Sombra Contra Las Armadas de La Oscuridad (Ultima Version) - 701-1000

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sometimes, introducing some poison. He covers himself with his shield and attacks

with Scalight, the tail is very strong like a steel spear... but finally

is cut.

Shadow falls to the ground dizzy, while his opponent is enraged with

his tail bleeding green and his poison spread all over the ground, Shadow looks at him

shady, but he recovers a little and continues fighting thanks to Scalight

illuminates with great force and recovers the status of the warrior.

Faker, using his automatic pistols, begins to shoot hard.

towards Sombra, but, although the bullets hit the body, they fall to the ground as if

collide with a wall, shoot many times until you run out of bullets. With

his dual personality, he throws away the gun and tells Shadow to apologize for the

attacks, that I simply wanted to try it and that it can go far.

Knowing that it is a lie, Shadow turns his back and taking his sword

He leaves, Faker not knowing that he is attentive to the attacks.

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Faker, using his tongs made of steel and his other two arms

hidden forts launches an attack running up to Sombra, with his sixth sense

activated, one meter from his attack he turns around, removes himself from the attack by turning in

the air over the creature's head and gives it a strong kick in the back

throwing it against some piled rocks.

Shadow remains attentive, because he knows that he has not died and believes that he will come out.

of the rocks, however, those rocks remain still for many minutes;

until the earth vibrates strongly and emerges jumping in front of Sombra with

force breaking the ground. Shadow prepares to battle, puts away his sword

because he knows it won't be an easy technique, so he lights up his fists and

prepares to battle his two hands against his 4 limbs.

Fighting at lightning speed, dodging pincers and fists

Fast, he fights Faker, fighting his fists. Luminous fists damage

breaking the hard shell of the arthropod, but the pincers also peck

seriously injuring him.

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Shadow is hit by the other two hands, just like the fists

The luminous lights hit Faker hard, they continue fighting with great strength at great speed.

speed, they struggle and throw themselves towards each other in a strong, endless duel.

They fight until after strong punches, kicks, blocks and

even heavy falls in the martial arts duel type battle, they fall to the ground and

They continue fighting with great strength, Shadow increases his energy level

incredibly at 150, but even then it can't totally beat him.

The battle stops, both really beaten, greatly wounded.

magnitude and bleeding... Faker accepts his defeat because according to him he cannot

He recovers and tells Sombra that he has won, that he can leave in peace. Shade

He accepts his rival's decision and leaves, although he is very injured, however, the

Faker's severed tail is replaced and the stinger forms again. Faker laughs after

Shadow and tells him with his evil double personality: - “this is not over yet” - and

It shoots its stinger-projectile like a harpoon. Quickly Shadow is removed and Scalight

illuminates strongly and recovers all the wounds, his body illuminates and

recovers all his strength.

When it sees the harpoon-projectile coming, it launches an electromagnetic wave

that alters the metallic sting and it spins in the air without direction and

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He half flies heading towards Sombra, but Scalight attacks him and throws him away.

towards Faker, wounding him in his belly, he stabs him and poisons himself, he is attacked

mortally and tells him: - “you have beaten me, I am finally free from my double


evil with its own mouth), finally dies and vanishes like sand

of the desert.

Shadow worships his rival, although he was from the evil elite, he has prepared him

to battle in the final saga.

Shadow has reached his power level, and is now ready to continue

in that place where very soon your biggest nightmare will come true. fly up

who arrives at a place called, the place of dreams, where the deadly landscape and

destroyed becomes beautiful, colorful, full of rainbows and with living waters, with

plants... made of paper? And there are no animals anywhere, just get close

from a site where there are statues of personalized animals sitting on logs

and smiling, it is a place produced like a dream, but not everything is rosy

like the skies of that place. The worst thing is that while looking at the terrain, they launch

to attack Dowerfly and Foracer, who came there in order to have a battle

final, Foracer attacks with his electronic wave that immobilizes Sombra and Dowerfly

He launches himself with his sword to cut it. But a female voice tells them: “enough

for today".

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They stop, Shadow recovers his normal form and avoids the effect of


They stop, and many warriors of the sagas emerge from the landscape.

previous of the forces of good: Sombra 1, Maya and the falcon, Zarcas,

Trilangerbero, Dryp, Natura, Venusoria, Helena, Queen Hornet, Swordmaster,

Tamura, Shogun, Brissa, and even Maldravosaur whom Zarcas had saved

from the jungle of the captors of hunters who had him prisoner and

chained Zarcas was walking along that route and looked at him, freed him and with his chains

attacks and kills illegal hunters. Grateful, the great tyrannosaurus follows him

to defend him wherever he wants.

However, the deity of good cannot come from the other dimension,

because according to her she is busy with her plans.

The meeting is not only a reunion, but it is because that land of

Dreams is a site created by the energy of the dreams of all beings.

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living parts of the universe and it is where souls go when they sleep, but many people

has committed suicide because he cannot sleep due to great nightmares and strength

evil that remains.

In that place a rumble is formed in the distance, on the mountain, where they come

running all the defeated evil warriors, from the first chapter

to Faker in the fiercest final battle.

Shadow 1 feels like the best warrior and has an alternative Scalight with

powers the same as that of Sombra 2, this second transforms into its version

robot, but guided to battle for good, Foracer thinks that a duel is a

duel; the girls come together to join forces with each other, Trilangerbero, Dryp, Queen

Hornet, Maldravosaur and Zarcas strengthen as legendary power, Shogun

He still retains his point of pride and believes he will win. Tamura is calm

just like his disciple Swordmaster, Helena and Natura. Just when they are going to

battle Prince Sarmel appears in front of them as if he had arrived by a bolt of lightning.

light and offers an apology to Shadow 2 and Dowerfly for their evil actions.

They don't trust this one much, but the prince even though he was killed

by the evil elite wants to test his strength in the final battle as a human-


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The evil warriors arrive in front of them, there are too many of them, the only thing

What can help them is their inner strength and that these warriors have a level

low of fight.

Krimbell Vortax raises his ax and gives the war cry... all

warriors go towards them. Shadow 2 (who, in that battle to not create

confusion, he proclaims himself as Shadow 2) raises his Scalight and says: - “to

shadowbattle”-. They launch into the final armada running towards each other,

fighting, dodging deadly attacks and launching his power attacks.

The battle begins, but the navy fights showing who has the greatest

power, meaning that, with the exception of the forces of good, evil warriors

They fight each other with relative powers. Maldravosaur launches spheres of fire

against Leivous' lava beam force, while Lynch attacks

Trilangerbero while Kurchev appears and scratches Lynch, Antroop kicks

Trilangerbero. Venusoria uses her magical powers against Angelspratz who uses

her magic power from the vase, but Venusoria is attacked by a beam of magic

Darkness of Masterstrunk, just as Angelspratz is hit by the magic of

Mastermind and Psyncro who fight each other.

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Dryp fights Wartauron, but is left without an opponent when Colder

he throws himself at his rival. While Billhen arrives in front of Dryp to attack him with

his cowboy way. Shogun who believes himself to be the best warrior, plans to fight, but

He is confronted by Algel and Dr. Charmaleon, who launch into battle together

but enmity.

Giants like Void and Apocalypsis fight far away, to see who

will dominate the universe.

Sombra and Dowerfly team up to battle Inferno, Dino Croco,

Birdrate, Modula and Fusion, who surround them, but Krimbell Vortax attacks the

others because he plans for the final duel to be between Sombra and him. But they don't have

so lucky because Hercolubus and Dactyl attack the heroes. Hydrik and

Folhemgearo fight with their bites.

Slasher launches to attack, but is stopped by the enormous force of

Gyganthor and Dorteceratops, who join together and throw him into the air, but those

themselves are run over by Rocker and Road Crash.

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Brissa slips away among the war, but Bulbor appears in front of her and

He says that his end has come, but receives the ray of light from Papilionsun that throws him

hard to the ground, she thanks the butterfly, but not for long because

Toratrum follows them non-stop.

Then Fusion uses his super integrated forces and withstands the arrows

which Leadher throws at him with his bow; Beelzebub fights Kywan Matsumoto, in

a martial arts duel against the demon's claws, but Petrylleum

He throws oil and everyone falls. Without noticing it, a Drag and an Ostroso fight with their

fatal bites, but both attack and a Mugry intervenes,

leaving a bad taste in those monsters' mouths.

Lyena attacks Faker with her pincers to find out who is the best

scorpion, but a spark of love occurs, but they are swept away by the

Bombuin slides who attacks Stringfrog and his poisonous slimes.

Zoxerbian and Lee, despite being relatives, fight with their forces with great fury.

Let's see who will be the best warrior of the tribe.

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Hydros launches his dark beam with his thorn harpoon, but Drag uses his eye

that shoots rays of light.

Maya uses her magic rose and throws roses that surround Gargodrom,

but Wombat swoops in and frees him, and heads towards her, but Foracer

launches its stunning echo that leaves him dizzy, his beloved princess Yanicell is in

I squeeze because Arachnoman trapped her in a spider web, but with his wings of

dragonfly at speed manages to get out, and runs into Coloxide.exe who falls while

attacked Dactyl and pushes him causing Sombra to slip... throwing

unconsciously a ray of light that attacks Shadow-man.

Shadow 2 is full of desire to fight for the forces of good, but

without looking at him, Hercolubus gives him a super punch in the stomach that knocks him

air. But without noticing it, Zync pounces on him like a fly to suck him, the

worm of the year 9999, which comes from the future, confronts little Brissa,

She gets a little scared and with her power casts a spell to throw stuffed animals at him.

They crush the beast, but what they achieve is that a stuffed animal comes out of the air

of a giant pink rabbit that crushes that worm.

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Frozen as promised, along with the ghost skater

appear in the duel and fight throwing ice, even freezing Venomous who

spread poison spores on the ground.

Oddine and Kaurameshi fight with forces of courage, but with lightning

Tamura dragon hits them, in turn he is attacked by Electron's metal ball

3452. Zenomia releases poisonous spores, which Windra releases winds and the

spreads, but both are eliminated from the passage through Krabadrain.

Toydman throws explosive soldier dolls, which alter the

presence of Katsura, who for the first time launches and with his powers launches the

ray of love that alters and drives the robot crazy, who slips and hits

Sharkraptor. Peritborg rushes full of fury towards Sparkdrom, but he

defends Ribbit with his mega kick, before the cat thanks, the rabbit is

imprisoned by a net that Swaarrow throws at him, but before he controls it

Lunarabajo appears and frees him; Swaarrow is still after his prey, but Hippo

catches by throwing a rolling fur ball.

Sparkroach runs like a cockroach through the war wanting to get out, but

Drobyte launches his psychic powers and orders him to fight, they both fight together

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against Galaxyan by throwing him to the ground, but without measuring each other, Drobyte and Spark fight.

Astrosquatch spins around Junker trying to make him dizzy... but gets hit

for a garbage bag he throws at him, however, Murdercrew attacks Junker with

his snout and takes out the gasoline.

Dead Eve uses her powers to scare her rival Thanathos which

The opposite happens when someone compliments her and tells her that she does have a boyfriend, but both

They are pushed to the ground by Dryammula who flies after Greens.

Natura uses her magical powers while she is stuck in a dome of

crystal because Crystal caught it, it brings out strong roots that break the crystal and

is released; then, thinking that in the world of dreams, no matter how great the

I wish no one can die, he shouts, stopping the battle.

Then he says: - “attention warriors of good and evil, that way

immortal no matter how great the attack between us, even fighting between

We are not going to achieve more than a thousand-year war without conclusion

"We will have to find a solution other than destroying each other."

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Regardless of what he said, everyone continues to battle just like Natura

who is attacked without meditation by Daykiris herself who became addicted to power

and releases stunning spores. Prince Sarmel has no powers, but he is very

good at fighting against Sword's sawhand, fighting with his blades, but

Neoncrome increases the power of his lightning launcher and attacks by shooting the two

throwing them away.

But not all creatures as they battle fiercely, leaving

rays of all kinds, bites, fists, kicks, sword blows, strong impacts,

even deadly attacks, in a battle violent enough that for the most part

that attack each other, in the world of dreams no one can die.

Someone from another dimension observes the cruel battle... and decides to join

to battle, but not participate but make a decision.

The warriors of good unite on one side and all join forces,

even Yanicell and Sarmel, and they all launch a gigantic ray of inner power.

Increasing their strength, the demons increase their inner power and launch a

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ray of deep darkness, both rays collide, but neither gives way,

They move from left to right with great force, this is because the warriors

of good have increased their level of power and the demons are many and all

They are strong but their power level is not that high due to the defeats of the

past sagas.

The attack between both masses of power continues and there is no one who will give in.

that level of power... but a luminous woman appears on the battlefield,

long light blue hair as well as her extensive evening dress, wearing

sandals, he is a sacred being, with only his hands and touching both energies,

she washes them away and without being hurt, she smiles and tells them that it is enough and that only

The legendary warrior will have the final battle. This is Ilumina, the final warrior.

Dowerfly asks who the final warrior is, if any; Krimbell believes

which is him, but she says: - “only he who has the power of Scalight” -. Shade

He believes he is called, but before fighting, he cannot fight in such a way, with

a low level of power, so Shadow 2 returns to his Shadow state and with the

Scalight with level 160%, then the Shadow of the past merges with the

Shadow of the future, both warriors become luminous, both walk one

towards another like two mirrors and when they cross each other, they form a Shadow of level

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200%, with Scalight of eternal light, his suit turns gold and his shield becomes flame

living, its wings turn to lava.

Sombra accepts Ilumina's challenge, but before leaving, all the warriors

(good and evil are envious that Shadow is the best of all) and

They launch towards Ilumina, but with the power of a finger, he launches a super tornado of

air that throws everyone to the nearby mountain where VOID was.

Ilumina has a very sweet and melodious voice, she is enchantingly beautiful

but she is bewitched by evil. She takes Shadow by the hand and carries him

to her final castle where she had stayed before falling to that place, she tells him

Don't worry about your friends because they will be fine.

They are left battling on the hill due to envy and proving who

is the best warrior in case Ilumina defeats Sombra, they continue the long

battle. They fight without rest, their power levels increase, they try to fight

against each other, in a type of tournament where whoever has the greatest strength is the

winner, however, the one with the greatest power who turns out to be victorious, Dowerfly

whoever has the Electropower sword is defeated by the one who lost first,

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Mugry, who lost in the first duel, the battle is not over, they continue

fighting with great strength, although they cannot die.

But Shogun asks everyone: - “Why does evil want to dominate the world?”

Earth?" - and Krimbell answers that that is his land and where evil reigns, he

The portal will open and the territory is declared as ours.

Apparently this war is the fault of the evil of humans for destroying

The Earth causes these portals to have opened thousands of times in all the

cultures so they decide to battle against the dominant evil humans

while Sombra will finally face Ilumina in the next chapter.

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Chapter 13

Battle against Ilumina.

While the warriors of good and evil have an arduous battle in the

world of dreams, a battle between powers where they can fall, remain

wounded- fast healing, and be damaged in battle, they cannot die in that

magical world. Sombra is carried by Ilumina by teleportation to the tower

where he was before he fell into that hole.

They reach a rock surface like a stone ring that is in the

space!, because, although the ring measures about 22 km long x 14 km long,

All around is outer space, you can even see it from afar, based on

of the ground, the solar system beneath that rock.

The atmosphere full of stars, moving comets and gigantic

planets that move, meteors are seen that are threatening, but not so much

like the final battle. Sombra asks Ilumina who before fighting

you are and why we should fight. She answers:-“My name, as you already know, is

Illuminate, a luminous essence, since the beginning of the universe, my mission is not the

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evil nor good, but to know if you are brave, if your power is as good as the

mine, in fact at the beginning of time I was able to create that Scalight sword with

a minimum of my power but now that it has increased in power I challenge whoever

owner of that sword, since I have the energy of the universe, I would not want to fight

with you darling but I'm sorry, I'm tired of these wars between good and evil

wrong, I just have to destroy you and that sword or give up and stop fighting and your death

"It won't be very painful." It will be a galactic battle where only one will win.

Shadow remains silent, looks at the sword, remembers all the intense

battles and how strong he has become, and with great faith, full of energy he tells

Illuminate: “-Until the end... prepare to battle Illuminate-“.

Shadow knows that the light rays wouldn't do anything to him, so he uses his

hyper volt increased by a million, that electric discharge is launched towards Ilumina

who does not move and rather absorbs the electric rays. Without moving,

Shadow continues attacking: he throws ice, fire, water, wind, but it doesn't do any harm.


Shadow sees her not moving yet, draws his sword and runs towards

her to try to cut it with her sword edge, but she at the speed of light

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He moves and dodges the sword blows as if he were moving and appearing somewhere else.

Shadow assumes that sword can kill her, so he attacks by jumping and

trying to cut her, but she moves quickly.

While attacking, Ilumina moves and in an attempt grabs

Shadow and with gigantic force he squeezes his hand and forces him to release his grip.

sword. Sombra thinks she's going to use Scalight to cut him, but she seems to

out of paper, cuts Scalight in two and throws her to the ground, leaving her dead,

Shadow is scared of the gigantic power, since no warrior could do what

what he did now, without having further recourse, will continue fighting.

Ilumina warns Sombra to prepare to be defeated. And with

the energy that forms its luminous body, launches a strong beam of powerful light,

blinding, with a high level of energy, that light reaches Shadow like the light of

a dawn and attacks it so strongly that it makes it fly for very kilometers

beaten, until he fell to the ground with his golden suit torn in the legs, arms, and

part of the layer.

Shadow is amazed at that power, he gets up somewhat hurt and walks away.

teleports to where Ilumina is and increases his power by covering himself with his

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powers and tells her that he will not give up. She releases another luminous discharge

from his body that collides with the weak dome of light and destroys it, just as

the golden shield and throws Shadow into the air and makes him fall to the ground again,

in a great impact.

Not knowing how to beat her... no hope of reviving because Scalight is

dead, she feels miserable. Ilumina smiles and thinks it's not a big deal.

as everyone said and launches a third light attack that sweeps Shadow outside.

from the platform, with very very strong damage, leaving the system adrift

solar, unconscious and without knowing how to defeat his strong rival. Unconscious, already

traveled about 20 miles away from the platform, then wakes up hurt, sad for

not having defeated Ilumina; wishing for a chance and a way how

beat her. Ilumina is an essence of good, but inside she has a fragile mind,

hypersensitive and proud, but she is somewhat happy, but like all beings in the world

space (even stars) live and die because they have a mechanism


While he is in space, the essences of good appear and tell him: “-

Sombra, Ilumina is bewitched because Masterstrunk cast a very spell on her.

dark that dominated it and therefore acts evilly, to defeat it you must

steal the crystal from his chest, pierce his chest and get the crystal,

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that Scalelight mode will be able to revive; then they restore energy that returns it to its

level of 200% and with a thank you it is returned to her.

Shadow arrives in front of her, she is surprised how she regains her powers,

but she doesn't care since she will die soon according to her, but before the battle,

The essences of good appear and ask her to end this absurd battle,

but with a luminous power he attacks them and makes them fall to the ground, the three elders

dying in front of Sombra; Before dying, they ask Sombra to save them.

the universe, then they die as people, Shadow mourns the departure of his

friends, gets sentimental and clenches his fists.

He wakes up full of courage and with a lot of anger, increasing his powers

so much, so much, absorbing the energy of the universe just like Ilumina and with its

inner strength, each time it increases until it becomes his luminous suit and his

level reaches up to 999.

Ilumina is surprised at how the energy is like thousands of rays

electrifying from across the galaxy, fall upon Shadow, totally illuminating

his body, filling all his power, while the space becomes as if thundering

the outer emptiness.

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Shadow absorbs and absorbs all the power of the essences of the

universe, his level of courage and sentiment increase greatly, so much so that

with the final super gigantic lightning bolt that arrives and falls on Shadow, he strengthens

Shadow and turns his entire suit and luminous wings, his green eyes seem

green flames, his shield recovers and becomes luminous. There is an earthquake in

throughout the ring and in many parts of the universe, you feel that tremor in the earth

of dreams, where he interrupts the long battle between the demons and the

warriors, between the impact, Ilumina flies away from the impact of light and even

falls a few meters away from Sombra.

When the light stops shining and he looks at the new Shadow, he is surprised... it's

a being with a level of essence of good, that astonishes Ilumina and he tells her that

I will win, let him prepare; She is surprised, but says that, although she has arrived

At level 999, it is not enough, since she has level X or 1000.

Sombra prepares to battle, Ilumina wants to see if he will try to defeat her.

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The hero swears to take away the crystal that he has in his heart, because his

The objective will be to defeat her and restore her status as a divine essence, Sombra launches

thousands of luminous fist-comets that try to attack Ilumina who is

moves at high speed, but while moving she is attacked by a very

strongly and throws it to the ground, flying and falling heavily to the ground.

Ilumina stands up and still does not believe that a simple warrior without his sword

magic has defeated her; She uses her discharge of light with her throwing body,

trying to throw Sombra and the only thing it does is push him to just two

meters away. Shadow doesn't give up.

Meanwhile, in the dream world, all the warriors (good

and bad) continue fighting, training for the final battle, fighting

roughly and sparring with each other, they are sometimes knocked down or attacked

by the bombs of certain warriors, but they cannot die and continue training

strongly, until the level of each one reaches a score of 300; they fight

training like a martial arts duel, rays come out attacking each other with

others, fights of forces. Everyone trains, fighting who is the best, without

However, the legendary Masterstrunk, realizing that the war will be with

humans, disappears and goes to notify the human who dominates the Earth to

prepare him in the final battle to gather the army and navy troops of

the earth.

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Ilumina creates with her hands a super gigantic ball of light, similar to

to a star like the sun, he throws it towards Sombra to burn it. subject shadow

that ball with force, grabs it as it is moved back, is tried to be

crushed from the ball, increasing his powers, he lifts that ball and throws it towards the

space, Sombra does not suffer much damage and with his hands, he launches a giga volt of

800,000 volts of energy, towards Ilumina, but she receives an attack of 120

volts thanks to its internal 1x energy level minimizes that attack.

Ilumina uses her final attack, saying: - “stele of blessing” -. And some come out

golden linens made of light, like transparent fabrics that come out of his body

that trap and absorb all of Shadow's energy.

He is caught by those beautiful linens, as if they were ropes, and he feels that

its light energy is being lowered. Increasing his strength, he takes the

ropes and lets go, she cuts them with her strength although it costs her a lot of work, she

he throws those ropes again and catches it again; although it weakens

Due to time, Sombra manages to destroy them and leaves them, Sombra runs towards her,

to try to remove the crystal, type-army star, a luminous crystal that

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he has in his heart and is the one he needs to restore Scalight; run towards

She would try to put her hand through his chest and remove the glass.

But one meter away from the still Ilumina, when it approaches, when it arrives, it

opens his luminous brown eyes and says: - “super solar flash-” and the power

greater than it, the maximum solar magnetism it has, is the closer it is


Shadow is left in a state of magnetism, unable to move in the

air... remains static in the air and then is pulled strongly back,

until he throws it away from the platform it even gets stuck to a piece of

metallic satellite, Shadow is somewhat beaten, but not defeated and turns to

transport, she uses her magnetic power and makes a dome that protects her from

every attack, neither lightning nor luminous fists attack it, it is a field

magnetic that protects and when close blocks, neutralizes and attacks, like

Twice more than Shadow tries to cross it and is thrown very far.

When he is glued to the satellite again, he remembers the battle against

Fourtrey and Yanicell, your expansion wave and try to use it, it may be

works. Sombra returns in front of Ilumina, runs towards her and a few meters away.

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she, launches the shock wave like a green ring that paralyzes her, but not for

a lot and precisely when he is one meter away from her, the effect of that wave

passes and the deity is free, and launches the solar flash which again throws very far

Shadow, away from the platform.

The goddess Ilumina is getting tired of all this, since she sees a foolish being

who likes to be attacked to die. Analyze... and after a few minutes he looks at Sombra

that reappears on the battlefield, he runs to attack her, she

wait and launch the solar flash again, but first... from a meter away

From it, launch the expansive wave; with 15 seconds of time, enough to

give him a super strong luminous fist that goes through his chest and hold the glass.

When she has him grabbed, she becomes paralyzed and releases the solar flash,

Even with Shadow's hand inside his body, this makes Shadow

receiving some sunburns on the body, not very noticeable, but

What is worse for Ilumina is that her solar flash prompted her to throw Sombra with everything and

glass. She feels very angry, she tells him: -”my crystal, oh no, what have you done to me?

Give me back my crystal-"

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Shadow is far away, at one end of the platform. Taking out all

the crystals, unites them with force, all the crystals shine with great strength and

merge, a gigantic sphere of light is formed that launches a super ray and makes

that Scalight reunites and it shines so brightly and regains its shine

eternal, increasing your energy level to 2X. Shadow takes the sword and is

shines with great energy as the energy sphere transforms into a beautiful

long-tailed comet, Ilumina shouts: “Noooooo, stop... you have awakened a

comet that will fall and collide with the Earth and it will be destroyed along with the

elite of evil, you have provoked the wrath of the universe-". Truly, that comet

will crash and kill the Earth, but then, it will be reborn to natural life and will last

forever, where the evil of humanity will no longer touch its rivers or seas

will pervert, nor will its animals be slaughtered anymore, that natural essence is

the guardian of planet Earth.

Ilumina still has the Masterstrunk spell, and plans to destroy the sword

Scalight, while that comet releases magic dust that revives the essences

of good.

Ilumina casts her solar flare, but Scalight casts a beam of light that

neutralizes, enraged by the life of the comet, she launches herself, increasing her

luminosity, but with Scalight it launches a super ray of love essence, which is

like the light of the moon on summer nights, which passes through space and its

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power attacks her mind, and that force erases the evil. She remains

confused as if she had a migraine, she still decides to attack him, but with her

comet fists, Sombra attacks her and throws her defeated to the ground.

Ilumina is left lying on the ground, defeated and having recovered her

sanity of his mind, somewhat wounded, but healed, he thanks Shadow for

having saved her and apologizes for wanting to destroy the universe.

Sombra feels flattered and heals all his wounds with his sword.

All the essences of good come together and tell Shadow that the Earth

is being slaughtered, nature is crying because man is the one

is to blame for the opening of the evil portals and that their dominion has

Kindness sickened and living beings were totally killed. shadow

becomes furious and accepts the mission to go into battle against humanity, to save

the world and the natural essence.

Sombra takes his sword and knows that the final mission of his entire adventure

He finally approaches, believing in this, he is going to leave, but Ilumina thinks about it

accompany that battle, the two say goodbye to the essences of good and

They teleport to Earth for the big battle. All friendly warriors and

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Enemies head to Earth to defend the entrances to their kingdoms, open

over and over again because of human evil.

Tired of having fought many times against demons because of

of human caprice and the unconsciousness and lack of love of bad human beings,

The warriors of good will strike at all costs.

However, because of the wizard Masterstrunk awaits them.

gigantic army of 500 000 soldiers of the army of the world's armies

for the big final battle. In the next chapter the war will be between the forces

of Shadow against the dark forces of humanity.

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Chapter 14

The war against humanity

Sombra has defeated Ilumina and restored his status as essence of the

good; When he has reached level 999, with his luminous suit, he meets with

Light up to go to Earth to witness the strongest war of all. The

Shadow's elite warriors against the political and military forces of the

Earth, in a final apocalypse, I finally believe that the most important war of

the whole story is about to begin.

Sombra and Ilumina teleport to Earth, the other warriors

On the other hand, they teleport to Earth through a portal of light that

It opens connecting the land of dreams with the city of the United States,

where there are no animals, no plants, no water or clean air, only soldiers and

many supply stores.

In the distance you can see a large tower like the one where Shadow was in his first

battle against the great Shogun in the past. You have reached the year 2100, where

Shogun had not supposedly existed, so without his dark presence, the

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tanks and military planes have killed all of humanity whoever gets in the way

to the reign of the supreme leader, a governor who is very ambitious and alone

He wants to have the world under his dark empire.

Many people died when the nuclear bombs and bombs came

bacteriological. Now the streets are patrolled by soldiers of the forces

armed forces of Earth, those soldiers are fueled by the dark air and

evil magic from the traitor Masterstrunk who works to become the most

evil magician and viceroy of the entire universe.

When they all arrive on the planet, at the same time, while Shadow arrives

along with Ilumina at site x, where they appear in an old park or square

where the president's speeches were previously held. On that site appears the

portal of light, leaving all the warriors of the Sombra saga; they meet and

friends or enemies, will fight for their kingdoms, so that they are closed and never

but they have to go back to fighting against each other, just when they are

speaking, some soldiers appear with their weapons to attack them, pointing their

rifles, but before any of them attack, the roar of a tiger is heard

giant, and something hanging from a rope from a building swings and swings

It launches towards the soldiers, attacking them with its steel nails, killing them.

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All the warriors are surprised to see that brave warrior who

killed soldiers with his nails, a human-feline with long nails, with a body

strong, wearing a type of thick, reddish fur and long blonde hair, with

green eyes, a humanoid-feline from the planet Kyaran who is avenging the

invasion of humans by space means to their planet and having enslaved

his people, he locked them up on this planet. Sombra and his friends tell the feline

named Stormcat to join them in battle against the forces of the apocalypse.

Stormcat at first rejects the offer, but upon seeing the many soldiers, accepts.

the offer; However, Stormcat is not a powered warrior, he can only

attack and scratch.

The soldiers gather with their guns, tanks, and planes, the voice of the

maximum leader orders, attack and kill all the warriors of Sombra's elite.

The soldiers run towards them, the others prepare, Shadow raises his sword

illuminating and says: - “a shadowbatallar'-.

The warriors launch themselves against the humans. The soldiers attack with

bombs and machine guns, they dodge them, and even bullets cannot

not even kill. A soldier uses his machine gun and starts shooting at

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Krimbell Vortax, but it doesn't even make any scratches, it's like it shoots

against a wall.

The super demon uses his strong fist and forcefully pulls the soldier from a

super punch, knocks him to the ground hard.

Other soldiers approach the girls, sadistically and trying to

approach them with their rifles trying to threaten them to abuse them, but

Without thinking about it, they become enraged and use their maximum attacks, using their

powers pulling the soldiers away from them.

With the help of Maldravosaur's flamethrower and fireballs,

Destroy and explode thousands of tanks. Some jet bombers are approaching to treat

to launch missiles, but in the sky, Queen Hornet, Papilionsun, Dactyl and Birdrate

They fly after them, launching attacks at the missiles they throw, causing them to explode.

before they fall to solid ground.

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Meanwhile, at sea are the armed forces of the navy, who

launches torpedoes towards the warriors, when he looks at them, Trilangerbero moves

like a spinning blade in the sea and cuts them, causing them to explode, but not

damages its golden coating.

Some soldiers approach with their weapons to point at Sombra, who does not

He is not afraid at all, he continues walking, but the soldiers get angry that he does not

They fear, so they shoot too much. The bullets sink into the body

Shadow, but they are vaporized when touching the suit and he, with his Scalight sword

cuts the weapons in two.

Other soldiers see Shogun and recognize that this was once created.

armor for military projects, but that Shawn was disqualified because

I wanted that armor to be to help the world, even so, to avoid

bad ambition, this one stole the armor and now uses it for justice. they start

to shoot, but they fail to pierce Shogun's golden armor, and rather

They are attacked by Shogun's plasma ray.

Shadow watches Shogun battle, eliminating the soldiers with his

super plasma beam, but sees Masterstrunk in the distance who is going to launch his beam

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dark to dominate Shogun's mind without him realizing it, Shadow

run through the entire battle, then run towards Shogun, turn, fly turning

turn to the robot and with a sword attack, hit the dark beam, which

becomes luminous and returns to the magician, piercing his chest,

It leaves a big tear in his black heart. Masterstrunk falls to the ground like a

Mortal, on his deathbed, thinks that now he will no longer be able to live more

time, he looks at the sky thinking that his life could have been different, but now

It's late, he finally dies asking Sombra for forgiveness.

The battle between the monsters and the Earth's army continues, there is

lightning against bullets, mythical swords against blades of war. Stormcat attacks

with his dagger nails against the soldiers, avenging the invasion of his land,

He then joins Tamura when the ninja soldiers arrive, fighting against

them, in a martial arts duel.

However, no matter how much attack the soldiers receive, they die and are

revived by the evil force surrounding the Earth. Fourtrey and Dowerfly join forces

as the “greatest warriors” and battle with their advanced powers.

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Stormcat fights hard, but flees, leaving Tamura the battle at his side.

from Swordmaster, because he intends to go save his family. Meanwhile,

the soldiers are defeated, because the level of the warriors is so high that a

bullet could not harm them, in fact when soldiers use their powerful

weapons, the level of warriors has increased in the battles between good and evil

bad, which has reached 400, insignificant because Sombra has his power at 1x,

surpassed by Ilumina and Scalight, a bullet would collide with the power within and make

that it falls to the ground when hitting the body of these creatures, even many

They are drawn with their daggers, but they bend when they try to pierce them.

Due to the attacks of Maldravosaur and Mortula, many soldiers are

killed, cruelly in battle; although the evil power revives them, and the

battle continues in a cruel and bloody final battle, the battle of final judgment.

However, the soldiers revive because the evil force of the world

is feeding and reviving the soldiers, the warriors advise him

Sombra goes to finish off the final warrior, Shogun covers Sombra but with some

electric shocks explode many tanks, like Shogun who

just as in the alternate past he destroys the entire world's navy, with the

difference than before, Shogun was the one who killed the evil king who dominates the

Earth and was then bewitched by Masterstrunk.

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Stormcat arrives in front of her family, sees cat women and children

humanoids locked in cages, the male cats are trapped in

dungeons, being fatigued and tortured by soldiers. Stormcat arrives and with his

Super sharp nails kill soldiers like stabbing them in the neck.

Stormcat uses her super nails and cuts the cells, frees them, reunites with

his beloved and with his children, orders them to flee far away.

Everyone leaves hoping that one day, Stormcat will come home, to

stand by him. But a girl named Medustar, luminous, hair of fire

with snake shapes just like the legendary jellyfish and with a suit the color of

blood, in a military way, uses his powers from his hair made of fire and attacks,

launching a dagger-flare that pierces Stormcat's chest like a sword

and it makes his chest bleed badly, bleeding a lot.

Medustar uses his illuminating eyes, strong and flashing, making

vibrating the snakes in her hair turns Stormcat into a statue

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stone, unable to move and is still badly injured... locked inside

from the stone layer without being able to breathe, suffocating... but a very powerful light,

luminous from afar arrives, hitting the rock and completely disappearing,

causing the feline to fall to the ground, still badly injured.

Stormcat is not going to give up, and gets up trying to attack the girl

made of fire, but she moves at the speed of light and with her supers

incredible forces, kicks him and punches him very hard, to the point that he

breaks several bones in the body. Without being able to get up, dying he does not want to

surrender and he will be attacked by a flame that he will launch with his snout,

but then he hears a voice who challenges Medustar to fight, and tells him to stay.

target someone whose power is equivalent to, it is Ilumina who has come to fight

with her traitor sister, an ancient essence who joined the evil elite by

always attracted by evil and blood, he allied himself with humans to destroy

the entire galaxy.

Medustar uses his illuminating eyes and his vibrant fire snakes and

He tries to petrify Illumina, who covers herself with her inner power and nullifies the

spell, but many soldiers who were around trying to guard the terrain

They become legitimate stone statues, which remain there lifeless.

Medustar uses his inner power and releases burning solar flames, but Ilumina

He uses his internal powers and launches rays of light that counterattack the fire.

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Meanwhile, in the war, Sombra's warriors are winning.

terrain and they advance, fighting without resting. Suddenly, the marshal orders

the troops to withdraw, for an air attack.

The soldiers flee from that place, leaving all the warriors in a

only place, only those who are at sea are far from facing the attack

aerial; the international army orders to massacre the entire area, then everyone

They withdraw from the site, even the ships, making it appear that the warriors are

winning and that makes everyone get lost, celebrate and everyone unite, everyone

except Sombra and Ilumina who are on their way to the final battle.

Everyone shouts with happiness, they feel like winners and that they have won the

final battle, but they are not sure that all this is a trap.

Meanwhile, Sombra arrives at a building full of pure glass windows.

crystal and it is where Shogun was in the first part, at the top of the

150 meter high skyscraper, where the final boss is located.

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The soldiers who are in that place use their weapons and try to

shoot the supreme Sombra who does not harm him with simple bullets, and with his

Scalight's power defeats and cuts the soldiers in two, a tank arrives and takes aim

to Sombra, when he throws a bullet, Sombra illuminates it with great force and passes through

the explosion, then with a cutting beam from the sword, cuts and explodes the

war tank.

Shadow can fly to the top of the building, but if he doesn't go inside, he will be

attacked by soldiers and that makes Shadow enter the building, and with his

electrical powers and his sword attacks, he rises and defeats the

soldiers, they all chase him through the corridors, but not even the

Bombs and bullets do not harm Shadow, who runs with his illuminating sword.

He climbs the steps, and while that happens, the soldiers surround him to try

to attack him physically, but when they are close, Sombra releases his inner power

and everyone receives an impact so strong that the power breaks walls and knocks people down.

soldiers flying away from the building, some dying with that impact.

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Shadow with no time to lose, continues to rise without a rival to slow him down.

the final battle while his friends are in battle. Illuminate and Medustar

They use their inner powers and fight with all their might, throwing lightning bolts at each other.

to the other with great power, while Stormcat is dying, Ilumina wants

heal him by launching a ray of light, but Medustar prevents it by counterattacking with

its solar rays.

That area, where Ilumina is located, is near the battle point of

the demons for which he is in danger due to the upcoming final attack.

Hidden in the clouds, like UFOs, unseen even by warriors

flying, because they are at an exaggeratedly high altitude, a kilometer from

height, where they hide with an invisible power that allows them not to be

captured, Papilionsun captures a vibration in the sky just like Queen Hornet and

They become alert, then they see 12 high-speed nuclear missiles coming at incredible speed.

magnitude, powerful enough to destroy the entire city; when

They come flying in the sky, the trick is to run away because if they are attacked, they explode. All

The warriors are alarmed, without time to flee they cover themselves with their inner energy,

forming a protective energy field.

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Sombra looks at those projectiles in the distance, decides to teleport and

destroy them, but Masterstrunk appears revived again and casts a spell on

Shadow which does not allow him to fly or teleport. Furious, Shadow

He launches to attack the magician, but he has the powers of the devil, he moves at

great speed and attacks with his powers of great strength.

If Masterstrunk is dead, who is that imposter?

The projectiles collide and explode against the wall of energy they create

all warriors, but they weaken him until he becomes very vulnerable. No

What they don't know is that even though the projectiles collided and exploded, those

pieces are actually micro mines, which are very explosive and all in

Together they pass through the barrier, falling to the ground. The warriors do not move

between the mines, but what they don't know is that they have a watch. all mines

completely explode, producing a huge atomic eruption so powerful that

disintegrates and leaves all the warriors in ashes.

Sombra looks at the powerful explosion just like Ilumina who is still there.

struggling, the explosion could not reach where she is, both she and her

evil sister are damaged by power attacks; then they attack

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body to body, they hold on very tightly, squeezing body to body with great

force. Ilumina is being touched by a woman who has evil energy and

she becomes affected by having it, becoming more and more evil again, taking

the last bit of sanity, holds Medustar, hugs her and tells her that in the end, he has

Knowing why she had existed, he had always cursed the hour when she

was formed, but now you know why.

Ilumina increases her power and holding Medustar, flies like a lightning bolt.

light into space, both fly at high speed, without letting go, Medustar feels

Furious, she orders him to let her go, but Ilumina doesn't listen and they fly with such

speed to the other side of the solar system. Medustar notices that his body

merges with Ilumina's, while she cries saying: -" Goodbye Sombra, everyone

You were a pleasure to have fought at your side, but now I will take care of you from

up here"-.

When he reaches the other side of space, flying at high speed, his

Bodies merge and at the same time become round, until they stop at

a rocky site, full of planetoids, both have almost fused their bodies,

then they form into a sphere, Medustar screams desperately but no

there is time, Ilumina and Medustar merge their bodies forming a sphere and

With a goodbye, Ilumina dies to give life to a new sun, who will give life to others


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Sombra feels very sad about the death of his friends, Ilumina,

of everyone and gets tired of war and pain, hate, hunger,

pollution and death, Shadow looks at Masterstrunk who tells him that

He is disappointed with his low power, this fills Shadow with withering anger.

who tells him that because of him he has lost his friends and that now he will pay with

blood what he did.

The magician laughs and moves at the speed of light, Shadow does not look where

is its target and launches a super electric discharge that magnetically surrounds

at the magician and throws a high current of volts at him, causing him to turn into

its real form. It is Durval, who was reincarnated in the future to continue dominating the

Earth, as a cruel political-military leader who killed good people,

animals, to the plants and imposed his reign of cruelty.

Durval dresses like a cowboy, a man with medium curly black hair,

black eyes-like dead, and its body is half a crab, it has pincers instead

mite-like hands and legs. That reincarnated being is the same evil being,

Although he does not remember Clamper, he only knows that he must destroy him for having

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faced the narcotics and terrorism troops of the planet, and what were

defeated by their warriors.

The being says: - “my name, before you die, I will tell you... I am the super

Durval who 10,000 years ago I was created and because of some righteous bastard

I died... wait a moment... you are that being, of course I remember very well and

Now you will pay with your life, prepare to fight.”

Sombra says that whenever you like, then behind that being's back

crab, three ninjas with swords similar to Maestro come out, but before they

attack Sombra, Stormcat appears with her sharp sword, she has revived thanks

to one of the many flashes that Ilumina cast in the final fusion. Stormcat starts

to fight with his sword against the three shadow-type ninjas, who are very

fast, Sombra takes charge and goes to confront Durval who jumps very high for

everywhere and flees up the steps directly to his office since that being is not

neither very strong nor very powerful and plans to set a trap for him which Shadow does not

He fears him since his level of strength is the highest.

Stormcat the great warrior fights with his two katanas, against the

ninja warriors in a duel between speed and sword strikes, the feline now jumps

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Sometimes he kicks the ninjas, but others take cover and start attacking.

swords, Shadow goes after the warrior, crossing the spiral steps after that

warrior; Stormcat kills one of the ninjas with her sword by stabbing it in his

belly, it disappears like smoke, the others continue attacking with their

swords, until he breaks their swords, Stormcat is going to attack them with his

sword to those two, but 10 soldiers come out with swords, so Stormcat

He very quickly dodges the sword attacks with his mega agility and from time to time

from time to time he attacks with his steel sword, which weakens.

Shadow arrives at that monster's luxurious office where they leave

many ninja soldiers behind the desk and the door, locking Shadow in, but

When they approach, Sombra launches a mega electrical discharge at them that attacks and

leaves the evil ninjas in shock, they vanish with the attack, they

evaporate from the site.

Stormcat continues to battle with her sword, until she hardly

he breaks the sword, but a voice is heard telling Stormcat if he is in

trouble, Dowerfly emerges from the ashes, who has revived thanks to the fact that in the

explosion was hidden deep underground, Stormcat is glad to see it,

He throws a sword at him and they continue battling the ninjas, using their

Electropower swords who have been duplicated and one of them is used by the


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Meanwhile, Sombra approaches his rival, but he activates the alarms

and two electronic weapons come out on the wall that launch x-rays, they are like two

mechanical guns that shoot x-rays, which collide with the wings of fire

Sombra, he is not even damaged and rather uses his Scalight power and

cut the two laser guns causing them to explode.

Dowerfly and Stormcat have defeated the ninjas by launching attacks at them

very powerful electrifying substances, which evaporate like evil spirits

of the site. Very proud of their power, they go to follow Shadow, but a

being in front of them, it looks like a very strong, bipedal wolf type, with white fur with

black, with Roman armor, who uses a weapon ax and calls himself

Zorkonikon, a strong warrior who only plans to attack and test his level of

strength, he launches himself with his gigantic body and his ax to attack them.

Sombra launches himself with his fast fists to try to attack Durval who

It moves very quickly and tries to cut it with its crab-like claws,

Shadow covers himself with his shield and counterattacks the steel pincers with his

sword, Durval was genetically modified by evil scientists to give

strong appearance, but its level is very low and is nothing more than a defect

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imposing. Sombra covers himself, and with Scalight he cuts off one of the steel tongs,

which makes that creature bleed, then when neglected, Shadow moves

at the speed of light and jumps giving Durval a strong super kick, which

He throws it towards the desk, destroying it.

Dowerfly and Stormcat use their swords against the giant ax

Zorkonikon, who attacks with earthquake force with his axe, that ax is a

weapon full of dark power and which is very difficult to cut.

Zorkonikon lets out a stunning howl, making the eyes dizzy.

warriors, but among the dizziness, they see that warrior who throws himself with his ax

to attack, to try to cut them, which they remove quickly. They keep coming out

ninjas, Stormcat uses her silver nails, slashing at her rivals, dodging the

swords and cutting their necks, while Dowerfly uses his howl and neutralizes

Zorkonikon's powers, making that stunning howl he releases

just simple noise.

Meanwhile, Sombra continues fighting against Durval's pincers,

who cut him one, but knows that his sword level is very high, so

He plans to dodge it, taking out a dagger from the bag and with his mite legs he jumps,

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towards it and stabs it in the chest, what he doesn't know is that, when trying to

stab it, Shadow's level is 1x and that dagger breaks.

Stormcat uses her mega nails which shine like gold, and attacks the

many soldiers, although he is grazed by swords and receives cuts on his

arms, but not mortal and he continues attacking the soldiers, avenging the

death or disappearance of Ilumina.

Zorkonikon fights with his ax against Dowerfly's super sword, with

a super brutal force fight with all their might to show what the

best warrior, the one with the greatest strength, with fury they look at each other while they attack with their


Sombra fights by super punching Durval in the face and tells him

to pay for the death of his life, for having killed Maya, and for having

destroyed nature. He attacks him with his fists until he bleeds green on his face.

face, until he leaves it on the ground, badly damaged. Sombra tells him: - “I have won,

now surrender evil defect” -. Zorkonikon attacks with his axe, while the

many ninjas are killed by the claws of Stormcat who is very

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tired, but eventually they give in or are attacked aggressively, dying

on stage.

Zorkonikon attacks with the axe, but the Electropower sword increases and

shines like lightning and cuts the giant ax off that German shepherd on

developed and he is impressed. Dowerfly puts away his sword and fights

against Zorkonikon in a duel of forces, despite the differences in size,

Dowerfly fights with great strength in a duel of strong fists, brutal attacks

and even powerful bites.

Stormcat is damaged by some sword blows, but continues fighting with

all his forces against the ninjas who some throw him to the ground, but he

get up and keep fighting.

Durval is on the ground, supposedly thinking he has surrendered, but he

He raises and turns his hand into a machine gun and starts shooting at

Shadow without any mercy, but the bullets collide with the energy field that

protects Sombra and they collide falling to the ground, the bullets fall with a simple

It crashes and doesn't hurt him at all.

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Durval feels frustrated, full of hatred against his eternal rival, launching

evil spirits with their snout when casting a spell saying words of

sorcery, throws them away and flees. Shadow goes after him, but the spirits of the dead and

ghosts with horrible faces. Durval flees badly wounded, almost limping and with his

broken arm, to warn the dominant (?) that the evil power is being


Stormcat has eliminated the ninjas, except for one... who is the one with

greater speed, while Dowerfly fights very injured against the damaged

Zorkonikon as two brutal beasts, the mutant wolf still has a lot of energy

and is using his forces, seriously damaging the warrior who analyzes how

defeat him, while watching his forehead and face bleed.

Shadow is somewhat scared by ghosts and dead people, but with Scalight

He uses his power of light and that blinding light burns them and disappears. Shade

falls or stumbles or even is so unlucky that his sword falls and

Reaches hard-to-grab surfaces.

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Shadow increases internal power and releases a solar flare that he learned

of Ilumina and all the ghosts, zombies, dead people and bad luck

They disappear, they burn in the air, between the curtains and walls, with that,

The flash of light disappears and he follows Durval up some stairs to

the top, where he finds him on the ground, dead, but the strange thing is not that he died

of Sombra's super attacks, but who did he mean by final master

or dominant boss or who knows what?

Stormcat concentrates, very damaged, and when he sees the final ninja coming, he dodges him.

the sword and with its luminous claws it pierces the ninja's chest, crossing

from side to side, it falls to the ground dead and when it hits the ground, it evaporates, being

defeated. Stormcat then falls to his knees and is seriously injured.

Dowerfly looks at his gigantic rival, then seeing where he is approaching

coming very strongly, he jumps dodging that wolf's super fist and. as

If by magic he makes his Electropower sword come out and pierces it in

the chest to that being, the battle stops, but Dowerfly receives a super punch

in the face, being damaged in the neck, but Dowerfly receiving that super punch,

He releases the sword stuck in Zorkonikon's chest and it goes out... then

It shines and as if an electrifying ray came out at great power, it electrifies very

strongly and with so much power, it disappears, being completely destroyed the great


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Dowerfly and Stormcat are left on the ground, very seriously injured, but

Having defeated their rivals, they have proven to be two great warriors, but

Only Shadow remains who must be prepared for the final battle; shadow looks

Durval dead, then with force he is going to return towards the city, but a great

earthquake occurs, such a high earthquake, magnitude 10, which makes

Shadow flies, the building falls, and everything that was there is buried. Which

What happens is that a gigantic being emerges from the earth, and with great force a being emerges.

very strong.

That being is the dominant one of the Earth, who has destroyed it, it is a being

gigantic 120 meters high, with long nails, fur like VOID's, but

with a very strong body, reddish face and horns like that of Krimbell Vortax, and

one hand is the head-Maldravosaur, a being cloned with Algiers cells,

Krimbell, Maldravosaur and VOID, a giant monster called Arkrivosaur, the

final destroyer who is it that has filled the Earth with dark energy. shadow it

will face in the next chapter.

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Chapter 15

ARKRIVOSAUR??? The cloned warrior

Then the warriors of! Well, the demons, and even the leader Durval

have died, the latter before dying went to the top of the tower, and activating a

monster as if it were a robot, with a remote control, activates the chip in its

brain, ordering him to destroy Shadow and anyone who opposes his evil

power, he orders it before he bleeds to death from having been hit

Shadow meteors, and that horrible being which is a being cloned in a laboratory

by cells that the warriors left on Earth, being wounded or whatever,

What is known is that this being is a creation of genetic manipulation between 4

very strong warriors, that somewhat stupid being, walks through the streets and destroys everything

in its path.

It launches destructive nuclear rays with its snout, which destroy everything

the site, Sombra opens his plasma wings and goes after that monster to try to

defeat him. Arkrivosaur, throws flames with his hand-head of Maldravosaur, with

Its eye launches destructive rays, and with its 4 hands and two legs it destroys everything.

in its path.

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Shadow reaches the place where the maximum destruction is seen and goes to the

huge creature destroying everything with its paws and claws, the entire ground is left

ravine and the buildings and houses where the people lived, the ancient forests and

everything is destroyed by that evil cyclops; Shadow is filled with a lot of anger,

because thanks to that horrible monster with 4 hands and demon legs

full of brown fur, nature has died.

Sombra wants to fight against that being, despite being very big, his level

is very high, however, the creature's power level is 5x so

Shadow with that size, would be vulgarly crushed.

Shadow is crazy about being the strongest in the entire universe, he increases his

powers to the maximum, but can't increase it more than 1x, so gather

all his strength in his body, he strives, illuminating like a star, his

The body is filled with radiant power, with luminous power, which makes it the

evil shadow, but apart from that he continues to increase his powers, believing that he is

the best warrior in the entire galaxy and thus shines with greater power,

until it begins to grow in size, becoming as big as that

mutant, his power increases to a great level, and he also reaches 120 meters,

with his powers at 2x, as a final point.

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Sombra takes his sword Scalight and challenges that brainless creature to

fight or die. Arkrivosaur does not understand, he only thinks that whoever confronts him

half must kill him.

The mutant launches balls of nuclear explosions with his hands that

destroy the entire site, the mutant attacks brutally making everything

explode, everything except Shadow who covered himself with his wings of solar lava, which

It does not hurt him in any way after the explosions and he is surrounded by smoke.

discovers and gives him a super strong punch that knocks the mutant to the ground, that challenges

that mutant to get up and accept the duel, the mutant gets up and with a

Stunning roar challenges him to battle.

Arkrivosaur attacks with its steel nails, Sombra covers himself with his

shield or avoids being scratched, until he receives a scratch on the chest, as if

A saw breaks the armor, Shadow falls on a building and collapses it.

He gets up, takes out his sword and when he sees that creature attacks with its hands

with long nails, he cuts them with the edge of a sword.

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The creature becomes enraged, uses its other hand-head of Maldravosaur and

launches super flames that attack, burning Shadow's raincoat a little, and

grazing the indestructible metal, he crosses the flames and with his trigger, using his

to be able to launch an explosion of water, which extinguishes the flames of the site.

Arkrivosaur continues to launch flames that set the city and the entire area on fire.

around, Shadow shoots all the flames as if a river were falling, the beast

He attacks Sombra again with his flamethrower, but is hit by a super tornado beam.

of water that hits the creature, the Maldravosaur-head, which atrophies it

With only a simple mutant arm left, that tornado hits Arkrivosaur and knocks him out.

He pulls away from Sombra, as if a river were carrying him away.

Shadow believes he has defeated him, he leaves, but he senses an energy, it is the

beast that has risen from the ground and is going straight to Shadow to attack him with its

body. He receives a strong onslaught impact, Shadow gets up, but is

attacked, the mutant takes him, hits him with brutal fists and kicks that

damage Evil-Shadow's metal armor and leave him on the ground very


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Sombra gets up somewhat hurt, hurt, but without giving up. It gets in

guard and analyzes the brutal movements of his rival, when he sees that creature

that approaches, dodges his three arms and attacks him giving him luminous fists

the belly and the face, he attacks it brutally, the beast receives many fists

luminous lights that make it bleed green.

Finally, Sombra launches himself with his luminous fist and throws it, making

Let him fall to the ground, defeated.

However, even though Shadow is badly injured, the creature

He gets up again and is still alive, he throws himself again, but is attacked by his fists.

luminous lights, but then he avoids them and says with his thick voice: - “you will not have the key

of being the dominant of the universe” -.

Arkrivosaur has used various powers, now he uses his eye and launches a

power to launch destructive gamma rays, which destroy buildings. Shade

He uses his power from his lightning bolt and fires plasma rays, which counterattack the lightning.


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The rays collide, with great force and with great power, fighting one

against another, making forces... the two rays are very powerful, until the

gamma ray, makes the plasma give way and attacks Sombra's arm, causing him to

That trigger was damaged, hurting Shadow a little.

Believing that Sombra now has no way to attack, he launches another powerful

gamma ray, but with Scalight illuminating strongly, it hits the rays, the

diffracts causing them to fall to other sides. Arkrivosaur continues to launch lightning bolts with

his eye, destroying the entire site, after trying to launch the lightning to pierce

the sword, he fails and with a ray of light wave he destroys all the rays

laser and attacks that destructive eye, that light attacks it, blinds the robot? with

reason he is not very smart if he is a robot, that is, he is a cyborg with organs

humans, like android.

The android cyclops is left blind, covers his eye because it has been damaged,

but there remains a second laser sensor in his eye, like a type of robot eye

Similar to a DVD lens, the robot feels pain, but cancels it out with codes

IT. Arkrivosaur, is a vicious robot and tells Sombra that he will not escape

of its final destruction, and with its snout it sends out something like a dark wave,

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a highly deadly virus, which gets inside Sombra, he falls weakened,

dizzy, vomiting blood and fever.

The instant virus attacks, Sombra becomes ill and a few steps from the

death, the mutant taking advantage of that, is going to attack him with his fist to

cross his chest, while he is on his back on the floor. But with his strength

ends, Shadow increases his last little energy and stands up throwing his

powerful high-voltage electrical discharge, which attacks the robot and it is

electrocutes, then collapses all its circuits and explodes like a bomb

nuclear, Sombra flies away sick and falls away from the site, he falls between the

debris from buildings, very sick and about to die.

His powers are reduced, he decreases in size and his luminosity decreases.

suddenly. But Scalelight increases strongly, making the entire

planet illuminates, and after that divine shine of light, Shadow returns to its state

normal and sleeps, but without any illness since that light has burned the

virus. Within minutes, Shadow wakes up with his powers restored and very

joyfully says: - “I have revived, now since I am the only and strongest warrior of the

universe, I only have to dominate the universe, and all the beings in it” -.

Shadow now thirsts for power and has gone mad after several wars and

He just wants to be the most powerful warrior in the entire galaxy.

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Chapter 16

The fusion of the powers of the universe

Shadow is the strongest warrior in the entire universe, apparently there is no

whoever defeats his power, without fearing and without feeling demeaned by any opponent is

the one who has defeated the great Arkrivosaur, and now, having lost his mind,

wants to dominate the world, the universe to prove that he is the best, to be

praised and filled with praise and pride. Having thought that his plan did not

was to look for Maya but to seek to be the best, Sombra has lost his mind, now

He has no greater feelings than to fight with his strength against whoever


Shadow flies with his advanced power and with his rays of electricity

destroy tanks and military planes, even with soldiers inside,

killing them.

The surviving soldiers hide since neither the bullets nor the knives

can kill him, not even nuclear projectiles, those who face

Shadow, they perish from super light beam attacks or sword slashes. Shade

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He stands on a rock and says: - “I am the strongest being in the universe, now that I am not

I have no greater opponent, I am number one, the invincible Sombra and now

I will destroy the entire universe, whoever opposes will be destroyed.”

But in between the speech, he sees the legendary comet that he had created with the

union of the crystals, and it falls to Earth, making a strong atomic impact

a few kilometers away, the earth trembles, the shock wave of that star

luminous that illuminates in the sky full of fire, with illuminating light has arrived,

fallen in a place near the city, in a distant town, where it left a crater

10 meters in diameter and somewhat deep, where there is a rock with spots

reddish, as if it were an egg, hot from the trip in the atmosphere and with smoke

that releases cosmic dust.

Shadow arrives after the great earthquake, which shakes the city, flies

to that site while killing soldiers with his legendary luminous powers.

It flies until it reaches the crater where that egg remains;

apparently it is not a meteor, but an egg of some reptile, because at

It seems that shell is beginning to fracture.

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When Shadow arrives, that egg cracks, while saying: -

“Nonsense that Ilumina said!! A comet that will destroy the Earth is a

nonsense” -.

The egg breaks, a huge beam of fire comes out like a volcano.

will release a strong spark of fire, then Shadow stops in front of it, without

fear, until all the fire comes out and becomes a sphere of fire, and

This later takes the form of a humanoid dragon, with a karate suit,

with long hair made of flames, he is a reddish being and is known as Red

Dragon, or in Japanese Akai Ryu, a being from Japanese mythology who gave the

man the magical gift of martial arts, and even any warrior of the

universe, for your concentration, motivation and pursuit of happiness, makes

2000 years before Christ, he arrived on Earth in the east and gave discipline to

old teachers of defending themselves and fighting for ideals, then when he died, his

cremated remains were contained in a fire crystal, the last master of

martial arts he fled with the crystal before the samurai invasion and he was murdered

He hid the fire crystal in a rock, but that crystal was kidnapped by Kaurameshi

already! touching it he received the power to shoot flames, which made him invincible and he left

flying from Earth with that power, towards a lonely planet where he could

practice meditation together with Tamura, who were both disciples of that

dragon, only each one chose his tendency to good or evil, however

Kaurameshi defeated Tamura, he flees with his powers given by the

dragon by touching the crystal, to fly and have powers to Earth to train and

someday beat martial arts rivals.

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Sombra listens to the whole legend of the old dragon and tells him: -

“get used to it now or you will be killed by the strongest being in the entire universe,

I, the great Shadow, go to battle.”

The Red Dragon warrior has level 0 energy from what Sombra believes.

that even with a flick of a finger I could defeat him. Shadow very confident, launches

his multiple meteor fists, but Red Dragon dodges all of them at a speed

greater than the speed of light.

Shadow cannot explain such power, because he launches a super discharge

electric shock that attacks the dragon, it does not feel hit, rather it absorbs

all rays as their own energy.

Shadow is surprised how he was able to resist the electric attack,

then he trusts Scalight and attacks by throwing himself on him, but when he sees him

arrive, he takes his arm with everything and sword, he puts him in a martial art lock and

He falls to the ground, leaving him on the floor with severe back pain.

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Thrown, he wonders... How can a level 0 warrior defeat one

level 2x?, the dragon responds that if the levels have measurement it is because they have

limitation. Apart from that warrior coming from a very distant dimension, while

The human being and this entire solar system is from the 3rd dimension, this is from the

illumination dimension of the octave, Illuminate is of the 5th, that is, its power

exceed that of Ilumina.

Shadow and the dragon fight in a martial arts duel, they spin,

fists, flying kicks, karate locks, but that dragon is as tough as

If it were made of solid gold, no matter how many blows you attack it, you cannot defeat it...

Shadow is in trouble, because the dragon attacks him with his fists and kicks

luminous, and throws him to the ground defeated.

Sombra continues fighting, he gets up somewhat hurt and battles, he gives him

many strong fists that can destroy a building, but do not even overturn

to Red Dragon, rather he receives from this dragon a super flying kick in the

belly that leaves him on the ground.

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Red Dragon tells him to accept that he has lost and that he must accept the

lost, Sombra does not give up, he continues fighting, but no blow harms him and he is

attacked by martial arts attacks: flying kicks, low fists, punches

in the face, multiple flying and kicking, wing strikes, lunges, pushes, and

even bites with their strong fangs.

Sombra is brutally thrown to the ground badly hit by a twist throwing him

on the other side, not knowing how to defeat that true warrior.

Sombra launches all his powers, he launches ice, fire, electricity, air,

but no attack damages it, it absorbs it, but does not damage it at all. Red Dragon

launches a solar fire attack that leaves Sombra in his luminous suit,

charred, but alive, and he falls to the ground, defeated again.

Red Dragon does not aim for anything, only balance on that planet, at the expense

to defeat any dark opponent. Sombra analyzes how to defeat him

dominate the planet, since it is dominated by the evil force of the planet,

Sombra restores his powers, lights up very brightly and sets out with Scalight to treat

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to cut the dragon deity, but it fails to cut it, it moves at great speed.

speed, while Shadow dodges the strong fists, both warriors

fighting at high speed.

However, between the battle, Scalight illuminates increasing his powers,

and sends a large beam of light that hurts his chest, breaks his side a little

right. Red Dragon accepts that he is very strong but not strong enough to

defeat him, then they fight Scalight's light ray against the solar fire ray

of Red Dragon, fight fire against light, in an intense battle of lightning, of

power, and both are hit by those rays.

They continue fighting with their attacks and lightning in a duel of arts

martial, with great strength and courage they fight for different reasons, domination

against the restoration of the Earth, however, Red Dragon thinks that,

because they have to fight, let them join forces to restore all space,

but Sombra doesn't want to, they continue fighting full of courage and courage.

Warriors. They fight with great power, they are damaged a little, but the battle continues, with

force until suddenly both warriors stop.

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Both warriors continue fighting with great strength, their powers

increases in battle, but their level stagnates, they hurt each other.

The battle continues, the attacks continue, the fierce fists and kicks

each other seriously damage each other, but without giving up, they launch lightning bolts against each other.

another, both are literally defeated, but without great damage. Shadow wants

Red Dragon joins his empire, but he only wants to restore peace to the

universe, then his eyes shine and he tells Shadow that the end of evil

He is close, even to his inner evil.

Red Dragon launches a flare at Shadow, but he dodges it, and

He tells him: - “very slow flare, better try your best attack” -. But actually

Red Dragon did not aim at Shadow but at the nuclear reactor that unites all the

computers, nuclear reactors, armory centers, and it unites everything, without

However, if that were destroyed, the entire Earth would collapse.

The flare is heading quickly towards that reactor, that flare touches

one of the reactors and begins to collapse, exploding all the reactors together,

The Earth begins to explode, all the terrain, the soldiers, the tanks, like

nuclear bombs around the world, Sombra tries to escape from those explosions

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massive, Red Dragon teleports away, believing that his mission is finally

He has completed. Sombra has blood of pride and says: - “the explosion did not bother me.”

will do nothing, and crosses it, however, a nuclear explosion of a magnitude of

300,000,000 hecatombs of energy are capable of destroying the sun.

The powerful nuclear energy destroys Shadow while he tries to

crossing it with his Scalight at high speed, the Earth is being destroyed,

disappears as does all the negative force including Shadow's,

Shadow awakens from the dark force, realizes that he is in the middle of a

explosion, holding the sword, creates a field of light that produces it, without option

some, flies between the explosion and submerges while everything is destroyed, Shadow

disappears between that explosion, apparently this time it is the end of Sombra, with

everything and the Earth disappears from the face of the universe.

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Chapter 17

The test of the gods

Shadow passes through the nuclear explosion, with great speed while

covers with its inner powers, the Earth is collapsing, it is being

destroyed particle by particle, it disintegrates with the super explosion


With no way out, that explosion takes over the entire Earth, everything is disappearing,

until the earth's core begins to react with large earthquakes,

volcanic eruptions and streaks. In the face of so much destruction, Scalelight opens a portal

of time as a door of light, between the explosion and this guides Shadow who falls

weakened through a hole between space and time, thousands of

portals of light where all times in history are connected, from the

oldest to the most recent, each portal causes Shadow to fall

somewhere in that, as he falls limply into the dark abyss, just as

when Shogun was defeated.

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The earth shakes, rumbles and loudly like a bomb,

disappears from the face of the universe, the Earth was finally destroyed with everything and its

evil of humanity, in the face of destruction it no longer deserved to exist, but rather to return

be born.

Shadow falls unconscious, wakes up in an alternative place, in a place

where he doesn't know where it is, he's just in a place that looks like the year 1900,

but it's not Earth for sure, it's a planet similar to the United States in the

year 1900, where there are wooden houses, between rocky streets full of mini

markets, rustic buildings, train tracks, and many wooded sites, even

where he wakes up is in a square, full of grass and it is night, he can only see in the distance.

In the distance are some wooden houses, illuminated with oil lamps, and nearby

From that place, he sees a steep distant hill and where is a young girl, eyes

light green, dark blonde hair, about 10 years old, very white, like

luminous, who cries a lot in a maid's outfit, in silence while she is in

prayer and as if he carried so much pain in his heart, he thinks about committing suicide, Without

However, as Shadow flies towards her, he doesn't want her to kill herself,

He listens to the evil voice who tells him that this is the enemy of that place, that

must save her to defeat her, Shadow doesn't seem to care about that voice that

listen from the sky, and fly so fast, the girl crying, closes her eyes

crying, and throws himself into the void. Shadow throws a web and holds his hand,

then he pulls it hard and takes it out of the hole, but with such force that it does not

measures and falls on top of Sombra, knocking him to the ground.

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The girl opens her eyes and sees that she is not dead and on top of a stranger.

being what makes her rise. Sombra apologizes, begs him not to kill himself or

to be scared, but the girl looks at him when he is standing and says: - 'You, you are the one

has finally come, my mother told me, that my guardian angel would arrive that

day, when there was no greater hope, hey, but you are something elegant, of

fact, do you have a girlfriend??? I guess so, because, even if you don't have a face,

your energy emits the opposite, thank you for coming, (hugs him a lot) now it's not

"I will be alone forever."

Shadow doesn't understand much, he just tells him that he shouldn't kill himself and

He asks why she did it, but she doesn't tell him anything, she takes him by the hand to

teach him something. Shadow looks at the empty streets, there are no people, the

Houses are lighting up, but there are no adults. The loving and sweet little girl

named Cassidy takes him under the subway of the train, where there is no one and

She takes him between the cracks until Shadow begins to follow her and this girl follows her.

leads to some underground apartments where that girl's group is,

many boys and girls who are orphaned, with no one to protect them; that sweet

girl tells him: - “finally someone came to save us from the great demon, now

“We have a new patriarch.”

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Children of all types and races throw themselves and hug Shadow, some cry

and others do not do it because they are rebellious about having lost their parents, all

They walk between 7-10 years, Cassidy is one of the oldest and is a leader of those

children, but his responsibility was so great that he had decided to leave to die.

Shadow sits down, but asks the children what happened to their children.

parents, but no one wants to tell, Cassidy, still sad, tells them that that city

was full of adults, their parents who lived well in a free society and

democratic, but a gigantic being came from space and with his suit

astronaut and his giant weight crushed and devoured humans, they were

hidden from that being, who no one has defeated and whose parents were murdered

for that creature; The girl knew that someone would come from the other side of the galaxy to

defeat those beings, because she is the one who dreamed in the place where Sombra

and the demons trained, she knew that her hero would appear and win but

In the end he thought of Shadow, that would indicate that he is his savior.

Sombra plans to face that giant being and defeat him with all his strength.

strength, the children shout with joy, although some are skeptical.

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But he keeps hearing the voice that tells him that children are the

true enemies and kill them, but Shadow ignores that voice, but

tired of wondering who it will be; while they talk and Sombra tells them

some stories, many of them fall asleep, others stay with it for a while

more, until they think everyone has fallen asleep.

But Cassidy pretends to be asleep, and looks at Shadow who goes out of that

site and follows it, believes in it and will save the world from that reign of terror.

monster, but he does it without Shadow noticing.

Shadow walks through the streets and hears a familiar voice, it's Shogun.

who has appeared, having saved himself from the military explosion, teleports

where Shadow has appeared, having saved himself and tells Shadow that he is

battle will be between the two, who perhaps do not have infinite power but who think

help you. Cassidy is afraid of the robot despite having seen it in her dreams,

but as she runs away, Shogun teleports after her and she gets scared and is

with fear, but Shadow tells him that he is a friend.

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She touches the android's armor and says that now yes, Dymetron will be

eliminated, referring to being aggressive.

Hours pass, but nothing happens, until at 12:00 am

He hears a roar, he starts to shake very hard but slowly. The children

They get scared and hide, Sombra and Shogun get ready, and they see a 50 meter being

tall, that walks, destroys and pushes everything in its path.

It destroys, roars and terrifies everyone, but Sombra and Shogun do not allow themselves.

intimidated by that being, who is a bipedal dimetrodon, with an astronaut suit,

He comes from the planet Squarcho, which is very distant and his species disappeared,

only that one remains, it has its fin outside the suit and that allows it to echo its

roars. Sombra prepares to fight the great creature, Shogun too

He prepares his plasma launcher, while the children are scared, almost all of them, except

Cassidy who is hiding in the city near Shadow even though he tells her

He told her to leave, when she sees the monster, she is surprised and tells Shadow that

It is not just that one, since that is not the master mind, because there is another being who

send that pet monster.

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Dymetron devastates the city, Shadow launches powerful rays of light with

his sword Scalight and Shogun launches super stellar plasma with his fired. He

mutant feels that someone is attacking him and with his destructive paws he walks towards

them, both warriors fly and attack the creature with lightning, Shadow

He starts to attack him with his sword, but the mutant throws oil like oil.

thick, who tries to throw it at Shadow to drown him.

Shogun illuminates with his golden armor, and launches rays with his visors

laser, which break the monster's astronaut suit, the being continues launching

oil and with its legs and arms, it walks destroying everything in its path.

Sombra launches a super electric shock at him, but the mutant illuminates

his astronaut suit making a glow that returns the electric discharge towards

Shadow attacks him, but he resists his own discharge in the air and without feeling

Hurt, he continues to fight hard.

Dymetron uses his spine and makes it illuminate with green lights,

blue and reddish glow, fills it with solar plasma light and launches a super powerful

solar ray, which as if setting fire to everything in its path, attacks the warriors, these

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They cover themselves in the air with their wings of fire, while that terrible fire destroys

everything in its time.

Cassidy hides behind a building as the wall of flames passes by,

destroying everything in its path.

When the flares it launches with its dorsal fin, leaving a large

fire everywhere, the warriors discover that this monster is

really dangerous.

The mutant attacks with his super sharp spear, capable of passing through a building

in two, but Sombra without fear launches himself like a man of swords and with his

legendary Scalight fights lighting against its razor edge, even though

That sword is a million times heavier than Scalight, it is a simple knife,

something that does not compare with the level of the sword.

They fight with great force, Sombra attacks the razor bar with Scalight, which

destroys everything in its path, until Scalight shines brightly and cuts,

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destroys the thick razor spear, cutting it in two, it seemed like luck to the beast,

He tries to grab Shadow, but he quickly dodges him.

Shadow lights up his sword with great power and flies at a

speed of a ray of light and with a sword blow he makes a big scratch on his

space suit and cracks it, but the monster hits him with his arm

strongly at Shadow, that makes Cassidy angry and she leaves the shelter where

He finds him and tells him not to mess with Sombra, and using magic (?) he throws

a beautiful flash like an aurora borealis that hurts the creature. shadow and

Shogun, together in the air they are surprised that that girl has magic, but it is

limited. Dymetron does not calculate whether or not she is a girl and is going to crush her, Shadow

teleports and takes it, then removes it from the giant paw flying away, it

affectionately asks me not to interfere because she could die, she is obedient but

Restless, she says yes, but does not leave the place. Dymetron throws another wall again

of fire. Shogun launches many atomic projectiles at the fin, but no

suffers any scratches, in fact, they cover themselves with their wings when the wall of


They pass the wall of fire, but they get a little careless, and Shogun is taken

through the creature's spring arms and puts it in its snout, devouring it. Shade

He goes to save him, but the creature throws a river of oil at him, leaving him on the ground,

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seem unconscious, Cassidy becomes very scared, afraid of what is going to happen

without Shadow or the graceless robot, and cries believing that both have died.

However, the child begins to feel unwell, with indigestion and even

vomits some flames, throwing Shogun who had not been digested and this

He used his plasma power to shoot the non-flammable oil from his snout, this

It produced a flare that expelled him and he was able to get out. Meanwhile, Shadow

increases his powers, waking up with his sunshine suit, making the

oil turns into flames, he is released into the flames and reunites with Shogun.

Dymetron puts out the flames, and believing that they have not defeated him, he returns to

launch a wall of fire. Shogun, look at the wall of fire and with your spear

cobwebs, launches a shock wave of an echo that stops, alters and returns that

wall, causing the beast to be damaged, hit by its same attack.

Shadow, without being intimidated, launches his freezing power, that suit

The astronaut is petrified and leaves the mutant immobilized. But, enraged, he

mutant increases his strength and with deep aggression breaks the suit as

if its internal force totally destroyed it.

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Dymetron is left without a suit, like a bipedal green Dimetrodon with

black stripes and with its stretchable arms, with stunning echoes it launches to treat

to bite his rivals to death, electric attacks or laser beams will

They do nothing because their level has increased.

With its heavy legs and stretchable arms, it tries to destroy them,

destroying everything in their path, dodging the stretchable arms, they attack with their

Damn, but it doesn't do anything to them. Shogun receives a very strong blow from his tail and this

He falls hitting a building and is left with his golden armor completely

destroyed. Shadow is surprised by the gigantic power, but Dymetron tries to

do the same with Sombra, but dodge all the attacks, the tail blows, the

punches and smashes, Sombra takes courage and increases his powers, increases power

Scalight and attacks the creature's chest, he thinks that if he gives it a

big blow, can beat it, flies at high speed, the monster tries to

hit him with his fists and his tail, Shadow flies like lightning towards him, but

As if it were a ghost, Shogun appears in front of the creature, with his armor

plasma, now he is an advanced type warrior, which scares Shadow when he appears

in front of this.

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Shogun, was destroyed and increasing his powers to the maximum makes

his armor illuminates like a sacred warrior, he tells Shadow that, during

so many battles, he has learned to be strong and now it is his duty to win,

even if it costs him his life.

Sombra respects his decision and tells him: - “Sombra, thank you for having me.

changed to not fall into the hands of evil, and with this I will say goodbye to you, dear

"Friend, I hope you have luck in the final battle."

Shadow positions himself in front of Dymetron's snout and he swallows him,

Shadow shouts Shogun's name and thinks what he has done and why not.

He fights like a true warrior, he doesn't know why he committed suicide. Dymetron

It feels good to have swallowed one, but now the next one is missing. But before

attack, the creature's belly lights up as if it had swallowed a star,

and that light increases so much that the giant monster completely illuminates. Shade

He believes that this is a bad sign and he moves away, he flies away from the creature because,

Shogun being in the womb, increased the energies to a super maximum level and the

is releasing as a nuclear fusion bomb, which is released as a

gigantic nuclear bomb, which destroys everything in its path, even the monster

Dymetron, a great nuclear fusion occurring where the beast remains

disintegrated. Shogun risked his life to purify his name and his value as


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The big explosion happens, there is no sign of either of them, Sombra says

to heaven: - “thank you Shogun, you are a great warrior and your courage will always be a

privilege and pride for all, thank you very much.”-.

However, despite all that fact, the evil that invades that world

has not been eliminated, a being with powers far greater than that creature.

Cassidy cautiously leaves that shelter and goes to look for Shadow who is very

away from that place after the Shogun's sacrifice, and a being appears behind her, and with

a hypnotic power that he casts with his eyes, makes the girl sleep, Sombra

He sees it from the top of an ancient building and teleports towards the being and tells it.

He says to let her go or he will be exterminated.

That being, like a cybernetic warrior in a blue suit, with one hand-

trigger and the other with a metal cutting saw, with his dark, brainy face

wide and luminous eyes, represents a gray extraterrestrial who has a

very long body, a voice that he uses telepathically. The evil Evilhem, is

who brought that mutant and is the one who forced him to destroy. He tells Shadow: -

“I am Evilhem, if you want the girl, I dare you to look for me in my temple and

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I'll try, but I don't think, hahahaha, that you're strong, now I have to go" -, (he

teleports to its final lair)

Before Shadow catches him, he teleports to his Greek temple,

where it is found in the kingdom of heaven, above the clouds.

Sombra uses Scalight's powers and asks his sword to help him

to save the girl, who begs him and will do so at the cost of her life, since

He wants to help her achieve her true happiness.

That voice, that being's, was the one who ordered him to be evil and now he will pay.

that warrior for having kidnapped the girl, in the final battle we will know who will be

the victor, possibly good or evil, but only by reading the Chapter

Next we will all know.

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Chapter 18

Shadow's Redemption

Shadow uses his powers of teleportation and detecting energy

of the evil Evilhem, follows the warrior to where he is, the children still

They are still hidden under the streets, while the girl Cassidy is unconscious,

caught by the warrior and taken to the lair, in the Greek temple made of

pure silver and gold, above a type of oval UFO, above the clouds of that

world, rising. That Greek temple is staggered, that is, it repeats 8 floors and

At the end is the roof, that is, it is a Greek temple with 8 floors, supported by its

metal columns, it looks like a big tower.

Shadow is determined to save his little girl and restore her

world, then he embarks on the journey to save her, he arrives using his power of

teleportation and arrive outside that tower, which is above the oval on the floor

of the spaceship. That Greek temple is very gigantic, as much as a

city, but for some reason he can't teleport to the final floor.

Shadow uses his luminous sword, already daylight because it has dawned and

He directs his sword Scalight into the temple to battle, crossing the 8 floors

infested with strong but ancient enemies. That demon has made clones of

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all the warriors and now he has them inside his long tower, classified in 8


Floor 1: fire passage

Floor 2: electrical passageway

Floor 3: ice passage

Floor 4: water passage

Floor 5: warrior passage

Floor 6: Mutant Passage

Floor 7: robot passage

Floor 8: magic passage

Tower Top: Evilhem.

Shadow, without fear, runs between the columns, then

He finds that between darkness, horrible ghosts and screams that order the tower,

He climbs some steps and reaches the first floor, where he opens a metal door that

communicates with that floor, when he opens it with force, he sees a rock bridge where he is

a sea of lava and there are several demons and warriors of the symbology of fire:

Bombuin, Leivous, Vortex, Fusion, Anglorplossion, Beelzebub, Maldravosaur,

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Lordriner, Gargodrom, Dorteceratops, Flamme, Dactyl, Matrank, Mascrehog,

Billhen and Drag.

The warriors are between the lava or on the bridge depending on whether they can resist

the lava, but when the door opens, all the warriors unite, they become attentive

to the great final battle, to prove their final value as warriors of fire, only if

Shadow defeats them, he will go to the next floor.

Maldravosaur, Flamme and Leivous, as well as Matrank and Mascrehog

They launch gigantic walls of fire, Shadow covers himself with the wings of fire of

those creatures, the wings absorb the fire they throw and increase the energy of

are. Shadow launches his powerful ray of inner light that collides with the

flares from the creatures, Leivous increases the power to launch volcanic lava.

The beam of light that he launches with his solar flash hits the attacks of

fire, both rays collide and make a shock explosion. Shadow is going to

continue counterattacking, but also covers himself with Dactyl and Anglorplossion which

They are diving to try to devour Shadow, but he covers himself

with wings of fire, he also guards against the attacking claws of Beelzebub, and

the attacks of Dorteceratops, the super strong fists of Fusion, the

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bites of the Drags, and the nail of the head that tries to catch the fast one


Without having anywhere to cover, because he protects himself with the shield from bullets

of Billhen and Vortex, who attack together with the rays he launches with his

Gargodrom snout, while being tried to be thrown to the ground by the slide of


Shadow dodges those attacks, however, he is pushed or hit

by some of these demons through simple carelessness. The flamethrower beings

fire attacks with full power, Sombra increases the power of

Scalight to the maximum and it launches a gigantic ray of light that dazzles and

He returns the fire towards them, hitting them hard.

Dactyl and Anglorplossion launch like two birds of prey after their prey

and with their teeth and beak they try to peck it or carry it with their paws, Sombra

attacks them with its electric discharge that moves them away a little, in a state of shock,

but flying. Shadow cannot use his maximum power in that place without knowing why.

that. Beelzebub and Dorteceratops launch themselves to attack him or stab him in the belly,

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but Shadow, when he sees them coming, throws his meteor fists and hits them so

strong that throws them away from the site.

Gargodrom is vengeful and launches lightning bolts with his snout to petrify,

Shadow covers himself with his shield and launches a tornado of water that attacks,

and dismantles being made of rock, leaving its debris on the ground. Drag

He launches himself with his teeth to try to devour Sombra, but receives a kick.

so hard that he pushes him and even hits the threatening Bombuin who was going to

slide and throw Shadow to the ground. Billhen and Vortex shoot with their pistols,

steel bullets, but they collide with the field of light that protects Shadow, until

that the bullets are spent.

Without giving up, the demons are filled with inner strength, Gargodrom

join again, and everyone will use their maximum attacks. Lordriner makes his claw

shine and with the speed of light grabs and strongly crushes Shadow, throws him

strongly against a column, he lets go and is somewhat injured, apart from

who, with his dark power, releases a smoke that gives Shadow a migraine and stuns him

a bit.

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Leivous and Maldravosaur increase their powers and launch a huge

sphere of fire that goes towards Shadow to incinerate him, but Shadow flies

away from that mortal sphere, Dactyl dives while flying and

makes a flying lunge, hitting Shadow with his wings, where he is

unconscious, Bombuin from the ground and Anglorplossion launch with their beaks

grenades that knock him to the ground and leave him very hurt, but still on the ground

is attacked by Dorteceratops and its very strong horn, pushed with great

magnitude, falls on the sharp claws of Beelzebub that pierce his belly,

while Drag throws a bear trap with his snout that destroys his

shield, and with his invisible raptor powers, he steals Shadow's sword the

evil Vortex.

Finally, Bilihen launches itself with its paws and scratches its chest, leaving it

very strong marks, which have poison. There are many and apparently they have hurt

seriously at Sombra, Vortex with his ability to jump quickly and throw things, takes

Scalight and throws her into the lava, Fusion gives her a low fist that leaves Shadow in the

very wounded ground.

Sombra, believes that he has lost against them, without being able to defeat them, he remains in

the ground very badly injured and without Scalight. The fire warriors laugh and say that

their master Evilhem will be proud of them; but before the warriors he appears

Red Dragon with his fists full of fire. With your inner karma power,

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launches a beam of fire energy, setting Shadow on fire and that fire at the

turn off, it heals all his wounds, in fact, it doesn't even burn him, then with its

lightning fast, he goes down and crosses the lava, taking out the sword, giving it to Sombra

who is unconscious.

The demons reproach him for what he has done, but the dragon does not answer.

nothing, then tells them that they will be destroyed with everything and their hell. The demons

They prepare to attack. Maldravosaur and Leivous, Matrank and Mascrehog cast

magma and fire, but they cannot pass through Red Dragon, in fact, it feeds him

the skin. Dactyl dives in to try to take it away to devour it, with its

sharp teeth and strong fists, hits him with his fists as he flies, and tries

to bite it but the reptile feels that it is as hard as gold to try to

digest it, just as Drag bites it and many of his teeth break;

Dorteceratops charges forward and thinks it has hit a wall because

His horn breaks, Beelzebub rushes in and tries to stab him but his claws

break with the contact of his body, Fusion tries to throw him to the ground with his

strong fists, but he can't even move it, in fact not even Lordiner can move it

with his claw. Gargodrom launches his petrifying ray that turns Red

Dragon in statue, but increasing its inner power, it comes out breaking the


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Anglorplossion and Bombuin throw grenades trying to make it explode, but

nothing has any effect on him, he crosses the massive explosions. Bilihen and Vortex shoot bullets at him

With their weapons, they even throw knives at him, but nothing happens to him. Shadow awake,

He sees that none of the demons have been able to defeat him and it is because Red Dragon

He is in that place and has defeated all the attacks, Shadow thanks him, but

He does not remember that warrior because he was possessed.

Shadow joins with the dragon to battle those warriors, take

Scalight illuminates very brightly, his suit increases in luminosity as

Like his wings and his sword, the shield is reunited, and thus

join the battle. Both warriors join forces and battle against all the


The warriors throw flames, they throw their flames, Shadow uses his power

magic and launches a super beam of water with his hands, like a water bomb

which extinguishes their snouts and takes away their power to throw flames. Fusion and

Dorteceratops lunge with their fists trying to hit Red Dragon, but

They don't move it at all, in fact, the dragon attacks them with its fists and

martial arts kicks and defeats them, leaves them super defeated on the ground,

Dactyl goes down to the ground and with his fists tries to fight against it, just as he tries to

bite him, but the ninja remains calm and says to Dactyl: - “Are you done yet?

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Now is my turn"-. And with his strength he fights like a karate expert and with

spinning kicks in the air, leaving Dactyl lying on the ground.

Billhem lunges with his claws to try to scratch Sombra again,

It allows itself to be scratched, but when it digs its claws in, it receives a shock.

electric shock that leaves the mutant rooster in shock, just like Beelzebub when he stabs him

the claws, he is shocked without being able to defend himself, with his hair in tatters, Vortex

The coward throws himself at Shadow's back and stabs him but receives another

electric shock that makes him lose control and falls to the ground defeated, Drag him

he bites knowing that it is the same result but he is so stupid that it does not occur

counts and remains like charred wood when biting into the electric field of


Bombuin and Anglorplossion throw grenades at Shadow, but Shadow

He grabs them before they fall, looks at them and throws them towards the birds, falling into the air.

bridge floor, unconscious.

Lordriner launches with his bubblegum body and his moving pincer, first

he attacks Shadow with the pincers trying to gut him again, but, although

He presses hard, Sombra takes out his sword and cuts the pincers again. Lordriner

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flames bleed; bleeding furiously, he releases that black smoke again with the

snout, but that smoke is dissipated when Shadow launches a tornado of air with

his shield nullifying the spell; He is filled with anger, and with his necklace he throws spheres of

lava like bullets of fire, Shadow covers himself with his shield and they go out when

touch the power of the shield. Lordriner continues to launch others, but with Scalight he cuts

all the spheres and running quickly crosses Lordiner with his sword

illuminant, cutting it in two.

Flamme and Gargodrom are still in battle, Flamme casts ghosts

dark ones who try to lower the self-esteem of the warriors, but Sombra

increases the power of light, of his sword and all those evil shadows

disappear, then he throws non-flammable oil with his trunk, Red Dragon

He lets the oil drip on him, and then increases his powers by becoming a

giant flame, then runs at high speed towards Flamme and pushes him

strongly to the sea of fire where he falls and hits hard, apparently

That fire alone filled him with energy. Gargodrom manages to turn Shadow into

statue, believing he has defeated it but the power is released destroying the

stone transformation.

Gargodrom does not flee, he stays there and challenges Red Dragon, in a duel of

strong fists and fierce kicks, they fight like two strong colossi, in a duel

of forces, but the gargoyle is seriously hit and remains half fractured

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before the solid fists. Gargodrom launches the lightning bolt to petrify with his eyes

red, but Shadow uses his sword, refracts the lightning and turns Gargodrom into

an eternal stone statue that only adorns the bridge.

Finally, the first floor was defeated, but many are still missing, Red

Dragon decides to accompany Sombra to help him on his mission. They walk

across the bridge, the creatures rise, but accept that they have lost and

They fade away, giving Shadow room to climb the stone steps to the ground.


Shadow and Red Dragon go up to the next floor, opening the door

frozen, they find a frozen garden, where there is only snow and 4

creatures representing the land of ice, the cold air makes Red Dragon numb

and he can't fight in frozen environments, Sombra tells him not to worry

and he goes in to fight against those warriors on his own, he thanks him for doing so.

has helped and hopes he recovers.

Shadow enters the frozen garden where the 4 warriors are

waiting to be defeated. Sombra is not afraid if he will give his best fight.

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Lynn Sky, Crystal and Colder, only Zarcas was not there because he had left.

ally to the warriors of good. Shadow tells them that 3 of them couldn't beat him.

that they better give way to the next floor, but they do not accept and prepare to

battle Lynn Sky releases her icy breeze, but is melted by the wings of fire

Sombra, Crystal throws crystal spikes, but Sombra covers herself with her shield

and those spikes remain stuck there, Colder throws his tail, but Sombra catches him.

dodges and cuts off his stone tail, which makes him angry.

Lynn Sky and Crystal unite their powers and both launch lightning with their

hands, freezing Shadow into an icy diamond. Shadow already recognizes this

attack, but before freeing himself, Lynn Sky tells him: - “I know you are in this temple

for your friend, but I'll tell you one thing, if you don't save her in eight hours, she will be

lost, and in the previous passage it took you 1 hour to go through it, so you don't have

any hope." Shadow is scared, he doesn't know what to do, and there are many missing

floors, then it is released, maximizing its inner power, and remains in the

I'm thinking what to do.

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The warriors laugh, then go to kill Shadow once and for all

with their attacks, but a beam of energy reopens the door and several

warriors to battle, but in favor of Sombra.

Without being able to believe it, due to the action of Hyos, Drumm and Drobb, some ancient

warriors have come back to life, Shadow meets with them and tells them that the

strange, they have revived to help Sombra complete the mission, he

orders him to leave, as do 7 warriors (Tamura, Trilangerbero, Dryp,

Dowerfly, Queen Hornet, Venusoria and Maya), each teleport to each

I decided not to prevent Shadow from passing through those places, however, although the

Time is limited, Sombra doesn't seem scared and stays to fight alongside.

by Dryp. But, the warriors are teleported like lightning to others

floors, but Dryp and Sombra challenge the frozen warriors to a final battle.

But in the place as if lightning fell among the warriors and demons, appears

Zarcas in an evil version, who joins the evil warriors to battle

with them, that is, a duel between 2 vs 4.

Colder throws stones with his snout, even throws powerful diamonds

that are sharp, in addition to glass, but Shadow covers himself with his shield

magical, continues to fight hard against evil since Colder only wants

win by killing him; Colder's body turns the color of agate and increases his

power of anger, launching diamond rays, which transforms what it touches into a being

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in the form of a crystal, this causes it to hit the hero, turning him into a stone

precious in the form of a Shadow, but with great power it is released to continue

fighting until the end.

Colder shoots stone stalactites with his body, which go straight

towards the hero, who dodges them at high speed, although some

powerful, then the mutant makes stalagmites grow from the ground, about to

stab and kill Shadow, who quickly flees from there.

Dryp lunges with his strong fists against Crystal's strong arms.

that destroy everything in their path with great force and that being launches crystal spikes

that dig into the frame strongly but do not go through it, while avoiding

Colder's rock tails. Shadow uses his fire powers against the

freezing breezes thrown by Lynn Sky, while dodging the chains of

Zarcas and the bone fist attacks with which he covers himself with his shield.

Crystal fears being destroyed and launches a lightning bolt that crystallizes Dryp, who increases

of forces and frees himself as if he were shattering the glass where he is trapped, but

Between the release, Colder sees him on the ground and attacks him with his rock tail and

strong pushes.

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Sombra and Lynn Sky fight ice against fire, until it evaporates

all the freezing ray, but Zarcas turns making his chains spin and attacks

helicopter type, trapping Shadow in a spin with its chains and making him dizzy in the

air, then throws it between the ice falling heavily.

Dryp is on the ground, trying to get up, but gets hit with buckets of

ice that fell from the sky with Lynn Sky's magic, hitting the

arthropod. Shadow wakes up! impact, but Colder holds him tightly and

It is gutting him strongly.

The two warriors of good are being attacked very strongly, they

They get up, but Colder attacks him with his strong bodies with punches, kicks and

chains-tail. As they fight, Crystal launches a crystalline ray and locks up

Dryp, while Lynn Sky releases her icy breeze and freezes Sombra.

The two warriors increase their internal powers, free themselves from the

crystals again and again, breaking the dome many times where they are

locked up using their inner power that releases it as light from their body. Dryp

jumps at high speed and launches his projectile fists that fly and break

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Crystal leaving it in diamonds, the other projectile flies strongly and

He runs through Colder, leaving him in pieces.

Shadow increases his powers and sees Lynn Sky throwing dust

freezing, like spiked ice crystals that go like spears, Shadow spears

with its wings of flaming fire that melts them all. She keeps throwing

freezing powers, Shadow launches a huge ray of light with his hands

like the light of dawn and it attacks Lynn Sky and vanishes her,

disappearing from the site. Zarcas launches to attack with his chains, but

Sombra uses his Scalight and cuts them in two. Zarcas launches himself and tries to hit him

with his punches and spinning kicks, but Sombra increases his strength level and

makes it as if he were kicking a wall, it doesn't hurt him and with his fists

Luminous attacks Zarcas, and throws him up with his final fist, falling and remaining

Destroyed to pieces, the dark spirit fades away.

Dryp and Sombra win the duel, but Dryp is left with a damaged leg

and tells Shadow that he must continue to the next floor, where they are

strong warriors, he must go, Shadow wishes his friend the best, runs

towards the next floor, crossing the steps until you reach the next

door made of rubber, where he enters, seeing a place similar to a plant

electrical, with high voltage towers, current wires above that site and

Of course there are the electric warriors, capable of resisting attacks

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electric: Electron 3452, Galaxyan, Sparkdrom, Endescrew, Magnatrunk,

Neoncrome, Roadcrash, and Bulbor, Sombra arrives, but at the same time appears

teleported, Venusoria since its plant power neutralizes the environment


The warriors prepare, to battle, absorb the energy of the

power plant, and increase in power, preparing to battle. Venusoria, the

beautiful girl covers herself between petals to try to neutralize the powers

electric, Shadow increases his powers and covers himself with his luminous power, as

that Sombra's electrical power can increase those, their powers.

Electron throws his metal spheres that are cut by Scalight,

Galaxyan fires laser beams which Shadow covers with his shield, Sparkdrom

It launches its “low” electrical discharge but does not harm you, although the voltage

increases and is slightly damaged. Endescrew slips through the floor and tries to

bite Shadow, but he avoids the piercing bites of mercury.

Magnatrunk uses his magnetic power and makes metal debris fly around

towards Venusoria to attack her, but she uses her petals and covers herself from the impact,

but while he covers himself, he hears a vibration approaching and jumps without realizing it.

She realizes that Roadcrash is going to run her over, she dodges him and flies away. Neonchrome

runs like a lion in the savanna, even jumping on walls, to try to attack the

girl who dodges the deadly attacks, dodges them until she prevents Bulbor

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It moves like a giant iguana, trying to devour the girl with its mouth.


The demons see that their attacks are not working, they absorb

greater energy and launch their attacks with greater strength.

Electron uses his energy absorbing arm, stretches it until he reaches

Shadow that is far away and holds him absorbing energy, where he is stunned in

the ground, he is hit by Roadcrash's attack and very injured he falls on top of

of the poisonous Endescrew being filled with poisonous mercury. He

alien Mercury takes off, Shadow gets hit by a shock

Sparkdrom higher voltage electric.

Venusoría is going to help Sombra, but with magnetic powers,

Magnatrunk holds her, makes her levitate and takes away her energy, she weakens

a lot and it falls to the ground, but it protects itself with the petals; Galaxyan launches multiple

laser rays and burns them, leaving her without protection. Neoncrome launches many

neon bullets towards the girl, wounding her chest and belly, and then she is attacked

by that lion, she is very hurt and finally Sombra and she fall together,

badly injured; Bulbor increases his powers and launches an explosion of light that

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destroy everything in the camp, including the power plant and throw away the dying

warriors far from them, with very serious injuries.

On the ground, badly wounded and with no hope of battle, but Scalight shines

strongly and like a ray of light so powerful, that it illuminates the entire site, makes

Venusoria and Sombra recover, their wounds are healed, and their level of

power increases, leaving you with maximum power.

Bulbor launches another discharge of light like a luminous wall,

but with the help of Scalight he launches a very powerful ray of light, he fights against

the wall and returns it towards Bulbor, damaging his throwing ICs.

light, Magnatrunk uses his gravitational power and takes a transport cart from

plants and throws it towards Venusoria, but she using her powers, concentrates

as the cart comes towards her, and launches a magnetic power that neutralizes

the mutant's powers, the car falls to the ground a few meters before it hits her,

The beast remains only a simple worm.

Neoncrome runs towards Sombra and tries to devour him, jumps between walls and

poles trying to jump on Shadow who flies very fast, then with

His tail launches neon spheres, but with Scalight he cuts them in two, he runs

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passing through the neon spheres and jumps, falling and cutting off its tail, which damages the

neon circuit.

Galaxyan moves with its heron legs and shoots many laser beams

that bounce through the air, but Venusoria dodges them, then throws petals of

roses that block the passage of those laser rays when entering the robot and launches them

The rays he shoots with his robot guns overheat and explode. Galaxyan

launches destructive cosmic rays with its helmet, but Venusoria is covered with

rose petals, while activating a spell making a root of a

Giant plant comes out of the ground, catches and explodes the robot by pressing it.

Electron throws his metal spheres, but they are cut by Scalight,

then he throws his whip again, Sombra allows himself to be tied, and at the moment

that absorbs energy from him, Shadow conducts a super gigantic voltage of

energy that Electron absorbs and, unable to withstand, explodes completely, leaving

free Shadow and only a whip on the ground.

Roadcrash runs towards Venusoria to run over her, coming at great speed.

speed, to give her a final attack, she uses her plant powers, making

that thousands of thorny plants appear along the way and cover the pass, as you pass

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the monster car, its tires deflate and it falls heavily on its head, it

overturns and explodes heavily when falling.

Sparkdrom, jumps with its spring legs to try to attack

bites or scratches Shadow, but he dodges them at high speed. The cat

mutant knows that if he launched electric attacks at him, it wouldn't do anything because his

level is higher than yours. Then he tries to jump with his spring legs and tries to

scratch; trying to avenge Ribbit's death, Sombra decides to fight against that

melee mutant, the mutant attacks with his spins and kicks;

Shadow dodges the kicks and his scratching fists, but seeing that

receives fists and he is not so fast to kick him, because Sombra moves at

speed of light. Sparkdrom ends up releasing its electrical voltage, but

Shadow unleashes his electric fury that is a thousand times more powerful than his own, that

It destroys the electricity and chars the mutant when it crashes into it.

Venusoria knows that only Endescrew was left alive, so she flies to

Don't let her be surprised from behind, then a sharp mouth comes out behind her.

made of mercury, which plans to bite and poison. She realizes that she is

After this, he dodges the mouth and throws a magical shiny apple into his mouth.

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When Endescrew falls to the ground and feels that apple in his mouth, it makes him uncomfortable.

because it is carnivorous. But that apple is a sphere of energy that explodes

reacting with the mercury and it begins to dry, Endescrew leaves

melting like water before that apple, without being able to remove it, it dries up and

fades away.

Sombra and Venusoria have won in that place, they don't feel tired

with his new energies, but Venusoria, very affectionate and sweet, tells him to leave.

would remain in that place trying to cancel the energy of the electric reactors,

using his blocking roses, he must go to the next floor. He tells: -

“Magnum, my love, my dear prince, I will wait for you.” The Magnum part tells you

that he loves her too and that he hopes to see her at the end of the battle, that he remembers when

He met her and thanks to that he feels the love within him. Clamper remembers Maya

and he feels the same way about her. Then they say goodbye while she remains in that place and

Sombra climbs the steps to the 4th floor.

Shadow runs over the stands, which look damp and

moldy, as if there were water nearby. Shadow goes up and opens the door, and goes down

some racks, and notice that the floor is flooded by meters of water, it is the

dimension of water, while looking at the river that moves from place to place, something

emerges from the water, and jumps in front of Sombra, emerging in front of him who

prepares to battle.

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But when he gets out of the water, he notices that it is Trilangerbero, who was swimming,

He tells Sombra that he has scanned the place, there are many aquatic creatures,

so you must cross it without falling into the water. Shadow uses his freezing powers

and with his hands he creates an ice bridge, which joins both ends of the site,

but on the sides there is still water and of course the sea warriors.

Sombra and Trilangerbero walk through the ice, alert to any

enemy, in fact, the Ostrosos and Gygantodritche emerge jumping from time to time

from side to side like piranhas jumping, trying to bite them; Shadow attacks them

with electrifying attacks that make them give in, but there are many monsters

devourers and they avoid their biting attacks at all costs. In fact, both

Gygantodritche and Ostroso only have the power to devour, so they must have

Be careful not to be devoured by those colossal beings that jump on the bridge.

Some fall on the bridge, hit each other and fracture it, the bridge

begins to fall, then Sombra and Trilangerbero see that the bridge is

being hit by Gygantodritche's head and Ostroso's bites,

so they see it collapsing. The monsters jump through the broken ice,

and destroys it, Sombra and Trilangerbero jump and fly as the bridge collapses.

destroys, even so, after the bridge falls, the beasts keep jumping,

trying to devour Sombra cannot continue in that place, much less follow the

path, then Shadow launches a super frozen ray that freezes the

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creatures, leaving them like statues, among the water. The frozen beasts

Some remain trapped in the ice, others break free with great force and flee.

of the ice.

The beasts continue to swim around to devour the remains of what

falls into the river, but Sombra and Trilangerbero continue walking, the sea beasts

They leave and feel a few minutes of peace in that gigantic river. but emerging

From the river, four shadows emerge and stand on the bridge, it is called the sharp clan,

built by Sharkraptor, Dinocroco, Peritborg and Birdrate. Captain Peritborg

orders his soldiers to kill them with fury, Sharkraptor and Dinocroco

They launch with murderous fury, trying to destroy the warriors. shadow

protects with the luminous shield and fights with his sword against Dinocroco,

while Trilangerbero with its golden shell protects itself from bites

of Sharkraptor, and tries to cut it with its strong pincers.

Although bites do not harm them, these creatures are very

strong and push or attack with great force, often pulling the

warriors to the ground, but they get up before they go in to kill.

Trilangerbero avoids the saw bites that the mutant shark has, and gives it

He kicks that beast hard, although it pushes him with great magnitude. While

that Shadow fights with his luminous fists against the strong fists of


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The ferocious beasts fight, but still they try to kill with bites,

Sombra and Trilangerbero join together in the center of the bridge, tired and trying to

defeat their deadly attacks, then they concentrate, both of them stand together.

agreement and run towards them, avoid contact with the head and hold them by the

belly, they hold them and throw them at the pirates who they push and throw them into the

floor. Peritborg and Birdrate get them off of him, tell them to continue

attacking disgusting mutants, and they start attacking again, with their

fierce teeth and claws.

Shadow uses his electrical powers and attacks them both, leaving them in

shock on the bridge, leaving them defeated on the ground. Shadow runs with Scalelight

lighting up, walks on top of the fallen mutants just like Trilangerbero

to fight with their blades against the swords of the mutant pirates.

The pirates fight against Sombra and Trilangerbero in a duel of blades,

fighting between domination and showing who is more powerful. They fight with

his blades in a very strong duel, until he destroys their swords. The Pirates

those who believe they are the owners of the sea draw another sword and continue battling with

strength, but his second sword is destroyed.

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The mutants are left without weapons, so they use their second resource, the

attack with its jaws: Birdrate flies and attacks Sombra with its beak,

while Peritborg lunges with his snout to try to bite Trilangerbero.

Both warriors dodge the attack of their opponents, and try to defend themselves

with his strength attacks. Birdrate dives into the air and sinks the

He stabs Shadow in the arm like a dagger, Peritborg jumps up and bites

to Trilangerbero.

The two believe that they have been wounded, but their level of warriors has

increased and it was only a scratch. Peritborg's fangs break

bite into solid gold, and Birdrate receives an electric shock that leaves him in shock

on the floor.

The pirates, still injured and without defense, are in deep anger and

They attack them hand to hand. Shadow uses his light shield and launches a

gigantic tornado that throws Birdrate very very far and Trilangerbero runs towards

the mutant pitbull, dodges his dagger nails and cuts off his head with his pincers

to the mutant, who falls to the ground decapitated and vanishes between the bridge like

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a dark smoke, Trilangerbero is a cold warrior who only seeks to be at peace,

but when he doesn't get it, he kills.

Sombra and Trilangerbero continue walking on the bridge looking for

answers where to find the exit, but there are still 8 monsters on the water floor,

which seems like another world. Suddenly, Sombra and Trilangerbero notice disturbances

of air and water, as if there were turbulence and tornadoes nearby. Do not give

a lot, because Krabadrain is making air tornadoes, Drummstorm who

uses his magic to make heavy rains, Toratrum who uses his echoes to cast

hail, and Squiroghost uses his power to launch sand attacks with his trunk,

the warriors are making the other warriors hold onto the ground

those blinding attacks that do not allow warriors to pass. Those

beasts do not attack because only those natural attacks are enough to not

allow passage, apart from the fact that there is no way to stop these phenomena

natural, there are only two solutions left.

The first is to attack with rays of electricity, but it is useless since the

Strong wind and water divert electricity. The second solution is

approach them and defeat them, but the force of the winds is like a tornado.

Then he opens his wings, Trilangerbero flies with his inner power and with great

speed crosses the storm, but the monsters do not allow passage and he throws them

their attacks to try to stop them. Krabadrain rotates at a higher speed and the

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tornado turns with great force, making the warriors dizzy in the air;

Drummstorm uses his strong magic and increases the rain to flood the entire site.

Toratrum sends hail into the air like spikes that scratch Trilangerbero.

And Squiroghost throws sand that clouds Shadow's vision and does not allow him to pass,

In fact, he wraps it in sand and, weighing it down, he falls onto the bridge along with Trilangerbero.

The beasts do not stop their attacks, they continue attacking like phenomena

Naturals, Shadow knows that he could not stop the attacks if he did not eliminate them. But

Trilangerbero does not have enough magic to defeat him, so Sombra with his

increased powers he decides to cross the storm and flies over the creatures.

Krabadrain launches his air tornado, Sombra gets dizzy, but doesn't stop flying and

crosses the tornado, that air stops; Krabadrain launches another mass of air to

try to make him dizzy or suffocate Shadow, but he uses his wings and flies with a

high speed and crosses the air masses and even gives him a strong punch in the

facing the mutant who falls into the water defeated. Drummstorm increases rainfall and

the thunder, Shadow counterattacks the thunder with his electric lightning, and the rain

It doesn't hurt him, but in between his flight, he is attacked by rays which Shadow

absorbs it with his body and throws them at Drummstorm, damaging him, leaving him in shock

and it falls into the river, flooding the bridge near them.

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Toratrum sees his two companions defeated from afar, then

With its roars it launches spikes of ice and hail as hard as metal. Shade

He uses his fire power, melting the spikes.

Toratrum using his vain intelligence launches stunning echoes

trying to make Shadow lose control, but Scalight shines and protects him from those

stunning echoes. The Robotic beast launches many ice spikes, Shadow with

Its powers cause those echoes, with a magnetic wave, to alter and become

return towards Toratrum, damaging its integrated systems, it receives

strong pecks but they do not seriously damage it but the water penetrates its

closed circuits and that one explodes.

Finally, Squiroghost uses his ghostly form, and hides; and between the

clouds, launches strong sand storms trying to bury Shadow, this

It flies with a field of light that protects it, the sand is persistent and Shadow

crosses, but weakens when trying to pass it. The sand becomes as dense as

stone and does not support the weight. But Trilangerbero jumps up and spins like

blade, deflating Squiroghost when it passes through it, like a balloon it

deflates, leaving only sand that falls between the clouds with everything and Trilangerbero,

who flies with Sombra having defeated all the warriors.

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The warriors fly without disturbance, without fear, without harm

permanent. Sombra and Trilangerbero fly through the air, and cannot get close

to the water because it turns black, red and with poison spores. that water

poisonous is contaminated by Petrylleum, Mugry, Venomous and Gangrene

who not only contaminate the site with poisonous waste but also, by

spotting them, they begin to shoot poison with their snouts; Petrylleum spear

oil, Venomous poisonous spores, and Gangrene poisonous water.

Warriors use their inner power and cover themselves from these attacks

poisonous that sicken, contaminate and kill. The attacks rebound, but

They continue to contaminate the water. They keep throwing poison, they keep covering themselves

until they see the exit from afar, where the poisonous attacks no longer reach,

and that door would take them to the 5th floor level.

Poisonous beings continue to release poison to try to make you sick,

but they can't reach them anymore, so they walk very slowly, towards the side of the

exit door, near the warriors, but it will take them about 30 minutes to

arrive. Finally, Sombra and Trilangerbero are going to cross the door, but a voice

threateningly tells them where they are going and that they must beat them if they want to pass.

From the poisonous water, two final warriors of the site emerge leaping: Scila and

Hydros, two beasts with great power.

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Hydros, with no time to waste, launches a large dark beam with his weapon.

fish and attacks Shadow, but he dodges it; Trilangerbero prepares for

battle Trilangerbero tells Shadow to fight Scila since he has

many magical powers which Shadow can defeat, and that edge against edge,

that is, his sacred pincers against Hydros's staff of power. However,

Hydros does not obey the order and launches himself with his staff to try to attack

Sombra, and he attacks with Scalight. Trilangerbero gets in the way, but the head

Bronto steps in and tries to bite him.

Hydros and Sombra fight with their weapons strongly, without fear and with

great anger against each other, that frightful being protects his spine from attack with

dark power that collides with his luminous sword.

Trilangerbero flees from the 6 heads of Scila who moves by jumping

between the terrain trying to devour it. Dactyl who only bites, tries to

attack him, managing to injure one of his legs, on the other hand, Bronto stuns him with his

echo wave. Dargon shoots flames to try to burn his invincible shell

golden Squiroselk throws poisonous water at him but it doesn't work, just this

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Stunned, Spidron shoots cobwebs with his snout, wrapping him in a cocoon;

and finally Kilan opens his mouth and eats it.

While Sombra fights hard with his sword against the magical thorn.

That thorn is very strong and covered in dark magic; shadow follows

fighting until Hydros walks away, using his magic he makes many fall

meteors from the sky, fiery and burning towards Shadow who dodges them and

It protects with wings of fire so that impacts do not damage it. Creating a

dome with its power, Sombra protects himself and at the same time breaks the meteors.

Trilangerbero is in Scila's womb, and having recovered from what

stunned, he comes out with his blades, opening Scila's belly, who bleeds a lot

green, but, although it is wounded, its heads are the only vital point and this is

self reconstructs the wound. Hydros stops launching meteors, attacking Sombra

shooting beams of dark magic with his eyes; Shadow counterattacks with his lightning

of powerful light, they fight in a duel between rays of power.

Scila uses her first head, Dargon who sends out strong flames,

but they do not penetrate the shell of Trilangerbero, the heat increases, but the brightness

The golden color of the Trilangerbero shell becomes shiny and protects it. While

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Sombra throws rays of light against Hydros' dark rays, but

both are touched by that energy. Hydros is left with his shell broken, he tells him

which is very good but not enough to beat it.

Kilan throws poisonous water, but Trilangerbero turns into a blade

giant, draining all the water. Hydros uses his magic and throws with his thorn

dark comets, Shadow destroys them with his meteor fists.

Bronto launches his resonant echo again, Trilangerbero moves his

up-down tongs making a wall that returns the disturbing echo wave.

Hydros uses his powerful magic, desperate not to destroy Shadow, casting

with his helmet, dark, high-voltage electric rays; Shadow attacks with

its super electric discharge that makes that low voltage lightning bolt give way.

Trilangerbero prepares to battle, without any damage. Spidron releases another roll

cocoon to trap it in its spider web, so it does, remaining inside the

spider web, then with its super pincers it frees itself from within.

Hydros launches a high-powered, evil dark sphere from his snout.

destructive, capable of destroying a planet; Shadow increases his power and with

Scalight illuminating at maximum cuts the sphere. Trilangerbero remains unharmed.

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Squiroselk launches electric rays to knock his rival unconscious, but

Learning from battles at Shadow's side, he takes his pincers and makes “earth” and

neutralizes the beam.

Hydros, as its name says, of water. Use your elder spell

power and makes it rain with big black clouds, but it is very acidic rain.

strong, Sombra increases his powers and his luminous armor is not penetrated

for such acid, less for Trilangerbero who his golden armor does not penetrate it

nothing. Hydros, with his thorn weapon, launches many needle spikes to pierce through

Shadow, this is covered with his luminous shield, although it is damaged by some

needles slightly.

Trilangerbero has beaten almost all the heads, except Dactyl

whoever launches a bite, attacking with the desire to destroy it, even receives

slight bites.

The two warriors, facing their rivals, with a wounded limb

They both say at the same time: - “Answer me something... is that really your power?”

to 100%? “You must be joking.”

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The creatures continue with their final attacks. Both warriors fill

of warrior courage, and their costumes illuminate with great power, even

dazzling his rivals. Trilangerbero turns with his luminous armor,

Shadow only levels up. Dactyl tries to devour him, but he avoids the

bites and Trilangerbero turns into a blade, use the drain attack that

It makes both creatures push and fall into the water, even though it is poisonous. Scila falls into the water

with everything and Trilangerbero, which cannot be seen. Suddenly the water becomes moving

as if a tornado formed.

Hydros continues throwing thorns, but it does nothing to Sombra, who

heals his breaks, Hydros looks at his rival with fear and launches all his attacks,

but they don't even move him, he approaches and tells that skeleton that it's enough,

let them leave or wait to be destroyed. The skeletal being does not obey,

launch those evil spheres again.

Trilangerbero spins in the water like washing machine blades, and with one kick

spinning wheel throws the dizzy Scila who turned many times in that drain and all

The 6 heads fly through the air and fall heavily into the water, sinking until

the background of the site, without appearing again. Hydros, launching those spheres attacks,

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but with great speed Sombra runs, cutting the dark spheres without

difficulty, jumping and falls cutting Hydros from his helmet to his tail.

Hydros screams in fury, then increases in temperature and explodes like a bomb,

in front of Sombra, without receiving any damage, remaining free of dark beings.

Trilangerbero meets with Sombra, having won with great courage, they open the

door that directs the steps towards the next dimension. Shadow asks

Trilangerbero to stay in that place and purify that place of so much evil

while he goes to fight with the other warriors. Trilangerbero obeys and goes to

fight against the poisonous beings that approach, Shadow wishes him much

luck, he says goodbye and thanks him for his friendship.

Climbing the steps he moves away from that place. While Trilangerbero who

It is luminous, it supports poisons and spores, and it fights against the

poison attacks from poisonous monsters, attacks them with poison attacks

drainage, although sometimes you have to fight against their bites and scratches,

manages to defeat those poisonous beings.

Petrylleum, Venomous, Gangrene and Mugry release septic waste,

toxic, oil, poisonous water, which could kill any living being. with his

Armor shining, pierce those deadly poisons.

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Folhemgearo also emerges from the water, spewing corrosive acid,

just like Dr. Charmaleon who appears from the water, sending waves of

acid, and poisonous experiment bottles. Trilangerbero turns as drainage

between the water, making the warriors dizzy and among the dizziness, he attacks them with his

legs, those monsters try to give him strong impacts with their forces, but his

shell is very hard.

Folhemgearo hits him with his head of stone,

Trilangerbero stops him with his pincers; Charmaleon throws bottles of acid at him,

but with the tongs he cuts them in the air. Mugry throws septic balls in his

breastplate, but it burns when it touches the armor, cleaning its breastplate.

The poisonous monsters all launch their wave attacks together

poisonous, Trilangerbero goes into the water, the poisonous wave covers

all over the place, Trilangerbero jumps and crosses the wave, without any damage.

Finally, it is not known about this, as a battle because Trilangerbero together

with the other demons they get under the poisonous wave to corner

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Trilangerbero, The corrosive poison cannot penetrate the arthropod that is under

the water, surrounded by those monsters. The water turns dark, you can only observe

that something spins like blades, and when the wave passes, it takes away the mutants

dead. Trilangerbero believes that he has defeated those beings, but the poisonous water

He restores their life, and having revived, they appear in front of Trilangerbero

ready to attack again.

Sombra continues running to door 5, there are only 4 hours left to go.

accept the challenge of that evil being and rescue the little girl. Shadow rises

the steps until he reaches the door to the 5th floor where he enters and sees that the place is

a square, somewhat smaller than the water place, the entrance is the only thing that

limits the site, since there is only a boxing ring on the site, surrounded by ropes,

has reached the Warrior dimension.

Sombra is going to cross the square, with no time to lose; but Algiers

intervenes, appearing out of nowhere, with his very strong body, covers the door and

He says that if he wants to continue to the next hallway, he must accept the fight.

Sombra sends him a large electric shock that leaves him in shock.

floor. But out of nowhere, Wartauron comes out and with his spear says: "It's not that kind."

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combat, but it is a 1 vs 1 duel in battles, the winner must fight

until the end and if you lose, Algiers will kill you, or you accept or you accept, decide” -. Shade

Without fearing Algiers he accepts the duel, the muscular man recovers and gets up from the

floor. He vows to destroy Shadow, he doesn't know how, but he wants to.

The battles will be two to two, but since Shadow only thinks that

two against one will have an advantage. But falling like lightning appears next to

Sombra, Tamura and with his karate pose accept the challenge and help Sombra.

The duel begins this way.

1. Algiers vs Mortula

2. Sword vs Swordmaster

3. Helena vs Kywan

4. Argos vs Inferno

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5. Shadow vs Blastvax

6. Tamura vs Finger

7. Wombat vs Wartauron

8. Oddine vs Zheng

9. Zoxerbian vs Centurionher

The duel begins, Algiers launches with his superhuman forces, fighting

against Mortula's super strong forces in a duel between forces, both are

very heavy warriors; while Sword uses his hand-close against the

Swordmaster katanas.

Mortula, uses his super sharp ax and takes it out to try to cut Algel,

but Sword uses his saw-hand and cuts off the axe. Algiers takes advantage of the defense

and launches an arrow of uranium disintegrator, but Swordmaster with his swords

Quickly they break the arrow in the air.

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Mortula and Argel continue fighting in a duel of strong fists and strength,

Very strong fists and kicks are given, which reverberate throughout the place. Mortula is

full of anger just like Algiers. Sword uses his sharp saw and cuts off one of the

katanas to Swordmaster, leaving him with only one sword, the purpose of

Sword is to cut Swordmaster, who is an evil clone wants to defeat his


Argel stops fighting Mortula, heads towards Swordmaster and

He pushes him very hard, throwing him to the side of the ring, leaving him very hurt;

Sword dodges Algiers, Mortula approaches him from behind, Sword takes him

dodges and wounds his arm with his saw, damaging that part of his armor.

Swordmaster, weakened, stands up, not afraid of the duel and even less of Algiers,

Even though he has a lot of strength, he doesn't care, he gets up and concentrates.

Algiers launches again with his forces, while running he shoots uranium arrows

with his legendary bow. Swordmaster spins his katanas and cuts them down. Mortula

His arm is injured, but he doesn't care and continues fighting.

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Mortula takes out a chain with a ball full of spikes to try to eliminate

at his rival, and throws it at him while dodging it. Unfortunately, that chain attacks

Alger and stops his attack, the ball breaks.

Argel stands up, angrily says that he wants to destroy Mortula, but

first to Swordmaster since he will be destroyed. Shadow looks at the intense

battle, it is filled with anger that this being attacks another smaller one and without measuring itself,

launches a super electric discharge that attacks Algiers and Mortula, leaving them in

shock those two beasts.

Swordmaster uses his karate techniques and with kicks and punches

karate, attacks the dizzy Algel and attacks him until he knocks him to the ground. Sword does

Likewise, taking advantage of the fact that Mortula is without his six active senses, he launches

a sonic wave that makes Mortula dizzy and at the same time fractures her armor.

The other warriors threaten Shadow that, if he attacks a duel, everyone

They will attack him and eliminate him from the site. Shadow is not afraid, but now is not the time

to battle Algiers and Mortula are on the ground while they recover their six

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senses, the worst thing is that both super strong warriors come together, look at each other with

desire to beat his rivals.

Both warriors run towards them; crossing the sonic waves that

Sword emits, and without being attacked by Swordmaster, they run,

blocking the attack. Then with a super attack they throw the little ones

warriors outside the ring, in unconscious mode (KO) and both win the duel

strong beings.

Both warriors are the winners of the duel.

The second duel begins, Kywan Matsumoto, an arts expert

martial against the mysterious girl Helena Sunsong. Argos also rises to the

ring, he would have liked to have eliminated Sombra, but now he must fight against

his tournament rival, Inferno. Kywan and Helena fight in an arts duel

martial arts, both are great experts, they attack each other, but both are so good

who do not fall to the ground, fight with their fists and kicks and even block their

attacks, but none gives in to losing.

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Inferno uses the power of his sword Scaradark and launches his beam of dark light

mortal. Argos covers himself with his evil shield, and attacks by shooting with his

machine gun, Inferno uses his evil power and creates a dark dome that

protects from bullets. Kywan uses his fists and forms them into fists of fire,

to hit and burn his rival. Helena avoids them, and with her magic she makes

his fists turn into freezing fists to try to hit him

strong and freezing, they give each other strong karate blows that hurt them a little.

Inferno, decides to finish off his rival once and for all, launching a

powerful dark lightning that pierces and destroys everything in its path, Argos

He does not cover himself again and with his powers he withstands the evil lightning, but what he

He did is give energy to his evil body. Argos throws rays with his eyes

burning cosmics towards Inferno, but this one who is used to living

in space, he blocks that lightning attack with his hands.

Kywan throws a fist with the energy of the dragon, towards Helena who is

unprepared in battle; and he launches himself with his fist, launching a dragon made of

pure energy, Helena realizes and dodges the strong fist, but the dragon

emergent attacks Argos and pierces his belly. The mutant Argos falls, but

He gets up badly wounded and with his bazooka fires projectiles at Kywan.

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destroyers, then she concentrates and holds the projectiles, before they

explode, he holds them with his hands and throws them at Helena.

Helena, upon seeing the projectiles, launches a solar ray with her hands that

It explodes, causing that place to be filled with smoke. vision is blinded

For a few minutes, the warriors take advantage of that smoke to continue fighting.

Inferno uses his Scaradark and goes to cut Helena, but she spots him

into the darkness and takes out his magic flute, plays a beautiful melody that leaves

paralyzed Inferno, then takes Inferno's sword and looks for Kywan to

put an end to it; He looks for her while he sees Argos launching projectiles at speed.

karateka Helena rushes to approach the battle, but is mortally wounded.

by a projectile in her chest and it goes through her chest, she falls dying from her

team friend Argos stops shooting, but doesn't seem to care if Helena

has died. Helena falls to the ground with her chest broken, dying from the impact of a

projectile. Sombra reacts violently again and tells Inferno and Argos,

a couple of enemies that you want to defeat. Both creatures set out to kill him.

Argos fires projectiles, but they collide with the luminous armor of

Shade; Inferno launches his dark lightning, but with a super sword strike

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illuminant, deflects that ray. Argos takes out his machine gun and begins to

Shoot him, but it doesn't hurt him. Inferno uses his Scaradark that he had thrown away

to the ground and picks it up, then fights Shadow in a sword duel; without

However, Scalight, with two or three sword blows, destroys the sword in his hands.


With his Scalight he launches a gigantic beam of light that destroys them

completely. Sombra leaves the ring, but not before giving energy to the beautiful Helena,

He uses his Scalight and heals his chest. He raises her, he will take her to a place where she can

rest; but Kywan sees that attack and runs to try to kill Sombra,

but with a flying kick, he stops the girl and they fight in a duel of arts

martial. Kywan is a very good fighter, but Tamura is very fast, dodges

karate attacks and with the lightning of the true dragon spirit, attacks her,

a legitimate dragon coming out of his fist that envelops the girl, and a large

energy attacks her, and leaves her unconscious. Algiers is filled with fury for what he did

that insolent man and both Mortula and Argel launch themselves to attack them, breaking the


Shadow sees those strong beings that are coming to destroy them, then

uniting the power of wind and electricity, creates a destructive electric tornado

that rotates, traps the evil ones, and electrocutes them ferociously, leaving them

defeated both on the ground, Sombra wins the entire duel, along with his great

friend and vigilante Tamura.

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Both warriors win the duel, but the rules change since everything

It was a duel of forces, but there is no time to waste.

Blastvax and Wartauron fall on the stage in front of them, with swords

of high edge and warrior courage, Tamura takes out his sacred saber and Sombra his

Scalight sword accepting the duel of his strong rivals.

They fight their swords against their swords in a duel of powerful blades

who shoot energy sparks, fight until Scalight destroys Scalight's sword.

Wartauron, and Tamura uses his hands, releasing his sword, he holds it in between

and takes the samurai's sword. Wartauron increases the strength of his armor and

He launches an attack on Sombra with great force, the hero holds his horns,

tries to stop him in the ring while he pushes.

While Blastvax uses his medium as he defeated Tamura the time

passed, becomes invisible and enters Tamura's body, this is not so

fool to defeat himself by an old trick. Tamura uses his inner power and releases him

as if it illuminated from within, becoming a luminous sacred being. He

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microscopic Blastvax is expelled very strongly from the body, and this becomes

visible, large and with its armor broken.

Shadow continues the struggle against Wartauron, he forces him so that

try to pull it to the opposite side, until you gain strength and give it a strong

push that throws him towards the ropes of the ring.

Both Blastvax and Wartauron are cowards in a way, so

He tells two warriors to fight at his side, that is, a battle between 2 vs 4.

They both see that they are a couple of cowards, but they accept the duel. Oddine joins

In the battle against Wartauron, Zheng joins Blastvax as a partner.

Oddine and Wartauron fight Shadow in a duel of forces, with

strong punches and kicks, including very strong blows; Blastvax and Zheng fight

against Tamura in a karate duel, where spinning attacks, fast fists

and flying kicks are very strong. Both Sombra and Tamura are

beaten very brutally by those 4 warriors, they get up to continue

battling, but they receive very strong attacks that leave them lying on the ground.

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Wartauron launches dark thunders from his snout, many of which are

mortals, Shadow counterattacks them with his electric shock, in a fight of

good heavens; the dark thunders subside and Wartauron receives an electric shock

strong that actually does minimal damage.

Blastvax takes out a very sharp spear, made of a razor, and launches into battle.

With great courage, Tamura uses his magic saber and they fight, with great strength, in a

duel of sharp weapons; They fight among themselves with great courage and courage, until

They continue fighting for 10 minutes, both weapons are broken.

Oddine calls to his ancestors with a Scandinavian prayer, and is struck by lightning

obtaining supernatural forces, throwing very heavy ice rocks, 50

kg in weight and like small boxes, he throws them at Sombra who dodges them, avoids

be crushed, and with Scalight he cuts them before they fall on him, leaving him alone

hail. Oddine shines his red sacred armor and runs, becoming

a bull, thus transformed into a red bull, starts to charge, but

Sombra teleports and tires the mutant, avoiding being attacked and thus

way he gets tired.

Tamura confronts Zheng who uses his magical wooden sword,

Casting spells, he turns Tamura into a wooden statue with a single

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spell, the ninja is petrified, but with the help of the dragon spirit he returns to

become a ninja. Zheng casts another bolt of lightning and petrifies him again, but

He is freed from that spell again when the luminous dragon leaves the body. Lance

a third beam, but Tamura throws an Electro-ken and that electricity deflects the

lightning to petrify.

Shadow tries to attack them with his luminous fists, but they don't go through.

the armor of the warriors who attack with great force and throw it back into the

floor. Tamura attacks with his martial arts techniques, but cannot destroy

Blastvax's armor; meanwhile he fights with Zheng in an arts duel

martial arts, where very strong fists and kicks are given, this one can beat him, but

Zheng's wooden sword releases waves of energy that paralyze and absorb

Tamura's energy.

The duel is yet to be defined, if they win or die, 10 seconds away.

final, unable to get up, very hurt. Then Shadow hears the voice of

It illuminates from another dimension, it tells you to get up because nothing is lost,

that you must simply believe. Shadow repeats believing until he begins to believe,

believe that you can win.

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Shadow rises with great force, Scalight illuminates powerfully and

It even gives new energy to Tamura, the warriors' wounds are restored,

and the 4 evil beings are scared to see that they have not defeated them.

Tamura and Sombra tell the brutal warriors to retreat and

From now on, respect the rules of the ring. The warriors ignore

and they attack with great force. Shadow uses his sword and runs with it

which illuminates with great power, cutting Wartauron's armor,

Blastvax and Oddine, having dodged their fist and scratch attacks;

He also destroys Zheng's sword, leaving them without any defense, even so,

They are still furious and attack.

Oddine uses his holy power and launches a row made of pure flames,

that burn everything in their path, but Sombra attacks with his power and launches the power

of water, putting out the flames; Zheng is still in mourning, fighting like

martial arts warrior against the ninja Tamura in a duel of forces,

where strong blows are dealt, but without giving up and with the utmost desire to succeed.

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Oddine, even without his armor, throws multiple hammers at Sombra.

very heavy, Sombra jumps into the air and with a slashing beam from Scalight cuts and

destroy all decks.

Tamura concentrates his energy with his hands, saying a prayer in

Chinese and launches a tornado made of pure energy, like a sacred blue fire, the

maximum power of the dragon, which attacks and defeats the 4 warriors with a type of

gigantic attack that defeats them and leaves them defeated, thrown out of the ring. He

maximum attack stops and Tamura along with Sombra have defeated those beings


They win, but the duel must continue because of what is ordered in this way.


1. Centurionher vs Wombat

2. Tamura vs Finger

3. Shadow vs Zoxerbian

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Finally it is ordered like this.

First Assault: Centurionher uses his katanas and tries to cut Wombat

who flies, avoiding cuts; Wombat flies high and jumps

dived trying to catch and devour the fast Centurionher. Wombat launches the

echo wave, to make the woman dizzy who becomes dazed while avoiding his attacks,

but she doesn't let herself be defeated because she sees Wombat determined to approach her, but

The zombie shoots poisonous blood from her snout that blinds the mutant bat.

and it falls landing heavily.

Wombat removes the blood that blinds his vision, which he throws at him with his snout

with long teeth, then the monster flies, darting strongly between the

ground and gives it strong blows with its wings. Centurionher is shaken but not

She lets herself be defeated by that mutant, and with great strength and speed, she throws the katanas

that stab into Wombat's chest and belly, but although he bleeds, he does not

stops its flight. Wombat uses his final attack while flying, making his

eyes and charms Centurionher into believing that Wombat is after her and

with an optical illusion he dominates her, making her fight with a 6 meter Wombat

in front of her, which frightens her and makes her fight alone, Wombat continues using her

power of hypnosis and launches an echo that stuns the zombie but still in flight,

is being poisoned by the katanas that Centurionher, still stuck in

the chest and poison it.

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Centurionher, wake up from the spell, because Wombat falls, without having

unable to concentrate on the spell, the zombie takes away his katanas, for some reason

He doesn't want him to die, he restores his energy with his black powers and tells

the woman, who wishes a request, that we all join forces to defeat

Tamura and Sombra, anyway, the 4 monsters meet, and the final battle begins.

They break the rules, cornering the warriors; They prepare to battle.

Centurionher and Finger prepare to battle Sombra;

Zoxerbian and

Wombat against Tamura, in a final duel.

Centurionher attacks Sombra with his katanas, who defends himself

with Scalight while avoiding Finger's scratches and bites, with his

antimatter jaws. Zoxerbia releases poisonous smoke with its powers,

obscuring Tamura, as he tries to attack him through the smoke, but Tamura

uses his sixth sense and senses their attacks, Wombat flies up and launches

He bites to try to devour it, but Tamura moves quickly and avoids it.

Centurionher throws poisonous blood to try to blind his rival, but he

avoid jumping from one side to the other, while avoiding falling into black holes that made


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Tamura fights the Indian shaman through the smoke holding the air

poisonous, hand-to-hand in a duel between forces, with strong fists of

power, while moving around dodging Wombat's wing attacks.

Centurionher and Finger launch powerful echoes that stun Shadow, powerless

concentrate, loses his balance and even lets go of Scalight. Both creatures

They come close to devouring Shadow. Tamura is intoxicated by poisonous gases,

can't breathe much, taking advantage of this, Wombat uses his stun wave

and makes Tamura dizzy, being disoriented he uses his luminous eyes confusing

to the ninja who believes that his own dragon spirit is biting him,

when it's really Wombat who bites him while he flies, Zoxerbian takes out

an axe, which is charged with electrifying energy and will cut the ninja in two.

Sombra, dizzy and not recognizing anything, concentrates and obtains the

maximum concentration, sees Scalight lighting in one part, and rolls and even

He goes towards her, makes a maximum effort, although he is hit and finally reaches

towards her before Finger does.

Take the sword that makes a glow so powerful that the clouds and the

hypnosis are cancelled. Tamura awakens and uses an energy beam attack that

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attacks Zoxerbian before he is cut in two, thus throwing the Indian away from the

ninja. Sombra is full of energy like Tamura and they both prepare to

fight hard. Centurionher runs with his two katanas to kill him, but

Sombra with a sword attack cuts both katanas at the same time, and

with a swing and sword attack he wounds the zombie's belly, who falls defeated

and her soul vanishes like black smoke, leaving only the dress.

Tamura fights hand to hand against the Indian who blows smoke again

dark, but Shadow helps him and launches a super strong tornado attack that

spreads, Zoxerbian gives the ninja strong fists, but they have no effect since

He has leveled up, then he takes the electric ax and blasts him

electric, but it only surrounds Tamura and returns it to Zoxerbian and attacks him

brutally, he leaves him defeated on the ground.

Finger gets tired of Sombra and fires his black hole ray at him.

disintegrates everything in its path, this time with great force; Sombra uses his Scalight which

illuminates with divine force, and launches a super ray of light so powerful that it hits

with the power of the black hole.

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Tamura flies and fights in the air against Wombat in a duel of forces,

their warrior fists against the strong beast fists as they fly in the

air, they fight in the air with great force, since neither hypnosis nor echo power can

takes effect, until, with a strong fist, Tamura defeats Wombat, he falls to the ground.

defeated ground.

Finger continues to launch his black hole beam with great power, he

approaches Shadow, but Shadow remembers Ilumina's words, now he believes in

overcome and increases its light beam to 10 times, which becomes very powerful and

destroys the entire black hole, the light burns Finger's hands and that hole

is destroyed, Shadow tells Finger to surrender.

The sphinx, with great pride, runs towards Sombra to treat

to bite him, but Sombra uses his Scalight and shoots him a super beam of light that

passes through it, disintegrates it in a matter of seconds, finally disappears and

Sombra stops the lightning, and without more rivals, decides that he has won the duel and must

leave before more time passes since there is not much, Tamura thanks him

for having helped him in those battles and decides to stay in that place to help

to cure Helena and Swordmaster since although they are clones, they should not be

tortured in the elite of darkness. Scalelight heals both of their wounds.

warriors and fills them with power.

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Shadow says goodbye to Tamura, and with his illuminating sword, runs

crossing the door going up the steps to floor number 6.

Finally, Sombra arrives as the legendary warrior that he is to the 6th floor,

where is the dimension of the mutants, Sombra opens the door, arriving at a

a place similar to Queen Hornet's lair, but larger, and even

The door of that place is made of honeycomb.

Sombra enters knowing that that place is full of insects and many

dangerous mutants, as he passes by, he hears a buzzing sound and in front of Sombra comes out

Queen Hornet who will accompany him during the legendary journey to

Go to level 7 and 8 which are remaining.

They walk among the hive, while looking for the exit to the other place; Then,

they feel vibrations underground with great power, like an earthquake that makes

big cracks and holes, that's because Slash and Hydrik are underground

trying to drill the soil of that place which is very thick. Shadow and Queen

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Hornet flies avoiding being attacked, Hydrik shows his cyclostome head

trying to raise its neck and devour. Slash rears his head and throws winches

projectiles to try to pierce them, but Shadow protects the queen bee in

a dome of light, and those lathes collide and explode.

Hydrik throws rocks with his snout at the warriors, but Queen

Hornet launches two cutting discs, shredding his rocks. They both fly

far from that place, where it is a hollow earth and where skeletal bodies are seen

pierced by those two creatures.

They fly away, but are caught unseen by some cobwebs

giants, full of gigantic garden spiders. They are all alarmed to see that the

web moves, the spiders approach the center of the web, but Shadow

Without fear, he holds on to the web and tells Queen Hornet to use her dome

of light and covers herself, she does this and Sombra launches a super electric shock

which knocks everyone to the ground, falling into shock. All but one, who follows

moving, it is Spidrax who protected himself with his turtle shell and approaches

to devour the warriors. Shadow throws lightning at him, but he covers himself with his

shell, then with a sword attack when being close, almost with his

fangs near Shadow, he opens his wings of fire and takes off from the

spider web and with a cutting ray, destroys the spider's shell in two

normal. Spidrax feels that he has no defense, so he launches towards Sombra

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cobwebs, but at that moment Queen Hornet launches cutting discs that

They free Shadow from the cobwebs.

Spidrax takes the fragmented shell, repairs it with his web of

so that it is restored, then he gets inside and jumps with his shell to

crush them, dodging the shell in the spider web, they dodge it from being


Queen Hornet launches a projectile stinger that pierces through and like a bullet,

The entire shell fragments into many pieces. Spidrax leaves, as it is

He is just a simple spider with no powers; Shadow throws his fire ray and burns

the cobweb, giving way to the next passage.

As they fly, they approach a place where the walls are full of

skeletons bathed in acid and poison. That place is called the camera

poisonous, where poisonous beings surround that place. They fly carefully,

approach a skeletal body which emits a striking glow, they approach with

Be careful as you don't know who will be there.

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That skeletal being looks like a skinny, dead, hairless woman,

stuck between a hole in the wall, they trust that she is dead and they approach;

then they get closer and closer and that dead woman screams when she wakes up, her eyes go dark.

open, in black- dead.

His body comes out of the wall, it is Lyena who is in that place. What in

Hornet is disappointed that many insects rebel against her, so

takes on the challenge of facing the mutant Lyena, while Shadow takes out his

sword, but at that moment, he perceives something behind him, so he jumps avoiding

be attacked by the corrosive poison that Stringfrog releases, after that poison

He sticks to the wall and burns it, accepts the challenge of fighting that mutant frog.

Lyena uses her tail and pincers to try to trap/poison the wasp queen,

she dodges them and launches several stinging projectiles that wound the pincer of

Lyena, however, continues to try to capture her.

Stringfrog launches his acids with his snout, Shadow protects himself with his

luminous shield and the power of light burns the poison; Seeing this, the frog thinks

that his acid would not harm his armor and they fight using their fists, the frog

He uses his boxing fists against Sombra's luminous fists.

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Lyena is hurt by a stinger in her other pincer, so she runs after

the wasp to poison it, Queen Hornet moves at high speed. Shade

fight against the “jumper” Stringfrog avoiding the fists and rather this frog

He attacks with force in his fists. Shadow is hurt, but he doesn't plan to lose the

time with that frog, so he stops fighting, stays still... fooling

the frog that won't fight, however, although that frog can destroy a

wall with his boxing fists, he is not able to really hit Shadow.

Lyena follows Queen Hornet, with a half-damaged pincer, jumps and holds her

wings, ties it up and is about to stab it with its poisonous sting. She is near

to eliminate it by poisoning the bee.

She looks Lyena in the eyes, and gets furious, tells her that she is a

shame for the arthropod kingdom, then with its wings, still trapped in the

wings, launches cutting discs that pierce Lyena's belly and tail, she

she falls bleeding into acid and, releasing the bee, dies cut, then dies.

fades away.

Shadow stands still, Stringfrog approaches... punches him twice

strong but useless; He approaches and gives him two more, and when he is close enough

nearby, Sombra attacks with his flying luminous fists that attack the mutant

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and they throw him hard to the ground, that mutant falls defeated and afraid that

Sombra kills him, he is terrified and asks for forgiveness. He gets up from the ground and runs away

of this, running.

Sombra and Queen Hornet leave the site, they move away from the dark

bedroom, entering another door where the site continues, full of skeletons

tied to bars, tortured and murdered.

Then, they hear very loud roars of beings coming from a

burrow, roaring at their presence, the echoes of loud roars

They increase, and four reddish eyes look out from the cave. From that burrow

Lynch and Walyursa come out violently, with their nails and teeth they plan to devour

to the warriors, they stand with bloody fury.

Those warriors are not going to use greater power than their animal fury, so

They decide to fly and escape from that place, they fly away from the fast monsters until

the next hallway where the door is high and a wall separates the other side,

Sombra launches his super electric discharge that shocks both creatures.

and it gives them time to get on. The beasts are still unconscious, but just

While Shadow and Queen Hornet climb the wall, they wake up, although they are

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in anger because Shadow has attacked them once. If Shadow had had the

100% of their powers would have exterminated them, but Shadow for some reason

His powers are limited in that place, otherwise he would have

defeated with a super electric shock.

They continue to the next place, the hive where the old armory was.

insect, where there are troops of bees, ants, dead wasps, defeated by

some super warrior; Without seeing anyone, all the soldiers are lifeless.

Suddenly, Trilangerbero (?) appears and telepathically greets

Queen Hornet as a beautiful lady, do not fight because there is no way out. Not even

greets Shadow, who hears the telepathic message and shocks him.

electric shock to Trilangerbero and tells him: - “you better learn to imitate him, Vile” -.

Trilangerbero transforms into Ilumina, releasing a flash of light, but

He is so weak that he does not harm Shadow; while they battle, a being flying and

with its powerful beak it launches to try to peck Queen Hornet, she feels

a malevolent energy and gets out of the way of the Murdercrew flight who flies

with its beak and great strength to try to peck her, but she dodged it, only

Get a wing swipe attack that tide you through the air.

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Vile doesn't even know what strong being to transform into, so he becomes

in Evilhem and challenges Shadow to a fight, this a! Seeing him gets angry and launches himself with his

luminous fist before Vile attacks and with a luminous punch he knocks Vile towards


Queen Hornet recovers and fights Murdercrew by hitting her

deadly wings, the blows are really strong, the bird is very strong, but

Queen Hornet has her wings illuminating in a golden glow, giving her strength.

Vile becomes normal, stays as he really is and launches like a

cobra to bite and inject venom, with a small bite it is capable of

poison and kill, Shadow allows himself to be bitten since his suit is luminous and does not

passes through a simple poison. Then Vile launches with great anger to bite and

When he does so, he bites Shadow which injects poison; but receives a super

electric shock that electrifies and throws the mutant snake to the wall again,

defeated after an extensive battle; Shadow is poisoned and falls

weakened, but Scalelight shines brightly and restores his health.

Murdercrew flies and like a fighter fencing, he rushes through

to the bee with its beak, it gets closer and closer. So the bee uses its wave

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hypnotic that hinders Murdercrew and launches itself with its wings shining in

golden, giving it a strong attack that throws the bird to the wall, that wall

breaks by making a hole in the next door. The two mutants,

defeated they disappear by evaporating. Let's be clear, they are level warriors

first so they can't beat Sombra or Queen Hornet.

They follow where Murdercrew made the hole, which shows a site

hidden, a cave where the provisions of the hive are many, but they are

kept so as not to be touched or else whoever touches a single provision will receive,

the edges of death. Sombra and Queen Hornet enter the cave, but they hear

the alarm noise, because they have entered the cave without any authorization, the

queen of the hive who is Zenomia, orders her soldiers to attack and kill

to intruders.

Spine, Kurchev, Flywegon, Antrooper, Sparkroach and Drobyte go there

place to fight with courage for his queen. The soldiers go towards them, to the alarm

loud as a loud and annoying whistle, they prepare to be alert, although the

The alarm stops, only the warriors can be heard destroying

boxes and walls to battle and destroy the warriors. The 6 warriors unite and

They stand in front of the warriors to battle, with their blades and their powers, they think

destroying them, Shadow and Queen Hornet are ironically glad to see their

old friends, prepare to face them.

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Shadow uses his sword and shield to fight against the claws and teeth

from Spine, but also takes cover from Antrooper's attacks, and even detects

between the dark Kurchev who uses his sharp claws to try to attack him;

Queen Hornet uses her long stinger to avoid pecks from the nose of

Sparkroach and the horn of the flying Drobyte, apart from avoiding contact with the

Flywegon's tongue which is full of septic poison, stretches but avoids it,

avoids the septic tongue with great speed, the fly launches parasitic eggs into the

Sombra's body but the larvae are electrocuted and fall dead.

They fight a strong duel, they take cover from their enemies, but despite

fighting by covering and attacking, there is a disturbing noise in the background, like a

dizzying and unbearable echo, made with the shell of Shellix. Shellix follows

making very loud, mind-numbing noises, which give migraines and the warriors do not

They can concentrate, they even get in a bad mood.

It is a tough battle, a strong one and one of the heaviest, since it is not

the strength of their rivals, but they all fight at the same time, and worst of all

It is that stunning echo that breaks windows, a strong echo that stuns in battle,

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everyone fights, but there is no concentration with that giant snail that emits

noises even penetrate the ceiling.

Trilangerbero leaves the battle on one side, teleports to the other

floor while telling Folhemgearo that he is coming, then he arrives in front of

Shellix, and orders him to shut up. Then he ignores it and sends out an echo that

destroy boxes and walls, but not Trilangerbero's luminous armor,

Shellix uses its snout and launches heavy beads that destroy anything in its path.

passed; Trilangerbero turns with its pincers and cuts all the spheres that try to

hit him. Shellix launches with its shell coming out from under it some mini

projectile snails that attack Trilangerbero like missiles, the arthropod does not

receives not a scratch on its luminous armor, although those drill snails

They break walls and everything that is nearby; Trilangerbero, who uses his tongs

sharp, and with a simple touch, cuts through Shellix and the entire shell, leaving the

being killed with its shell broken, the snail disappears, vanishing into the air

and Trilangerbero, must return to its place, otherwise Queen Hornet will not have

strength to win.

Queen Hornet levels up and begins to have a golden glow on her face.

the battle, while Sombra covers himself with his shield and attacks with his Scalight,

but is scratched by the claws of the ferocious creatures that attack, surrounding them;

Sombra uses the power of Scalight and turning with his luminous sword, he turns and turns

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with this, cutting the nails of all the monsters, leaving them without a weapon of

stroke. Queen Hornet evolves her powers and the little bee turns golden, like

if the bee were made of gold, launching a strong flash that blinds and knocks down the three

arthropods away from it.

Spine, with his body as covered and sharp as a pangolin, makes a

ball and spin hitting Shadow when he is careless; He throws it to the ground. HE

rises, but is caught by Antrooper's mega pincer that grows in size

and he presses him, then he throws him forcefully towards a wall where, using the

power of shadows hides Kurchev and he holds him with his strong arms

and with its snout sticking out through the wall like its hands, it bites

strongly at Scalight to try to break her.

Sparkroach rises and sends a volley of sparks towards the bee.

electric shocks that stun the bee, taking advantage of that, Flywegon flies and passes it

her poisonous body and leaves her covered in poisonous slime, Queen Hornet

concentrates, although it begins to clean, Drobyte launches a strong

attack and throws her hard to the ground.

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But while Kurchev with his wolf bite tries to break

Scalight bites her very hard, but a ray of light is released that attacks and knocks the

furious wolf to the ground. Kurchev is filled with dangerous fury, he quickly gets up

and launches a beam of darkness with its snout, but Scalight reacts by flying in

into the air and shoots a high-powered beam of light that destroys Kurchev. Spine

enraged at having lost his ally, he launches with his column, strong beaks, but

Shadow had freed himself, he uses his wings and covers himself, the needle beaks that are

Like spears they melt when they touch the fire of the wings. Spine, feeling lowered

From that attack, he forms again into a ball and spins towards Sombra, throwing him to the


Queen Hornet stands up, still with the golden glow on her body, and stands.

prepares to battle, using his perceptive antennas, he analyzes who is the one who is

will face first. Sparkroach who wants dominance of the cockroaches in the

insect kingdom, launches another discharge of electric sparks, but the bee has

learned from Sombra and with his wings he opens and closes them at great speed and

spreads the rays to other directions. Sparkroach lunges with its legs and

stinger flying at high speed like a spear towards the bee, she closes her

eyes and visualize with the antennas where it arrives, then before it crosses it,

flies and launches a sonic wave that stuns Sparkroach and leaves her in a state of

permanent shock.

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Seeing that one of the bad guys is defeated, the bee is attacked by the

attack from Drobyte, she gets up, but just as Sombra is attacked

again. Shadow gets up, and sees Spine who spins like a spinning ball towards

he. When he is a few meters away, Shadow holds him in the air as if he were a

ball, blocks its speed and attack, by holding it, uses his hands and throws a

very strong electric shock when you hold it, then pull it back where

It remains nailed to the wall with its thorns on its back. Queen Hornet dodges

Drobyte's strong pushes, then that creature as well as its

brother, throw boomerangs that fly and try to cut the bee's wings,

This launches cutting discs that destroy all the boomerangs. Drobyte

It is left without strength or attack, then it flies with its sharp horn,

kill Queen Hornet. She stands still, uses her powers and turns

golden, of pure solid gold and when it hits, Drobyte's horn hits and crashes.

breaks, leaving with a crooked horn, he flies away from the site.

Antrooper is the one who stands in front of Sombra and that warrior with pride

wanting to be the only and best soldier of the insect kingdom, he is going to fight against

Shadow with his sharp claws. Shadow covers himself with his shield and tries to attack

the strong armor of the arthropod which is very hard, but just as before, it cuts its

razor nails with his sword; Antrooper uses the claw on his head again and

He takes Shadow and begins to press him very hard; but opening the wings of

fire burns the ant's pincer, who lets it go, remaining without attacking, since

that fire pulverized his entire pincer in seconds, it only hurt when the

totally lost. The mutant does not want to lose and even without defenses he launches with

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his body to attack with great hardness, Sombra fights against it using his fists

luminous, both Sombra and Antrooper are very strong and fight with all

his forces, in a duel of fists; but while they fight their hair grows again

nails to Antrooper, but this time Sombra draws his sword and stabs the sword into Antrooper's

chest before that ant attacks her.

The ant falls wounded in the chest and only wishes that, if one day he returns

to live, he will seek to fight for peace and obey his queen. Sombra tells him that

will be, then he uses his mystical powers and heals the wound of Antrooper who

He was dead, but that power revived him, but it leaves him asleep so that some

day wake up and look for where your kingdom belongs. Falling asleep leaves him

in that place and Sombra venerates him as a great warrior.

Queen Hornet is in front of Flywegon who flies spreading slime

poisonous, sickening or intoxicating, but she avoids being caught by those

drool, even though his armor does not allow drool to pass through, Flywegon

It releases a stunning wave, but the bee covers itself with its inner energy. He

Filthy mutant flies around, trying to suck and suck the skin of

Queen Hornet to remove energy, she flies and avoids it, then it is left

trapped, Flywegon goes towards her who fearlessly confronts her and launches a stinger

projectile that passes through his body like a bullet, destroying all his viscera

ghouls that Flywegon has and falls spreading poisonous slime. The fly

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mutant screams and dries up like a statue, becoming petrified on the ground, the

slime is evaporated and the site is eliminated from evil.

Sombra and Queen Hornet reunite, finally heading to the bedroom.

from the queen of the honeycomb where the evil essence comes, some ramps of

honeycomb until they see a place similar to that of the castles of human kings,

with an ornate throne and a large hall where Queen Hornet's troops

They are defeated just like those of Dark Hornet who is a wasp with type

humanoid face, with the body of a black wasp and a very sharp body, full of

spikes and poison, together with his loyal Zenomia and his two servants, have defeated the

Queen Hornet's troops as well as the wasps since as she dominates, the

eliminated his two subjects. Sombra tells Dark Hornet that he will pay for this and

to prepare for the final insect-battle, however, Dark Hornet does not want

fight with Sombra but with the queen bee, in the final battle just like Zenomia

who has betrayed the hive three times. She accepts, Sombra leaves

get in the way of the battle, but Hippo and Zync the mutant dragonfly get in the way with

his teeth threatening to battle.

Queen Hornet uses her stinger and fights against Dark's poisonous stinger.

Hornet, but in battle, takes hits from thrusts and wing blows

Zenomia; Shadow dodges Zync's flying bites, but Hippo launches

with its snout balls of hair that catch Shadow or make him fall. dark

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Hornet fights for domination of the insect kingdom and Queen Hornet for liberation

definitive of the kingdom, but in the intense battle, she receives pecks in the duel,

that they have poison; Dark Hornet also gets stings of poison, but

Zenomia who is a traitor at all costs, expects them both to attack each other and


Queen Hornet launches cutting discs just like Dark Hornet launches

dark cutting discs with their wings.

Meanwhile, Shadow cuts the hairballs that Hippo throws,

then Zync uses his tail and launches cosmic rays that are very damaging, Sombra

It is covered with wings of fire which absorb the rays. Zync sends a wave

hypnotic and Shadow is in a trance, closes the wings of fire and the terrible Hippo

He runs towards Sombra to attack him with his great weight.

In battle, Queen Hornet fights with her strength, but her skin is

being damaged by the wasp's armor which is very sharp, Zenomia

gets tired of not having action and launches spores of great poison into the air that

They poison both Queen Hornet and Dark Hornet and they both become ill in

the battle, but they continue fighting, the bee sends very bright rays of light with its eyes

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light, Dark Hornet shoots dark rays with his eyes in a duel of forces.

Zenomia waits for the effect of the poison, Dark Hornet asks Zenomia what,

because he has done it, it does not respond to him.

Shadow is in a trance, but Scalight shines brightly and cancels the spell,

then jump very high avoiding Hippo's attack; Zync launches another wave

hypnotic, but Shadow covers himself with his inner forces and flies, on the wave

hypnotic and punches the flying mutant hard in the face which takes away

the desire to hypnotize. The furious Hippo launches a giant ball of

hairs, but with Scalight he cuts it in the air.

Zync launches a very powerful cosmic ray with its eyes that dazzles

to Shadow, then when he can't, Hippo goes after Shadow to devour him with his


Queen Hornet is seriously injured, Dark Hornet is poisoned,

but he continues fighting until the end and launches a hypnotic wave, which stuns the

bee and does not allow him to concentrate where his enemy is. But before the

wasp attacks him with its final flight-sting, she wakes up increasing her

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powers and nullifying hypnosis. She flies out of his way and throws a

stinger- projectile that sticks into Dark Hornet's belly.

Agonizing over Zenomia's spore poison and Queen's stinger

Hornet falls and tells Queen Hornet before dying that Zenomia wants too

the key to his kingdom, then dies like a loyal wasp. Meanwhile, Shadow

covered by the super cosmic ray, but Hippo opens his jaw wide

like a snake and swallows Shadow, but before falling into its snout,

It shines with Scalight and that power burns Hippo's mouth, who expels it from his


Zync launches another cosmic ray with his eyes, but Sombra increases his

powers to a higher level, and walks illuminating and crossing the rays without making

damage, Zync uses its abdomen as a lightning bolt and fires gamma rays that

They can pierce steel, but with their increased powers they cross lightning,

having attacked twice, he orders Hippo to attack him, then the

Mutant hippopotamus runs full of hair like an armored tank. shadow

suggests a cut and launches a cutting wave with Scalight that passes through and cuts

all the hippo's hair leaving it defenseless.

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Queen Hornet throws herself at Zenomia and swears that she will not forgive her

betrayals and will be judged by its inhabitants, the moth releases poison spores,

but, although Queen Hornet is sick, she increases her powers by becoming

luminous, now the spores do nothing to it. Zenomia uses her hypnosis, to

try to dominate it, but it has no effect. Finally, the moth uses its powers

dark spells, cast a dark spell making Queen Hornet unable to

move, then flies in the air at a speed like a comet to be launched at the

bee and pierce its belly. When around, Queen Hornet cannot be

move until he is so close, he increases his powers by releasing himself and throws two

golden cutting discs that cut the moth into three pieces, and it falls

dying, saying in frustration that his kingdom never had its dominance,

dies on the ground. But she sacrifices one of her antennas and with her powers,

launches a beam of light that unites Zenomia who has her heart destroyed, using

his antenna, he puts it inside as if it were his heart and now it will be a living being

good and will have the opportunity to live, but without absolute evil, in fact, part

of his kingdom now forever.

Hippo remains like a real hippopotamus, and runs away from

Shadow, the bad thing is that not only Hippo was hit by that lightning but also Slasher

and Hydrik who had come to devour the warriors, but they are cut off by


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Now he sets out to defeat the weak Zync, who has used all his

attacks, he attacks with his wings, Sombra analyzes that Zync is a cyborg,

then he launches a new technique, combines the spider web with the powers

electric, throwing a spider web with his hands and that spider web binds,

stick it like prey on a spider web and when it sticks to it, the spider web emits

an electrical discharge that explodes the Zync robot, destroying even the


At last the darkness of the place is gone and Sombra along with Queen Hornet

smile because the final goal is not death but the defeat of evil.

Shadow says goodbye to Queen Hornet who is going to stay to heal her

troops, Sombra hugs her and tells her that it is an honor to serve the queen of the

arthropods, then run towards the door, to level 7, where the stage floor is

robot. Shadow climbs the steps to the next floor, but as he climbs the floor, he notices

that there are many clocks stuck together that do not move, apparently the clock does not run

time while walking, then he arrives at a place where, when he opens the door, a

door that connects to a secret floor called the dimensional floor.

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When you open the door you are not on the 6th or 7th floor but in the middle; in that place there is

very strong warriors but they belong to the survivors of the floors

above and some of the others, on that floor is a site led by the devil

Krimbell Vortax and his 11 demons: Murdercrew, Slasher, Hydrik, Folhemgearo,

Gangrene, Petrylleum, Mugry, Lynch, Charmaleon, Dryammula, Cronos,


That place looks like an ancient Greek temple, with strong columns, but

with dimensional windows to the clouds; each floor is a door to one

alternative dimension to the real one, that is why those creatures come despite being

dead Shadow is going to cross that place, but before he finds a

evil being, three ancient warriors appear who fought a! shadow side

to battle evil, falling like lightning from the sky, in front of Sombra,

Foracer appears who will fight in his favor to be the best warrior, pride of the

insect kingdom; Dowerfly who is the supposed legendary warrior with a

opportunity to prove that his battle is worth existing and avenge his

species; and Stormcat who has proven to be a warrior who gave his life for his

town and his family, now he must fight to eliminate the evil that dominated his world.

They walk until they see 4 luminous doors, each one leads to a place

inside the temple and must defeat 3 warriors to decide who continues the

way to the 7th floor, everyone agrees and each one enters that

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site, waiting to see who is the best. Upon entering, they continue in a part of that

temple, but without seeing his friends; They see the exit in the distance,

Regardless of where they are, they see a luminous door in the distance, at that

place they run to see. Foracer runs towards the door, but must cross a place where

The mugries have made a solid, smelly, septic-poisonous wall that

prevents the passage. Sombra continues his route, but Murdercrew flies through the air

trying to peck the warrior, and dives with its sharp legs at

try to grab it. Stormcat runs with her sword, but suddenly feels a

vibration in the earth and that alters the run, then it stops and the head of the

Hydrik with a threatening mouth. Dowerfly also heads towards that light, but the

Cronos' ghost flies in the air and with his spells makes Dowerfly

walk as if you were in slow motion.

The mugries throw balls of septic mud and pollutants towards

Foracer, who jumps and avoids them, but is bombarded in his armor, but is

It is so hard that simple dirt cannot penetrate it, even so, think about

how to destroy those crap. Stormcat prevents it from being devoured by the mouth

from Hydrik, but you must take care of his other double-head and avoid being hit

by rocks that they throw with their snouts.

Dowerfly stands still and knows that he will not be able to move forward until he stops

Kronos, using his sword neutralizes the power of slow motion, then with

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that sword prepares to face him. While Shadow dodges the pecks

and scratches, until it releases an electric shock that shocks the bird and

It falls to the ground, but a few seconds later it gets up and runs trying to peck.

with its steel beak.

The Mugries continue throwing septic balls with their snouts, getting tired of

be attacked by that annoying dirt, Foracer throws with his horns of

beetle a gravitational wave that alters the creatures' particles, and

These melt, leaving dirty water drained onto the ground.

Shadow dodges Murdercrew's quick pecks, dodges them and

Sombra, when he has the opportunity, punches him hard in the face, which makes him

Make it stop. Then the bird launches a lightning bolt with its beak to make Shadow

invisible so that it doesn't do anything to him, he throws it at him and makes Shadow turn

invisible, he cannot punch or kick Murdercrew since he is invisible,

then the bird launches itself with its beak to stick it into Sombra since it can see it,

Sombra then takes Scalight and increases in power becoming visible, and

When it flies towards it, the hero launches another electric web

more powerful that attacks Murdercrew and he falls to the ground, tied and

electrocuted by the network. This being disappears and the passage is free. stormcat

flee from the rocks and debris that it throws, without using greater powers, jump with

his strong limbs and smashes the rocks in the air, then he gets into the

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Hydrik's mouth. The worm believes that it has eaten it and that it has accomplished its mission,

then Stormcat uses her super sharp nails and destroys, piercing the neck

of the worm, it falls to the ground wounded and defeated, fleeing below the ground

with his other head. Dowerfly launches his electric rays at Cronos, but he uses

their powers and makes them travel in slow motion, towards Dowerfly. This is about

avoid them, but receives a strong attack from his own sword that launches those rays.

Hydrik produces many strong earthquakes underground that try to

stun the heroes, but it stops and in moments it shakes again.

Dowerfly stands up, fearless, but Cronos uses his power of time to

make him more and more elderly, he becomes old and weak. Then on the edge of the

death, uses his powerful sword Electropower, concentrating his maximum

power, it evolves and the Doberman becomes completely golden with hair

of fire, Cronos orders several Lynchs to devour Dowerfly and

attack with their nails and teeth. The tiger robots attack with their

sharp teeth; but with the Electropower sword he launches a super discharge

electricity that explodes the robots, others come out to attack with their nails to kill,

but Dowerfly blasts them all with his electric shock.

The other three remain at the site; Shadow keeps walking until

A voice tells him that it has been a pleasure to see him again and that now he will be melted,

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then from the ground like a puddle of acid, Doctor Charmaleon emerges;

Foracer cleans himself a little using his magnetic magic and heads towards

the site, but he encounters a river full of acid, which interrupts the passage, but

The worst thing is that Folhemgearo, the acid snake, appears.

Stormcat races towards her destination, but before she takes another step, she

He encounters his second enemy who prevents him from passing, leaving the

darkness, with its giant size, the great Walyursa.

Dowerfly observes that his power does not harm him, so having

Covered with the power of the Electropower sword, he turns into a beam of

power and flies towards Cronus, but the ghost uses the power of time

and makes the warrior fly towards Cronos who disappears and crosses a portal of

time that opens towards prehistory, Dowerfly stops among the jungle, almost

eaten by a tyrannosaurus rex, but before the portal closes, he manages to return

to enter, and fly across the time portal.

Cronus uses his time portals and makes dynasty warriors

China come out to attack, Dowerfly uses his electric sword and defeats them with his

super electric shock; the warrior fights against those armies, using his

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magic sword and defeats them, but he is filled with fury and turns golden, his level of

warrior increases and shines with a golden hue, his hair turns into fire


Meanwhile, Folhemgearo sticks out its big head and launches with its snout.

acid that melts metal and everything in its path, Foracer avoids contact with the acid,

dodging acid bullets and strong head blows.

Sombra challenges his old rival again, telling him that he has been defeated once.

once and now it will be forever. Charmaleon launches bottles with chemicals

corrosive attacks, Shadow covers himself with the wings of fire of those corrosive attacks.

Stormcat flees from Walyursa's sharp claws, also avoiding the

loud stunning bites and growls, not knowing how to attack him, just

dodge their attacks.

Cronos launches crystal spheres that absorb energy, but those spheres

Crystalline crystals, when trying to absorb energy, explode due to excess energy;

Dowerfly lunges with his sword trying to cut Cronos who appears and

disappears crossing the time portal. Dowerfly increases his powers and releases

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a super flash of light that nullifies all possible time portals and Chronos

can't escape.

Bottles with reagents cannot pierce Shadow's wings,

then the hero begins to approach Charmaleon, then the mutant

It releases corrosive acid from its snout like a snake releases poison.

but that poison burns into Sombra's armor. Charmaleon analyzes

how to beat Sombra who is at a higher level, then increase his

weapons, takes out from his back a tank with a hose that throws material

corrosive, but, although it melts everything, Shadow does not take any damage, so

He uses his firepower and throws lightning at him, causing him to explode on his back.

of Charmaleon, destroying his coat, leaving the mutant burned a little.

Stormcat receives some scratches and is almost devoured by the sharp teeth

of the creature, and with his new magical power, he increases his inner power and launches

birds made of energy with their hands, which collide and leave a little

burned the mutant's fur.

Foracer feels like his armor is being pierced by acid, so

done, it burns and damages the warrior. Foracer against pain increases its power by

maximum, the pain is strong but eventually it begins to glow and becomes

golden, his suit finally evolves and recovers from the breaks, now the

The acid has no effect on him, now he only has to dodge the impacts of his head.

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Cronus uses his aging powers, but it does nothing to him, nor can he

open portals, then he throws his spheres, but they have no effect either, more

well they are cut by Electropower; tired he finally decides to put an end to his

rival, knows that if he launches electric rays he will deflect them, so he lets him

throw a crystal sphere that absorbs energy. Dowerfly takes it, and with his hand

the charge of a super luminous energy turning it into a tiny sun, and with

great force he throws it at Cronus thinking that he is sending him great energy,

It absorbs it and that energy is released as a great dawn ray and Cronus

ends up being destroyed by that great sunlight, the light leaves his body and that

being is totally destroyed, Dowerfly has finally won and wins the duel, alone

one remains.

Charmaleon uses his powers, causes a wave of acid to rise

magically coming out of the ground, he throws it towards Sombra as he gets inside

of the wave, Shadow sees that wave and Charmaleon with his horn coming to hit

double and that acid disintegrates him, opening his wings of fire, the hero enters

inside lava melting the wave, and with Scalight cross the dry wave without damage

absolute, cutting through Charmaleon's belly. The mutant falls, the wave falls on him

and as it dries, it disappears along with the mutant.

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Stormcat uses her birds made of power, which look like doves

made of luminous power that attack and wound, Walyursa begins to

anger and with his snout he shoots a frozen air that petrifies Stormcat without

be able to move.

The slow and heavy mutant is going to devour the warrior cat, who sees that

His life is in danger, his powers are strained, his frame becomes golden and

manages to free himself with his inner power as a ray of light that melts the ice and

dazzles Walyursa. The mutant fires another icy beam, but even if he returns it

to freeze, it is released again; Walyursa runs like a giant rodent to kill,

Stormcat dodges the dangerous claws, dodging the strong claws, uses her

sword and cuts his teeth, files his fierce teeth leaving him like a rodent

common, the pieces of tusks fall. Walyursa, feeling helpless, continues

attacking with their nails, but they can't damage Stormcat's golden armor,

who ends up filing the monster's nails. The mutant, despite its size

He feels like a little mouse in front of that cat and runs away from the place.

of the site.

Foracer does not take damage from the acid, but is hit by the mega

Folhemgearo's head, who gives him strong thrusts that hit his strong

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golden frame; He is constantly beaten until he doesn't let it pass

definitely. The acid mutant launches dangerous spikes with its snout

made of pieces of metal, but they only manage to stick to the armor of

Foracer, however, does not harm him; Folhemgearo keeps throwing acid,

but it doesn't give results either.

Foracer is determined to pass or die, so he flies towards

Folhemgearo and transforms his body into many sharp golden thorns that

They fly, cross cutting the creature causing them to fall on many rocks,

that melt between the acid. Without looking again, that warrior keeps running

towards the exit, the luminous point where it goes towards another dimension, while the

creature disappears.

The 4 warriors have won and are approaching the door, but everyone is

voice tells them that the test is not over, and they leave in front of each of them

the final warrior they are going to face. Appearing among the shadows of

darkness, comes out in front of Sombra, his arch enemy Krimbell Vortax; versus

Dowerfly the monstrous Gangrene; facing Foracer, Petrylleum and finally

vs. Stormcat, Dryammula. The four warriors are determined to win,

They do not fear their rivals because their powers have increased greatly.

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Krimbell attacks Shadow with his tail, destroying walls and the ground,

making strong impacts, dodging Sombra's tail, use Scalight and

Once again he cuts it off again, but the power of evil makes it grow again;

Krimbell faces Shadow in a duel of forces, they fight with fists and

kicks, with great hatred and strength they fight very strongly. Even when

Krimbell attacks with his horns, Sombra uses his luminous fists against him.

body of the mutant, even holding its horns avoiding deadly attacks,

However, he pushes the hero towards the wall and hits him with his

horns strongly, leaving him somewhat weakened, but he gets back up before

hit him again and gives him a strong fist that knocks him back, making

that crashes against a wall; the demon stands up furious with his eyes on


Krimbell attacks Sombra with bites, who defends himself with his fists

luminous, but these are poisonous so the hero is in trouble when

his skin becomes green and gangrenous, falling with a rotten smell and is

dying while Krimbell rushes to crush him; in that Scalelight illuminates

returning to his normal form and dodging the body slam attacks of the

demon, in fact, the monster lunges trying to crush Sombra many

times, but with his speed he manages to avoid it. Krimbell shoots reddish rays

with his eyes to try to pulverize the hero, who resists with his shield

magic and attacks with rays of light, in a battle between two great

powers... The cursed souls within Krimbell's body cry out for

victory of evil The demon uses his ball tail trying to crush the hero who
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dodges strong impacts that leave holes in the ground, in fact, the power is

destructive but the hero avoids being damaged by that wrecking ball, in addition to

who fight close to each other, giving strong fists to each other that

They have power making it resonate among the halls of so much power.

Dowerfly avoids the attacks of throwing poisonous water, but with its power

of electricity evaporates the water he throws in the attack. Gangrene continues

throwing poisonous water, but it keeps evaporating.

Stormcat dodges Dryammula's flying spike-fists, trying to

sticking into the warrior's chest, it flies with great force like a swooping bird.

Stormcat concentrates, lets it come peck him and when he's close, uses his

golden sword and cuts him in flight, both beaks in his hands, leaving him like

a simple horse. Foracer dodges the brutal pushes and attacks of the

creature, they begin to fight each other in a duel of brutal forces, with

strong punches and kicks, they fight like two strong warriors, they both leave

hurting, but the battle continues without giving up, Krimbell takes out a very sharp ax

and fights against Scalight with great strength, until he cuts that weak ax in his


Sombra manages to dodge all the attacks, from his tail and his arms.

fists, while he launches into a fight with his fists and quick kicks as in the

old classic duel, they start to fight hard, they fight each other hard

blows but Krimbell, being immortal, remembers that scene that he already experienced and

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stops, starts laughing with his sharp teeth to concentrate and train

his final form of Krimbell Vortaxx, called God Krimbo Vortaxx, which is a

worse and improved version with longer horns, protruding bones of the

body, stunted type body with grayish fur and stronger muscles, its

The tail becomes a sphere with pointed decorations.

Krimbell begins to fight Shadow and they fight in a duel of

strength where they fight with their fists and paws, unfortunately this version is

very powerful, causing Shadow to take damage. shadow spear

his electric shock but he can't do anything to him, not even his fists or

some light attack, then it is losing power and is falling

weakly surrendering to the warrior.

Shadow sees that there is no chance of defeating a monster who

managed to feed on all the souls in the universe, which with its tail

devastating force is going to give him the final blow, but seeing himself in desperation he raises

his little strength, the golden crystal that he has stored begins to light up

transforming into Shadow with his reddish suit, however, his energy was

becomes evil so the demon begins to absorb its powers

getting stronger and growing in size.

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Sombra has thought that not even his level of evil is enough so

weakened he decides to take on a new power, opening his wings he launches himself even with his

red suit to try to push the centaur who gets hit

very strong, yet still standing.

Krimbell launches a powerful flaming power from his snout that hits

to Sombra who is getting hurt among the flames, however, in

Instead of dying, he absorbs said power and with his hands launches a powerful beam

of blue fire that manages to hurt that demon hard, then Sombra launches himself

fight at high speed covered in blue flames that protect him from the

damage and at the same time restore the impact of Krimbell's blows.

With the sword Scalight cuts off his tail and he bleeds out of tone

acid, angering the monster more, the two launch themselves to deliver a final blow

where Sombra manages to pierce his chest with a super blue flame and Krimbell

He also hit him in the chest, piercing him. They both fall to the ground,

Apparently both have died as each one begins to bleed to death.

while Krimbell repeats the word “I curse you warrior of good.” Shade

lost the reddish transformation and even has no energy, however,

Krimbell gains his previous appearance, so he restores his wounds with the

power of evil

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Krimbell and Sombra give each other strong blows full of fury, in a battle

In the end they fight with great force. Tired of being defeated many times, he launches with

your sight a strong mega ray of radioactivity that can destroy everything with its

reddish power, Shadow tells Krimbell that this time he will not die from his defeat, since

who defeated Ilumina who surpasses his in power, scared Krimbell continues

launching his power, but Sombra launches with Scalight a gigantic super ray of

light that absorbs the beam of light, consuming Krimbell and destroying him completely


Dryammula with his horrible voice, launches with his forces a dark ray of

great power, which attacks Stormcat, throws it with great force and hits Stormcat

on a wall with great strength, however, you cannot turn it evil with that

magic so weak. Dryammula uses his strength and launches another dark beam, but with

her golden sword, Stormcat runs and cuts that beam destroying it just like

other extra rays that Dryammula launches. The mutant horse flies and darts

his wings, trying to attack Stormcat, but he does not dodge and with his

forces hold it, they block it in the air, making forces against each other,

They try hard to see who pushes who; Dryammula increases the power of his

wings, but Stormcat does not give up and continues struggling, although it is difficult, but he does

a maximum attempt and pushes Dryammula towards a column with all his strength,

leaving him dizzy.

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Dryammula launches dark spirits with its snout, with horrible faces

that scare and say evil things; Stormcat gets scared and cornered to see

so many zombies, but he doesn't want to give up even though he's scared to death; look at

Dryammula laughs at his magic, mocks him saying that he is a fool, that he is afraid of him.

to everything and that if he defeats him, the dark power will be reborn in his world; that alters the

Stormcat's spirit and courageously taking up his sword and increasing his power

interior, it launches itself on the evil spirits, and with its luminous claws they

cuts everyone off, disappearing.

Stormcat wins and tells Dryammula that he will not take his kingdom as a

slave; then the mutant horse launches another dark sphere of evil with its

snout; Stormcat runs with her sharp claws illuminated, as she approaches the sphere,

begins to move its claws in a zigzag, destroying not only the sphere, because

He continues running and destroys Dryammula's entire suit, leaving only a simple

badly injured mutant on the ground by light claws that are deadly to the being

evil one. With his horrible voice he curses and says: - “evil will never disappear.”

Then evaporating like black smoke, it disappears.

Dowerfly evaporates Gangrene attacks, preventing him from

approach, then Gangrene shoots poisonous blood from its snout, which

It adheres to the warrior's armor, but does not pass through him since his level is high.

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Gangrene increases his powers and turns the room into a sea of blood

poisonous that poisons everything in its path, in the water they come out Venomous launching

poisonous spores, and Vairus that eradicates diseases. Trying to

poison and make Dowerfly sick, they continue to throw poisons at each other,

Dowerfly resists, but although he begins to get sick, he increases his powers by

maximum and his armor shines, he begins to cure himself of the viruses; the beings

sickly ones continue to attack with poisons and poisonous blood; Analyze how

beat them all, because if you get too close, your poison can kill, so

He analyzes everyone and sees that somehow they are all connected by the river of blood

and poison they have made; taking the Electropower sword, he launches a volley

electricity in the river and since everyone is there, they receive an attack that leaves them all

charred, while the river dries up.

The evil ones disappear, Dowerfly has won, although he has reached

to get a virus that stuns him and leaves him weakened, but he continues like this until the

exit, while his internal powers heal him.

Finally, Foracer and Petrylleum are very hurt, but they continue

fighting; then Petrylleum launches oil with its nose that envelops and

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petrifies Foracer, it takes away oxygen, the oil takes away air and

wraps around trapping it; Foracer uses his powers, increases his inner power and

turns the oil into a gigantic flame that hurts the mutant's legs and

manages to free himself from that sticky substance.

Foracer frees himself, then faces his weakened enemy,

bleeding oil and oil; tells the mutant that he is ready for his

attacks; The mutant shoots oil with its snout, which only dirtyes the armor and

That poisonous oil does not pierce Foracer's golden armor. Without major

resource, flees to go poison other rivers and seas, while leaving him in the

He ground two grenades that he throws with his nose; one explodes strongly

supposedly to destroy Foracer, a gigantic explosion occurs,

smoke and destruction.

The other grenade has not exploded... but through the smoke, a figure emerges,

It is Foracer who emerges unharmed and with the second grenade in his hand; So, the

He throws it very far, only that it falls in front of Petrylleum and within seconds it explodes.

completely, destroying the mutant, leaving the dark dust that formed it.

Between the explosion, Foracer wins the duel and continues walking to the exit.

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Everyone reaches the exit having defeated their enemies, but only one

can exit to the 7th floor. When three of them cross the door, they reach the 6th floor, along with

with Queen Hornet, because there is only one way out. Those three warriors

angry at not having won the way to the next floor, whoever had reached that

floor, it is Sombra who has increased powers and arrives at the door of the 7th floor,

the dimension of the robots. Only 2 hours left until the final battle.

Shadow climbs the steps to the 7th floor where he enters a door

metal and enters a dimension lined by metal walls full of chips

and electrical power systems. That dimension is led by 15 robots

Very strong; When Sombra enters, he hears a voice which makes him palpitate.

heart, it is Maya who has very lovingly decided to help him fight in

that place full of robots, Clamper is happy to see her and hugs her.

After that meeting, they enter the place where apparently only

There are fluorescent lights above and walls made of steel that give a gray color

clear to the site. There are just hallways and chips in walls, simply.

Sombra and Maya continue walking through the site, watched by Navys who

They throw hot wax into the air, while they communicate to the other robots that

intruders have entered.

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The Navys throw hot wax to try to melt Shadow, but he

He covers himself with his shield and melts the wax; so the robots use their speakers

and they launch a stunning echo that upsets the warriors, stuns them. The Navys

They approach to attack him with their hot wax, but Shadow, still stunned, throws a

electric discharge that explodes ships.

The effect wears off, Sombra and Maya get up to continue their mission;

They walk and feel that the place begins to smell bad, with a rotten smell and

disgusting. They arrive at a place where there are abundant garbage bags, full of

garbage and filling the place with flies; then between the bags, he gets up

Junker who is responsible for the disgusting thing in that place. Seeing them, Shadow and

Maya prepares to battle, but he is not alone because Coloxide appears

like a 10 meter high hologram and thinks it is its dimension and destroys

in bits everything that hits.

Sombra dodges Coloxide's fists and attacks, also avoiding the

rays of evil bits that he launches with his sight. Junker throws garbage bags

towards Maya, but she transforms her magic rose into a weapon of rotating blades,

destroying the septic bags into particles.

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Coloxide hits walls and destroys them, leaving that place empty,

Shadow flies at high speed, fleeing from the fists, he cannot attack him with his

sword because it is made of bits and does not pass through it. Junker throws with his snout

other garbage bags, but they are destroyed. Then Junker launches with his

snout dirty water towards the girl to make her sick; she uses her inner power and

He shoots flames with his hands, which evaporate the water and even heat the

Junker metal frame.

Shadow gets trapped and will be destroyed by the anti-bit rays of

Coloxide; then he thinks that even though it is bits, it is matter since it has

organization and texture; Shadow dodges the bit lightning and flying at high altitude

launches a super electrical discharge that alters and deorbits the bits, it feels

unstable and the creature dissolves into thousands of computer codes.

Maya defeats Junker's two attacks, then the robot uses its pincers

and holds the girl to digest her like a trash compactor; Maya watches

the snout whose inside has blades of destruction. Before it devours her, she uses

her magic rose and throws a bunch of wild leaves at her and makes her fingers get stuck.

blades. Some leaves fall to its belly, clogging potholes and pins, when not processing

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Junker overloads and explodes into a thousand pieces leaving the girl free and unharmed.

from the attacks, leaving him unarmed.

The warriors unite, they decide to move forward without thinking about things

evil, but in defeating evil.

Outside of that site, there is a dimension in outer space, where

VOID and Apocalypsis use their evil, destructive powers to lay waste to

planets, suns, comets and asteroids. Some have life, but floating and

flying in space they destroy everything in their path regardless of whether they have life

or not, but despite having been defeated other times, the warriors plan

destroy the mutants, only a dimensional door prevents them from being

some damage, obstructing the passage.

Sombra and Maya continue on their way while they see neither doors nor a clue.

where her next destination will be, while Maya feels protected and

blushing for her beloved Clamper; but this has reached a stage where only

He wants to win and in love it is the last thing he cares about.

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As they walk in the hallway, they notice that a sheet of metal roof

It disarms, leaving two robots that fall heavily to the ground. Hercolubus and

Ringdra who are the guardians of the main circuits of the site. Shade

and Maya prepare to battle; Hercolubus and Sombra fight with their fists and

kicks of great magnitude, both are so strong that their blows impact and

they echo, both fight with all their strength; Maya dodges the steel rings

that Ringdra throws, which try to hit her hard, the girl avoids at all costs

the hoops and transforming her magic rose into rotating blade-like petals, the

short, but there are many of them and she avoids being hit.

Hercolubus receives heavy damage to its integrated systems by the

luminous fists of Sombra, who is also hurt by such fists of

very strong steel. The robot launches a mutator ray that can turn Shadow

into a dumb and brainless beast, but, although the magic worked on Charles

Mankine, does not work with Sombra since his level is very advanced and only

dazzles the hero. Maya cuts all the boomerang rings she receives like

Ríngdra attack; the compact robot runs to try to ram her with its head

flat, she avoids it, but that robot tries at all costs to attack her, she avoids

be attacked, although Ríngdra hits walls and destroys them.

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Maya uses her advanced powers and with her magic rose creates a double

Ringdra, like a mirror, both collide and the fake one explodes like a bomb, leaving

his helmet with unusable chips.

Hercolubus does not understand in his robot brain why he has not been able to win

to your goal; then using his trigger he launches hot meteors, Shadow

he jumps and avoids them but is attacked by those meteors with very high temperatures;

Ringdra goes crazy and reacts badly due to the explosion, then throws

with his hands, many cutting discs that rotate like rings, are saws

cutters, so Maya dodges them and even creates with her rose

magical invisible walls to protect you but with a touch, they break as well

that avoids them.

Sombra uses Scalight and cuts the hot meteors, that sword

luminous destroys all meteors; Maya sees those mountains coming all towards

her, then the magical girl shoots some colored rays with her hands and

Using his power to transform matter, he turns those cutting discs into

cotton balls that only touch the beautiful girl. Ringdra continues shooting at

same as Hercolubus, but they receive the same result.

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When they fail three times, they go out of control, both robots begin to

deorbit, smoke and electricity come out, taking advantage of its destruction they run

towards the heroes to explode on them, but before that, Sombra launches several

rays to the sky that fall and pass through the robots and they explode slightly far away

from them.

A screen of smoke is produced which Maya disperses with her blades

as a fan, there is no trace of both robots, that way they follow the

path. They are going to continue on the path, but they hear a very strong vibration and

that reaches them, it is Assault the rock that begins to spin to crush them, but

Sombra using his Scalight, illuminating it to the maximum, cuts it with a sword blow, this

power turns it into dust in a few seconds; Now let's continue the path.

They walk in the hallway, until they reach a place where there are many

vents and air intakes turned off, fans and doors to the outside are

turned off, because it is an area under maintenance; while checking the

place, they see that the place begins to fill with smoke and water vapor, then

between the vents, taking advantage of the fact that the heroes use their powers to dissipate

the wind, out comes Astrosquatch and Donywhale (it's a whale-shaped robot

bipedal, with block shoes, which has the power to release smoke and poison gases

with his nose, he is a blue robot with brown pants and is the symbol of the armies

of the navy, built years ago in the naval armory).

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Sombra is going to fight with that robot whale since he is very tall (about

4 meters) and it is a new being, but Maya tells him to leave it to her, since it is

regret polluting the air, then Astrosquatch dances in the air

bothering Sombra that this time he won't be able to beat him, but he accepts the challenge

satellite that can and will regret having been rebuilt. Donywhale

releases poisonous gases from its nose, which are deadly and suffocate, Maya uses

its fan attacks and spreads the gas; Shadow tries to attack Astrosquatch

who flies at high speed avoiding Shadow and tricks him by making clouds of

reflection of your body.

Donywhale jumps on it with his block shoes to try to crush him.

the beautiful girl, she quickly dodges him, avoiding being crushed. Astrosquatch

It releases a signal of radio waves that penetrate your mind and stun you without

know neither who he is nor where he is from, while he attacks him with his fists of

hail. Maya avoids being crushed by Donywhale and with her powers, stays

still, the whale jumps to crush it, but a few seconds after being crushed, it

teleports, creating with the magic of his hands a hole full of

cement that makes the robot fall and it falls deeply, sticks to the

cement and is petrified.

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With a Scalight glow the radio waves are removed, Astrosquatch

He is stunned by the ray of light that destroyed the radio wave system;

then he will use a new technique, making clouds with his hands, creating

rain clouds where Astrosquatch dives and starts shooting lightning

while watching your target. Maya believes that her enemy was defeated, but

a jump, emerges with great force, the cement statue Donywhale, who frees

his powers and breaks all the cement, he tells the girl that now she will have the

fury of the sea; then he takes out his tail-anchor and swings it around trying to kill Maya.

Shadow dodges the rays, jumping, but is attacked by others that he throws

Astrosquatch's cloud, but he notices that those rays give him strength since

increase their electrical powers, now the cloud is in trouble as the

rays only strengthen it; then it absorbs all the rays that the robot throws at it, and

returns them, damaging his lightning launcher system, the cloud spreads as

The smoke system is also damaged. Maya dodges the heavy ax

very much, jumps or flies, but is almost attacked by the axe, then avoids

attacks but uses his cutting rose to try to cut the ax with his

sails, but they do nothing to her and she is going to be killed by that heavy anchor, but

before he cuts it, Shadow uses his sword cutting and throwing the ax away from

the beautiful girl, with a luminous fist, she was a little scared but

reassured by that act, only that in the face of a hug that Sombra gives to Maya,

Astrosquatch among clouds kidnaps Sombra to have a duel on that cloud.

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Without his tail, with fury making vapors come out of his nose, he increases his

forces, then with its snout it launches mines that explode strongly, Maya

covers with her powers, but the power always sweeps her across the floor, she

She is hurt, bleeding a little, her forehead and legs are filled with blood.

in the face of several injuries.

Sombra lunges with his sword trying to cut Astrosquatch who

hides in the clouds and spins, like a top, at very fast speed, pulling

a Shadow everywhere, beaten and for a change, in that thick cloud like

a floor, there is Toydman throwing toys like cars and explosive dolls

that touch and explode the warrior, leaving him in a very damaged place in the cloud,

Toydman takes advantage of that to punch him with his boxing gloves and

kicked with his clown shoes.

Sombra and Maya are very hurt, unable to move... they see their end

final, Donywhale launches a deadly mine while Shadow is being

mortally attacked by the fists of both creatures without being able to move. But

Between the strong war, both Scalight and the magic rose increase their level of

power, shining so brightly that it illuminates both warriors, Shadow recovers

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of all damage and his power level increases, he stands up with his 100%

power and Maya stands up with energy, without damage and her clothes become like her

hair, totally with a golden shine.

Astrosquatch spins towards Shadow to throw him again,

then he sees that he can't hit his cloud part, but he can hit his body and

Using the catastrophic fist, he increases his powers and when he turns towards it, he

attacks with that fist destroying half his body, the circuits fail, making

that the satellite completely explodes, there is still Toydman who jumps like a clown

among the cloud throwing nitroglycerin balloons, exploding loudly like

bombs, but Shadow receives no damage, even though the cloud leaves

dispersing little by little.

Maya, walks with her evolved powers; Donywhale launches mines

and bombs, but even though they explode, they do not harm the girl who has her

increased powers; Donywhale uses his nose and blows poisonous smoke, but

Maya uses her magical golden rose and throws a petal that jams the robot's nose

and a short circuit occurs that damages the output.

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Angry, Donywhale pulls out another anchor and throws it at Maya, but she

held in the air before it hits her, the girl with her angry look and her little face

like a serious little doll, she throws the anchor very hard at the whale, digging into

the belly; With all the gas coming out, the whale curses and swears that he will pay for this,

but Maya throws a spark with her magic rose that explodes when it touches the gas.

completely the robot, leaving only metal and fire, Maya feels proud of

win the duel and walk behind the flames without getting hurt, at last it is a

holy level warrior with great energy.

Sombra tries to cut Toydman, among the explosion clouds that do not

they do nothing to him; Toydman is so weak that he throws explosive toys, but nothing stops him.

They make Shadow, then the clown attacks with his boxer's fists, but no

they do nothing to him. The hero takes the robot arm and breaks it, damaging his

integrated circuits, the robot falls out of the cloud, into the hole it had made

Maya and sinks into the cement, becoming petrified.

Both warriors, full of energy and having defeated those two,

Finally they arrive at a place similar to a garage where the final door to the

The next floor is a disgusting and somewhat rusty place, but that's the least of it,

because the exit is in front of them. Before they leave, a giant fist appears

who gives a fist and closes the door at the exit, the two warriors get ready when they see

that white, heavy flying fist of a robot.

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A robot voice tells them: - “intruders are not going to leave without first defeating

Hermes"-. Precisely that is the fist, of the Hermes robot that is behind them,

there is also the war robot Warmann; Sombra and Maya look at each other

final battle of that robot floor. Sombra lunges with his sword like a hero

did Hermes; Maya flies with her golden angel wings, towards Warmann who

attacks by launching its projectiles.

Shadow fights with great strength against the heavy fists of Hermes,

Although it may not seem like it, he is as strong as Hermes and they both fight with their fists.

Large size. Maya dodges the projectiles or covers herself with her power

inside, causing them to explode without harming you. Hermes is being beaten

very strong despite being made of pure gold, for the first time, its systems are

being damaged, he then launches his projectile fists, but Shadow cuts them off.

with Scalelight both. Maya makes all the projectiles explode, then

Warmann launches high-powered nuclear torpedoes, but she knows that with her

energy field can defeat them, it just doesn't need to, so open a

portal of light that communicates to another side of space, nuclear projectiles are

They go through that place in space; However, there are many of them and they all go out into space.

attacking VOID and Apocalypsis who have killed planets with life, those thousands

of projectiles attack them, causing both creatures to explode as if in a

nuclear explosion and finally those who have destroyed space die.

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Hermes, without arms, is left vulnerable, so with his belly he throws

deadly projectiles packed with atomic power. Shadow covers himself with his wings

fire, colliding and exploding without harming Shadow, who throws

an electrical discharge that damages the projectile delivery system.

Warmann's bulb illuminates, then releases with its trigger,

metal arrows with fists, which hit the girl hard, but, although

They attack with great power, the girl does not feel pain since her level is very high;

Hermes uses his final power, jumping and hits Shadow with his maximum power

making a large hole that supposedly crushes Shadow.

Maya uses her magic rose, making a magnetic wave that makes

the fist-projectiles are returned towards Warmann and damage his circuits

central, unable to move; Maya draws her bow with a luminous arrow in

gold that crosses the final projectiles that Warmann launches, and heads towards

this one, passing through the light bulb, destroying all the main circuits,

producing the final explosion of the robot.

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Hermes believes he has killed Shadow, what he doesn't know is that before

fell, it teleported and now flies through the air with great force, and crosses

Hermes at the speed of a comet, cuts his body in two, with Scalight

lighting. Hermes collapses all the circuits, overloads and explodes anyway

than Warmann, the robots were finally defeated.

Sombra is going to go out with Maya towards the semi-final floor, to defeat the

magic warriors, but Maya tells Shadow that she is going to stay and look for

traces of other robots to see if it can become strong. They say goodbye with a hug

while she tells him: “I love you Clamper”, the Clamper part tells him that he also

my beloved princess

She falls in love, hopes to see her lover again while he is

Run through the stands to the semi-final floor where the magic warriors are.

Sombra climbs the stands to the semi-final floor where the dimension of

magic, but they are supposedly the strongest warriors in the entire saga,

There are 15 final warriors.

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Sombra crosses the stands and reaches the semi-final door, upon entering he sees that it is

an old abandoned theater, the chairs are unoccupied, just like in the

dirty and abandoned curtains; there is no sign of anyone; while walking,

He hears slippers following Shadow as he walks, the warrior

reacts violently by turning around, letting out innocent laughter, a girl from

12 years old, it is Brissa who has come to that floor to fight to help Shadow

fulfill his wish to revive his father and avenge the destruction of his home and his

family, killed by army warriors.

Sombra welcomes him, they decide to face the 15 warriors of

Magic; They walk until they reach the basement of the theater, full of boxes and

locker rooms, the seats are bloody and an advertisement says “the great

Lady Centurionher was here”; When they arrive they see a gigantic magic hat

which is overturned; As the two warriors approach, the hat throws sparks and

magic dust, Osirius and Orthomeus emerging in that place.

Orthomeus flies, trying to sting and poison Brissa, who falls to the ground.

ground when dodging his attacks; Orthomeus launches a bone ray towards Shadow to

try to petrify Shadow into bone material; this one lets himself be petrified

turning into a statue of bone material, but Sombra frees himself using

his inner power. Brissa is on the ground, so she uses her magic powers and

throws magic dust creating a pink Osirius that fights against the gray Osirius,

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They fight like two aggressive birds with their fins, pecks, and scratches.

mortals, until the pink Orthomeus destroys the other, then disintegrates

the pink; but Orthomeus rejoins.

Sombra uses his very powerful catastrophic fist and disarms Orthomeus,

left on the ground disassembled, but is reassembled and becomes a

tornado of spinning bones that spins trying to attack like Astrosquatch does

did; Shadow quickly dodges the spins and attacks that could hit him with

those bones.

Osirius throws poisonous dust from his snout, which is capable of producing

great diseases; then Brissa sees that deadly dust coming towards her,

who creates a wireless vacuum cleaner with his magic and absorbs the dust with it,

swallowing Osirius in a magical bag, locking him away for centuries.

Shadow dodges the tornado, then thinks why destroy

Orthomeus if he was ever a bird, unknown but must have a new

chance; then upon seeing that tornado, he launches a solar flash attack, which

attacks, hits the tornado and throws it strongly towards the wall, leaving it in

ashes; Shadow approaches and looks at the ashes, then with the power of Scalight

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He releases a ray of light that revives Orthomeus into a large bird, leaving him alive and

innocent, without any evil, that bird rubs itself against Shadow, thanking him

for having revived her, then the giant ostrich uses his powers

telekinetic to leave and disappear from the site.

The two warriors were taken out of the way, they are still walking in the basement,

going down some steps where there is an elevator; this elevator between the boxes

of wood and dirty wood. The elevator works, the metal door opens and in

that elevator, as if by an act of magic, smoke comes out, two warriors appearing

of the evil elite: Dustar and Pyrhara, both wearing the same metallic suits.

Dustar tells Sombra that now the duel will be final, Pyrhara only emits

biting noises.

Dustar fights Sombra using his metal fists against his

luminous cuffs; They fight in a strong duel with hard fists, hitting each other

Very strong; Pyrhara launches her piranha head to try to bite the speedster.

Brissa, who runs away from his serrated teeth, while throwing colored sparks at him

that make the creature dizzy.

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With his luminous fists, Sombra manages to damage Dustar's armor,

He even smashes the glass helmet; Dustar is left unprotected, but with his

pincer hand catches and compresses Shadow with its strength, tries to

crush it, but can't since it is too hard to crush. Pyrhara is with

his sight damaged, then he launches some robot eels with his hands that

They catch the girl biting and they take away her energy; Shadow is going to intervene,

but Dustar uses his greater strength and now he is squeezing him very hard. Brissa

he feels pain, so he increases his powers by awakening his power

Interior and launches an electrical overload that destroys the eels

robots; Pyrhara launches other eels, but they are destroyed by the energy

magnetic that covers Brissa.

Dustar, using his stegosaurus power, increases his compression, but

With Sombra's inner strength, he increases his powers and does not allow himself to be crushed;

then the compressor hand explodes, damaging Dustar's systems. While

that Pyrhara launches other robot piranhas, but they are destroyed by the sparks

electric that Brissa pulls with her hands, the piranha that a

girl has greater power and is filled with extreme fury.

Dustar and Pyrhara join in the war when they see that they are being

defeated, then they destroy their helmets and swear revenge and say: - “now

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"You will know the meaning of our names." Dustar throws dust with his snout

stellar, while Pyrhara destroys the entire suit with her forces, leaving

a grayish bipedal piranha with long fangs; Brissa covers Sombra, uses her

magic and turns the toxic star power into a ball of power, and as if playing

volleyball gives him a super slap and returns it to Dustar who ends up intoxicated

for his attack among the cloud of dust. But Pyrhara is going to attack Brissa, but

Shadow uses his strength and launches his meteor fists that strongly attack the

face and body of that aggressive creature, leaving it on the ground very hurt and

that way protects Brissa.

Both creatures are defeated, but they do not want to give up, they both run

towards them to eliminate them, but Sombra and Brissa look at each other in agreement,

Shadow runs towards them and flies with his hands outstretched, pushing both of them

warriors, while Brissa creates with her magic some stuffed animals to where they are

pushed, two white bear stuffed animals... they fall softly, something that

impresses, then the mechanical bear hugs them and self-destructs, exploding

to both warriors. Sombra and Brissa walk without caring about the explosion,

They continue on their path without fearing what will come because they know that all evil will be


They walk until they reach a dark area, with masks on the wall

white, expressive forming laughter and crying, that place with black walls has

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clown costumes and funny masks, but warriors should not be neglected

of so much hesitant expression. Then they both hear laughter, some laughter

unbalanced people who mock the warriors, saying there is no escape,

that they are fools that now is going to be their definitive end, just get ready

since two is four, and their powers are zero.

Sombra and Brissa become alert as the dark laughter spreads.

They listen with greater power, they laugh with great lust and sarcasm; so

crossing the darkness of the wall, four

creatures to surround the warriors and plan to exterminate them; They are warriors who

They laugh sarcastically despite their different forms: Thanathos, Klounk, Klastik

and Eve.

Sombra and Brissa look at all their enemies, alert and containing their anger.

afraid to see those horrible faces, everyone approaches, Sombra flies taking

Brissa's arm, making a great jump until he falls after all the four warriors.

that they had them surrounded; the girl wants to fight against those evil beings

also and test how good his magic is. The couple Thanathos and Eva who

use their dark power they plan to destroy Sombra in that gigantic place; Klastik

and Klounk as dimensional beings plan to use their magic to defeat Brissa.

Thanathos and Eva shoot dark rays with their eyes, that dark ray is the lightning

of death, which takes the life of any living being, but Shadow uses the glow

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of Scalight and battles the death ray, in a fight between rays. Brissa

she avoids Klastik's tail who tries to grab her and squeeze her, but she is very

fast and with his colorful sparks he damages her, but Klounk with his ridiculous dances

and laughter, launches balloons full of dust that if they explode launch mites to bite the

girl, but with her magic she creates a giant rubber duck that shoots flames

burning the balloons.

Scalight's brightness increases and burns the sight of both dead men, making them

It says that their kingdom of the dead was defeated and now they must rest

in peace. Then Eva uses her ghost teleportation power and appears

next to Shadow, then with his screams and horrible face he tries to scare him, but

That warrior doesn't seem to impress her, so she bites his arm, only

She receives a very powerful electric shock that leaves her on the ground in shock.

Thanathos, scared by what was done to his dead lover, uses his

black magic making zombies come out of the ground and with their bony hands,

of disgusting and skinned dead, grab Shadow, trying to throw him into the

ground, but they also receive an electric shock when touching it that leaves them


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Thanathos releases power with his eyes called electric bubbles, those

They have a voltage of 120 thousand volts, capable of knocking down a human being and leaving them

charred, the hero sees those spheres coming and moves at great speed,

Furthermore, he destroys some dangerous spheres with his sword, while others

They char zombie bodies and skeletons that he has used in his battle, but in

that is distracted by hitting skeletons that try to scratch him with their long nails

and hard skulls, while attacking the spheres of electricity; is hit by

several of them and although he is not hurt he feels an energy of death within him.

Yes, it weakens his spirit, however it does not reduce his energy since he is a human being.

electric. The skeletons take out blades that hurt the hero, but they

They also end up charred by the electric discharge, this is how Sombra

He destroys them with his sword, and also covers himself with the golden shield of the

attacks that collide and explode into lightning bolts.

Brissa destroys Klounk's balloons and insults him by saying that magic

is poor But in the midst of the battle, Klastik holds her with great force and suffocates her.

By squeezing its neck with its tail, its compression increases. Brissa feels bad

and he is in trouble, but with his magic he pulls out a mechanical crocodile with teeth

sharp and puts it on Klastik's tail, giving him a strong bite that makes

release the girl and the mutant being flies with that robot biting its tail,

trying to take it off.

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Klastik tells Brissa he's out of humor, so he uses his magic wand.

and says some magic words (ako koniki wu) and makes Brissa dance and move

unable to attack, dancing as if he were doing aerobics without being able to control his

body and approaches with a dagger to kill her; Maybe you can't control your body,

but if your mind, causing a 2-inch stuffed rabbit to fall from the ceiling

meters, crushing Klounk and nullifying his magic, she stops dancing.

Thanathos and Eva get angry, throwing black powder with their snouts.

that buzzes like wasps, the putrid dust that transforms any being into

a ghoul form, Shadow allows himself to be surrounded by that dust, but the wings of

Fire increases its power and burns all that dust. Sombra tells them: - “is it

all? "The king of the dead is inept and will now rest in peace." Eve and

Thanathos cast a psychic ray making a mental illusion where Shadow

saw himself alone in a dark place, full of ghosts and dark shadows

surrounding him, without having his sword and without his powers, in fact, he is human in that

place, but for some reason he is not afraid and when the ghosts approach he does not

He scares them and rather attacks them with his fists and kicks, although he does not kill them.

Brissa prepares for another attack or they think if they are tired. Klastik

uses his third attack and lets out a howl that hypnotizes Brissa, while Klounk

comes out of the heavy stuffed animal, using his magic he creates a giant sunflower that his

petals are cutting blades, Brissa goes towards them as she walks,

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Many clowns created by Klounk appear and throw balls at the girl.

of paint and pastels, ridiculing her, a mockery before her death.

Sombra is not convinced of being defeated by those stalking ghosts,

But he remembers that he has always been a hero and he doesn't know why he isn't right.

his powers, the good thing is that he remembers it and thinks that everything is false,

waking up from sleep; Scalight shines, nullifying that illusion. The zombies

They feel in trouble, and try to escape by burying themselves in the floor, but it's too late,

because Shadow uses his solar flash that illuminates the entire dark room, canceling

Klounk's spell that wakes up Brissa and that powerful light burns both

zombies, charring both in seconds, leaving only their ashes, tells them:

- “My wish is that, if they live again one day, they will be together and live for good” -.

Brissa wakes up full of pastel and paint, a few meters from the fan,

but he pretends that he is still in a trance until he stops in front of the sunflower. Klounk

He waits, but he sees her still, he approaches and tells her to get into the fan, but nothing,

he doesn't pay attention, then Klounk with his magic wand creates a toy elephant

who throws water at the girl so that she tries to push her into the water, but

Brissa looks at the stream of water and with her magic stops it in the air; tells to

Klounk who must take something for his long trip, Klounk runs towards her with his

dagger, but Brissa activates the water to return to whoever runs through it, then

The jet turns and attacks Klounk who falls hit by it into the fan.

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sunflower, leaving only old rags and his wand on the ground, vaporizing the

evil spirit.

Brissa defeats that magician, the clowns run away when they see the defeat

from her teacher, the girl is bothered by those and throws explosive stuffed animals at them that touch

and they explode those clowns like grenades. However, through the smoke comes out

Klastik flying, having taken off the stuffed crocodile, stretches so much and goes

to tie the girl like a rope, tired of dealing with this, she jumps avoiding

binding the creature, the girl flies in the air, uses her magic and creates a pot

with a strange substance, which he throws at Klastik like pasta, leaving him

stuck in that sticky, pasty substance.

Klastik comes out of that paste, but when it comes out it remains compressed, without

able to move, that pasta has taken away the power to stretch, this creature is

feels powerless, using his powers with depression, creates a hole where he flees

to his dimension to never battle again.

Sombra and Brissa have won many battles, but there are still some left

final warriors and that is why they must continue on the walk, now they leave that place,

arriving at the theater stage where they see the bloody, torn curtain. Without

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To know who has eliminated the people from that theater, they walk between the curtain, but

some steel bullets that they shoot destroying the curtain, stop them and force them

to be alert. Shadow uses his sword cutting the curtain in two, making

visible who was the being that launched those bullets, I assumed that it was precisely

Swarow who was aiming his rifle, hiding among the boxes,

aiming as if in a war site, Sombra prepares to battle it but between

4 more warriors emerge from the corridors of the stage and tell him that Swarow is not there.

only, that they must face them if they want to get out of this scene alive, saying:-“act

1- take 1- The death of Shadow, Lights, Camera and Action”-. That's what the 4 say

warriors together: Swarow, Obelisk, Daikiris and Leadher.

Brissa flees by flying to the second floor since she is still vulnerable to the

bullets, but Daikiris and Leadher keep flying after her.

Shadow goes to follow them, but Swarow tells him where is he going if the function

it's just beginning; Then Swarow launches himself with a strong attack, who

He throws Shadow hard to the ground, and when he has him on the ground, he uses his strong

arms to hit him in the face, he hits him hard, but despite the force,

Swaarrow ends up with his fists broken, because the hero has a level of

He fights so high that his fists do not affect him.

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Brissa confronts Daikiris and Leadher; watching your back to see which one

of the two girls is going to face each other first. Leadher uses his magic and uses his

melodious chorus voice to try to hypnotize the girl, but she has already gone up

level and is invulnerable to hypnosis.

Shadow is hit, but is not hurt, he gets up in front of Swaarrow

and with a light kick, he throws it very hard causing it to hit the boxes at

20 meters away. Obelisk, the great mummy to see how Swarow was

brutally attacked, throws ice spikes with his shield to try to pierce

Shadow, but with his wings of fire he launches flames in the shape of peaks

that melt the ice.

Daikiris uses his magic dust to try to put the girl to sleep, he feels

sleep and goes to bed, but not before creating a magical pink alarm clock made of

Magic. When the rebel fairy approaches, the alarm clock transforms into a

mini-metal Maldravosaur that shoots flames and sets magic dust on fire

dream, causing Brissa to wake up.

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Swarow manages to get up, takes out his gigantic rifle and starts shooting

steel bullets towards Sombra, but they are as if they were attacking a wall and we

does nothing, in fact, they all fall to the ground and are destroyed. Meanwhile Brissa,

is on the roof, he tells Leadher that if that was his best attack, then

the girl uses her gymnast skills and tries to attack the girl with her

martial arts attacks, but Brissa dodges them very quickly,

dodging her roundhouse kicks making the warrior tired, she uses

his fists trying to attack but he can't land a single blow on the girl,

Daykiris uses her magic in that attack while she is distracted, uses her magic and

Create a carnivorous plant that tries to devour the girl when she approaches it,

but Leadher launches himself with his flying kick and falls on the carnivorous plant

magical, remaining in its snout. Daykiris cancels her magic and

He disappears, freeing Leadher, causing a war between the two.

Obelisk uses the mummy curse, casts a spell with his sight

to make many obelisks be formed with axes and swords that will

attack Shadow, everyone runs as an army to try to kill Shadow, but

He uses his Scalight and attacks them, destroying the mummy warriors; swarrow

He is a hunter and with his weapons, he sets several bear traps to make

Shadow tries to get trapped. But using his electric shock attack

destroys the mummies and causes all the traps to close. Obelisk was

about to be destroyed too.

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Brissa makes fun of the girls who fight, then the two get

In fury, Leadher launches himself with his brutal forces, turning into a girl

made of living fire, trying to attack Brissa with her burning fists;

Daykiris flies over the girl trying to cast spells on her to turn her into a

a frog, but she dodges several attacks, but eventually Leadher increases his

speed and gives him a burning fist in the chest that produces a strong

burn; He throws her to the ground with her chest burned and finally Daykiris throws

a spell turning the girl into a frog.

Shadow prepares to attack, so Swarow agrees

with Obelisk and prepare their attack; Swarow casts a net so fast that it barely

Shadow sees her, then Obelisk uses his pharaoh powers and absorbs him.

energy, weakening it, even taking away years and even cells. Little Brissa

Turned into a frog, she wants to cry, but in the face of crying and her quick death, she listens.

the sweet voice of her father who in heaven tells her not to give up, who believes in her

and that she can overcome them, she just has to believe in herself and not be impressed

that your age is older. Brissa is filled with faith, concentrates on herself and cancels

the power to turn into a frog, he becomes Brissa and dodges the final fist of

fire, turns into an indestructible ice crystal girl and fights against

Leadher the fire against the ice, putting out the flames, although Brissa is

attacked by Leadher's fiery fists, she does not suffer much damage because

She has advanced her powers, Daykiris casts rays of magic to try to

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turn it into a frog or an insect, but the crystalline structure refracts, making

that the same rays attack Daykiris and turn her into a bee the size

normal, about 10 centimeters thick.

Shadow is being weakened, but with Scalight he cuts the ropes and

He tells Obelisk that he should do better and absorb all his energy,

then causes Scalight to increase its brightness to maximum, Shadow increases

level and causes it to increase to maximum power, Obelisk absorbs, but swells,

leaving a mummy swollen with so much power, unable to move. Swarow

tired of so much daring, he throws himself with his strength again into a powerful

attack, but Sombra uses his Scalight powers and launches a beam of light

towards the crocodile skull-helmet and turns it into the crocodile that had

killed, but with skin made of steel, he rebels against his hunter and with

Its sharp teeth destroy all his armor, leaving him almost naked and if


Brissa punches Leadher hard and she ends up dead on the ground,

while Brissa is turned into an insect. But both villains increase

strength and return to their stable shape. Leadher creates a bow with many arrows

made of fire and throws them at Brissa, but the magical girl with her powers creates

a fountain in the shape of an angel and it shoots a stream of water that turns off all

the arrows. Daykiris uses her powerful magic and throws a powder to banish the

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the girl as if in a circus act... well Brissa fades away, but they don't realize

tells that he is still on her, Daykiris laughs at the disappearance, but Brissa

who is far away, throws a giant rotten fruit that attacks the back of

Daykiris, who gets angry and disgusted, gets too angry and turns to see Brissa.

who is still on the ground.

Obelisk, still on the verge of exploding, launches itself with its forces and throws spears

towards Sombra, but he uses his magnetic power and all the spears are returned

to Obelisk who finally explodes when pierced by many spears

while he was like a balloon, leaving only the strips on the ground.

Swaarrow swears that Shadow will pay, but without having any way to defend himself, he flees.

but from the metallic crocodile who uses his psychic powers and teleports

the crocodiles family, but with metal armor, chasing Swarow and

This ridiculed man is left on top of some boxes, fearing what will once happen

were his victims, but using his final magic, he increases his powers in the

platform rebuilds the armor and goes down giving a strong kick to all the

crocodiles, he goes after Shadow but he attacks him with a super electric shock

that destroys the dark-eyed zombie, leaving his armor and his

spirit fades away along with that of the crocodiles who finally go to

rest in peace.

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Daykiris is filled with anger, he releases a powder that has thousands of viruses

sickly with her hands, but Brissa creates with her powers a cloud that

blows and returns the viruses to the fairy, but, although they do not kill her, they make her sick and

This falls weakened and with a temperature of 40 degrees. Leadher avoids that virus

fleeing from that place, flying at high speed like a flame is launched

towards Brissa, but the girl uses her magic creating a Leadher made of water

that flies in the same direction, but opposite, that is, they both collide

as in a mirror and Leadher goes out, evaporates and is destroyed.

Brissa flies to Daykiris who tells Brissa that he has won,

while on the deathbed; Brissa can't be that bad, using her

advanced magic casts a ray of light that heals the fairy; This recovers

point of being healthy. Daykiris thanks him, says he has finally felt

that life gives him an opportunity to reconsider, he tells Brissa that, if there is something

What can he do for her, Brissa tells him to go home and come back because

Her parents and her lover miss her. So it happens, he teleports to his

world, saying goodbye to the girl and thanking her.

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Sombra and Brissa have defeated their opponents, they are going to leave there to look for

to the final warriors: Masterstrunk and Psyncro, but before they leave, about

the platform, they come from the ceiling flying from the ceiling, two beings that have come to

battle for their final revenge, ready to battle and stand in front of Shadow and

Brissa tells them that it is time for the final battle. They are Angelspratz and Masterstrunk

They have come to see whose evil magic is stronger. Then they both launch

his ray of light from his vase and the black magic of Masterstrunk. Shadow uses the

Scalight's power and launches his beam of light, while Brissa launches with her

hands a pink ray of love, with great power in a war between rays, in

an attack between forces of good and evil.

The battle continues, the force between the lightning is a strong battle, both

rays attack with great power, both rays give way or continue, in a deadly attack.

However, both Masterstrunk and Angelspratz have consumed all the

negative force of all the floors and their powers have been greatly strengthened, the

Sombra's attack and Brissa gives in, as their energy runs out, they get tired and

they stop attacking; that ray of evil light attacks them, hits them and damages them,

leaving them on the ground with severe wounds and severe burns, without energy

to stand up. In fact, Masterstrunk is getting younger with his black hair

and luminous eyes, he becomes about 35-40 years old.

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The sorcerers laugh, Angelspratz takes out his blade to kill the

weak warriors, but Scalelight blinks, blinks strangely, casting a

blue tone like a flame, magicians fear this reaction and it is because

Scalight is evolving, launching blue fire towards Sombra and Brissa, who

apparently it burns them, but when that flame goes out, Shadow increases in power,

while Brissa has her golden clothes, her energy has been restored and her

powers increased; Sombra takes out Scalight and cuts Angelspratz's blade,

challenging the warriors to the final battle.

Sombra and Brissa challenge the warriors, overjoyed that they attack them.

With their magic, both sorcerers launch their light attacks, but nothing

they do, rather they cross the rays as if they did not exist, the rays of power

evil does nothing to them. Both warriors take their turn to attack, the

evil ones make a face of fear and plan to flee. Brissa launches a ray of love with

his hands and turns Angelspratz's vase into a giant and swallows

Angelspratz leaving that evil spirit locked up forever,

fading from the site. Masterstrunk curses Shadow and seeing that his rays

do not hurt him, Sombra increases the power of his sword to the maximum and launches a

gigantic ray of light so powerful that it traps and destroys the magician, without leaving even

Even his ashes disappear forever.

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Both warriors are proud of their power, having defeated evil,

With only a very short time to defeat the evil that dominates that theater, they run towards

the exit at the back of the theater, where the two final monsters of the site are,

Psyncro and Mastermind, both closing the entrance. They must pass if they defeat them,

They are the final warriors of the previous sagas. But they are not alone since

Cardomo is in that place next to them and threatens to attack. That is, a

final battle of three against two. Both warriors prepare for the final battle.

Cardomo throws pointed playing cards with sharp edges,

Shadow uses his flame-throwing power and sets them on fire. Brissa approaches

the door which is sealed by the mental power of Psyncro and Mastermind, so

who cannot cross the invisible wall portal. Psyncro and Mastemind use

mental powers bewitching the warriors mentally causing both

Brissa and Sombra fight each other believing that one is Mastermind and the other

another Psyncro, fighting like two strong warriors while everyone laughs; but

Scalight's power shines so brightly that it awakens the warriors.

Cardomo moves close to the card, launching rays that have the

Playing card symbols, which are radioactive, pass through even the lead. But

Sombra uses Scalight's power and attacks the beam, shattering it; Cardomo

He comes out of the card and begins to hit Shadow with his staff with his flat figure

But he doesn't have the strength, so trying to fight with a card gives him a migraine.

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living, who with Scalelight breaks his staff. Cardomo throws playing cards

with his mouth when he felt his fury, to try to flee, making Sombra dizzy. Removing

the cards with Scalight as they fly in the air, he doesn't realize that that

sword released a beam of sword cutting that cuts Cardomo in two leaving

just a torn letter, which remains like paper on the floor.

While Brissa tries to fight with her psychic waves against the

two monsters, but they do not destroy the wall created by Mastermind and Psyncro; the

girl gets angry and creates a gigantic teddy bear, but mental powers

they make it return to her; he dodges it, but he doesn't know how to beat it

both warriors.

Both psychic beings use their powers and release ghosts and air

negative that plunges Sombra and Brissa into a depression without being able to get out,

thinking that life is sad, that there is no way out and that they must die; they walk

guided to a window where there are peaks below, but Scalight shines again

with such intensity unlocking the attack, leaving the warriors free. TO

a few meters about to fall, Sombra and Brissa wake up, reconsider and return

to the battle; Sombra increases the powers to the maximum and launches a super discharge

electric, but using their shield barrier they return the lightning attacking

brutally at Sombra, leaving him on the ground.

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Sombra prepares again, gets up, but Psyncro launches a wave

psychic power that turns heroes into tiny, mite-like creatures, then approaches

try to crush them with their gigantic size, to crush them. But Shadow

is not afraid after having fought with giant monsters, using the small but

Scalelight's powerful shine makes them great again.

Brissa throws her magic dust but it doesn't go through the wall, then creates a

sledgehammer with his powers and tries to break the wall, rather he creates a wave that

stuns the girl; Brissa doesn't give up, so she puts over this psychic wall

a white rabbit stuffed bomb, exploding but not working either;

then with their mental powers, they levitate Sombra and Bríssa, they make them fly

and they hit walls, as if manipulating them by psychic power,

also makes them see illusions while they are in the air, for example that they are

with rotting bodies and being eaten alive by cockroaches and zombies


Terrified by those mental illusions which seem true, they are

hit on the floor, falling in fear; However, Brissa reconsiders when she sees

that, when trying to crush the cockroaches, they cannot touch them. Shadow thinks about

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that when they use their solar flash nothing happens to them. That is, they are ghostly specters.

Psyncro and Mastermind see the warriors rise, facing them and

He says it's just the beginning. He brings them into memories in his mind with a wave

psychic, remembering their past, how they lived happily before, while they think

in that by the spell, Mastermind approaches to devour; but not like Shadow

had good memories, wakes up and seeing the mutant octopus nearby, gives him a strong

fist that attacks him with force, hitting Masterstrunk nullifying the spell of

Brissa. She wakes up and joins Shadow not knowing how to beat them both.

final warriors Both psychic beasts gather their power and release lightning

ending that touches up the feelings of crying and sadness, both warriors cry

a lot, however, although Brissa cries she thinks about her motive which does not exist

Since her parents love her very much, she lives happily and determined to fight, so she

Hypnosis has no effect on him.

Psychic beings use their minds and create clones of Brissa and Sombra

making two fight against the two of them, that is, Shadow against his false

Sombra and Brissa against the false Brissa, who between the two are identical. They fight

against his clones, Sombra fights against his other with the Scalight; Brissa fights

hand to hand with his twin. While the beings laugh, they fight, but

Shadow launches an electric shock towards his clone, but due to the carelessness, the

psychic warriors are outside the wall, and as the electric shock spreads

deflects, attacks both so strongly that they are shocked, disappearing after

the clones.

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The heroes approach their enemies on the ground, but they get up

super fast even with strength to continue fighting, fleeing behind the wall

psychic. The two beings are scared, seeing that Brissa is now unaffected by the

hypnosis, even a punch in the face, wakes him up from the spell, in pain

He tells him thank you and that now they should finish with them. They launch other attacks

hypnotic, but nothing, nothing happens to them and they just hide in the wall, the others

Warriors try to destroy the wall, but they can't, even if they cast powers

they are bounced.

Without receiving an absolute attack, not even receiving a scratch on the glass

psychic is unbreakable unless those warriors are defeated, thinking

both warriors how to defeat them. They think that the wall reflects energy, but

subject? It is not known and the risk of passing it is death. Shadow flies to a

incredible high speed flying full of increasing light energy

second by second, he flies very very fast with his hands outstretched; the

monsters can refract energy, but matter is very heavy, so

between the flight he crosses it and breaks that psychic wall in two, without hurting himself,

Shadow stops and tells them that they are his case now.

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Without having any way to defend themselves, both beings are going to flee

teleportation to a safe place, but Brissa throws the dust with her hands

of sleep, making those two beings fall asleep, until they snore defeated

of fatigue, finally the door is free.

Sombra is going to open the door finally, he is going to leave with Brissa, but

She was also affected by the sleeping dust and falls asleep. With Scalelight

lighting strongly, leaves the girl having thanked her, she has already gone up

all the floors and now go up the steps to the final floor where the battle is

final, to save Cassidy from these clutches, but if he defeats Evilhem who is the son

of the gods, he will probably never be able to return to his dimension; but if

wins, he will save the girl from a horrible death.

Sombra walks away, while little Brissa stays for those

sites looking for how to use the things from that theater to take home and

put together a theater where everyone looks like art and acting. Using his magic

It takes a lot of things from there.

Shadow heads towards the final battle, but between the stands, there is a

cell in the walls, an unopened cell and its path leads to another dimension.

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Sombra enters despite not having time, he enters and finds a place

similar to a racing circuit, with its benches, its place and the big track, but

There is no one to see any event. Shadow retreats, but a being circling

appears on the track, it is a red metallic being, with the body of a bipedal taxi, head-

helmet with turbines on its back, energy eyes, two strong metal arms

and legs with wheels. He has a humanoid face, with a type of Hockey helmet,

called Tunes.

He is an egocentric and conceited robot, he wants Shadow to see him giving

turning and running across the track, but he refuses to see such an act.

ridiculous, of a robot spinning with its long legs on a track, is going to come out

crossing the locker room door that connects to the stands door.

Tunes tells him to see it, but Sombra doesn't have time and decides to leave; so

Tunes increases his potential, his turbines move, releasing smoke and challenges

Shadow of a duel, since whoever enters there does not leave.

Tunes uses his hockey stick and tries to hit Sombra who dodges

attacks and with Scalight destroys the stick, cutting it in two. Then launch

with its opening in the chest destructive discs, but Shadow makes them explode

before they attack him, using their electric shock, which only leaves smoke.

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Tunes uses his fists to try to hit Sombra who defends himself

with his meteor fists, which damage the cover and body of Tunes, although for

other side takes a lot of damage, they both fight very hard, but Tunes is

hit in its circuits so avoid attacking it head on.

Sombra prepares for the duel with the semi-final being of the saga. Tunes

launches wheels by making a copy of these, launching them with its tires of

its sides. Those tires are heavy and capable of crushing; but

Sombra uses Scalight and cuts them off before he is crushed.

Tunes senses error in his systems, so he increases the power of his

turbines releasing disgusting and harmful smoke, to try to drown Shadow,

but she uses her tornado attack that she launches with her shield and spreads it. tunes,

He is still hot with anger and warming up his engines, throwing with his arm

fierce and deadly flames, which burn everything in their path. Using your powers

freeze, freezes Tunes, leaving him inside an ice crystal without

be able to move, having extinguished the flame; but Tunes uses his heating

internal and defrosts the ice.

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Tunes, opens his chest which are two lids that open to the sides,

removing a propeller in an engine, that propeller is so sharp that it can cut

metal, trying to throw himself at Shadow to cut him, he dodges it while

the propeller cuts pieces of cars where Shadow avoids the sharp blades.

Avoiding the strong blades, he avoids them at all costs and attacks with his discharge

electricity towards the engine, making a strong impact on the systems, turning off

the system, leaving it stopped, the propeller explodes, releasing black smoke,

damaging the propeller circuits, causing the Tunes robot to stop.

Shadow is going to cross the door, but Scalight shines warning that he has

Be careful and that's because Tunes uses his emergency power and starts again.

activate, although its propeller does not activate. Then use his final attack, active

all its integrated circuits and runs towards Sombra accelerating at high speed,

while running with his cart legs, he tries to run over Shadow or with his

side arms run over him.

Sombra dodges it, jumps avoiding the collisions, avoids the impacts

mortals trying not to be mortally hit, while flying giving

turns around the track at high speed, Shadow flees while the fast car tries to

run over him, not even the electric rays harm him since his fury is at its maximum.

and its tires block the attack, not making ground. Shadow stands in front of the

track, seeing how the vehicle approaches little by little at high speed, turning

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and accelerating. Shadow increases his powers to the maximum, concentrating his

powers very strongly and more quickly as the car increases

speed. Sombra's powers have increased to 2x again and recovering

his powers he lets that car run over him, but when it does, like Shadow

He is a high-level warrior, he collides with Sombra as if he were a wall, this

is compacted and destroyed, remaining on the ground, destroyed like a

crashing vehicle.

Without taking any damage at all, Tunes sees his luminous eyes go out,

their systems stop; Leaving the scrap on the ground, he leaves while he is

It explodes upon impact. Shadow flies full of energy towards the portal

time, reaching the stands, without having spent time in that dimension,

He walks until he reaches the gate of Evilhem where Cassidy is captive in

This, the final battle.

Before Sombra leaves the Tunes dimension, walk

stealthily to the exit, without hearing any noise, believing they had

defeated the forces of evil, among the rubble, Gyrospy emerges who was

hidden and turns rolling in the air, straight to decapitate Sombra; inadvertently,

He feels his sixth sense calling him, so when he turns around, he just goes away.

removes it from the flying saw, which tries to cut it. Shadow dodges attacks

saw cut; Avoid dangerous turns. Shadow tries not to get cut,

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He then launches his electric shock that paralyzes Gyrospy.

leaving him trapped in his armor's metallic magnetic field.

Sombra tells him that he doesn't have time to deal with his presence and that

you better go away; but Gyrospy full of rage, immobilized... throws with his armor

several cutting discs, which go directly to Sombra. He uses his Scalight and the

He cuts through the air as he sees that there are many of them. Gyrospy increases strength to

try to move, removing its magnetic field. While Shadow fights

the discs, Gyrospy lets go and jumps, spinning like a saw. No time to waste,

Sombra realizes that he is too close to attack him, only 50 centimeters away.

from her body. But before he attacks Sombra, Trilangerbero appears

teleported from the other floor and launches a bolt of lightning with its cutting pincers

that destroys his serrated shell and leaves him like a bipedal pig without strength or

protection; Trilangerbero without saying anything, teleports to the floor where he came from.

without even greeting Shadow, who has eliminated the saws.

Gyrospy falls to the ground depressed because his master Evilhem will not be able to

recognize his value as a warrior, he sees Sombra approaching and asks him to please

Don't kill him, he wants to live. Sombra looks at him and says: - “I will do something better, when

The war ends, the power of light will restore you, you will die here, but you will be born in

a planet, without evil, without darkness and without armor, where finally

You will find a family, I promise you.”

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Gyrospy hugs him on the foot, tells him thank you, friend, while he nails him

a Shadow its brush bristles that scratch a little. Then the creature remains

there, while you slowly fall asleep; knowing that when I wake up it will appear

In another life; on another planet without any evil. Sombra leaves that place, with

a lot of energy for the final battle, when he rescues Cassidy from the hands of the

cruel Evilhem.

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Chapter 19

Shadow's double path.

Shadow has defeated all the warriors and now reaches where they are

Find the final warrior, climb the steps until you reach the final door

where it looks like a giant stone door, which you push and enter the site. That place

It is a medieval forest, where there is Hay of fog and even, in the distance, there are

tiny fairies dancing, on the trees. Shadow sees that forest, though

It is full of vegetation, there are no animals, but the fog opaques everything. Runs

among that forest, avoiding the magical fairy dust that produces sleep,

using Alazam who becomes real, gets on and they run at high speed

through the fog, at a high speed, covering both with luminous power

avoiding sleep magic. They run through the forest until they reach the temple

magical where they find a Greek temple, they enter the Greek temple.

Shadow gets off Alazam, hugs him and tells him to stay here since the

battle will be very arduous.

He runs until he finds Evilhem on his throne, sitting on that

stone chair; Shadow arrives there and tells him that he has finally come to him.

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win, he must prepare to fight. He takes out his Scalight and challenges the emperor to the

final battle.

Evilhem says to Sombra with complete passivity, but in a sarcastic way:

- “Sombra, you have come here defeating all the battle generals,

I see that you are a great warrior, but if you kill me, you will never be able to return to your

dimension, you can do that since I am the son of one of the gods who

They created this universe. Your friend, the little girl, if you hadn't already come to her

would have exterminated, I gave you 8 hours and if you didn't come, she would take her to a

chamber where my inhabitants of Zeta Reticuli would have already experimented with

her and they would have taken accessories from her body, if I win you will be my

“Slave, surrender once and for all and your death will not be so horrible.”

Shadow looks at Cassidy tied up in a giant spider web, where she is.

It takes away energy, little by little; He is unconscious. Shadow is filled with anger and

responds to Evilhem: - “prepare to be defeated, not to be able to return, but you

"You will not live again either." He takes out his Scalight and prepares to attack.

Evilhem uses his trigger and launches flames of fire, but Sombra launches

his powers and throws water putting out the fire; then throw water with that

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trigger, but Shadow uses his ice powers and freezes the beam. Evilhem

He throws ice, Shadow melts it with fire.

Evilhem throws giant rocks, but Scalight destroys them all;

launches a high-voltage blue thunder, Sombra counters it with his attack of

electric shock. With his other hand, he launches some very sharp cutting saws

that spin cutting everything in their path, but Sombra launches an attack with his shield

of a tornado, which throws those blades towards Evilhem, who gets out of its way and those

They are nailed to the wall.

Seeing that the elemental powers do not harm him, Evilhem launches himself

with their strength and with their alien insect hands they fight their forces

against their own, they fight hand to hand with great strength.

They fight with their fists and kicks in a martial arts duel, Sombra

attacks with his luminous fists against the antimatter scratch attacks, he

They attack very hard in a big battle, they both fight with their maximum strength, since

that Evilhem has 2x battle power in fighting power.

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Evilhem gets tired and with his mental powers uses his power

electromagnetic, causing swords and daggers to fly towards Shadow at

attack him with force, but Sombra launches his web making everyone fall.

stuck on this one. Evilhem knows that neither his physical strength nor his powers are

enough to defeat Sombra, then he plans to use his master attacks;

He tells Sombra that he will have to defeat his maximum attacks, his power

divine. Evilhem creates with his powers, a gigantic weapon, a club full of

giant thorns but made of bits, it looks like a hologram of pink grids

who attacks Shadow, with one blow he is able to destroy him; Shadow avoids being

attacked, jump avoiding the mallet blows, fly while that mallet destroys


Lightning cannot attack that giant mallet, in fact, Shadow cannot.

not only dodge that mallet but also a box that moves from side to side like

pushed Fly avoiding being touched by those destructive bytes while

thinks that the bytes are energy created by some device and launches a tornado

electrical a few centimeters away from being destroyed by the mallet and the box. That

electricity destroys both weapons, disintegrating the deadly bytes,

They disappear from the field. Evilhem sees that this is interesting but not enough

in order to win.

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Evilhem uses his second power, launching hypnotic waves that sink

Shadow inside his thought, thinking that he is on Earth in time

where he was alive, powerless and looking for an answer. Maya is found

He is on his back crying and afraid; When Clamper comes to see her, she

turns around with her sad face... but it is a dead face without eyes, white and with her

rotten mouth Clamper feels afraid and Zombies come out after Maya who

is dead, they all attack Clamper with their horrible faces as he sees the

Earth being destroyed, the sky polluted, the rivers with fish dying,

animals and forests being exterminated; people dying in the streets

tanks and war planes attacking the streets. In short, without hope, while

Those Zombies are totally destroying him, they destroy his skin, they scratch him

feeling a lot of pain and wanting to cry.

He is dying little by little, losing faith and resigning himself to dying;

while crying, he hears the voice of his friends (Trilangerbero, Dryp, Dowerfly,

Queen Hornet, Shogun, Foracer, Stormcat, Brissa, Alazam, Venusoria, Maya,

Ilumina, Tamura, Red Dragon) who call him and tell him not to lose faith,

that must continue, that it wakes up, that is the hope of winning.

Sombra is lying on the floor, having an epileptic collapse, powerless.

control yourself from that evil power, full of fear; Evilhem is going to shorten it in two

with his saw, but before doing so a sharp edge arrives and cuts the saw; the friends

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of Sombra have come to look for him, Trilangerbero has thrown a blade that cut him

the saw; everyone prepares to attack Evilhem, releasing the power within

of all of which Evilhem allows itself to be attacked thinking that it will not be able to attack it

seriously, but Shogun has revived and with his plasma beam he launches a powerful

lightning that unites with the lightning of inner power that everyone launches, hitting

Evilhem throwing him hard against a wall.

Brissa hugs her father and tells him that she has finally come. Shogun

happy to see her little girl, but it's not time for that because Evilhem has

raised, he is going to destroy Sombra's friends with his anti-matter ray. But

Before being attacked, Scalight shines very brightly on the stage, thus illuminating

the entire site. The shine goes away, Evilhem sees that that lightning did nothing to him and he

concentrates on destroying the good guys.

Shadow who is deep in thought, sees Scalight's brilliance so

powerful that in that dimension while being killed, transforms into

Sombra with Scalight in his hand, destroying all the Zombies. The maya

Zombie tells her that she wouldn't kill her love, but Sombra cuts her with his sword,

telling him that his only love is in the world of the living.

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The Zombies disappear. Shadow wakes from the great dream, seeing

to Evilhem who is going to kill his friends with the antimatter ray, then with his

Scalelight destroys the lightning launcher. Sombra tells him that the final duel is between him

and its damned essence; He asks his friends to help him try to free Cassidy.

who launch their powers against that indestructible web made of light.

Evilhem walks away, begins to do some kind of prayer calling the

god ancestors, causing ghosts of deities to appear behind him,

giving power to Evilhem, releasing a psychic power that makes Shadow unable to

can move and its energy is absorbed, remaining in a trance. Shadow not

can't get up, not even take control of his body or his power, he is

being absorbed by that bunch of false deities that give power to Evilhem.

His power is being weakened by the rays of Evilhem, unable to

move or concentrate, Shadow is kneeling and doing the impossible

to get up, he strives while increasing his powers; increases your level,

although he must concentrate since he is about to be in a trance

permanent. He gets up, but cannot walk as Evilhem's power is

very strong, unable to get up; concentrates greater power, makes Scalight

enlighten too, feeling his foreign body, his power level rises, but

Even so, it is not enough to neutralize the power of trance with Evilhem, so

In fact, he, often when he manages to get up, uses his psychic powers and

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It hits the ceiling and the floor, causing it to fall again. Shade

is on the ground again, beaten by the fall that Evilhem made with his

powers, can't move.

Your other friends, thanks to Trilangerbero's golden tongs

mainly, they free Cassidy, but before they wake her up, the gods

fakes launch a beam of light that knocks the warriors away, with a flash of light.

They are all thrown after the entrance; except Trilangerbero who stands with

its illuminating tongs. When the power of light that the false gods cast is

disperses, Trilangerbero runs and launches himself with his pincers to attack one of the

false gods, but he raises the power of lightning and throws a lightning bolt at Trilangerbero

of light that destroys it, leaving it unarmed and with its pincers broken.

Seeing Trilangerbero disarmed, Sombra wants to revive him, but he dies.

His eyes remaining on his decapitated head, dull and sad.

While he is being weakened and not speaking at speed, he tells

Evilhem: - “no one... has... made... me... angry... as much... as... you, real...

Mind... I'm... furious... so... you'll pay... for... his... death.”

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Sombra gets very angry, looks at Trilangerbero and Cassidy

older victims of the evil power, then with his fury at its maximum, his eyes

They shine just like his hands, they increase in brightness just like Scalight illuminates and

dazzles the entire place, shines while Sombra screams of anger, managing to become

standing; Evilhem increases his powers, Sombra weakens again but anger

dominates, then he shouts as his suit begins to illuminate with great power,

He blinks as his powers greatly increase, and with a single cry of

anger, his suit becomes flame, that is, flames of living fire, in his stage

final, raising the level to 5x.

The light, which Scalight emits, slowly goes out while Shadow has

his suit turned into a complete living flame, even his sword and shield

They have a fire that does not go out, with that glow of fire, it cancels the spell of the

false gods turning that light into a light bulb.

Sombra takes his sword and flies without taking damage, he flies with Scalight and

A sword blow cuts the false gods who are destroyed, going out like light.

In the darkness, with a flash they disappear; Evilhem is afraid of that power,

Despite having absorbed powers from 4 gods, he receives a super fist in the head.

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face, which destroys his helmet, leaving his head bald and black, with a great headache

outside, as he falls being hit by that fiery fist, it is fiercely

hit by the fist and is hit in the spine, leaving him unconscious.

Sombra tries to approach Trilangerbero, telling him that his mission is

avenge his death and the suffering of the girl who is “asleep”, without energy.

When Shadow approaches Cassidy he tells her that he is going to save her, but

Before he gets close, Evilhem wakes up and tells him that this is not over, that

Prepare for your fourth final attack.

Sombra prepares, puts himself on guard and Evilhem uses his powers

creating spheres that circle around Evilhem like a shield but

that spin in a spiral as they come out, covering and destroying everything in their path.

passed. Sombra is going to attack those spheres, which destroys them with Scalight alone.

that form one after another, but if they hit as hard as a cannonball,

Sombra tries to destroy the spheres, but others come out while Evilhem runs away.

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about to attack again. But in the course of the battle, Cassidy awakens

without Shadow realizing it; Watch the battle between both warriors.

The spheres move at a faster speed, hitting Shadow with

force, diverting that Evilhem is increasing his powers to revive the

false gods; but while he battles, one of the spheres is going to hit Sombra,

but a sweet and soft voice says in the scene: “annulment.” The spheres are

They stop, and then that voice says: “Go back.” Is it Cassidy? Who has been

woke up, he tells Shadow that it is true, that he has learned powers

psychics since she was born with that ability, that's why Evilhem wanted her because she knew

that to increase his powers, however, he cannot attack since he has no

attacks, only defenses; Shadow is happy to see her well, he wants to hug her, but

He can't handle that suit at that level. So he just says thank you and I love you and

who came to save her. The girl blushes a little and feels that she is a great


The spheres return hitting Evilhem, but do not harm him.

Absolutely, rather they burn it a little. The alien swears revenge to kill

to the girl.

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Sombra tells him that his end has come, Evilhem releases his remaining power

towards Sombra, like a sphere of light with his hands, but he destroys it with

Scalight tells him that he has no escape. The warrior tells him that even so

mata will not be able to have another chance to revive neither he nor his planet, nor his


Feeling weakened, he flees, but Sombra tells him that this time he is not going to

escape to attack again in the future; As he runs, Shadow raises his

hand towards the sky like a man who touches the sky like when it's going to rain,

saying: - “divine power attacks” -.

Evilhem runs while meditating how to kill that annoying girl, how

His father goes to seek revenge, but divine power finally falls on him.

Evilhem, like a gigantic, wide electrical lightning bolt that falls nullifying any

mental attack, that gigantic lightning bolt stuns him quite a bit, destroying all the

chips from his space suit. Left with his useless suit and without powers, stunned and

full of fury, that lightning did not kill him due to his power level, but he received damage

very severe in all his body and armor, he is stunned but full of fury; gives

He returns to use his nails to kill the girl, but Shadow flies towards him and with

his Scalight stabs her in the belly, the power of its light is released with great

power while Evilhem curses Sombra and that he will pay for this, he wishes him

May I never be happy. But Scalelight unleashes his maximum power that, like a flash

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of sunlight, he frees himself from that sword and that light destroys him, defeats him and eliminates him

of the universe forever.

Shadow lowers the power level, sees the girl fallen on the ground tired;

Trilangerbero who was unarmed, concentrates his advanced powers and

like a suit of armor is put back together, Shadow is happy about this, but

Trilangerbero like his friends, the demons, everything except Cassidy have

mysteriously disappeared.

Suddenly, Shadow, in that dark place where he sees nothing, not even at

little girl.

In that darkness he doesn't even know where he is, but in front of him,

A being made of light appears, an old man with long beard, with long hair

called Hegendor, with his powers, without greater power he takes away Shadow's

sword as if it were his own, since with his mind he makes it levitate and

reach your hand. He tells Sombra that now, after so many battles, it is time

of his final judgment.

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Chapter 20

Goodbye Shadow

Shadow defeats the dark elite warriors, saving the universe

of the evil Evilhem, who planned to eliminate the warriors of good and absorb

Cassidy's powers to increase his own powers. Evilhem is the son

of one of the ancient gods of evil who came to clone, create and

form the planet Earth, but they were the ones who gave the knowledge of evil to

humanity and thanks to the legacy of Evilhem's father, the god Sagka who died

at the hands of the forces of good, but his son the evil Sumerian god Evilhem

who remained alive and affected humanity, being the one who would bring the legacy of

evil. But years ago, a girl who was who centuries ago who fought and killed

to Sagka, she was a little angel from heaven but she died of old age, she revived her spirit in

Cassidy and his mission to revive is to guide humanity in another way, to search in

that planet a path of construction and love, far from the destiny of evil, without

However, despite his powers, he cannot defeat Evilhem since he is still

a child, but she can ward off dark forces when she is an adult, protecting

the world of evil, with its mental abilities.

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Sombra defeats Evilhem, saving Cassidy, but she falls tired,

without energy. Suddenly, a luminous old man with a white baton and long

barbas, a luminous being who tells him that now he will know his judgment.

Sombra, without Scalelight and with his forces prepares to fight; but that

man does not emit evil energy and for that reason, cannot attack him.

Bravely accepting his fate, he tells the old man Hegendor that he is

prepared to face his destiny, good or bad and that if he has defeated Evilhem

It was his decision and he prefers not to return to his world, nor to his dimension in order to

having definitively defeated the evil of the universe, he tells Hegendor:- I only

I ask for something, I know I'm not coming back, it doesn't matter because maybe I did the right thing.

Although I had to kill one of yours, I only ask that on Earth, Maya

be very happy and find true love (he says this because his part of

Sombra-Magnum has disappeared), I will be very happy for her since the

stars, may they take care of her every night.”

Hegendor with his passive voice says: - “Clamper, your punishment is...

that you can return to your world, but Shadow will not be able to return, although both are

just one, it's time for your penalty of becoming a warrior to end, for

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my part to Scalight will have to stay at the side of the gods, to close the

final portal. Your friends will finally be revived in their dimensions,

forgetting that they have fought, erasing the trace of their pain and suffering, no longer

fighting no more except for his own happiness. You have a wish that

you can ask, only if you ask to be Shadow you will be Shadow forever, but without

adversaries and wandering in space. Evilhem was eliminated, but it was a favor to the

universe have done it since that being destroyed many planets and almost led

a war between good and evil after 10,000 years, in fact, it was this

who revived the entire elite of evil; many of those beings like Krimbell Vortax and

Masterstrunk will never come back, but those who leave

repented of their evil like Orthomeus, Zenomia and Antrooper, among many

They will be able to have the opportunity to live having erased the past from their lives.

Sombra, thank you very much for everything, you helped us a lot and if you want

You can become a god, create planets, fight for good, make your wish without

sorry, you can ask for what you want, just believe firmly in what you are going to ask for” -

Sombra's powers are diminishing, so he tells Hegendor

who wants to use a wish; while he sees Cassidy sleeping, he uses his powers and

transports her home to the other children as they all fall into a mysterious

dream without being able to wake up yet, then Sombra takes Scalight for the final time

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and launches a beam of light towards the floor, exiting the dimensional ship and falling

to the sky of that world, forming a light similar to the formation of a

spiral galaxy, that spiral light rotates strongly, launching several comets of light

to the ground, reviving the parents of the abandoned children. The light wakes up

Cassidy, who is amazed, still comes out thinking about Shadow, that there will be

past, when she and the children go out, they are amazed that in the streets their

parents have revived, Cassidy like the other children, even the depressed

They run to their parents, hug each other and cry with happiness. Cassidy gets

very sentimental saying that I miss you a lot, peace has finally come

thanks to Sombra, however the adults don't know who Sombra is, just

They woke up from a long sleep, forgetting Dymetron.

In that world Dowerfly revives with his powers, using his sword

Electropower, along with his elderly father and his revived pack, his mate,

their children; The humans are scared but when they see that they are friendly and that Cassidy

Remember that this helped free her, humans and dogs make friends;

Stormcat and her family who were saved are also revived on their planet, this remains

as a great hero and is promoted as leader in his cat-Persian city

guiding the humanoid cats to a world of perfection but also

conservation and love between them; his cat wife hugs him and tells him how much he loves her

loves, both humanoid cats kiss each other while their people give a shout of

freedom, finally free from oppression.

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Katsura, Skywarp returned to the sky; evil ones like Shadow-man and

Krimbell Vortax's evil demons were trapped in their dimension

of the universe of evil without being able to go to the dimension of light, because a field of light

surrounds that universe, they will not return until their souls are purified. For another

On the other hand, the robots were turned into scrap metal, with no one to use them again.

create for evil, otherwise someone will create them for good.

Arachnoman is transformed into a weaver in the gigantic forest

of the insect kingdom, like many mutants. Trilangerbero, Queen Hornet and

the entire revived group from the insect world return to their world, even Zenomia

and Antrooper, as well as Yanicell and Foracer, Papilionsun and many others, living as

real insects without evil, in fact, Foracer and Yanicell fall in love and soon

They make their underground cave. Queen Hornet continues her reign without fear and

waiting for their new granddaughters in their hives.

The dead like Icemary, Thanathos, Eva, and many finally

They will rest in peace, hoping one day to be reincarnated for good.

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Animal mutants revive in a world, finding their groups,

like Maldravosaur who finds his tyrannosaurs on his planet; as well as

the mutants of Murdercrew, Dymetron, Frozen, Birdrate and all those, far away

of the Earth without knowing that it exists.

Red Dragon, gaining the privilege of great warrior, spreads his wings in the

dimensional ship and flies into the sky to go meet Hyos, Drumm,

Drobb and Tamura, in the dimension of divine deities; along with the great

Zarcas. Magnum, Venus, Shogun, Brissa, they return to their dimensions

forgetting everything that happened, that morning they wake up.

Clamper is losing his Shadow powers, his power going down

the lowest, almost to 1, leaving his normal suit, Hegendor takes Scalight and

He tells Sombra that his great desire was very courageous to help the

others and now all that remains is for him to help himself.

Hegendor uses Scalight and opens a portal of light, telling Sombra that

It's time for him to go. Shadow releases the shield which releases his spirit as he

sky, like a human greeting and thanking Shadow for being by his side.

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Shadow gives Hegendor a hug, tells Scalight which one shines

many thanks for everything; but before he enters, he hears a little voice that says:

- “Don't go Shadow” -. It's Alazam who brings Cassidy, who hugs him tight,

very sad and says: "I don't want you to leave, I need you here and I don't want to."

see you again” -, Sombra cries a little and says: - “although we live in worlds

different, I will always love you, you need to be with your parents and always

I will take care of you in the stars where I will think that you are very well, you just have to

Be yourself, beautiful and loving girl, I know you will be strong, a great person; No

"Forget what you feel, it's very important, your parents need you here."

The girl tells him: - “If I told you that I had feelings for you, I would want to be

with you, please. What will I do tomorrow when you are not with me to read me a

tell me? Tell me I'm not going to live without you."

Sombra tells him: - “you will be able to live, just have faith that you will be very happy, guide yourself

to your own happiness, don't be sad because I will always be by your side, always

I will think of you when I look at the sky; In fact, I want to ask you to take care of Alazam

a lot since he is a great friend and a great company, take him to the mountains with the

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other horses; (hugs her), Cassidy I only ask you to be very happy, because

“You deserve to be happy, brave warrior.”

Cassidy shouts: - “goodbye shadow, may you find your happiness and may your

“Wishes come true very much.” Shadow loses his powers and is left as

Clamper, as he enters the time portal, says goodbye to everyone; tells to

Let Hegendor say goodbye, even if he can't, to his friends. The final portal of light

It closes, lights up very brightly and even blinds everyone's sight...

disappearing and the portal closes permanently, Cassidy says happily:

“Take care my dear friend, I hope one day we will see each other again.”

Clamper wakes up, in a beautiful, simple but very pretty little house,

sleeping in a cozy little house, you hear your alarm clock ring at 10:00

am without knowing, he moves like a young man with his jeans and his white shirt

sporty; He walks through the streets of the new world, with his free spirit, looking

the beautiful birds, the clean rivers, the forest in the distance; there are very few people

but they are kind people, the buildings are long, in the shape of a mountain with

plastic windows; organic waste goes to the volcanic lava, reinforcing

the magma without contaminating the rivers, the streets without garbage, the air and the clouds are

clean, in the forest the animals are happy, there is peace all over the world, no

there are armies, in fact the small city is unique and the world is ruled by

wise men from another world, with no ambition other than to be law-abiding

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divine of conservation and love, there are no barriers in working or studying, since

that each person consumes what they harvest, there are no livestock animals since

It is a vegetarian world; The cattle live free in the forests.

Clamper arrives at the university where he prepares to study

veterinary and helping pets, while waiting with boys

who receive it very well.

Suddenly, from the music and art faculty, a beautiful, very sweet girl comes out.

and greets Clamper, smiles at him. Clamper smiles at her and says hello, they introduce themselves, she

He tells: - My name is Maya” – Clamper tells her that it is a very beautiful name; do

a nice friendship; Clamper asks her if she wants to go see the mountain, but she tells him

Then because... he enters class, they both smile and walk away.

The greatest precious gift says Hegendor in heaven, was the oblivion of

sadness that Shadow's spirit had in his heart, because there is nothing more

beautiful that everything that comes from the creative thoughts of the heart,

Fight with love and no matter how big the battle, you will find your happiness.

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Special Chapter 2

Shadow's dream

This new Chapter begins, after the final battle, when Clamper

loses his memory, leading a normal life; his life, his studies and his relationship

with the beautiful Maya; studying natural sciences, and his beloved Maya begins

his studies in art, inspiration and music, Sombra arrives home, all

days, where their good parents are, revived since they had been murdered

in the past by the evil elite. In her pretty house, with white walls, with

very nice and comfortable rooms, Clamper goes into his room to sleep,

but neither its mahogany walls, nor even its collectible animals explain

because he has dreams as if in his past, he had been a superhero,

because he has a hooded appearance and with a sword and sometimes he has

nightmares where cruel and horrible villains appear, Maya does not know that truth

neither, but he doesn't dream of anything like that and only wants to live today, not yesterday. A

night, Clamper sleeps, but he doesn't know that that night, everything that is in

fog, it will become reality.

Clamper sleeps, dreaming that he is in a beautiful forest, full of

animals and essence of inspiration, suddenly... a horrible being like a

centaur-tiger appears and scares Clamper with his fury while in his wake

destroys everything, it is the unrecognized Krimbell Vortax who tries to eliminate it, but

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A luminous being appears in that dream and with one hand, he launches a ray of

light and eliminates the being with a very powerful light attack.

The luminous being walks slowly to Clamper and introduces himself as Hyos,

A deity of good tells him that he has entered one of his dreams through astral travel.

and plans to help him eliminate that doubt, since... he tried to erase the evil from his

mind, but that his inner spirit still remembers and wants to show him his past

which will be the final time that he will know who he is and the end of the saga. Clamper gets scared,

but he shows courage and decides to find out who that hidden being is. Hyos

He smiles, takes Clamper's hand and they enter a portal of light, where they take him

facing a world of alternate time, that is, the Earth if evil had won,

a land where pollution, antichrist and wars have destroyed everything

around it; A war between good and evil has passed but has left

death, the antichrist is dominating the earth, having control of religion,

politics, the environment and the fate of all life to evil; who disobeys

his command not to support his evil ideas of killing, sickening or not being

controlled, its world police will order murder or imprisonment.

Clamper thinks that's a horrible dream, seeing people murdered,

beaten, children hungry, mutilated, without any quality of life or rights

humans. Hyos, takes out from his robe a piece of glass, which belongs to a

piece of star, when Clamper takes it, it begins to illuminate like a light

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star, becoming Shadow in a luminous suit, temporarily for a few

hours; From the sky appears Scalight who splits the contaminated clouds with a

light ray. Clamper feels a lot of power and at the same time he feels strange, but

He begins to remember everything little by little... he takes his sword, and tells Hyos with

great security that will save the Earth from those two evil beings which

called antichrists, Hyos tells him that perhaps this is the last adventure of

all; Shadow begins to remember faces, energies and even things in which

has finally understood; while they are talking, an arrow sent by

one of the giant Vortex???, is fired and sticks in Hyos's chest,

who falls and turns his light energy into dark energy, dying

slowly, as if its essence was extinguished. Sombra uses his Scalight sword and

illuminates with great power, trying to eliminate the arrow, but the evil power

of the site counteracts the power. Hyos tells Sombra not to lament, nor cry,

because the cure is to destroy the evil leader, he is in charge of it as his final will...

On the ground, it goes out, leaving a dark, dead human.

Shadow almost cries, but raises his sword, saying that he will save the

evil world, he swears by the forces of light, then throws his statue of

Alazam, turns into the royal copper horse, mounts and runs

like the victor of light; Desperate people believe that he is the supreme God of the

well, but Shadow tells him that it is not, since his power is not greater than this,

but that will help evil be defeated. People shout, acclaim justice and

smiles through tears, poverty and abuse; the evil soldiers of the army and the

Police throw bullets, bombs and projectiles, but Shadow wrapped in a dome
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of light, he runs without suffering absolute damage, rather with the step of his sword

illuminant, mortally attacks the soldiers, and with its deadly electric discharge

attacks the evil police, people applaud and shout with happiness, they get so filled

of pride and bravery and although their stomachs were empty, they started to fight

against the few soldiers left alive.

While running, Sombra and Alazam encounter a raid of

drug traffickers with machine guns that shoot at great force, Sombra takes cover,

but a golden chain at high speed attacks them, it is Zarcas who now fights

In favor of good, this extraterrestrial being has meditated his actions and helps

Shadow to defeat the drug traffickers, without receiving absolute damage from a bullet or

dagger due to his strong gold armor and in a matter of seconds he defeats everyone

his rivals, shouting that he is the winner of the duel against evil.

Sombra thanks him, tells him to accompany him to defeat the antichrists,

but he says he can't because he is still in battle against the evil ones, and even

He must fight against the Vortex who are everywhere.

Shadow arrives at a large building, where an elite of thugs take out their weapons.

weapons, Alazam becomes a statue by orders of Sombra, who enters the

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building and prepares to fight against the evil beings, he throws a

electric tornado that leaves all its enemies charred.

Shadow runs until he sees an elevator, but before entering he hears a

voice that tells him: “you are Shadow, I don't see you as powerful and now you will face

to the warrior of freedom.” A warrior comes out from between the door and makes his

name of Surrey, has a crystal sword, has a blue frame like

a Viking knight's armor, but with a wolf's head, it is something old and it is

the warrior ally of the antichrist; He is known as the Knight of Liberty or

of the pandering of war, of evil and fight for destruction.

Sombra launches and fights in a duel between swords against Surrey,

They both fight very well with their weapons, they fight like a medieval duel with their

swords, both collide, leaving rays of light, Shadow fights with great

intensity against that tall warrior, 2.3 meters tall, with long beards.

Surrey attacks with his sword very hard, even pushing Shadow, who begins

to weaken, then he jumps until he climbs to a balcony of the building and takes out a

bow launching dark arrows at high speed of light. elusive shadow

many, but he is hurt by a few.

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The arrows are poisonous, they are the same ones that attacked Hyos, and

These absorb power and at the same time poison, Shadow begins to feel

dizzy, beaten, falls weakened, Surrey laughs and goes to raise his sword, but

Before falling, Shadow looks at that being, who has killed Hyos and says in a loud voice

low that Hyos's death will not be in vain. Raising your powers to the level

maximum, illuminate your suit with the power of light and your clothes become luminous,

the arrows from his body detach, fragmenting into dust and Shadow raises

his powers, illuminating with great intensity, even blinding Surrey to those who do not

Surprised or intimidated, Surrey nevertheless shoots other arrows, but the

power of light returns them to Surrey, who covers himself so as not to be hurt,

covers between the balcony wall.

Surrey is very proud and yet is not intimidated by a few “light rays”.

of light”, and jumps down from the balcony. With his magic, Surrey throws with his arm

crystal beaks, but with his wings, Sombra launches rays of magma-type fire and

melts them like ice, Surrey uses his very long claws trying to

scratch Shadow, but he avoids the strong scratches, which even mark the

wall, but Sombra uses his sword and cuts off the razor nails.

Shadow launches a very powerful electrical discharge that barely manages

to make Surrey a little dizzy, leaving him enraged and with a bit of smoke in his mouth.

beards Then he becomes so filled with anger that his arms become wires.

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thick metal with metal biting heads, which bind Shadow

to hold him and seize him to finally devour him, the horrible heads

They squeeze Shadow to destroy him, the biting heads approach.

At the site, the hero realizes that the hands are attached to those

man-eating heads, then increases his powers and touches the

heads, launching a super electrical discharge that overloads the

heads and explode. The creature's arms become the hands of

Surrey who is furious, and as a last resort attacks himself with his sword of

crystal, but with a luminous sword blow he cuts the old man's sword who

He retreats when he sees that his rival is invincible, he drops the sword, saying that the

battle is over and he has recognized that he is a great warrior, he turns around and

walks away, Shadow lets him live alone and warns him that if he attacks other beings, this

will be defeated or annihilated by his powers, asks him to move away from this dimension

for when I eliminate evil, light will come upon the world and all that is dark will be

destroyed by light.

Surrey drops his sword, takes off his helmet, his shield, and with a flip of his head.

his cape moves away, he leaves, but before reaching the entrance, he is killed by a

super thick metallic thorn that pierces his viscera. Surrey is killed

and a voice says: - “whoever does not obey will be permanently eliminated” -.

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Shadow, without knowing that, takes the elevator up, while going up to the final floor.

crossing floors where there are dead people, decapitated animals, nailed by

thorns, buried in quicksand. However, on the street, people are

murdered by the second evil one, even Zarcas.

Shadow goes up the hallways until he reaches a balcony in one part.

back of the building, in the distance he sees a long hallway with white walls like

are the secret lair of the leader of evil, he heads towards that place, but before

continue approaching the balcony, since in the distance you can see many flashes of light that

They go off and on, like a light bulb that lights up and goes off. shadow

He approaches, walking slowly until he reaches the balcony where he looks at Katsura along with

a Enlighten those who cast rays of love and light against a dark deity of

human appearance, with a dark blue body with red arms and black hair

long, eyes of fire and apparently only covered by a tunic. That being is called

Elemental and launches a dark beam with its aura that kills vegetation (the little that

exists) and poisons the rivers, the Earth plunges into night without the sun ever rising,

while both goddesses launch those rays, but the power of elemental is

greater than his powers.

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Both goddesses send rays of light and love, but the dark power of

Elemental is older and opaque. Shadow joins the battle, throwing with

Scalight the ray of light, but even so the power of Elemental is very great since

fills the world with hatred and evil, Shadow increases his strength and launches lightning

of light, but it is obscured again. Elemental increases its strength and kills

all life on Earth, absorbing its energy, Shadow's powers go

diminishing and his suit turns from luminous to golden, almost becoming a

clothing suit. Ilumina and Katsura are tired and unable to get up. His power

decreases to almost human levels.

Elemental is the father of Evilhem who gave him life and the creator of the

evil entities of the universe, this being is a dark deity who feeds on

living energy and attracts death, in this alternate universe, Elemental has great

power of destruction greater than any dark god. Elemental's mission

It is destroying space by attracting evil, discord, hatred and death; was

defeated once by the gods of good, but this was revived when there were so many

bad energy on Earth and this time it will avenge the death of all beings


Elemental with his mask face, mocks and says: - “the universe will be

mine and the dead of evil, just as your enemies will be revived and everything will be

will turn into evil."

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Elemental, with his powers he revives the evil dead from their

tombs, military beings, emperors, dark monks and demons begin

to revive, strong earthquakes occur on the other side of the world, strong tsunamis,

scratches and even deadly viruses.

Elemental has almost won the final battle. Does not fear and feels pride

see their rivals who are being defeated.

Shadow feels with a thirst for justice, but he can't get up, look

his opponent about to be defeated, but he thinks of all the battles he has

done and remember how many good things he has achieved, remember that except for

little Cassidy's world and how she met her friends, and before she was

totally fallen he says: - “I must not die yet” -. With a cry of anger he begins to rise

his powers, although he is tired, Scalight illuminates with great strength; seeing that

both Katsura and Ilumina feel full of happiness, hope and love

in the heart and rise, increasing their powers to the final phase.

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Elemental mocks and fears not, increasing his dark aura, which goes

covering the Earth at night, but the three warriors increase their power by

maximum, and full of motivation and hope they launch a great wave of light like

a protective ring that surrounds the Earth of light, colliding with the dark force of

Elemental, but it still does not give up, increasing its power to annihilate all

life. Scalight shines with higher power until it emits a golden glow i.e.

The power of that sword has evolved and together with the energies of the warriors

They launch a great luminous flash that in a few seconds, the entire planet shines and

Elemental who can no longer surround the Earth with his darkness is destroyed

with that light in a few seconds without being able to think anything. The power of light illuminates

the entire planet, but it stops and the Earth remains the same but less dark

that Elemental dies. Scalight stops shining, but turns golden and Sombra

recovers all its strength, the beings who were going to revive, return to their

graves and magically disappear, natural disasters stop.

Ilumina and Katsura stop their powers, they fall to the ground weakened without

power, Sombra recovers his powers and with these, he sends a ray of light to both of them,

returning them to the world of the gods to sleep. Without first saying thank you to

both women, Sombra seeing them asleep so much that they didn't say thank you,

He thinks that they have fought a great battle, thinking this, he continues on his way through

the halls.

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Shadow reaches the final floor, a long hallway lit by

fluorescent lights, there are only white walls until you reach a final door, where

A giant office is hidden, where there are computers that have data from

world domination, world maps of dominated sites and even a table

where several humans sat down to think about how to make those plans.

While walking, the intruder alarm sounds, the alarm is loud,

a red light comes out, the walls before reaching the central part begin to close,

Shadow runs before that happens, but without being able to do anything, he uses his fist

increasing the power of making an increased catastrophic fist, throw a fist

of power called an electromagnetic fist that makes a crack that knocks him to the ground

from below, he falls, but with the help of his wings, he lands on his feet, taking off his


Sombra walks to the end of the previous floor where in a

large, unfurnished living room, hear the voice of Darkronikon, a reptilian

2.5 meter green alien with yellow plated armor with spikes

metallic, it has a helmet full of thorns, it is very thick and heavy. You will

known as the dominant of evil, the murderer of traitors and the manipulator

of evil on Earth.

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Darkronikon tells him: - “Whoever disobeys me is killed and if you

You come with the power of light, you will wish you had not been born, prepare for your

definitive death.” Shadow is not afraid of him, but he knows that the only hope is

increase his powers, as he is much stronger than Surrey, and Earth

It's up to him to win.

Darkronikon is very strong, Sombra launches a super shock at him

electric, but he resists it, remains standing and is preparing to make his first attack,

launching sharp razor plates with its spikes from its tail. Shadow is covered

With his golden shield and the power of light that his aura emits, he returns the spikes

towards its enemy, but when those spikes touch the creature's skin they bounce off as in

mirror and fall to the floor.

Dakronikon releases a dark tornado of black air from its mouth that

It catches Shadow, who spins around and around a mass, making him dizzy.

of black air, but Sombra opens his wings of fire and with great power he manages to come out

flying from the tornado, facing his enemy.

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Dakronikon spreads his gargoyle wings and releases a psychic wave

disturbing power that hypnotizes and stuns Shadow, leaving him unable to concentrate,

release the sword and shield trying to get the hero closer to his enemy

slowly while that being absorbs his energy, weakening him little by little.

With his mental powers, Darkronikon manages to lift Scalight to

have it in his hands, but he has made a big mistake by levitating said weapon, since

a great power of light is released that nullifies the psychic powers of the creature, that

light attacks the creature as a light wave, and pulls it strongly towards one of the

walls. Shadow wakes up, he feels weak but the power of the light recovers him

its forces and at the same time covers it with a dim light that protects it from the effects

of hypnosis and levitation.

Darkronikon rises with great levitating power, without any damage and flies

levitating, surrounding Shadow, forming with his hands an attack called

dark hole which creates a type of dark hole full of negativity and hatred, which

throws towards Sombra to try to turn him evil. He throws it like lightning

Dark with violet tones, Sombra uses Scalight and attacks with a very bright beam of light.

powerful, both rays collide with great power; However, Shadow plans

one thing and lets the dark ray attack it, stopping attacking with the ray of

the sword, Dakronikon names its attack, “spinning blade.”

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The dark beam attacks, surrounding Shadow on all sides like a

dark tornado, which fades away, leaving a Shadow with dark light, its

wings turn dark and his eyes turn red, his suit turns black the same

that his Scalight aura goes out. Shadow is named Evil Shadow, and joins the

elite of evil, however when Darkronikon orders him to destroy the world,

He tells him no, since no one gives him orders. In the face of such disobedience, the reptile

is going to attack him with his nails but suddenly, Scalight lights up and makes everything

The essence of darkness leaves the shadow body, evaporating and launching a

great ray of light that attacks with great force, throwing it back to the wall at its

enemy; Sombra tells him that this technique makes him hide his power for a while but

inside it is the same essence although it has another inside, remaining as

the same Shadow of good.

Darkronikon is quite angry, he has found a real rival...

then using the dark crystal that hides he mentions some very very words

strange: “ahrab habbah knave! vee masterstrunker" that is, with his magic

dark avenges Masterstrunk's death, thus gaining greater dark power, and

His hands turn into dark power, throwing it towards Sombra like lightning.

dark. Sombra uses his Scalight and with a swing of his sword destroys the dark beam;

Seeing that his magic does nothing to him, he curses Sombra's sword and using

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all the power of the crystal, creates with the power of the crystal, a dark sword of high


Both warriors fight with their swords, in a duel between sparks of

light against dark flashes, they fight strongly like two swordsmen, their

Powers and forces are incredible, they fight even in the air, Sombra flies while

that Dakronikon levitates with his dark power; amid the duel, Darkronikon raises

the sword, causing thunder to fall from the ceiling, dark thunder.

Shadow dodges them, using his speed.

The soldiers arrive at the scene to attack with their weapons, they shoot towards

Shadow, but the power of light covers it, then Dowerfly reappears in the area

saying that he has arrived here by chance, using his Electropower sword

who launches lightning and electrocutes the soldiers.

More soldiers reappear and are going to attack, but a shower of stingers

attacks them, stabbing them in the chest, they are Queen Hornet and her troops who have arrived

to help; While Shadow is in the final fight, he orders them to take the

people away from the city, even if they have to kill the soldiers.

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His friends leave, make such a command and head to the city to

eliminate the soldiers, the drug traffickers, the evil politicians while they guide

people to stay away from such a place, even with their strength, Dowerfly uses its

magical powers and revive Zarcas and Surrey??? Since this one deserves a new

chance. Darkronikon will use his final attack but the worst of all... the

dark explosion, increasing his hatred, his ambition and his anger, increases his

powers to the maximum, creating a dark field of dark energy, which is

It expands and forms a sphere that covers itself, and it flies and if it hits the ground,

dark energy will destroy the world and evil, death will spread throughout

Earth, viruses and wars will dominate the galaxy.

Shadow looks back, and says within himself, this will be the battle

finally and for the final time he will be able to defeat evil. It is covered with the energy of light,

formed by Scalight and is launched, colliding the energy of light against darkness,

However, Darkronikon is very strong and makes Sombra give in until he is

bowed, without strength to lift that dark power.

Meanwhile, the bad people were killed by the warriors of good,

the good people are rescued and taken away from the city. People cry, feel sad

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and without desire to live. However, Surrey tells people to increase the love

and hope in their hearts, they still don't know why, but they don't want to. Without

However, the warriors of good tell them to do that, to save the world,

that they must believe in love and in the hope that the world must be saved. The

people believe it, the few animals that exist feel that energy, the warriors of the

Just as Surrey throw their positive energies, the other warriors in other

sides of the world (Shogun, Trilangerbero, Tamura, Maya...) use their powers and

all the good ones release light energy from their heart, that light energy

as rays of sunlight go towards Shadow, increasing Shadow's power

who returns with his final armor, the flame suit.

Increasing his powers, Scalelight shines very brightly,

standing up with force and launching a gigantic beam of light that seems as if

the sun was Shadow. Launching Darkronikon with great power, along with his

sphere towards space, where the power of light destroys the dark ray.

Darkronikon curses and denies, while the power of the light destroys him completely,

Before reaching the planet Saturn, a large flash occurs as if it were exploding

a star, fading the final warrior.

On Earth the flash goes out. The people and the warriors of good jump

and sing of happiness, they feel proud that their world will now be a place

better, then appears among the people, supreme God of good who meets

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with people he meets with them and with strong rays of light they restore all the

natural beauty of the Earth and promises human beings that this will be a

place of love and kindness to live.

Shadow arrives with his friends, with the people and with the supreme God of good

to the mountain where they are and says that evil has finally been defeated. Supreme God of

Well, he shakes Shadow's hand and tells him that he is very grateful for what he has done.

made to the alternate time of the Earth and says that now it is, it will have very good

life and leave it in your hands.

Sombra has finished the mission, but he must return to his time where he is

sleeping, as well as his friends who have also slept and are with that

extrasensory experience.

Surrey asks the warriors of good for forgiveness, but because this

helped to correct his evil, to help good, he is forgiven and will return to his

world with his friend Dowerfly on the planet of dogs.

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All the people and warriors say goodbye and at the end while the light

rebuild the Earth and the hearts of the people, the warriors go through

the portal of light to their worlds. With a goodbye everyone says goodbye.

Finally Clamper wakes up without his powers but now he knows who

is, now he says that he may not be a hero, but whoever does good things, who

fight for what he wants, whoever makes his life a heaven and not a hell is a

hero, feels a very great joy, a happiness that no one knows now.

can win, finishing this story, he says with great strength and optimism,

Raising his bronze sword as a reminder of his battle against evil, he says:

I am Shadow the warrior who must fight for peace, love and freedom.

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Shadow against the armies of darkness

Part 5

The beggining

Long ago in a parallel dimension, the natural and beautiful world

as we know it, was destroyed by human ambition and the hunt for

species, in addition pollution damaged the water and air, many animals and

Plants died in such a case that the Earth became the domain of the being


There were groups that tried to take action against it, but

They all died in a vast war that annihilated 60% of humanity, the

cruelty and heartbreak, just as crimes have dominated the world,

Human rights violations have ended, now only power matters

and greed regardless of who it affects.

The only creatures that exist are beings cloned for consumption

human and mutants that have been created to destroy, as well as Inter beings

evil dimensional creatures coming out of the skull dimension who feed

of other human beings, especially the rebellion of some who

They oppose the destruction of the planet. There has been no call from any

angel or supreme god who does something for which the belief of the strongest is the

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the only one that dominates in a world of buildings and houses made of metal which with

Their chimneys pollute the air and there is only 2 years of life left for them.

breathable oxygen because there are no trees, only consumption plants created

in laboratories.

At that time there was a mysterious man, who opposed the groups

armed and mutants, imprisoned many times in torture dungeons and

beaten beyond words, his family was murdered and he never had the

opportunity to meet your true love because only bad people exist.

On one occasion, the man escaped from prison knowing that he was going to be

kill for knowing federal secrets of that universe, the army began to

continue until he reached a ravine where he ended in a hole full of

rocks and sand, the man tried to jump into the abyss to at least come out alive,

but unfortunately he suffered several bullet wounds that passed through his

chest and fell dying into the hole.

Guerrilla leader Gunser Noser or known as Gaznor and his friend

military psychopath called Psymiac laughed because finally his queen Inter

dimension the so-called Spider Mother (with an unpronounceable name), they will be

happy that submission was successful.

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The mysterious and dying man began to walk dragging his

body while he was bleeding, until he went into a cave where he saw a light

of a strange gem, that light came from a piece of crystal that belonged to

the ancient sword Scalight from Clamper's universe when he fought against Ilumina,

When he took it, his body began to heal, he transformed into the superhero Sombra

the ghost gangster, producing a flash that illuminated the entire area.

That light attracted the attention of the authorities who began to

pay attention, then a meteor fell from the sky towards the rock cave

luminous light that crossed the site, which was nothing more than the Scalight sword that traveled

between dimensions, there the mysterious man now known as Shadow the

takes and a greater flash is produced that forms wings of fire, as well as its

gold level suit.

That man couldn't believe it, he wondered what happened to him and why he

This happened to him, he had a thousand doubts and he was scared but surprised at the same time.

But he heard that the military came down with weapons, so Sombra, without knowing

What to do he started flying and by mistake discovered that he could launch attacks

electrifying movements of his hands, which left some of the soldiers and others in shock.

They died charred. Furthermore, I noticed that the bullets did not do any damage.

while wearing that mysterious suit.

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Between the fight, a mysterious entity appeared floating in the sky like no other.

She was more than the goddess Natura, but rejuvenated and who was on the side of good,

He calls him and tells him to escape through a dimensional portal to another sector of the world.


Sombra escapes with her, entering the portal where they appear in a

lifeless planet with a black sun that illuminates that world. Natura presents itself and

tells him the whole situation of the world and about Shadow's history as much as

Magnum Arner, as well as Clamper, making him keep that story in his mind

of that alternate dimension.

She explains that she was healed before when the evil was defeated, but

that in this dimension their mission is to defeat the forces of evil and those who

come from the skull dimension, who cannot be purified but

eliminated since where they were is how the world would be in 5 years,

where the Spider Mother (which is not a spider but an entity similar to an argiope

argentata), darkened the sun so as not to be affected, so she could conquer the

universe and the others absorbing the dark power.

Shadow must decide if he wants this or die in peace by returning his powers.

magic, everything goes silent, but he thinks that if he does something he won't be able to

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fulfill his goal of saving his world and then that entity would reach the afterlife

to devour souls, growing older. Accept the mission and raise the sword

Scalight to accept the challenge against the dark forces.

Finally, both beings say goodbye and will see each other at some point,

and then go through a time portal that returns him to his universe to go to

defeat the forces of the skull elite.

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Chapter 1

The cursed planet

After having become Shadow, they escape to another

universe and enter the universe of evil where there are a series of sectors

where evil has invaded the place with cruelty and blood, murdering

all creations and good people are enslaved or killed.

Shadow flies towards a very distant planet where a color flashes

reddish and very large, apparently very similar to the legendary planet Nibiru,

but its name is Niburah, the twin planet of Nibiru where there is a

evil sorcerer with a legion of 100 billion dark beings who

They dominate the planet and are practically ghosts, the only existing being is the

magician Zophar who has dominated that dimension and has made those troops to

receive worship.

When the planet descends it only sees rocks and lava where those beings come out.

dark, those beings detect Shadow and with their spears they prepare to

chase him without knowing where to flee, until he is left with no escape surrounded by

those evil forces.

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He has decided to capture himself so that he can be taken before the sorcerer king.

Zophar who looks at him on his cyclops skull throne, who orders the

horde kill him. Zophar is a wizard in a scarlet suit with beige linens, with

a face covered by a veil, but you can see her red eyes

only and his arms are greyish cadaverous, with hands

full of long black nails.

Shadow thinks about not running away from his problems anymore, but he rises to the

sky to escape from the horde that fortunately cannot fly, but seeing this

The great magician throws a lightning bolt at him and turns him into a shadow child, that is, into a

small version that cannot fly.

He only has to fight, so he uses the sword to defend himself from

spears, but it is impossible because there are many of them, so he is being wounded by

some, however, the Scalight sword emits at will a ray of light as

powerful that destroys all those beings that surround it, producing a

light force field so large that it pulverizes everyone in its path.

Zophar looks at the sword and thinks that if he gets it he could dominate with his

hordes the entire universe, orders other beings that leave the planet to attack it,

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but Sombra with his speed attacks the beings of light with his sword

illuminating, destroying everyone in its path.

Seeing that this horde is useless, he orders the others to concentrate on one

alone and form a giant shadow monk who attacks the little Shadow who

He cries: - “I am smaller but my strength is the same, my agility too” -.

The shadow monk tries to crush Shadow with his arms, as if

out to an insect, but it runs away until it is finally crushed, believing

that he had already killed him. However, he notices that something is lifting him up, it is

Shadow with his suit illuminating golden glitter and who throws it the other way

making him fall.

The monk gets up to attack, but Sombra uses his hyper attack.

electric shock that destabilizes the monk who is destroyed in thousands of

black particles, the army of Zophar being exterminated who claims: -

"Idiots, then I'll create more, don't think you'll come out alive this time" - and takes out

a staff with a red scepter as a weapon filled with dark energy and goes out to fight

trying to kill Shadow with this one.

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They fight in a clash of Scalight's light against the dark staff that

emits black rays, in an intense fight where they even bring their

faces, they fight with great intensity and throw rays of light against darkness. He

sorcerer asks for strength from his eye that is hidden in his forehead called the eye

Amun's magic and gains more strength, while Shadow becomes weaker.

if you are in the child phase.

He doesn't know how to defeat a being that triples his powers, suddenly

Sombra hears a voice in the distance that tells him: - “exclaim to the sword Scalight

by the ancient gods of light" - this is how he takes the sword and raises it to the

sky and claims this, causing it to recover its original size and its strength is

restore, fighting intensively against that dark magician again.

The battle continues until the staff breaks as it has no powers,

However, Zophar absorbs all of his energy to become so strong that his suit breaks.

He returns with black tones, his power has increased and he has almost defeated Sombra

unable to recover... but remembers his anger against Gaznor and Psymiac that

They tormented him for years, so he raises his powers to the maximum

rushing towards the magician and sticking the sword into his chest which is invisible, he

He says he is a fool since he has no matter but the sword releases so much light that

completely destroys the power of dark light, returning to its original state with

his red suit.

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Zophar says that he is master of that world, that no insignificant one goes

to let him humiliate him. Shadow when he sees that he has defeated him and is powerless

He decides to leave it like this so that he feels the humiliation of having lost. Without

However, his greed is very great, thinking that perhaps he should start a

different army while Shadow turns his back.

Then ask the last two shadow beings to attack Shadow

from behind, which is attacked without the opportunity to react by holding its

arms, then Zophar takes away the sword saying that now he is the most

powerful that will even be stronger than the dark elites of the universe. The

shadow men flee, but Zophar destroys them with his sword, to prove

their power, they fled because in a certain way they felt betrayed, releasing

Sombra asks him to return the sword, but in return he asks that it will be


The magician tries to cut Shadow in two from above but

mysteriously the sword stops, saying that the weapon was not created for

Killing a warrior of good, especially if he is its bearer, makes people angry.

Zophar who absorbs the power of the sword without knowing that it is unlimited.

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If he can't kill him, then he will use his energy beam to kill

Shadow, but the power is so much that the magician destroys himself with the powers

absorbed, disappearing before a burst of light. The powers return to

sword and Sombra takes it, finding a black crystal in the place like

He doesn't know what it is, when Sombra takes it he feels a strange sensation

horrible evil, but still he keeps it, he only hears in his mind what he does

years ago there was a magician who was ambitious for power and when he found the crystal his

power ended his world.

Faced with the death of the magician, Sombra takes his sword, but notices that the

lifeless planet begins to move, the great cyclops skull lights up

several skulls coming out of the ground that begin to move the planet from its

orbit. He believes that it is impossible to defeat a planet (which is possible), but

decides to fly away from the planet at high speed while it moves

around space, he believes that one day he will see him again.

With this mission accomplished, he decides to go find another mission in another

planet where a light comes from, where your next adventure will begin.

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Episode 2

The lie

After Sombra fights the wizard Zophar, Sombra travels

towards a strange planet where he believes it is Earth, however, before

getting there he is absorbed by a giant planet that is frozen, unable to escape

of gravitational power is attracted to that place with great force until it falls

while trying to fly over the frozen environment, until descending between the

snow and ice.

Unfortunately the blow caused Shadow to fall to the planet and

He hit his head hard and became unconscious. The wake up

found himself in an ancient castle, but where there were soldiers similar to the

ancient Mortula and had an x symbol made of razors whose identity

was unknown. He woke up in a bed with shackles but with his powers

he breaks those easily, he gets up dazed but he doesn't know who it is, so

He hears a woman's voice that tells him: -“Are you awake yet? Very good,

because it's time for you to work for me” -, it was a woman with long dark hair,

super black eyes, covered by a mask and wearing Egyptian clothing, he had

fangs plus he had a very big butt (which is a bigger surprise

forward) and his hands were covered by golden gloves, he introduced himself

like Muskascorp who smiles at him but without knowing that inside he only thought

in using it.

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Shadow is confused and doesn't remember what he's doing there and his sword was

looted and kept in the back of the castle, then he asks who he is and

as he is there but she lies to him saying that he has always been her warrior, without

However, in a battle against the forces of good, his head was hit, with his

appearance that has always been like this, then she kisses him and gives him a

poison of evil love that makes him like a lover but bad at the same time,

saying that he will defend together with the army of Mortulas against whoever attracts the

forces of good.

She tells him that soon there will be a battle against some beings.

luminous angels who have tried to challenge her, so Sombra decides to fight

and she gives him a dark sica (it's a type of bent knife), with poison to

fight against other enemy beings. The battle begins amidst a heavy snowfall

where the angels manage to defeat the Mortulas, but upon arriving where

Shadow, he attacks those luminous angel beings with his dark sica,

Between the great war many are wounded and others try to see what they can do,

but Shadow believes he is right.

An angel throws him to the ground and manages to defeat him, but sees inside Sombra his

real identity since he had not seen it before, then he is shocked to see

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that he is a warrior of good, but in that carelessness Sombra kicks him and

He throws it outside the castle falling into the snow.

Seeing that the angels are defeated, Shadow proclaims his

true king and is going to kill them, but in that Muskascorp is on par

of Sombra and in a low voice he says: -“I don't need you anymore, fool”-, he transforms into

a woman with arthropod-like scales, her gloves open to form

pincers and with its tail it opens, leaving a gigantic stinger but similar to the

of a scorpion fly, its face is wrapped with a theater-like mask

but with a furious expression, then he is going to launch the poisonous sting with several

mini legs on his belly; but at that moment the angel appears who Shadow threw down the

window, this one has found the sword Scalight that he throws it to this one, who

takes without knowing what will happen, that makes Muskascorp interrupt the scene of

attack and think it's just a miserable luminous glass sword.

When Shadow takes it the poison spell is erased, as is the

memory, remembering everything and is sorry for having made a serious mistake,

walks towards the angels giving them extra energy and tells them that many

Thank you that from now on it will be in your hands to defeat that creature

dark person who murdered all the beings in the town and those angels are the

souls of those people who have not been able to recover their peace by not avenging

to that murderer.


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