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 Write counting from 1 to 100
 Write backward counting from 50 to 1

 Write counting one to twenty with spelling

 Write ordinal numbers in words and in numerals from first
(1st) to tenth (10th)
In words In numerals
 Put numbers in ascending order.
i. 6 , 2 , 8 , 4 , 10 , 0

ii. 50 , 90 , 60 , 0 , 70 , 80

iii. 75 , 25 , 38 , 82 , 21 , 6

 Write numbers in descending order.

i. 7 , 9 , 1 , 3 , 5
ii. 35 , 38 , 31 , 46 , 30

iii. 13 , 43 , 33 , 73 , 63

 Identify and write the missing numbers

33 36 40

20 18 16 14 12

 Use less than or more than in the following blanks.

i. 23 --------------27
ii. 1-----------------9
iii. 18---------------19
iv. 36---------------22
v. 49---------------40
 Addition
 Add the following .
i. 5 + 3 =
ii. 7+8=
iii. 4 + 3 =
iv. 7+5=

 Add the following

Tens Ones Tens Ones

1 4 2 3
+ 4 + 6

Tens Ones Tens Ones

1 7 2 3
+ 1 0 + 4 5

 Subtract the following

i. 36 – 21 =
ii. 64 – 22 =
iii. 78 – 24 =
iv. 96 – 36 =
 Subtract the following

Tens Ones Tens Ones

1 2 1 4
- 1 - 3

Tens Ones Tens Ones

1 4 7 8
-1 0 -4 0

 Write short, shorter and shortest

 Money
 Pakistani Currency

This is a ------- rupee coin .

This is a ------- rupee coin

This is a ------- rupee coin.

This is a ------- rupee note.

This is a ------- rupee note.

This is a ------- rupee note.

This is a ------- rupee note.
 The price of chips pack is RS 95 .Waqas has RS 50 .How
much money does he required to buy that pack of chips ?

Rs 95

 Tables

 Write table of 2 &3 in the given space

Table of 2 Table of 3
 Write table of 4& 5 in the given space.
Table of 4 Table of 5
 Write table of 6 in given space .

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