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Chapter 11

Essence of love

Five of seven warriors of good are dead, but the elite of the

darkness has weakened and Algiers has died, yet the topas of the

darkness are led by the monstrous evil being called Apocalypsis who

lives in space and time, who gives life to demons and feeds on

matter, lives between the dimension of space and time; well we will see it in the

final battle, now Venusoria enters the interior of the tropical forest where

animal species were exterminated by demons; Venusoria loves

too much nature, so much so that he studies biology as a career, Venusoria

He walks through the deep vegetation and still does not see any demon, but he does not know.

They hear animals, only corpses are seen and that makes the warrior angry,

crying inside to see so much cruelty.

But Venusoria was seen by Crystal covering the path with a dome

of mirrors created by her powers, Venusoria uses her energy and launches a beam

of the moon, but the mirrors return the ray, and make her hit

abruptly on the ground.

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Venusoria thinks that she is not a girl and gets up to fight, but

Crystal shoots a dome that encases the beautiful warrior, unable to breathe.

She suffocates a little then concentrates to evolve into a

new attack, his body lights up and a large

power that destroys the entire dome, the mirrors and even Crystal itself

leaving only its glass on the ground.

Venusoria evolves her powers a little, moves forward without fear of

the demons that were once his allies; arrives at a forest area

rainy area of the Amazon where demon-jumping piranhas are taken care of

rivers, in fact, flies at 5 meters, even so, those piranhas jump, but for

centimeters are not enough. Venusoria crosses the water, but when crossing it

finds in front of the second demon of the forest, Klastik, the being of another

dimension; The mutant ties Venusoria with his tail so tightly that it crushes her,

She concentrates all her power in her hands and manages to freeze Klastik's tail and

with a karate chop he cuts it off; The mutant gets furious and throws his

It releases a very destructive magnetic ray that damages any being, even humans.

stronger oak, shoots it towards Venusoria to kill her, but she

counterattacks the lightning with a power called an electric spark, like a lightning bolt

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sparks of powerful colors that collide with the lightning, but the lightning becomes stronger because

Nature, through energy from all parts of the forest, sends its

essence to lightning and becomes so strong that it attacks Klastik and disappears from the


Venusoria thanks nature and she will protect her throughout everything

the path in the forest, then walk while strengthening your inner strength,

until Daykiris the evil fairy appears, she is a red-haired woman, with green skin,

with an elf suit and only seeks ambition, even if he had to betray

to his goblin village from the planet Zaryban where he came from and who with the desire to

having power I give it to Algiers.

Venusoria prevails over her dark reign and Daykiris opens her wings of

dragonfly, then launches a blue ray called Hypnoray that can sleep to

always a be and die, Venusoria attacks her with a very strong ray called Magic

of love, which attacks the lightning, but both powers are so aggressive that they manage

attack each other and harm each other; the Hypnoray attacks Venusoria and makes her sleep without

able to wake up, love magic attacks Daykiris and turns her into a

golden statue in the shape of an angel; but both nature and dark power

revive the warriors; That motivates them to fight, but an attack is of no use.

of the same level, Daykiris throws poisonous dust with its wings capable of making people sick.

and kill, but she counterattacks with her poisonous petals that trap viruses

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and the dust catches fire, Daykiris loses patience and launches his maximum attack, the

lightning of destruction that destroys part of the forest and that enrages

Venusoria who avoids the lightning with a great jump and with her hands forms a sphere

luminous and throws it to the fairy, that power called dawn light only leaves

ashes of the evil fairy and avenge the destruction of the beautiful forest.

Venusoria gets angry at the demons and runs through the forest

until reaching an area of green pastures near a lake, where his fourth rival

waiting, the monstrous Murdercrew who flies with speed to try to

hunt Venusoria, but she is very fast and avoids being captured. The mutant goes down

close to her to try to peck her with her strong beak, she avoids the pecks and

He uses his natural power and makes the tree stems emerge that trap the mutant.

but a burning ray frees him and that makes Venusoria look again, because

her mortal enemy appears, Murdercrew runs to peck the girl, but she

destroy the mutant with the ray of love magic that he cannot resist because

It is very evil and ends up pulverized.

Venusoria sees her enemy, Helena Sunsong, a beautiful girl with dark hair.

black, brown eyes, perfect body and with a molded metallic suit and helmet, without

However she is an evil essence, she attacks with a wooden flute

hypnotizing agent that causes Venusoria to have a severe migraine and is

hypnotized so that she uses an attack and can annihilate herself, taking out a rose-

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dart to attack herself, she fights with all her strength, but although she can

The head hurts a lot from the dark song until its level of fighting

evolves and her body lights up, her suit becomes modern style, with a skirt

short and blue t-shirt, with a princess crown on her forehead and with high boots,

His wings disappear but his power increases and he shoots the dart from his hand and

many more toward the flute and it is destroyed into pieces of bamboo, Helena


With her powers Helena charges her power and forms a shape with her hands.

sphere like the sun, made of solar plasma and is thrown towards Venusoria, but

she dodges it and the forest burns, Venusoria uses her magic to try to

put it out using the deadly blizzard that puts out the fire as if a storm is brewing.

form, but Helena shoots another sphere.

Venusoria uses her deadly blizzard ray that brutally attacks the

sphere, both warriors increase the power of their attacks to see which

will survive, but Helena is very poisonous and as she increases the attack with

one hand, with the other he takes out blades to shoot them, but Venusoria manages to

spot that attack and avoid the blizzard attack, he begins to pray to the gods,

then the sphere and the blades come closer; when they are close to the warrior,

The gods grant him his wish and cause a water tornado to appear between

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the forest, destroying the solar sphere, the knives and brutally beats

Helena, she falls to the ground with anger and pride.

Warriors arrive and decide to fight with kung-fu techniques, with twists,

kicks and strong blows, then they fight with all their strength, Helena is

furious at not winning, but she is as weak as Venusoria.

Helena decides to eliminate her rival at any cost using her powers,

Ice spikes surround it, which are thrown towards Venusoria, but upon seeing them the

warrior suddenly uses the mirror attack as a reaction and the spikes

They return and stab Helena.

The warrior remains in the ground, nailed by the stakes and with deep

hatred dies transformed into its true form, a stone being similar to the head

of Spidron with the body of a woman. Venusoria wins the duel and recovers her

energies, nature as an echo voice thanks him and tells him that the kingdom

of the sky is in chaos, Venusoria can fly like Tamura, using her power

interior and flies towards the dark clouds of the sky high in the mesosphere, where

The 4 demons have killed the essences of good and reign, Venusoria is

prepare to fight.

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Chapter 12

Battle in the kingdom of heaven

Venusoria has won the battle against the demons that destroyed the

forest, avenging the natural destruction and now heads to the sky, where

find 4 demons that have killed the essences of good, fly to the

mesosphere and arrives between dark clouds, seeing Hyos, Drumm and Drobb

badly injured by diabolical attacks.

A voice tells the beautiful girl that she will soon be the next to be

defeated, a horrible tone of voice, and among the dark clouds the murderer appears

of Hyos, Drag the cyclops demon who launches his lathes but Venusoria

protects with its shield attack of luminous butterflies that make appear

butterflies around it and protect it from the drills, the butterflies

They attack and with their power they throw magic dust that makes the launcher explode.

drills, then Drag gets in great anger and uses the hole in his belly and

It releases poisonous black spores, but the girl uses magic when she sees such a pestilence that

eats still living beings, which attacks it with the rainbow lightning that illuminates the sky

and the plague burns, Drag walks closer with anger to see that she is a

warrior and is not as easy to defeat as Hyos, launching rays with his eye, until

that the laser severely hurts Venusoria's arm. Drag treats her as a traitor

and swears his destruction, he approaches while launching rays that Venusoria dodges

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Until she is left with no way out, she concentrates her fairy power, but Drag does not care.

matters and is getting closer and closer.

She begins to pray again and a great giant flame falls from the sky.

It crosses the sky and takes Drag away, leaving only ashes on the ground. Hyos still

The dead man sends his energy to Venus and heals her breakage, she thanks him.

a lot, then walks away until he sees Drumm annihilated by another demon and is

because her belly was broken by a bite; then Venusoria sees from afar

a clan of pitbull pirates with swords who are going to attack the girl, but first

that they arrive Venusoria launches the storm tornado that throws them away,

destroying everyone and throwing them to the ground, leaving them destroyed; all except

its captain the monstrous Peritborg who launches with his hook arm to peck,

Venusoria dodges the hook and with a karate chop cuts off his arm.

wood with hook and all, Peritborg launches with his jaws to bite with

fury and speed, Venusoria moves away a little and throws a rose dart that with

the speed shines and becomes very long, passing Peritborg through his head

destroying his mind, the diabolical creature falls to the ground and while filled with

fury fades.

Between the dark clouds he sees something flying at high speed

dividing them, Venusoria throws herself to the ground and covers herself with that dark flying thing; she

looks and can't believe it, Murdercrew was alive again.

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The mutant stops and throws a lightning bolt between the clouds with his beak.

called Colinvert who transforms the girl into a ghost, that is, invisible,

light color and your attacks do not harm your opponent; Murdercrew

He takes advantage of his power and launches an attack; Venusoria's attacks are

non-existent to damage it; So he thinks his battle is lost now.

She raises her inner energy to its highest point until she transforms

into a very powerful shooting star and is launched with great power towards the creature;

The lightning destroys the mutant's chest and he vanishes screaming in fury.

Venusoria stops and with the death of the mutant recovers its form

moving forward; but among the shadows of the sky it is watched by Electron


She walks taking care of her step because the two of them may be close.

final demons, one of them killed Drobb, leaving him electrified as if

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something would have taken away his energy, it is because the third demon appears as

If he were to fly through the air, to absorb his opponent's energy, he is Electron.

Electron uses his cannon and shoots steel balls, which cross the sky,

Venusoria flies at speed avoiding being hit until a ball hurts

her legs, she falls very hurt and when she sees a sphere coming towards her, without

exit and without being able to move he believed it was his end, until he concentrated his

powers in his mind and with great psychic power he manages to leave the ball suspended

in the air and returns it towards electron, breaking his canon arm.

Electron does not give up, he uses his teleportation and appears together

Venusoria who gets up with an effort, ties her with her arm

power absorber, which weakens her and even takes her life, she makes a

He made an effort to free himself and with his hand he made a small hole in the whip arm.

of the android as it weakens, then fires a small beam of power at it

mysterious... Electron feels an overload in his arm and begins to get a

large vine of poisonous thorns that explode the android like a

bomb, roughly knocking Venusoria to the ground powerless, weakened.

But from heaven, the essence of Ra the bird god of the sun sends him great

Venusoria energy power illuminates and becomes an angel with a white suit and wings,

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her power level is high and her life is restored, Venusoria feels very

well and is ready for the final battle against the dominant being of the site.

He flies with his angel wings and throws solar rays everywhere

banishing the darkness, killing cowboys and indians scary ghosts

heaven and Earth, until he finally arrives where the final demon, a being

enigmatic named Klounk.

Klounk is a man with long, ridiculous mustaches, wearing a clown suit,

peaked hat and nose, with a torn cape and a heavy, bleeding heart.

Klounk throws rubber balls that, when hit with his fists, Venusoria

He is left with his arms trapped, unable to free himself; Klounk throws another ball

rubber, but Venusoria breaks free using her solar ray destroying the rubber balls.

rubber. Klounk launches poison gas bombs to suffocate and kill the girl,

but his angel wings use their blizzard speed and spread the gas all over

the air.

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The clown runs upset and throws cards-darts at Venusoria, but he

With his eyes he shoots a freezing ray that turns them into frozen cards

that fall and are destroyed. Klounk seems upset and has no other recourse

As his final attack, the deadly circus attack, Klounk uses his mental powers

and makes Venusoria dance and jump uncontrollably, causing her to close her wings and

can throw into the void without defending himself.

Venusoria is about to fall, but she is aware that she cannot do it alone.

to die and where he throws himself to the ground, he uses his hands and releases before falling to the ground a

meteor ray so powerful that it weakens all of its 100% energy and pierces the

sky, destroying Klounk the ghost, disappearing from the sky just like

all its elite, Venusoria falls to the ground but the essence of nature tries to

lower her little by little, until leaving her asleep in a dream forever on the floor,

being eliminated while dreaming of being once again next to the love of

their life Magnum and that one day in a world of peace they will live.

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Chapter 13

Shadow is the legendary super warrior

Shadow the legendary warrior transports himself to his destination using his

wings of fire to the great pyramid of Pharaoh Krimbo in Africa, where the kings

demonic forces have hidden themselves and using their dark forces have sent mummies,

zombies, skeleton cowboys and aggressive dogs around the world to

cause chaos, those dark kings must be eliminated by the force of good and if

there will be no more death and life on earth will disappear, the cities are

attacked by Hydrik who throw rocks from their mouths, destroying buildings, those

stones kill and the air is filled with death, they also produce earthquakes of 8-

10 causing buildings to fall killing people.

Shadow enters the Pyramid of Cheops, but now it was usurped by

Krimbell Vortax and his four dark allies, that pyramid has a passage that

transports you to the haunted house near the sea where Krimbell is located.

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Shadow walks through the corridors, fleeing from stone balls

Sliding walls, sliding ceilings descending, using their wings of fire

moves away at high speed, it also takes care of spears that shoot themselves by

the walls, also hanging axes on bridges that are between hot lava,

He flies across passages of pools full of piranhas and finally reaches a

room full of Dactyles that start to bite but Sombra shoots them

great electric shock that leaves them in shock, but a giant Dactyl

face trying to devour him, Sombra uses a super ray of light attack that

destroys it.

Shadow heads to the king's chamber, but enters through the passage

wrong in a room full of statues of Horus and Amun-Ra, because he believes that

It is better to eliminate the 5 dominant demons; In that place the old one appears

owl Osirius who throws poisonous dust, but Sombra with his Scalight power

At the highest level it transforms that cloud of plague into flames of fire.

Osirius does not give up easily and flies around turning into a

tornado of murderous plague full of malophages, mites, fleas and insects

suckers, Shadow stands still waiting for the tornado to come, until he is

nearby he allows himself to be caught and when Sombra is surrounded he uses a new attack

which he learned from Krabadrain, opens his wings and with incredible speed spins in

opposite direction to the tornado and while with its power transformed into lightning

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burns the insects of the taken, manages to break up the tornado, leaving Osirius

scattered dust.

Continuing along the path and without fear, he hears an ancient voice, it is

Obelisco who tells him that time has passed, appearing behind the

warrior and activate the traps around Shadow again. There are mines and

traps surrounding him, but with his deadly electric shock he activates all the

traps and then increases his powers and covers himself from the explosive mines and

the protruding bear traps.

Obelisk is furious and activates the protruding stakes again, but at the same time

he cuts them quickly as they emerge from the ground, the stakes measure 10

meters and are the thickness of a log, but the Scalight sword has a sharp edge

advanced and cuts them all.

Obelisk is filled with anger and uses his final attack, throwing shadows

ghosts with their body that violently hit the warrior, Sombra is

brutally pushed, but he does not surrender to those attacks and with his sword

crosses the warriors and destroys them completely, then approaches the black mummy

which covers itself like a coward behind its shield, Sombra asks that being to

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Go far away or rest in peace. When the mummy turns around, he takes out his nails and goes to

scratching Shadow, without thinking, he runs him through him with his sword before he attacks and

mummy falls to the ground and is pulverized and lifeless... this shows that he decided

rest in peace.

Shadow feels that his powers have advanced so much that it won't cost him

a lot to beat all the new elite; suddenly his second rival appears in the

same statue hall; hanging over the great statue jumps the diabolical Lordriner

who uses his claw-heads to catch Shadow, but when he compresses him

Sombra uses his hand and while he squeezes it he holds Lordriner even though he loses.

energy, touches it and sends an electric shock that leaves the creature roasted,

but he still doesn't die and uses his elastic force and jumps in front of Shadow to have

a duel fight between his elastic body and his strength.

Lordriner attacks with his stretchable fists trying to hit the body

of the hero, but he covers himself with his shield from the attack of long fists. Shade

tries to hit him, but Lordriner jumps and throws kicks and stretching fists, avoiding

Sombra's attacks and at the same time hitting him, Sombra begins to be

hurt, but cannot defeat the demon, so he observes all his

movements, attacking him; Lordriner jumps and does a stretch kick, Shadow

He holds his paw in the air and spins around making the demon spin and finishes with his

vile attack throwing him towards a wall, which breaks, Lordriner stands up furious and

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He goes to kill Sombra but the warrior stabs him with the sword in his belly and the

power ends up destroying the demon, leaving only its ashes.

Sombra wins the duel and walks between walls full of hieroglyphics until

who arrives at the sacrificial chamber where Centurionher and a

warrior in a dark suit, red cape, with a masked face, with a strong body and

He has a thick sword and a bazooka, called Argos the cloning warrior

created in an alien laboratory to create a super-humanoid capable of

Eliminate the strongest warrior in the world.

Centurionher and Argos go out to fight together with their swords,

Centurionher has become stronger and faster with his swords, Argos uses his

giant sword and attacks, but Sombra dodges sword blows and defends himself from others,

in fact, he is almost decapitated by the sword of Argos and Centurionher almost leaves him

without arms; Scalight illuminates with power and the edge cuts the three dark swords

with great force.

Argos protects himself with his skull shield from Scalight's powers and

uses his muscular forces to fight against Sombra, both fight with their

aggressive punches and kicks that hurt a lot, in fact Argos is a clone

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Shadow but mixed with Fusion and Finger, both warriors fight

with his forces but Argos loses patience and uses his dark thunder attack

against Sombra's electrifying rays, but Centurionher now takes advantage

back bites Shadow, this tires the hero who reacts by releasing his

inner power that drives away the creatures, but the demons attack again,

Centurionher uses his spider legs and shoots a web that traps Shadow.

and that wraps him like a cocoon, Argos takes out his bazooka and is going to shoot him a

projectile, Sombra cannot move, but is released with his powers, breaking

the cocoon, but Argos fires the projectile without giving him time to defend himself, but

In such a case, Shadow manages to hold it with his hands and throw it away, producing

an explosion that altered the columns of the pyramid, Centurionher continues his

attack and use his ability to kick and punch Sombra very hard, but

Sombra fights against her with his luminous fists, which attack her strongly.

Centurionher throws another web, but Sombra cuts it with Scalight and

where she attacks full of rage to devour him, Shadow finally destroys her

with the attack of a tornado of electricity that leaves her in pieces.

Sombra goes to confront Argos, the demon takes out his bazooka, but with

an electric shock explodes in your hands, that severely damages the

demon that bleeds green; They both start fighting each other with their

strong fists, in an aggressive duel with fury punches are given so hard that

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They get hurt, but Argos recovers his energy and if he doesn't die before he recovers it

cannot be defeated, so Shadow concentrates his power even if Argos gives him

strong blows, then he uses his luminous fist that quickly pierces the

demon in the chest and it vanishes defeated and with anger, it evaporates like

dark smoke.

The pyramid begins to collapse, Sombra uses his teleportation

and manages to get out of the pyramid, which is buried under the sand, but in that way

hole emerges, emerging his arch enemy and rival, Krimbell Vortax, who uses his

power and becomes gigantic, looks with deep hatred at Sombra and threatens him with

death; Sombra is filled with hatred towards that demon who is their king, he

The two warriors launch into a fight.

They look face to face, Shadow attacks with his electric rays against the

infrared rays from Krimbell's eyes, but they only collide and that further upsets the

warriors, who start fighting with fists, kicks, Krymbell uses his tail and

hits, but again Scalight cuts off his tail, Krimbell uses his strong fists

against Shadow's luminous fists; Krimbell uses his paws and runs

brutally attacking Sombra and then lunges at him on top, the demon

It charges power in its snout and is going to launch a final attack to defeat it, the laser.

infernal, which shoots a red beam from its snout, that laser beam can pierce

up to 100 meters of lead, Shadow with great safety even under the

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Krimbell's legs use his Scalight sword and counterattack the laser beam with a lightning bolt.

highly destructive light, which absorbs the laser and attacks Krimbell

destroying it completely, cursing Shadow, a dome of

power energy that explodes and launches Shadow through the air, over the

atmosphere, over space, at such a speed that it crosses the portal of time and

space and makes him fall into a mysterious area, at the same time where the

last 4 dominant demons have captured good human souls and

They use their energy to attack.

Shadow finds himself in an abandoned house full of ghosts

horrible and that will be their new mission, the defeat of Apocalypsis.

But while walking in the house of terror, Shadow sees a hole in the

house that breaks it with its outside world, sees a cloudy landscape as if

was surrounded by dark clouds, everywhere without seeing anything, that house

abandoned is a center of portals where the dimensions connect where

the powerful creatures have connected; Shadow enters the hole but is given

realize that there are only clouds, black and stormy; decides to return home

ghost to face the passages but first a demonic being emerges between

the clouds, is called Zoxerbian and has the appearance of an Indian with a strong body,

blue eyes, long spiky hair with a tang like Wartauron's and has

a tiger's mantle on his head.

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Zoxerbian is the evil reincarnation of his former boss Murdock Botter

who asks for revenge for his betrayal of evil and decides to kill him; using his powers

causes poison clouds to surround Shadow to poison him, but Shadow

He uses his powerful air tornado and spreads the smog.

Zoxerbian uses his remaining strength and makes the fire become

stormy, with thunder, acid rain and strong winds; elusive shadow

lightning quickly but it is damaged by acid rain, the winds do not let it

move and is attacked by a very strong, unstoppable lightning bolt; Shadow feels weakened and

He only takes refuge within himself to think about how to get out without being destroyed; raise your

anger when remembering that Magnum wanted a friend in his difficult time and Murdock

approached him for convenience, then his anger and power level rises

and forms over it an energy field as strong as a dome of light that releases it;

Zoxerbian doesn't care despite seeing him released, the hero's suit takes on a

mirror shine and attacks with lightning and rain, but they don't even scratch it; Zoxerbian and

Shadow fills each other with anger and attacks each other with their weapons, the spear of Satan

against the sword Scalelight; As they fight the spear emits flames and Scalight

brightness; but Scalight, having greater power, cut the spear.

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Sombra demonstrates his bravery and puts away his sword, challenging Zoxerbian

to a strong hand-to-hand fighting duel, but the Indian is somewhat cowardly, he jumps

after Sombra and takes away Scalight, trying to kill him with the same weapon, but

The sword, upon seeing itself possessed by the dark forces, causes it to rise.

towards the sky even in the hand of the Indian; Zoxerbian is arrogant and believes that even

the sword wants to eliminate him, but the sword releases a light wave of so much power

that completely disintegrates Zoxerbian, since the sword Scalight according to the

legend was created by gods of the good of the universe, forged by the essence of

justice; once fell into the hands of demons and they forged her with power to

try to transform it into evil, but they only made it increase in power,

but that sword was created by the gods of good and was freed from the clutches of the

evil expelling so much power that it returned to the hands of the gods.

Zoxerbian is vaporized as the demon he was, Sombra takes his

sword which restores him from his damage and they enter the haunted mansion where he

thugs with knives and guns appear, avenging Zoxerbian, with

poor-miserable-ruined and horrendous appearance, but before they shoot,

Sombra uses his strongest attack, the electric tornado that absorbs them although

They shoot at it, the tornado swallows them and with its deadly electrical charge leaves them dead.

ashes as the tornado disappears through the hallways; Shadow wins

the thugs and prepares to continue his final battle.

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Chapter 14

Shadow vs Apocalypse

Shadow and his friends have defeated almost all the demons, but now

Shadow is in a ghost house, full of horrible scary ghosts

a little to Sombra, but with Scalight's power he destroys them as he walks

between the hallways, according to an old site map the house is divided into 4 places

basics that have demons that have murdered people, animals and their

Souls do not rest because they are the basis of the energy they feed on.

Shadow walks to the first area, in the room of the old house, but sees

in the distance something at high speed with black eyes comes running on wheels,

As he approaches he sees a robot that looks like a fish skeleton with wheels, which

runs over or follows to bite, it is the monstrous Roadcrash that comes as a robot

demonized to follow Shadow destroying walls; Shadow runs away

of the creature that comes to devour it, its wheels cut the ground. Roadcrash usa

his maximum speed and is getting very close... so close that he has caught Shadow and is going

to run him over, then devour him, then Shadow has no choice and when he is

nearby jumps very high, landing on the back of the robot, executing the beam

catastrophic in the spine, causes the robot to overload, explodes in a thousand


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The warrior continues forward towards the second area, on a path surrounded

of monstrous ghosts, but without worrying much he goes down to a passage

under the house, where a giant room is full of flames, those flames were

in an underground basement more than 10 meters deep, where it emerges

Leivous among the flames, among skeletons of people burned alive.

Leivous attacks Sombra in anger since the last time he had a

showdown in hell with his fire-taking attack called Pyro-

attack, which manages to set Sombra alive on fire, this makes Sombra hurt and scream,

Shadow is being wiped out; but at that moment while Leivous mocks

and Shadow is being damaged, he begins to concentrate his inner energy to a

very high point, Shadow begins to shine like a star and his body absorbs the

fire, healing his damage, increases his power, he has evolved into a warrior

high level.

Leivous launches another Pyro-attack, but Sombra manages to pin his attack with

his hands, and forcefully returns it to Leivous, giving him a strong push.

Leivous becomes furious and uses his giant lava ball to melt his rival, who

covers Shadow, the lava melts to the ground, but Shadow comes out with his suit and

luminous sword if any damage, counterattacks the creature by launching its tornado

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of air increased in taken from tsunami that launches a tornado of water as

powerful that extinguishes all the fire and lava in the place, Leivous is strongly

attacked and ends up becoming extinct.

Shadow has greatly evolved his powers, but he has learned not to

have compassion for your enemies, but love your goals and people very much.

Friends, that's all you want; in fact, he realizes that that demon

Argos was really his father Matthew who had a desire to eliminate his son,

but he was able to ally himself with Krimbell and was transformed with Fusion and Finger powers

and Sombra's DNA, in the battle against VOID who lost blood.

The warrior leaves that place and flies up the underground,

crossing at high speed a high wooden floor and goes out to the first and

then second floor of the haunted house; On the second floor you don't see a path,

Sombra flies because he sees spikes between the walls, ceilings and floors.

inferiors, then a challenging voice reaches Shadow and challenges him to fight, but

will be nailed to those spikes, it is because Beelzebub appears as the guardian of

Apocalypse; The demon tells him that his friends are dead and that now they

will visit in hell; Beelzebub launches a very strong black lightning bolt with his snout that

He called it the light of death, which takes Shadow's life when it attacks him; Shade

He falls without powers and without energy.

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Beelzebub mocks, but when he falls, Scalight shines very brightly and

restores Shadow's powers and even life, lights up again and flies to

attack him with his destructive electric tornado, which pulverizes Beelzebub leaving

only ashes; but from afar Apocalypsis uses his dark energy and launches a

power that revives Beelzebub, the monstrous Apocalypsis orders him to finish him

Once for all; then Shadow and Beelzebub start fighting with blows

aggressive, Beelzebub attacks with his nail-blades while Shadow uses his

meteor fists that hit him brutally, Beelzebub bites him, but Shadow

kick; The demon launches a ray of death light but Shadow uses the ray of light

of Scalelight who destroys it.

Beelzebub is damaged more than Shadow, so as they fly he

He tries to kill Shadow with his dagger nails, but Shadow stays still and

When he is close to passing through it, he quickly removes himself and gives him a strong kick.

on his back that throws him into the peaks of a wall and he dies again as before,

nailed and vanishing like smoke.

Shadow wins the duel, but with no time to waste he flies to the

final passage, in the bedroom of that house, whose interior is a dimension full

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of light windows in outer space, the door disappears and Shadow

stops on an asteroid, that is, Shadow entered through a portal of light to get there,

a zone between space and time where all times and spaces come together.

Apocalypsis with great fury appears in front of Sombra, he is a being like a

humanoid squid, wrinkled, with long beards, with a siphon arm and with

normal, his body is half strong humanoid and half fish; he tells the warrior:-

"How dare you eliminate the dark elite, my son VOID and Krimbell, you will be

murdered for your rebellion, cursed Shadow, then give up because neither love nor

justice would reign, only evil and terror, that's why Shogun died because, it was realized

realize that love existed and that if it was bad it was because his parents

They mistreated him a lot and never motivated him, now prepare to die Sombra -“.

The earth was destroyed by Apocalypsis who with his universal power

orders a strong and huge meteor to fall and disappear from space, Shadow

can't come back. Sombra uses his sword Scalight and cuts poisonous siphons that

throws with his hand, while his other hand absorbs the energy of the universes

and destroys them because they become destabilized; Shadow's attacks don't hurt him

any, then Apocalypsis uses his unique and powerful attacks, e! first

attacks Sombra strongly, launches a sphere of dark force antimatter

negative that Scalight cannot even move with his power and attacks the hero

hurting his body, breaking until his belly bleeds; Without waiting

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Apocalypsis uses his maximum power and launches a galactic explosion beam that

He sends Shadow flying, dying little by little, he disintegrates...

It seems to be the end of Sombra.

Before dying he cries for his friends, because he cannot defeat

Apocalypsis will never realize his dream, but among the void he hears the voices of

his deceased friends, where they encourage him, where they recognize that he is a great

warrior, that Venus loves him with all her soul and Shogun tells him that only a

chosen as he can defeat a dark elite and to defeat him he demonstrated

your courage, don't give up; From his deathbed he sends his last words

energies that reach the speed of light and heal the attack of the monstrous

devil; Apocalypsis mocks but becomes serious when he sees that Sombra is filled with

strength, raising its power so much that it becomes infinite and shines with so much power,

He recovers and becomes Sombra of high power and with his golden suit.

Apocalypsis goes to draw more energy with his siphon, but is cut off by the

Supreme Scalight, the demon becomes furious and attacks with his other arm, but the

warrior dodges the siphon attacks and cuts off his other arm.

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Apocalypsis gets super angry, launches his antimatter sphere, to

destroy it, but Shadow counterattacks the sphere with his hyper beam of electricity

that destroys it into a thousand pieces; Apocalypsis is filled with anger when he sees that he cannot

seeing him dead, who launches his galactic explosion ray, which destroys even the

asteroid where Sombra is, but it does not harm him due to his powers

advanced; Sombra launches himself with his illuminating sword saying that he will never

He would forgive none of the dark elite for killing his friends, with great

force is launched and pierces the chest of the monstrous being, who screams in fury.

overloads and ignites, producing an explosion so loud while cursing

Shadow, explodes sending Shadow between dimensions and spaces, time

goes out of control and the warrior travels between times and spaces, the demon

is destroyed but the hero flies without any destination, until Scalight

It illuminates so much that he cannot see and Shadow falls asleep...

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Chapter 16

The big end?

....Suddenly, the landscape stabilizes, Sombra is Magnum again and

is lying on the ground where Venusoria, powerless being Venus, tries to

wake him up, until he succeeds and wakes up believing he was in heaven

dead, but she tells him that all the dark forces have been eliminated, that

They are now in their time and space and those who harmed them will no longer return.

the universe, suddenly... the people of France go to them and receive them very

well, knowing that they were the warriors of good, they celebrate their

name, while Magnum sees the blue sky where the birds fly away and

The trees grow giving life; The earth is beautiful and the universe is saved, no longer

there will be more darkness, only day and night, and finally lovers can meet

the dream of loving each other and achieving all their proposed goals, Magnum and Venus meet

They feel happy with themselves and the reward of fighting is the love they feel,

They remained brave as did their friends.

Tamura appears at his temple where the gods of Tibet tell him that

can join the gods of the universe, then Tamura leaves his earthly mission

and transforms into a spirit to watch over the inhabitants of the world to which

can follow their dreams and preserve natural stability; Tamura performs his

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dream of becoming a warrior god and leaves his temple to Swordmaster who

has the opportunity to live because he showed that a true warrior is one

who has honor with his opponent. Trilangerbero appears on a distant planet,

with abundant vegetation, where there are beaches and giant arthropods, then

As he walks on the beach, many of his kind come out of the sea and receive him,

Trilangerbero is very happy and disappears with the other trilobites, entering the


Hyos, Drumm and Drobb return to life and their kingdom of heaven is left.

restored, they can finally lead the universe towards a good future, Natura revives

with great power (full of leaves) and all living beings, animals and plants,

many others return to live in their ecosystems in harmony. Queen Hornet and

All his troops, including Red Bee's, return to the deep forest of Costa Rica,

They celebrate the victory and both species unite in love, both species at the same time.

time they become king and queen of the Hymenoptera species and even larvae between

They have some wasps, some bees, because Queen Hornet and Red Bee

They will love until their lives fade away.

Dryp appears on another planet, far from his friends, where he is in a

reef island where the Dryps lobsters welcome him as a hero and

treated like a king, Dryp is admired and becomes the guide of his village,

while they coexist on the coast of the island.

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But Shogun... well Shogun doesn't exist, but Shawn Gunless the blonde

clear eyes who have a strong body, who only thinks about continuing on a good path

From now on, his wounds and his soul are healed from all evil, now he studies

in cyber Japan to create robots that help the world, it is also

engages with Kaguya Hime, she is no longer a princess because the moon is restored

but by committing to Earth she cannot be a princess of the moon, her troops

enslavers when they see that she is committed, they stop the fight of searching for her and

they disappear in anger; Shawn and Kaguya love each other very much and they are both very happy,

They remain kissing between the buildings and their hearts, finally the cries of both

are for their deep happiness, that night they look at the moon promising their true

love and hug each other, that night they will ask the moon that if it ever granted them

a daughter who is free but a slave to the love they will give her, that night was

captivating for Kaguya and Shawn.

That night Magnum looks at the sky with great happiness, seeing a great

star in the distance, it is Scalight who shines saying: - “Remember Fight for your

true happiness, no matter what it costs but the value you have for it.

do it, thank you Sombra for your courage and heart, do not forget that you have the

Courage, just illuminate your fist and move forward, because love what you do... because happy

"He is the one who has love for what he wants to do."

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Part 3

Preliminary chapter

The legacy of evil

Shadow, the great warrior of good, had defeated in the past

Apocalypsis and the dark clan of Algiers alongside their vigilante allies and all

were eliminated, planet Earth was restored by the forces of good and

our friends have finally managed to come back to life and restore them to their

spaces where they achieve their goals little by little.

Shadow, that is, Magnum lives in France next to his beloved Venus

in Bordeaux France in the year 1900, where both studied stably at the

university in the nation, thanks to the essences of good, Magnum is granted

the desire to have a scholarship to study medicine and his home as well as his

mother have a stable situation; Venusoria, that is, Venus studies thanks to the

financial aid from his business parents at the same university as

Magnum, studies biology to help understand animals and plants and

Help your world protect it from pollution.

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Magnum's mother Clariza and the university messenger

compromise, she is treated with love and affection by the Lord, she realizes

that Matthew died in the dark battles, was the monstrous Argos, rather

she is glad to never see him again.

Meanwhile- Tamura concentrates on Mt. Tibet and the

enlightenment of the dragon spirit rewards Tamura and takes him away in body

and soul to another world where illuminated ninjas live who protect planets from the

dark forces and Tamura becomes their leader, that planet is led by the

spirit of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) and live surrounded by nature and

small feudal towns, and if the ninja fails to comply with evil he is eliminated.

While on the arthropod planet Queen Hornet and her troops live

stably controlling the planet with balance, the great wasps live

a stable life and reproduce while pollinating the gigantic forest full

of gigantic arthropods, insects, arachnids and myriapods.

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Trilangerbero and Dryp swim with their species in the gigantic ocean

of the planet protecting itself from enemies and living a wild nature

but normal, over time both troops walk together in the deep sea, they become

They come back so strong that they both become captains of their troops.

Shogun or rather Shawn marries his beloved Kaguya the princess

who renounces her unhappiness by breaking the spell of being a princess of the moon,

In fact, the moon troops come to look for her, but upon seeing that she is married

and even with a little girl they eliminate her legacy. Shawn studies Robotics and

computer science and becomes a great computer engineer in 2012.

Apparently everything is fine, at least everything for now, because they believe that

The dark forces have disappeared from space, forever...

But nothing lasts forever, because in the year 2012 Shogun has a

partner in the company who belongs to a military company, Colonel Mr.

Charles Mankine, who is interested in Shawn's projects, who

works on a robot called Hercolubus designed to destroy meteors that

can attack the life of any world, that robot is designed

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Even with Karate-like battle moves, however, the ambitions are

others, because military indicates domination.

One night while Shawn's employees work on the chips

finals, Mr. Mankine arrives at the robot factory, with his military suit, his eyes

blue and her short white hair and shows up at the reception, puts on her coat

of scientist. Then he goes to look for the Hercolubus project and he is the first one to find it.

sees it function, speak and think like a person, it is a robot like a child

humanoid, but with military-shaped metallic clothing and has a unique strength.

Then he gets excited to see it work while listening to others

scientists working on a new project... they were working on a ray that

They designated the Hercolubus robot that could convert an alien invader

in what he had in his heart, but at the same time turning him into a monstrous beast

but stupid and in this way defeat him, only it would only work if Hercolubus

was attacked.

The beam was installed as a bracelet on the robot's hand, while

He only understood the software. However the beam would not be fired at

any being but whoever attacks him, for some reason Mr. Mankine launches

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on this and the Hercolubus shoots him, transforming him into a monster with a face

and the body of a humanoid chameleon, with a shell with scaly green skin and with

malicious eyes, the bipedal monster is named as Charmaleon, however

The lightning only mutates him but does not make him stupid but rather very strong and with

his forces and his spitting acid destroy the laboratory, killing through

of acid burns to many scientists while setting up

Hercolubus bound by cables (does not attack because Hercolubus does not detect damage

some in itself because it was disconnected from the main machine

when attacking Charmaleon), and sets it to attack whoever, whatever, and

to obey him as their leader. The factory collapses, many injured and others flee

die, the laboratory is dominated by both beings, Hercolubus wounds the

guards with their extraordinary forces. Shawn realizes what is happening and

He heads to the site and sees both leaders, and they tell him: - “Your Shogun, the former android, do you think

that I would forget about you? I am the reincarnation of the spirit of evil, in this

new body, as a traitor you are going to die, with my powers I will make the new elite and

we will eliminate you and your dear friend Magnum, now without Shadow and without the damn

Scalight nothing will defeat us."

With the powers of Dr. Charmaleon open the light portals of time

and space towards all times on Earth and the portal opens towards Clandenia the

planet of knights and dragons with the most powerful evil warriors in the world

space. An elite of monsters and warriors emerge from there and rush towards

Shawn who runs away from them, but as if out of nowhere in front of the monsters appears

Shawn's daughter telepathically and without fear of demons, although she has

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only 7 years old, named Brissa, Shawn goes to pick her up but she lights up and her hair

blonde lights up like her slanted blue eyes, and Brissa becomes the angel

ghost and with his powers he stops the demons, causing thousands of

stuffed animals fall on them and they run away, but not for long.

Hercolubus flies quickly and with a super ray pierces Shawn

the heart and it falls dying with its chest destroyed, the girl cries as she sees

angers the robot, crying a lot as he dies.

But before dying he tells her: - “Girl, my dear daughter, do not cry because that is not

It will eliminate nothing, I only ask you something, travel between the portals of space and time

and look for Magnum Arner, Shadow, I knew that... maybe you were the girl who

Once an angel told me who would save the world, a small angel, but

You never showed it until today, if you knew I am happy for you, I believe in you and

Remember that I love you very much” – then he dies.

She wipes her tears and runs away from the demons and runs to

Charmaleon, jump on top of it and enter the portal of light before it closes,

then upon entering he sees a dark passage full of windows, he flies and enters the one

enters France while watching people flee from two new demons who seek

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Magnum to kill him, but they don't see him, the girl looks for Magnum according to his

energy and reaches where it is located, on the ground killed by the dagger nails of

one of the monsters, but when she sees it she gets scared and sad because she believes that

failed his mission, however from heaven he falls sent by the essences of good, the

sword Scalight who with his illuminating power revives Magnum and even

becomes Shadow, with his gangster suit and his shield, with his wings of fire,

prepares to fight once again to defeat the dark forces and this time the

side of little Brissa, while the people and living beings of all the

times and spaces are murdered by the dark armies. Trilangerbero,

Dryp, Queen Hornet and Tamura are eliminated by very strong warriors, as well

than Venus who cries Shadow and plans to avenge his death as well as everyone's.

Charmaleon and Hercolubus glare at Shadow from their vision.

telepathic and orders all the monsters to eliminate them however Charmaleon

He plans to train to try to eliminate his main obstacle, Scalight. Shade

and Brissa fly to Paris and see the people murdered and the two demons entering

to one of the time portals, one of them is Dinocroco the humanoid-

dark crocodile with a strong body and the other one who had hurt him was the cockroach

giant mutant Sparkroach with electrifying powers, follow them before they

Close the portals, towards a new adventure.

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Chapter 1

Round one...Fight!

To tell the truth, Charmaleon's elite is very small but very

powerful, consists of 28 monsters including Doctor Charmaleon and

Hercolubus. Sombra and Brlssa enter the first area after crossing the

dark passage, they fly until they reach an ancient swamp located in the

Nile where it is full of crocodiles, some killed by the attacks of the brutal

Dino croco and his brutal allies. Sombra and Brissa prepare for the difficult

battle, because only the two of them are the only survivors of space, as far as

who believe, their allies were killed by the demons who passed through

the portals. Avoiding putting their feet on the swampy ground they fly underground

full of crocodiles, and it is where two demons appear to stop the escape of the

warriors, one of them is a humanoid-pterodactyl, the leader of the race of the

Dactyl, with a strong body and reddish skin, is named Dactyl; the second demon

which also flew is the Billhen cow rooster, with a humanoid body and two

guns in their pockets, they warn Shadow and Brissa to stop or they will have

the same fate as the others, but the two vigilantes do not allow themselves to be intimidated and

Between the flight they prepare for battle.

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Over the river they fly, and without giving in the monsters head to the great battle,

The cowboy readies his guns and flies around waving his weapons while firing his guns.

steel bullets towards them; Sombra covers himself with his golden shield, Brissa uses

his inner power and covers himself with a dome of energy from the bullets, Shadow

avoids all bullets and with its electric shock power overloads the

guns and they explode making the mutant rooster angry. Dactyl launches

flying over the attack releasing a disturbing screech that makes the

warriors get a migraine, and it stuns them, then flying it launches into the attack,

but Brissa concentrates her powers and shoots lightning with her hands.

freezing that causes Dactyl to fall frozen into the swamp.

Sombra and Brissa mock the weak warriors, but they

They get so angry that Dactyl, with his strength, breaks free of the freeze and launches

another awful screech and Billhen fires his bullets from his second pistol.

Shadow raises his powers and forms a super dome of light that neutralizes the echo

stuns and at the same time explodes the bullets fired at him. The demons feel

stuck in battle and with their physical forces they launch to attack, Billhen flies

and tries to scratch Brissa, while Dactyl engages in hand-to-hand combat with

Shadow while flying. Brissa counter attacks the scratching legs by avoiding them

and protecting himself with his power dome force, while Sombra and Dactyl

Strong punches, kicks and scratches are given in between the flight. Billhen angers the no

able to defeat it and flies at speed to scratch it, then Brissa concentrates,

He removes the dome and looks at Billhen's legs, holds them and freezes him completely and at the same time

Unable to move, he falls into the swamp like an ice sculpture; subject shadow

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to the ferocious Dactyl and flies at high speed and they launch together a! swamp and

They cross to the bottom where speed decides who will live... in the end they

They sink to the lake crashing to the bottom, but before falling, Shadow

He breaks free and Dactyl crashes to the bottom of the swamp and falls defeated. The

warriors defeat the two demons as they continue their long path, after the

large crocodile, but as they fly they see a gigantic creature with a head

of a fish skull, with the body of a bipedal turtle, roaring ferociously, and

making it rain in the swamp, making tornadoes of water that destroy

the forests, it is very slow but very powerful.

Sombra and Brissa prepare for battle, but she tells the great

warrior that there will be no need for them to fight against that monstrous being

because the water is going to destroy them, but the creature called Drummstorm sees them and

launches a super tornado of water that catches them and completely envelops them and they spin

losing control. Brissa holds on to Sombra in fear and they both

They suffocate a little, but the invincible Shadow uses his wings of fire and raises his

forces between the water and flies out of the water tornado like a comet

illuminant and with that force evaporates the water, then flies with that force and hits

brutally in the face of Drummstorm who falls to the ground.

Shadow stops, the rain continues as well as the floods and

Drummstorm gets up angrily and makes it rain harder, and prepares to

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launch another tornado of water, but seeing it coming Sombra releases Brissa who is

in his arms, unconscious of fright, leaving her in a hole in a tree trunk,

prepares to battle, and uses the attack he used with the air tornado of

Krabadrain and with his hands he launches a super electrifying discharge type twister

which merges with Drummstorm's tornado and chases Sombra on orders

by Drummstorm; the hero flees from the electric tornado until he flies and

He holds the creature tightly, as they struggle the tornado comes towards them,

then when it is close, Shadow jumps quickly and the tornado attacks the creature

and electrocutes it strongly, it falls into the swamp defeated and despite its size,

The water covers it and it sinks to the bottom of the deep swamp. Shadow wins

and goes to look for Brissa, and sees her waking up, she feels happy because Sombra sees her.

saved and with a new friendship they continue the long journey.

But in the distance as they fly they see something that throws bombs, exploding

terrains, shooting bullets and nuclear explosions; Sombra and Brissa hide

and they see a device with tank legs with a cubic body and cannon arms

and a cubic robot head, it is a Charmaleon robot called Warmann and it is

a war machine. Brissa uses her powers and leaves the shelter, Sombra gets scared

Seeing her in front of the robot and with her powers she says: - “Shogun clones” - and 4 appear

Shoguns the same as the old one and all obedient when attacking, then Brissa asks

Shadow fly away and they both fly away. Warmann - goes towards them, but the

Shoguns begin to attack; Warmann shoots steel bullets, but they do no damage

the androids' armor, then fires cannonballs, but with his

plasma shooter destroy them; the light bulb in Warmann's head shines

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and throws a fist-projectile towards one of the Shogun, but with his tail he pulls it towards

other side and explodes loudly. The Shoguns get ready and fire the hyper ray

plasma and Warmann explodes, but as a strong atomic explosion, the site is

violently devastated and the androids are pulverized, Sombra and Brissa

They hear the explosion in the distance.

They fly to the entrance of a meadow, where two

dominant creatures of the Nile, one of them is Dino croco and the other is a robot

called Ringdra, a square robot with a beefy body, spring-loaded hands,

head like a cover and with crazy eyes, in his hands there are strange rings

can. Dino Croco prepares to confront the legendary Sombra with his forces

In a strong battle duel, Ringdra is programmed to attack, Dino croco launches

with his snout the dark ray of death, but Shadow attacks that ray with his

Scalight's power both collide with great intensity.

The robot throws its spring hands and catches Brissa and compresses her,

but she uses her magic power and they make Ringdra fall and stun him, the robot

He is buried under them and frees Brissa, but the robot does not give up.

and comes out strong under these. As Shadow brutally increases his power and

defeats the dark ray and the light violently attacks Dino croco and burns him a

little, the creature becomes extremely enraged and launches an attack with its fury just like

Sombra who remembers that it was this one who had hurt him, Sombra uses his

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sword and shield, as ancient armor faces bites and scratches

lethal Dino croco. While Brissa prepares to battle again against the

robot who throws his multi rings, she avoids them by jumping and flying, taking out a

sword formed by its powers cuts them all, but the robot continues throwing

many rings and although Brissa cuts them, one of them goes through her and sticks

on her body and traps her while Ringdra uses her magic and controls

the girl's mind to turn evil. She tries hard not to listen and

With his inner strength he frees himself. Ringdra unable to move because her

mission was over he receives the attack of Brissa's lightsaber and this

explodes being defeated.

Dino croco's fury is very high and increases more and more, Sombra

covers the bites with his shield which is being destroyed, apart from that

The bites have a dangerous venom, as do their claws. Before a

Sombra carelessly takes the power of his sword Scalight and pierces his belly

to the brutal Dino croco and he falls with a violent scream of anger and when he falls he vanishes

between the ground. Shadow believes he has defeated the evil in the area until he sees

rapidly approaching a giant paramecium with a humanoid face called

Vairus that produces fatal diseases. Vairus releases virus spores

mortal that sicken and kill immediately, but Shadow with the power of

Scalight's light increases the power of the light and viruses like the Vairus are

caught fire and burn in the air.

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Sombra goes to help Brissa, but she with her head down and her

Angry expression enrages him and tells Shadow to prepare for battle.

Sombra walks away a little surprised and sees Brissa's demonic eyes.

hypnotized by one of Ringdra's hoops, she becomes very angry and throws with

his hands rings of power quickly, Sombra uses his sword with his powers

magnified and launches thousands of cutting edges that cut the rings in two. Shade

and Brissa fight with their swords while Sombra asks her to wake up,

but he doesn't succeed, the edge of the sword even breaks him and he doesn't react. Brissa

He uses his magic by throwing his sword to the ground and makes the stuffed animals fall but with

a powerful electrifying discharge attacks the stuffed animals and pulverizes them, then

remember what the battle of Queen Hornet was like and launch a small volley

electric shock and strongly attacks Brissa and leaves her unconscious on the ground,

weakened but the spell has disappeared, on the ground he leaves her sleeping and far away

of danger between the ground in a dome of light where he sleeps, he asks for forgiveness for

that but she will understand and look at the sky hoping that soon and this will be the

final battle, enter the hole thinking: - “when the blood has to fall to the ground,

fighting for victory will then be the day of the final battle.”- .

He enters a portal of light through which he is transported to the next place, the

ancient castle of Fortrhank on the feudal planet Zynk where humans-

goblins were killed by the demons of Charmaleon.

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Episode 2

Hope does not die until its end

Sombra defeats Dino Croco and even fights with Brissa because he was

hypnotized by Ringdra in the previous duel, however, Sombra is the warrior

legendary and cannot be defeated by any rival no matter how difficult it is.

be. Shadow passes through the time portal and travels between times and spaces and arrives

to the planet Zynk, it is a town of green gnomes who live in a feudal time

of ancient knights and fairies, magic and even medieval dragons.

But the kingdom was sacked by strong evil warriors sent by

Charmaleon and have murdered the villagers and taken over the castle with

all the riches and authority, the few survivors are taken as

slaves; -Sombra sees this situation and without thinking about it, he flies into battle,

while the surviving gnomes scream with happiness because according to ancient

Legends say that a warrior with a luminous sword would come from heaven.

defeat the forces of evil. Shadow is the legendary warrior. between the castle

Algel appears and runs until he is close to Sombra with his uranium arrows,

which he shoots from the entrance of the palace. Shadow covers himself with his shield

golden and flies so quickly that the arrows fired remain crooked between

the air. The hero arrives in front of Algiers and stands in front of him, and while Algiers

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He looks with pride, Shadow only looks at him as an opponent without much fear; Algiers

uses his strength and tries to seriously hit Shadow, but moving

He quickly avoids the fists and with a deadly electric shock he manages to attack

brutally attacked Algiers and left him on the ground defeated. Without much hesitation he sees the body

of his rival who disappears by evaporating and continues his journey entering the castle,

until he reaches the main room where the beauty appears, a beautiful woman of

angelic face and body, with green eyes and hair, in medieval Leadher costume

who plays a beautiful melody with his hypnotizing voice that tries to make you

Shadow reaches out to her.

The hypnotized person tries not to obey, but the power is very strong and

walks towards her, to make her dance and do ridiculous dance steps so

that he cannot attack her, and even saying that he is a clown; Shadow does everything

that and when he approaches her, she turns into a vampire and is going to bite his neck,

but at that the Scalight sword shines brightly and eliminates the spell of

Leadher, so no matter how hard he tries he can't hypnotize him. However,

The girl stunned by the sword light becomes enraged and shadows come out of her body.

of it that multiples begin to fight against Sombra like a duel of arts


One of the Leadhers is defeated, but duplicates emerge when they fall to the ground and

They begin to battle Shadow, however, on one occasion the

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Scalight's sword falls to the ground in a blow from a shadow, Leadher

He takes advantage and takes the sword and sets out to kill Sombra, but that sword

seeing that a warrior of good is being eliminated throws a burst of light so

powerful that all the girls disappear in a swoon. Shadow achieves

He gets up and takes his sword to continue his battle, but as he walks through the

Leadher's pet, a legendary dragon, emerges from a cage

called Mattrank and flies in anger throwing freezing ice with its snout.

Shadow is frozen, but manages to free himself three times, increasing his

inner power, then flee from the fury of that green dragon, run avoiding the

deadly attacks, the creature destroys everything in its path, freezing the site with

Its flames cool the place, while it cries out in anger. Shadow stops and prepares

to battle; .go to the dragon and wait for it to release its freezing air, then

Shadow returns the frozen air with his air tornado attack, then

freezing launches his multi-fist attack and leaves him turned into pieces of ice

on the floor. The hero does not let himself be discouraged because he feels that this battle will be

The definitive.

They arrive at an area where there are crystal statues of a being with a head.

of a piranha and a strong but hunchbacked and humanoid body, made of glass. Without

However, when they go unnoticed, the beings move and walk, jumping.

the Pyrharas, these beings shoot glass with their snout and even try to

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bite it with his teeth, Shadow covers himself with his shield and tries to throw them

rays of light, but they reflect them and damage Shadow a little and knock him to the ground.

The warrior stands up, recovering his strength as he sees the coming of the

creatures while shooting glass with their snout. Increasing your strength

interiors at the level of a warrior angel, manages to withstand the glass and they break when

collide with its light that protects it. Then he jumps with force and flies like a bird

phoenix made of light crosses the statues that end on the ground broken by


Without minor damage, he transforms into Shadow and with his illuminating fists

runs between the corridors giving multi-luminous fists to the Pyrharas that throw

glass or bite, but that no longer damages it and it defeats them all.

Continue to the end of the castle and climb the steps of a tall tower, until

the end where 2 small monsters appear on the cell chamber that

They block the way so that it does not disturb the dominant demon lord.

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The first is a small UFO that shoots salt and wax as it flies, the

Navy throws salt and wax to try to hurt his enemy, but fails because

Shadow increases his inner powers and covers himself as if he had a layer of

power that protects him. He then attacks the Navys with his illuminating sword. He

The second is a green chest with a mask and hanging from the ceiling, some

creatures called Traps, which drop bear traps, nails, and spears with their mouths

pointed But Shadow covers himself with his shield from nails and spears, and

When he sees the bear traps in the air he cuts them in the air before they close,

Trap continues throwing objects, but Shadow opens his wings of fire, concentrates his

power and launches strong electrical discharges that char the chests and spirit

Darkness of being emerges out and fades away.

Many Traps and Navys come out, but Sombra cannot stay to fight

and flees from them quickly, but seeing that the creatures fail to harm him

cover, a hatch is activated in the roof and through the steps of the door

Next a stone shaped like a bird's head follows him rolling, Shadow runs

of the stone that rolls to crush him, but the Round laughs believing that no

wall or terrain will prevent him, Sombra sees no way out, running many meters in

the stands. With his sword he jumps and cuts the stone in two, as it falls from the air, the

The rock falls on two sides and, without being able to roll, breaks into many parts. At the end of

the steps reaches the king's throne where he sees the hall full of body-penguins

egg and sharp helmet, and on the throne is King Dustar (a stegosaurus in a suit

astronaut, with boxing gloves) and the other was “Evil Copy Shadow” the same

to Sombra, but his suit was red and his sword is dark.

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The Bomboos try to trip Shadow by sliding on the

ground, but Shadow quickly jumps over them, but they cannot be destroyed because

They cover themselves as if they were closed eggs, Shadow jumps and avoids the air.

Freezing agents that creatures produce when fighting.

As they move and slide, Dustar emerges from the king's throne and with his

boxing fists walks out on the frozen track and tries to hit him

serious to Sombra, but since the hero slips all the time on the ground, in

Instead of punching him, he just slips and the stegosaurus hits him with its fists.

strong so that as a boxer he leaves Sombra very beaten on the court.

real dancing. The Bombuinos also slip and hit; in the face of pain and

disadvantage, Shadow remembers his beloved Venus, his beloved mother and his

friends, he misses them very much and sadness invades the heart of the warrior...

Then Shadow screams full of anger, his powers rise, he begins to

illuminate his suit and his sword shines illuminating the place, the ice evaporates and the

flash causes all the Bombuinos to fly away and break like

Eggshells and disassembled robots on the wall. Shadow's suit

returns with greater build and illuminates around the suit, his cuffs become

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luminous just as his vision glows with a green hue, his suit turns

gray to silver, his energies are restored and he becomes Supershadow, his

look becomes furious and he puts away his sword, he gets into battle stance ready

to fight against Dustar and against the evil Shadow.

Dustar attacks with his fists, Sombra uses lightning speed and avoids

be hit, dodging the fists and with his multi fists he goes out to attack and leaves

Dustar's suit was injured as was his head dome.

Treacherous, the dark Sombra launches himself with his dark sword to attack,

and Sombra fights with his sword of light against the dark sword, sending out rays

fusion between darkness and light. But the dark sword is broken in two,

then the evil dark Shadow releases an electrifying volley of sparks,

but Shadow attacks with his deadly electrifying discharge that attacks the

sparks and at the same time pulverizes the demonic Shadow.

Dustar rises with anger and power firing spears that are tipped

knife and they destroy even the wall, but Sombra cuts them through the air with

his Scalelight sword and fall to the ground. The furious Dustar, with his hands throws a

star beam that passes through destroying walls, Shadow concentrates his forces

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and holds the star ray with his hand and throws them to the other side, Dustar

He becomes enraged and launches many star bolts, but they are cut by the Scalight sword.

by moving it in the air. Dustar with his tiny brain can only think of one thing,

throw the stardust that makes you sleepy, and in this way he does it, Shadow does not give him

time and does not cover himself and falls asleep. Seeing him sleeping on the floor he thinks

escape, but something stops the mutant and says: - “And you, were you thinking of running away? Fight.

against me"-. . .

Dustar is heard elsewhere saying: - “damn, neither my fists nor my

star attack they touch it, the worst thing is that it resists the sleep dust”-; the creature

He only sticks a blade into the stegosaurus's chest and leaves it dead on the ground,

The demon's spirit evaporates, leaving the suit alone.

That mysterious being approaches Shadow and moves him with a pincer.

making him wake up, when Shadow looks at him he is happy to see him, it is Trilangerbero

who has come to fight for revenge for the death of his family and joins

Shadow to battle; Trilangerbero's armor is now golden due to the

Battles evolve their forces. Sombra and Trilangerbero feel good to see him

again and through the portal of light they head to the planet of Trilangerbero

where new battles await them until the end.

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Chapter 3

Rescue of the arthropod kingdom

Shadow defeats the creatures of the planet Zynk and now meets

Trilangerbero the old trilobite who defeats Dustar with his golden armor

and with his razor tongs; Sombra accepts the request to save his world

arthropod and defeat the supreme demons of Clandenia. Trilangerbero was the

best warrior and leader of his kingdom and in this way defends his

family of mosasaurids (now very old).

They arrive in front of the wide sea where they see anchored on the wooded coast a

pirate ship crossing the sea and throwing poisonous toxins at the creatures,

Those pirates from Clandenia have arrived and taken over the

giant arthropod forest; Shadow the legendary warrior and Trilangerbero

the super-blades board the ship because they believe that the warriors are

waiting in that place, the ghost pirate ship is full of ghosts of

pirate corpses that, upon seeing Sombra and Trilangerbero, launch themselves with their

blades to attack them, but with a powerful ray of light Shadow leaves them

destroying everyone. As the broken flags move, laughter is heard

ferocious creature who remains on the ship and who has taken care of

pollute the sea... The ghost mutant called Squiroghost appears, he is a

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being with the head of a sea horse, with the body of a puffer fish full of thorns and

It launches poisonous water with bloody tincture from its snout, which absorbs and melts

anything in its path; Sombra and Trilangerbero remove themselves from those attacks,

while the site is being filled by the poisonous water and at the same time

They fade away as if the place were melting. Squiroghost mocks and avenges death

of his father Scylla. However, with his Trilangerbero armor he walks among the

poisonous water and tells Shadow to get out of the boat and follow the route towards

the forest, without looking back he leaves as a loyal warrior.

Trilangerbero resists poisonous water and even tornado attacks

of poisonous water holding on to the ground with its pincers; shadow look of

away, but he leaves since Trilangerbero is a loyal warrior and if he tried to help him

I would kill him. Squiroghost launches ghostly wraiths but with his pincers they

destroys and that fills with rage the mutant sea horse who uses his fish body

balloon and begins to concentrate his strength on his stomach, swelling with anger and

power while absorbing everything nearby, like a vacuum cleaner takes away boards,

rags, even bodies; Trilangebero holds strong but

voluntarily launches itself as if swallowing it, then enters its stomach and with

its edge and its power launch the cutting beam with its pincers and the creature explodes

like a balloon it throws everything inside with a unique force, and Squiroghost

disappears. Trilangerbero falls over the side of the ship, recovers and gets up and

He goes after Shadow.

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Meanwhile the hero uses his sword cutting down giant bushes and

attacking with a beam of light giant insects that fly or move between

the grass, between large trees. Shadow thinks that forest is very big

and that there are no traces until the first dominant of the forest appears, the pirate

Birdrate, a mutant humanoid seagull with a pirate suit and is descended

of Peritborg as well as his raccoon-humanoid pirates.

Shadow prepares himself with his sword and fights with all the pirates.

raccoons and thanks to the strength and edge of his sword, he fights, winning and

destroying the steel swords, then prepares to battle against

Birdrate, who is not alone because the green-skinned samurai appears at his side,

long-haired Chinese Zhelong, who has a saber, and a red samurai suit and is

prepare to battle against whoever is a friend of the god Tamura; shadow

prepare and battle both warriors against their swords, but both are

very good swordsmen; Birdrate flies dodging the blows and trying to

stab while flying, while Zhelong uses his inner ken and moves at great speed.

speed turning and jumping trying to cut; Shadow is cornered

because both swordsmen are very fast, but when it is about to be cut

Trilangerbero appears and covers the two attacks with his pincers. shadow

glad to see him and they join together now if two against two. Shadow fights Zhelong

against his saber and Trilangebero against Birdrate; they fight in a sword duel

With strength and anger, their swords throw sparks, but finally the Scalight sword

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manages to cut Zhelong's saber and Trilangerbero's pincers cut Zhelong's sword.

Birdrate; Zhelong steps back and launches himself with the dragon strike attack

dark, Shadow launches himself towards the samurai with his illuminated fist and both

They cross each other, Sombra receives a super-punch in his face that knocks him away,

but Zhelong receives a fist in the chest that passes through him and he falls bleeding to the ground.

ground, Sombra is thrown towards a tree and hits hard, the ninja falls to the ground.

dead soil. Trilangerbero still fights with the creature, who shoots bullets of bullets at him.

steel with his gun, but can't get through it, so Birdrate dives

towards Trilangerbero, the arthropod begins to rotate around and forms a tornado

that uncontrolls the creature's flight and makes it fly uncontrollably until it falls

to the poisoned sea where, when defeated, it disappears into the sea. shadow

recovers from the impact and feels his power level increase as he battles

against the warriors, but there are 14 warriors left to defeat.

They approach Queen Hornet's kingdom where they see two demons that

They have dominated the great hive of the wasp queen and have killed all the

wasps. Sombra and Trilangerbero fly towards the hive while cutting into the

air giant wasps dominated by the evil mind of demons. They arrive

to the honeycomb and with their edges they attack the giant wasps and penetrate the honeycomb.

Then at the entrance appears the mutant Hippo, an angry hippopotamus

full of wool and spits wool out of its snout; that wool rolls up and traps the

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warriors while listening to a voice that greets them with irony and that they will soon go

to be eliminated, the giant cockroach Sparkroach appears, who attacked France

and with its beak-legs and its electrifying attack it kills its opponents.

Hippo manages to adhere the characters to the ground while preparing to

run and devour them, Sombra and Trilangerbero free themselves with their blades before they

the creature comes, it stops and waits for its master who appears in the

area with the other two demons, the armed, red-haired human and

strong body, his eyes are sparkling blue and they call him Oddine the knight of the

past, with Herculean strength and a warrior's pride, uses his forces against

any weapon that has a front, the long mushroom also appears in front of them

mutant that has a face and walks with its root-legs, with a highly poisonous

deadly, Venomous.

But suddenly 4 more demons appear on the site to defeat

Sombra and Trilangerbero so that together they can defeat Scalight and

to all their weapons, then the hive becomes dark as if the honey in the cells

would rot; those demons appear from the portals of light of Clandenia and

It starts to flash outside, to rain heavily and with small earthquakes

moves the earth; Those demons are:

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1-The hook-legged satellite with a head and thorax with muscles

piled up formed like clouds, an ancient satellite saved by

Charmaleon and who seeks revenge against oblivion, the blue mutant Astrosquatch.

2-The serpent made of thick blood, with furious and angry eyes.

large size, which shoots ink with its snout, Gangrene.

3-The amphibian human that looks like a dinosaur with a strong body, with

long ears like an amphibian and with a saw-hand, the great Sword.

4-The giant walrus with sharp teeth and the body of a bear, Walyursa.

All the demons gather before them and corner them so that

Apparently Sombra doesn't give up, but he sweats thinking how they are going to beat them.

because apparently they look invincible. Suddenly before starting to attack them,

something interrupts the battle... a portal of Light opens with great force and it is

where they appear... the revived ancient warriors

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Chapter 4

The battle of good against evil

Eight demons had appeared and were going to eliminate Shadow now.

Trilangerbero with his forces, but before attacking them a portal of light opens

interrupting the battle, where the warriors of the past come out, the warriors

chosen of the good; They were revived thanks to the essences of good before being

murdered by a mysterious dark warrior; When the portal of light opens, they come out

the six warriors allied to Sombra in their warrior form, who, upon the death of their

souls were rescued by Hyos, Drumm and Drobb, then revived by

their powers and in this way with a new chance to live they will fight

against the dark forces, because they deserve it for having fought among

so many battles. All the warriors of good are found, all revived and therefore

of course with his legendary hero powers, Shogun with his armor at the

side of her recovered daughter Brissa who hugs Sombra, thanking him for what

did to save her from the spell.

The demons become furious and stand in front of them for battle

Between good and bad; everyone gets into battle position. Everyone makes faces

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at the front of the duel and launch into battle, all the monsters and warriors

They teleport to an ancient dark cavern lit by flames and prepare

to battle:

Walyursa launches the attack first against Dryp in golden armor

and with its fists of steel, the creature launches itself with its animal fury and with its

aggressive teeth, against Dryp's striking pincers in a duel of

brutal blows.

Shogun launches his Sharming sword against Oddine and his sword

sacred making a struggle between her forces against those of the strong soldier, both

with iron courage without defeating.

Trilangerbero, full of warrior fury, launches into battle against

Sparkroach the electrifying iron cockroach, in a battle between blades

arthropods, the pincers of Trilangerbero against the beaks of Sparkroach. The

cockroach moves away a little and moves its legs like a cricket, to make sounds

that break glass, but since the trilobite is immune, nothing happens to it.

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Venusoria, motivated by seeing her beloved Sombra, prepares to battle

against the poisonous Venomous fungus, which moves like a seesaw to treat

to poison her, but Venus creates a spear in the shape of a thorny flower and

defends as if it were his sword.

Brissa happy and motivated, goes out to fight with all her freezing forces

against Hippo who throws hairballs, but the little girl transforms them into flakes

of snow, and by flying avoids his funa attacks.

Queen Hornet, full of anger at seeing her territory taken again

He flies towards Sword and with his stinger fights against the mutant's saw-hand.

Tamura the invincible, who had never died, but he and his ninjas

best went to other worlds to eliminate Vortex elites, with their entry of

ninjutsu prepares in a martial arts duel and plans to face

Gangrene the blood serpent, which casts vanishing bloody ink,

but is attacked by Tamura's tiger spirit master ken.

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Shadow of course prepares his sword and goes to fight alongside his

friends with his Scalight sword against the steel anchor he holds


The battle between the warriors is arduous, dodging deadly attacks and

attacking, or resisting high attacks that damage them but none of them surrender

Faced with this battle, it is a bloody battle between good and evil.

The battle continues, Trilangerbero cuts off the pincers or hook legs of

Sparkroach, but it attacks him with its deadly electric shock that leaves him

weakening, Shogun manages to break Oddine's sword with the Sharming sword,

but the warrior uses his fists and fights against Shogun, only the strength of

Oddine is very tall and her punches and kicks are very hurtful even though

Shogun hits him hard with his fists and kicks.

Dryp breaks Walyursa's fangs, but the enraged creature throws

with his mouth springs that hit and stun Dryp and that gives him an advantage

to give him slaps that scratch and even crush him on several occasions.

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Shadow manages to cut Astrosquatch's anchor in two, but the being made

of incredible forces he begins to fight with his fists, throwing the anchor to the ground,

but Shadow can't hit him because his body is made of clouds and he is

invisible and the creature takes advantage to give strong fists to Sombra

hurting him. Queen Hornet manages to cut his sawhand in two using her blades.

rotating cutters, but the creature without giving up hides under the

land, jumping and digs quickly hiding from the wasp, but she measures

with its sensors where it is located, the problem is that it emerges launching rays

that petrify, the wasp queen flies dodging the fast rays that can

petrify her.

Brissa manages to freeze all of the creature's hairballs and even

freezes the mutant hippo's mouth, rendering it useless, but the creature uses

its forces and destroys the ice, then throws with its snout a destructive echo that

breaks everything in its path, Brissa avoids the echo because it can destroy her eardrums

and more and more is trapped.

Venusoria manages to damage the fungus by avoiding the spore and at the same time shoots

pink darts at the creature that makes it very angry, then uses one of its roots and

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catches Venusoria and rolls it up, throws it away and releases a poisonous spore that goes

to sicken and kill her, she cannot free herself.

Tamura hits Gangrene with his luminous ken and hits her hard.

while avoiding the bites and tails, but the mutant begins to throw

disintegrating ink everywhere and it surrounds the ninja and if the ink flies

It emerges as a hand and could catch it and absorb it completely.

The heroes are trapped with no way out and no hope, but a voice

Before dying the essences of good listen from space saying: - “no

forget that you are the best chosen warriors of good, capable of

fight to the end... always be happy to know that this is true and that the

Hope must never die.”-

Suddenly the eight warriors illuminate with great intensity and their level of

strength increases to the maximum, near death hope survives and is

where the real battle begins where everyone recovers their strength.

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Tamura increases his strength and launches the hyper Raio-ken with his hands.

or divine ken of maximum strength that dries up all poisonous ink and even

Gangrene leaving the ground dry; Shogun is filled with fury and without thinking he throws

his super plasma beam and shoots towards Oddine and leaves him in dust.

Venusoria sees the virus coming and concentrating its forces launches with its

hands the burning sun ray that dries out the poisonous virus, then upon seeing the fungus

venomous Venomous, who is going to release many spores, she holds him with her

magic causing giant branches to come out that tie him and when he sees him still he throws

a heart ray that burns the mushroom by filling it with love.

Brissa looks at the other attacks and gets inspired, then her strength level

increases and flying at high speed crosses the sharp echoes and faces

to Hippo, and build with his magic many pretty dolls that walk

slowly towards the furious Hippo who mocks and goes to trample them, but when

do so, they explode like mines and only the echo is what remains because it becomes

ashes Queen Hornet waits for the lightning to petrify and turns to stone, but

Her inner strength frees her by exploding from the stone shell, then upon seeing Sword

which emerges furious from becoming immune to its attacks launches itself with fury, but

The wasp uses a new attack and with its powers creates an illusion attack

creating a copy of Sword which attacks each other in a duel of saws,

until they both kill each other, it being a battle of only himself. Dryp

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is crushed beneath Walyursa, but by increasing his strength he manages

pick it up and throw it away, even though it is very heavy, the slow and heavy creature

He gets angry and starts to destroy it while pulling springs with his snout, but

Dryp uses his cutting pincers and destroys them. Then jump and fly spinning

like a meteor and pierces the chest of the creature who falls defeated to the ground and is


Trilangerbero resists electrical attacks and with its pincers makes

ground, then seeing that it is not electrocuted the cockroach flees again, but

Trilangerbero jumps and with its rotating saw-like pincers cuts it into pieces.

Leaving only a metal armor on the ground, the spirit vanishes.

Finally, Sombra returns with his maximum battle level, he knows that he cannot

can hit Astrosquatch, but if he can beat him and see that his satellite part

is material, first it knocks the satellite to the ground with its catastrophic attack, making it

slip, the robot part is damaged, and Astrosquatch becomes visible, then before

After attacking, he receives the multi-fist attack that throws him defeated to the ground,

leaving only the satellite and its body evaporates. This time everyone has defeated

wrong once again; They dedicate the victory to the essences of good in their memory and

They swear to fight until the end. All motivated warriors prepare to fight

against them, but then a portal of light appears and a hand made

of electromagnetism appears and catches Shadow and quickly takes him away,

then the portal closes, taking him to an unknown destination on a ship

alien where is the beginning of the great final battle.

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Chapter 5

Travel aboard the infected spaceship

Sombra and his allies defeated the cave warriors along with their

friends but was kidnapped by an electromagnetic hand that takes him to the

ship where Charmeleon and Hercolubus have fled from Earth to invade new

worlds, that ship on the outside looks like a round, flat, silver disk,

flying at a speed of 72 km/s and with force, inside it was full of

computers, metal hatches and windows to space, there were also

glass domes that contained incubated demons like fetuses of them

locked in liquids, which looked with malicious eyes waiting to get out of

that place, those Vortex and Lordriner-like demons were being

incubated to be released and eliminate the species. Shadow takes and

prepares to battle, running between the metal corridors crossing the

hatches until you reach the main living room where you can see the space from a

large window where you look at space while traveling in the place, where it is only

surrounded by machines that direct the flight of the ship. In that place while

Shadow admires the sight the first of the six allies of darkness appears,

an octopus that flies by gravitation, with a humanoid face and a beak, with a large

mind, the ship's mastermind, Mastermind.

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Before he proposes to battle, a being like a figure appears

dark humanoid with his sword Scadark (opposite of Scalight, but in dark),

It is a shadow of a humanoid being in a ninja suit. and. with. strong build and

his skull shield tells him: - “My name is Inferno; loyal guardian and leader of the

loyal dark forces, who bear my sword Scadark and challenge you, Shadow the

warrior of light in the final duel, in the kingdom of shadows in Clandenia,

where good and evil confront each other." Then it disappears like dark smoke,

Shadow is speechless, but focuses on the duel against Mastermind.

Shadow launches an attack, but the mastermind uses his psychic powers and

He stops Shadow in the air and with a mental wave throws Shadow to the ground

brutally; He gets up, but is knocked to the ground again by another psychic wave.

Apparently this warrior was Psyncro's teacher and seeks revenge on the

death of his disciple, Sombra -use the attack he planned against Psyncro of

two attacks in one, but the octopus rotates its tentacles and makes a power field

which blocks both attacks and avoids being attacked.

Shadow doesn't know how to beat him, because he avoids all the attacks and his

mental waves are invisible but they attack brutally, without much thought

Mastermind uses his second attack and with his mental powers creates a

illusion to Sombra where he sees himself attacked by all the demons he had

defeated and even his evil friends, without hesitation he uses his sword in his

mind but it turns to ashes and is attacked by all mental illusions,

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That makes Shadow scared and he falls defeated, scared by an illusion in

his mind while the octopus approaches little by little and holds him with its

tentacles to gut him; While suffering the illusion he hears a voice that

remembers in his mind a memory in his mind where his mother told him something

time: "You know Magnum, even though I suffer the attacks of that man, you

father... I only have hope that the pain is not forever and that for

many obstacles that life has, we should never fear because whoever

really succeed in life are the three major forces; love, strength and

Wisdom, never forget that what you don't see is worth more than what scares you,

you must always follow and if you ever hear an evil voice inside your

heart, always fight to overcome it because it will never hurt you but if

If you beat the first time you kill yourself...''-. Shadow has strength of courage

remember that and with his fists alone he throws himself towards the demons without fear and without

powers, and with his inner strength he destroys all illusions by hitting them all

with their fists because they never existed. The spell is broken and like electricity

illuminates Sombra's body and causes Mastermind to release it in reaction.

The octopus launches other mental waves, but with its hands to the sky

increases his strength and covers himself with a luminous force and launches himself through

mental waves, and strongly attacks Mastermind with his fist of faith

luminous and beats him brutally and throws him to the ground defeated. The octopus disappears

just like all evil illusions. Shadow wins and runs to the next one

place in the warehouse where the computer room is located, full of chips and

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access buttons, where there are robot claws that move from one side to the other

with force just like laser sensors.

The person who had transported him to that side appears, a creature with

body of a manta ray, but with the structure of a marine worm and its head

magnet and with long hands, is a green being called Magnetrunk.

Magnetrunk launches a computer virus into computers with his eyes

that drives computers and hands crazy just like lasers

they start shooting; Shadow covers himself with his new mirror shield that reflects

the rays and returns them towards the devices, while using his sword and destroying

the gadgets with his sword and accept Magnetrunk's challenge to battle.

The beast uses its head-magnet and attracts all the metal in the place and even the

parts robots, and making them a pile of scrap he throws it towards Shadow, but

he cuts them with his sword again and again; Seeing that the scrap spheres swim

they do to him, then he increases the power of the magnet and absorbs the Scalight sword,

but the sword releases so much power when stuck to the magnet that it explodes,

It doesn't matter to the creature that he throws his sword away; Shadow takes the sword.

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Magnetrunk begins to absorb Shadow's energy with his body and

It takes away energy from the warrior; Shadow continues to increase his inner energy,

but Magnetrunk takes it away, until the hero overloads his inner strength by

maximum and faced with so much power that it absorbs, the creature explodes, releasing all the

energy and is left in ashes.

Shadow runs to the next adventure, between the metal corridors between

glass windows where you look at the solar system and all the galaxies and stars

at high speed, and even while watching the comets a new danger looms

looms The place around the ship is full of giant eggs of some kind.

species of giant insect; When those eggs sense their food, they open to attack;

Without waiting for it, some creatures with the body of a dragonfly but with a snout fly out.

hooked and strong dark body, all full of fury and their victims who are

human skeletons lying on the ship they call them Zync; those creatures are born,

They attack humans by entering the body, then devour their soul

absorbing their strength and then eating their flesh from the inside out. .

They are going to devour Shadow while their strong bodies destroy walls

and everything that comes their way... Sombra uses his sword Scalight and the

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attacks but every time he cuts them with his sword, twice as many appear, that is, every

They sometimes double according to the cuts they make; the creatures launch themselves with

aggressive bites towards Sombra until they completely cover him while

they bite; but at that a female voice melodiously shouts “solar song”

while he sings with an angelic tone and makes the place fall from the sky

flames of blue fire invisibly crossing the ship that burn

and pulverize the screeching Zyncs while others hatch in eggs to attack

the woman; releasing Shadow who looks where that voice came from... it's Helena

Sunsong who has been revived because his spirit cannot rest in peace when

know that her melodious voice and angelic presence is very beautiful for

belonging to the dark elite who were deceived and ask to fight alongside Sombra.

The solar ray eliminates all the mutants and she ends the angelic choir, Sombra

knows who, but without thinking he recovers his breaks by increasing his power and

heals, then goes to her and happily hugs her and thanks her for what she did; but

Although she accepts the hug, she tells him that she should think about it better, and

mysteriously disappears like a ray of light.

Sombra is surprised, but he knows that he has chosen a good path

and that he would see her again. It continues its journey until it runs to the next one

hallway where the giant missile part is located; where Shadow arrives

Hercolubus appears who looks at Shadow with anger and with robot words tells him

warrior that his time is ending in this place and that the elite of Charmaleon do not

is going to be destroyed and Super Shadow tells him to prepare to die. Hercolubus

fires its powerful rays to destroy Sombra, but with its mirror shield
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It refracts them and they collide elsewhere. Hercolubus launches a super laser beam

destroyer, but with his mirror shield he refracts it and returns it, damaging the laser.

Hercolubus is filled with anger and with his strength he gives a strong fist to the ship and

flies out of the ship, not to escape but to challenge Shadow to battle

between forces, Sombra flies with his wings of fire accepting the challenge and with his

internal forces does not suffocate.

Hercolubus launches many tops of 50 with its belly hatch.

meters that appear tiny and grow, hitting Shadow, they hit him

hard as he tries to concentrate, but the spinning tops hit him

fiercely, the hero is super damaged by the 8 tops that are hitting him,

Between the pain he makes an effort and with his sword he destroys them all with his

Scalight sword.

Hercolubus launches thousands of diamond stones with his shooting beam,

that attack breaking rocks and many objects around Sombra, the warrior

he covers himself with his shield and with the illuminating power of the golden shield every time

that collide with it, the diamonds burn as if they were made of ice, those

crystals break the ship, but the shield ends up evaporating everyone and the robot

Overload your trigger and the same diamonds break the trigger.

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Sombra fights relying on himself while Hercolubus fills

of anger and increases his power, taking meteors in his hand and throwing them towards

Shadow, but destroys them with his sword; then he puts away his sword and prepares

to battle against the superhuman forces of Hercolubus. The robot uses his anger

dangerous and hits hard leaving Shadow seriously beaten with

a few blows, while Shadow does not have enough strength and neither

It doesn't even damage it.

The robot even makes him bleed a little, Shadow falls weakened and sees that

nothing can beat him, but remember that he is a robot made of metal without

feelings, but with a lot of circuit, then he launches the attack with his hands

maximum of electricity, the electric tornado. Hercolubus feels invincible and

receives the attack, but forgets what makes it up and that tornado envelops it and

destroy all the circuits. Hercolubus screams in anger and uncontrollably explodes.

brutal and makes the ship lose its control because with its chips it controlled the


Shadow goes down to the ship, damaged, but the power of the Scalight sword

illuminates and restores his strength, heals him and like lightning transports him to a-

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planet before the ship explodes like a nuclear bomb, escaping the

explosion arrives on that planet to fight Doctor Charmaleon.

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Chapter 6

The troops of the final day.

Shadow defeats the powerful Hercolubus in the duel outside the ship and

then Scalight transports him out of the exploding ship and as if he were a

meteor takes it flying like a flame flying at high speed in space.

While Shadow travels in space, the warriors of good follow the cave and

They encounter a creature made of glass called Bulbor and it has the shape of

an Australian King's chlamydosaurus, it is giant and rests between stones

crystalline. However, the creature does not move and with its crystalline body it

uses it as a mirror and creates copies of the warriors and they attack their originals

with their equal powers; everyone fights with their evil clones, but without realizing

Bulbor's account illuminates his body as if absorbing light and launches a discharge of

light that destroys the copies and throws the beaten heroes to the ground.

Before they get up, Bulbor repeats the copies and while they fight

They do the same attack again, but the light that Bulbor throws hits them again.

seriously. Then all the characters join together and wait for their clones to come,

They increase their inner power and all launch their best attacks in one go

(Plasma Beam, Dragon Ken, Solar Beam, Freezing Power, Cutter Beam,

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projectile pincer, sonic wave) and this power passes through the clones and even

They pass through Bulbor's beam of light and it is turned into pieces of glass.

The warriors recover their strength and with their powers they fly or

teleport to other worlds to fight against the armies of clones, Vortex,

imps, raptors, zombies, vampires, dark wasps, and dark ninjas).

Shadow arrives at the water planet, where there are only seas, before there were fish and

a lot of marine life but the 3 dominant monsters have eliminated them and have

contaminated the sea, although it does not appear contaminated, the acid it uses

Charmaleon and Petrylleum have poisoned the water.

Shadow increases his powers and emerges swimming at high speed

inside the sea, without drowning and being able to move at high speed through the water

and walks on the sandy bottom with his Scalight sword illuminating the entire site.

He reaches the coral reefs and sees them destroyed by something that

crushed with force and that has eliminated all species, contaminating it by

a type of gum or glue and petroleum; then the first creature appears who

did that massacre, it was Petrylleum, a being with the face of a mutant anteater,

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with legs like a heavy reptile and has a color as dark as oil, with its hands

long oil and rubber lances.

Shadow prepares for the first battle, the creature throws rubber in the

feet and holds him to the bottom, then jumps hard to fall on top of Shadow, but

With its power of electricity it burns the rubber and is removed before being crushed.

Petrylleum throws rubber again that completely glues Sombra to the ground and

Petrylleum jumps to crush it, but with an electric shock it dries the rubber and is

releases, avoiding crushing.

It happens a third time when he gets stuck, he frees himself, but when he sees him fall,

Shadow takes his luminous fist and brutally punches it in the air and throws it away.

brutally between the ocean floor.

Petrylleum rises with anger and forms an oil tornado in the water.

poisonous that destroys everything in its path and kills

poisoned, that tornado even destroys marine corals and destroys them

as if a tornado of air took him away and poisoned him. Shadow sees it coming,

He takes it with his hands forcefully, preventing him from taking it away, using his strength and

his courage, he uses the electricity he throws with his hands and returns him converted

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in an electrifying tornado that traps Petrylleum and dries him up like the entire


Shadow eliminates that mutant, cursed for destroying corals and life

Marina, feels sad to know that this is how the Earth could end if the

human ending the world, he gets a little tired just thinking about it and fears that this

not be the final battle.

Shadow follows the path until he reaches an area near an ancient

sunken sea ship where sharks and octopuses were seen inside them, now

They have died and only their remains remain. As he approaches the ship, he receives a blow from

an object that swung as if it were a hammock, is a being similar to

death, a skeleton with a black cloak and with a long sickle in one hand and

one steel sphere in the other, he rocks with his long hands holding on

a coral with holes, kicking as it spins.

With a ray of light Shadow destroys the rocky dead coral and stones

They fall on the head of Cronus, the evil being. But you don't beat it that way,

rather he rises emerging from the rocks and prepares to fight with his sickle

against the sword Scalelight; The sickle is very sharp, but the Scalight sword is sharper.

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and cuts the sickle in two. Without fearing Cronos, he throws many steel spheres with his

second hand creating them with his power, but they are cut by the sword


Cronus mocks because with the enigma of “time heals but kills,

"it hurts and sometimes it takes a lot from us," he uses his magical powers and makes the

time uncontrollably and quickly Shadow is wasting away, as if

became old, his body feels weak and without strength, his back hurts and

the legs (remember that Shadow in parts 1 and 2 is a human being with

abilities of avenging specter), then Kronos returns him to the age of 120

until the age of a baby, where he looks like a shadow baby, unable to defend himself.

This is how it happens sometimes and Cronos plays with time, then Shadow

he thinks he must beat him in the right time, wait until he reaches the age

correct and when it passes, in seconds he runs and pierces Cronus with his sword

illuminant without realizing it and the light-filled cut illuminates so strongly that the

Elder Shadow sees the glow where the ghost is pulverized.

Shadow falls, becomes young again and regains his strength, then

swim and enter Dr. Charmaleon's lair on the ss Evilhem, a ship

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submerged under the sea where all time portals communicate, the ship

On the outside it looks like an old transatlantic ship, but on the inside it is a ship

luxurious place where Charmeleon lives and kidnaps beings from all over the universe

the portals, kidnaps them and first sacrifices them in an inhuman way and then


Shadow swims quickly and through the rear hatch he sees one of the

portals of light where Cronus had left and enters the ship, but finds himself

with the surprise of finding himself in the main room of the ship and in front of it,

There is Doctor Charmaleon waiting for the final battle.

Between the final battle, Sombra against Charmaleon, the hero heads towards

this for the final battle, but mysteriously and teleported back to

appear the great robot Hercolubus who was apparently revived by Inferno as

a second chance and he, feeling furious at Sombra, tells him that

The duel is not over. He increases his energy and throws himself towards Sombra who

is prepared with Scalight, however, in front of Sombra he disappears and

He appears in the dark sky, concentrating his infinite power in his hands. Forming

asteroids and comets, with his magic in the sky he throws them towards Sombra to

crush it or produce atomic bombs; Sombra uses the power of Scalight's light

and launches a beam that destroys the red and burning asteroids;

Hercolubus continues launching asteroids and comets but the light wave destroys them

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before impacting the ground; stopping attacking, Sombra launches himself with his sword

and tries to cut it, but the robot is so fast that it moves at a speed

incredible and repels all attacks, even when he can attack Shadow with

his strong fists behind his back.

Hercolubus launches magnetic waves that immobilize Shadow and receives

attacks when it appears, but Scalight shines brightly and covers Shadow of

light that protects it from magnetism; Hercolubus is a child robot and he doesn't even know what

What he wants, just to be as strong as Shogun. Hercolubus launches the mutant ray

to transform Evil Shadow, but upon seeing the lightning he dodges it at great speed.

speed, he shoots it many times, but upon sensing the lightning wave, he can

dodge it as the robot curses, its eyes turning red, spewing smoke.

its vents. Shadow launches electric shocks in vain, but they do not harm him

by being invisible; Hercolubus laughs in a slow voice and Robotics. Shadow is

being left powerless and receiving dangerous attacks. While attacking, he takes care

of meteors that the fast robot launches with its hands. Shadow doesn't know how

defend himself from that master robot and think about how to stop him since he has no

energy like a living being, but it is a being with magnetism and can sense if it is

close or not.

Shadow closes his eyes, analyzes where his energy is, feels it close and

The two warriors join in a struggle of hands, as if in a fight by throwing themselves

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towards each other, with great force. Hercolubus thinks that, if he has it close, he must

transform him into a mutant and make him his slave, but he is passionate that he must

absorb its energy with your hands. When he does this, Shadow tells him that

This was his plan and now the great robot is lost. With his hands

grabbing Hercolubus he shouts “electric shock” that is transmitted to him by a super

voltage too high and the robot's circuits overload and collapse, Shadow with a

twist of his hands, he throws it into space where it is recharged and it explodes


Sombra regains his strength and now heads to the final battle.

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Chapter 7

The presence of evil

Sombra enters the pirate ship where the dark Doctor Charmaleon is.

waiting for the final battle, he thinks about destroying it with his own

powers. Sombra arrives at the main room where Doctor Charmaleon looks at him.

from the high balcony across the steps, but flees while calling for allies

finals to eliminate him while he flees not out of fear but to set a trap for him;

then Shadow sees him where he flees while the doctor telepathically calls

some creatures that arrive on the room transported by the portals of light.

A portal of light appears where 4 warriors from the past have found themselves.

transported to that place, one of them is Shogun and I told the other three

friends to come forward to the main room while the robot sets up some

computers that you see in that place, that control the data of the Earth,

configuring the identity of all human beings, nuclear bases, bases

from data, to unplanned destruction plans; Shogun connects his

circuit cables to computers and is then swallowed virtually as

hologram to the cyber world of networks.

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Shogun arrives in a place similar to the real world in the city of Japan

where data such as documents, images and multimedia walk

between streets, as if they were people, but they run from a destructive machine

destroying streets and buildings, then he sees a giant robot made of

hologram and computer bytes, planning to attack the world by destroying the

data and at the same time taking information from everyone, to go out and destroy the world

external, thereby being invincible. Shogun is not going to allow it and flies up

reach a tall tower of a holographic building, while the data looks at what

It occurs and is understood in this way: -NICK: SHOGUN, ANTIVIRUS.EXE, DELEITE


Shogun fires his plasma beam attacking the virus creature called

Colxyde .exe and while using his fists he destroys the data, but Shogun avoids the

being of human form with the shape of a classic hero with horns and a body like

if it were made of silver metal. Shogun can't even touch it because that virus can

really eliminate it.

Shogun fires his plasma beam against bullets and projectiles

Coloxide destructive. Exe, its red eyes identify the android and shoot

all bullets and projectiles while Shogun flees jumping between buildings

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what a shot The bullets attack Shogun that gradually erase him, fearing

Being eliminated loses energy, but he thinks about his daughter who he thinks has died and

He cries for her... but that won't make her come back. And with his little strength he raises his powers to

maximum point and his armor turns illuminating gold and recovers.

The virus identifies the recovery and launches projectiles, but they do not scratch

their armor, rather it melts them by touching their armor. Coloxide.exe launches its

destructive fist to Shogun, the android avoids the blow while destroying the cyber

space and his plasma launcher shines like a star and with his elevated powers he launches

a powerful true space ray that burns out the circuits of the entire site,

but at the same time it traps Coloxyde in the net and that high magnitude ray that destroys

with Coloxyde in real order and it disappears, but the Internet networks remain

seriously damaged. Shogun flees by teleportation to outside the site

and run to where it is located

Shadow while the room is left with the burned computers.

Sombra is in front of Dr. Charmaleon, but he only looks at him, they both look at him.

He glares as the doctor plans something and then runs away from Shadow.

while 4 dark allies coming from light portals appear at

protect him and block Shadow's path.

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Sombra watches Charmaleon flee, but can't cross the 4 allies

dark, and of course he must fight them before continuing, but in that

moment Shogun (transported in his golden armor), Tamura and

Trilangerbero, the warriors with the highest battle level and join Sombra to

the battle to the death. One of them is a revived Zhelong, the other is a king of the

magic card, a bearded king with a flat body and a red suit called Cardomo,

The third is the projectile-launching robot Apatosaurus with a train body and a tail

full of heavy pins called Toratrum and the last one is Flywegon the fly

mutant that has the body of a slug and the face of a giant flying fly, gives

a lot of disgust

The battle is going to be four against four for the final honor of warrior and

Everyone decides who they are going to battle this time; Meanwhile Charmaleon and the

dark Inferno look at the battle from afar, but they know that Sombra is going to defeat them

because those warriors are the final test to see if they are such good warriors

as they say.

Tamura and Zhelong fight in a kendo duel where they fight with their

swords and with karate attacks, they jump and spin with flying kick tricks

and fists fight with their swords shining with a very strong ken.

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Toratrum launches projectiles that attack Shogun, but do not destroy him,

They only damage it a little, but the android attacks the Toratrum with its space beam

that is hurting him. Trilangerbero launches itself with its pincers and jumps, avoiding the

disgusting mass that launches the Flywegon fly and kicks it in the face

when it can, but it is gradually infected by the decomposition of the

fly, in fact, worms come out of its body that pierce it and fill it with

parasites throughout the body eating him from the inside, making him sick.

Shadow sees the king of the giant playing card come out of it and throws lightning bolts

of magic that turns the hero into a chimpanzee, but Scalight's power

returns to his normal form, and attacks Cardomo with electric shocks. Without

However, Cardomo transforms that lightning into cards.

Tamura and Zhelong fight until their sabers break in two.

parts, then they throw them to the ground and fight with karate blows and kicks, with

power ken attack each other strongly.

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Trilangerbero receives a lot of poison in its shell, but Flywegon remains

badly hit by Trilangerbero's kicks, but the trilobite evolves and its

shell becomes luminous and burns all the poison, in addition to the worms...

enduring this, he faces the fly who throws waste with its snout

disgusting, while flying, but without being left behind, the trilobite jumps and hits

strong attacks. Shadow launches a ray of light that cancels the magic of

Cardomo, but the card throws cutting cards, but covering itself with its shield

golden and cutting them in the air with his sword he manages to defend himself.

Shogun fires a space beam after enduring the projectiles, and

destroys the missile launcher, managing to damage the silver robot. Toratrum seeing that

its system crashes, so it uses its tail pins and moves them violently

on the ground and produces a strong earthquake that makes the characters dizzy.

Tamura and Zhelong throw a high-powered illuminated fist ken at each other and

They throw each other, they cross each other with force; then they pass... Zhelong falls with

his chest pierced and he lies bloody on the ground, but Tamura

He falls with his chest pierced, takes a few steps and falls dying honoring his

great warrior.

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Trilangerbero uses his pincers and cuts off Flywegon's head for

revenge for the fact that he was the one who eliminated his family, he kills him by beheading him; he

body falls to the ground like his head and explodes like a bomb, but

After receiving a lot of septic poison, he dies of poisoning, lying on the ground.

Shogun gets dizzy and does not attack the robot accurately, his space beam hits

part of the mirror-type robot from its armor and damages itself, then without looking

back, because that earthquake is causing the entire Earth to tremble now.

once the battle is dizzy, then he shoots it flying in the air, but its structure

mirror returns the rays and damages all the circuits, that damages the structure

of Shogun who throws himself and ties himself to the head of Toratrum and

Overloading his power, he transports himself with the robot to the cave where

His friends and even his daughter have died from the battles between them and the Bulbors.

which attacked with their claws and tails. Although many were destroyed

Due to their fragility, there were still many left, Shogun is filled with anger and like a bomb

atomic bomb explodes with everything and the Toratrum robot, leaving everything in ashes and the

The cave collapses completely, crushing the Bulbors.

Shadow gets tired of the first level attacks of the human card and with

his sword and great speed cuts the card into a thousand pieces and leaves it turned into

pieces of paper that burn themselves; does not take significant damage and runs

steps until he crosses a portal of light where Charmaleon fled towards a

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ancient cemetery located in Transylvania, where there are coffins with crosses on

everywhere. However, the dead just like vampires and beasts

legendaries see Shadow coming out of their tombs, but are attacked by the

high-power electric tornado that leaves them in ashes. - Shadow shouts

name of Doctor Charmaleon and he appears with great fury, he prepares to

the final battle, reminds him that this is the reincarnation of Krimbell Vortax his

arch enemy, that fills Sombra with anger and ready to begin the “final” battle.

Seeing that his rival has no weapon, he launches himself with his forces

concentrated and gives him some strong fists in the belly, but he is trapped in

the rubber belly that blocks the attacks and the doctor gives him strong fists on the

face that knocks Shadow to the ground.

Sombra gets up and with his forces fights against Charmaleon against

their brutal forces, both give each other strong punches and kicks, falling to the ground,

but without giving up they get up, they continue fighting until the graves are left

broken when falling on them; They are both very strong and fight with all their might.

giving each other strong punches and hurtful kicks.

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Charmaleon shoots with his eyes the moonbeam that passes through like

Sombra's suit is lasered, but the mutant is attacked by the discharges

deadly electrifying ones that burn him a little.

The battle continues, both with equal power prepare for the attack


Charmaleon uses her power and concentrates her dark magic and makes it emerge

a wave of burning, corrosive acid that damages everything in its path. The acid wave

He comes towards Sombra and has nowhere to run; trusting in himself he concentrates his

powers of good in himself and with his illuminating sword and his golden suit

bright as the sun, it pierces the burning acid that completely covers it.

Charmaleon believes he has defeated him when he sees that he cannot come out of the acid that burns the site

with great strength... he is happy to know that he has finally defeated him.

However, something like a being made of fire comes out, it is Shadow that

emerges from the acid with the suit and his sword illuminating as if they were made of

yellow fire; Charmaleon launches another wave of acid, but it does no damage,

nor their poisonous saliva nor even the moonbeam.

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Sombra will make him pay for the innocent people and with fury he stands in front of

Charmaleon who, with no way out, rushes like a wild beast full of rage to kill him, but

Shadow takes his illuminating sword and pierces the creature through the chest, at great speed.

speed that crosses it with the Scalelight.

Charmaleon looks at Sombra, says: “-Curse you always Sombra, for

It's your fault the world was never dark, but ask it not to come back because if

No, you will not be able to die and you will suffer eternally without being able to... die, I die with the

"I'm angry knowing that I couldn't kill you, but I leave it in the hands of Mr. Inferno." -

Charmaleon falls to the ground and his body vanishes with black spirits

of furious flying gargoyles that destroy each other in the air. leaving the body

of Charles on the ground dead.

Sombra regains his strength and is now a little more serious since

Crossing the next light portal you reach the bottom of the great pyramid of Egypt,

where he runs across a passageway crossing arrows that is covered with his

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shield, spears that he cuts with his sword, sliding walls that he destroys with

his strength from his fists, and giant holes that he flies through and arrives before the

king's chamber, illuminated by ancient torches and filled with hieroglyphs,

sarcophagi and statues of Egyptian knights.

Then crossing with great force breaking the wall with his fists

Inferno appears, the lord of darkness with his sword Scadark, ready for the

battle of the end of times, Shadow vs. Hell.

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Chapter 8

Shadow vs. Hell

Sombra defeats Doctor Charmaleon and all his elite, then

crosses the great Pyramid of the king in Egypt, crosses destroying all the

weapons and reaches the place where the master of darkness Inferno is located, it is

a humanoid with a suit like a dark ninja, with luminous blue eyes, with his

dark sword Scadark, and with his skull shield, his dark blue ninja-type suit-

super hero but his mind is black like his soul, he has great strength and his

attacks are equivalent to Shadow's except that Shadow fights with desire

to defeat evil and the other to dominate. He tells Sombra: - “I am Inferno, great

master of darkness and king of Clandenia, the universe parallel to Earth where

Wars and evil have destroyed the universe and pollution is the mark

of his evil. I will tell you that millions of years ago the sword Scalight and the sword

Scaradark were created by gods of good and evil, in a fight between good

and evil, however both gods of the two ranks ended the battle by

dominate human minds by creating beings that work alongside good and

evil beings, hell and heaven are created; then the swords remain in

hands of the gods of both dimensions, the universe of matter and Zantrap

(antimatter universe parallel to that of good but yet evil). I am the

Mightiest warrior of all and the end, no need for dark gods kingdom

like the darkest and most evil god; now the final battle is in this pyramid

where now it flies taking off through space. Prepare to die Shadow

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or rather Clamper (the first Shadow that existed in the past and was at the

side of good and his spirit reincarnated into Magnum by taking the sword Scalight).

Inferno launches giant monstrous warrior-beetles called

Drobytes that go out furiously to battle, throwing bubbles that touch, irritating the

Shadow's suit, others throw boomerangs with their heads, although Shadow

protects with his shield from boomerangs and bubbles that touch

burning and of course with electric shocks destroys the

beetles, there are many and dodge the attacks that Inferno makes when attacking, but

Just then one of the beetles is attacked by a falling giant plush bear.

that crushes him.

Sombra turns to look, it is Brissa who had saved herself by going out through a

cave route, then gets lost and does not die like the others in a long

battle, decides to leave by teleporting, he doubts it, but upon hearing the explosion of

Shogun confirms what he says and is transported to where he is before being destroyed.

find the good, reaching out with Shadow; He tells him to continue the battle

while fighting the Drobytes beetles.

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While Brissa fights the beetles using the freezing power

against the boomerangs of the Drobytes and the dolls made of energy

Explosive against the bubbles, Sombra begins the final battle. Brissa is damaged by

irritating bubbles and take care of the cutting boomerangs, there are many and

I know it exhausts little by little.

Shadow prepares and with his final sword and with his illuminating sword

Scalight fights the dark sword Scadark of Inferno, in a duel of

forces between good and evil, where both fight with their sword with force

coming out when rays of light and darkness collide, both look at each other with unlimited fury

and with very high power, however Inferno is very fast and gains ground because

He attacks with the sword with greater force and is very fast and wounds the man's arms.

graze the edge and even receives kicks when he is careless and throws him to the ground beaten.

The beautiful Helena appears in front of Inferno and rushes towards the demon with

its giant solar ray that burns some Drobytes and then launches it towards Inferno,

but the mutant walks through him, She uses her kung fu powers to

hit him, but it is useless because no blow hurts him, the mutant approaches and with

His sword sticks into the girl's belly killing her, she falls dying and

bleeding on the floor, he asks Sombra for forgiveness and that he knows that only he can

save the universe from evil. He dies and disappears into thin air.

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Brissa, weakened by the battles, is beaten by the Drobytes, without

unable to move, she falls and is hit by the beetles. Shadow looks down,

He wants to help her, but Inferno kicks him in the face and leaves him unconscious. Hell

He feels that he has won and goes towards the girl, he thinks about taking her soul and turning her

malignant or perhaps get into your body to be a parasitic being and grow until

destroy her inside like a parasite and obtain her powers. shadow

He wakes up and hears that, then he gets up and is filled with great anger, he screams with fury.

and with his advanced powers he makes his suit as well as his sword illuminate

with such force that they become of unlimited level, that light destroys the Drobytes

turning them into ashes and hits Inferno, knocking him to the ground hard. Brissa looks

to the new Shadow final phase with the suit made of light before dying.

Restoring his forces to unlimited power he rushes towards Inferno who

rises and fights with their high-level swords, which launch lightning bolts as they thunder with

strength and both warriors fight with the desire to win, at a very fast speed.

high with force that light and darkness collide.

However, after so many battles against the forces of evil, the

dark sword is destroyed, turned into a cluster of darkness,

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turned into dust, however, Sombra and Inferno do not let themselves be defeated and fight

with all their strength in a duel of strong kicks and fists, both with great

strength and anger and they hit each other strongly with their illuminated fists, both are left

seriously damaged.

Hit hard, they do not give up; Shadow launches the hyper discharge

electrical and attacks the positronic hyper discharge (red antimatter rays) with high

destructive power that collide in the air, lightning strikes with forces

equivalent but opposite in high destructive power. Sombra and Inferno are

really tired, but the anger is very high and without giving up they continue the intense

battle to the death where the warriors are filled with anger every second when they see that

no one wants to give up. They continue fighting for a long time with their swords,

They fight powerfully, both swords are indestructible... They fight

aggressively in a battle where neither of them wants to give up, furthermore

his forces increase to the maximum, Scalight shines brightly and Scarark

increases its power until it emits dark light, they fight strongly and when hitting their

weapons flashes occur throughout space.

Inferno attacks with the final attack, the greatest attack of a warrior called

Final attack, he gathers his forces 100% and concentrates them on himself with

darkness in his soul, unites with the dark sphere of his sword and launches a

dark sphere that spins like a tornado, destroying statues and even the

3. 4. 5
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dead bodies destroying them and goes towards Shadow who does not move and with

his inner forces protect himself while the tornado destroys everything...

The destructive tornado takes all of Inferno's power and even leaves him

almost powerless, Shadow cannot be seen after the tornado and apparently believes he has

destroyed. Inferno believes he has won and thinks about going to Earth to make his dominion

greater and then that of the total universe.

He leaves through a portal of light towards space where he sees thousands of planets, and

where it is flying quickly, it stops and it is because something blocks its path, it is

Shadow who is unharmed and in front of him with a lot of power, that sphere only

transported him out of the pyramid, but never harmed him. Inferno enrages, but

Now he doesn't have the strength to beat it, so he just has to fly away.

concentrate his final power and then launches himself towards Sombra.

But now the hero is going to use his maximum final attack, where he concentrates

all his power remembering all his friends, his world and nature and

For good, he concentrates his powers and becomes a meteor that flies at great speed.

speed illuminating with great strength and speed.

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Without being able to visualize it, Inferno is hit by the Sombra meteor and

violently attacks Inferno piercing his chest like a strong electrifying

beam of light that completely destroys him and leaves him turned into pieces of

dark spots floating in space.

Shadow flies, stops and sees that he has defeated the great leader of

Clandenia, then happy for that, only in him remains the hope of restoring the

universe with the luminous sphere that was formed from the destroyed Scalight sword.

Taking it out of his hands, he throws it into space, filling it with all his power.

interior and that grows with the power of the light of the stars and all the energy of the

universe of light, -increases in size, increasingly larger and with much

brightness. Shadow is happy looking at that miracle, but in that one hand

Darkness pierces his chest and the darkness hurts him, Shadow is scared because

Inferno is alive, he cannot die in the universe of matter.

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Throwing Sombra's body flying in space, he looks at the sphere of

light and like a demon fades into space, at last Shadow dies

definitely. Inferno screams with joy, says that the universe is his... but at the same time

Seeing the sphere of light he feels annoyed and with a dark fist he throws himself towards the

sphere, but it explodes with infinite luminous power that destroys Inferno

into a thousand pieces and completely disintegrates it. That light covers the entire space

illuminated the entire cosmos and at the same time destroys all the stars and planets,

everything disappears in space as if a light bomb destroyed everything in its path


However, the light of hope triumphs over the darkness, that light

that destroys all galaxies and revives them by dispersing in space, all

the planets and stars come into existence again after that great tornado

of light, apparently everything that the light destroyed it restores, everything except Shadow

and to the evil Inferno that will never return.

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Chapter 9

See you forever Shadow

The evil Inferno approaches the great sphere of light and is destroyed

completely after killing Shadow, his wish was to turn the universe into a

living hell reviving the dark forces, but despite being immortal

He was not able to defeat the power of light. However... now without Shadow and the

Scalight sword destroyed the universe does not exist now, everything was devastated by the

light that illuminates and disappears everything in its path like the Big Bang.

But when it's darkest it's because the sun is about to rise... hope

should never die as long as you have a ray of sunlight at dawn or

the singing of the birds in the sky, you always have to believe that good things will happen

after a thousand sufferings.

Only old memories remain of Sombra, of the many battles against

Krimbell, against the armed forces and who he was with his family and friends... only

there remains the end that has already passed.

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But suddenly that ray of light that destroys everything explodes with great

power, the dark space illuminates with such force that everything shines with power,

then the glow goes out, creating again everything that formed the

universe, stars are seen emerging and beginning to shine, galaxies become

to form, meteors, comets and planets, all the same or better than before

that they would disappear. The planets come back into existence, as does all life on Earth.

them, the life that existed and was massacred by the elite of Charmaleon returns

to the life; On many planets, revived beings emerge, awakening from the long

dream. Trilangerbero opens his eyes and finds himself alive, unharmed and on his planet,

with his family of giant trilobites in the jungle of the arthropod kingdom, everything comes back

the same as before or better, because both Trilangerbero and Queen Hornet, Dryp

and many of the mutants that live on that and all the planets revive

forgetting what had happened, they are now beings who can live in peace, despite

who do not reason and now act like wild animals, now they only protect themselves

from each other; for example the great .Maldravosaur is now just a tyrannosaurus

rex from a prehistoric planet without evil and forget, in fact with costs think

what he would feed on today without knowing that he can feed on Drobytes or

Sparkroach, this is how all the ancient mutants are revived.

On Earth everything is different, nature takes damages from beings

humans and that is why the Earth reappears in the solar system, but now they live

beings from all times in history, those who led the path of

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good and truthful, those who dreamed of having their happiness after crying so much

and even live they can do it this time. The world is formed again, but… with

nature, love, values and with great goals for everyone.

If people remember what has happened, they see their world converted

In a divine utopia, there are small cities of the future, with buildings made of

non-polluting metal, where there are robots like Hermes and Cleaner (Junker

improved) that help the world protect the world from pollution;

those who want evil, war and laziness no longer exist. The

Animals and plants grow being respected by human beings, being

studied, admired and at the same time loved to live together in the world. The

technology is used for good, where the few good human beings have

access to work or study without limitations or classes or fashion. The money

disappears, because everything belongs to everyone and now there are no assaults, robberies or death

from the soul, only happiness and desire to move forward.

The devices use energy that they take from the air, water and the sun and

rational way, recycling the matter. Many found their sincere love and

others can maintain it better, because they all work for a world commune

of peace, love is the best treasure in the world and must prevail in that place. A

group of gods of good, among them Hyos, Drumm, Drobb and Tamura come down from their

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heaven to be next to humans to teach them to live together, some teach

martial arts as a way of life and not as a threat.

Each one harvests or raises what they are going to eat, but without harming themselves.

to others and without eliminating species; the music heard in the cities has

positive messages, where self-destructive death and sadness are finally gone

forever. Fish and many marine animals live in rivers and seas.

without being contaminated because the waste is thrown into a hole into the magma

where it becomes rocks that form volcanoes. On Earth there are valleys,

plains, forests, glaciers, deserts, magma lakes, and in short many


But what has happened to our heroes and the demons? Because

Until now no one knows about them.

I will tell you... after bloody battles the characters of good have

revived, just like Hyos, Drumm and Drobb along with Tamura in heaven and who

They now live on Earth helping humans.

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Shogun revives as Shawn as does little Brissa who

She retains her childhood powers and until she stops being a child she will lose them. They revive

and they appear with the beautiful Kaguya-Hime who is very happy to see them

again, they hug, she kisses Shawn with love and hugs her daughter with

tenderness, he apologizes because he didn't believe it before, but she is a great

warrior They disappear to go on a Tour, teleporting to other places,

spending their vacation on the moon, in the castle where Kaguya lived, even

They walk in France and greet their friends... although Magnum does not appear


But not only the good group disappears... after the destruction

revives the beautiful Helena Sunsong, a previously evil deity, but was revived

by the gods as a second chance for her to remake her

existence, in the kingdom of heaven next to Tamura, she promises to change his mind

and grateful to be able to live again away from her old dark past.

disappears and goes with the gods of good to play soft melodies in the

forests making plants grow and calming the harmony of nature,

while Natura the deity of the forests maintains the balance of the environment

atmosphere filling the air with perfumes of love.

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But what happened to the demons? Well, the universe must be

balanced good and evil, then you could say that behind a mirror

There is a sealed parallel universe, that is, a dimension similar to the universe

true where there is an evil vision, where there are souls of evildoers,

thieves, idolaters, deceivers, belligerents, evildoers and everything evil in one

contaminated, destroyed and natureless world, where those beings kill themselves

and they continue living without being able to die.

Its king, the ambitious Algiers, rules alongside his beloved princess Kywan.

Matsumoto, allowing sex, corruption, darkness and the killing of some

and others, destroying their same dark dimension without light, without being able to leave and full

of anger because Sombra and his elite have defeated them, trying to go out into the world

of light, but now there are no portals and if they plan to destroy everything, they are going to be

destroyed themselves. In that world demons like Argos revive,

Charmaleon, Inferno, Krimbell Vortax, Lordriner, Road crash, and many, like the

dark shadow. Lynn Sky and Zoxerbian rule a planet full of volcanoes

where demons and evil humans fight day and night without being able to die and

watching the blood fill the ground. Oddine and Leadher along with the dark essence

Zheng reign a place where they enjoy torturing immortal beings

capturing them and putting them in torture, such as lava pits, chambers

medieval torture in the dark palace of Mortula, eaten by demons,

but, although it hurts them, they cannot die, the price of their evil.

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But now the worrying side passes, about Magnum Arner or

Shadow: this revives but in the kingdom of heaven together with the essences of good, full

With gratitude and happiness they all embrace Sombra, he thanks them for what they

they have done and as a reward they give them back the world, their friends, where they already

there will be no more pain, but much love and apart from everything they grant you the gift of

teleport yourself wherever you want, also that your destiny will shine brightly in

These years, your career and your love will be successful.

Conserving the form of Shadow, he decides to descend to Earth in this way.

like lightning falling, enjoying the final minutes as a superhero. People

He looks at him and approaches him with some fear, although Venus recognizes him and shouts: “-

Listen, that's Shadow who saved the world." Everyone approaches shouting

joy and hug him, congratulate him and in return to him and his family, including

Venus is given the opportunity to study at the best university in the world.

world, to be the best professionals, without suffering economic problems and

writing that Sombra is the character who returned hope to the universe.

Shadow transforms into Magnum Arner, with a glow of light coming out.

of his body regains its true form. When the brightness goes out, people look

with amazement because Shadow appears next to Magnum in spirit as

ghost and with Scalight in his hand and says: - “Hello, I am the essence of the real

Shadow, Clamper the warrior ancestor spirit of good, who had conquered

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to Krimbell Vortax 12,000 years ago. Thanks to you now I have returned, your faith and your strength

of battle caused me to be born in you and now I am free. Thank you Magnum.”

They shake hands, but before leaving they see a human running in fear

and it is because it says that a machine was programmed wrongly and now

You have a virus in your system and now it is causing chaos. Everyone runs, but

Shadow or rather the ancestor takes his sword and goes to look for the problem.

He flies until he enters a toy store where the chaos began, a machine.

with virus called Toydman, is a human-clown toy with his face

painted, red-white sundress and hand-hook green shoes

pointy, uses his funny voice and laughs, then attacks the first person

throwing soccer balls and basketballs, but Shadow doesn't want to damage anything to the

See so many toys, however, you must approach the robot and destroy it.

With his sword he cuts the balls that the robot throws. Toydman keeps laughing and

activates dolls of army characters, soldiers and dolls

Let them walk to attack Sombra. Shadow does not want to destroy them because they are the

illusion of many children, however, he has no choice and has a new plan.

Attack the dolls with electrifying rays, leaving them inactive and even


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Toydman jumps like a clown and, laughing, jumps until he reaches where the

dolls, with his virus he transmits force to them and activates them by putting a cartridge in them

of gunpowder on his back so that Shadow can be blown up.

They move slowly, until he uses his powers and with the tornado of

air makes the dolls fly away and into the air of the sky

they explode. Everyone watches the battle, while Shadow endures the mad laughter of the

device while playing a loud trombone that breaks the windows of the

toy store. Sombra sustains himself from the destructive sounds of the trombone and

Launching a cutting ray with his sword leaves him cut in two. The robot loses

control and jump and smash the other toys.

Then he thinks and reacts, he transports himself to where Toydman is.

appears while jumping after it and holding it, then transmits an overload

of electricity that destroys the circuits. Toydman becomes useless. Without

However, a new robot appears in the toy store and completely destroys it.

while flying, it is a spaceship-like being with robotic legs and

arms launch space rays, with its silver color and a luminous head

round is called Galaxyan, it has a virus like Toydman and it is due to

old legacy of Coloxyde which is this, in the other universe as a real being.

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Galaxyan fires space rays destroying the walls while his

robot head illuminates by throwing flames, while its legs walk crushing

toys. The children cry a little and that fills them with anger and prepares to battle,

while the ship flies everywhere; the warrior raises his powers to the level

maximum and crosses the space rays, covered in electricity and with a fist

Luminous attacks the ship. Galaxyan continues firing space rays

following Shadow until he loses speed and the ship catches up with him and goes to

shoot him up close. Without moving, it moves when the lightning comes and with the Scalight

reflects the lightning, that lightning destroys a wall, but harms no one; Shadow when you see it

nearby he throws himself on the roof of the ship and with his luminous fist he makes the attack

catastrophic and that fist destroys the robot's head and it falls, being destroyed

and unused. Shadow flies to the ground where the other people are and comforts the

children and asks them not to lose hope.

Shadow is unharmed and thinks that they are the easiest battles ever.

had and with his sword he launches a ray of light that illuminates the entire site and restores

the toys destroyed except Toydman who needs to be repaired for the

next christmas

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Restoring the toy store, he is praised by the people and making a great

party celebrate that once again, the good characters have saved the

world. Without evil in the universe of light, everyone can now realize their dreams.

However, Venus is sad, she sees Magnum and hugs her, kisses her a lot, but

is hiding something from him, something small and he fears that it will be bad, both young people are very

in love and are happy with each other, but...

That afternoon Magnum is at home looking at the afternoon, happy and full of

love, but then the old Shadow, Clamper, arrives like a ghost to

Saying goodbye to their friend, they both hug each other and know that they are going to miss each other.

Clamper says goodbye to Magnum telling him that: it's a very good idea,

do it now and don't regret it, when you have a desire and an opportunity don't

waste it, make it a reality and what you tell me will make them very happy.”

Clamper opens his wings of fire and flies away, saying goodbye, to the sky where

He goes to watch the world and from time to time he teleports to the other world to fight

a little with the demons and without leaving a trace he leaves that universe. The approaching

night, Venus is sad because she feels something different from Magnum, but she forgets Magnum.

times thinking that this is a vain idea. So while reading a book,

He sees a letter thrown under the door saying: - “Venus, come to the restaurant.”

which is located near the airport and hurry up because love is flying” -.

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She thinks Magnum plans to leave her and go somewhere else, she gets ready.

while she cries a little, wearing a very beautiful pink dress and getting ready very beautifully

straightening her hair and painting. He leaves... arriving at the airport he arrives at

fancy restaurant and sees Magnum at a corner table, looks at him and sits down

sadly. He tells her that he doesn't love her anymore... that he loves her with all his heart and

that for her he would fight all the demons again, just to love her.

She wipes away her tears, smiles and tells him that she loves him very much and that she wants

always be by his side; Between laughter and happiness Magnum takes out a ring

commitment and asks Venus to get married after they finish their career.

happily and join their lives forever. Without thinking she accepts and decides

marry Magnum, then they kiss full of passion and embrace each other.

They declare all their love.

Magnum and Venus's parents arrive at the site and upon seeing everything that happened

They become very happy, between the scene they arrive with great happiness and hug each other.

everyone, then tells them that if they want they can go abroad now, in the

Harvard University to study, they accept and although their parents mourn the

farewell to the boys, they know that now they have the opportunity to study

and to be someone in life.

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However, at the age of 3, Magnum returned to France where in a

large and very beautiful wedding, in a large church the bells ring and it is because

Magnum and Venus get married full of love and happiness, that day and that night both

They merge completely in love. Three more years pass... the world has

changed for the better but without contaminating the world, eh, progress for the

coexistence between humans, nature and even extraterrestrials; Shawn and

Kaguya are parents of a 6-month-old little boy, while their daughter continues

Restless but kind and sweet, Shawn now works on creating

new chips and robots for the good of all, Kaguya dedicates herself to studying theater

to become a great actress and show the world the legend of the princess of the

bamboo and how it finds love..No one knows what has happened outside of

this, neither from the kingdom of the gods, nor from any of the worlds.

A Christmas in the year 2018 arrives by Magnum teleportation to. visit

to his mother along with Venus his beloved wife, now arrives with two surprises,

one of them is that they have finally completed their careers, plus now it is her

grandmother because he is the father of a little boy, the little one they have named Clamper.

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Part 4

Preliminary chapter

The parallel dimensions saga

After the great Shadow defended the universe from darkness,

Finally the Earth was restored as was the universe and finally everything has

returned to peace and tranquility, and the evil of the evil Inferno, as well as the

elite of evil are taken to a parallel universe, where they can never return


But Magnum Arner and a mysterious spirit detaches himself from the young man, with

Shadow's form and remembers who he is and comes out using his power of

teleportation into space, where it flies with its wings of fire

remembering all his life. He meets with Natura, who is floating among the

galaxies and is the one who keeps him company while showing him through a

luminous sphere, where the existence of that spirit goes back and because it is

different from that of Magnum Arner.

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12,000 years ago before Christ, there was a great city

technologically advanced and great power called Atlantis, where beings

humans and the extraterrestrial races and the human race had a great utopia

human, technological advances were very high, there were no diseases or

poverty, but nature was being battered. The Earth out of ambition

The forests and animals were disappearing badly.

The political and scientific leader united with the evil extraterrestrial elite, Mr.

Durvan Bassin is an evil being who dominates the world, his ambition for power

and money are greater than their valuation of environmental problems. Not this one

He cared about whether the world would be destroyed only if he had the power to dominate.

A 25-year-old boy named Clamper is a well-known biologist

along with his girlfriend, the great actress and philanthropist, Maya, who defend

campaigns the non-devastation of the Earth. But the evil Durvan rules the

people's minds and orders them to be killed. Maya is killed by Durvan in front

of Clamper in his own house and he, seeing her dead, flees, but seeks help

as revenge for his death. However, Maya's spirit wanders through the

space like a lost soul until she is called by some ancient elders

luminous and take her to their paradise in another galaxy. Clamper flees into a forest

where several luminous angels tell Clamper that, in a week,

Atlantis will be destroyed by such corruption and war between humans and

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aliens... The only one saved will be him of course, but he must reach the ship

space or else it will explode on the spot.

The spacecraft is located 3 miles from the center of Atlantis. Clamper

He walks to the ship, but his depression for having lost Maya only tells him

Don't hurry and go at a slow pace. A week passes... he arrives at the ship, but...

Some evil being told Durvan that he was passing by and has arrived at the site and threatens

Clamper with an old firearm. The Andels throw with their hands,

atomic rays that cause the advanced continent to be destroyed by

nuclear explosions and the island is sinking into the sea. Clamper tries

board the ship, dodge and hit the armed Durvan and go to enter the ship, but

The evil one holds the leg and the explosion hits both of them and they die in the


Clamper's spirit lasts many years in space and without memory

takes a form similar to gangsters and due to a mysterious situation

He finds a sword and a shield and starts flying in search of his goal, until

who reincarnates as Magnum Arner to battle enemies of his level and

take revenge, what a soul in pain is like. When the sagas end it has power

sufficient but not maximum but you are beginning to remember and that is why you look for Natura

to guide him where to go, since Natura is a goddess of nature and is

in space tells him it's time for the evil saga in alternate time

that is, in a dimension where the dark beings of Atlantis and Earth meet.

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found in the present-future tense exist, even the monstrous Durvan

and Maya are trapped, and if there is no outcome then that time will run out.

It will close in time and Maya will be destroyed.

Clamper is titled Shadow and with his sword Scalight with power of

60% enters a portal of light and reaches the dimension of evil, where it must

eliminate Durvan and obtain 120% of his sword, but the warriors of that

dimension are very strong, in addition to obtaining the crystals that are used to

seal that dimension. In this saga, many truths will be known and in the end this will be

really the final battle.” Shadow appears with beige version suit-with his

illuminating sword, his wings of fire and his maximum attacks, as well as his

golden shield He reaches the other dimension where Natura appears, but in

evil and launches to attack Shadow with her whip claws, but Shadow

dodges and with his hyper light beam attacks Natura and this invisible spectrum


Shadow flies like a comet through space with his wings of fire and

arrives at a planet called the planet Vorken, a super frozen planet where

begins his new adventure.

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Chapter 1

freezing fist

Sombra has taken the strength and has flown to the first of the worlds

that he must go through and thus find Maya and eliminate the latent evil

that in the future they can alter real time because those creatures are in a

alternate time and when both times merge, those creatures

They will appear bringing chaos and destruction to the universe.

Shadow enters a small planet that looks like the south pole, where there are

warriors with powers of blizzard and freeze, in fact, that planet is a

mirror dimension of the polar zones of the Earth, where monsters have

extinct the polar fauna with his powers of magic. Cautiously walk in

a frozen platform without making much noise. But something surprises him and he doesn't

Can you believe it, a “Shadow???” is thrown from behind. What is a reflection of

Shadow saga 1 in Siberia. Advanced Sombra gets Sombra off of him

and attacks him with his electrifying hyper tornado that attacks him strongly and tells him

which is not a clone, but its future form. While you remain on the ground, do not

He believes and gets up again and goes on the attack, but the old man appears.

Gygantodritche and breaks the ice attack Shadow, but before he forms

Super Shadow does something, Super Shadow uses his advanced powers and

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With his sword he launches a super powerful beam of light that hits the marine reptile and

It falls heavily into the water, breaking the ice. Advanced shadow flies, but

the other is carried away by the current of the waters and quickly, although he asks for help

He is swept away by the river and disappears in the freezing blizzard. Shadow flies and

It reaches the far part of the river, in a crystallized lake.

Shadow stops several meters from the lake and notices that there is a part of the

lake that still remains unfrozen. And there are a few ice bases.

Among the tranquility of the lake a very strong creature emerges, a guy

elasmosaur full of spines and a mouth full of teeth, with light blue skin and eyes

reddish. Arcadesaur is a monster that emits stunning sonic probes that

They hinder Shadow and, unable to concentrate, he falls to the ground and the monster

jumps to devour it; but Scalight illuminates and creates a field of light that blocks

and causes the creature to collide against this force field.

The 17-meter creature rises and positions itself in the sea. Field

light fades and Shadow regains his strength, but every time he casts

those stunning echoes the field of light covers Shadow. Arcadesaur increases the

power in its snout and launches thick, square-shaped ice cubes and

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triangular towards Sombra, the large beam called Chill Ray. Those cubes are very

thick, but with his sword he cuts them, but there are many and one of them is

caught by Sombra as a reaction to not fleeing. However, upon catching the cube

flying, his hands are freezing just like his body...

Shadow increases his strength and throws the cube he is holding toward the

creature and hits it hard, although it hits it and is unharmed, that cube

adheres to one of the thorns and the creature begins to freeze completely, the

statue weighs a lot and sinks to the bottom of the lake.

Shadow increases his powers and defrosts, descends to solid ice and goes to

continue on his way, but a voice interrupts his journey at that moment and tells him

He says to stop and that he will be eliminated.

A being with a piranha head, humanoid robot body, carrying many

chemical bottles, a being called Tryon, and hand-holding robots

becomes the new opponent.

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Using his chemical formulas, he first launches some full of very acidic

corrosive that even melt the ground, but Shadow covers himself with his wings of

fire without harming it, then launches chemical formulas called bubbling,

that release bubbles that explode and irritate, but with his shield he launches a large

blizzard and these beat irritating the horrible face and character of Tryon.

With his Ciber suit he throws some hooks like clips that trap Sombra

to a frozen rock and they leave him tied.

He can't let go easily, but he tries hard and with his powers

augmented, it draws great force and breaks free. Tryon throws other hooks,

but they are destroyed in the air with the edge of his sword.

Sombra launches to attack and with his fists and kicks he launches to attack,

but the cyber suit protects him and rather with his hooked hands and steel legs

They hit Sombra, leaving him very hurt. On the ground, it will be devoured by

the piranha's snout... suddenly, Shadow hears a melodious and cute voice

that sings beyond the lake, inspires and enchants the hero to move forward, and

recovers strength. Sombra reacts, gets up and with his hyper luminous fist

full of energy runs and passes through the metal structure of the robot and damages its

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internal circuits and then Shadow walks away as Tryon collapses and explodes

disappearing, as if a bomb exploded.

Leaving the explosion he approaches the lake wondering who it was from.

sweet voice and felt an energy of good. While looking at the calm lake

frozen. Suddenly, the lake opens with force and begins to tremble.

surface and a being similar to a humanoid seal emerges, with long beards,

wide fists and long fangs, a warrior called Frozen who is considered

the ice king and tells Sombra that if he plans to defeat the ice elite first

you will have to beat him. Shadow takes two steps toward the creature, but Frozen is very

fast and with his fist in the air he launches an icy blizzard that freezes him

quickly, and a very beautiful skater in a pink suit, with long black hair and

dark-colored eyes called Icemary skates between Shadow and with skating turns

He hits him with a big spinning kick. Shadow falls to the ground, still frozen. But

With his wings of fire he melts the ice and prepares to battle.

But before he reacts, Frozen freezes him again with her ice fist.

and Icemary appears out of nowhere and spins around Sombra and grabs him by the leg.

and throws it away. Shadow remains on the ground again, but gets up again and

Without giving up, he increases his powers and prepares. Frozen throws his fist

freezing, but using teleportation he avoids the attack and appears after the

walrus, gives her a strong luminous fist that throws her hard to the ground. Appears

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Icemary faces the attack and spins around Shadow and multiplies into

several and attack with twists-kicks and pushes. But Shadow discovers that only

there is a real one and use your sixth sense... meditate and with an electrifying ray

He stops the girl with a strong impact that attacks her and stops the attack. But

The girl is a ghost and although it attacks her, it does not stop her. Frozen is on the ground

but he rises with great fury and attacks saying an evil spell and casts a

lightning to the sky and orders a freezing blizzard to form that freezes the entire

ground, Sombra holds on and with his luminous sword tries to attack but the

blizzard and cold attack, even half of the body freezes but does not let itself be defeated

and jumps and using the energy of the cold he launches a beam of wind with the shield and the

icy blizzard returns to Frozen and freezes the creature becoming

a frozen statue and the blizzard stops. Ghost Girl Icemary Gets Filled

of anger and launches himself at Shadow with a skating and a dance of leaping pirouettes.

and they kick and hit. But she is attacked by a luminous arrow from afar and

It sticks to Icemary's chest and the energy fades into the breeze.

frozen, as if it disappeared. Frozen remains frozen, but is still

alive, and increases his powers, but Shadow does not notice it because he is surprised by

the arrow where it came from or who shot it.

Frozen unfreezes and takes out a trident and attacks hard, but

Shadow attacks with his sword and they fight in a duel between power weapons.

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Shadow cuts the trident, and orders him to surrender, but Frozen says: - “I am

the king, not your slave" - and he launches himself with his animal fury, but Scalight illuminates with

great strength and launches a very powerful ray of light that attacks strongly and falls

very hard to the ground and it sinks into the frozen river.

Shadow defeats the warriors and leaves without a doubt, although he remains in

Doubt who launched the luminous arrow. Fly up near the frozen mountain

where only snow and icy blizzards remain. But suddenly a

arrows that are shot by a warrior girl who appears in front of

Shadow and says: - “so long and you have forgotten me, traitor; I want you to know that

I am not your friend... when was the day of my death you disappeared and that

I will never forgive you"-. But if to surprise it is Maya who his spirit was

revived by the luminous forces and given a green medieval suit, with

long leather ankle boots; She is a beautiful girl with brown hair and colored eyes.

emerald and white complexion, slim and well formed, she seems angelic but this

resentful Shadow tries to apologize, but Maya shoots a beam of light from

colors that slightly hits Shadow.

He does not intend to harm her, but must defend himself from attacks and when

He uses his bow and luminous arrows and covers himself with his wings of fire and these are

they destroy Maya uses her rainbow beam, but the light beam overcomes the attacks

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and destroy the lightning. Shadow tries to give an explanation, but Maya refuses and

He opens his angel wings and flies away, waiting for a revenge.

Sombra plans to follow her, but among the harsh cold and snow a

fourth warrior who orders to attack and tells him not to flee, coward, but

I really wanted to follow Maya, it will be until I eliminate the cold-hearted warrior,

Sparkdrom's brother, a mutant named Ribbit, a mutant rabbit, from

long fangs, spring legs and stretchable fists. It throws springs with its snout,

Shadow dodges some and cuts others with his sword.

This will be a duel of punches and kicks, but between Ribbit who will avenge

disinfecting Sparkdrom and Sombra accepts the duel.

Ribbit uses his fast spring-loaded punches and kicks, while spinning and attacking

quickly at Sombra, while dodging Sombra's blows and attacks. Neither the

electric attacks nor sword blows can attack him, rather if he turns head first

and throws kicks and punches while confusing Sombra by throwing springs.

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I can't attack it or even scratch it, definitely a problem

to beat and the worst thing is that he must defeat him because if he tries to fly he uses his fists

and he holds it and throws it to the ground saying: - “you could have defeated Sparkdrom,

but never to me -. Think about Shadow's weak point while the animal is little

intelligent can stretch its head trying to bite and attack.

But believing himself invincible, Shadow thinks... many limbs,

but little brain, so he decides to use his last resort. Let a kick

lunges, but it teleports to another place and it attacks with another leg, it

teleports and thus even entangles all his limbs and remains like a

human colocho.

Ribbit is filled with anger, and Tangled does not accept defeat, but Shadow

he really doesn't see that he is an opponent anymore. But Frozen emerges hurt from

the bottom of the surface, breaking the ground and catches Ribbit, and says catching him:

“Sombra, you put up a great battle and it won't be the last time we see each other, but my

last debt ends up stopping this rival, good luck with the next site since

"They will become stronger" - Sombra takes this crystal which is the ice crystal, one of

the 8 crystals you need to become the loyal warrior of the gods;

continue your path forward but be careful, see you and when your powers

increase, Ribbit and I will have a final battle, see you –“ Sombra greets

and thanks Frozen and hopes to see it again.

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Shadow takes the crystal and feels the energy of the crystal, pitifully alone

He has made very little progress in his powers. Shadow flies towards the portal of light, but

stops when he sees a pyramid made of pure ice full of internal caves, a

refuge where dark forces take refuge for their new plan of domination.

Enter the empty ice pyramid and run through the corridors looking for Maya,

but humanoids made of ice emerge between the walls and block the passage and

They propose to fight; but with reinforced wings of fire they melt and open


Running through the hallways he climbs some steps and a warrior appears

freezing cold that rotates fiercely covering the stands with cold and glass, a

creature formed by clouds with three luminous eyes with a black hole-mouth

called Spirokia.

Shadow is quickly frozen again like a statue, but he

releases again, using the ray of light to attack him, but he is invisible and nothing

it affects. Spirokia increases its speed and freezes all objects on the field,

including Shadow; Using the wings of fire, he defrosts again.

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The angry cloud sends a rain of hail like bullets that attack

while Sombra hides with the shield and while he hides from attacks

of Spirokia, the shield for the first time illuminates with great power and launches a

great blizzard that vanishes the monster, spreading the cloud between the


Several Spirokias come out, throwing hail and icy breezes, but

Shadow increases the power of the wings of fire and melts the ice, but the pyramid

melts too, so he runs away from the collapsing pyramid while

the invisible demons follow him. . .,

Jump up a crack to the bottom of the pyramid where you stay

stable, but the Spirokias still follow him, but the shield illuminates again and

Shadow screams 'Hyper tornado' and a gust of air comes out so powerful that

banishes the creatures. Having escaped the dangers, go on and on

the long journey.

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As he walks, something comes out of the ground and emerges jumping after Shadow.

a zombie human with black eyes, green hair with pincer hands and wears a

suit like Sombra's is an evil clone called Zombia.

However, Zombie's pincers absorb energy and while

Shadow attacks with the sword and absorbs Shadow's powers, but Shadow's power

Shadow is very tall and one of the pincers explodes due to excess energy.

Zombie gets angry and with his eyes he shoots dark rays that form black holes

that surround Shadow.

Zombie puts his other pincer in one of the black holes and in another

like a worm portal pecks at Shadow and can make that pincer

appear in any of the 12 black holes that surround Shadow.

Without knowing which hole to attack, he thought that everyone was connected.

into one and launches an electric shock that goes into one of the holes

and they attack the zombie and it vanishes, leaving only its ashes.

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Sombra finds many dead horses inside the pyramid and one

who is sad, a horse named Alazam made of pure copper and frees him, this

He becomes friendly with Sombra and mentally asks him to free him, Sombra accepts.

and temporarily transforms into a golden statue that returns to normal.

if he wishes. Shadow is filled with anger looking for who eliminated the horses, but

There is nothing in the pyramid and he leaves the cave and sees the portal of light, but next to

This appears Gygantor Colossor, a giant statue made of pure stone, a

human stone being with one eye, and with a stone ball hand.

Gygantor was the one who killed the horses and this angers Shadow; those

horses kidnapped from the Earth to be sacrificed as a tribute to evil make

Shadow increases his warrior rating and faces the 5 meter statue.

With his ball-hand he throws large crushing rocks, but they are cut

by Scalight and although there are many they end up in dust. Gygantor uses his eye

rotating and fires gamma rays that strongly destroy and pierce what

while slowly trying to catch Shadow walking who dodges the


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With his Scalight he refracts the rays and deflects them with force and some

They attack the structure of the evil stone being. Remembering all that slaughter

It is launched with great force and flies, pushing the creature with great force and it is

It falls, being collapsed and destroyed. Shadow has avenged the deaths of the

horses and together with Alazam, who is very happy with his savior, becomes a

big copper horse again and asks Shadow to ride him on his long

journey, they enter the portal of light towards the Land of Fire.

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Episode 2

blood of fire

Shadow obtains the ice crystal, a 20 centimeter ice prism

and enter the portal to the world of fire where there is fire and lava everywhere, a

rocky place full of flames and enemies with a lot of fire to give.

With the power of the crystal, Sombra fuses with it and can now

launch freezing attacks. Walk and with the power of ice extinguish the floors

with his freeze ray (Chill Blaster) turning off everywhere, there is even

fire-breathing statues of Krimbell and Maldravosaur that are frozen and

extinguished by Sombra's ice attacks.

A strong man appears, in front of Shadow while he is turning off the

ice and introduces himself as Kaurameshi (a reddish-skinned man with hair

long, bristly white coat with a tail, and long white pants with dark shoes;

challenges Shadow as a loyal warrior in a place surrounded by fire and surrounded by

wash. Kaurameshi is very strong and with his kung fu techniques he throws Shadow to the ground.

ground, although Sombra also manages to give him strong attacks of luminous fists

and flying kicks. Kaurameshi jumps and hits Shadow, but Shadow flies and

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attacks strongly, both fly in a fist duel while in the


Badly beaten, they continue to battle until both warriors advance.

At a higher level of power, Sombra's suit turns very very golden and the

Kaurameshi's skin turns reddish fire and they reach the level of a warrior angel.

A beetle appears among the field while they are fighting, a being 1 meter long.

tall like a humanoid beetle with reddish eyes and a moon-horn,

called Moonberang or Lunarbajo.

The battle is interrupted for both warriors, but Kaurameshi

He sees no objective and says: - “When they finish with you, we will fight if you survive” - and

then it disappears. Moonberang throws his cutting boomerang horn, but in the

air becomes thousands, but Sombra dodges them and cuts them with the Scalight sword,

He orders the creature to surrender and, but it tells him in a monstrous voice: - “my

"My mission is to travel through space and darken the hearts of everyone."

First he launches a sonic stun ray that makes Shadow and others dizzy.

copies of Moonberang hit him with their heads. It is concentrated between the wave

sonic and increases its power in the fist and delivers a catastrophic blow to the ground and these

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They fall down and stop making noise. However, the creatures rise and

They form a single Moonberang when they all merge. Moonberang uses his powers

mental and gathers enough powers and forms a dome of light that is launched

and attacks Shadow and sinks him into his mind, leaving him as autistic, without

get up and depressed.

He feels that his life has no meaning and he takes the sword and is going to stab him

in the chest... but a lightning bolt from another dimension attacks like fury and

Moonberang and avoid concentration. Shadow wakes up and listens to the voice of

Shogun from the present time who says: - “Sombra, you once taught me

to believe in love and friendship, but don't forget, fight for your values and for

"what you believe, believe in your dreams." Shadow feels motivated and gets up with

great illusion. Moonberang doesn't care and fires another beam, but Shadow runs

between the beam and launches a powerful beam of light that attacks and vanishes the beetle

mutant. Even the darkened beam is destroyed by the great beam of light I cast.

with his sword.

After the arduous battle, it is decided to withdraw from the site, but it returns

Kaurameshi appears saying that the duel is not over. kaurameshi usa

his strong hands, he concentrates his power 100% and launches a powerful beam of

fire called Zauraken that destroys and burns everything in its path. Shade

It is covered by the rotating flames and will be completely burned. But between

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the moment nothing comes out of the flames, until Shadow comes out of the flames

illuminating with his sword and crosses the flames and flies and gets close enough to him

and with his hands he launches a super ray of light which simply says:

Lightenspectrer which is a very powerful super dome of light that attacks and

banishes Kaurameshi.

The duel between the strong warriors is over and Shadow greets his

rival. He walks and arrives at a city similar to the current one but burned down.


A slave monster called Tyrannoceros destroys the entire city and

From afar he sees Shadow. Tyranoceronte is the brother of Dorteceratops, a

burly humanoid rhinoceros, with strong horn and Roman costume, runs

beastly between buildings and the rocks destroy them and goes straight to Sombra.

Shadow flies when he is close to it, Tyranoceronte takes rocks and

he pulls, but cuts them with Scalight. Tyrannoceros uses his horn and launches projectiles

drill that are fired to pierce. Shadow covers himself with the golden shield but

the drills persist and pass through the shield, although not completely.

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There are many of them, but he cannot avoid them because they follow their prey.

Shadow launches his freezing air tornado with his shield and freezes and deflects

the drill projectiles. Tired, he goes down and decides to challenge the slow but strong

Tyrannoceros. Who launches an attack with brutal force. Shadow avoids

impacts and horn attacks many times, but gets tired of dodging them

and the stones that fall. Tyranoceronte destroys some rocks and among the dust of

The rubble comes out and catches Shadow with his strong arms and squeezes him.


Sombra is injured, but in the midst of the situation, he takes his hands and says with his

last force: “Elektric zen”. And it takes a great deal of energy to the mutant's body.

amount of electrical energy that attacks ferociously and releases it and leaves it in the

defeated soil.

Shadow falls and Tyrannoceros turns into an ugly, rocky statue.

Without strength he falls, but Scalight illuminates around him with great power of light and covers

Shadow who awakens with all his strength and his level rises and remains undamaged.

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At last, Sombra has defeated the fire elite, but, among the strong

flares, truly dark forces are hidden, which remain in the

second part of that dimension, in the Mayan pyramid that stands out between the

lava and fire. Sombra decides with his forces to go to that part and battle with

blood of fire Using his wings of fire, he opens them and flies with the flames

of these that increase in the air, filling the air with battle force.

He flies until he reaches where that great Mayan pyramid is, between the

flames and where the secrets of a great warrior are hidden within it.

Sombra plans to enter that pyramid to obtain the powers and if necessary


An evil angel watches outside the pyramid and flies towards it.

Shadow attacks him at high speed and flutters in the air from such an impact.

Shadow concentrates and looks at a shape of a deer-woman with

antlers like elk, a form of yellow luminous spirit in human form

with long hair and a long dress, the spirit of the winds: Windra.

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Windra moves through the air and charges with super speed at

Shadow with his limbs stands between the steps of the pyramid and flies

with super speed and makes several attacks on Sombra and confuses him,

In fact, he does not even know from which side the essence of the wind will attack.

Shadow uses his sixth sense, he can see where it charges in the shape of

slow motion and says: - “Híper volt” and forms an electrifying sphere in his hands

and stops Windra's flight, but she still doesn't give up, because she just stops,

It doesn't stop flying and continues attacking, until Sombra counterattacks several times.

times and the essence is injured.

Windra uses her humanoid arms and launches a strong tornado attack

devastating that is putting out the flames and at the same time is pulling Sombra and making him dizzy

between the air just like Krabadrain's attack, but flying with great

intensity leaves the tornado in time and passes through the air. Windra launches another tornado

which makes Shadow a little dizzy, but he goes through it like an arrow and charges

with great force at Windra at high speed.

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Dizzy, but still in the air, they continue to battle. Windra concentrates everything

his energy and turns into a moose made of light that moves running between

the air to attack Sombra who dodges the attacks of lunges and blows

of horns, but it is very fast. In the air he holds his head and using his powers

of a freezing blizzard, he holds and freezes the mutant wolf and, unable to

move, it falls to solid ground and the ice breaks and the essence vanishes.

Shadow wins the duel, then flies and enters the pyramid and observes that

It is identical to the Mayan version of Earth. With force he flies between the corridors

until he hears a voice that says haughtily: - “Are you thinking of going in? Not without

“First beat me.” Shadow stops and sees a being emerging from the


A tribe of styloid beings emerge with Indian costumes and with spears and

shields, beings with long eyes, brown skin and skinny but strong physiques,

the Natives.

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They stop Shadow with spears around him and order Shadow to move away.

Stay still or they will kill you. But without fear he begins to fly and leaves, but the

Natiives launch their arduous arrows full of energy towards Shadow, but he

Cover with wings of fire and avoid being attacked. When the attack ends, it exits

and sees the monsters without spears, but others appear in their hands as if they were

they will multiply. Shadow flies at high speed and when he feels the energy of the

spears full of evil power, use all his main attacks and deflect the

spears. The Natiives become enraged and stop throwing spears and grab their shield and

they say evil spells, leaving shadows of flying humans that trap

and they squeeze Shadow with great force. He feels distressed, because the shadows

are very strong, then their inner power increases and I expel their power as

a ray of light from his body and this ray banishes the shadows and destroys


The Natiives are thirsty for blood and even without weapons they launch themselves into

devour Shadow, but several arrows between the hallway come out illuminating and

killing the soldiers, it is Maya who appeared with great beauty and even annoying,

He shoots the arrows and mysteriously disappears.

The Natiives before dying gather together and cast an evil spell and it comes out

a gigantic shadow of a human-devil that takes over hearts.


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