natura uses its

trick again, but breaks free again, reaching dry land.

Natura chews some gum and throws it at the hero, causing him to catch it without

able to free himself, the hero is tied up and beaten severely, whipped from above

down while his feet are sticky, until he manages to free himself with his

sword. Finally he uses the drain attack, making him want to take all the

water from Sombra's body, but he can't do it since it is electric, without

However, if it occurs in a normal person it dries up and even leaves it bloodless.

The training ends, Sombra tells him to train him longer, so

A few days pass and the two of them live together in that place, they have a good time until

improves his powers, they say goodbye and he promises that he will defend the universe, he

They shake hands and a time portal is formed to where their next adventure is.

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Chapter 52

Shadow against the two proud warriors

After the poor health of the Zalemvine warrior, Sombra

directs the penultimate warrior infected by evil: Mars, there he meets

a dark place with acid lakes everywhere where you can't see anything

More than sandy fields with corpses everywhere and several graves,

but not a single living being can be seen. But before reaching Mars, pass by the moon

where he sees Kaguya-Hime's castle all destroyed and with the guardians

killed by the dark elite, however, a voice calls out to him as he passes by

there. Sombra flies there and sees Shogun the android who tells him that they

They killed his wife, his daughter and it was of no use but he has pride and he

The only thing he can do is test if he has courage and challenge him to fight, increasing

his level incredibly at level 106X just like Sombra because he absorbed

magic too.

Sombra accepts the challenge and begins to fight with his sword Scalight

against the Sharming sword in a duel where the swords resonate, they fight

against each other with all their strength and fight with great courage and bravery, fight

moving with their swords, fighting, increasing their anger and as if they were

mortal enemies again.

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The battle continues and as they are two sacred swords, they both emit shine.

and they fight hard without giving up, both are determined to win, although

means the death of the other, since it is agreed that both warriors have

They fight until the end and this time without traps like the final explosion.

Sombra challenges shogun to fight with his forces since he knows that if

They fight with their swords it will be a never ending story, although inside they know

that Scalight can beat him, Shogun accepts and they both fight with great skill

and power fighting with their fists and kicks, they fight strongly with great courage

against each other, giving strong blows that produce sound waves, they fight

without giving up while they both remember their first battle.

The battle continues and both Sombra and Shogun receive blows

very strong that they resonate and hurt the heroes, the blows are so strong

that even one recognizes the courage of the other to fight, with his forces that are

They increase muscularly and fight with courage and determination against each other until

which parts of Shogun's metal and the internal structures of Shogun's body

Sombra are totally hurt, although they are not going to give up.

Shogun uses his tail and starts fighting Shadow trying to hit him.

strong impacts, it moves with great speed, but sometimes it is hit

totally because of that tail that throws him to the ground hard, but Shadow

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lifts up and also uses his luminous fist attack that hurts the structure

of the tail, each one fights until the tail has hit the hands, but

also due to the attack of the luminous fists it ends up being destroyed

completely by producing a short circuit in the tail.

Shogun launches very powerful and burning laser beams with his visor,

Shadow launches electric shock that fights to see which is the greater power,

They both keep shooting and the powers are getting bigger and bigger, they fight

to see which beam has greater power, they fight without giving up without wanting to let each other

beat until the rays at extreme power collide and damage the viewer

Shogun since this is a robot and has limitations.

Shogun decides to use his daughter's powers and with his magic invokes that

tons of toys fall on the moon to try to crush Shadow, but

He avoids them at high speed, and is sometimes hit by one or two dolls.

stuffed animal, but avoids being buried by tons of them and finally manages to

get out of the avalanche of dolls.

Shadow launches burning and fiery fire with his elemental stone that

It doesn't affect Shogun at all, he also throws water, but he passes it as if it were nothing and

Even the wind and the earth produce earthquakes, nothing happens to them, rather it gives them

the opportunity to fly and get closer to Sombra who is preparing to fight.

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They both attack each other by flying over each other in a flight-dive duel.

hitting with their wings and it is so intense that flames are deployed

strong all around, both warriors plan to fight until the final, where

They both stick tightly to each other with their wings.

Shogun stops on the ground and charges his powerful plasma beam at high

power and launches an attack that severely hits Sombra, causing him to

It attacks him as if a yellow flame hit him and throws him away,

causing him to fall to the ground with flames coming out of the body.

Shadow gets up and takes care not to be attacked again by that

powerful plasma ray that destroys everything in its path, that ray is fast and

Sometimes the hero is hit, but still gets up and continues

fighting, this time he launches with Scalight rays of light so powerful that

They counteract the powers of Shogun who also does not decide to give up.

Shogun increases his plasma beam to maximum power by launching the beam

red star which is such a deadly red plasma capable of destroying a planet.

Shadow prepares and launches a beam of light with his sword at maximum power

until both powers collide intensely. They both fight with great

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intensity in the beam, however, the device is overloaded since it cannot

emulate Scalight's infinite energy and explode.

Sombra comes down and tells him that everything is over, Shogun as a good rival

He approaches and tells him that it is a good battle, when he is going to shake his hand, a

pincer nails Shogun's back and he falls to the ground dying

instantly by breaking his heart with a single blow and only says: -

“Come our death, Sombra the chosen warrior.”- Seeing who it was is a

warrior son of the Spider Mother, in a metallic brown suit with fly wings, with

pincer hands with launchers, with a very dark ibis-like face and eyes

luminous, the last warrior of evil called Angust, the chosen one of evil.

Sombra is filled with anger when he sees that he has killed his friend and launches himself with

his sword Scalight to fight, it moves supersonically and

teleports everywhere and gives kicks and side blows with his hands.

hooks and when it is weak it flies away towards Mars.

Shadow follows him and the fight begins on the distant planet where

They begin to fight with great intensity against each other with great power, both

They move at supersonic speed, hitting each other hard with their fists and

kicks, fight hard as the dark warrior maintains the lineage of

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fight so that evil defeats good, Sombra fights in order to avenge his

best friend, fight for justice and kindness.

Angust is very strong and surpasses him in strength and speed, he is very

powerful yet Shadow does not back down from the fight, fighting to the

tiredness, especially because the planet has nothing but deserts so

It is losing power without being able to recharge it in any way.

Sombra draws his sword, but before that, Angust throws with his arm

right a silk ray that completely envelops him like a worm and

paralyzes, that silk has the property of weakening its opponent quickly,

So Sombra, without being able to move, loses power.

Shadow tries to free himself by increasing his strength and leaving the

cocoon, then is wrapped again, but is released again and with a lightning bolt

light shoots it towards the right hand damaging the poison silk supply.

Angust uses his other hand to shoot some mysterious spheres

white and soft that adhere to Sombra's body, which does not cause him

damage, but some mini Angust come out of them that start to bite him and

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absorb energy, but unfortunately for the mutant he cannot because he is

made of electricity and end up charred.

Sombra has an idea and launches a powerful discharge with his hands

electric power so powerful that, according to him, it would defeat him, but it does not happen since that

armor is different and absorbs electricity, tells him: - “I will not fall into the

“Same tricks as the anti-Shadows, right, Father?” and explains that this is

a Shadow clone also modified, but with elements of the Spider Mother

to fight strongly against it without human weaknesses and it is perfect.

Shadow feels contempt for it and launches his forces attacking

with his wings like a swooping bird, but this warrior is as tough as a

statue of pure steel and does not do any harm, rather Angust takes advantage

to give him a strong punch in the face that knocks him to the ground.

Shadow sees his enemy as the strongest of all until the

moment, he fights with great strength, but nothing does anything to him, not even the stones

elementals do something to him so he is in trouble without knowing what to do.

Angust with his invisible face starts shooting gum, which

which scares Shadow when he sees such a low attack, it hits his suit, but he realizes

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He realizes that when he tries to take it off he sticks his hands and there is no way to

taking it off, this immobilizes even the possibility of moving since that rubber

It adheres to your legs also tying it completely.

Shadow keeps trying to escape, especially since Angust lunges

and with its nose-beak it begins to peck it all over the body strongly like

a dagger without receiving any damage since it is anti-electric. Shadow feels

discomfort from that attack and tries to free himself, but definitely cannot.

Angust has the victory almost won, so Sombra increases his

powers and launches with his entire body a ray of light that melts all the rubber

chewing and recovers his energy, after that he punches him hard

in the face of Angust who throws him away forcefully.

Angust starts laughing non-stop, tells him that the reason for attacking him was

implant the poison seed, a black parasitic seed that spreads

turns into a black tree in seconds to absorb energy, resists

electricity and soon he will be dead.

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Shadow doesn't know how to release that seed, he is in danger because the

black seed is starting to grow black roots piercing its body,

a stalk with a black face came out and absorbed Shadow's power.

Shadow is afraid and is kicked by the monster several times with his

spikes from his feet, but the hero thinks he has already come this far and

concentrates, increasing its power and producing a flash of light as powerful

who has reached his level to 112X, thanks to the battle with Shogun. The flash

luminous burn the tree and seed, gives it more power and throwing some fists

luminous plasma manages to teach that warrior a lesson by throwing him away.

Angust rises with his armor broken, but still with his body

gloomy does not allow itself to be defeated, then the Spider Mother comes out shouting and supporting the

warrior, he and Sombra tell her: - “Shut up”, which makes her angry and she disappears.

and they will end the battle with their final attack: Angust transforms into a

black parasite that devours everything in its path…

Shadow launches himself and is devoured by that black worm, which

He digests completely believing that he has already won, but suddenly his body is cut

from within in a thousand pieces from a sword edge, Shadow comes out and the being

defeated by the powers of light, he is burned by it and screams, disappearing.

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Shadow puts away his sword and has won, he looks at the Earth saying that his

final challenge, he will soon save his planet and hopes that his rival is ready.

However, before leaving, a lake appears at that place on the moon.

mysterious water, where a being made of magic and power emerges who

decides to appear in front of the hero and when he comes out the hero is surprised, his name is

Kage no senshi (ÿÿÿÿ), an anime-made Shadow with a larger sword

stylized and with greater powers of magic, this Shadow has a face

humanoid and is perhaps the most primitive version of Sombra. He tells him that

Many years ago there was an island on the legendary island of Mu 250 thousand ago

years where there was a human warrior named Shadow who fought to be

strong not for good or justice and who learned to be a warrior

exceptional, but due to his courage and strength he even fought with a club.

lemon even with an exceptional weapon thanks to its power, this being was

brutally murdered and became a wandering soul who reincarnates every

year in body, in fact there was another Shadow in Lemuria but he did not learn

to control his powers and in seeking extreme magic he died without having learned

nothing, so I am the first Shadow, prepare to be destroyed in one

once and for all and I will only use magic, no weapons.

They fly to the asteroid Ceres where the battle will take place,

turning the panorama into an anime city in Japan without inhabitants.

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Shadow believes that the ancient being is ridiculous or easy to defeat, he launches

with his sword to attack, but receives a magical attack so powerful that he

hits hard since his magic is at perfect levels, however, it doesn't hurt him.

It is important to defeat evil and it does not matter to him that dimension that is not his.

Shadow starts to fight with his sword again but the light of the

Kage's magic is very powerful, it is so strong that it shines and throws the warrior

with great power away, his magic is very strong and he is able to put into

turbulence the environment with strong winds of light where faces appear

essentials made up of anime girls and other ghostly espers with

anime girl forms start hitting him with fists and kicks, then

they disappear.

Shadow thinks that this being is very strong but that this being is evil.

should not win, so he thinks that if it is an anime it must be made of paper and he

He delivers a powerful electric shock, but Kage tells him it's not made of paper.

He's just from an alternate dimension where I could never defeat him, plus

He knows that generic attack since he chose those powers with his magic

defaults, thus returning Sombra's electric attacks and

strangely it hurts him strongly.

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Shadow falls to the ground, thinking that not even his level could

defeat him, then he launches himself with his luminous fists and manages to hit him enough

punches to the body and throws it to the sky, falling heavily to the floor, the

anime espers with beautiful eyes and multicolored hair get angry when they see that

did, but before they attack... Kage stands up laughing and saying that, if that

It is the best thing that is finished, that in its universe there are beings with more powers

bigger than yours.

Kage starts whistling and spiritual wolves come out and attack.

Shadow who is attacked with luminous scratches and bites that

inflict damage, this causes Shadow to lose his powers, try

take them off with luminous cuffs, but nothing happens, so he plans in

use his Scalight and shoot rays of light at them that knock them down and make them disappear. Scalelight

He restores his wounds and returns to battle thinking he must have a point.


Kage smiles and tells him that if he likes being heterosexual so much that there

will have its reward, the espers appearing in human form as girls

with colored hair, colored eyes, big breasts, small breasts and

bodies of all shapes dressed as schoolgirls who cast a spell

that make the hero fall in love with them, remaining happy while they

girls begin to hug him and love him, this makes the hero unable to

fight and end up losing courage thanks to their love.

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Meanwhile, Kage sees Sombra's sword and goes to absorb its

power, at first everything is fine, but the sword detects a level of evil and

would pervert so he increases his powers to the maximum making the

warrior is impossible to absorb and a powerful ray of light comes out of the

sword and brutally hits Kage, who falls heavily to the floor. The girls

of anime they leave Shadow alone and Scalight's light illuminates him making him

regain your senses.

Sombra recovers, this time he has learned not to fall under the

charms of those girls, so he prepares to fight and asks Kage to

have a fair duel in stages: strength, sword, and attacks, so if the one

Win 2 out of 3 will be the winner, Kage accepts and the competition begins.

Both Kage and Sombra fight hand to hand in a duel of arts

martial arts and fight with all their bravery, they fight by throwing rays of power

inside one another, they fight with their fists and kicks so hard that they give each other

In a duel where they both want to win, the espers motivate Kage but

Sombra knows that far away he has the support of his friends and they continue fighting

while pirouettes and strong blows of dueling arts techniques are given

martial arts, but in the end the two fall to the ground because they have the same

physical strength.

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Kage with his sword launches a powerful beam of light called Hikari that

clashes against the power of the Scalight swordlight in an aggressive duel of

magic powers, although kage does not have many powers of light he uses his

magic and even tells the espers to give him their magic increasing the power

making Sombra's strength minimal, seeing that the warrior does

trap then uses the power of the elemental stones to increase his

powers and use the maximum power becoming brighter and your power will increase

to exaggerated levels.

Kage increases his powers, however, even if he wants to defeat

Shadow can't beat his sword or his elemental stones so

both he and his espers receive a great attack of light that produces a

explosion leaving everyone defeated on the ground and without the possibility of

get up.

Sombra tells Kage to get up and continue fighting since he has done so.

disappointed, so he does not want to fight, but he must do it as a challenge

final and he is not going to leave as a loser to his dimension. But while recharging

energies uses his magic to make anime warriors appear with strength and

legendary type power, these begin to appear as boxers, duelists

martial arts, judo people, samurai warriors and so on, even otakus

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fighting experts, Sombra has realized how tricky that guy is.


Shadow with his speed and strength defeats the samurai, the

boxers with their luminous fists, to the otakus with elemental powers and

some martial duelists, but others maintain a tough battle with fists

and fast kicks, fighting physically to the maximum with all his strength and

speed attacking with luminous powers and maximum forces until

increases to level 114X and is able to have an even fight with them, about

are defeated but others simply leave the duel considering it a duel

friendly and that Sombra is from another universe, plus they leave him very

hurt, this makes the anime girls admire him and Sombra admires that

so interesting universe.

Finally, Kage recharges his energy and fights with his sword against

Scalight in a power duel, they fight like two great swordsmen and

those who want to fight strongly fight with their swords in a duel

win, but Scalight has greater power than his primal sword and breaks.

Kage smiles and says that's enough, he turns his back and says that it's not bad, a

taste and leaves with his espers and everyone to a portal returning to his dimension and

the universe returns to normal, Sombra thinks that his way of being

gave the victory, but he thinks he will miss those beautiful girls, but that a

One day I will see it in a manga.

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Shadow flies towards the south side of the site, where a large

airport where there are airplanes that due to magnetic loss and poor

programming fly alone and arrive alone from the site, they are programmed to

flying without having a passenger, that doesn't worry him but a warrior appears in that

site with a comic superhero costume with a covered head and you can only see his

eyes and mouth, with a light blue suit with red boots, he has strong muscles and looks

Known as Zonger the vigilante, he has a magic sword and a shield. You

He says to Sombra: - “I know you are a hero and I wouldn't want to fight you, but I just

There must be a hero in this world and my universe is television, but I came

here to fight with you to see who is the strongest" - so Sombra accepts the

challenge and join the battle.

Zonger starts throwing giant and heavy stones that are out there,

to throw them at Shadow, but this one with his powers of fast flight and punch

destroys them, so he continues fighting against super heavy boxes and stones until

that all are totally destroyed.

Zonger sweeps forward with his shield as if he were a soldier

medieval to try to attack his rival, Sombra holds him with great strength

with his arms and tries to stop him from pushing him, making a collision of

incredible forces where warriors fight strongly against each other until

Sombra decides to use the shield as a conductor and launches a volley

electric shock that stuns and makes the muscular warrior give in.

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Zonger launches into the fight with his strong fists and kicks, Sombra

counterattacks by dodging attacks and fighting with great force with his fists

luminous lights and flying kicks, they fight in the air at night while the lights

They turn on and off out of nowhere, they fly and fight with great force in a duel

of two great powerful titans. Zonger comes from a universe where he is the

most powerful in the universe and the strongest, fights with great strength so much so that

Shadow with few fists tries to resist because he is too strong and his

power is so much that he is capable of destroying an entire planet if he sets his mind to it,

but the hero does not want to give up, even if he must fight to the maximum.

Zonger admires Shadow because he has heard of him but still doesn't

wants to accept that it is better so they continue fighting with great strength and

They fight to the limit with their super powerful forces, they fight with great power

causing flashes to occur in the sky of so much power, they fight so

harshly while telling him that that being was hooded in the tournament of

Forte-man but he left and even defeated Algiers with his powers since he is

of the evil elite and although the hero is grateful he does not think about letting himself

win by another warrior from another universe.

Sombra and Zonger fight with great force while flying, the hero uses his

wings of fire and Zonger uses his magical flying cloak, they fly crashing their

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fists against each other at the speed of light and with great power they collide

emitting powerful lights.

They stop and start fighting with their powerful swords in a

duel where both swords shine brightly and emit sparks when touched,

Zonger tells him that his sword is too strong to be a match for Justine his

sword of justice, but still wants to see how strong the hero is and

They continue fighting while they cover themselves with their magical shields of so much power,

They continue fighting with great ferocity, but neither of them hates each other since

They are both heroes and seek justice.

In battle, Sombra asks Zonger to join in the battle against

Spider Mother, but the arrogant superhero says no because he is a

hero did not come to fight with cave beings and that his mission is to return to his

planet anyway, so he tells Shadow that he can't

Unless I defeat him, he could face her there, but possibly he won't revive him.

no one because he is not a magician.

Zonger launches very powerful rays of fire with his eyes that try to

defeat Sombra or destroy him, Sombra attacks with his electric shock

They collide, however, Sombra receives burn damage and Zonger is

electrocuted by such actions, even so, they continue to attack each other in a strong

battle where the heroes do not want to give up.

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Zonger uses his forces to create freezing air, the hero

He freezes in an ice cube tightly, but with his powers he frees himself and comes out.

again, with his wings of fire he manages to dry the freezing air and continues

fighting hard while the planes continue flying.

Sombra uses her elemental powers to become stronger and continue

fighting and fighting with their forces against each other making all the

sides, with great power... until Zonger begins to get tired, he tells

Shadow that is enough, recognizes that he is a great warrior and decides like a

hologram return to his fictional world, causing Shadow to become

victorious and he recovers his strength to return to Earth and defeat the

Spider Mother, her final challenge.

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Chapter 53

Shadow walks through the city

Shadow arrives on Earth and flies to the towns where there are

some people in towns being imprisoned for rebellion against the

dangerous entities and to be the food of the Spider Mother's elite, he decides to go to

fight in classic hero mode and run down the street crossing the busy

streets where war tanks and tanks appear, as well as police

corrupt where he begins to fight against them using his electric shock,

He keeps walking and fights with great powers against the bullets of the

evil soldiers and police, defeating them easily and since it is at a level

greater than 50 that causes bullet damage, then you can defeat the

soldiers, in fact the hero's powers are so powerful that light bulbs

They get upset and start blinking, run through the streets beating the elites

from evil and saving some captive people.

He runs down the street without using his wings, on an infinite street in one place

where there is a desolate place, surrounded by a few plants that are

dying in a desert place and only skeletons of animals are seen that

surround the area, the hero feels like the savior of the Earth who is already

near its end and is fighting against some evil beings; on his way he sees

some thugs assaulting people for sexual abuse or stealing their little

food and the hero defeats them with his luminous fists or his electric shock,

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He is also tried to attack by dangerous dogs which use his power

magnetic to leave them paralyzed and asleep without the need to kill them.

Sombra walks through the streets since he decides not to use his wings

powerful, for an ego and to check if there are survivors in a world that

He only has days left to end all life on that planet, and he also obtains the

third object of virtue which helps you have more powers, the crystal of peace

which has no more powers than only providing tranquility and serenity to whoever it

possesses, however, it has no powers to attack anyone, it is a gem of

White quartz that emits a flashing white light. Walk to the side

until you see a large cemetery where you can see many tombstones of people who

They have completely died.

Sombra decides to continue walking while he sees that the planes of

war launch nuclear explosions, however, although some graze it, they do not

They hurt him since he is higher than level 1X, like this with his tornado powers.

Electric manages to defeat the planes, continuing his path on the long highway.

Then, he arrives at a town that is mysteriously similar to a place of

1900 with boys and girls in old clothes, there are girls in long dresses and

children dressed in vests and berets, it is strange not to see any adults alone

children and decides to go talk to him to greet them, when more than one approaches he flees to the

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home and hides, which disconcerts Shadow and asks them to talk to them,

but everyone hides... except one, a 5-year-old boy who hugs him and tells him

He says: -“Daddy, you've come again”-, which surprises the hero who has no children.

The other children peeking out get scared and go to Shadow to hit him and save him.

to the child, but when they see that the hero does nothing to them, they remain scared.

Sombra asks him to talk to someone, so the children approach him and

They say to follow him to his “main headquarters” where it is an old hospital.

abandoned, then the boys and girls gather there, they tell him that they are there

fleeing from the Spider Mother and the greater entity called Satanger (reincarnation

of Satan the devil) who destroys any universe, they tell him to save them

of the three evil beings, which the hero accepts without hesitation and feels furious

seeing that some poor innocent children are being tormented by beings so

heartless and disgusting. When he accepts, the children hug him and he even falls down.

so many hugs, then they become happy with tears in their eyes.

Shadow hears a loud rumble in the house and the children get scared when

hearing that one of the three evil beings is coming, in that he sees that

Dreagon clones appear in red and walking on the ground that they launch

flames over the site and it is there where the hero with his elemental powers of

Water easily defeats them and disappears.

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The boys and girls are happy, but in that they hear another powerful

greater rumble that makes the sky sound powerful rumblings, the children

They hide inside the hospital, then a being similar to a creature appears.

dinosaur mixed with gazelle, with an orange human body without

shirt only torn white pants, has a tail with hair and two beaks

sides on his shoulders, he has a rim-shield and an electric saw hand

and a tengu mask disguising his gazelle face, he is called Sounder one

of the three evil demons who looks for children to take to his tribe of

African cannibals followers of the Spider Mother.

Shadow when you see him coming with his African cannibals who begin to

throw spears at them, use his Scalight sword and cut them, then launch a volley at them

electric that drives them away in fear, then Sounder goes out to see who it is and

He receives an electric shock but avoids it and runs away. The hero thinks

that if he flees he will not be able to rid the world of the evil of that evil being, look at the

children and goes to the road after them while the children scream with happiness when they see

that your savior has finally arrived.

Shadow arrives where the tribe is and they begin to throw spears at him,

but the hero with his supersonic speed manages to destroy all the arrows and

He defeats them with his luminous fists, causing the cannibals to flee and others

die avenging the death of many children, in addition to being speakers of the

Spider Mother, and there are even Arachnoid parents, that is, hooded cannibals

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who worship the cult of the disgusting Spider Mother, which are defeated

by Shadow's elemental powers of fire and air.

Sounder comes out of hiding and tells him that his trip here has

arrived so that today is the turn to die, the hero puts himself on guard and

He says that this time the children will not be alone since their savior has come, even

So, he asks which children if there are none, which puzzles

Shadow who believes that the being is blind, Sounder is quite angry since

interrupts Spider Mother's plans for universal conquest, and also

The children who were there were already murdered.

Shadow launches into a furious fight, but Sounder stays still and

with its crest it begins to emit a sad song like a flute, which

baffles the hero who doesn't know what he's doing, after a few seconds the

hero is completely immobilized while he cannot stop hearing that

song from the head, he is hypnotized. Sounder looks at him and tells him that

will remain like this forever like a statue while suffering the agony of being

cut alive, Shadow is in trouble...

Shadow can't move, Sounder uses his electric saw hand to

try to cut the hero into pieces, although the saws do nothing to him, this is

since it is from a magical being, it approaches slowly without being able to defend itself and is going to

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be cut... in that Scalelight shines with great intensity and strength, releasing the

hero of the spell, makes him move and with a luminous fist he hits him hard on

his tengu face on the side to avoid getting hurt and it falls to his

straw house completely destroying it.

Sombra frees himself and with his new magical power he manages to have no effects

by Sounder's flute-crest, he leaves the destroyed house and emits other

songs, but it is not possible to hypnotize yourself, leaving you without effect and

receiving the luminous fists of Sombra who throws him into the sky and falls

strongly to the floor, it remains weak for a moment.

Sounder uses his powerful saw-hand to try to kill the hero

who dodges the powerful attacks of the cutting edges, while telling him

which is fast, although not like Trilangerbero, which angers the one who says

Don't compare him with that traitor to the clan.

Shadow begins to fight, avoiding the saw, avoiding being cut,

time to test his speed to train against the Spider Mother, this saw

It is so powerful that it cuts even the same cannibals who get involved

in battle and are completely destroyed by the power of that being. After

for a while the hero is cornered and will be cut by the powerful saw, at

It seems everything is going in Sounder's favor... but then the hero takes out his sword

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Scalight and cuts the sawhand of the warrior in two, who is left without his weapon.

main and without a hand, cursing the hero and realizes that he is a robot not a

living being due to the sparks it emits.

Sombra tells him that now he is defenseless without a weapon, to get away

before he receives what he deserves, which the robotic being tells him is not

finished and with its magnetic power reconstructs a hand similar to your hand

left easily. Then with his belly he throws some strong mud balls

that graze the hero, but do not hurt him, but accumulates heavily on the ground

without knowing what they will do, there are so many that they form an arena below the hero and with

their powers of absorption of that mud are sinking Sombra and they try

swallow it as if it were quicksand, that mud is magical and can

swallow it and take it to a distant dimension of no return where it will die in

darkness, the hero is in trouble again.

The hero begins to slowly sink as Sounder laughs and

He jumps like a gazelle, starts dancing, but Shadow laughs too and

He tells him that that power is rubbish and with his wings of fire he manages to fly away.

out of the mud and get out, tells him that if he sends him to that dimension he can fly and

transport himself to his place only with the pleasure of teaching him a lesson and with his wings of

Fire evaporates all the magic of the mud, leaving only a dirty floor.

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Shadow laughs at the creature and it gets so angry that it starts jumping

strongly producing terrible earthquakes where the Earth begins to

move, it begins to jump, producing earthquakes of 8 that destroy

everywhere and even cracking the floor, there is a lot of dizziness and the hero does not

can concentrate, it flies but still the waves in the air are very

disturbing things without being able to escape those powers, without being able to concentrate on the

battle, then as a last resort he uses his electric-magnetic power and

blocks the powers of the Doppler effect of the waves, the being continues to produce

tremors because it weighs a lot and is a robot, plus it uses its power

to manipulate earthquake waves, making them in the distance in the cities

Buildings fall and chaos ensues. The hero thinks about how to defend himself from

This is because he imagines the children scared and uses his electric shock as

powerful that damages the mechanism of your feet and stops the tremor.

Sounder is with the angry circuits and gets with great fury

Cursing the hero, he tells him that he has no future so he will be eliminated,

then they start fighting with their fists and strong kicks against each other

in a tournament of strength to define who is the strongest on the planet.

Sombra fights with his high level fists, with his light kicks and his

motivational force to defend the children, being Sounder fights with his

fists and kicks made of pure titanium which are very hard and can kill with

one to an organic being, emitting powerful echoes as both heroes fight,

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They fight with great force, although Sounder has nothing to fight but defend

the pride of its creator and make her evil continue to reign.

Sounder is strong and even his strength is deadly, but the hero is

stronger and is a magical being so they fight until it damages his circuits

of robot to the creature, tells him that Shogun was more challenging in his first battle

than his strength since at least he had a feeling of battle something like his

Disgusting useless Robotic life lacks. This overloads the circuits.

Sounder thinking what kind of battle he has gotten into and doesn't understand anything.

Sounder takes out his dual weapon, a trident-spear that belonged to

Poseidon and was modified as a spear, to fight against Shadow and his

Scalight who both fight hard, fighting in a duel to see which

weapon is better, they fight with great intensity, but the hero is careful not to be

pecked by the robot's tengu mask.

The battle continues in a duel of weapons, they fight intensely with

great strength and courage, they look at each other's faces while Sounder shields himself with his

shield-rim which has incredible resistance, but the hero uses his shield

sacred against the warrior's spear-trident attacks, they fight, but at

Unlike the robot's weapon, this weapon has not evolved in power by a thousand

years and is easily destroyed causing the battle to end.

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Sounder is furious and as a last resort runs like a gazelle

trying to stick his tengu beak into Shadow's chest who dodges it

quickly, the being is also very fast and runs charging at high speed

with his tengu beak to pierce the hero, however the cannibals

Survivors come out and hold Shadow down, Sounder sticks his beak into the body.

Sombra and is electrocuted so hard that he definitely explodes, the

Cannibals also die in the explosion since everything is electrified.

Shadow has eliminated the evil from there and goes to where the children, upon reaching the

people can't find them in the hospital or anywhere in the city, so

He hears voices that call him in the clouds, they tell him that thanks to him, he was

eliminated evil and like angels return to heaven to rest in peace, which

They can finally do it and that if one day they are born again they will be friends, the

When the hero sees that everyone was dead, he feels sad and wants to cry.

He lowers his head, but the children tell him not to be sad and to smile for them.

Since now they will be fine, the hero looks at the sky and sees them with wings and cassock

white, tells them that he promises to eliminate evil. The cloud rises and disappears

totally in a beam of light. Shadow looks at the sky and even it gets dark

thinking that his life means eliminating evil and he will always be there when the

world falls into the hands of evil, taking electrical energy from lightning

from the sky and the next day he flies, heading to the city for the final battle.

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Chapter 54

The last thing to do

Shadow goes to Earth where his almost final challenge is, where he

encounters a terrifying landscape, with polluted and dark air, full of

laboratory diseases and viruses, dead animals and people except the

bad people who still live like thugs, murderers, psychopaths and agents

of the army that has destroyed everything with nuclear weapons, the rivers polluted

and the trees cut down completely, it is so contaminated that the bad guys use

masks to avoid drowning since not even a rat can survive.

This fills Shadow with anger and he flies around the world killing

all the bad guys with his powers, he kills the bad people in cold blood with his

sword and its elemental powers, exploits the defense machines and although

Armies shooting nuclear weapons at him do nothing because he is a human being.

high level magic and resists any nuclear explosion, thus destroying all

the nuclear reactors and kills all the soldiers, leaving an empty site without

life and where death reigns.

Suddenly, Hyos, Drumm, Drobb, Natura and

Luminus (the latter has joined the essences of good), tell him that they do not

They have fighting powers like him nor do they know about attacks but with their

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Powers can restore the entire Earth but they need to increase their level

of power because it is possible that he defeats the Spider Mother but not the Great

dark mass of the universe, so he decides that they use their powers against

Shadow to maximize his powers, then he accepts and the

attacks will be the following: Hyos the solar burning ray, Drumm the ray of

moon, Drobb the power of the creative Earth, Natura the power of plants and

Luminus the power of all the animals together, so if Sombra manages to face

this and overcome will be increased in power and they will heal the Earth as a


The luminous beings launch their attack, Sombra uses his Scalight and launches

against these powers the ray of light, however, these attacks are very

strong and they are gaining ground and they destroy the light and they all attack Shadow,

feeling burns, leaves that hit him hard, bites and

scratches from various animals, temporary blindness and hits from rocks that knock him down

defeated without being able to get up for a few minutes.

The essences think that they will have to fight against the last two

evils, but Sombra gets up again weak and tries to fight again

time, but is again defeated and injured, happening up to 5 times which

He leaves Sombra very badly injured.

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Shadow with his last strength asks for one last chance, so

He gets up very hurt, but decides to increase his strength and with the crystal of

Recovery restores his powers a little, since he was badly injured.

The essences grant him, after several supplications, the last

opportunity and launch their last attack and Sombra uses his Scalight asking for the

maximum power, he asks the magic gems to give him their maximum power and

the light is increasing, fighting against all essences, in fact, Shadow

risks the battle by putting spiritual powers that can make him disappear

definitely. The battle is intense, the power is equal, until he asks

Scalight increase to maximum, the power is quadrupled making the lightning bolt

light ends the power of the essences and directly attacks the 5

warriors, defeating them all impressively.

Shadow goes towards the essences that rise and smile saying that

It was a good battle, they give the hero his maximum powers which increases

up to 120X, although it can secretly go higher just because they are

asleep Shadow helps them up and thanks them. They fulfill their

promise and with their remaining powers they are going to restore the Earth while

Sombra goes to the dark dimensional door to defeat the Spider Mother,

This is in the big city where everything is urbanized and polluted.

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While he is going, he appears in a place near the city, in a

grassland a being that produces an invisible wall that blocks Shadow's passage

and tells him that, if he wants to pass, he must face the challenges and defeat her, his

name is Metamor, the moth of the underworld and guardian of the dead.

Sombra tells him that he has no time to waste, but accepts the challenge in the end.

Metamor has no fighting powers, but his tests are terrifying,

He launches a lightning bolt that turns the hero into black and white like a drawing losing

his powers, in fact, if he does not recover his form he can disappear with

any attack. Shadow uses his elemental powers, but there is still

black and white, and even his electric shock remains in black and white

remaining like in limbo since he can't even touch anything, this in

minutes makes the hero begin to disappear and gradually return


Sombra's right hand, like his body, begins to

disappear, Shadow with fear raises his left hand his Scalight sword

asking him maximum power to recover his colors, causing a ray of

light illuminates him and his powers return, as well as his color and the erased body.

Shadow recovers and tells him to stop his games.

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Start test 2/6, this makes it appear, but in a smaller size

Apocalipsys, the monster he faced in saga two, where with his powers

produces nuclear explosions that previously could have killed

Shadow, but this time he overcomes the powers and resists the attacks.

The mutant launches strong earthquakes to try to stun Shadow,

but fly so as not to suffer the impact. They fight each other with their fists

strong, they fight aggressively with their strength while the lost strength

Sombra is absorbed by Metamor.

Apocalipsys launches his poisonous torpedoes that are cut off by

Scalight, but since he has already used those attacks, he launches the most powerful of

everyone and with his voice he shouts causing the buildings to fall, everything is

collapses and the few living evil humans die in the incident. For

Sombra's fortune does not have physical ears so, if they had not been broken,

but the echo absorbed his energy and took away his powers, Sombra uses his sword

against the monster's hands that turn into pure steel, both fight a

lightning until he realizes that Metamor uses that image to absorb him

power and with his electrical powers he attacks the butterfly and the demon making

that the latter disappears completely and the powers return to the hero.

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Metamor recovers and says that he follows test 3, converts all the

vision of the hero's environment in "ants" like old television when not seeing

signal and with this confusion and dizziness, Metamor begins to hit the back of the

hero, hits him everywhere without the hero being able to see where he flies,

while he gets dizzy from being in the middle of this vision. Shadow is hit without

able to defend himself, but using his magic he illuminates the army symbol

of his hat turning it into an energy sensor, until he can see

the butterfly and ignores the events on the screen and kicks and punches it hard

as he approaches, causing him to stop that vision.

Metamor recovers his energy and says that it was a good test, starting the

test 4, where the being throws several flowers with strong and rotten smells, something

which does not affect Shadow who can only smell if he needs to and is unfazed by the

attack, luckily because those smells are toxic and poisonous, but apparently

They don't hurt him so the attack disappears.

Metamor uses his magical powers and turns the landscape like a

labyrinth, says that if you walk it and get to the wrong end you could end up in the

underworld burning with eternal fire and darkness, even if it is a

deity, Sombra decides to take the risk and walks guided by the light of his

sword, avoiding traps and dangerous holes on sandy paths, walk

stealthily since the power to fly is nullified. He meets some

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manticores (feline-scorpion), but with his electric attack he defeats them, thus

such as centaurs and minotaurs that are defeated with elemental attacks.

After many inconveniences, he reaches the end, but Metamor is a

cheater and overturns the tickets causing Sombra to fall to the underworld,

where hungry skeletons and a floor of fire await him in a void

dark. The hero falls and before hitting the ground he launches a powerful beam of lightning.

light that destroys the evil skeletons, then increases their powers, but

It's late and he falls into the fire definitively. Metamor believes that the war is over


But... two wings of fire emerge from the fire, restoring the

Shadow's powers and makes the hero fly again, leaving that

empty crossing rocky mountains full of deformed skeletons and fire

that emerges from the walls, flies so fast that it comes out and gives him a strong fist in

the giant moth face at Metamor, throwing him hard to the ground and the

labyrinth disappears and Sombra decides to leave.

Suddenly, Metamor decides to take the final test and creates a column of

stone of hundreds of tons, if Shadow passes it with his speed to the

final will be the winner, this seems easy but he orders several robots called

Sharks (with a woman's face - similar to Eve with shackles on her arms,

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legs with wheels and metal body), these do not have powers but they can

shout loudly like ambulance sirens and with their strong arms shackles

They stop whatever it is, it must happen in 5 minutes and if not it will be crushed.

Shadow feels insecure, but accepts the final challenge and flies while watching

the giant block approaching, flies at high speed although it measures 100

kilometers, increases its speed at an ultrasonic level, the sharks try

hold him with his shackles and they succeed but due to their speed they go

holding him and they move with Sombra without being able to stop him, they scream loudly

slightly stunning Shadow who gets very upset when he hears those noises, but

Avoid hearing the noises to concentrate and get out of there. Sharks with their mouth

They start shooting bullets, but they don't hurt the hero, with their eyes

They launch laser beams, but they are low compared to Solarex's.

After flying rapidly for many minutes, he arrives at the

meta and the sharks due to mechanical damage completely explode after a

final battle, reaching the city where your almost final challenge is.

Metamor congratulates Sombra, but then a black and horrible being appears

that with its snout eats the butterfly without giving it time to react and

When you see it, it's The Spider Mother or SAAAARGAAAASSRIIIOOOOOO as it's called.

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In fact. Sombra tells her with a smile that he has come to defeat her.

finally and prepare to be eliminated.

The Spider Mother laughs and tells him that he will be food for her babies, they leave.

hundreds of meter-tall clones of her and tells them that she has put more

of a thousand eggs, so it will be devoured and since it is made of antimatter, it will be able to

eat it, then they all launch themselves and Shadow with supersonic speed

He fights strongly and attacks everyone at lightning speed, punching them and

strong kicks, he also cuts others with his sword. Some try

bite him, but the hero punches him hard in the mouth, breaking them

side by side and finally all their offspring die in a while. The cowards

They flee and are pulverized by the hero's electric shock attack.

The Spider Mother becomes hysterical, jumping and speaking sharply and quickly.

saying: - “damn your mother and damn your father, you are disgusting, such a being.”

unpleasant” -, Sombra tells him that he better look in a mirror to see what it gives

more disgust, and delivers an electric shock to his legs, making him

fall on your back without being able to get up for a few minutes.

Mother Spider gets up and says it was a pleasure eating the birds.

and other animals on Earth with ferocity, but now the. The creature

It starts to peck and bite with its paws, those paws are so sharp that they can

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pierce iron and its double mouth is too sharp and deadly, Shadow

dodges the attacks and, still driven by fear of his ugly face, puts a

punch in the face that stuns and angers her. The mutant tries to eat him,

but she receives many punches in the face that hurt her severely.

However, he is finally devoured by the mutant, who screams in

happiness that I finally achieved it, growing in size and apparently it is the end of

Shadow, but... suddenly he feels a pain in his body as if he were freezing and

It becomes totally frozen until it turns into an ice crystal.

Shadow manages to break through the ice thanks to the power of the ice crystal and the spider

It breaks into a thousand pieces, apparently being defeated.

Shadow smiles and thinks it was easy, but several masses come out of the ice.

black with yellow, which join together and re-form the creature, tells him that

He is immortal as long as the world is ruled by darkness.

The Spider Mother gets furious and with her back face, she makes a face

angry and throws white scales with his other face that are so strong

like steel, Shadow cuts them as he comes with his sword, but these are

very fast, they break everything in their path, without being able to stop them. shadow spear

a fire attack that completely melts them. front and back face

They talk and laugh sideways, saying that this time he will pay with his life and

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They murmur something strange, causing it to start raining acid that melts everything around it.

step, Shadow increases his powers and covers himself with that rain, although

It doesn't really do anything to it, rather it flies around and kicks it several times.

monster in its two faces which scares that being because others have already died

with that rain of ammonia and sulfuric acid.

Sombra asks him that those powers are from the god Tlaloc, but he tells him

that her back face is the face of that god whom she, like a parasite, has

corrupted, so it no longer rains water but acid.

The Spider Mother asks that face to fulfill her “harvests”,

causing several Spider Mothers to come out of the ground with the same size and

aggressiveness to bite Shadow, this time they are stronger so he fights

against these by dodging their bites and fighting aggressively against various

at the same time using his sword and destroying some before being bitten, these

They use their poisonous mouths to try to kill him, but they are weak in power, so

that all die with several Shadow elemental attacks and become

in ashes.

Out of carelessness, the creature appears and bites Shadow's arm,

causing it to swell to exaggerated levels, it swells seriously without

able to move it, but he has thought of one thing: he takes out his sword and with the light of

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she recovers her arm destroying the bite, her arm becomes normal


The Spider Mother jumps up and gets angry, starts muttering cursed things and

speak fast, so he makes appear on the ground with his magic 4 heads of

cursed human faces like old ugly stone men and women

which are called the heads of the ancestors that give evil power.

Shadow sees that the being increases in power to a maximum level, without

However, by letting yourself be carried away by anger and despair, you cannot increase

more his forces, waiting to see what new attacks that being has


Shadow prepares because with his snout he shoots black cobwebs that

They hold the hero's hands and feet, immobilize him while they absorb him

magical powers, unable to move. Shadow frees himself with his sword, but is

again wrapped with those cobwebs making this spider go to work.

laugh, but he frees himself again and Sombra confidently tells him that his

attack is crap, even Karatche would have done less damage,

This makes the mutant angry and she starts jumping with anger.

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Shadow expects another attack, but she throws another web at him and catches him.

to eat it while he can't do anything, but when he eats it he doesn't realize

It is said that Shadow transported himself by eating only an empty cocoon. Then

He appears from the side and punches her hard, knocking her towards some rubble.

tells him that he recognizes that his attacks are very strong, in fact, his powers

They are very tall but due to training with the gods and battles

around time and space have made it very strong, in fact, if it were

initial level would have already killed him that's why he trained day and night, since he knew what

that he would face.

Spider Mother is frustrated that she can't beat him, she thinks that nothing

will serve and hides, then goes into a fallen building to make sexy voice

of Sabrina asking him for help which incites him to save her, so that, when he falls, he can

destroy it in the dark, since this is how it fed on several humans. Shade

He does not plan to fall into the trap since he knows that his beloved does not have those

attitudes, even so, he enters and instead of going in to rescue someone he goes out to fight

strongly and knocks the creature out with two luminous punches until it is thrown into the


The Spider Mother uses her last resort and asks the heads of the

ancestors more strength making it become bigger and the size of

a blue whale, so it happens and his voice becomes thicker. This time his paws

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become dangerous, their mouth vomits corrosive acid, their mouth becomes more

deadly, she becomes uglier, her eyes shine and she becomes faster.

Shadow doesn't know how to face her and starts flying, she runs to the

Shadow's speed as he destroys everything in his path, curses and tries to

vomit acid or bite it, it also fires explosive bomb eggs to

try to exploit Sombra who guards against all dangerous attacks.

Sombra thinks he should stop running away because that way he will win,

In addition, his powers are also those of divine gods, he will also avenge everything

what he did and he starts to fight really, it tries to bite him, but Sombra

flies and gives strong punches and luminous kicks, they fight in a battle between

two strong warriors where the creature's desire is to eat him and the hero's

is win.

Shadow launches electric shock and fire, but neither of them hit him.

It hurts, the water disgusts it and the wind doesn't even move it. The Spider Mother with her

eyes launches a ray called Cigarette which is an orange and destructive fire that

kills or causes cancer in the body, Shadow quickly dodges it, but it is

seriously beaten sometimes damaging the body.

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Sombra is going to attack with Scalight, but the Cigarette ray is so strong

who doesn't let him get close to him, in fact, he hits him several times until he's gone.

removing energy. Not knowing what to do, he thinks of how to defeat her, using his

power of the earth creates an earthquake that does not harm the Spider Mother,

but if you make the heads sink into the magma lava and they are destroyed, without

However, the Spider still has all the power, but it is limited.

Shadow begins to fight with his powers in a power duel

electric shocks against their rays and blows against bites, until they are

We are both tired, but the Spider Mother begins to become normal size.

little by little so they keep fighting until it becomes normal.

The Spider tells him that he will never be able to defeat her, Shadow tells him that maybe

no but yes, thanks to the gods they make the sun rise in a clean atmosphere, the

spider can't stand the sun and is melting, he hates the sun and nature so

She tries to flee while she is burning, Sombra cuts her in two with his sword.

up and down, cursing and disappearing as if melting, the evil

evaporates and disappears.

Sombra wins the duel and will finally be able to face the final warrior. After

that the Spider Mother is eliminated, some journalists come out saying that a being

mysterious has defeated the creature who has eliminated the people of the

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world, they are surprised and interview him, the hero boasting of being strong and with

sorrow at the same time tells him: -"no one can defeat me, haha!, the great Sombra"-, he

They ask what he will do with the victory but he tells him that it has just finished.

start and runs while his raincoat moves in the wind to go to

battle, while the news announces that a masked being is

saving the world from evil, that in the end the dream of peace and hope so

Like a star rising in the sky, it's coming true.

The hero recovers his energy and goes through a dark portal to go to the

final battle in the world of nightmares against the Great Mass.

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Chapter 55

universal destruction

Shadow enters the dimension of nightmares which is

completely dark, with horrible scenes seen in holograms that look

In the distance where thousands of living beings dream of their worst nightmares, it is there

where the great mass feeds on the fears and insecurities of the


Then a large mass appears, resembling a gigantic black mountain.

who says that he has killed his creations, but when he kills him he will be able to revive them

since it is as old as the universe, fueled by evil, hatred,

Envy and everything that destroys this universe has never been defeated.

Sombra trusts in the power of light, he thinks that if he has come this far he will not

can retreat further, so it will fight, but... although the mass has

A lot of strength only has three powers: corrupt, destroy and absorb energy,

He has a fourth power that is the worst of all, but it is a mystery.

The mass launches into battle but then they appear in that dimension

the essences of good: Hyos, Drumm, Drobb, Natura and Luminus who use their

power of light to the maximum with great force attacking the mass with great force,

They say it will be their last mission before everything is over, the magical power is

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so hard that it hits the body of the dark mass making it a fight

between light and darkness, they both struggle as they tell Shadow that

Do not interfere as you will need all the strength available for the final fight.

against that dark mass, so they tell him to wait. The fight between light and

continued darkness, but the creature still has a lot of dark mass, so

They cannot continue and their power diminishes. Then friends appear

Shadow (Cleary Moon, Llyul, the circus elite, Zalemvine, Tamura, Queen

Hornet, Venusoria, Maya, Sombra Clamp, Magnum, Shogun...) and among all

They use their magical powers to defeat the great mass since that being has

destroyed entire dimensions and even wiped out everyone's universe

absorbing its power.

Seeing that there is no way to defeat him, all the warriors look at each other and

They say that it is time, everyone with sadness and feeling begins to tell

Shadow a goodbye forever, a thank you and even Cleary Moon gets to

cry saying that she loves Shadow, that she will never forget him and that if one day

It is born again that the two will be together forever...

Shadow is scared when he sees what is happening and everyone increases their power.

of light at highly serious levels, transforming all their bodies into a

powerful beam of light that destroys much of the mass and disintegrates

both the mass and his friends, Shadow runs to help them but the power of

The crash dazzles him and pulls him strongly to the other side, leaving him unconscious.

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for a few minutes, while listening to the farewell voices of all his

friends whom he will never see again and it makes him very sad to see that they sacrificed

their lives because of the evil of the entire universe, especially the being

human and his evil actions of destruction and unconsciousness.

Shadow wakes up and sees that his friends have disappeared, leaving

only sparks of light that go to heaven like their souls to eternal rest,

He begins to cry deeply saying that at least they were not absorbed by

that damned mass which was finally defeated…or so it seemed.

Then a 5 meter being appears, black like a mass with a head.

long and cadaverous face, has a body like an insect and two long hooks

on the body, with black eyes brighter than his body and calls himself

Satanger the last and thinking part of the black mass, who will be the final challenge.

Sombra dries his tears and thinks that the death of his friends is not

It will be in vain, so he calls all the elemental stones that give him

all his power, he asks Scalight for strength to win, he asks for all his strength

for the universal battle against that evil being.

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However, Satanger calls upon the elemental stones

negative emotions increasing their power level, becoming more powerful, thus

They start fighting against each other in a duel of forces where the two throw each other

to kill. Shadow hits the creature with luminous fists, the being hits him with his

dark fists, the hero uses his electric shock but it doesn't do anything

scratch, but the hero, having so much power of light, cannot be corrupted by

the darkness of their powers, they fight with their body attacks and hit each other so

strong that all dimensions hear its powerful blows and are

they produce tremors, but everyone is dead so no one hears that


They fight in that dimension so hard that neither of them wants

give way, even in that dimension the centuries pass quickly to the point

that the sun ceased to exist, the galaxies joined together, the universe ceased to exist.

expand, it began to compress and suffer the thermal death predicted by

great scientists.

Shadow uses elemental powers like fire and water, but he doesn't care.

they harm that being, while the other launches all its powers from the

dark gems to corrupt him, but he has already surpassed that and cannot be

do, so they are void. Rather the elemental stones both

negative as well as positive begin to be destroyed by degradation when losing everything

the magical power and they die until they disappear.

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Sombra tries to fight with his maximum strength, he uses his sword against

the hands of the deity but it is still not enough to defeat him, in fact with

Its abdomen releases some black devil seeds from its beak.

They stick to Shadow's body, like parasitic seeds that do not

can be released and begin to drain the hero's magical power, who not only

loses magic, but also strength and even drops in power level every time.

again as the monstrous Satanger greatly increases his power

dark becoming stronger and getting bigger.

Sombra tries to cut those stains with his Scalight sword but

These have covered his arm, he is losing strength and his level drops first to

5X, then 1X and so on until reaching level 1 where his suit becomes human and

your body becomes increasingly weaker and more fragile, you feel weaker

unable to get up, falling into a dream, Sombra tries to get up to

persist in the battle and increases his powers but it is useless since he doesn't even

can absorb powers because the universe itself is dying.

Satanger is winning and with his new forces activates the last

power, opening massive and destructive black holes that destroy

all dimensions in its path, even the dimension of heaven with all the

Souls are devastated, there is universal destruction in the multiverse, times and

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spaces begin to be completely destroyed without being able to do anything, the beings

alive they die consumed by that darkness.

Shadow is practically dying since those parasites are

consuming his body, leaving him an old man, without the strength to get up...

While asleep he hears a voice coming from Scalight who tells him what will happen.

But he wakes up, but tells him that he can't take it anymore, he doesn't even have his powers,

while the universe is being destroyed. Suddenly the voice tells him: - “you have

demonstrated courage and strength, fight and with your little strength take me in your

hand and asks to increase the divine power to the maximum level of Scalight, perhaps

your body can't stand it, but we won't know that, but die fighting no

allow that dark being to destroy the dimensions with its holes


Shadow wakes up at 100 years old and very weak, he takes his sword,

although it is difficult for him to lift it and he makes the last wish, to defeat evil and save the

universe, but Scalight also turns off so there is nothing to do,

That makes Satanger laugh and be filled with ridicule, saying that it will be his last.

dinner by consuming his body, without hope Sombra falls and dies...

Satanger thinks that if he absorbs that sword he will be the strongest in the world.

universe and create a dimension of pure darkness and destruction, then

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When he goes to absorb the sword, he breaks it into a thousand pieces to see

what he can do, this happens just 5 seconds after Shadow dies of


Breaking Scalight breaks a sacred seal on the sword.

so as not to have power limitations, since divine power resides in it.

millionth dimension where the highest creative essences reside such as

the nature and creative source of the universe which cannot be destroyed

nor hit by anything, in fact in that dimension evil is non-existent, this

releases only one 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%

of power from that unattainable dimension, this light restores Scalight

turning it into a divine artifact and Sombra's powers return to the

body reviving it, recovering health, youth, strength and power.

Shadow increases his powers in the midst of chaos and darkness, his

level increases both to infinite levels for the first and last time, you get as much

power that no longer has a level of magic, his suit becomes luminous-divine with his

sword with light of the gods, his shield becomes as bright as a sun and

Its wings become supernova bright, reaching the maximum level at

sacred essence of good, becomes even more powerful than the gods of his

dimension, is capable of reviving and creating life.

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Satanger gets furious, but he still thinks he can't do anything to him.

He says that he is still a god and when he is absorbed the universe will fall at his feet and anger

by the essential universe of nature, but Shadow tells him that he is

finished and with his sword he cuts off all the limbs that disappear,

Satanger tries to renew them, but his dark power cannot do it.

Sombra uses his powers and with multiple punches hits him in the face and

body, throwing him heavily to the ground, leaving him badly injured as well. satanger

uses his dark magic powers to try to attack him, but he is invulnerable to

any attack of his powers.

Sombra uses her elemental powers creating elemental plants that

roll up Satanger by absorbing his powers, they decrease his power of

magic making that being try to free itself but cannot since it is far away

to master his power, but Shadow does not want to kill him like that being tried.

kill, then he says: -“poor guy, we are going to take it away from him, I feel sorry for him”-,

That makes Satanger angry because he says that he is not a poor thing but a

deity, what humiliates him most is that through pain he managed to free himself, he thinks that

It was just luck but in a moment he will defeat that hateful being.

Shadow uses his powers to form masses of desert dust, but

with magic, which move like the ocean and hit everything in their path, making

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Let them attack Satanger who cannot stand up and is hit.

strongly several kilometers away, but it returns to the site again.

Shadow launches with his powers rays of stars and comets that

They hit the body of the being, eliminating the energy-absorbing stingers.

dark, where Satanger is going to insult and attack, he receives an electric ray so

powerful 1 quadrillion volts that does some damage to your body while

Sombra silences him by telling him that he is very annoying, this hurts him a lot.


Shadow uses his magic powers and creates essential animals with his

magic (that is, luminous animals) that launch themselves to bite and attack

Satanger destroying parts of his body without being able to regenerate, after a

damage goes to his dimension leaving him disfigured all over his body.

Shadow mocks him and tells him that he will be strong, but nothing is stronger than

the power of nature, she lives and even if I destroy her she will be born again, she does not

It knows neither evil nor destruction like humans, so it will soon stop

exist, then with his powers instead of launching an electric shock, he shoots

the creative light that is like a ray that closes all the black holes and the

disappears completely.

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Satanger is furious and launches other parasites, but they are destroyed.

By the shield that launches supernova fire pulverizing everyone, Satanger

He starts to fight, but sees that he can't do anything to Sombra who moves

so fast, it is as strong as thousands of planets combined, it has so much essence that

nothing harms it and it is so luminous that every time it approaches it, that

creature to burn, the dark part is damaged.

Satanger tries to corrupt him, but it's useless, so Shadow tells him

Having already lost his chance, he launches himself with Scalight and begins to cut him down.

the whole body, he mutilates it with his rays of light and his sword power, without power

do nothing and destroys his entire body, leaving only his head on the ground

totally cursing and saying that all this is not over yet.

Shadow tells him that he is going to cease to exist permanently, making the being

feels terror for the first time, then with a snap of the fingers he begins to

disappear as if it were being pulverized, screaming in anger when he saw that he had

lost, vanishes totally as the destruction stops, just as

The universe, which remains in a lonely void without stars or anything, flies away.

Shadow decides to go do a task before the end of time...

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Chapter 56

The end of the beginning

Shadow after defeating all the evil in the universe, is in a

empty without knowing what he should do but he must do something, because otherwise he would be

the space wandering with nothing since it alone is the only thing that illuminates, then

with its powers of transportation it goes towards the kingdom of nature which

It is millions of quantum kilometers away and is almost inaccessible, when you arrive you see

a very beautiful place without evil, full of animals and plants of ALL the

types, it was a kingdom full of clouds and suns, rain, everything most beautiful in the world.

universe and there is no evil, Shadow gets there since he has the

powers of nature.

However, before he had gone to that dimension, he appeared from the rest

of Satanger the Spider Mother revived and eager to bring evil again,

to one day destroy nature, but his powers are very low then

Sombra, with his powers, sends her a crystallizing ray that leaves her in space.

frozen for millennia without being able to free itself, just as happened 200 thousand years ago

when he arrived on Earth sent by Satanger. But as the time is

damaged for millennia lasts minutes in space and manages to thaw

new without Shadow noticing it and becomes small, she throws herself at Shadow when

transport himself and takes them both to the natural kingdom where he is happy because there

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may finally destroy nature with his powers, however he has

sentenced to death as the great gigantic and omnipresent entity appears

called Nature which is only seen as an essence in the sky like auroras

boreal rays and rays mixed with clouds and says: “I am the essence of creation, of

destruction and balance, I do not admit any type of evil in my universe, for

which will be eliminated without the right to ever exist again, with my mouth

I form the birds and insects and with my step I create the forests, but the evil that

invades my kingdom is erased” – Spider Mother thinks it refers to Shadow,

but in that he sees that his body is completely disintegrated in that

dimension but Shadow remains unchanged, he screams out of anger at not being able to

fulfill your ambitions.

Nature tells Shadow that she is grateful (since she has no

gender or identity for being an essential being), for having destroyed the evil of

universe and that finally the evil created mainly by the human race and

The evil extraterrestrial beings will never return, the evil was erased.

Sombra is granted to have two options by not knowing what can

do, the first is to stay and live with nature as an essential being or

god, although if he lives and dies one day he will be able to go to that kingdom forever since it is

a gift, plus it will never lose its magical powers even if it comes to

being a person will not be able to have essential powers because they are very strong

so that he can resist them as a living being, if he obtained them it is because he died

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definitely in his battle against Satanger; The second option is to form

everything from the beginning and create life but bad people as well as

complete humanity will no longer exist since they are the cause of the

evil of the Earth by killing with pollution, fishing, hunting,

deforestation and having bad feelings, including killing animals for

ingesting other living beings without the slightest respect for nature. The idea sounds familiar

tempting Shadow, however, Sabrina or any of her friends cannot exist.

friends so not even heaven exists because it was also destroyed.

Shadow thinks and doesn't know what to do, since he doesn't love humanity.

for so many evil actions, but he also wants to see Sabrina again

because she is not evil, in fact, nor does she consume animal products and does

great actions, this confuses Shadow not knowing what to do.

Nature tells you that it understands your feelings, so don't worry.

leaves more than one option and with a ray of light begins to reconstruct all the

worlds forming almost all galaxies and planets, except the planet where

lived Sabrina and the Earth, these will be the last. The planets come back to life

full of nature and with clean rivers, very clean atmospheres and the beings that

They take care of them and they come back to life, but not the bad ones, who are erased.

definitely except Neizer who was restored by genetics to not


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Good beings who love their planet as well as their creations

exist again, the bad guys, whether extraterrestrials or demonic entities, do not

reappear, in fact, neither do the enslavers, technology and

Science does not test any living being and all its work is for the good of the planet.

technology, those who are carnivores like reptilians can consume

meat since they are of that nature.

Shadow accepts the decision of nature, who also creates the sky

again, but if someone bad dies they don't go to hell or are reincarnated,

It simply is not born again and will be permanently eliminated.

The Earth is formed with animals and plants, nature revives again

with their maximum splendor, their species all revive again and even

spiders, cockroaches, snakes, mice and pigeons since they are living beings that

deserve to live, everything returns to its final natural habitat, pets like

dogs and cats do not revive yet since it is in a better plan.

Finally, nature revives the suns, stars, meteors and

comets, creates everything again and forms again the planet Divilux where

All human beings in the universe are going to coexist, only the good ones who

love nature in all its senses, the planet is formed more

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size and there are only the few human beings who help the planet, there

Pets like dogs and cats are revived but this time everything will have control

and responsibility without making your pets suffer from anything bad. From the earth

Only 100 people from all eras are revived, since they were the only ones

who never did harm to the Earth or its creations, among them Llyul

and Sabrina.

Nature asks Shadow what he offers to be an essence or if

He wants to live again but with his powers to be the new protective patriarch

of nature and take care of the planet, when he dies he will find a worthy successor

and so on for millennia until the end of the universe, this option sounds tempting

and accepts Shadow's wish who would keep his powers, before this

Shadow tells him what will happen if evil exists again, Nature tells him that there

Shadow will be there to protect him and that he will always count on her to talk

when you feel doubts and want to have a friend, since having saved the

The world will be able to listen to him and preserve his powers as a gift.

Nature creates the planet, but with various conditions, the forests,

just as its creatures are untouchable except for defense, for food

necessary, if an animal is attempted to hunt it will automatically be transported to

the Earth where he would flee from danger, in addition to the fact that the minds of humans will be

only filled with natural light, not human evil, but evil in some way

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returns will be removed. Furthermore, that ghosts, as well as religions or

Corrupt policies disappear forever.

Shadow tells him that he does not see the beings from the past, but Nature tells him

He says that they lived their lives to the full, they got married and everything but that

were in heaven before the final battle, they decided to return to heaven at

to revive. From that dimension they see Shadow and they all greet them, they greet them.

Thank you for everything and hope to one day see each other again when the time is right.

Sabrina revives, the strange thing is that she revives in a small size since she was

killed by the Spider Mother since she was a child, she is given the opportunity to

live without fear or anything relative, he tells his parents what happened, he tells them that

has happened, but if they have revived it is most likely that Shadow has them

saved, she looks at the sky saying: - “thank you Sombra, my love” -.

Sombra decides on one last request, to travel through a time portal.

flying at high speed through space and time, getting to know cities and places

that have existed around millennia, fly across the Earth, meet

dinosaurs and so on, before losing their powers. She accepts and says goodbye.

Sombra tells him that he will see him when he is no longer in the world and that he is pleased.

having created, always remember to protect your creations, that's how it goes

flying through space...

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Just as he is about to leave, the ancient ancient god appears

Hegendor who asks Shadow for the sword, but Nature gets angry because

this being simply stole Scalight's powers to form the gems

dark, so he is totally disintegrated in that dimension, tells him that

that was Evilhem's father really since he was his creator.

Bombux revives on its planet, without dominants or fear and they are

celebrating everyone, just like all races, now everyone is a community

galactic and even humans receive them well, all being a true

community without evil or fear, they help humans find solutions

ecological and ethical good against needs, and even Bombux is

friend of Doctor Zeta, Doctor Terror revives in his living form without

illnesses, warriors like Virtue leave the role of fighting since they do not

there are reasons and they make a life, the warrior stays with Zalemvine as

grooms and their elite; Infiniteagle revives on his planet of the Aguilones where

returns to her family, Cassidy stops being Lighten and reigns her castle on the moon

of the planet with her fiancé Luminus who is the prince of the site, they are the

successors of Shogun and Kaguya-Hime.

Those from the forest revive and stay living in the forest

peacefully without any harm or reason to worry, everyone is happy and the boss

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returns his mask to the Moai, with them they stay with Muskascorp who

shares life just like the Witch Somnier who finally makes peace

with Llyul.

Raynlander as well as Raystar are revived to help the crops as well

like gods like Ragnetron and Shyba, the essences of good too,

Metamor is recovered and is the guardian of dying souls, Dreagon

revives to take care of people's dreams when sleeping.

Qoalkord revives without knowing what happened, it is its nature, but it remains

small and on the ground, it reproduces to consume dead matter as

a beneficial animal, Crocar remains with his family of cyclopes on his planet, at

just like Huga in his world.

Mantiske remains alive in the depths of the forest where he remains

near Queen Hornet's kingdom and finds her family missing,

Pasteline transforms into a real girl and ends up living with the Zeta family.

like another daughter and she is a very good girl. Mach remains as ecological officer

allowing the care of the planet, without waging wars or using bombs.

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Months pass and Shadow does not appear anywhere, Sabrina

makes him sad and feels as if he will never come back, he thinks that

He disappeared forever, apparently he will not return...

One day he was sad looking at the sky, thinking about Shadow while he looks

the roses and the butterflies, the street was quiet and everything was very beautiful

but the girl was sad, her classmates already know the truth about that


Suddenly arriving at class that winter afternoon, the teacher announces

that a new student has arrived, who for special reasons has a

“transformation” gem carrying a magic sword, can with his

powers defeat evil. Sabrina doesn't even care and thinks one more one less

It doesn't matter…

At that point he enters and introduces himself as Cesar, then Sabrina recognizes

that voice and when you turn to look, it is your boy who I always wait for and smiles with

face in love, when Sabrina introduces herself, she gets up and approaches, tells him that

How long did she wait for him and she cries, Sombra hugs her and tells her that he asked.

live again to be with her forever. Sabrina in front of everyone

kisses which surprises, but Cesar likes it, while everyone else

They applaud, at the end the scene ends by sitting on the chair and watching the lesson.

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Years and months pass, Cesar has defended the world since,

Although he does not want to, evil has arisen again with assailants and people

dangerous so he transforms into Shadow and defeats them easily being

a super hero.

Llyul dies at the same time, which hurts Cesar a lot, who loved him.

much, the tribe becomes official protectors of the forest, on Mercury

live Zalemvine and Virtue who love and respect each other, having a

generation of warrior sons, they also live with other warriors.

The other planets return to their normal life, without wars or dominions

evils, so this time it goes very well, although the evil is the minimum, still

you live very well. Forte-man this time revives and has the opportunity to help

other worlds to protect them from catastrophes and building monuments.

Walvie comes back to life with his family, everyone revived without remembering

nothing of what happened, he feels happiness despite not knowing anything. Doctor Terror

He comes back to life as a human goat and is a great doctor for his town in

his planet of goat beings, called Doctor Wise; Rackson revives by giving him a

He apologizes to his father, also making the passes through tears.

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One day, after 10 years, the last stain of the Great Mass falls to

Divilux, in a meteor and camouflaged at the site, saying that it is time to go to

devour everything and grow again, but Shadow appears in front of that mass of

half a meter and tells him: - “I've been waiting for you, it's time to disappear” -, with a

A ray of light destroys it definitively and it disappears forever.

Sabrina can also transform since it is a gift from the gods for her


Finally, Cesar becomes a great businessman and the beautiful Sabrina

became a professional woman in Robotics like her father, both had

much success in life, they both love each other and since they were children they promised to be together.

They got married, living happily ever after.

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Chapter 57

The day of the eclipse

This chapter is located in the years while Cesar was a child,

in the original continuity of the story, on a summer afternoon. That day they were

to school Sombra and Sabrina who were happy to have

refound. Everything was going very well like any normal day, suddenly

They began to announce on television that a mysterious eclipse was approaching

Without being predicted, this darkness was absorbing the vital energy

of everyone and except for the magical beings, everyone was beginning to weaken and

fall fainting The sun was obscured and strong gusts of wind were felt.

air. Both Cesar and Sabrina are going to investigate, but since she was of level

Under divine power his strength was drained, as were his friends.

Shadow flies through the mountains, does not see anything strange in what

absolute until he sees the birds fleeing from the mountains, near an ancient

Indian camp, where many indigenous people existed before they perished at

hands of the colonizers. When he is about to approach, a very thick voice tells him

stops and tells him that if he is going to fight against Grandmaster Dorhan he must

fight with him first for the honor of his late extinct race, as he approaches he sees a

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muscular Indian, with somewhat dark skin, green hair and wearing cloth pants,

He calls him Iztagual, the reincarnation of the god Itzamna.

Itzagual has a serious posture, without moving and with his arms crossed

He tells Sombra to defeat him and let him pass. The hero does not want

takes advantage and delivers an electric shock, but the Indian resists. Then it

throws with his luminous fists, but he cannot move it, it is as if it were

stone and does not receive a single scratch. Itzagual was with his eyes closed,

He opened it and said seriously: - “You are finished” -, with a single blow of his open hand.

He throws Shadow hard into the nearby pastures. Being is not bad, but

He wants to test if he has the courage to avenge his ancestors; Shadow rises

to fight, but the indigenous dodges and hits him on the head with his hand and kills him.

throws to the ground.

Itzagual thinks it is a fraud to believe that such a strong “hero”

As they say, you can beat it. Shadow gets up, but is thrown back to the ground.

floor with the palm of the hand, without the slightest effort. The hero gets up and

He starts to fight with his strength, but is stopped blow by blow by the hands

of the indigenous who does not receive even a blow. Itzagual with the movement of its

hands a spell that launches a powerful dark beam from the sky that strikes

Shadow and damages his magic power despite being an electric ray. The hero

He throws a more powerful lightning bolt and the Indian resists it again, absorbs the lightning bolt and

accumulates it in your body.

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Itzagual raises his hands and pulls out of the ground giant logs that

They try to hit the hero, who dodges them, but is hit by more logs.

They throw him to the ground hard. The Indian believes that he has finally defeated

Shadow, but he stands up bravely, although beaten. Itzagual looks with

pride and prepares to fight, he takes out his bow and shoots some silver arrows

that go so fast that it passes through the hero's arms and legs, wounding him

physically so that you cannot walk. Taking advantage of that, launch a

knife to the chest which mysteriously wounds him too.

The Indian tells him that it is not his intention to kill him, he just wants to prove his

courage, but Shadow must fight or else he will not be able to prevent the effect of the eclipse

evil one. With his little strength he removes the arrows and the knife, then with his

magic power recovers to fight again. Itzagual does not move

swims and waits for a great attack from Sombra who launches a spiral of flames that

They cover the Indian... a tornado covers him without being able to see anything.

Suddenly, the fire disperses and he sees that nothing could even touch the

Indian who just opens his eyes and makes some clouds come out and join together

forming a storm and launching electric rays towards Shadow, but this

He uses those rays to increase his power, however, the clouds cover the

hero allowing himself not to see his opponent. Surrounded by clouds, begins to receive

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strong blows from Itzagual who gives him open blows with his hand without knowing

where is it located.

Shadow uses his wind power to disperse the clouds and upon seeing the

indigenous, flies and kicks him in the chest that finally manages to move him.

Itzagual laughs and says that he is the first human who manages to move it, now he will get

interesting, since you must test your strength. The hero plans to use his strength to

maximum to not let yourself be defeated.

He fights hand to hand with his fists, making lightning bolts come out of both of them.

opponents, fighting strongly with their forces, giving each other fists

front, side and high hit that emit rays. They fight mightily with their

forces until they are exhausted from so much force they have used.

Itzagual takes a rope and launches himself to deliver a front kick that pulls

at the hero, then appears from the other side with the rope and kicks him in the

back, then the hero launches an electric ray and cuts the rope making

The Indian falls to the ground, but he gets up and tries to fight with his

spinning kicks, Sombra also counterattacks with his light kicks.

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Itzagual laughs as he wipes some blood from his mouth and says that

not bad, then he shoots three arrows at him, the hero covers himself with his shield

magic and these bend, he also throws the knife and it bends into the shield. He

Indian tells him that his weapons are only auxiliary accessories because he does not use them


Shadow uses his earth gem by throwing stones, but these

They pass through the Indian without giving him a scratch, in fact, he is left with the

arms crossed and smiling, he tells her that he has trained in rocky mountains and

It has endured strong stones, so it does nothing to it.

The indigenous shouts “HECATOMBE FINAL” and hits the earth with his hands

producing a powerful earthquake that tries to make Sombra dizzy, the impact is

so strong that the air moves in vibrating waves that make you dizzy, without

unable to concentrate, the earth tries to open to make the hero fall, but he

flies to escape the attack.

Itzagual launches strong slaps that produce sudden movements in

the air that makes Shadow dizzy, stunning him in flight without being able to concentrate,

falling dazed while a heavy rain occurs that leaves him with his clothes

moist. Remembering the thousands of battles he has been through, he gets up and flees

from the holes in the earth, flies supporting the vibrations and manages to get closer

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at the Indian with great force, attacking him strongly. The earthquakes stop and

everything calms down completely.

Itzagual recognizes the hero as a great warrior, however, the

final test begins, then the Indian begins to ask heaven to his gods in

an unknown language and several wolves come out with ghostly shapes in addition to

horses and birds that get inside the Indian's body and give him so much strength,

They turn him into pure steel, he begins to fight with his supernatural forces.

Sombra hits him, but they have no effect, while the Indian

gives a blow that is equivalent to 10 blows of the hero, Itzagual has a great advantage,

but what he doesn't know is that every minute he spends fighting, his body goes

turning black from that dark magic that consumes him little by little without

be able to leave it.

Realizing this, he asks Shadow to help him kill him since

darkness is taking over the body, even his body is moving at

will trying to attack Shadow, a shadow coming out of the shadow's body.

Indian who tries to sting and poison the dark poison hero. The power

dark turns the Indian into a shadow and he moves on the ground without being able to be

docked, to appear elsewhere and gives him a strong punch from the ground

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using the indigenous body, then disappears again in the form of

Shadow and punches him again as he appears from the ground, several times like this.

Sombra tells him that if that's all he knows how he can beat that

evil shadow, but the evil being throws a thorn of shadow to return to the

bad hero, but when he gets closer that piece of shadow melts. The hero

He raises his sword to the sky and asks nature for all its light, the sword illuminates

and launches a powerful ray of light that destroys the shadow and saves the Indian from

be consumed of darkness.

Sombra recovers from his injuries, approaches the Indian and heals his tissues.

dead, gives him his hand to lift him up, being friends. Suddenly the

tribe of the Indian who had walked away when the warrior asked for help from the

evil shadow that dominated him, they respect him as a warrior and he earns the

pride in his village, he leaves with them, saying goodbye to Sombra, grateful for

having known him.

Shadow reaches the Mayan pyramid of Adocia which is related to

Guatemala since a very strong and muscular being is having slaves who

makes them pull hard to create images of themselves for their own pride,

many are killed if they fall or die from weakness.

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Shadow arrives and looks at the being who covers his face with a white helmet.

like a skull, he is very muscular with metal coat rack and short clothes with boots

heavy, has a cross symbol on its chest, a malicious shield-face and 4

spears on his back, his name is the legendary Devil Emperor. shadow

He starts to fight with his muscles, but he is so strong that he holds him with one hand.

of the head and throws him strongly to the floor of the pyramid and then kicks him

ultra strong that aggressively pulls it back causing it to collide with a

stone; Sombra thinks he was lucky and starts fighting and punches him.

luminous but none of them hurt him, he is as solid as a rock and that takes

Shadow's arm and spins it in the air, he punches him hard in the stomach.

and aggressively throws him to the ground, then kicks him off his feet.

pyramid. Diablo says: -"I am the legendary Emperor, I have never been defeated in

my world conquests and I am 10 thousand years old" -.

Shadow gets up again but is grabbed by the head and given a

frontal blow that throws him strongly backwards causing him to fall into another

pyramid, the hero stands up and increases his powers to 5X to attack, he approaches

and throws the divine thunder towards Diablo but it doesn't even scratch him, in fact

supports any elemental attack no matter how powerful it is... Diablo uses his spears

and he sticks them in Shadow's 4 limbs, making him scream in pain.

which were nailed in seconds causing it to be effectively damaged.

Shadow is really in trouble, he screams in pain at this situation and is

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Being sapped of his power, he tries to get up and with his strength he comes unstuck.

his spears from his limbs and so with extreme pain he manages to do it.

The warrior is going to attack Shadow, but he escapes since that being

He can't fly, but with his giant jumping power he catches it and throws it hard

to the ground giving him a strong blow similar to a wrestling warrior. Shade

in pain he gets up from the impact and sees the being leaving, he takes out his Scalight sword and attacks,

but the warrior covers himself with the evil mythological shield which begins to

absorb the power of the sword little by little.

Diablo moves his spiky grayish hair, then picks up the hero and

a jerk sends him strongly into a wall, with his evil shield he asks that he must

honor the god of his ancestors and is tied up Sombra as if he were going to be

crucified where he tells him that he will be like this for days and nights without eating or drinking

water until he dies, but with his powers he manages to free himself and launches a lightning bolt.

Scalight's light but it doesn't hurt him either, rather he absorbed it with his

mouth that beam and is thrown in the dark towards the hero making his body

left with black spots of evil.

Shadow uses his powers to heal himself, while he sees the warrior coming

who orders the sky to rain acid, the warrior uses his magical power to

cover yourself with its light. Between the rain Sombra and Diablo fight hand to hand,

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the hero fights strongly while the demon barely evades or does not suffer

effects of their attacks. Diablo's shield shines and increases the warrior's power

to a higher level, so Sombra decides to increase to level 120X to have

a great power, but it also fails to make a scratch. With a single fist to the ground

produces earthquakes and tsunamis alerting the world population, it must be stopped,

but he doesn't know how, since he surpasses him in strength and magical level.

Diablo throws skull-shaped grenade bombs with his hands,

The hero covers himself with his wings of fire to avoid being hit by those

explosions. Diablo uses his hands to shoot dark fire with red, Shadow

casts normal fire in a clash where both attacks fight strongly

consuming each other, until both powers evaporate. Shade

fight against that being who pulls out a knife, avoid being cut by that weapon now

that, despite being invulnerable by human weapons, the knife is magical and if

It can hurt him, he avoids, although he is grazed by that super sharp weapon.

With his magic, Diablo orders some beings made of straw to attack

Shadow, to devour him... But with his ray of light he destroys them, others come out,

but he destroys them, although he receives bites and stings from them. Shadow is

lost since no attack damages him, rather he receives extremely

brutal attacks of the warrior's physical body, he is beaten, pecked by hooks,

hit by the stone shield, hit with his fists and kicks so

brutal and is thrown to the ground causing him to be buried several meters away.

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He remembers while that happens his long battles and his old fights...

He lifts up energized from the ground and gives a luminous fist to the body of

Diablo, but he resists him and hits Sombra with his helmet on the head,

He stuns him and with a flying kick he throws him down the pyramid, leaving him

unconscious for a few minutes. Sombra thinks he can't beat him, there is no

way and even the damage is making him go to the afterlife... There he sees his

teachers: Hyos, Drumm and Drobb who tell him that it is not yet time to

rest and they tell him to raise Scalight's power to the nature level and to

defeat that evil being.

Sombra regains his strength and is brutally beaten by

Diablo, then among the pain, asks Scalight and Nature to give him their

maximum power becoming essential level again; Diablo doesn't care and

hits, but his hand burns from the pain and that's when the hero launches his

divine luminous fists that manage to hit him hard and throw him to the ground.

Diablo increases his power and becomes stronger, both have an aggressive fight

of powers where the two give each other very strong blows and kicks, both are

Determined to win with great bravery and fury, Diablo tries to crucify him, but fails.

Due to the protection of Sombra who is in a divine state, he tells him: - “your

reign of evil is about to end, prepare to be defeated.”

Diablo launches himself with his super powerful fist to hit Sombra,

but the hero sticks the sword into Diablo's body and the power of light is released

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to the maximum, causing the light to completely disintegrate the demon. Shade

He sees that he won and falls weakened as his natural powers return to space.

and go back to level one. The slaves are freed and are very happy, they are taken to the

hero celebrating while he is asleep. When he wakes up he realizes everything

and awakens in a magical waterfall that restores the warrior's powers and the

great chief of the tribe, very grateful, his battle honors him and the hero is grateful

having saved them. He says goodbye to that town and remains on his way to the

next adventure.

The shield on the ground shines trying to attract curses and misfortunes

to the people as droughts and famines, but the sword Scalight realizes that

and produces a seal of light in the sky like a dome of light that nullifies any

evil attack and that is where the shield receives a ray of light and is destroyed


Shadow leaves the portal of light and goes towards Golden City (it is similar to

China), where he sees great destruction in the distance, there is chaos and death due to

that a large dragon the size of a bus shoots fire, ice and electricity with

its snout to destroy everything in its path, that dragon's face looks like that of a

carnotaurus and its name is the great Dragonian.

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Shadow launches into battle, but before that, the mutant absorbs the

elemental stones becoming stronger than normal, it turns with a different color

from green to jade color, with her diamond eyes; The hero knows that he must fight,

even if he is more powerful than him. Shadow launches electric shock, but nothing

It rather absorbs the electricity and launches it in the form of lightning, killing

a lot of inhabitants of Golden City, the hero decides not to use attacks

elementals, but can't hit a being that has the strength of a tank

military, you will have to think how to stop it at any cost.

Dragonian throws several heavy stones with its tail, the stones

They destroy cars and buildings, the hero cuts several stones with the Scalight sword

before they fall, but the dragon throws a handful that bury Shadow,

weighing tons that cover him, he believes that Shadow is dead and follows the

destruction, but suddenly a powerful light emerges and completely explodes

the stones, since the protective power of the sword manages to explode everything in its path.

step, releasing it into a powerful energy field.

Dragonian shoots electric rays with his snout, but these only recharge

Shadow, giving him more strength and although he continues attacking with those rays, he does not

They do absolute damage and rather recharge your energy lost in battles

previous. Dragonian roars loudly in anger causing buildings to fall

that are destroyed in their path, powerful debris is falling that tries to

crush the hero as he runs away from all the great destruction and dashes towards the

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dragon, until he falls on top of its wings where he tries to grab it to stun it.

Dragonian flies towards the sky while throwing fire everywhere, sensing that

has someone on his back, he dives and turns upside down to try

destroy whoever was behind him, Shadow falling with everything and the hero in the

back, crushing him hard on the ground, believing that he was finally

destroy... But the dragon rises from the ground, from its back and is moved by

Shadow below, who temporarily supports the weight of the dragon and

He throws it to the other side, after which he falls weakened by carrying a being that weighs

Same as two elephants, running out of energy. Dragonian approaches with

cautious and tries to eat the warrior, who wakes up at the right moment

to escape digestion, so it flies while being followed by the mouth


Sombra manages to hide from the monster while being followed by the mouth

devourer who tries to eat it, looking for it while hiding in a

destroyed building since it has no strength to fight that creature; the hero

He is trapped in a dead end while the dragon also throws ice at his

streets to freeze objects in its path, in addition to shooting water to

destroy the people who escape and thus brutally drown them, many men

and women drown while boys and girls scream in despair at the

having lost their parents, who are afraid of it; Shadow watches the scene

and sees the dragon that is going to throw water on them, so the hero jumps with

his speed and saves the children from death, they hug their protector

while taking them to a safe place.

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Dragonian continues to throw water on the floor and fire on buildings,

He also orders it to thunder, killing all the plants in its path, it is a

true creature of chaos; Shadow launches into battle, but the dragon throws

a hypersonic wave with its wings that totally sends it to the sky and even

crossing the clouds in a shock of sound that stuns you. The hero recovers

before falling into the stratosphere, he turns back, but is hit again by

a sonic wave that pulls it strongly upwards, thus it recovers again

to gain greater power and confront the dragon, but does not know how to defeat it

since no elemental power can harm him, according to the scriptures that being

is a deity of heaven who was altered by death and contamination of the

Earth so he is very angry.

Shadow lunges and uses his luminous fists against the creature, but it is

hit by the great tail of Dragonian power that manages to throw him strongly into the

other hand, leaving him weakened. The hero goes to fight with his strength, but

It also does not have any effect on him since he is a deity level, that is how

increases his level to 5X where he is a deity phase, launching a beam of light as

powerful that manages to paralyze him for a few minutes, but he regains his mobility and

attacks again, returning the beam of light with its wings towards the hero,

hitting him hard and throwing him brutally, falling to the ground.

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Apparently there is no option on how to defeat that legendary deity,

then a girl approaches him, but the dragon for some mysterious reason does not

does any damage to him, so that surprises the warrior since he does not detect

evil. Sombra then decides to talk to the dragon who tells him

telepathically that he must punish the human being for destroying his world, so

that you have no option but to delete them; Shadow tries to get him to reflect, but no

wants, he just wants to clean up the world and will attack the hero if he opposes such


Sombra increases his powers to the maximum, uses his Scalight sword to

attack strongly, launching a luminous sword blow but only manages to scratch

the body without doing anything, asks him how he can use an elemental power

against a god, so he uses his eyes and closes them, saying “Bordeluxx” and throws

with its snout a beam of elemental power that makes the hero fly and at the same time

shows in the mind several images of everything bad that the

humanity with its planet, so it proposes to reflect, recover and

He returns telling her that he is right but that he is going to fight for his own pride,

so increase his powers to the maximum, raise his powers by becoming

luminous his body and resists all the dragon's powerful attacks, then

attacks with his sword of light that deals damage to the dragon but does not want to kill it

since it is a harmless battle. They fight hard and with their snout they try to

bite, but is hit by Sombra's ultra-luminous fists, plus he

he covers himself with the shield of fire and attacks the wing blows with his sword; to the

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At the end, the dragon launches itself with force, illuminating its body against Sombra and his

luminous sword... silence passes and the dragon falls weakened in the battle.

Shadow uses his powers and restores both the city and the health of the

dragon, revives the dead with a powerful ray of light; Dragonian recovers

his health and thanks him, then the Chinese appear with weapons to kill him

but the hero explains everything to them and tells them to spare his life for all this,

At that point, the president of Ciudad Dorada apologizes and they make amends; you

returns the elemental powers to Sombra (his magic stones), he goes to the

heaven with the promise that they will heal their planet someday. The hero leaves

also crossing the portal of light, being dismissed by children and adults

who are grateful for having saved their world, having the respect of a

hero... continuing his distant adventure towards the defeat of evil.

Shadow decides to leave, promising to bring order and goodness back to

the entire planet, in many places the seas overflow and tremble. The hero

detects a point where there is strong evil energy and goes to a

mountain where you look at an ancient Japanese temple full of soldiers killed by

someone, suddenly a voice comes out saying that he has finally appeared and challenges the

hero to a final battle, a very muscular man comes out without shoes, with

torn silver pants, white hair and long mustaches, white eyes and

who calls himself Dorhan the Chosen One. He tells the hero that he challenges him, if he wins

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It is impossible to stop the chaos and, if not the planet will succumb to its power, everything

in order to obtain the recognition of being the strongest.

Shadow illuminates prepared to battle, he launches himself to fight against the being

that emits a dark energy, the eclipse absorbs everyone's energies and

gives Dorhan, they fight fiercely with only their fists and fierce kicks.

Shadow is extremely strong, but even though Dorhan is a human, he has

demonic soul and therefore fights aggressively, even with his fists and

strong kicks manage to hit him aggressively backwards

falling between rocks and earth. The hero rises again, but the artist

martial with 2-3 blows he aggressively throws him towards the ground, without having mercy

He kicks his face and leaves him lying on the pavement.

Dorhan tells him that he has no pride and stomps on his head.

back, bursts him away by grabbing him by the neck and throwing him away, while receiving

vital energy of the eclipse that absorbs the energies of all living beings.

The hero gets up to fight, draws his sword, but the warrior grabs his arm

and pulls it away with a powerful pull causing it to hit the pavement


The hero thinks he can neutralize it with the elemental stones,

He throws fire with his hands but Dorhan resists it, throws lava and also

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resists despite being a simple human, throws wind but resists it and even

throws lightning bolts but resists them at all costs, saying that his training with

the evil dark goddesses of 3000 years ago worked, they

called Dark Venusorias gave him powers to absorb powerful techniques

but with only the privilege of absorbing energy and being strong.

Dorhan throws dark swords with his hands that pierce the

fists and hands of the warrior, causing the dark power to hurt him

fiercely, this power manages to wound him and destroy vital energy points.

Then Dorhan launches spheres of energy like bubbles of high negative power

that hit the hero causing more vital damage, he is weakened, but not

He wants to stop fighting.

Shadow thinks that the light can hurt him, he launches a powerful ray of light,

but Dorhan resists the power, suffering no harm. The warrior raises his

hands and launches the dark ray, a gigantic ray made of pure darkness that

fiercely hits the hero producing strong damage that hurts him fiercely and

He throws it strongly into the air and onto the ground.

Shadow gets up and goes after the old man, but he launches an attack of

tornado of darkness that spins him around and throws him to the ground dizzy, then

another dark tornado absorbs him and throws him hard to the ground making the

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hero bites the dust. He tells Shadow that he can't kill him because he is a

ancient spirit that even hid in space to avoid being eliminated

in the past war, so there is no salvation.

Shadow gets up and optimistically goes out to fight, the man creates with

his hands the cards of darkness that are similar to a playing card and come out

like bullets to hit the hero giving him a severe beating that knocks him brutally

to the ground with tears in his suit, the old man mocks seeing that his rival is a


Sombra does not give up and even hurt, he launches into battle, but the

old man creates a dark web that traps the hero and the power of the

Darkness absorbs energy, losing powers and suffering great damage.

Dorhan looks at his rival and thinks that he will be destroyed by the dark rays, the

spider web emits darkness and the hero does not know how to get out, he tries to increase his

powers, but it cannot, besides the eclipse does not stop and the human being continues

feeding on human souls to become more muscular, even his

sword is beginning to fade with darkness and turns black.

Helplessly, he falls weakened as Dorhan throws lightning bolts at him.

dark ones to hurt him and destroy Shadow just for ego, without being able to do anything

It is being destroyed again. The hero thinks of his friends, of his world,

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in nature and that he can still fight, that's where Sabrina comes to help

as Cleary Moon, but is defeated by a blow to the belly and is thrown into the

ground, this makes Shadow see this, get so angry at seeing his “beloved.”

wounded princess, gets blindly angry and tells him that this time he will pay once and for all

For all of them, he becomes enraged, increasing his level to the last level 120X luminous suit.

He launches himself to hit him with fast luminous fists that hit the belly and the

old man's body, he wounds him a little, but he resists the fierce blows, but at the same time

Maybe he's so fast that he can't defend himself and ends up getting hit in the face.

chin and lying heavily on the ground.

Dorhan creates his rays of darkness, but nothing can effect him,

the lightning doesn't even harm the hero. The web traps Shadow, but it is

cut by Scalight's light, this makes the human tremble. Dorhan launches

dark swords, but they also only manage to hit the hero without causing him

damage. In fact, the spheres collide, but they can't hurt him.

Dorhan launches his three black tornadoes, but with the light of Scalight

destroys the three tornadoes with rays of light, the ninja launches the

dark power which is attacked by the power of light in a clash of powers

of light, with great force they collide, in a power struggle while the

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Monster absorbs more and more energy. Light and darkness increase

power each in a battle between two powers.

Dorhan tells him that it is useless that he will never defeat him, but the hero

decides to increase his powers to an infinite level, making his ray of light

becomes supernova tone and launches the powerful attack, Dorhan plans

absorb it and turn it into darkness, but when you take it the power is so much that

ends up destroying himself into a thousand pieces while furiously shouting that he wants more

power, the light kills him definitively and the eclipse slowly reappears.


Shadow goes to Sabrina, uses his healing powers and she

She wakes up smiling, hugs Shadow who flies her home while

The night is falling, while the moon passes... you see the scene of a kiss

that marks the beginning of a new love.

Meanwhile, a creature visibly in the sea laughs and says that everything

is planned, but there are still years to fight again, saying that the wrath of the

Time will erase that legacy...apparently evil will return.

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Chapter 58

Shadow in the realm of beings Shadow

Sombra decides to go fight in other dimensions, since there are places

ethereal beings where the laws of evil are still in force, such as beings

Immaterials cannot be easily defeated in the real world, however,

takes a few days of vacation to enjoy before his final mission in the

universe. Shadow, conserving his powers, travels to other places,

he plays baseball, swims, runs at high speed with athletes, goes to

swimming pools, although he makes mistakes of electrifying the pool, he starts to help

other people on missions, and even in other dimensions help the police to

capture thugs with his electrical powers, he goes to the zoo to play

animals without harm, plants trees and produces rain for farmers. HE

He eats a lot in his child form, and even enters a party

where he invites Sabrina to dance in her beautiful blue dress with pearls

bright… in short, an unforgettable vacation where you finally do things

what he does like a human.

Sombra, after many vacations, is preparing to travel to the

dimension where the shadow beings are, however he still has no idea how

getting there even though it is immaterial, thinking about how to get there passes through a house

where they have already decorated since the next day will be Christmas Day, listen

to worried parents asking their son what he wants for

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Christmas, but the insecure boy tells him to eliminate the human shadow that

torments every night, the parents believe that it is a figment of the imagination and

He says he should go to sleep before Santa Claus comes.

Sombra believes him and decides to stay around waiting for news, he begins

to see the sleeping child, who is nervous as he waits to be a shadow.

When he has fallen asleep, a humanoid shadow appears with luminous eyes and

tall, approaches the child and absorbs energy from him.

body, weakening the child, producing nightmares in him.

Sombra gets furious and teleports appearing, gives him a strong

luminous punch that pulls him strongly towards the door, it opens

slightly and the creature leaves the bedroom. The being comes out again and launches itself

with its luminous snout to absorb the hero's energy, but with the power

electric the being explodes and explodes completely, releasing a mysterious particle

that floats like light in the air.

The child wakes up, sees that the being has been totally destroyed and tells him

to Sombra: - “Thank you Santa Claus, you are different than I imagined,

thank you for protecting me from that evil being, but there are still many since my

Kindergarten classmates tell me that there are many,

"They make ugly faces and ask us to commit suicide." Shadow gets furious,

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He looks at the child telling him to free them from that evil, even if it costs him his life,

but that it is not a Santa Claus but a hero who came to save him, but that

Before midnight the beings will be completely eliminated.

Shadow takes the sphere, detects energy from another dimension and heads to the

kingdom of shadows, but first he has to travel through all the eras of history

He quickly finds Jesus being captured by Roman soldiers.

which Shadow throws electric rays at them believing that God has descended,

but through the words of Jesus he tells him: - “Thank you, but I fulfill the will of my

father” – so he is captured again and the hero vanishes in the portal

of time. Then he appears in the Roman coliseum seeing some Christians who

They are going to be massacred by some Roman soldiers, but the hero, flying and with

his sword defeats them completely, Nero believes that the gods have come down and

He flees, the hero is going to follow him, but he disappears due to the action of the magic dome.

Visit other eras like the era of dinosaurs, where you will be eaten

by a tyrannosaurus rex, but with its electric shock it leaves him in shock

As he tries to escape, he is transported to another era.

Shadow reaches the middle ages, to the ancient medieval forests

where he confronts medieval soldiers with his electric discharge that

stuns, others flee into the forest terrified thinking that there are two “witches”

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in the forest, confusing the hero since he was alone in the place, decides

continue walking in the forest, while seeing the trees and animals.

Suddenly, he sees a girl with long black hair, a mask, and a latex suit.

fitted and with black eyes, he has one hand that emits white light and the other light

Black, she has a cute but sad face at the same time. Shadow approaches and tells him

that her name is Persephone, the kidnapped goddess who was once a partner of the God

Hades but has been released to take care of the nature of the site. with your hand

Light makes trees grow and beings like birds and butterflies emerge.

Shadow doesn't plan to interfere, but he feels like he can't move in the

time, then she tells him to help her with his dark hand because he is a

destructive power of death, the hero agrees to help her, but she becomes

like crazy to scream with a migraine launching a dark power that kills all the

animals and plants, then asks the hero to kill her before something worse happens.

The girl gets angry and tells him that he will experience pain and death.

Before the day ends, the hero prepares to return the girl to the light.

She tries to attack the hero with her agility, with jumps and attacks of

kicks by holding a rope to the tree, she jumps to hit it with a

Incredible agility, fighting with great speed. The hero tries not to hit her,

dodging the attacks of swift punches and kicks, she moves like a

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gymnast and attacks with quick blows. The girl spins and fights with great speed

causing little damage to the hero, who tries to dodge, then throws a

electric shock on the girl to try to return her to normal. She

He returns to normal for a moment, but then he turns his eyes of fury.

saying that he will not allow good to triumph, jumping to attack again.

Persephone stands in front of the hero and tells him to look her in the eyes,

The black eyes emit a black light, hypnotizing the hero who imagines himself

that he is a physically abused child, who lives on the streets hungry and cold,

who sees his parents dead and that the girls despise him, insult him

horribly. The hero falls to the floor with a migraine screaming in pain and

despair, heartbroken and crying like there was no tomorrow.

Taking advantage of this, the girl approaches to start hitting him hard.

with his arms and kicks, without realizing it since he is hypnotized

imagining that an entire city is hitting him hard. When it is

losing hope... he sees a small light which follows and the hero falls into

a hole full of living water that protects him from evil, that light guides him, although

is under the water, until it shows him what Shadow looks like and that light

transforms into the Scalight sword, canceling the spell.

Shadow wakes up and launches a swirling water attack that hits the

girl, he throws her hard causing her to hit a tree. When you wake up

He goes to the girl who opens her evil eyes again saying that

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He hypnotizes again, but it doesn't work, so he takes out two knives.

bloody events that have killed victims, but the hero has so much power that

dodges the daggers quickly, however, the girl throws a chain and

catches Shadow tightly. The hero frees himself from the chain with his strength

breaking it, also cutting both knives with his Scalight sword.

Persephone is frustrated, but with a crazy face, she thinks about death

nothing more, then he increases his powers by becoming an ethereal form

where physical powers have no effect on it, in fact, it appears and disappears,

but attacks the hero with spiritual rays that deal damage from the

Inside his body, the hero resists the multiple damages of the goddess.

Persephone continues attacking with great power, hurting the hero

Strongly, Shadow resists the impacts and launches an electric shock against

the powers of the goddess in a war of electric lightning against lightning

soul yellows, fighting which of the two receives more damage.

Sombra and Persephone are tired, they look at each other with great fury,

although she makes winking and kissing faces at him, since that power drove her crazy.

Then he uses his powers, taking out some large seeds from the bag,

throwing them at the hero who receives explosions that throw him strongly towards

behind, the girl climbs the trees and throws more explosives that hit

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Sombra strongly, they attack him ferociously, causing the hero to break out.

body smoke. The girl laughs like crazy, she continues throwing explosives since her

hand charges anything and ferociously launches as many explosions as if

They were war mines damaging the entire forest. The hero approaches and she with

a touch of the hand causes an explosion to occur that knocks the hero

strongly from several meters away, hurting the body. Shade

Increases his powers to the maximum until his suit turns silver

resisting bombardment attacks, causing the attack to cease due to

which is not affected by any of its bomb seeds.

Persephone increases her power to the maximum making the dark light

increases so much that a black aura of death is formed, touching the power

will automatically lose life, the dark power destroys everything in its path, it goes

killing flora and fauna. The hero goes into a dome of light

protecting himself from the attack that becomes so powerful that it destroys the dome and

attacks Sombra, taking the life out of his arms and legs, killing him

slowly being destroyed.

Shadow has no chance to exist, everything is dying... suddenly

The Scalight sword, sensing the darkness, begins to illuminate with the force of

light in the midst of darkness, restoring the hero's body and forming a

power of light that increases more and more. Persephone forms more dark power

but the light also increases with great power, destroying the power of

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darkness. Shadow takes the sword, throws himself into the darkness with a blow

of sword that wounds the evil part of Persephone, destroying her power

evil and giving light to the body. The sword illuminates with greater power until

that nothing is seen in minutes.

The light disperses, Shadow regains his powers and nature, as well

As the lives of others are restored, Persephone is on the ground.

recovered with light, sleeping, but wakes up with her face smiling and tells him

To the hero, thank you, she is finally freed... two angel wings of light come out,

flying towards the sky with a flash of gratitude, increasing the

hero powers.

Shadow sees that flash strongly, causing the hero to go to another

time of history before more medieval soldiers arrive. In the era of

colonization where he defended the indigenous people from Spanish conquerors

believing that the gods sent him a son to defend them. Shade

appears in Nazi Germany, whose soldiers surround him with shotguns, but the

hero with his speed and quick fists defeats them definitively, appears

Adolph Hitler who looks at him with fury, they both look at each other and when they go to

fight (since the dictator does not know the level of strength of the masked man),

disappears, leaving the historical figure strange. Reappears in war

of the Persian Gulf by exploding the tanks of both the Taliban and the

United States saying that war does not bring good results, in fact only

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death and destruction is the only thing that gives, plus it opens the portals

malefic; The leaders order the shooting of dangerous dogs that bite to kill the

be mysterious but everyone who does it gets electrocuted, leaving

unconscious, the hero challenges the leaders to a fight where they have no

chance to beat him, but he disappears again.

Shadow arrives at an old house in the contemporary age, look what

Someone lived there in the early 1920s, enters the house because they detect

strange energy inside the house, upon entering he sees some people from the time

ancient who leave the house with great fear saying that in that house

demons live. The hero decides to enter the house, using his sword of light

enters dark places where he is seen by ghosts with ugly faces and

skeletons that appear, the hero begins to follow them, missing the

beings that, because a human does not fear them, the beings

They appear/disappear as if moving through dimensional boxes.

Sombra decides to follow them, he passes through corridors where things move, there are

poltergeist in several areas of the house.

Shadow watches the ghosts come to attack him, but they are defeated by

Scalight's light, being destroyed with only a little of the power. In

that sees a dark being like a shadow who flees through the hallway, it is

another shadow being type of hat being like the one I faced previously,

hides in an old cellar.

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Sombra decides to go after the being who only observes from one place, then

with his magical powers he makes the hero unable to move, being a shadow

completely incapacitates him from moving, while the being with luminous eyes

He begins to emit a macabre laugh, saying that he can't do anything. With the

powers makes the hero move his hands and feet only as if he were

possessed, he starts dancing and walking on his hands, then stretches it

strongly of the spine towards one dorsal and lateral side strongly,

finally makes the hero start saying pure curses as if

He would try to get his mouth to move on its own.

Shadow calmly looks at everything that has been done to him, the being asks him to

surrender and give him his soul, the hero accepts, but... first he will have to

defeat him, increasing his maximum power level, making his golden suit

as in level two of his powers. The hero punches him in the belly

being a shadow causing condemned souls to come out of that place, then it gives

another punch in the chest that pierces it, making the light of that fist

completely eliminate.

This alerts other demonic entities such as devils, ghosts, beings

shadow and evil floating heads to attack the hero, seeing that he is a being of

light they consider him an enemy. The spirits begin to surround the hero,

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scaring with horrible faces, the hero just closes his eyes as if he were

He would concentrate on something, without letting those beings intimidate him. The beings

They launch to attack, but are completely destroyed by the light of Scalight who

It disappears completely, eliminating the evil that resides in the site.

Sombra leaves the house, meets the people in the house and

They are thinking that the hero is some kind of religious person of some belief, not

acquaintance, they totally appreciate the help. The family goes to look for María,

a girl who, because of beings, has fallen into depression, doing

that she does not bathe and hates her life, many times they saved her from falling into the

suicide...But today it is too late since they find her with a rope that ties her to her

neck, without a soul, having lost his life. Family members cry a lot

lost of the girl, they hug each other while looking at the body.

Shadow tells her that perhaps there is a way to revive her, however, it is

a difficult mission to face, you must go to where the elite of the

shadow beings and defeat them definitively, however, there are no signs so

that the only one who knows about them is an indigenous person who lives in the middle of the forest. He

hero promises her that her daughter will be saved, calling Alazam who belongs

to Cassidy, who from the real dimension agrees to help the hero.

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Sombra climbs on top of Alazam and goes to look for the former Indian chief,

crossing an extensive forest full of dangerous animals, until reaching a

old village, surrounded by shadow dogs with red eyes. The hero asks the

horse to return to Cassidy giving thanks for the adventure, waiting

soon go visit him again. The dogs launch themselves to attack the hero with great

fury, hitting him as if they had physical matter, they are too strong to

Pushing and hitting, however, cannot consume a living thing. Shadow uses

His light powers are so powerful that he destroys everyone in a few seconds.

When the dogs disappear, the Indian named Atahualp comes out and

He is grateful for having cleaned the place of those evil beings, then he tells him

let it happen inside the hut. As he passes by he tells him the whole story, the Indian tells him

that the only way to go is through a crystal given by his ancestors, this one has

the power to transport a single person there and back, but it will close to

always. He tells him that it is a curse since that crystal in the shape of spikes has

opened the portals of the shadow beings, so they must be destroyed, but

first their leader must be defeated.

The hero agrees to go and with the powers of the indigenous, he is transported inside

of the portal as if it became light that enters the portal, being

taken through a tunnel of psychedelic colored lights, in a type of matrix

digital even into the shadow dimension.

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Shadow finally arrives at a dark place, full of houses and

cemeteries, but with no one alive, there are only pure shadow beings that hide

upon seeing a strange being who has come from nowhere. The shadow beings

They attack with their hands to absorb energy, holding the hero with

their arms and with the help of others they begin to hit Sombra in the belly

to extract the pneuma or real soul, the beings are stronger in their

dimension, they even seem to have a real physique. Shadow beings appear with

hood that with jumps and knee blows begin to hit the hero, others

They jump and hit with their elbows, while other “humanoid” shadow beings

They just contemplate the situation.

Shadow is being hit hard by the shadow beings, but

with an increase in powers making his suit become luminous level 5X,

produces a light so powerful that it banishes all shadow beings in a

instant, but others appear and with their hands they absorb energy from the

hero who is not fazed by this since by absorbing its light they explode

definitely before they can move.

The hero decides to go to the leader of those beings, but is followed by

many shadow entities who with their dark power are capable of

contaminate the hero with his dark power. Shadow decides to use a new trick

to get rid of all the shadow beings on the site, something called the disk

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magical. It launches a ray of light into the sky, forming a luminous disk that destroys

To all the shadow beings, they completely melt.

Shadow arrives at an old abandoned factory where there are only

scrap metal, devices and machines destroyed without any life span between

those pieces of metal, there are chains and many more things... Apparently

There were robots created by Berminator. While walking a robot appears

high which is the work of that military man, but it is off, but when detecting the code

Shadow activates with his red eyes, comes out in front of the hero and activates... with

his dark black suit, dark bear skull head, his artificial orange hair,

with its spikes on its body and long nails, it has the fury of a bear and the

intelligence of a psychopath... He tells him that he will be exterminated for being the target

major. The robot called Troner tries to move fast because of its feet

sliders that move to dig in their long dangerous nails, the

The hero quickly dodges them while avoiding the dangerous nails, even so, the

razor edges graze it a little, causing a little damage since they are

electric claws.

Troner moves fast with supersonic speed while the hero

avoids being stung by those razor edges, then he takes his Scalight sword and

You cut it, leaving it without its beaks, even so, the battle continues. Troner takes out rays

red and destructive photonics from his eyes to try to kill the hero who

covers with his golden shield from the attack, but the being shoots with more force

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making the hero resist the power; Shadow resists, but the rays are

strong and begin to pierce the shield, which breaks and damages Shadow,

causing him to get hurt... The hero gets up, wounded by the lightning, and sees that there is no

can move his arm and can't even defend himself, then the robot shoots

other rays damaging his legs and belly, is about to exterminate him, but

That's when he decides to increase his powers to the maximum, healing his wounds and reaching

to have a glow as if it will transform into a Silver Shadow, the shield at

taking it turns from golden to silvery-rocky. Troner continues throwing lightning bolts

with its eyes and its strange star on its chest, it also shoots gamma rays

but they are reflected from the hero's body and he resists them as if they were nothing.

while the robot continues firing to its maximum capacity and its firing chips

shot explode; Troner is surprised how his target is not being destroyed,

then it launches its body spikes that come out and go towards the hero as if

were porcupine thorns, the hero covers himself from them with his shield

silver but continues to throw several without hurting him.

Troner gets very angry and shoots electric rays with his hands

as if they were high-voltage electric spears, but despite how dangerous

that they are, they fuel the hero's power without doing harm. Troner moves fast

making terrible pushes as if it were a car, Shadow dodges those

devastating blows of great magnitude with the force of a car, the hero

avoids the blows, but once he is hit hard causing him to

hit the ground, if it were organic it would have already broken your bones. Shade

he gets up and is attacked again, but he gets up until he sees the robot coming and

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He supports him bodily, fighting for who throws who, with great power,

fighting in a clash of forces aggressively. The hero resists and takes the

courage, increases his strength and lifts him up, brutally throws him to the ground making

that the robot remains lying for seconds.

The robot stands up and analyzes the hero's weak points, but does not

can see none, so he transforms his hands into machine guns, starts to

shoot, but the bullets do not hurt the hero. The robot increases its

programming becoming violent and aggressive, he attacks the hero

making all kinds of movements at high speed, the hero dodges them and

fight with his luminous fists in a battle of strength and speed; Troner

throws pieces of heavy metal pieces towards the hero but they are cut off

by Scalight.Troner launches several rotating saws with his hands that cut

everything in their path, metals and everything they touch break, but the hero

he cuts them all with his sword before being split in two; the robot feels with

anger and starts to give an impulse to hit with his fist, the hero goes at speed

hitting their wings against it and thus they fight for a while, pushing each other

fists against powerful wings at the speed of an airplane.

After a while the robot runs out of power, but it starts to

accelerate the internal radiation power and it seems like it is going to explode, but before

Troner takes out some chains and ties the hero tightly while

absorbs energy... The hero tries to free himself, but they adjust and

tightening...the chains become stronger, the hero resists and tries

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draw the sword, but it falls, it tightens more and more until with its

new powers in one fell swoop frees himself from those chains. The robot increases its

radiation, but the silver suit protects him from it and he sees that the robot is going to

explode like an atomic bomb, if it does it there it is possible that it will destroy everything for

which teleports to an asteroid in space and explodes there, being

seen in half the galaxy destroying a large asteroid. The atomic explosion

ceases, but the hero with his force field created by Scalight is blocked and

protects the hero from the explosion, with this he decides to return to where he was,

Then, seeing nothing, he leaves the abandoned factory.

Walk to a place that looks like an abandoned building, then

entering the final hallway the doors begin to close, they become

walls and the final boss, a grayish demonic being, jumps from above.

with spikes on his neck and hands, body almost naked except for his lower part

of the abdomen that has a “breeches” of hair, legs with long nails, ears

long, with a face similar to a cheetah with fur on half its head, howls

like a jackal and with a horn on his head, he presents himself as Syakal, he is not a

be a shadow but a demon from the underworld, son of Krimbell Vortax who

He promises his father revenge for his death at the hands of a low-grade human.

level, so it will be a decisive battle.

Syakal avoids being hit by Shadow's fists, jumping with great

ease and giving strong kicks to the hero's back who falls to the ground.

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Shadow gets up and attacks head on again but the being jumps again and kills him.

He throws him to the floor again with his kicks to the back.

The hero detects that the demon is agile but does not have many powers,

attacks again knowing what will happen, then when the demon jumps the hero

He also jumps and flies, kicking him several times in the chest and head,

using the multiple kick that knocks him to the ground strongly. Wondering why

Such an insignificant being can do that to him, since the being suffers from vanity.

Syakal takes out a whip and starts hitting Shadow, he tells him that this way

He sadistically tortures his victims, he continues to hit them hard. Shadow takes the

whip and holds on, with his sword Scalight cuts the weapon and the creature falls,

He gets up ready to fight.

Both warriors fight strongly with their fists, shaking hands.

stronger and more aggressive blows, with fists and kicks so hard that they achieve

leave each of the characters hurt, in fact, Syakal uses his

agility to jump and move in the air to deliver punches and spinning kicks, but

The hero is also capable of flying and delivering powerful attacks that hit

severely to the creature who is filled with wrath of revenge.

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Syakal thinking that he couldn't beat him, decides to stretch out his hands

turning them black, then disappears into the floor and leaves behind

Shadow, giving him a strong scratch that seriously wounds him, that scratch

It forms a black mark that turns that dark part on the body.

Syakal does the same thing over and over again, making his hands and feet move together.

turn black in Sombra's body, this black energy is turning its

heroic form into an evil shadow being.

Sombra is turning black, his eyes are turning from green to

red, it turns with a mouth full of sharp teeth. Syakal is

Glad to see that he has an evil ally, he approaches the monstrous Shadow,

thinking that evil has corrupted him, curses and evil things come out

to the “hero” of his mouth, thinking of only evil and darkness.

Shadow offers to approach Syakal as friends, but when he is

Nearby he punches him several times that throws him strongly towards the wall,

disconcerting the monster. The hero tells him that his form changed, but no.

his powers nor his way of thinking by a being with a lower level than that of

his father who did have good battles.

Sombra uses his internal powers of light to regain his figure

heroically, tells him that he has no chance of making him his friend. Syakal gets

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furious, emitting a red aura… launching the devilish flowers with its snout,

some large poppies with mouths that bite very hard, can destroy

the skin and even with the skeleton of a living being. They bite the hero, but

are electrocuted, however, they contaminate their body, turning it black, like

If he had gangrene, the hero's arms and feet turn black and

rotten, can't even stand, but the flowers burn to death

with electric shocks.

Syakal tells him that if he begs for forgiveness he will give him one less death.

ugly, while laughing with her unpleasant voice. The hero tells him, even though he is in

the brink of death will not ask for mercy, he prefers to die or... live to give him mercy!

last battle!, he gets up and with his powers of light increases his power to 120X,

healing from his wounds. Syakal throws its devilish flowers, but you are at the

get close they burn completely.

Shadow launches a tornado of light beam severely hitting the

demon, spins it in the air and falls hard to the ground. This one remains

scared of how a being that is originally a demon can

defeat an ultimate demon type like his father or him.

Syakal gets up again, tells him that he was just lucky but that

He will not leave that room alive, so he throws the thorns with his body

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cursed, black thorns that inflict greater pain on their rival, making

make it more sensitive to physical attacks. The thorns are embedded in the

Shadow's body, but no effect arises since he has no skin.

Syakal shoots hairs from his arms that trap the hero, they are uncomfortable

and it cannot be released, plus it sinks into the hair like sand

moves making the hero go into the hairballs until

disappear, then the hero comes out using the fire gem destroying

everything and coming out of the hair.

Syakal uses his “farts” to make the hero intoxicated with laughter,

laughing without being able to stop, this makes the creature believe that the hero cannot

defend himself, but when he goes to attack him, Sombra uses his attacks normally

without stopping the laughter, but Syakal is hit so that his smells of

his body without any success, stopping his laughter.

Syakal unleashes his demonic howls that stun Shadow powerless.

concentrate well in battle, its howl is capable of even causing death

neurological, but the hero is a magical being and is only affected by headaches.

head. He falls to the floor while looking down the hallway, unable to concentrate.

optimally, but notice something shiny in the corner, it's glass

of metal which is a gray emerald capable of manipulating metal.

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After some screams, the hero uses his metal gem forming a

metal ball that he puts in his mouth, silencing the creature and then it explodes

throwing it away and to the ground. The monster rises again with great fury, opens

his hands launching the ray of shadows that hits the hero, damaging him and

time it transforms him into a shadow capable of not defending himself, throwing away the sword.

Shadow starts to attack, but he is a shadow, he has no body, he tries to take

the sword, but cannot, however, neither can be hit by the

monster. He tries to increase his powers, but it's useless, he doesn't react.

Sombra uses his mind, he realizes that he still has the metal gem,

uses his power to create a solid metal body, the hero's shadow appears

He enters the body as if it were the soul and fights the creature with his new

body. Syakal receives too many metallic blows so strong that he ends up

lying on the floor again. The monster is filled with so much fury that it increases its

body, becoming more muscular, large and heavy, with a terrible fury.

Syakal hits Shadow hard with his monster body,

He is doing a lot of damage with his nails and bites, and he also receives

body pushes, however, loses agility when being heavy; hit hard

and aggressively at the hero, who has a false and somewhat slow body, the monster

It scratches and hits until it is destroyed. The hero concentrates, asks the

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stone of metal and electricity that combine to form a body

superior, thus an electric statue Shadow is formed, who deals damage

electric shock on the creature when attacking it.

Syakal is more furious, he lunges with all the anger in his being, opening his

snout to definitively destroy the hero, but having a body takes the

Scalight sword and lunges towards the creature, stabbing into each other,

leaving a suspense; Then Syakal screams in fury and the light of the sword kills him.

It totally hurts crying out to the father for revenge, it disintegrates into particles.

Shadow returns to normal, the door opens and he leaves, the building falls

completely, then uses the transportation gem that returns him to the real world,

At just 3 minutes to midnight, children sleep while Santa Claus

Leave the gifts at home.

The next morning, the children are happy about the gifts, but more

because the shadow beings did not return, in the past Mary comes back to life and

he hugs his parents, saying that now he will be able to live longer and appreciate life.

Shadow wakes up at Vincent's house, who receives a gift with a letter

grateful for what happened signed by Santa Claus, plus a device

high capacity that reinforces his powers, with this the hero says goodbye

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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Chapter 59

Beyond Shadow

According to the original ending, years passed and Cesar stopped living.

due to old age, living a full and happy life together with Sabrina and the

The world was a great place to live, everything had happened normally. After

After many years only the old Sabrina remained who remembers her happy life

already retired from having been an expert scientist in Robotics, she tells her

granddaughter about the things that happen, although she does not believe much but respects the

her grandmother's idea, she still thinks that because Sombra has to be a man and

not a woman, since he wishes to be as powerful as the ancestors, then

The 15-year-old girl, who is a girl with dark hair and blue eyes, looks at the

sky one night thinking about everything his grandmother told him.

Suddenly, she sees a light that appears on the mountain and calls her to it.

look, hidden from his grandmother and parents he goes to the mountains in his pajamas, because

Because he has the powers inherited from his grandparents, he can fly and his level of

power is very high physically, so he reaches the mountain where he sees a cave

enclosed with an inscription saying that “SHADOW” rests here, then

With his enormous forces he opens the stone and enters the cave looking for

It is the light that calls her, that is where a narrow corridor full of chandeliers follows.

ancient, it is dark but in the background he sees a light that shines with great power. To the

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approaching he sees Scalight who is surrounded by a strong energy field, but

A voice says that she is worthy of approaching and the force field stops.

The little girl called Ángel approaches and a voice asks her to take

Scalight sword, she takes it and a power of light turns her into a version of

Shadow, but in a woman's version since her suit is denoted as tighter.

She looks happy that she is a superhero and the next to give the generation of

defend the galaxy from the forces of evil, however, there were almost no beings

evil in the universe, only two beings, but they existed in the 2D universe.

The first evil 2D universe was in a book where they are mentioned

more than 200 evil characters from the Sombra universe, it should remain

closed or else everyone would be released and there would be chaos in the universe again, without

However, she flies away to look for the second evil object,

Only he didn't realize that finally the book was left open and he could hear

without them realizing that the Spider Mother as well as Krimbell Vortax and the others

beings speak and begin to leave the book, seeking refuge on other planets

to one day return and take revenge on Sombra or some descendant.

The Shadow fights against some thugs and abusers who have

appeared lately defeating them with his forces saving people,

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It is also almost attacked by large wild dogs the size of horses.

which are ferocious, but she defeats them with electric shocks.

After a little training, he looks for where the evil is, but

finds nothing, suddenly Scalight detects something wrong in the girl's house and

He goes there to see what has happened, when he arrives he sees that his house is dark and

There is no one, he looks for them, but no one appears. Suddenly he hears his voice

mom and her parents, but you don't see them, then with the power of Scalight

lights up and sees a mysterious painting of the Virgin in a tunic and Jesus as if

was crucified without the cross, but, although he does not like the painting, he leaves it

pass... But the painting begins to move the eyes of both characters.

Sombra hears the voices of his family, but sees nothing, suddenly

He sees the painting again and nothing, he sees again, but nothing... until he sees the

laughing characters with luminous red eyes and laugh, saying that those who

absorbs the painting, there they remain in the 2D dimension, so it will be swallowed.

So, with his whirlwind powers he absorbs the girl into the painting,

putting it into the 2D dimension of the painting where the two beings appear saying

Now they will absorb the energy until it stays there.

Verjem with her powers attracts a magical mermaid with an ugly but

as tackled almost like a fish that says that no one is going to attack the queen and

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spear jumping with its tail, trying to scratch and bite Shadow who

dodges, but is still attacked and bitten, so she tries

defend himself, but he is invisible and also jumps and hides in the middle of the


The nothosaurus mutant named Osaba with her long green hair tries

bite Shadow while he swims, but seeing that he is very fast he launches with his

hands some poison darts that have the venom of a jellyfish, those

darts are deadly and stick in the corners of the dimension, so

Sombra tries to avoid them, but some of them hit his leg, causing him to fall.

They inflame and Sombra's body turns green and necrotic, weakening him.

Sombra cannot move and is disabled without being able to move, the

The poison is damaging him and Osaba jumps on him to devour him with his teeth.

powerful, Shadow releases an electric shock as he tries to recover

of the poison causing the creature to turn back for a while while

Try to see what you can do.

Shadow uses his healing powers of light and recovers before his

tissues completely rot, thus it increases in level and becomes faster

avoiding the creature's other darts and it takes refuge with its queen

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Shadow begins to fight with his sword against the beings, but as

They are “paintings” fade and appear, the Virgin called Verjem begins to

sing with Osaba a depressing chorus like a chorus that sounds sharp, but

It starts to cause a severe headache when I can hear it, if I had a physical body.

that voice would break your eardrums, while the Jesus or Seedus begins to create

a roman wheelbarrow with a horse made of energy and a whip to hit

to the girl

With her forces she tries to attack, but they disappear and appear, she

tries to attack him with his fists and kicks both beings, although they measure between

2-3 meters, but they disappear and appear. They even move away in the

box appearing far or near as they move as they want in their


Osaba takes advantage of the fact that Sombra cannot attack his kings

to try to crush Shadow who dodges weights as strong as if they weighed

hundreds of kilos, so the heroine dodges all powerful attacks. The

Mermaid launches rays with her reddish eyes and her blue skin that in her dimension

They are deadly as they are highly destructive and capable of destroying a

painting, however, Sombra is still three-dimensional and the rays are only as if

They will pass a crayon to him, making the attack ineffective.

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Apart from Shadow being attacked by that voice and the whip, apart from the fury

of the devilish horse neighs like a monster, then tries to throw lightning at it

electric, but they turn into cardboard due to the dimension, it's like fighting with

ghosts since neither air nor ice does anything to it.

Osaba appears on the scene and launches a strong attack with his tail.

which causes Shadow to be hit hard and hit hard in the

painting frames suffering damage.

Then Seedus makes horrible faces but the girl despite everything

resists seeing so much demonic ugliness, Shadow starts to fight, but these beings

They become invisible and cast a spell to make the girl spin.

Osaba launches several explosive bubbles with his snout that go

hitting the girl hard hitting her body as if they were launching

fireworks, causing damage and reducing their magical powers.

Sombra decides to use his magic and heals his forces by stopping the attack,

He tells him that he already knows how to defeat them, launching fire that begins to destroy the

2D dimension, since it is a paper, but the devilish horse absorbs the fire. TO

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Even though Sombra has high powers, he is trapped in that dimension

where powers are reduced.

Verjem uses his curse powers and casts a curse spell

making Shadow have bad luck like falling, attacking herself,

hearing words in your mind that try to make you depressed and losing your mind

hope to save his family. The Seedus begins to hit him with the whip

ethereally hurting the girl, he tells her that they were not affected by the

magic since no one is interested in confronting the evil colonizers of the

2D universe, where they have dominated that universe.

Osaba takes advantage of the moment to tie Sombra with her hair to

try to hang him and at the same time steal his magic power effectively and this makes

illuminate your plates strongly.

Sombra begins to lose hope of achieving something, that's when he listens

telepathically the voice of his ancestor Caesar, the ancient Shadow who tells him

that she does not give up, that she is the one chosen to defeat evil as the new

generation of super heroes and who can defeat those beings, who asks for power

maximum to Scalight making it shine brighter, as it is his first battle he has

Hopes low, but he will try to make an effort.

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Shadow takes the Scalight and asks for more power, making a light

blind the two demons for a while, this causes him to recharge powers and his

curse is finally removed.

Osaba launches with his strength to fight with his strength trying to hit

With his neck that is as strong as steel, Shadow dodges them and holds him,

making a duel of forces between his hands and the powerful but overwhelming

neck, so they struggle and the mermaid increases her strength by gaining power, but

Shadow grabs her and pulls her strongly backwards, delaying the attack as he is left

hitting one side of the box, it is released after a while and they continue fighting neck against


Osaba launches beams of super powerful sonic waves with its snout that

They destroy everything in their path, Shadow avoids them since they are highly destructive

and moves away from those attacks without knowing how to defend himself from waves, so

flies, but Osaba continues to release sonic blue waves; the heroine tries

cover yourself with the shield which absorbs some waves, but receives attacks from others

feeling as if they were hitting him with stones on his body.

Daring, seeing that the attack is effective, continues attacking and causing

Sombra hurts himself a lot, but he doesn't want to give up before that dangerous being and continues.

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resisting, then asks for more power by enveloping itself in a magnetic field

preventing those waves from attacking him further, neutralizing the siren's attack.

Upon seeing both Seedus and Verjem again, they become furious and attack.

dive with their angel wings to attack strongly as if they were flying and

They will strike with their black and beaked hands, Shadow puts himself on guard and fights,

This time he can dodge them and even defeats them with his luminous fists.

knocking them to the ground after an intensive battle where he fights with his fists

and kicks against the creatures' physical powers.

Daring, seeing his queen defeated, launches himself with great fury and throws with his

snout attacks from poisonous dirty water, Sombra manages to dodge the attacks already

that those are eraser effects and if you manage to achieve them you will be able to not only erase it from the

painting, but its existence would be erased forever, so it would be

covers with his wings of fire which are of divine power, avoiding and

evaporating the attacks.

Osaba dives like a fish under the painting, Sombra becomes

attentive since it will try to attack surprisingly like a shark, so you see it

come out and that is where he reacts and attacks with his powerful luminous fists like

the fight with Gygantodritche which was legendary, the mermaid falls and sinks

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defeated below the painting, however, she comes out again like a shark several

sometimes surprisingly...

Sombra manages to defeat them, then Verjem launches another stunning chant.

but this time with a power of Scalight he manages to make that image silent, then

Seedus lunges with his whip, but the heroine grabs him and slashes him with her sword.

Seedus launches his horse that lunges to bite with its orange leather and mane

white. Sombra tries to dodge him and, unable to do so, holds his paws, hitting him.

He realizes that it has nails and is not a horse but a demon so he throws at it

a powerful ray of light that completely destroys it.

Seedus gets angry and makes horrible faces, but gets punched in the head.

face that pulls it strongly, then it tries to absorb the energy to leave it

weakened, at first she manages to do it, but then Shadow increases the power

and is unable to absorb energy.

Verjem shoots evil blue fire from his mouth, but with his powers

turns the blue fire into red fire and throws it at him, causing the paint on the

woman is destroyed. This angers Seedus who attacks with a cross.

of wood made of blades and fights Shadow's Scalight in a battle

between powers until Scaleight destroys the cross.

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Osaba starts to attack, but with a quick attack he launches and cuts the

mermaid in half, causing it to be completely erased from the frame.

Seedus launches a melee attack, but Sombra with his power

magic launches a luminous circle attack that surrounds everything like a field of

light destroying Seedus completely as well as the dimension. When that happens,

everyone returns to normal dimension.

Osaba manages to get out of the frame like a real little nothosaurus and asks

return to the ocean as his normal life, which Shadow uses a power of

transportation and returns to the creature, it thanks and apologizes for what


Sabrina and her parents wake up, see their daughter/granddaughter as the successor

Sombra, are surprised, but hug her saying how happy she is to

have this pride of being a heroine, listen to the voice of her ancestor Cesar who

from beyond tells him that he is very happy that the universe is in his


Suddenly, the power leaves the girl as she does not detect evil and returns to

being the little girl with no powers and no damage since the sword healed all the damage.

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Then the girl decides to go leave the sword in the cave where it was. When

He arrives and sees a man with a black hood who tells him that he is the guardian of

the Sombra saga, who wrote the book about the Sombra warriors and who

abandons the idea of writing more, tells him that it is time for him to write his destiny

since all the demons of the past have escaped to other worlds but that

Do not be afraid as you will find allies, weapons and new adventures, but only

If she accepts or else they will look for another successor.

After a few minutes he accepts the deal and they shake hands, but still

It's not time since they barely escaped so today she can sleep peacefully,

So she goes home, reunites with her parents and her grandmother who go to the

time to sleep peacefully.

Before going to sleep, Ángel looks at the sky very excited thinking about how many

adventures she will have to live and how many things she will have to know, her grandmother

accompanies and they look at the sky together saying that evil will always return but that

There will always be a Shadow who battles against the dark forces, since without

Shadow evil does not exist and this time with infinite power evil will be

defeated forever, it is time for a new adventure to begin.

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Chapter 60

Shadow's Legacy

Shadow continues to fight evil in the universe since the evil ones

beings have freed themselves from the siege and continue fighting until the end, the battles are

consistent and the years pass in that constant fight, this time Ángel promises

who will have eternal life to forever defend the universe from the forces of evil

bad, fighting tirelessly. Over the years she lost her family, her husband,

Even his children died and he still dedicated himself to fighting evil by sacrificing

his life until the last day since the warriors were worse and surpassed by

Sombra's powers were greatly increased, having levels so high that it overloaded his

power, everything happened until the coming of the end of humanity where the Earth

died, the sea dried up permanently and animals and plants ceased to exist.

Shadow was tired of so much fighting and of living centuries for what he already wanted.

give up, but waited one more day. Defeated the Great Mass again,

Krimbell, and even his "evil allies" such as Evil Shogun, Evil Tamura, and

Evil Venusoria. The most difficult was the Spider Mother who increased her powers and

contaminated the entire Earth.

Evil Venusoria is like the real one, but with black hair and a swimsuit, she

It launches petals and dark branches, but they are destroyed by Scalight. Also use

psychic ray of depravity to turn his rival into someone weak and

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He lets himself be carried away by impulses, but since Shadow has learned to be strong with

his convictions and desires, in addition to having heroic powers after almost

600 battles, does not fall for the charms of that evil being.

Evil Venusoria launches thorns like bullets, but protects herself with her shield

of the impacts of these, they are also burned by the powers of their wings of

fire which destroys everything in its path.

Evil Venusoria launches diabolical perfume, it is an aroma that hypnotizes and

causes his rival to be paralyzed, then Shadow is at the mercy and without

able to move, then the evil one begins to punch and kick him, without

be able to defend yourself...

Shadow is trapped, he meditates while suffering the damage and with a scream

increases his powers by neutralizing magic, being invulnerable to

charms, this causes Evil Venusoria to flee, but she is eliminated by the lightning bolt.

Scalelight sword light.

Sombra decides to analyze how many bad guys are left and is only present

He dared, but he notices an energy fluctuation and goes to that place, since

almost with many years of fatigue from fighting, however, we will recapitulate

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some fights that he experienced in his past when he was barely 25 years old and some

new enemies of the saga coming from archaeological discoveries,

scientists, special suits, evolutions and others:

Sombra decides to travel to a distant desert island to relax from so many

fierce battles, he enlists in the street spreading his wings while he sees that he still

There is a lot of corruption and assaults. Then a burly policeman appears and

android-type mechanic, with a serious face and blue mechanical eyes that turn

red, in addition to short black hair, he is called Verbo-man who gives

the actions. He asks the heroine where she is going, so she replies that

will rest from a world where justice does not work well, this makes the

The robot gets angry trying to avoid the step, but Sombra flies away from that being.

The policeman running after Shadow through the streets as if he were a

criminal, emits alarm whistles, ordering the being to stop with a gun in his hand.

hand and in his other some bracelets, thus with the experiences taken in the

army jumps strongly and falls on top of the heroine who endures the strong

weight of the android, it uses an insulating layer to protect itself from the heat of the


The soldier puts the handcuffs on Sombra and tells him that he must keep

silence, but Sombra does not accept and with his maximum strength breaks the

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handcuffs, making it appear that he is a lawbreaker. Take out your baton

pure steel and tries to hit the heroine who moves at the speed of the

light avoiding being hit since it is a slow cyborg for her, even though

has arrested many criminals in Ecto-City where the neighborhoods are located


Shadow moves dodging the attacks, however, the bio-

android has made some algorithm calculations and manages to predict the movements

of the warrior, attacking multiple occasions with her powerful baton and

great power. Fortunately, Sombra's body resists and is ethereal, if it were

organic would have already broken his skull, Verbo-man manages to easily hit

Shadow due to his calculations managing to hurt him a little.

Shadow waits to be attacked by the powerful baton and that is where

He manages to cut the baton in two, with his powerful sword, which surprises the

android, getting careless and receives a kick in the stomach from the heroine

which throws him strongly towards a wall, leaving him buried in rubble.

Verbo-man with his body of steel resists, makes symbols of muscles

and raises his pecs saying that nothing can break the pure steel of a

advanced bio-android, this makes Sombra smile knowing that there is still

a lot of battle forgetting about the island walk. Verb-man pulls out of his boots

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some skates to move quickly towards Sombra, he doesn't even flinch and sees him

come, they begin to fight with their strong fists and kicks in a duel of

strength and aggressiveness, forgetting that they are surrounded by mafia, the only thing that

What is interesting is to demonstrate which is the strongest law.

Verbo-man and Shadow fight strongly with their fists and strength

superhuman, producing rumblings of such a great level of powers,

while both criminals and police contemplate the strong act of the

battle. Shadow uses his luminous fists while Word-man uses his

strong steel mitts, fighting in a powerful duel between two titans. The

battle continues, but the two have lost strength, even Verbo-man, but

It has a body reactor that allows it to have more energy. Heroin is not

He wants to kill the soldier since he meets his level well and has done justice, but

You can't deny him a fight. The android has managed to knock her down several times

due to his knowledge in self-defense.

Sombra plans to defeat him, but not kill him, so while

thinks the android takes out two bullet guns, but these are special bullets

capable of passing through anything, he shoots Shadow in the legs and

feels like you've hit yourself with a rock, causing you to squirm

from the pain, then shoots him in the arms making the pain unbearable,

making him no longer able to defend himself from the police.

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Verbo-man tells her that she was a great rival, but by order of the law

Whoever breaks it must go to jail or receive the death penalty, in addition

considers the concealment of personal identity a crime and must pay the

condemned to be shot at this moment. Shadow tries to get up, but no

can, he is in pain and Verbo-man takes out a larger bullet and

he adds in the cheek, aims at the head and is going to shoot... then the heroine

launches a powerful electrical discharge that manages to stun the android, leaving

in shock for a few minutes while looking for a way out of this situation.

The Scalight sword illuminates with great force, healing the hero's health,

recovering his powers and his stability in his arms. Verb-man se

recovers and is going to take out a blade to kill him, the heroine dodges the attacks

dagger, although the android moves fast, she still doesn't know that a weapon

simple may not hurt him, but he has realized that the dagger he uses

It can be made of the same material that made the gun and is protected with the shield

gold in flames, which completely melts the dagger and damages the hand. Verb-man

He launches bullets, but they also melt into the shield.

Verb-man uses his last resort, turns his hand into a

missile launcher and fires bullets similar to cannon projectiles very

powerful, Shadow dodges them, but they manage to explode buildings and some

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cars. The heroine tries not to be attacked by those bombs since they can

damage it severely.

Due to electricity and the desire to win, Verbo-man launches missiles at

everywhere causing fire and destruction, the police try to stop it,

but he is attacked by the fists of his own robot who warns that the police

They are corrupt for trying to stop their ambitions. Shadow tries to stop him,

but the robot moves from side to side and does roundhouse kicks like crazy.

Verbo-man has detected the heroine and launches a missile at her, he sees it

come and he is scared, but he remembers how many battles he has had, his ancestors

so brave and decides to launch against the missile, with a beam of light to protect it

and with his sword Scalelight manages to destroy and explode the missiles that the

police. When the android sees this, he goes crazy, gets upset and says

repeatedly: - “it can't be, evil surpasses good, it's illogical, I am good.”

you are evil..."-. Shadow lunges at the robot and hits its chest where

has the command center, managing to destroy itself without causing a nuclear explosion.

Verbo-man is left with his last words saying thank you for

defend the law and it goes off, the police see the robot as an attack which they think

destroy, but the heroine asks him to improve it since his human part must

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prevail over his limited robot logic, he is also a person. The police officers

They take her at her word and thank her for saving the city.

Sombra arrives at a garbage dump full of rotten furniture, he is

at night and it's cold, you can't see anything and you can only see the pile of bags of

garbage... Suddenly a shadow monster with a long hat and red eyes comes out,

a shadow being called Hyrone the Evil with spikes on his shoulders. Hyrone

uses his psychic powers and throws the desks at Shadow, who

destroys all objects with his sword, the ghost uses his mental powers

and throws garbage bags but they are destroyed by electric shocks; Being

Shadow uses his mental powers to launch a psychic wave that causes

see ugly things like mutilated people, sadism, frightening things which scares you

a bit like heroin, she tries to control herself from seeing things that take away her control,

He tries to think and launches with his power a ray of light that destroys those visions and

He starts to hit the ghost, but since he is invisible, he doesn't hurt him.

Hyrone uses a dark tornado that attempts to absorb dark energy,

It steals his powers and weakens, then he uses his magic and creates a tornado of

reverse light that cancels the effect of the tornado and disappears it. Hyrone uses his power

to create a magical chain that binds the heroine and binds him, like the chain

It is ethereal and cannot be let go, while the monster absorbs its power...

Sombra tries to free himself while he feels that that chain is burning him a little.

little by little, then increasing his power to the maximum he tries to free himself, but the

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The chain absorbs his power, lowering his strength and he cannot raise his powers.

Then the heroine with her last strength asks the sky for lightning to fall on her and

thus absorbing more energy, until its level increases, destroying the chain


Hyrone uses his black claws that scratch, poisoning the body he

It turns black and evil, but the heroine increases its power of light

healing, he tells him that he has already faced a dark stone and its power is

tiny in comparison. Hyrone gets so angry that he uses his power of

padlock, nullifying Sombra's powers, he cannot use any attacks

magical, his sword goes out, he cannot deliver electric shock or powers

magical, but he also cannot fight against an invisible being, who floats in the air

and laughs at his misfortune.

The ghost floats while releasing dark power that turns the sky brighter.

dark, the trees look horrible and the garbage moves on its own with

mouth, the shadowy being launches dark rays, transforming Shadow into a being

Shadow, he can't use his powers. The heroine tries to attack, but leaves

turning dark and evil, thinking that Scalight is just blocked not

no powers, so there must be a spell to remove the patch. Suddenly

sees that in the etheric body he has produced a magic lock, but it is

invisible. With his last strength he throws himself at the ghost, as if having energy

dark begins to absorb the body of the heroine, who with her last

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forces he sticks his powerless sword into the padlock which begins to fracture,

but nothing happens and the body gradually dissolves into the shadow being.

The sword remains stuck in the padlock, which fractures... Suddenly

He hears a divine voice that says: -"release the power"- and a great beam of light comes out that

destroy the shadow being and completely exterminate it, in addition to reviving it without damage

to the heroine, returning all her powers.

Shadow comes out of that dump having eliminated the evil, following

go ahead to see if there are vestiges of evil, the black air disperses and returns

normal night, suddenly he sees a place similar to a circus tent which is

filled with mattresses and springs on the ceiling, the heroine had never seen anything

similar. When he enters, a shrill and funny voice says: - Hello! I am Syvali

spring girl, from the planet of the jumpers, I do not come to do evil, but yes

You enter you must pay, but I see that you don't have money and I will have to make you pay,

"Jump between my trampolines!!!!!" - Syvali has a purple suit with spring legs

and with spring-wrapped arms, plus a peacock's tail and a peacock's face.

lioness with pink hair and intense blue eyes, as well as grayish skin. Shadow not

He wants to kill her because she is not evil, but he must defeat her to get out of there.

Shadow jumps between the mattresses and ceiling, avoids flying to avoid impact

on the wings, but can't help but jump; then the girl throws some feathers

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peacock like darts, the heroine blocks the attacks with her magic shield and

the darts are twisted, even so, he uses more attacks, but they don't hurt him either

since they are very mild. Syvali laughs and her feathers illuminate by launching rays of light

faint, but are absorbed by Scalight. Syvali uses her strength while jumping

on their springs to launch pointed pencils with their hands, which do not

effect on heroin. Then create some red beings with eyes with bodies

springs called the Spex that only jump trying to hit the heroine who

he dodges them quickly, although he receives some blows from the creatures that

They jump everywhere like crazy while the lioness laughs at them who jump

beating the heroine, until he starts cutting them into parts with his sword

and destroys them. Syvali launches other springs with his hands that are more

small, but they jump high trying to get tangled in the heroine's body,

who dodges them and cuts them too, while continuing to jump.

The girl throws more springs, but they are all cut with the sword,

although some get wrapped around his clothes, but he manages to remove them with difficulty.

Shadow uses his powers and launches a cutting ray that destroys the springs of the

ceiling and those that Syvali throws. The lioness just laughs and says it's funny, so

He jumps with agility and with his springy arms and feet, he propels himself by jumping all over

sides everywhere between the floor and the ceiling and is even propelled from the body of

Shadow jumping everywhere, even hitting with his arms and legs at

the heroine, who cannot avoid it, throws herself and hits her, without being able to defend herself,

He covers himself with his shield and still jumps, without stopping...

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The heroine throws electric shock but still jumps, so she thinks

on how to avoid attacks and stop jumping, since he is very fast... So

He holds the springs on the girl's arms, but they both start jumping around.

everywhere without stopping, the heroine begins to get dizzy, but he does not let go and with

great power manages to release the springs from the lioness's arms, causing the

two separate and fall to the ground while still jumping.

Syvali thinks it's not fun and says that at any moment she could

put those springs back on, so he decides to use his last attack called

the multiple spinning and jumping begins to rotate rapidly on its axis, forming

a spring-tornado that jumps everywhere and hits Shadow

who can't even defend himself, starts to spin around like a girl

spinning top so powerful that it knocks the heroine who falls and jumps between the spring

and she is being hit, her attacks do not damage her to the top, she tries to hold her but

It spins with everything and it, besides the electric shock does nothing to it. The girl

top tries to spin hitting everything, Sombra doesn't know how to stop her...

Until he increases his strength and begins to hold her tightly, even if it costs him,

to force her arrest, after a while he manages to stop her, leaving him without

motion. But Syvali launches herself again in the form of a top and the heroine

launches a lunge with its wings, making the top rotate in the direction

Opposite and with its rotating speed, destroy all the springs. After that

It launches freezing power that stops it in an ice cube that within seconds

It explodes and breaks free, stopping the spin.

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Sivaly tells the heroine that her end has come, to kill her as she wants, but

She just wants to get out of there and that's it, so she tells him not to kill her and she can

keep jumping, but she says she misses her world which is a planet with a floor

of springs, then the heroine opens a magical portal and returns her to her world

along with the Spex, she is so happy that she jumps with Sombra and hugs her a lot,

Then he goes to his world and the heroine continues his journey.

Shadow continues traveling across the planet, when he encounters

with a land full of garbage, destroyed forests, dead animals, rivers

contaminated, where there are two beings who are nearby destroying the

planet, one is a golden skeleton of soldier-type oval helmet, clothing

Tight reddish metal, with thrusters and a trash can behind his back,

He has a hose on his arm, the so-called Pozoña the pollutant. The other

He is a guerrilla with long black hair, a yellow hat, a military suit and boots.

cowgirls, his name is Zonwar Metallix, the “god of war.”

Poison goes towards Sombra after having contaminated the air with

its propellers, the water with the hose and throwing garbage, everything was

contaminated and life died in the place, Sombra vows to avenge the death of

all the animals. Pozoña throws septic water with his hose trying

damage the hero, he moves at high speed avoiding the attack of that

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water that can “make him sick,” the heroine avoids poisonous water, which produces

an ugly and unpleasant smell, plus it is mixed with putrid chemicals,

everything he touches becomes stinky.

Shadow uses his magical powers to evaporate the water using his

wings of fire that evaporate everything in their path, however, they produce odors

terribly disgusting, heroin cannot smell, but all beings

They smell the stench of the place around them, so Ponzoña uses his hose at high

speed and shoots a propelled jet of water poisoned with toxins and

stench, this is dirtying everything that is on the pass, it is

destroying the putrid juices of whatever is found. Shadow is

absorbed by the disgusting whirlwind that does not kill him or make him sick, but

It bothers him to be in a place with great pollution, so he says that he has

faced worse whirlwinds, increasing his powers and with his wings dried

all the bad smell.

Pozoña launches another tornado, but before it passes Shadow is transported

quickly and cuts the water shooter with his Scalight sword, leaving it

unusable, then the being is going to hit Shadow with its skeleton fist,

but the heroine, with his strength, gives him a strong kick that knocks him down hard.

into the contaminated water where it is submerged. Poison comes out of the water,

saying that don't think it's finished yet, then with its thrusters

It releases poisonous gas, a powerful smelly, toxic and horrible gas, that gas goes

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killing all life in its path, even plants dry up and die,

Living beings suffocate from so much stinking bad smell. Due to the powers

magic, Shadow has no effect on said attack.

The atmosphere is turning black and toxic due to the propellants

of pollution, a greenhouse layer is formed that darkens everything, that

gas produces lung cancer and severe damage, however, Shadow does not arise

effects, although the gas gives him heat, so he uses the magic air stone to

launch a tornado of air so powerful that it disperses the bad smell and

contamination, then use the water stone to call for rain, sweeping away

with pollution. Ponzoña gets angry, he curses that his beloved

pollution is being destroyed little by little, so with the power of

his tanks tries to pollute more, but due to excess power he

overload their ejectors and they explode due to use, all the gas is washed by

the rain and the skeleton momentarily turns black, but it cleans itself with its

evil powers.

Sombra tells Ponzoña to give up because his attacks are not

strong, then he throws with his magic garbage can, garbage that flies

magically from the garbage can trying to attack, some garbage bags

They smell terrible, others are attacks of plastic and metal in waste, heroin

avoid some debris, others are destroyed by Scalight's light rays,

but that garbage manages to contaminate the ground, becoming a dirty place.

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Ponzoña tells him that, if he wants to be buried alive, he uses his garbage can.

magical and with his powers he makes a large mountain of garbage come out that manages

hitting him, attacks him leaving him under tons of garbage. Pozoña laughs,

He mocks that since it's trash it should stay there. Shadow is buried beneath

of land and garbage. Ponzoña thinks he won, but suddenly a power of

very powerful light among the garbage, destroying everything in its path and disintegrating

all the garbage, Shadow coming out with his powers illuminating his body.

Pozoña orders the trash to bury him again, but with his speed

cuts through all the bags and moves at a fast speed, hitting in one

fist at the skeleton who throws it hard, it sinks into the trash.

Poison comes out and curses Shadow, saying that he fed on the desire for

seeing animals die, killing plants; takes out a knife thirsty for

blood and tries to pierce Shadow, saying that this is how he eliminated lions and

elephants because despite everything it is a metallic being. When you stab the knife

doubles due to Sombra's powers, this surprises the monster who throws

a fishing net, but with the sword, the heroine cuts it and tells him to give up.

Pozoña has no choice but to bite it to put bacteria in it.

decomposers, but in doing so suffers from an electrical attack so strong that

leaves it charred on the ground, the monster accepts defeat and dissolves

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as if they were ashes. The heroine takes her sword, seeing that everything has returned to normal.

normality, sunlight and pollution goes away, but with its powers of

light casts a ray reviving plants and animals, who restore beauty

to the site, after that he leaves with his sword crossing the mountain because

Zonwar Metallix left the site.

He crosses the mountain until he sees an old white fort where there are

cowboys and dead indigenous people everywhere, while searching for Zonwar

Metallix appears behind him and tells him to avenge his father Masterstrunk.

(being a young version of him), then let him prepare to fight. Shade

He decides to fight with all his might against the mustache.

Zonwar Metallix launches a series of bombs, grenades, mines and Shadow

He crosses them as if nothing had happened, then takes out guns to shoot him from

different angles, but it cannot damage it in any way. Shadow tells him

that, if it were Tamura, Lyull or Venusoria I could have a chance to kill him with

those bombs, but with his heroic figure it is not possible.

Zonwar Metallix takes out a boomerang to throw it, but the heroine

quickly dodges the device's attacks, then with his Scalight sword

he cuts him in two, making the warrior angry. When Shadow approaches

He tells him not to kill him, which is a trick to attack, the heroine tells him that

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no but let him leave, making Zonwar Metallix take out a knife and give it to him.

stab in the back, causing the warrior to be electrocuted and left lying in

the ground somewhat dizzy. Zonwar Metallix recovers, commenting that thanks to

His military power killed the soldiers and Indians, but not only his power lies

up in arms, he takes off his vest and shows off his muscular, robot-like body that

launches into a hand-to-hand fight, Sombra fights against the warrior who

moves very fast in a duel of fast fists and fast kicks, they move

quickly between the entire site while strong blows are given as they move like two

powerful ghosts

Zonwar Metallix wants revenge for his father's death, increases

his powers and begins to recharge power, then launches a laser attack from

his eyes called “Fiery Salerm” that fiercely attacks Shadow

hitting him aggressively. The heroine gets up and is attacked again by the

laser, thus for many times it is hit strongly while

He tries to get up and is attacked by those laser beams. Shadow rises before

being attacked, he puts up the shield that reflects the laser rays, protecting himself from multiple

attacks from that cowboy... Zonwar Metallix tries to shoot, but the rays

deflected to other sides, then launches a large beam to try to pierce the

shield, but because it has been broken a thousand times, it is now stronger than before,

causing Zonwar Metallix to lose laser beam powers.

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Sombra tells him the truth about his father, who tried to end the

world, but Zonwar Metallix is interested in nothing more than believing its truth, so

that he must avenge him no matter what the cost; becomes invisible like a ghost,

The hero can't see him, but he can feel his blows, he is lifted into the air

and he is thrown, he is taken by the leg and he spins the heroine in the air, he throws him

strongly to the ground.

Shadow tries to attack him, but he cannot see him and as the being moves at

high speed is hit hard by the Robotic fists of that being

who comments that his father gave him that body after a friend of

Shadow called “Neoncrome” exploded half his body, the magic could not

do nothing, but the technology of the Gunless industry repaired his body, so

fight evil, only he spent years training with Zophar in another

world. The heroine clarifies that this is not the case and that Neoncrome was defeated,

In addition to being friends with Krimbell Vortax and his father, Zonwar Metallix says that

It is impossible and hits hard with greater speed to defeat him.

Shadow launches an electric beam at the ground, which emerges powerfully over

all the terrain, making the warrior become visible and fall defeated.

Zonwar Metallix uses his final resource, concentrating his magic by launching a

very powerful magical power called secret magic, causing there to be

explosions like fireworks, psychedelic images of skulls and

multiple explosions that trap Shadow in a time dimension

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dark, suffering those effects that affect his mind... while receiving

spike-like rays that hit him in the body. The warrior is angry

for the death of his “kind” father, causing him to use an electrical power

evil that traps Shadow to absorb his powers.

While this is happening, the ghost of the deceased Llyul Van Gogh appears,

dying 30 years ago before Shadow's descendant was born, he tells

Zonwar Metallix that his father or brother was a liar and

fraudulent, shows him everything he did by making him hold his head, in

That's why the heroine increases her powers to the maximum, destroying the dimension

temporary, seeing the confusion the heroine launches and with the attack of multiple

Luminous fists hit him hard and knocked him to the ground.

Zonwar Metallix is left lying on the ground, cursing how many years

He lost believing in his father, to the point of obtaining eternal life

technologically, at that Llyul takes his hand, taking his nephew to the other

life where you can be happy and rest. They both go to heaven to the afterlife,

as they say goodbye to Sombra.

Shadow rests a little, he is going to leave the mountain, but Swordmaster

appears on his way, tells him that they want to have one last friendly duel, the

heroine accepts and they fight with their swords in a tournament that lasts a long time

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where the little one teaches him everything he has learned, using turns, attacks

of sword, multiple blades, swordsman techniques and sword barrier, see

how much he has learned. Shadow lets himself be won out of charity, tells him that he is a good

duel of swords and retires very happily flying over the sky until heading to the

sacred temple of Tamura. The heroine continues her path to defeat evil.

Sombra recovers his energy and sets out to travel to a tropical island in

middle of the ocean, it is lonely and full of flora and fauna, surrounded by seas

where you can see the seagulls and dolphins. Upon arrival he begins to rest

hours in the sunlight, singing songs. It transforms for a moment

to get into the water and spend a nice day on the beach. After a few hours

The afternoon arrives and he transforms again to walk towards an area not

explored. As he walks he encounters a woman with dark skin, eyes

black, dark hair who is in a bikini suit doing yoga

holding one hand on a board stuck in the sand, nor with the arrival

of the heroine is unmoved, he leaves her alone, but then he receives a greeting from her to

tell him that he has come from afar to train, so he wants a fight

heals to see if her practice is effective, Sombra accepts, but is afraid of hurting her.

because she is a normal human.

The girl named Mandy calls a magical white hooded suit and

that looks like the ku klux klan, with a red cross symbol, but has a face

kind and sleepy, the suit comes from the sea and he puts it on like armor, not

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He seems to have weapons more than a king's trident. She calls herself now

Chinchín, apparently he is not moving and seems to have fallen asleep...

Shadow does not want to attack a being that seems asleep, however,

Chinchín tells her to attack with her hand without speaking to her, she agrees and launches herself.

attack flying towards the girl with the hood, but she doesn't even move

She seems asleep, but when he goes to hit her she moves quickly and dodges the

Shadow's powerful attack.

Shadow continues to attack with his fists, but she continues to dodge the

attacks, although it does nothing, it moves at an impressive speed

capable of rivaling the heroine who moves boldly. Chinchín

moves dodging any attack without attacking at any time, then

Shadow uses the electric shock, but she puts her staff on the floor

making land and eliminating the powers that overwhelm it, yet it suffers the

effect, but he resists due to his brutal training on cliffs and in

the cold mountains, enduring the rain, heat, winds and snow, I even train in

the bottom of the sea.

Chinchín does not move, Sombra gets tired for a moment and thinks that

the girl is just playing with him, so she asks if she can attack which

Sombra affirms, thinking that he can't do anything, without realizing it, he

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He approaches super quickly and punches the girl in the face with orange fire.

heroin, then jumps over trees and launches himself, kicking him multiple times in

the belly to finish off by throwing it to the ground where she is surprised by how


Shadow can't believe it from a simple human, she tells him no.

You want mastery of nothing, not even money, just put your training to the test.

because she is the daughter of Kaurameshi, Shadow's former enemy but who,

Unlike his father, he does not have evil in his veins. The heroine thinks that

It was a touch of luck, she uses her sword and attacks, but the girl

dodge any attack, then use his spear which looks more like a scepter,

holding the sword without being able to move it, then attacks with an attack called

Freeze freezes Shadow in black ice, and pulls him back strongly.

with a spin and kick that takes her off the ice, but sore from the big attack, the

black ice absorbs energy.

Sombra gets up thinking that as a person anyone can

hit him as if it were nothing, he looks at his rival to analyze his weak point but does not

finds none, then using the water stone he manages to create a “giant cube of

“water” temporarily, both warriors getting into the wall of water.

Sombra then uses his powers to move over the bottom of the water,

believing that Chinchín will not be able to, in fact, Chinchín remains floating... Without

However, his body becomes plastic and in the shape of a coffin, he moves over the

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water moving his feet and as if it were a boat in the water he manages to hit

Sombra several times as if he were headbutting him several times, even managing to

take it out of the water to fall on the surface, thinking what kind of

training he has received to obtain magical power. The dimension of water

fades away and are put back on land, where Chinchín returns to its form


Chinchín throws thick beaks with his scepter which hold

Shadow, gluing it to a tree without being able to make it move. The heroine

She says that's enough of games, but she just says that she has proven not

have enough power to defeat her. She turns around and Shadow lets go.

of the hooks, she realizes that she has a mistake and that is that she is too trusting

of his power.

Sombra gets off and attacks Chinchín again, but she only

moves little, gives a blow to the stomach which lowers the energy, then gives it a

elbow in the back, throws her into the air and finishes with a flying kick. But

How does he have such power? If she is a simple human. In fact, the suit gives

natural power but also neutralizes natural attacks, absorbing the

energy from its enemies, but also shortens the life of its wearer, without knowing


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Shadow increases his powers to the maximum, becoming luminous of

level 5X, he attacks again, dodges the attacks, but due to the level

speed the heroine finally manages to punch him in the cheek,

throwing her hard backwards, to be hit by a flying kick

who throws it into a palm tree, damaging the warrior.

Chinchín says that she is powerful that no one can surpass her power,

She opens her eyes, which are reddish, asking for all the power in her suit and turning her

more powerful than ever, she launches an attack fighting with great strength and power,

They fight strongly with their fists and fierce kicks. Shadow must increase

more and more level, just as Chinchín does, the difference is that the

heroine gained powers because of her ancestors, but the dark power of

Chinchín is making her older and sicker.

Chinchín launches a powerful laser beam with his cross, Shadow against

attacks with a powerful electric discharge, both rays collide powerfully

in a power struggle, where the two fight strongly, the rays collide and

They finally explode. Chinchín uses his magic to launch dark ice, which is

freezing but destructive, Sombra uses the ice crystal and counterattacks,

both powers collide and destroy each other, then the heroine uses her sword

Scalight and launches a beam of light so powerful that it defeats her.

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Chinchín asks for more power, but her suit abandons her and she disintegrates.

the power of the light, then she is like an old woman with cancer, falling weak and

Dying, he thanks Shadow for the battle, saying that he finally lost...

She falls asleep, but with Scalight's powers she recovers her health and

youth while she sleeps, she thanks him for having met her.

Shadow crosses a time portal of light and meets the

vestiges of an ancient Greek city destroyed and without inhabitants, remains

looking around in the place at night where there is no one... between walls and

all the temples see no one, until a voice says: -“So you are the

legendary hero, well I will see if you are worthy of carrying the sacred sword, I do not

I belong to evil but I am a legendary warrior who carries my sword

powerful of the Greek gods, I challenge you to a battle where only one of

we will emerge victorious.” Sombra accepts and the character enters the place of the

Greek temple with a big jump.

Sombra enters the sacred temple and goes to prepare for battle, in

one of which one of the two will be the winner. Being similar to a

panther with strong muscles, with protruding horns, Roman armor

green eyes and walks bipedally, the legendary warrior is known as Syurano

of hundreds of ancient battles, they launch themselves to fight against each other, although the

warrior has no special powers (only 4).

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Sombra and Syurano begin to fight with their swords with great

strength and power, they fight strongly while both swords emit glows

powerful that form great flashes, fight with great strength and agility

that both swords are very powerful and legendary, they are so strong

impacts that illuminate making the Parthenon shine. They fight while looking at each other

their faces and fight with great courage, courage and above all pride.

The battle continues with great force, the sword blows are very

powerful, the legendary sword of the creature called Caliber is very

powerful and emits rays from the god Zeus, they fight fiercely each with their

swords, however, neither of them seems to give since they are weapons

divine, the sword has a blade similar to a spear.

A great time goes by in the battle and both do not want to give up, but

They are both tired of fighting after 2 continuous hours of battling with

their swords, both are at the same level, but there is no way for either of them to give in to

be defeated and both swords have leveled up rather.

Sombra tells him that it is useless since both swords are sacred by

which neither of the two are going to be defeated, the warrior agrees and

He thinks they better put away their swords. So they decide to fight physically

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one against another in a duel of fury and power, where they fight with their strong

fists and integrated forces, they fight by giving each other strong blows that make them

give way and even both Sombra and Syurano fall on the walls of the Parthenon,

Their blows are so brutal and powerful that they fight, hurting themselves badly,

They throw themselves against each other to fight to prove who is the best of all.

Shadow falls, but gets up, they continue fighting with great power and

intensity, like two powerful warriors who move quickly, as

that Syurano is capable of running at supersonic speeds, it is too

fast so much so that Shadow must level his power since he was being

hit hard without being able to detect it.

Sombra launches to attack with the electric discharge, but the great

Syurano launches a powerful attack called drain that absorbs all the

powers, causing no elemental attacks to damage him, this makes him unable to

can be burned or electrocuted by magic. Sombra decides then

physically attack. Syurano tells him that it is time for his attack and says: - “flash

angel”, which is a ray of light so powerful that it hits the points of

energy and throws her hard backwards, hitting her on a wall.

Sombra gets up and believes that she was just caught off guard, and goes to attack.

but Syurano throws the angel flash, Sombra covers himself with his wings and still

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Thus she is beaten with everything and her protection, being wounded in battle. attacks him

on several occasions without being able to defend herself, until it leaves her very weak. HE

rises, but is hit again by the light, which leaves him lying almost without

forces. Shadow is somewhat weak but does not want to give up, remembers that he must

save the universe from the last two beings, think quickly and attack,

is where Syurano launches his angel flash attack and with his sword

Scalight learns the drainage technique, absorbing all the powerful light and

neutralizing the light attack.

Syurano tells him that he was once a legendary warrior in a

thousand-year battle where the Acarids, a nearby town of humans,

attacked with great aggression and killed his family, deciding to train from

adolescence to being an elderly adult, since he is 600 years old and he defeated

that army with 2% of its power, since those beings only used armor

weak, so after many centuries he was the only survivor due to

to which Zeus granted him immortality. Sombra asks him for help to be his

descendant, but tells him that if he leaves there he can disappear since in

theory he should be dead, the real time effect would kill him.

They continue fighting with their strength and speed until they finish

tired on the ground and without any energy to fight, still, he thanks him

of being a worthy rival, Syurano tells him the same and comments that he is the only one so

strong capable of defeating him, although in the past he had to fight against a

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trilobites and a tiger demon (referring to Trilangerbero and Krimbell Vortax),

who managed to stop the evil Shogun's invasion, but preferred to leave

rather than dominating a site without anyone.

They both get up to fight, Syurano teaches the hero a technique

that he learned from a blonde girl, with his snout he throws some kind of petals

poisonous rose blacks that surround the hero and take away his energy,

They stick as if they were adhesive without being able to move it. Shadow can't free himself

of those parasitic petals, it is not even useful to burn them since they absorb the

fire, so his wings also begin to weaken, Syurano tells him that

It is absurd that the legendary hero allows himself to be manipulated by such a weak and

which is not even his, yet the two battles had diminished his


Sombra begins to weaken, to lose consciousness and Syurano

He says that if he can't fight, he's going to die peacefully since he can't

make a “hero” save himself. Sombra decides that if he is going to die he will

fighting, he tells his sword to increase its maximum power, causing the

roses are completely destroyed, surprising the mutant.

Sombra has increased her powers, she tells Syurano to attack her

again but the panther's fists can't hurt him any and it's so

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fast with the sword that manages to dodge it, upon seeing this he is surprised and is

attacked by the multiple luminous fists that throw him towards the wall and


Syurano stands up, is impressed by how powerful the hero is and how

congratulate; However, he still lacks a magical power that will astonish and delight him.

defeat. The mutant joins his hands and says: - “star ray” - making

small rays come out in the shape of comets that strongly hit the

Sombra and they throw him into a very injured wall. The hero gets up, but returns to

be attacked by the star beam, like this several times until she is badly beaten and

injured, she tries to attack the star beam with her electric discharge, but it is

impossible and is severely beaten again in battle.

Syurano tells him that if he can't beat his last attack, it's because

is not strong enough or believes that the battle cannot be won, the hero

He is unconscious thinking how he can defeat an attack

divine… He remembers the battles, but he has never faced such a power

Fast as the star attack.

While he sleeps, he imagines a bunch of giant stars

They come towards him, so he is afraid of being hit... But in his dreams

Lyull appears and eliminates the stars with a brushstroke, the hero is amazed

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about it, but he knows that he does not have a brush, however, the magician tells him that

When an object is fast it takes something faster to beat it like a

comet, so he opens his eyes and stands up to face that creature.

Syurano thinks he is a fool, so he throws the lightning again

stellar, the hero with his luminous fists at high speed asks Scalight

have the speed of a thousand kites, making his fists move so

fast as light and temporarily become comets, thus

destroy the stars and fiercely attack Syurano's shell, giving it

an uppercut to finish off and thus she emerges victorious.

Syurano gets up hurt, approaches and shakes Shadow's hand,

telling him that he is a great warrior (he doesn't know that she is a woman), it was the last mission

that he needed to rest, his body begins to become millions of

stars that go to heaven, saying goodbye to the hero to rest in the

cosmos for an eternity, tells him that if one day he is born again we will be

rivals again. Sombra becomes quite sad since he was a great friend and

fighter, saying that he will never forget this battle of honor. Finally, the

portal opens to return back to your world ready for another battle.

When Shadow leaves the portal he meets Fusion, the former

warrior who is no longer made of lava but of mercury, with a silver face and alone

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It has eyes without a mouth. Knowing the knowledge of his ancestor, he sets out to

attack, but the mutant turns into liquid, avoiding being cut.

In his Mercury form he appears and gives him a super punch in the

chin throwing the heroine hard to the ground. He gets up to go attack,

but it melts again and disappears, then appears again and receives a

Neo-Fusion stretchable arm cuff. He also attacks with his fists

giants, beak-hands, huge kicks and blows in the shape of several balls of


Shadow starts to fight with his sword, but he manages to dodge the attack.

mercury and gets into the streets, then hits again strongly with

multiple giant quicksilver strong fists that throw Shadow into the sky and he falls

to the ground crushed by a giant fist of mercury. Gets up and throws

electric shock, but it does nothing, rather it becomes energized and attacks again

appearing beneath him and turning into a giant log that hits with great

intensity causing the heroine to be very beaten, she falls to the ground again.

Shadow with his little strength gets up, starts to attack, but notices

who cannot move since his feet are tied as if by a substance

sticky in the form of mercury mucus that does not allow it to move, then it is

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hit by hundreds of mercury balls that hurt her severely

for many minutes while they absorb energy without being able to move.

Sombra is being beaten and just wants to rest from all this,

It has been years of fighting in a mission of no return, he has not even been able to

live his normal life because of so many demons and mutants. The balls of

Mercury join together and form two shields that begin to hit her from side to side.

side, as if they were going to crush her from both sides, without being able to move since

His arms are still imprisoned without being able to move.

Fusion has almost won the battle and is having fun, training in

other things like baseball bat, boxing gloves, ancient warriors

made of mercury, even terrifying giant faces, while the heroine

He loses energy without being able to get up, falling weak and not wanting to fight.

Fusion has turned his hand into some kind of giant blade about to

pierce her chest with evil power, to poison her and have a death

horrendous intoxicated. When he goes to attack her, the heroine, with her little strength,

He releases his hands and holds the sword of mercury with the palm of them.

avoiding being cut by it, she struggles against this weapon while telling him that

It is not yet time to give up and pay for everything, even if it costs you


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Fusion pulls back and lunges again with his cutting edge, but

On an impulse, Scalight comes out illuminating and with his magical power he cuts the hand.

Fusion magically, causing him to be unable to restore it, this makes him angry

to the mutant. The sword reaches Shadow's hands and with the power of light

destroy all the sticky power while shining like a star.

Shadow looks at his sword and with that advanced luminous power he goes

attacking the creature, destroying atoms with each touch, causing it

cuts on the body that cannot be regenerated and are gradually disappearing

little by little being left without an arm and without a leg. Fusion decides to escape by forming

Mercury again, but then he thinks of his pride and becomes a

giant, Fusion made of mercury, ready to attack Shadow with his power.

Shadow launches himself with the illuminating power of his sword that shines brightly.

power and pierces through Fusion's inner body, releasing such great power

that completely dries and destroys every molecule of Fusion who goes

completely disappearing. The heroine goes down to the ground and that power restores her

all the energy.

When Shadow is near a wooded area, among the canopies

trees, a being similar to a cricket in a kung-fu suit appears, calls

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Shadow and tells him that this is a descendant of Tamura, but that he wants to try

their powers, but the only way is to fight in a battle where the two

They will test their powers, Sombra accepts the battle. Shadow and the cricket

called Kan-fuusemide, just over five feet tall, they both fight

powerfully with its forces, only the cricket is more skillful, it jumps and hits

very powerful roundhouse kicks, the cricket is too strong and skillful, so

In fact, he is an expert in jumping and attacking. Shadow moves fast to fight

against him, while telling him that his planet was destroyed by the Mother

Spider who has left his arachnoid offspring to kill, so he plans

definitively defeat them. Shadow wants to help, but he tells him no, it's

his duty so he must defeat him or die trying.

Kan-fuusemide uses his powers creating rays of fire that attack

strongly to Sombra, despite having resisted the powers of Hephaestus, his

magic manages to attack him fiercely, since it is magical fire. Shadow attacks with

its electric shock which is immune, achieving, doing effective damage.

Kang-fu tells Shadow to shoot more bolts of electricity, the

heroine does not want to hurt him, but tells him not to have compassion and continue

launching powerful rays, the heroine takes the floor and launches several discharges

electric, the cricket gets on the ground to resist fiercely, tries to be

strong against electric shocks by concentrating and resisting pain.

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Kan-fuusemide comes out of the attack, tells him that thanks because he has

learned a new attack because he resisted its weakness, so he uses his

senses and launches a large electric shock attack that returns to where

Shadow, but he has learned to launch electric attacks. Combine the two

attacks (electricity and fire), launching both at Sombra who increases

quickly of power resisting both.

Kan-fuusemide uses his strength and launches into the fight with great speed,

skill with his spinning kicks, powerful attacks with fast fists,

integrated strength of his agile body, although thin he is, he is very strong but not

enough to defeat him, Sombra tries to contain the forces with his rival,

but he decides that he should not do it, he fights with great courage against the warrior. He

The problem is that heroin is too advanced for Kan-fuusemida who remains silent

pain with only the desire to improve and be the best.

Kan-fuusemide is tired of fighting, although I manage to give him some

attacks Shadow, who recognizes that he is a formidable warrior, is

thinking that he will possibly have to put in more effort to beat him. HE

concentrates, meditates and observes some weak points, but does not find many, so

In fact, he uses his magic ordering a gigantic stone to fall on Sombra.

to “smash” it slightly, but instead of a stone appearing, a

gigantic chocolate, which, if the attack is effective, but not fatal. the heroine

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With his powers he frees himself, but tells him that the attack that has occurred on him is very strange.

given, the cricket tells him that he does not control his magic well and with disappointment

He decides to go to a high cave that is located on a mountain while jumping.

Shadow follows him, not knowing that he is in the domain where the

cricket, a dark place where there is only a wheelbarrow that moves slowly as

mining, in a black site, that forklift only moves in a rectangular shape

and through corridors, the heroine climbs, she almost sees nothing and that is when the cricket Kan-

fuusemide launches into the fight with his kicks and flying punches trying

throw Shadow into the holes below that lead to a floor full of stones, the

heroine is fast, she dodges the cricket's kicks and fists.

The heroine decides to fly, thinking that she won't be able to do anything to her, but

To the surprise, Kan-fuusemida takes out his dragonfly-like wings, they launch themselves to attack each other.

the two with their wing attacks in the darkness to see which of them will fall

down to their defeat, but neither of them wants to give up. Kan-fuusemide

launches a sphere of powerful light that transforms into lightning, an attack

called golden light or kyenhem as they call it on your planet, that ray is

capable of destroying anything, however, it can only be used once

Every 3 hours, the heroine launches her powerful beam of light that collide

strongly that produces an explosion so strong that the cave is destroyed,

Both warriors leave there safely.

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As they fly, Kan-fuusemide uses her long nails to try to

pierce Shadow with his blades, he moves at high speed trying

dodge powerful metal nails, dodge attacks at high speed,

Although he is carelessly pecked, he accidentally electrifies the cricket, apologizing.

As a last attack, he uses his cricket legs and launches a sonic attack

dizzying and hypnotic that manages to stun the heroine, Sombra has headaches

head and is not concentrated, she becomes totally stunned... when the cricket

approaches to give him the final blow, neglects the attack and the heroine increases her

powers becoming immune to sound, getting up and waiting for the new

stroke. Kan-fuusemide stands up and shakes his hand, thanking him for the

battle, remaining friends, at dusk they retire, saying goodbye where

He is going to defend his world.

Shadow arrives flying to the inhospitable south pole, where only snow is seen,

penguins and sea lions, in short, apparently there is no evil being around

view. Suddenly, a cartoon polar bear appears, wearing a suit similar to a

pajamas, very happy eyes, very fat with wide shoes, he was a being

two-dimensional and had a lump on his back. Apparently Shadow doesn't care

It matters a lot what the bear does and he lies down on the ice to rest, without

However, the bear starts singing ridiculously, he starts jumping, dancing and

laugh like an idiot. Shadow just looks at the being, he knows that it is not evil, although

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is not of that size, on one occasion he slips and falls into the sea, remaining in

an ice, again it is eaten by a shark, but it comes out through the mouth and escapes

spinning around, he does cartoon tricks like running fast, things fall on him, and

It just changes shape, makes funny faces.

Suddenly, he spots Shadow and goes towards her, he tells him that, if he can play,

but the heroine doesn't want to, just relax and eat ice cream, then the bear Bayri

makes a giant ice cream appear from the sky that crushes Shadow, causing him to

laugh like a fool. Shadow comes out of the ice cream with his powers and tells him no.

He has time to deal with a fool, he retires to a mountain. Bayri thinks about

have some more fun, then he pulls out a golf kit from his bag, shooting

balls everywhere, many are thrown hitting the heroine who uses her

magnetic power to repel all, following your rest. The unruly bear

He sees that it's not fun and takes out an FM radio to start dancing, he plays it so

hard that disturbs the peace of Sombra who launches an electric ray that explodes him

totally, it tells the being that it is unbearable; Bayri uses his belly to hit

Sombra hits him with his belly, but the warrior goes to a distant point since he

You look very stupid to be an enemy.

After a few minutes the bear is not seen, but after a while it appears in a

type of skateboard, moving around and screaming, Shadow thinks he's going

to continue irritating the place, so he decides to go to a cloud to rest, seeing

that boring situation, Bayri takes out a small toy plane to fly

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mounted on this, who, being magical, manages to support the weight and go to put it

nicknames to the heroine, saying: “hey hey wey wey you have the face of a spider

bitter, put on a cap, decrepit old man, you look like I vomited on you

a cat, plus your knife looks like a covered stick, pay attention to me cork oak

and stupid” -. Sombra gets upset and tells him that he needs respect, but Bayri

It seems like he doesn't understand anything except his own fun.

Bayri takes out scare mothers-in-law and confetti to cheer up Sombra, takes out a

cake and throws it in Shadow's face, then makes him dance and throws him into the sea.

The heroine gets angry and tells him that's enough, she gets angry and tells him to get out of her

view because it is very irritating. Bayri tears up and leaves, she tells him that only

He wanted to have fun because he was kicked out of his comic dimension

accidentally, without being able to return, if it doesn't make you laugh it can disappear.

Shadow understanding the situation, tells him to make him laugh and do

jokes, while thinking about helping him. Bayri eats a bomb and breaks into

many pieces, but he returns to his original posture, then starts running in

a kart car all over the beach, jumps and holds on to some balloons (all of this

takes out of the magic package), flying in the sky and laughing. Apparently he began to

Shadow falls better, just like she does to that bear, who looks at him from below.

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Suddenly, the revived Spider Mother appears behind Shadow again.

bite Shadow, but the bear comes down and with his speed takes out a magic mallet,

crushing the demonic one, which leaves it like a coin, then turns it into

a basketball and plays with it for a while. The heroine tells him that

being is dangerous, but Bayri doesn't care, he says that apart from his delay

maturational, that mutant is the one who was to blame for having taken her out of her

universe, takes out a giant boot and gives it a magical kick that knocks it away from the

continent to the other side of the world, where it is humiliated that a being of

cartoon I defeated her easily.

Sombra asks her why she never used her powers against her, Bayri tells him.

He says he liked her, so he gives her some magical flowers. In that he saw in the

ground a Spider Mother portal transporter that he left lying around, opening the

portal to the cartoon universe, where his friends call the bear, who

With a hug and a handshake he goes to his universe, thanking him.

Sombra rests at the pole, the next day he returns to the city a

while... he arrives at a place similar to an abandoned asylum and sees that the

people with mental problems were killed or even cut open in

experiments... the heroine walks stealthily through the corridors without

be careful since apparently there is a dangerous person or demon there, so

He soon sees an apple-like sphere that explodes and throws a sleeping pill.

powerful that makes him sleep and falls into an unconscious state.

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When she wakes up she finds herself in an asylum bed with her hands tied and

feet, in front of him is a scientist in a white suit similar to that of the

madhouse, with green head, black eyes, very long arms and gloves

black men with long boots, with dark brown pants whose name is Locker who

has tied up to do experiments with his scalpel and his injections, he

He says she will be his guinea pig so stay still or he will kill her.

The heroine greatly increases her powers and manages to free herself

powerfully with his strength, letting go of the bed and tells him that it will not be

easy to have so get ready to battle. Locker uses forces throwing

lethal injections containing anesthesia and other psychotropic products,

Shadow covers himself with his golden shield from those poisonous potions that

They twist their needles into it, then deliver an electric shock, but

Locker usually absorbs them since he's a green-faced nut and a

experiment of other scientists, then he throws himself into a big hug.

heroine trying to squeeze him with her brutal forces, holding him tight,

but Shadow resists. The scientist with his unbalanced face increases his

strength, but the heroine increases her powers by increasing her body and achieves

release to finally pull it back with a martial arts hold.

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Locker gets up and throws a stretcher, but the flying heroine dodges it,

then throws a very heavy manhole cover, but is cut in two by the

Scalight sword. Locker gets furious and starts fighting Shadow with

her fists and kicks while the heroine also fights hard and

attacking with their maximum forces in a very powerful and tough battle, the

Two warriors are determined to win at any cost in battle.

Both warriors are tired and stay on one side, so

Locker starts throwing dangerous potions with his hands that are

highly dangerous, heroin increases its level by not being

harm at all.

The scientist jumps between scaffolding with great agility, trying

flee, Shadow follows him flying between them while avoiding those who begin to

fall, others are cut by his Scalight sword, Locker runs between the

buildings while Sombra follows her, until they reach the TV studio

newstest where in the middle of a show they start fighting with their forces

while being watched by viewers who increase the ratings, Locker launches his

scalpel needles but the heroine covers herself and delivers an electric shock which makes

energize the scientist.

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Locker uses his final attack called the mental ray which makes

Sombra dance and sing like it's a disco, then the crazy man dances with Sombra

while he is in a trance and then after he comes out of it, the battle continues, but

He is already immune to the mental ray. Locker spins in the air and moves on top

of heroin like a seesaw between him making him dizzy, then he takes some blocks

heavy and throws them at Sombra, but she destroys them with the Scalight sword.

The madman tells some riddles and complicated sayings, which makes him

careless and the heroine gives him a strong fist on the chin that defeats him by falling

to the ground, while laughing because he thinks he has won. The police take him to

asylum while the people celebrate that Sombra defeated him, being seen everywhere

the world of that incredible battle, saying: -"I am the best"-.

Shadow walks through a dark place in the streets that same night

on some marginal streets fighting crime and the mafia, he sees nothing...

but he hears the growls of an angry dog, and he sees eyes in the dark.

very bright reds that are approaching, then he runs quickly with a

wolf howl and starts coming like a running animal, the heroine gets

alert since he cannot see the body, but realizes that it is the Kurchev wolf

who comes with great fury and dangerous teeth to kill the heroine, who

He tries to dodge it but the wolf is very fast and manages to run at speed hitting

the heroine giving him strong attacks on the legs that throw him into the air and he falls

several times while running.

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Shadow tries to attack, but the being hides in the shadows and

jumps attacking with chest blows that manages to scratch her with fury, while not

He sees nothing in that dark place that smells of drugs and death. So, the

heroine begins to dodge the aggressive wolf while trying to avoid his scratches


Kurchev launches himself with his paws to bite the heroine who holds him down.

his arms and begins to struggle while the being tries to bite him with its teeth.

sharp and dangerous in a battle of strength of their hands against their paws and

teeth of the aggressive creature. Shadow launches electric shock but does not

stops, then they continue fighting strongly against each other, the heroine throws him

driven by great force, but it returns and they struggle again while the

wolf tries to eat him.

Shadow uses the power of his sword and throws a powerful beam of light at him.

which seriously pities him, since he is an evil shadow being. But Kurchev

rises with its pointed ears and is filled with anger by launching electric rays

black men who beat and struggle with the electric rays of heroin in a

battle of powers, until both collide and neutralize each other.

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Kurchev launches himself with great fury, becoming invisible, among the

darkness the heroine cannot see anything and attacks with her long sharp nails that

They try to hurt her, the girl tries to attack, but she sees nothing but darkness and

feels its razor-edged scratches, being badly wounded because it is a being

dark magic Being attacked many times, she decides to concentrate and analyzes

where your energy is; This is how he feels the evil power and attacks it with his fists

luminous that after an uppercut throws him to the ground strongly, making


Kurchev is furious and lunges with his sharp nails that turn

very large, Sombra fights with his sword Scalight and his shield in a strong

fight, until between the fight of long claws against sword it becomes

monotonous and the monster starts to bite with its teeth, then the heroine

He stabs the sword into his chest, causing the power of light to be released and destroyed.

totally the evil wolf.

Sombra takes his sword and decides to travel around the world, traveling

along the great coasts and the long ocean heading to the most distant places,

when suddenly he arrives in the middle of the ocean where there are several skeletons and ships

pirates sunk because a being called Rangylar uses his physical powers

aggressive to swim and jump over the ocean with the intention of killing whoever

approaches, the heroine sees nothing, until a snake jumps out of the sea

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giant as long as 10 meters but one meter wide, which tries to attack

with its poisonous fangs. The scarlet snake is very strong and fast,

but the heroine even more so and what she does is move quickly among the vestiges

from the antlers of a ship dodging its powerful fang attacks,

causing it to fall back into the sea since it cannot fly, but it comes out again

again with great fury.

Shadow dodges the fury of the creature, it is similar to Gygantodritche, only

It is used to devour, and its body is also covered in impenetrable steel. The

creature comes out with great force to bite, causing the water to become turbulent,

She is very powerful, but her heavy body is her weakness since it is true that

can destroy entire ships with great force, is slow and aggressive without measuring the

consequences, the heroine positions herself on some of the ship's masts, but avoids it

easily. Rangylar launches himself with his strong body and that's when Shadow throws the

powerful electric shock that leaves him in shock for a few minutes, falling

violently into the water. However, he comes out again with more fury trying

devour the heroine with great anger and power, but she attacks again. Rangylar

It comes out again with greater speed since it has absorbed some of the powers

of Shadow, so it has greater speed.

Shadow uses his magical powers and when he sees her come out of the sea, with his

luminous fists hit her, but she realizes that she is impenetrable, even so,

He manages to hit it hard, causing it to receive some damage. Shadow takes his

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magical powers, increases with great strength, managing to take the

powerful eel, with a twist of its tail it spins it and throws it into a destroyed ship

causing the creature to destroy it. The snake becomes more furious and

His eyes turn red with anger, seeing despite having faced sharks and

whales, can't eat an insignificant creature.

Neglecting your back, the creature comes out and that's where it appears

magically Annu the king in his spaceship, with his transporting light takes

to the creature and tells him that this creature is from Nibiru, not from his world, brought by the

ancient elite of evil. Shadow enters the ship and talks to the king, they shake hands

as a sign of friendship, but asks him how it is possible that with his

sword could not kill him easily, but the heroine tells him that she did not sense a

evil energy in him and did not want to exterminate him, however, that may be

Useful to upgrade your forces to new warriors. Annu tells him that

species is very strong but is not edible because it is made of solid copper, without

However 4 electric attacks can kill her, so they don't want that.

While they talk, some disturbances are heard in the ship and the record

analyzes that 4 mutant clouds called Clauds are hitting the ship with their

steam fists, strangely they are very strong. Shadow goes out to battle outside

the ship, he asks the king to move away while he goes to do battle, which happens.

The powerful clouds throw heavy rain and great hurricane winds, but

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The heroine increases her powers by resisting great winds, throwing hail,

but it has no effect either, in fact, it withstands all elemental attacks.

The Claudses send out powerful storm winds with great force,

but nothing works, in fact, they throw lightning bolts, but the heroine absorbs them.

Thinking how he can defeat them, he uses his sword, but since they are clouds he

They disperse, they re-form to attack. Then the clouds form in

one to become a gigantic giant cloud that throws winds

strong, rain, thunder and hail, but nothing has any effect on the heroine.

Clauds uses his physical power to take Shadow and forms two hands, one

support and the other a mallet to crush it, the hand is thrown with great force and

crushes him slightly, but without causing him more than leaving him lying, the cloud continues

hitting until with her strength the heroine holds the arm tightly.

Claudes is surprised that an insignificant being held his hand, unable to allow

crushes it, then shines powerfully and launches a ray of light that passes through

The cloud completely destroys his arm.

Clauds launches torpedo-shaped clouds that can explode

Like atomic bombs, they are launched at the coral reefs to destroy the entire

marine life, there are many, but with the speed of the hero he completely exploits them

to all, before they reach the coral reefs. In fact, take the last one, with

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His strength holds him and using his maximum integrated forces he throws him at Clouds.

hitting his face leaving a gap.

Sombra uses his luminous fist powers but what he gets is

that your fists get stuck in a slimy, sticky type mass that cannot be

unstuck, then he can't let go even with his magical powers,

then he uses his strength, but it is useless. Clouds laughs, as he absorbs it

little by little, until it gets inside the cloud. Shadow enters inside

the cloud and is absorbed, the being believes that it finally has a powerful being to

turn it into a cloud within itself, but suddenly... something quickly comes out of its

body that pierces his other arm, leaving him defenseless. Tells him that his cloud

can absorb everything except divine light.

Claudes does not speak, but his face becomes angry, he uses his attack of

pollution turning black oil color, polluting the site without power

breathe any living being, the air becomes heavy and polluting, but apparently

It doesn't affect Shadow, he tells him that once a genius called Argul did that but

It was magical smoke, but that smoke is organic and has no effect on a being.

magical, however he sees that the fish and other animals are weakening before

lack of air, so he uses his air stone and destroys the entire cloud,

returning everything to normal, almost... because the entire ocean was full of

Clouds that were making loud disasters.

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After a while, it continues flying into the afterlife until it reaches an area

where you hear techno music, you also see a creature dancing and

It looks like a mermaid with long side ears, a pointed tail and a colored face.

green, with an orange hood, with a dark tail, it is known as Sambaste.

Sambaste forces Shadow to listen to his voice, but she decides to leave without

hearing its song, something tells him that it will be a problem too, but the siren gets

with great fury to dance with his belly, to say whoever does not hear his song must

hear it by force or perish definitively. Sombra decides to ignore him and

leave, but she throws some medieval bombs from her hands trying

knock her down, but when she realizes her protective energy field protects her

of the explosions and continues his journey to a cloudy mountain located in Nordesia.

Sambaste uses his powers to create strong water whirlwinds,

These sweep with force, producing powerful tidal waves, the water is disturbed

trying hard to produce powerful waves, but none of them harm Shadow

because it raises its powers so greatly that it cannot move it, it stops it,

but it fails to harm it, it passes the tornadoes so quickly that it destroys them.

The siren increases her powers making the rain worse than the tornadoes

increase in power, but nothing can make it stop and in fact with its

powers breaks through the strong whirlwinds.

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Sambaste starts dancing among the rocks that emerge from the sea

making the heroine also dance by hypnotic action, Sombra begins to

dance in the air as if he were doing an artistic presentation act, the

mermaid dances moving her twisted fish tail. Shadow tries to free himself from

spell of the blue-haired mermaid but the defenses are of no use, she starts dancing and

do stunts Sombra uses her powers trying to free herself, the mermaid is

approaches and slaps her several times with his hands, he manages to hit her every time

dances and the heroine cannot move, receiving blows from her tail and blows from her cape.

Shadow tries to free himself powerfully but can't, until he uses

the elemental stone of the continent that he carefully removes, producing a

tremor that alters the dance and forms a circle of magnetic stones that

They block the pulse of the dance, releasing it.

The mermaid uses her tail-sting to try to peck him, Shadow covers himself

With her golden shield, the stinger attacks several times, but the shield protects her

from powerful sting attacks and its hair made of fibers

poisonous, the beak continues attacking, but breaks into the powerful shield of

Shade. The mermaid brings her hair close to the shield, but it gets burned a little.

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The mermaid Sambaste goes under the sea and Sombra begins to

search for it but could not find it, until it comes out of the sea with force and subject to

Shadow to put her under the sea and drown her, the mermaid does it with force

while he goes into the depths many meters away, seeing the

reefs and the entire site, but after passing many meters, the heroine says:-

"A long time ago I suffered this with Ostroso, but thanks to my powers I can

breathe in water, space and dimensions”, then use a discharge

electric shock that shocks the mermaid, freeing her from her arms, then nothing

towards the surface while the mermaid falls to the seabed.

Shadow comes to the surface and flies away from the sea, suddenly a

orange “projectile”, formed by the rigid hood of the mermaid that surrounds it

like a compact cigar, it moves by striking as if it were a tube, the

physical attacks or lightning do nothing to him, he has become a projectile

dangerous that hits everything in its path. The heroine dodges the projectile, she knows that

can't do anything to it while maintaining that form, so it flies away through

the sky and then with great speed descends towards a beach, falling into

sting followed by the siren. A few centimeters from falling, the direction changes,

but when the mermaid is rigid, she falls, hitting her body in the sand, the suit breaks.

and is weakened.

Sombra asks her to leave her alone, but she tells him to listen to her sing.

Before leaving, the heroine grants the wish and the mermaid sings very beautifully, also

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that takes out bells that emit vibrating waves in the air, which paralyze

his enemies or bring the summer breezes, Sombra's body begins to

vibrate strongly recovering its magical powers. After the song he decides

leave without first congratulating the mermaid, they say goodbye like good friends and she flies to

the cloudy mountain where there will be another adventure.

After passing the ocean, Shadow comes to a path in the middle of

an abandoned island in the middle of the forest, you see nothing but castaways

dead, cruelly murdered by the bites of mysterious beings,

others were cremated alive by someone and others were missing their hearts and souls.

viscera. Shadow is alert because something horrible is on that path. Of

Soon, the bushes move strongly between the breeze and the grasses, in the

along the forest path you hear moans of something approaching,

then a 1.8 meter being similar to Shadow comes out of the forest, it is an Anti-

Shadow that has come to see who is out to kill, has taken over the little island

even devouring animals.

The Anti-Sombra lunges with aggressive fury at Sombra, drawing his

paw arm and its poisonous bite with a dark mouth, it launches to try to bite

at his rival with great fury, however, he is slow because he has no brain. the heroine

He remembers that his ancestor confronted him, but some remained alive, and he even knows

his magical powers. The mutant screams incoherently and starts fighting with his

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anger, with its hidden sharp teeth filled with poison, moves quickly but

not enough to attack Sombra, whom he calls “lapda” or in his language dad.

The Anti-Shadow pulls a coffin out of nowhere and tries with his strength

trap Shadow in it, as if it were a magical sarcophagus that opens and

closes, the heroine avoids being caught by that deadly trap and is going to be suffocated

In that place, she moves quickly until she accidentally gets trapped in the

coffin, his body being crushed with the lid, the mutant laughs

sinister saying in her language that she already has her dad (without knowing what the

descendant of Sombra), and that he will soon eat him. Suddenly a force

giant comes out of the coffin with great force, exploding it into a thousand pieces, throwing

strongly to the mutant and freeing the heroine from that place.

Sombra comes out and tells him that he will have to make a better effort if he wants to.

catch it, then the mutant glues his head and transforms his arms into

blades, beginning to rotate like a horizontal cutting blade, is like a

giant propeller that tries to tear its rival to pieces, but the heroine thinks that if

Trilangerbero, whose strength is superior, could have defeated him except for that idiot.

brainless enemy. Shadow dodges the spinning monster's sharp turnstile

slowly, but he gets dizzy and falls, but gets back up to be able to attack

with its razor edge, but it spins as if it were drunk, unable to hit

his goal and ends up falling again, and even believes that Shadow is in

a puddle and starts attacking it, which ends up getting dirty.

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Given this, he takes out his shotgun and starts shooting bullets at Sombra.

lead, but they do not hurt him, he takes out another shotgun and fires radioactive bullets

that are capable of destroying whatever is in their path, is burning

the vegetation and even the stones, then with his golden shield he avoids all

prevents bullets from attacking the plants, protecting them from that dangerous power

and at the same time it absorbs the radioactive material, making them normal bullets.

The creature becomes furious and lights him up with his eyes as if from a

cigar in question, launching powerful rays that penetrate even the metal, are

very strong x-rays that he shoots everywhere trying to pierce Shadow,

but since he has bad aim he shoots everywhere causing them to destroy themselves.

some nearby places, even some rays go out into space; Shadow tries

control it but he doesn't understand, so with his magic power he makes a shield

gigantic magnetic field reflecting all the rays that go to space, the

The creature continues to launch lightning bolts but its power runs out. The heroine screams that

Enough is enough and he launches an electric shock that stuns the mutant and leaves him in shock.

shock on the floor for a few minutes, remaining silent.

Shadow thinks he has defeated him, but he hears a voice that says: -

"Thank you Shadow, with that lightning bolt and my mutant power I have created a neural center,

Now I am intelligent, more aggressive and I can hurt you more

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effectiveness"-. Then he transforms his hand and foot into spider pincers, his mouth

It forms more curved teeth and grows in size a little to 3 meters. with his

mouth launches an attack called poison ink that when falling produces in the heroin

Let your body go around trying to dissolve like a poisonous acid,

smoke starting to come out of it.

Shadow tries to free himself, but he is very sticky, at the same time he is

piercing his suit and the being with its pointed arms is digging its legs

in the girl's body, making her feel pain and that mutant having the

Shadow's powers no longer affect the discharges, plus with his mouth full of

teeth are biting the arms as if it were a wolf, being an attack


Shadow's screams are heard everywhere, until... a light

from the sky falls and his suit, even his shield, all turn into grayish metal, that

power destroys the stain and stops physical attacks. The Anti-Shadow

surprised to see that transformation that even his face is metallic, then

He throws cobwebs with his hands, but not even that catches him because of the suit, he returns to

throw more cobwebs until it wraps him like a cocoon believing that he already has it

defeated, but the heroine comes out of the cocoon easily.

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Shadow uses his powers and uses his metal fists giving him some fists

speed that leaves the mutant out of combat, falling defeated and returning

his initial brutality in defeating him. The creature runs away from the island on the

water where he was never seen again, except in legends of the towns where

It is said that a brainless monster sails through the waters calling for its mother.

Sombra with his new suit and having defeated the mutant, decides to go to

Search the cloudy mountains for those who disturb the place, fly with their wings

silvered to that point, he can return to his ethereal form whenever he wants.

Before reaching the top of the mountain, he sees a mysterious man who is from

white hair, medieval count armor, cape and no helmet, has a beard

long and with blue eyes, he is raising the legendary sword in his hand

Excalibur and the golden shield of the ancient continents of Atlantis, seeing that

has those elements, Shadow approaches him to talk to him but the being called El

Star Knight tells him that he is the warrior of justice and that although he does not have

powers, he will fight to be the most powerful with the help of his sword

reinforced, she then challenges Shadow to a duel between her swords. Heroin is not

She is interested in fighting, but is forced to fight because he tells her that he will not allow her.

the step unless he defeats her, despite everything he does it to test which sword

It is more powerful.

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Sombra draws his sword and fights Star Knight in a duel.

of forces, they fight strongly against each other and cover themselves with their shields

magical, they fight with great fury against each other, they fight with courage, but

respecting the code of courage and battle, both swords are very powerful when

struggle. Sombra's wings and the knight's cape move as they battle

strongly against each other, they fight with turns, frontal attacks, strong blows

of one against another.

Scalight can perfectly cut Excalibur with great ease

he prefers not to do it, he wants to have a fair battle against the warrior, fighting

like this for half an hour with their swords until they get tired

both warriors, Excalibur is scratched but Sombra's sword has no

nor marks for being a sacred weapon, then they decide to make one last attack and

It is when they launch each other to attack with their swords. The Star Knight

asks Excalibur to increase his powers to the level of the sun, causing

Shadow is surprised to see that the sword shines with a golden hue, but he knows

that Scalight is of greater power.

The swords clash strongly, a glow from the two swords

comes out, that light collides from both sides and the two warriors come out, one on each side

flying from the maximum explosion of powers, in that a ring of power is formed

of space-time where a creature from another dimension emerges, trapped by the

extraterrestrial authorities for enslaving worlds, is called The Blue Man, a

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being of an intense blue color with the shape of a naked humanoid (without distinguishing its

parts), whose power is practically mental and evil.

The Star Knight is going to approach, but Shadow warns him to stay away.

move away as soon as possible or you will be attacked, but ignore his messages, The Blue Man

He only looks proud when he sees that they want to be friends with him and with a

evil ray makes the old being evil and with his eyes turned

in blacks. That evil being launches a dark beam at Sombra to turn her

evil, but Scalight's power destroys the dark ray.

Shadow launches himself towards the evil being, but Star Knight

interferes and they both fight again with great force, they fight again but this

Once Excalibur has the evil power of the dark sun and they fight again, while

that The Blue Man who has no physical powers turns the world into a place

dark of eternal night, where that darkness consumes the energy of

all living beings and their energy weakens, they become

old or dying, the plants wither and the leading humans become

corrupt, they order killing and robbing.

Shadow covers himself in light to avoid the powers of the Blue Man,

while fighting against The Star Knight, who increases his powers and shouts:

- “Star of Justice”, launching several stars from his body that hit

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slightly at Shadow, who only throws him away, but receives no damage, without

However, he does not want to kill Star Knight since he is not evil.

The Blue Man is using his evil powers to make the animals

They fight strongly and aggressively, and even attack Shadow.

who avoids them and stuns them with an electric shock so as not to hurt them; He

being interdimensional causes meteors to fall to the Continent, devastating

In some places, it causes the waters of the rivers to become contaminated and the

forests with their evil blue fire.

Sombra must defeat that being before it destroys the continent,

Some inhabitants fall into deep dreams of weakness, but because

The Star Knight does not allow him to pass, he is in trouble. That gentleman uses

his powers and launches with his powers a dark bracelet attack that forms

icy stones that hit the heroine, but seeing that her new suit

protects does nothing to it because it is a property again.

Shadow uses his luminous fists of great strength to try to wake up

to The Star Knight who flies away from the impact, however, he cannot

wake him up, while Blue Man makes more disasters like

pollute the atmosphere with smoke making it harder for the sun to appear,

Thus it begins to rain acidic rain in some places and fire hail to fall. While

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is in battle, Shadow thinks he can't stop Blue Man alone,

then Bombux appears in his spaceship, he is already an adult

alien and begins to launch rays with his ship at Blue Man who

He also launches laser rays with his hands, telling him not to reveal himself to his master.

since a long time ago he dominated his planet, killing most of the

population with chaos and death.

Sombra uses his electrical powers to attack Star Knight,

but it doesn't hurt him since he protects himself with the legendary shield, plus

does not want to kill him, however, that knight does not hesitate to use his powers

magic weapons or weapons, taking out a sledgehammer to try to crush Shadow, but she

He moves quickly avoiding the attack and cuts off that magic mallet which weighs

a lot.

Bombux continues fighting the warrior with his forces, The Man

Azul tells him that his physical prison was of no use to him if he is able to move around.

dimensions, then tells him that the only way is to kill him or risk

his life to defeat him. Blue Man continues to make his terrible disasters, the

The world is in terrible chaos, apparently everything is dying, the

Forests are being destroyed like all creations.

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Shadow uses his magic and freezes the Star warrior and tells him to stay away.

control, but due to evil magic his powers increased brutally,

coming out of the ice cube with great force. He thinks that if he attacks his body nothing

can do it, but attack it to destroy the evil that it has inside. So

Shadow uses his sword and tells Scalight to shine brightly, casting a

powerful beam of light that hits the Star Knight, who wakes up from the trance,

seeing a dark world devastated by a demonic entity, which they are

horns starting to grow from his head as well as his tail. Shakes hands with

Sombra and with their swords they launch to attack the Blue Man who has managed to

severely damage Bombux's ship.

Sombra uses his powers and strength to get Bombux out of the ship before

explodes, then the two leave, but notice that the evil air has made the man sick.

alien, so the heroine covers him with her light while fighting against that

evil entity. While the Star Knight illuminates and says with his sword

raised that will bring the light of victory, is going to attack him, but due to the level of

able to defeat him strongly and pull him strongly to the other side, he is also

starting to get sick because of this.

Shadow launches to attack Blue Man, knowing that his body is not

fit for battle, but he has created an evil field to protect himself,

Shadow is filled with powerful light to try to open it, but it is difficult and he continues

fighting, but the evil being increases his powers making everything go away

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being destroyed, even the Continent increases in temperature and the oceans

They are moving strongly.

Shadow increases his powers, turning his metal armor into

a silver metallic armor that shines, thus breaking the magical field of being

evil, managing to give it a strong fist that stops the destruction, but it still continues

Darkness; Blue Man shoots blue fire with his mouth, but that only destroys

corrupted souls, with Sombra that doesn't happen and the fire passes as if nothing had happened.

Blue Man launches dark rays to turn Shadow evil, but

It has no effect either, it only reduces his magic power by just 0.1%, it continues.

waiting to see what magic attack can affect him.

Blue Man uses his dimensional powers to trap Shadow in

a magical time-space portal where you will wander for an eternity, but,

Although the portal absorbs him, it opens again within minutes to take out

Shadow of that dimension, with this he shows that his powers do not affect him.

Blue Man manages to use a magic powder that makes the heroine sleepy,

then she resists, but falls into sleep, that is where the evil being takes

her harpy wings and legs to scratch him on the back as well as her beak arm

black, but every time he does it he is burned by the hero's powers.

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Sombra continues sleeping, but when this happens he takes the opportunity to take the

sword to try to absorb its power or destroy it, something that others have already

tried to do, however he injects dark power into her to corrupt her,

turning Scalight dark, so he takes her and with his power throws her strongly to the

space, but that sword is sacred and precisely in space it releases its power

luminous that manages to illuminate the entire planet to eliminate all bad things,

People return to normal, animals revive as well as the planet

remains undamaged, everything is reversed and the light returns, the sun rises again and this

It bothers the creature who, like a vampire, tries to flee, but Shadow

Wake up and close the portal.

Sombra gives him several luminous fists that hit him hard when he sees

that his friends and the planet almost died because of him, he tells him that this time

will pay for his crimes, but The Blue Man uses his final resource and attacks

with his dark beak-arm, and the hero dodges it to finally stab the sword

into the stomach of the creature where the power of light is released and exterminates

Blue Man forever of the universe.

Shadow looks for his friends, restores Bombux's ship and gives them

energy to recover, the three shake hands. The alien

returns to his ship to return to his galactic patrol and calmer without the

presence of that evil being. Finally, Star Knight tells Shadow

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who will continue training and hopes one day to see each other again for a rematch, smiles

and he leaves on his black horse, raising his sword in respect to his rival.

Shadow arrives at the cloud forest, but finds nothing abnormal, but

that nature, peace, tranquility, sound of birds, nature and

find peace, especially when you see the sky. Suddenly he sees a waterfall

where there is a secret passage where there is a passage of a valley of blue flowers,

beautiful plants where there are butterflies and caterpillars, some nocturnal animals,

The leaves move in the night wind. You see the animals at night

seeing the moon and the spores move everywhere, everything is calm until

now... Until a voice tells him that it is time to have a revenge, it is

none other than Antrooper.

Sombra greets his friend, tells him that he has found his colony,

Furthermore, he is grateful for having redeemed his past, but this time

wants a battle as good rivals, the heroine accepts the tournament. They start to

fight the Scalight sword against the powerful pincers of the ant, they fight

strongly while remembering old memories, they fight with great strength and

Even Shadow uses his luminous fists against the mutant's scratches,

They fight while remembering old memories. So they fight for a while

While you see the ant's body turn golden, you have obtained the level

last and is ready to be the king of the ant kingdom, so they shake hands and

legendary warrior retires.

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Suddenly, an explosion is heard on the other side of the valley and the

animals flee from there, Shadow goes to see what has happened while he sees what happens,

until he finds Dinocroco badly injured on the ground, reformed due to the

powers of good, who once killed crocodiles by Masterstrunk's magic.

The heroine sees him on the ground and although she doubts, she gives him energy to recover,

then the power level and health increases, he thanks him and tells him that a

mysterious being similar to a prehistoric mammal (similar to a mammoth

crossed with a megatherium), is attacking the jungles and launching weapons

nuclear weapons since it is an experiment by secret agents but the

creature with its power killed them and went crazy, ask for help before it destroys

the natural habitat but there will be no betrayal due to the code of honor, Sombra

accept the deal.

The two warriors move in the night, jumping between the trees and

bushes until you reach where the brown-furred being is, but only

They find a strange tree of fire that is buried, the heroine

approaches but Dinocroco calls him to get away from there quickly since it is... and at that

The gigantic being emerges with cannons, laser in his body, and he also has a

receiver antenna on the tail, with a frame similar to that of a glyptodont, it is

a being called Teknotherium who has appeared through technology to

human weapon, the Milrevo evil association was destroyed by that creature.

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Sombra launches into the fight, but the mutant uses his two side cannons.

to launch explosive bombs similar to cannon bombs, which explode

strongly but they fail to hurt the hero's new armor who covers himself

with his silver shield, while Dinocroco uses his augmented powers

forming its body in pure copper, protecting itself from explosive attacks.

Teknotherium continues to launch strong explosive attacks that range

Strongly exploiting the sites with great fury, Sombra creates a field of

force so powerful to cover the site of great destruction, then he sees that the

creature with the explosion creates a hole and with its great power goes towards the

city with great speed, using their digging fangs, the heroes continue

the tree of fire, which is what emerges on the Earth, destroys the

foundations of a dam, it also makes large holes until it reaches a place

similar to a garage full of mesh, where it is presumed that he lived locked up.

Shadow orders him to stop, but with his proboscis nose he

It hits hard causing it to hit a wall. Dinocroco launches into

fight with his fury to destroy his armor, he mounts his breastplate, but receives

a laser beam from its mirror vents that manages to knock it down; the heroes

They gather to see if there is no damage, then recover to go fight again.

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Shadow sees him drinking oil-oil with his nose and is going to throw a shot at him.

electric shock, but Dinocroco puts himself in the middle to prevent it from happening

because if it happens an explosion will form that will destroy the forest, the heroine

apologize and join the battle again, but before anything happens the creature

He throws pitch with his trunk that makes the heroes stick together, without

However, nothing has happened other than to bother, so with his tree of

body (which when turned off is a normal magic tree, but when activated it becomes

in one of fire), throws flames at the tar, if that happens it can ignite people alive.

the warriors and incinerate them. Shadow can endure, but Dinocroco cannot due

to his powers, then he uses his water stone power, forming a tornado

of water and hits the creature hard, extinguishing the tree. Teknotherium

It is annoying since the water dissolved the tar of the heroes, apart from the fact that the ground

turned slimy because of this, but his tree lights up again because of the

creature powers. With his fury he launches powerful cannon bombs again

and explosive, then Dinocrocus hits them with his tail and returns them, damaging

both cannons, causes Sombra's admiration for his battle capacity.

Teknotherium feels his technological body being electrocuted, then

uses its second cannons that launch powerful nuclear missiles, they are

so strong that only twelve can destroy a city, then the crocodile goes

to use the same attack, but the heroine creates a power field that blocks

the two, Dinocroco collides with the field and the explosion occurs, but injures a

little to the giant mutant without anything happening to the heroes. After the

explosion has occurred, the creature pulls back and tries to launch other missiles

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explosions occurring but the power field supports it; Dinocroco tells

Sombra tells her to let him out, she doesn't want to but he tells her that he has a plan,

then he comes out and with his powers he launches a power called the magnetic shield

copper forms a magnetic shield that returns all projectiles to their

target, exploding all the missile launchers, then use that shield to

protect yourself from explosions.

Teknotherium still stands, its tree becoming brighter with

great fury, then he becomes so furious that he uses the laser attacks of his

vents coming out very powerful reddish rays that destroy the site and

By cutting the steel mesh, the heroes increase their powers by covering themselves with

the rays, then join together with great force forming a force field that

returns the rays as if it were a mirror towards the creature, destroying the rays

laser. The creature no longer has shooting weapons, but still has its 4 weapons: the

proboscis, its body, its receiving antenna and the tree (the latter is just a

solar powered power receiver). Using your receiving antenna

creates a powerful screech that stuns the warriors, both have very strong ears.

treble, that sound is unbearable and is even capable of breaking the ears, in

This Sombra protects Dinocroco since Sombra listens, but has no

eardrums, however, in this the mutant is vulnerable.

The sound continues loudly, Shadow tries to concentrate on the sound

powerful, tries to move between the creature avoiding the proboscis trunk,

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He feels a great headache and even dizziness... then he falls and with his sword

cuts its tail destroying the sensor, stopping the sound. Teknotherium with its

Before everything happens, he hits the heroine hard with his trunk,

but in that moment he is held by the body of Dinocroco who realizes that he is

Robotics and with its snout it completely destroys it.

Sombra and Dinocroco meet when they see that this being is robotic or at least

handsome, then they start fighting, but the creature with its stretchable neck

He strikes charging at the two warriors, hitting both of them hard. He

robot keeps compressing and stretching its neck like a spring, as it has

a mechanical failure, but he is still programmed to fight, the two

Warriors dodge powerful neck attacks. Teknotherium moves

back and forth causing the horns to break everything in their path, the two

They must be careful of those strong attacks, they aggressively hit everything and

destroying everything in its path, then Shadow analyzes the sweeping fangs,

but the mutant hits him with his neck, Dinocroco is going to hold the neck, but

is struck by the fangs of the strong beast.

Sombra has a plan, he attacks the fangs first.

destroyers, but when he goes to attack the neck, Dinocroco holds him tightly

and punches it with its claws, damaging the neck system, leaving it shrunken.

The heroine with her sword cuts off his fangs definitively. Teknotherium

It no longer has defenses, so it begins to form strong earthquakes with its feet.

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of large magnitudes, cities and jungles go into chaos before those

seismic movements of 8-10 degrees Richter scale, the mutant Dinocroco

loses his bodily stability falling to the ground defeated by earthquakes,

going into nervous chaos. Shadow flies and lifts him up, but tells him that the only

hope is her defeating that evil robot. The heroine approaches, but the

fire tree lights up more, it is forming atomically dangerous and it is

an element that what it touches can disintegrate it, it is highly radioactive, it can

produce cancer, however, Sombra decides to fight to the last.

Shadow launches himself with great speed, risking his life and cutting the

fire tree, which disintegrates exploding into a massive bomb, the heroine

protects the forest and Dinocroco with massive forces, preventing the explosion,

but with costs since the atomic power is damaging their hands making them

are literally pulverized by the radiation, and if it returns to the

normal could have terminal cancer. Even so, he decides to protect everyone from

atomic explosion so strong, locking it in one place.

Shadow supports the powers, but begins to disintegrate little by little.

little, but in that Scalight is disturbed to know that someone in the universe has used

nuclear powers, forbidden in the universe, powerfully illuminating and

extinguishes the explosion by an act of magic, restores the heroine's body and gives her

a luminous power to resist nuclear weapons. The body turns one color

metal-crystalline and can resist nuclear weapons normally.

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Shadow sees that the explosion stops, however, part of the fire tree

It stays there and although it is radioactive, with its powers it completely turns it off.

resisting radiation without major problem; As for the body it begins to

make tremors even and that is when the heroine uses her powers to crystallize the

legs of that robot causing an energy surge that causes it to explode.

Dinocroco approaches and thanks him, they both remain friends and

The mutant is allowed to live, he goes to the mountains of the valley hidden behind the

waterfall, the heroine is very happy but knows that even her time to go home is not

is, although it is 10 at night, flies across a pier and some streets that

They are close to there, in that he sees some lamps lit but others

dark alleys, hears the screams of people and goes to see the fact, arrives and

sees several women and men murdered in alleys by guns and gunshot wounds

knife. The police, as well as inspectors, are looking for suspects in the crime.

A band of thugs, guided by the evil Shadow, has done the

crimes, then real Shadow appears in front of the criminals, they

They shoot when they see him, but the bullets don't hurt him, with his speed he kills everyone.

the thugs with their electric ray powers and luminous sword. Then

faces the evil Shadow who has changed his hat for that of a

police inspector of the 20th century, then they fight strongly against each other

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using his strong fists. Evil shadow shoots strong bullets trying

kill his enemy, but it does nothing to him.

Shadow uses his new powers and with his crystal power freezes the

creature leaving him locked in an ice cube, being a weak version, with

The heroine's fist hits hard and destroys the evil Shadow. arrives the

police and they find the thugs murdered, a broken glass and only

He sees a righteous shadow in the darkness slowly receding.

Every night, Sombra takes to the streets to fight crime among the

darkness, fighting against criminal elites and leaving the mark of his sword on

the minds of criminals. Battle with your powers destroying operations

criminals, rapes, murders, robberies and assaults, cleaning the streets without

fear no one or anything, his advanced powers allow him to help justice

being an anti-heroine, making the forces of evil pay.

Shadow walks through the city finally being hailed as a

superhero and not as a monster like a decade ago who was persecuted

brutally by the police. Then as he walks he sees a colored robot boy.

violet with antennas in its ears, runs with its feet with wheels and while doing so

ago it freezes everything with its cold gases that it emits, and it also covers it

some ninja stars from one side to the other turning him in circles that cover him, he runs

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thinking that he has fun without being aware of the chaos and sometimes steals things alone

for stealing and puts them in his chest compartment while laughing happily and happily,

His name is Frezinx the robot.

Sombra tries to stop him, but he is attacked strongly and he goes for

the air, until he returns to the spot and stands in the middle, but Frezinx walks

climbing over the heroine's body and moving quickly between her

head to get to the other side.

Sombra decides to throw electric rays at him but he dodges them at a speed

impressive and they can't even touch it, in fact, it runs away from them.

To attack and stop him, use his magnetic web attack that manages to stop him.

and loses the urge to run, which causes the ninja stars to spin

quickly trying to free it and thus manages to free itself, but as the

robot, gets angry.

The robot uses its water guns, hoses that shoot water at

any direction, they hit Shadow hard, who is wet

because of the impacts, they are also strong, but it does not hurt him. Frezinx shoots

water in all directions, from up-down-front-back, but only

manages to wet the hero without doing significant damage.

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Frezinx shoots water bubbles with his hose that hit the hero,

but despite the strong impacts it only pushes it without causing any damage

significant, so with his sword he crosses the water at speed and cuts the

hoses causing the attack to be nullified.

Frezinx launches its spinning stars that try to surround the heroine

as if they will all turn trying to hit her, but the hero covers himself with the shield

and with his sword he cuts other stars, but they join together again and he returns to the robot

who continues fleeing until reaching a scene similar to a place of

musical presentation and there it stops. Shadow follows him until he gets there and

They fight, but this time the stars rotate and thanks to the magnetic field nothing stops them.

they make the hero.

The robot takes out two 38 caliber pistols, Sombra tells him that the bullets won't hurt him.

They do harm, but you are safe because they are charged with quantum energy and are

harmful and can become embedded in the heroine's body in her legs and arms,

she screams in pain about the damage that has been done to her, she begins to lose

energy...the robot decides to shoot him in the head but before that increases his

powers and with the shine of power and his sword he manages to remove the bullets,

recovering from the attack, his wounds heal again. Frezinx uses his powers

and shoots again, but covers himself with the shield and it turns into fire

intense destroying bullets.

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Frezinx uses his powers and stops time making nothing move.

move, only him and with this he takes the opportunity to run and jump on top of Sombra like

if it were a slide and make puppets on top of it, without being able to move anymore

that froze time. The Scalelight sword is timeless and illuminates strongly

making the hero able to move freely in the dimension and with this the

The warrior attacks the robot with his luminous fists and throws it to the ground in defeat.

The dimension has not yet disappeared, that is, the robot is not

defeated, he gets up and throws ice stones strongly but the hero covers himself

with the shield, since those hit hard and destroy objects in their path,

Shadow takes cover as he also throws ice cream cones, but they do no damage.

Shadow is going to attack him, but he becomes invisible and there is no way to know where he is,

then he receives kicks and hits without being able to see him, in fact, he receives headbutts

of the mechanical being.

Shadow concentrates and tries to attack, but since he can't see him, he uses the

ghost stone that I use against Buldrozer and he becomes invisible, they both fight

fiercely in invisible until Frezinx comes out visible and injured. The robot launches

knives with their belly compartment, but they do nothing to the heroine.

Shadow is going to prepare a divine ray, but before the attack the robot tells him that

stop the fight and help him with his final attack... Sombra is surprised,

but he says something in his ear and so he decides to help him.

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The timeless field is removed and suddenly the two warriors are in the

stage, Frezinx's belly becomes a piano that plays alone, leaving a

electronic music, then the two start dancing (although the piano is hypnotic

has no effect on Sombra who starts dancing in that place), the public

cheers and they receive applause.

After that, the robot decides to reform and be a being of spectacle;

the heroine repairs the robot and leaves the site; after Sombra passes by the site,

descends, covering itself with a ring of light to the bottom of a dark hole that

located in the middle of a tropical jungle where there is a passage to the bottom where the hero

He reaches a route until he reaches through a wormhole that takes him to the

underground land where there are green beings with faces like elves and without hair

They are going to attack her, but she uses electric shock and light attacks that

It makes beings flee along stone cave routes with little light.

The heroine illuminates walking to see if there is a presence of evil, she follows the

underground humans until reaching a set of underground mines where

finally reaches a space wormhole to a desolate world

where Inferno existed. Finally he reaches a place where there are only rocks and a

great Aztec pyramid that is in space, where a woman in a suit comes out

similar to that of an orange rain cape, with a cape and mask, with hairy hands

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and her long black hair with long ears like a bat, tells him: -"you have

defeated my asexual brother Inferno, but I'll make you pay for it, get ready

Shadow"-, is the girl called Anferno, the demon leader of the dark kingdom and wife

by Krimbell Vortax.

Shadow gets ready, she takes out a chain and ties the heroine,

dragging her strongly towards her and hitting her all over the stony floor

until receiving a few kicks with his red rubber boots; then Shadow

releases with his strength and holds his feet, giving him a strong punch in the

belly, throwing her strongly towards some rocks, so Shadow gets up and waits

attack, Anferno throws the chain and it is cut by the Scalight sword. Anferno

She thinks that she cannot be defeated and launches her dark piranha fish that go

to bite Shadow, they stick to them, absorbing their energy, using it as they give it

to Anferno, the heroine is decreasing in power... it is being weakened. Shade

It increases its inner power with a ray of light that destroys evil piranhas.

Anferno uses his magic and throws lightning turning the hero into a toad,

losing his heroic form, with this he takes the opportunity to go kill him and he flees without

know how to face that woman, then the Scalight sword illuminates

returning it to its original form, Sombra launches to attack, but the demon

He shoots poisonous smoke to try to poison her, but it has no effect.

Sombra and inferno fight hand to hand, they fight strongly with their fists and

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strong kicks, they fight like their predecessor once fought against Inferno. They fight

to the point of exhaustion against each other.

Anferno uses his speed to appear from behind and attack with his

dark psychic sword from her hand, but she completely avoids it and tries to fight,

Being alert not to be hurt by that evil blade, she covers herself with light in

the body and blocks dark sword attacks. Anferno uses his final attack

and gathering the evil powers of the universe, he launches an attack similar to that of

Illuminates called "darkglow", producing a flash of pure evil in

black man who hits the heroine and throws her through the air without energy and falling

strongly to the ground as if he had suffered an energy drain, Shadow

rises with difficulty to fight again, Anferno can attack, however to

making a flash must recharge power and is helpless, so he orders

muscular dark beings who fight the heroine (and try to do something to her)

sexual abuse), she avoids them and fights with her fists and even with rays of light from

his sword, while avoiding being hit or outraged, are destroyed but come out

others. When they are completely destroyed, Anferno releases another dark flash that

He hits hard and leaves the heroine on the ground again, taking advantage of

These, the dark men come out again, this time Shadow can't move

and is in danger.

Men are going to attack, then Enlightenment appears and destroys beings,

He also throws a glow of light at Anferno who hits himself a little, the two

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they fight in flashes while Shadow is unconscious; at that wake up and go to

her friend Ilumina fighting with Anferno and light fights against darkness. While

They fight, dark men come out to hold the girl to do something to them, but

Sombra cuts them with his Scalight sword; Anferno uses his power to sing

screeches that disturb the ears of the goddess and Shadow, she sings very horrible and

chilling... Ilumina can't fight and the heroine can't concentrate, in

that reminds of the battle he had with Hydrone, launching an attack called

"override" that blocks the voice due to being a low level attack but it

others cannot block it.

Anferno increases his powers and doubles his powers by throwing thunder

dark ones that Shadow counters with electric shock; Anferno uses his claws

poisonous poisons of dark power to kill them, in Illuminate it has no effect and Sombra

dodges, but suffers a little damage and poison, with the help of Scalight he

recovers from not turning dark. Anferno launches a powerful dark beam that goes

dissolving dark beings to turn them into his ray of radiance

ultimate evil and destructive.

Shadow and Illuminate increase their light powers by attacking with a

powerful ray of light, they attack with all their strength, however, the goddess

luminous could disappear by risking such magical power, until it falls half

visible... Shadow increases his powers to the maximum and continues fighting, throwing the

great light that hits the great darkness. He is giving up power, seeing Ilumina so

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She knows she must do something or he will kill her, so she asks him one last time.

essential forces to Nature and thus obtains goddess powers for a few

seconds, launching a beam of light so powerful that it destroys Anferno to


Then for a few seconds he revives Ilumina, she revives and the heroine loses

the powers, shake hands. The goddess decides to thank him by allowing him to take her

back to Earth where they say goodbye as great friends.

A few days later, Ángel is in his beautiful but simple house, when

suddenly receives a note saying that she is invited to a party at a

mansion near the city which puzzles the girl since no one

I knew what she meant, she puts on her best beautiful gala dress: red dress

beautiful and some glass slippers; but he decides to use his powers to fly

above the city until you reach the point and arrive at a large mansion very

beautiful with large gardens full of roses.

When he arrives he sees all the guests dead around him and the plants

Giant carnivores eat their bodies, so Angel decides

transform into Shadow with his powers. That's when the beautiful Kywan comes out

Matsumoto, who is wearing a very pretty maid's dress, tells him that it is

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It's time to pay for the defeat of Algiers and this time he won't be able to beat it, so he takes out

the gray glass of unconsciousness and his suit becomes pointed metal, his

His hair stands on end and he has thick orange glasses, plus his

hands are formed into triggers, preserving the colors of the white suit and

maid black except for her arms which are light blue and her hair turns white,

She is now known as Leizer, the owner of the laser.

Leizer laughs and tells him that he will lose his life, then they start fighting.

with his fists and kicks in a very powerful martial arts duel where

Both warriors are really strong, however, the power of the gray crystal

It absorbs energy from its opponent, making the enemy increasingly stronger.

They fight a huge battle while she avoids his edge's attack.

pointed out of their petticoat and boots, they fight mightily in a clash of


Shadow begins to drain his power, then launches an electric shock but

The girl's suit "grounds" and has no effect. The girl with her powers launches

her petticoat edge as if it were a cutting ring that can kill, but

Sombra cuts him with his Scalight sword.

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With his suit, Leizer throws spikes like iron spears that want

destroy the heroine, they are sharp and if they pass they can pierce the girl, but

She cuts them all with her Scalight sword before being impaled. Leizer starts

to dance as if it were ballet with her costume full of sharp points, Sombra avoids

being touched by those edges, but even so he is grazed by several, he continues to dodge

the movement, dancing all over the stage.

Shadow decides to use the power of ice, which stops her momentarily, but

It thaws again as if nothing had happened. He tells him that he will know why his name is Leizer.

or rather Laser, then with his hands he shoots two powerful laser beams

giants who attack Shadow and throw him to the ground causing his suit to emerge


The heroine falls down in pain, but gets up and when she is about to attack again she receives

another lightning strike that knocks her back, beaten and a little burned; Shadow rises

and sends an electric shock, but it does nothing to the lightning that attacks it

powerfully leaving her again with smoke in her body, if she were already mortal

would have died of severe burns and cancer.

Shadow gets up in pain and decides to fly to avoid the rays, but

Leizer creates a ball of light that launches mini laser beams that hit the heroine,

Faced with this, he covers himself with the shield of such attacks, but also pierces a

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little, damaging his heroic signature. Given such carelessness, he receives the laser beam in the

back causing it to burn a little and fall to the ground defeated; taking advantage

This the girl takes out a very pointed sickle that is capable of even cutting down a tree.

sequoia without any problem and in fact try this with walls and even with

carnivorous plants, saying that she is their master and they must obey, then

determined, she goes towards Sombra to decapitate her, but before that her sword power

He reacts, illuminates Shadow in seconds and quickly cuts the sickle in two.

The girl orders the carnivorous plants to kill her, but they are furious

They are going to kill their mistress, because her authority was broken and before this Sombra

with his speed he cuts them all off in a matter of seconds, saving the expensive girl

Because she wants a fair battle, she tells him that she doesn't thank him and leaves.

You will regret that. Shadow increases his powers until he once again has the

crystal armor again, then the laser beams bounce off his body and

They do not harm him, in fact, they return towards Leizer damaging his triggers.

The girl gets furious and throws diamond bullets with her magic.

hands, but they cannot harm you despite being deadly to a body.

With her last resort, the girl turns into a carnivorous plant, but

remembers the battle with Plantific and cuts the plant in two, returning the girl to

normality, who is dying from the chest wound, crying for his

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final destination. Sombra approaches him and tells him that because he fights for Algiers, who is he?

unfaithful and doesn't care about her, that makes her sadder and tells her that she needs to live

for her and thinking what she wants, which makes Kywan Matsumoto reflect.

about this... as a good deed he heals his wounds and with a ray of light he will

destroy Leizer's suit but he arms himself and walks away saying a voice that a

day he will return to make him pay, launching a final laser beam but Shadow throws

the beam of light that destroys the laser and the suit definitively.

That light returns the carnivorous plants to normal and restores the

life of the guests, forgetting that it happened; Sombra hides with Kywan and tells him

She says it's time to become good, she smiles and hugs Shadow saying that

so it will be, her maid dress returns and just like Ángel returns to normal,

They go to the party but she changes her clothes from maid to princess, which captivates the

attention from a boy who invites Kywan to dance, this makes Ángel

feel happy and smile for having helped her.

Ángel arrives at a planetarium observatory where he observes the planets,

telescopes, drawn constellations and much more. In that a being that

moves at high speed begins to run and throws objects and throws

things, apparently he is a very fast being.

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Ángel transforms into Shadow in the face of danger and decides to face

that creature, then with its power launch a freezing ray against the fast

creature which remains frozen; observe that it is a being in a yellow suit with boots and

green gloves, with a mask and spiky brown hair, his name is Fleasher the

clumsy hero Fleasher unfreezes and tells Shadow that if he needs a

subordinate to fight crime, but the heroine is not interested and

This makes him suffer the anger of the warrior, who runs at speed to hit him.

strongly, moves at an impressive speed and hits strongly without

able to defend himself and tells him that he is an A-level warrior and can't stop him.

Sombra launches electric web and ice attack, but can't stop it

Due to his high speed, he is constantly hit.

Shadow launches an electric shock close to his body and this stops him

strongly leaving him in shock. Fleasher launches yellow electric shock that

collides with the blue electric discharge making a clash of powers where

illuminates the area between the two powerful attacks, the two launch attacks to

See which one has more power.

Fleasher uses his magic power to form a pencil that is long and

giant, with the pencil he draws objects like anvils and stones trying to crush

Sombra, but he uses his Scalight sword to cut them into two parts; he

speedster uses his pencil to create dynamites and draw explosive bombs, but

none harm the heroine. Realizing that it is not something dangerous, he launches

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to battle and goes towards him. Fleasher uses his pencil to attack with his magic eraser

making the hero's hand and sword disappear, then

Taking advantage of this, half his body disappears, remaining floating in the air.

Shadow is scared and thinks it's the end of him.

Sombra is about to be erased and decides to increase his powers,

nullifying erasure attacks, reforming again, destroying

with its powers the pencil. Fleasher gets upset and tells him to join his team.

but Shadow doesn't want to because he doesn't see it necessary, so being capricious

He pulls out a metal club and fights Sombra and his Scalight sword. They fight

strongly with their weapons and fight with their weapons, but the Scalight sword

cut that metal stick in two and this makes the warrior give up the attack, then

They fight hard with their fists and kicks, although Shadow is strong the

sprinter is a very fast acrobatic artist and makes his quick turns and punches


They fight until they get physically tired, then the speedster pulls out a

weapon like a gun that launches an intraatomic ray that stops Shadow, making him

paralyzes and leaves him magnetized but stunned; the heroine can't let go and

feels bad... the warrior takes out another gun called Bubblegummer that launches

round chewing gum that sticks to the heroine's body and doesn't leave her

move. Shadow is stunned and stuck, while the warrior laughs and says that

It's a complete mockery, but he doesn't want to destroy it just to show that it's a

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pusillanimous and stupid. Then the heroine gets so angry that she releases a

great magical power that frees her from power and with her wings of fire burns the

chewing gum.

Fleasher fires another beam, but with his sword light he reflects the rays and

They have no effect on him and then he throws his gum gun, shooting

several balls of gum, but the heroine only takes them at speed and

eats it forming a gum bomb, then Fleasher throws it and it sticks

in chewing gum, it gets angry, but by turning it frees itself from the entire site.

Fleasher launches several wooden arrows with a crossbow, Shadow covers himself with

his golden shield, some arrows become twisted and others stick elsewhere.

Fleasher escapes and goes to a fictional alien spaceship

where he is hiding, then Shadow follows him until he reaches where he is but

He doesn't see it... he walks stealthily while observing everything... just then he comes out of a

hide jumping and throws a normal fishing net, but with his sword he cuts it;

then he throws him a rope to tie him but with his strength he lets go and tells him

That's enough, the heroine becomes invisible with her speed and appears after

Fleasher scares him with his face and grabs him by the neck... slaps him

strong that makes him start crying. Fleasher cries and cries and cries and cries with

unbearable screams.

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The sprinter starts crying loudly and angrily saying: - "I just wanted to

to show my wife Tristina that I was a hero too" -, with a cell phone

He calls Tristina telling her to come to the observatory. Sombra shakes his hand and

He says that he is going to please him, when Tristina (a woman with black hair) arrives.

short, model's body, with sports clothes, pretty brown eyes, but a sad face),

Sombra then tells her that her husband is a hero and that they are going to fight together.

for justice, so they go out for a while at night to fight against criminals,

making friends and shaking hands.

After a while Fleasher decides to retire from being a duo and fight.

alone, remembering the battles against crime.

Shadow arrives at a car repair site, when he sees in the distance

Vile dealing damage, releasing corrosive acid that destroys any metal that has been

As he passes by, Sombra decides to go face him and fight against him, the

monster decides not to use metamorphosis to fight the hero.

In the midst of the fight, a metal robot with a toothy mouth appears.

metal, hose body with hand, the other is glove type, metal box in the

belly with legs and wheels and has a funny voice and is known as "the

powerful" Trackman. The robot tells them that he is Trainctor's disciple, but with

more power while dancing ridiculously while being seen by enemies.

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Trackman realizes that Shadow eliminated his master in the past.

and goes to attack him with his sharp teeth, but he falls and slips, throwing the

heroin on the ground.

The two get up and Sombra tells him to get away because he is in the middle of

battle. Trackman says that this is a simple joke since his attacks can

defeat Vile and with his hose hand he pours pure water so powerful that it bathes

to the mutant without harming him; Vile transforms into Zykka and throws a super at him.

jet of water from its mouth that hits the robot's body and throws it very far,

while Shadow is unaffected and can withstand water.

Vile returns to normal, but after that he keeps throwing water

with his mouth, but the guns have no effect; the water is more than getting wet.

bit. Trackman wants to help Sombra since he forgot that he killed his

father and shoots car oil with his hose, but instead of attacking Vile,

attacks Shadow causing him to fill with oil and slip, the mutant mocks and

temporarily changes body to Petrylleum to taunt, Trackman comes out to

help, but since he doesn't have hands to lift, he does it with his mouth and

electrocuted, remaining in shock for a few minutes. Shadow rises and increases

his powers to remove the oil, tells him that it is already too much so it is better not to

help, however, the robot is foolish and insistent.

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Trackman uses his sensors, detects that Vile is moving very fast and

He calibrates his speed to attack Vile, but he is hit by Vile's head.

Whoever completely disarms it charges, however, it is put back together. Both

warriors continue their hand-to-hand fight where Shadow fights with his fists

luminous against Vile's high poison mouth. Trackman sees that and thinks

If he helps Shadow, he will be able to recognize him as a warrior and not as an eyesore.

of a mechanic who created him and his father (who to him is a shame),

then uses his powers to grab a trailer tire, throws it at him, but hits

at both of them, both falling to the ground. Trackman is happy at first, but

Afterwards he feels that he did wrong.

The two warriors get up and tell the robot to get out of there,

then, faced with such nervousness, it opens its alarm sounds, FM radio, sounds

several that bother the two warriors. Vile, being more sensitive, tells him to

street and throws acid into the robot's belly, damaging its senses. Shadow feels

He feels sorry for him and tells him to stop harming the weak and throws a freezing ray at him.

that cools Trackman's poison and Vile's mouth, nullifying attacks

and damage from these.

Vile gets very angry and goes to bite Shadow with his fangs.

aggressive, the hero uses his shield and covers himself, but then Trackman comes out and

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protects the heroine with his metal-spring legs...Vile bites the metal,

but he breaks the robot's leg and falls on its side.

Shadow sees him surprised and goes to help him, he tells him that his act was very

brave but do not face a monster that has a medium level, since it is

dangerous. Trackman tells him that the truth is he wants to help... For his father, but in

Sombra uses his powers to get him back, he remembers that he killed

his father and gets angry trying to bite the heroine with his strong teeth, but

bites slowly or hits other surfaces, tries to bite, but due to

The fact that it takes 5 seconds to open/lower the mouth is very slow.

Trackman throws flyers, letters, banners, papers, everything with his snout

whatever has paper and this doesn't hurt either, but it is annoying, some

They fly fast and can cut one person, but it doesn't hurt both


Trackman runs off on his wheels, but trips and hits

Vile forcefully, causing it to fall into a trash can, this causes the

mutant cobra gets angry and his eyes turn red, he gets so angry that

transforms into Trainctor and tells him that he is a shameful son, then he

He transforms into Vile again and starts shooting burning rays at him with his eyes.

which injure the robot and injure it, causing its hose body to be destroyed.

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Shadow looks at the scene and yells to mess with someone his size, they fight

both of them tightly while Trackman is on the ground. The two fight with their

blows with their fists, kicks and even headbutts, even burning rays

They are attacked by electric shocks from the heroin.

Vile is so angry that he forms a black sphere in his snout that

reflects hatred and fury, he throws it at Sombra, damaging his body heavily,

He throws several rays making the heroine feel psychologically bad and she falls.

sad to feel so much hatred and resentment. Trackman's head looks at all that and without

able to move, he decides to magnetically attract the hose from his body and with

His magic produces a lasso around the mutant's body and traps him, but he

with a pull he breaks it.

Vile starts to destroy the robot's head, but Shadow still

depressed uses her shield and protects him, the monster uses his paws to kick the

shield with its long nails. While this is happening, the robot approaches the head

Scalight and a light is produced that restores his body, but this time it is not from

iron but titanium. Shadow feels very happy about it and tells him to escape from

there, but he says no because they are friends and with his hose hand he throws

car lubricant that stuns the cobra's senses, then the robot approaches

and uses that distractor to make her dance and spin, this makes Shadow see that

A being of lesser power has more value than her and increases her powers,

healing from the attack.

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Vile recovers and chases Trackman, but the heroine uses her lightning bolt.

light that destroys her and tells her that she will return since the demons upon receiving the power

We only go to the time dimension, but we come back anyway because

we can't die. Trackman feels happy and hugs Shadow, tells him to be

friends and he accepts but that each one of them better work on their mission, but

due to the power of light your errors have been eliminated; In the end he is hired at a

workshop to repair cars, the very happy heroine decides to visit it from time to time

as soon as.

Does it seem like it's a happy story? Well, Vile through a portal

dark... I return to do evil again in the future.

Shadow reaches a path where it is divided in two, one says that

It goes straight to China, but it's full of broken cages lying around, the other road is

alone and it says that the Nahuatl went there and it is a golden colored floor, a sign says

that goes to the timeless dimension; then he is going to cross the road and then he comes out

a ninja woman with a bun and a tight suit with big breasts and good

body, has two long swords, high boots and a mask, her name is Libby

the squirrel-woman

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The girl tells him that he can't pass and goes out to fight with Sombra.

attacking with their two swords, they fight powerfully between the two, with great

strength they fight with their swords which emit shine in the fight, they fight while

She tells him that she is a dark samurai and he must honor her fight.

The girl fights with her agile fists and kicks against physical attacks

Sombra, they fight as if they were two great martial artists and without wanting to

lose neither; They fight for a while until they realize that

They have the same power. Then the girl closes her eyes, her power increases

psychic and giant luminous eyes form that make Shadow feel

afraid, you feel like a terrified animal without any explanation, you feel

with inexplicable terror and falls to the ground while the girl continues with the spell

powerful, he tries to get up, but he is afraid... then the Scalight sword

increases its power and nullifies the psychic attack. The girl attacks again, but the

light field protects him from attack.

Then the girl uses her psychic powers making Shadow

think that giant roundworms surround you, the heroine begins to cut and act

as if they were real, fight in the air while the ninja girl laughs at it, Shadow

cuts but doesn't see any change and they don't die. Then you realize that

is not real and he lets those ascaris attack him, but he sees that their damage is fake,

and even Shadow looks torn and deformed in his mind, he looks crooked,

but despite the fear he decides to face his fear.

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Libby jumps up and tries to crush the hero with her heavy tail, the heroine flinches.

move at high speed avoiding the strong body slam attacks that

They move the floor leaving gaps, but since the heroine is very fast, she leaves the floor

damaged. Libby uses squeak with her squirrel mouth to try to stun Shadow,

She feels dizzy, but tries to resist the damage and shocks him.

causing him to stop, then he decides to run quickly in the


Shadow decides to follow her running with his strong shoes, he follows her

while he walks quickly down the road and tells him that if he beats him he will be able to accept his

defeat... They both run very fast, they even move along the

way, then they fly as Libby uses her flying squirrel wings and the heroine

Their wings of fire, move quickly on the road until they reach the end

where there is a very strange gray portal.

Libby forms into a giant sphere of light and begins to fight.

bouncing off Shadow, the heroine covers herself in a field of light fighting the

two with great strength and power, fight with their maximum forces from a field of

energy against another and fight until they increase their field of light each time

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more...Libby increases her power so much that her field explodes and she falls to the ground

burned on her body, she is left damaged and says that she has finally lost, Sombra

His energy returns and he feels better, he recovers from all his pain. Thank you

so much that he jumps and hugs Shadow while he turns, he tells him with his innocent face

that, if they can have the last sword fight, the heroine accepts and they fight

again with his magic swords in a duel of blades, in a friendly fight

until Scalight cuts both swords, Libby bows and gives him a

Thanks, it moves quickly and disappears with a smoke bomb.

Sombra saw that it was fun, he decides to say goodbye and enter the gray portal


Pass the magical portal and enter a psychedelic dimension where

rings of giant gold and silver colors intersect, between clouds and a shine

of sun in the background where there are some luminous stairs, there are portals of light that

They lead to the earthly paradise and where beams of colors are formed. Walk to the

end and sees a being similar to a golden yellow jaguar, its stripes were long

like those of a cat with light brown tones, with a benevolent face and emits light

golden Shadow tells him that he is a demon hunter and to show up, but

Since he doesn't respond, he attacks with his sword, but when he gets closer,

Scalight inexplicably turns off and then the giant cat launches a bolt of lightning.

golden light so powerful that it strongly pulls the heroine away from her until she falls

down; Scalight lights up again and this leaves the heroine scared.

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Sombra launches into the fight again and the deity called UI lights up his eyes.

eyes and releases a soul-destroying light that begins to erase Shadow of the

site and transforms into dust until it appears again at the entrance to the site.

Shadow is surprised, but starts to attack again, only this time he throws

electric shock and is returned to the heroine who for some reason remains in

shock and falls to the ground with smoke. Shadow does not know what power that goddess has,

In fact, she's a little terrified... UI just settles down and lies down like a

normal cat Sombra decides to use his spirit stones, but they don't work,

nor the magic necklace or anything.

UI smiles and tells him that if he wants he can give him a hand-to-hand battle.

body, Shadow accepts while angels appear playing trumpets, in the middle

Of them the heroine fights with her strength, but UI moves at divine speed

and gives him quick blows with his paws, headbutts, quick rubs, tail blows

and divine bites without receiving damage.

Shadow gets tired and damaged, UI as a bonus gives him energy

restoring his powers, but tells him it's fun but he's sleepy;

Sombra then takes the opportunity to attack and the goddess launches an attack called

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"divine mooring" where a gigantic golden rope ties the heroine and does not

allows it to move, it cannot free itself and it is so strong that it cannot do anything,

in fact, Scalight shuts down, tries to free himself, but can't. UI removes the

tie up for his own pleasure by humiliating the heroine, then he uses his power to

say that he wants to sleep and sends a flash of sunlight that throws the heroine like

If he bounced off the ground and in the air, until he fell and lost his sight completely, he would

He says that when he finishes sleeping he can regain his sight and leave. the heroine

She is scared of everything and cries because she is blind, so UI restores her sight and gives her

He says it's too much.

UI launches a power forming a ring of rotating Chinese long cards

that spin produce golden flashes that are dizzying and with beams of

colors that produce vertigo and dizziness, making Shadow feel bad and

fell to the ground with symptoms as if he had gone on a roller coaster.

Sombra gets up and is going to defeat that "demon" no matter what, but

at that a voice stops the fight, it is Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary who

appear, they tell him that this is the kingdom of heaven and that UI is not a demon but

a deity of the cat kingdom who rules there, but she only has fun without

further. Shadow apologizes and shakes the cat's hand, restoring energy.

Then he talks to Jesus saying that his work against evil is a very

good, he has learned a lot and that he is a great brother, they talk for a while about

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teachings and personal things. After a while UI sleeps, Shadow

says goodbye to the deities to return to the real world hoping one day to return to

see them, leaving the dimension and it closes.

Shadow walks through the streets, when suddenly people come out

scared because there is a being that is throwing dolls as weapons

like soldiers with pointed spears, darts, chariots with sharp wheels and

heavy basketball and soccer balls. Shadow uses his powers and burns them

all, then he gets to the bottom of this and sees a being with the face of a white skull with

black tuxedo suit with red tie and robotic boots, a skinny guy called

Funky the crazy clown.

Funky laughs, twists, runs and spins like a madman, but his

jokes have no limits... Shadow decides to stop him at all costs, but he is so

clown who throws several strawberry cakes in the heroine's face, which makes

Let her get upset while the crazy man laughs and gets crazier. Funky launches others

cakes, but they are destroyed by the sword Scalight and fortunately for Sombra

He doesn't try them because they are poisoned; while Funky uses his mouth to

throw poisonous and dirty water, the heroine covers herself with the shield and evaporates that

stinking and caustic water. Funky laughs and throws banana peels to see if the

girl falls but she avoids and flies, although she does not calculate a move and

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he slips, but he slips and goes to the clown to cut him in two and he

He gives a gift as a sign of peace, however when he opens it he receives a punch from

a mechanical boxing glove that knocks Shadow into a vegetable stand,

causing anger with the seller, but the clown makes fun of her and tells her

that he is scum, then he starts giving nicknames and bad jokes which

causes the heroine to feel humiliated.

Funky starts dancing and laughing, then Shadow throws electric shock,

but he moves between the rays at an impressive speed, laughs a lot and

This makes Sombra dizzy who is starting to get angry because of that clown.

Shadow uses his water power to create a wave, but the clown behaves

like a surfer, then jumps and lands on his feet on top of Shadow's head,

dancing on top of it for a while while laughing a lot. The heroine tries

catch it, but it is slippery like a worm and moves by jumping like a

rabbit, then he positions himself between thuggish girls dressed as madi and rabbit

They adore him for having money and being a good dancer.

Funky throws several soccer balls towards the heroine, but she detects

something and that is that they are grenades so it is hidden from the explosions, it is covered

several times avoiding being exploited by those deadly traps. Funky just jumps

and laughs, tells him that it is unbearable to see how stupid that person is and that he is

very boring... Funky launches explosive balloons that sound like gases

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ventral, but they contain poison with a horrible smell, luckily it has no nose

the girl, but the place is stinking.

Funky starts listening to music and decides to have an idea, fight with Sombra

while he dances and that's how it was, but he is slippery and kicks him in the body like

if he will turn laterally, then turn like capoeira and throw the heroine with a blow

with rotating legs to let it fall to the ground, continues dancing like crazy and

laughing. Shadow gets up and waits for him to finish dancing, then he goes to

attack, but he shoots her with a firearm, but it does nothing to the heroine,

since he is invulnerable to those attacks, he then takes out a toy weapon that

He shoots water, but only manages to wet the heroine. Funky rubs his head and

He tells him it's not funny, he swears by his black eyes, he thinks it was more

fun the time he assaulted, killed, abused with toys and participated in

human trafficking tearing out eyes, fingers, teeth and eardrums from their victims without


Finally, the clown takes out a gigantic 2-meter mallet that he uses

to attack Shadow, he chases him while trying to crush him like a coin

with his mallet. Sombra avoids the mallet in addition to hearing those crazy laughs of

that unbalanced person who has had enough, so he decides to move quickly and avoid

the sledgehammer blows, but she gets trapped in an alley and when she is going to be

crushed, she cuts the mallet with her sword and it falls divided into two parts,

making the clown angry and sticking out his tongue at the heroine, think how

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will see naked as it helps guys get images or videos of

adult content or watch your parents or neighbors in nudity, just by the fact

of perverting and rotting the souls of others, in addition to organizing gangs

criminals for the kidnapping of people, death and even rape of minors; the

The police have tried to stop the stupid fool but he is immune to bullets and if

He even wants to take out machine guns with his hand, kills in cold blood and can revive

as many times as you want; If a human destroys it, it revives again and looks for it to

cut off his fingers with a pencil sharpener or cut off his head in a guillotine that

he has in his secret cellar where he lives, then he bathes in his blood.

Funky uses his last resort and takes out of his pants some cuffs of

metal scrap that are small, but are getting bigger, launch

scrap towards Shadow who avoids the hits of metal pieces... Dodge and

cuts the scrap metal that she throws with her hand, the heroine avoids being hit by

that oversized trash. It launches an electric shock, but they become magnetized

becoming so big that they become enormous, but are destroyed by the

Scalight sword. The clown rolls on the floor crying like an immature person and

He tells him that he will throw a shower of waste at him, then with a secret weapon

similar to a bullet shooter, it launches paint towards the heroine, who is left

painted in colors, but that paint is also poisonous so it increases

his powers and frees himself.

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Funky laughs and smoke starts to come out so he decides to use an idea and tells him

says to dance and sing and shoot metal at the same time, doing it all reloading

and the crazy clown explodes and thus making his last laugh. Funky was the cause

of many effects of bullying, suicides, crashing cars, assaults, vandalism and

crazy use of evil power... Funky puts himself back together and is angry, he pulls out a

Sombra's voodoo doll and makes it move at will... Makes it stick like this

himself, fly, act like a chicken and a dog, act crazy...Sombra cannot

move at all, but look at the doll, try to steal that puppet from that hand,

but he is far away, he concentrates and launches firepower that pulverizes the voodoo.

Funky gets furious and throws junk bubbles with his snout, they are

spheres full of garbage that fly and try to fall on the heroine, she

He avoids them and starts moving fast, destroying those bubbles. The puppet

throws skulls that move their mouths like dogs trying to bite, these

They attack people's butts, but when they bite Shadow they are pulverized.

due to the electrical power, while the clown laughs evilly believing

who is winning, is twisted in the head because he tells sexual jokes and

of accidents as normal humor, he says that many families adopted it

thinking that it was a toy and caused scares in the houses, rather than playing

guija making more spirits come to the houses to have more company.

Funky throws giant ice cream balls, plus hamburgers that

They weigh tons with their magical power which are dodged, also with their

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magic makes it rain fizzy drinks in droves, while he thinks about the

times when he was robbed at gunpoint pretending to be a child, when

He trafficked drugs with the aim of making others sick, induced minors to drink and kill.

Funky uses a two-hole weapon and launches a beam that shrinks

Shadow with a hole making it tiny like an ant, the clown is going to

go to crush him, chasing him across the floor, then Shadow increases his

powers to become life-size. Then he shoots the other beam at him making

that he loses his memory thinking about who he is and why he is so ugly, he doesn't know anything

and loses the notion of life... in that the sword illuminates strongly

giving him back his knowledge, making him return to battle

Shadow gets tired of this and decides to go after that clown, who runs fast

and jumps, then moving at lightning speed he moves and Funky goes to

fall, but he holds him by his clothes since they are in a large building after so many jumps,

Shadow tells him to hold on because if he falls he could be destroyed, but the clown

twisted man imagines that there is a river of strawberry soda below, he jumps and falls

while laughing... being totally destroyed and his brain or central machine

goes out forever. Sombra decides to leave it there, without knowing that that toy

It is cursed and will be rebuilt as long as the forces of evil exist.

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Sombra arrives at the research laboratory where an incident has occurred.

nuclear accident due to a scientist who misused a world-class experiment

atomic bomb and this produced a huge explosion and the place was devastated, everyone

They died... Almost all but one. A scientist named Poser Tron merged

with the experiment and a being with a yellow suit has been created (it was white when

was a scientist, but he was irradiated) with blue boots, with strong muscles and a

spiked hairstyle, the great Positron. Positron is able to change objects

from normal to molecular, that is, it can divide everything into molecules according to their power,

his brain was affected by the explosion so he is crazy and wants to destroy it

That way, Shadow must stop him no matter the costs. Positron and Shadow

They begin to fight hand to hand with their strong attacks of punches and kicks

strong, fighting with great strength against each other, fighting with great strength and

tenacity, the strength of that being with luminous eyes, white skin and reddish hair is

surprising, he fights like a great warrior with great strength and even makes

Shadow limits on strength issue.

Positron launches a molecular ray that turns Shadow into particles,

It completely disintegrates it, but with the power of Scalight it reforms it and cancels it.

molecular attacks, blocking all. Positron uses his powers and launches

a ray called sublimation that converts an object from one material to another (for example

For example, a tree turned it into a truck, a rock turned it into a

window), then shoots it at Shadow and transforms him into a statue of

gold, but it doesn't change shape for some reason due to its magic level,

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It seems he has defeated Sombra... But suddenly! Scalight illuminates with great

power by returning the heroine to her original form and manages to repel the attacks of


Positron gets angry and wants to get inside the heroine's body and

destroy all the organs from the inside, so it becomes small-

microscopic to get into his body and kill him from the inside, but at the same time

do so due to the nature of Sombra's body he only encounters

electricity that leaves him in super shock due to the bunch of electricity and this

He leaves the body totally defeated and leaves the body defeated.

: Positron launches a radioactive fire with his hands that is super

destructive, the heroine covers herself with her wings of fire among the pile of fire

that is consuming the fire in his wings, plus it is giving him cancer in

body due to the high radiation, the fire of Sombra's wings goes out and

The girl falls weak, sick and in pain, she feels as if she were going to disintegrate.

Scalight is not harmed by anything, so Positron is surprised by that and tries to

use his molecular powers to destroy it, launch some atomic rays and

fire, but nothing, then the power of the holy sword increases and with a

glow destroys the atomic rays and hits the warrior hard, that light

so powerful it restores the heroine's health and wings. Shadow rises to

battle while being immune to the atomic fire that passes him by as if nothing had happened, then

Positron rises and with his powers creates a luminous sword of pure

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radiation and begin to fight with their weapons in a fight between two warriors,

They fight with great courage and strength, they fight powerfully with their weapons.

Positron manages to hit Shadow with his sword, cutting him in half.

aggressively, but Scalight's power brings him back together molecularly, they fight

So in that game of getting hurt, but not dying, but it is a fight of light between power

molecular, Sombra fights without wanting to lose and the radioactive crazy warrior only

laugh to see what is immortal. Shadow combines his light and electricity attacks

destabilizing the components of the scientist's body that end in

very strange body chain reactions, begins to emit flashing lights

radioactive colors, Shadow decides to fly quickly from there and with his powers

creates a gigantic dome of light protecting the city as the being explodes

like a nuclear bomb that destroys everything in its path. Shadow resists impact

forcefully until after a few minutes the explosion stops, the heroin

removes the force field and is tired, but she has won and people give her a

Hurray and he carries her to rest somewhere comfortable, it was the end of

Positron or right?... In that the molecules of that warrior come together again and become

form again, flees the site to one day fight again, leaves

for space to feed on black holes, promising to return in eons

of years to Earth.

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All these adventures are recorded in a book about Ángel's life.

for years, remembering his adventures that occur, even if he has married or

even during their adult life and maturity.

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