2002美国 电解等离子体处理,用于钢表面的清洁和金属涂层 Surface and Coatings Technology 2

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Surface and Coatings Technology 150 (2002) 246–256

Electrolytic plasma processing for cleaning and metal-coating of steel

E.I. Meletis, X. Nie*, F.L. Wang, J.C. Jiang
Materials Science and Engineering Program, Mechanical Engineering Department, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA

Received 2 May 2001; accepted in revised form 8 September 2001


Electrolytic plasma processing (EPP) involves electrolysis and electrical discharge phenomena and it is an emerging,
environmentally friendly surface engineering technology. Electrolytic-plasmaymaterial surface interactions during processing can
be used for cleaning of metal surfaces, formation of diffusion layers andyor deposition of metal, ceramic and composite coatings.
The present work was concerned with cleaning and deposition of metal coatings on steel surfaces for corrosion protection. The
effects of processing parameters on (i) cleaning steel surfaces (oxides and contamination); and (ii) Zn and Zn – Al coating
deposition were investigated. Surface roughness and oxygen content prior to and after cleaning were evaluated by profilometry
and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX), respectively. The structure of the EPP cleaned outer surface layer as it evolves
after the electrolytic – plasma interaction was studied by high resolution TEM. Morphology, microstructure, composition, adhesion
and density of EPP-deposited Zn and Zn – Al coatings on cleaned surfaces were studied as a function of processing parameters.
Corrosion properties of the cleaned and coated steels were evaluated by corrosion potential and potentiodynamic polarization
measurements. The results show that EPP can effectively produce clean surfaces and also metal and alloy coatings at high
deposition rates, and it has a great potential as a new plasma surface engineering technique. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All
rights reserved.

Keywords: Corrosion; Cleaning; Coating; Zn; Zn – Al; Plasma electrolysis

1. Introduction the hot-rolling mill), other ‘soil’ and oil and grease
contamination. Secondly, adhesion to base metal is of
Metallic coatings (such as zinc and zinc–aluminum) utmost importance to coating performance and is directly
can provide corrosion protection to the base metal from related to the cleanliness of the surface and the ability
a corrosive environment by acting as sacrificial anodes to develop an ‘anchor’ surface profile (surface with
(cathodic protection). Such protection requires a more microscale roughness) providing a key or mechanical
active corrosion potential for the coating compared to interlocking for the coating.
the substrate material. Under these conditions, the coat- Traditional methods of cleaning steel include: acid
ing corrodes preferentially and provides protection to pickling and sandyshotygrit blasting. These convention-
base metal even when exposed due to coating disconti- al methods have major disadvantages (high energy cost,
nuities or mechanical damage. Corrosion tests and data environmentally-unfriendly, disposal problems, unfavor-
of a zinc protective coating for steel have been devel- able surface profile, etc.). Electrolytic cleaning methods
oped and widely used to describe its performance w1,2x. are known, but they have not been successfully com-
In the majority of applications for structural steel mercialized since in their present state they are unable
(ship and marine structures, pipelines, bridge supports,
to remove mill-scale and other heavy contaminants.
industrial structures, etc.), cleaning is required prior to
Likewise, current metal coating methods have several
coating of the surface. Cleaning is needed firstly because
limitations. For example, electro- and electroless plating
steel is covered by a layer of mill-scale (produced by
are relatively slow and may use environmentally hazard-
* Corresponding author: Tel.: q1-225-578-5808; fax: q1-225-
ous chemicals. Dipping and metal spraying methods are
578-5924. faster but the resulting coatings may have adhesion
E-mail address: xnie1@lsu.edu (X. Nie). problems during bending and formation in some cases.

0257-8972/02/$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 2 5 7 - 8 9 7 2 Ž 0 1 . 0 1 5 2 1 - 3
E.I. Meletis et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 150 (2002) 246–256 247

Thus, there is a need at present for new, cost-effective (Fig. 1a), or dripped with electrolyte (Fig. 1b). How-
cleaning and coating methods that can produce quality, ever, the corresponding slope of the electrode current–
long-lasting surfaces. voltage curve in the U2 –U29 segment is different in
Plasma electrolysis is a relatively new surface engi- these two cases. For the configuration shown in Fig. 1a
neering technique, which includes an anodic process (i.e. the workpiece is immersed in the electrolyte), the
(such as plasma electrolytic anodic oxidation) w3,4x and current sharply drops from the highest point to the
a cathodic process (such as plasma electrolytic satura- lowest point when the electrode voltage increases from
tion) w5x. Plasma electrolysis has a similar configuration U2 to U29. For the configuration in Fig. 1b (i.e. in this
to a conventional anodic oxidation or electroplating case, the electrolyte drips down to the workpiece through
process. However, the applied electrode potential in all small diameter holes on the cathodic electrode plate),
the electrolytic plasma processes is much higher than the slope of the U2 –U29 line (i.e. current reduction rate)
that of the conventional processes. The bi-phase is much smaller than that of Fig. 1a. It is found that the
electrodeyelectrolyte system normally encountered in plasma intensity increases when electrode voltage
conventional electrolysis is transformed into a four-phase increases, and when U29 is reached, a continuous enve-
electrodeydielectricygas(plasma)yelectrolyte couple for lope is formed on the sample surface, which results in
the anodic oxidation processing or a three-phase rapid increase of the surface temperature with increasing
electrodeygas(plasma)yelectrolyte couple for the electrode voltage. The normal operation voltage in this
cathodic processing w6x. In the plasma discharge work is within U2 –U29. Although there is heating of the
channelyarea, plasma chemical interaction occurs, and substrate due to plasma action, the bulk substrate tem-
oxides w3,4x or nitrides w5x can form on substrate perature remains relatively low (less than 200–3008C)
surfaces to be treated. due to the simultaneous cooling action by the electrolyte
Plasma electrolysis can be quite versatile. For exam- solution. The local surface temperature adjacent to
ple, it can be utilized in conjunction with PVDyCVD plasma bubbles, however, is very high, which is critical
processes for improvement of tribological and corrosion to cleaning mill-scale and enhancing the metallurgical
properties w4x, or with electrophoresis to form biomedi- connection of the coating microstructure.
cal ceramic coatings w7x. In this work, plasma electrol- There appears to be several distinct physical processes
ysis was extended to cleaning mill-scales on steel involved in cleaning and subsequent coating using EPP
surfaces, and to depositing Zn and Al–Zn coatings on w8,9,12x. While the electrolyte flows through the perfo-
steel substrates as well, for the purpose of corrosion rated anode onto the workpiece (cathode) (Fig. 2), a
protection. potential is applied across the electrode gap and sets up
Electrolytic plasma process (EPP) may have the a strong electric field. The hydrogen evolution reaction
potential to overcome limitations of conventional meth- begins to occur at the surface of the workpiece, creating
ods, both for the cleaning and metal-coating of steel fine hydrogen bubbles. A strong electrical potential is
w8,9x. In the present work, EPP was studied in relation established on the bubble adjacent to the workpiece
to cleaning steel surfaces and developing zinc (Zn) and surface, and hydrogen plasma is thus generated in a thin
zinc–aluminum (Zn–Al) coatings. layer, just above the steel surface. Metal cations present
in the electrolyte film begin to migrate toward the steel
2. Process description surface, but the large majority of these ions are attached
to the hydrogen bubbles. These ions are either original
Electrolytic plasma processing involves two charac- additions to the electrolyte or are generated from the
teristic phenomena (i) electrolysis of a liquid environ- anode metal by electrolytic decomposition.
ment by application of different electrical potentials In particular, in the case of cleaning, the cations may
between the workpiece material and a counter-electrode; be sodium (i.e. sodium carbonate solution) which will
and (ii) the production of an electrical discharge at, or participate in the process but ultimately remain in
in the vicinity of, the workpiece surface. Although the solution. The ions due to adsorption gradually concen-
discharge phenomena associated with electrolysis were trate on the hydrogen bubble surface and the bubble is
discovered more than a century ago by Sluginov w10x, thus converted into a small capacitor. The electrical
their importance as an emerging surface engineering field between the positive ions at the bubble surface and
process were realized only very recently w11x. A typical the negatively charged steel surface ionizes the hydrogen
electrode current–voltage characteristic curve of the gas in the bubble, resulting in a high temperature plasma.
electrolytic cathodic process is shown in Fig. 1. The This occurs quickly once hydrogen starts forming. The
normal glow discharge zone U2 –U29 –U3 is usually lifespan of the average hydrogen bubble is less than 1
selected as the work region, where the electrode current ms and the plasma exists for 1–10 ms w8,11x. The
decreases but plasma intensity increases when the elec- plasma is continuously forming at this high rate over
trode voltage increases from U2 to U29. The samples (as the entire steel surface. The nature of the plasma bulb
a cathode) can be either immersed in the electrolyte generation and extinction results in local surface melting
248 E.I. Meletis et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 150 (2002) 246–256

Fig. 1. Current – voltage dependence in electrolytic plasma discharge.

and also creates forceful pressure disruptions at the tions were selected based on previous experience with
surface associated with bubble collapsing and shock EPP and the desire to systematically study the effect of
wave production. The net effect of these processes is processing parameters on the characteristics of the
the removal andyor reduction of the milling-scale at the cleaned surfaces and produced coatings. Zn coatings
steel surface and the formation of circular wavelets and were produced under two different process arrange-
spheroids. Also, the freezing that follows local melting ments. In the first, a stainless steel anode was used and
causes a quenching effect that may result in ultra fine Zn deposition occurred entirely from the electrolyte (Zn
grained (or even amorphous) structures, as shown later coating I) and in the second, a Zn anode was utilized
in this work. thus Zn was deposited from the electrolyte and the
In the coating process, some metal ions may find anode (Zn coating II).
their way to the steel surface by diffusion through the After processing, specimen surfaces were examined
electrolyte but the predominant modes of transport are by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to characterize
ion acceleration through the plasma and ion bubble the surface morphology. The microstructure of the outer
adsorption transport where ions are carried to the steel surface layer evolved by the electrolytic–plasma inter-
surface by riding the surface of the hydrogen bubble as action was studied by focused ion beam (FIB) methods
it collapses. Both of the latter processes eliminate the w13x and high resolution transmission electron micros-
boundary layer diffusion and result in high deposition copy (TEM) (JEOL 2010) on cross-sections of EPP
rates. cleaned surfaces. Metallographic cross-sections were
also prepared to determine coating thickness, density
3. Experimental and uniformity. Density was assessed by taking micro-
hardness measurements (Knoop at 10 gf) on coating
The present work involved characterization and study cross-sections. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis
of corrosion behavior of surfaces and coatings cleaned (EDAX) was conducted in conjunction with SEM (Hita-
and deposited, respectively, by EPP. Low carbon steel chi S 4500) to analyze the composition prior to and
(AISI 1010) was selected as the substrate material. A after EPP cleaning. Wavelength dispersive spectroscopy
laboratory unit was utilized to produce the aforemen- (Jeol JXA 733 super electron probe microscope) was
tioned cleaned surfaces and coatings according to the conducted (at 15 keV accelerated voltage and 10 nA
processing conditions shown in Table 1. These condi- beam current) to analyze Zn and Al content in the Zn–
E.I. Meletis et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 150 (2002) 246–256 249

Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of the electrolytic plasma process.

Al coatings. Profilometry was performed after process- value of approximately 800 mV above OCP at the scan
ing to characterize surface topography. Coating adhesion rate of 0.2 mV sy1, while current was continuously
was determined by pull tests. Tapered Al pins (2.7-mm recorded. The corrosion rate was calculated from these
head diameter) were bonded to the coating with an tests using the Tafel extrapolation method. All corrosion
epoxy (cured at 1508C for 30 min). The adhesion potentials were measured with respect to a saturated
strength was estimated from the force required to pull calomel electrode (SCE).
the pin from the specimen.
Corrosion potential measurements and anodic polari- 4. Results and discussion
zation tests were performed to characterize the general
corrosion behavior of the clean steel surfaces as pro- 4.1. Effect of processing parameters
duced by EPP. Tests were also conducted on the back-
ground low carbon steel (cleaned by grinding with 600 The processing parameters used for the EPP cleaning
grit paper) for comparison purposes. Anodic polarization and coating treatments are listed in Table 1. The EPP
tests were also carried out on the Zn and Zn–Al coatings cleaned surfaces were characterized in terms of surface
produced by EPP. Such tests were also performed on morphology, roughness and oxygen content. The char-
hot-dip galvanized steel (denoted as: galvanized) spec- acteristics of the cleaned surface with the lowest oxygen
imens that were supplied by the International Lead Zinc content are presented in Table 2. Similarly, coatings
Organization (ILZRO). were assessed in terms of adhesion, density (microhard-
The first type of experiments involved corrosion ness), roughness, composition, thickness, uniformity and
potential measurements for clean steel and background continuity. Table 2 presents the range of these charac-
steel as a function of time in tap water for a total teristics and those of the best coatings (based on a
duration of 8=104 s. The second type of experiments statistical analysis of performance data).
involved anodic polarization scans that were conducted Fig. 3a and b shows the surface morphology in plan
for all surfaces and coatings in two different environ- view and cross-section, respectively, of an EPP-cleaned
ments: tap water and 3.5% NaCl solution using an steel specimen. The observed topography is a direct
EG&G Corrosion Measurement System (Model 273). result of the interaction between physical processes
In these tests, the potential was first allowed to stabilize taking place during EPP. As noted earlier, a high
and then scanned from a value of approximately 200– temperature plasma is created within the small size
300 mV below the open circuit potential (OCP) to a hydrogen bubbles in the thin electrolyte layer on the

Table 1
Electrolytic plasma processing parameters used for cleaning and coating steel surfaces

Parameters Cleaning Zn coating I Zn coating II Zn – Al coating

Voltage (V) 170 – 200 180, 200, 220 180, 200 180, 200, 220
Current density (Aycm2) 0.23 – 0.45 0.11 – 0.78 0.3 – 0.5 0.8 – 1.2
Anode material Stainless steel Stainless steel Zn plate Stainless steel
Electrode gap (mm) 8, 12, 16 8, 12, 16 8, 12, 16 8, 10, 12
Electrolyte (wt.%) NaHCO3 ZnSO4 w20% ZnSO4q80% Al2(SO4)3x
14% 21%, 24%, 27% ZnSO4 24% 10%, 11.5%, 13%
Flow rate (lymin) 3 – 3.8 1.9 – 3.8 1.9 – 3.8 1.9 – 3.8
Temperature (8C) 75 73 73 70
Treatment time (s) 13 32 32 32
250 E.I. Meletis et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 150 (2002) 246–256

Table 2
Characteristic data of the cleaned surfaces and coatings

Cleaned surface Zn coating I Zn coating II Zn – Al coatings

Thickness – 12 mm 15 mm 18 mm
Deposition rate – 0.37 0.47 0.56
(mmys) (0.28 – 0.53) (0.41 – 0.47) (0.41 – 0.56)
Roughness 2.5 mm 3.5 mm 2.5 mm 2.3 mm
(Ra) (1.8 – 3.4 mm) (2.2 – 8.2 mm) (1.5 – 2.5 mm) (0.8 – 3.8 mm)
Element content 1.38 wt.% O2 Zn Zn 3.0 at.% Al, Zn bal.
(1.38 – 7.3 wt.% O2) (0.2 – 3.0 at.% Al, Zn bal.)
Adhesion strength – )70 )70 )70
(MPa) (20 to )70) ()70) (30 to )70)
Hardness (GPa) 1.9 (bulk steel) 0.97 1.06 1.30
Note: Values in parentheses show the range of characteristic data determined for all samples treated under the parameters described in Table
1. Adhesion values )70 MPa show that failure occurred in the epoxy.

surface of the workpiece during EPP. This causes local- expected to be in the nanoscale (or even amorphous)
ized melting but also shock waves from the collapsing thus possessing a higher microhardness as observed
of the bubbles and thus, strong surface forces on small experimentally. Finally, the results show that surface
molten patches of steel. The action of hydrogen is able roughness can be controlled to a certain extent by the
to reduce oxides present at the surface and results in a processing parameters and that of the aforementioned
clean surface. As the present experimental results show, best coating was found to be approximately 3.6 mm.
O content was reduced dramatically in all EPP-cleaned The second type of Zn coating (Zn coating II) was
specimens (Table 2). Typical EDAX spectra prior to deposited by the same processing conditions as the
and after cleaning are shown in Fig. 4. Once the plasma aforementioned Zn coating I but using a Zn anode
has dissipated, the temperature drops rapidly causing instead of a stainless steel anode. Compared to Zn
freezing of the produced features on the surface. The coating I, the best coating in this case exhibited a higher
above processes leave an essentially ‘renewed’ surface, deposition rate (0.47 mmys), a somewhat higher density
which is virtually clean. The surface consists of force (microhardness, 1.06 GPa) and lower roughness (2.5
impact craters and spheroidal projections at the rim of mm). Also, a relatively large but uniform grainycluster
the impact craters producing a highly desirable profile structure was present on the surface (Fig. 3e). Obser-
for a subsequent coating treatment. In the present study, vations at cross-sections also showed a dense and
the lowest O content was observed in the specimen uniform coating (Fig. 3f). It should be noted that when
cleaned under the following EPP conditions: 12-mm a Zn anode is utilized during EPP, erosion of the anode
electrode gap, 170-V electrode voltage and 3.5 lymin takes place under the electric field thus activating an
electrolyte flow rate. additional deposition mechanism. This is expected to
Fig. 3c and d shows the morphology of the Zn coating result in higher deposition rates, higher density and
(Zn coating I) that exhibited the best characteristics. smoother surfaces and is consistent with the experimen-
This coating was developed by using an 8-mm electrode tal measurements of thickness, microhardness and rough-
gap, 200-V electrode voltage, 24% ZnSO4 solution and ness. It is important to note that in both of these coating
3.6 lymin electrolyte flow rate. The coating exhibited treatments the deposition rates achieved are significantly
excellent adhesion ()70 MPa) and SEM observations higher than those obtained by conventional electroplat-
showed a dense and continuous structure with a thick- ing processes.
ness of 12 mm with no discontinuities at the coatingy Regarding the Zn–Al coatings, the WDS analysis
substrate interface (Fig. 3d). It is interesting to note the showed that under the EPP conditions used only small
similarities in the surface morphology between the amounts of Al could be incorporated into the coating.
cleaned steel surface (Fig. 3a), and the Zn coating (Fig. The maximum Al content reached 3.0 at.%. This may
3c). It is apparent that the plasmaysurface interactions be considered significant in view of the fact that Al
create similar effects during coating (i.e. localized melt- deposition by conventional electroplating is not possible.
ing) producing a very similar surface morphology. Surface and cross-section morphology of the best Zn–
Microhardness measurements at cross-sections of this Al coating obtained in the present study is presented in
coating revealed high values (0.97 GPa) consistent with Fig. 3g,h, respectively. This coating was developed
SEM observations. Hardness of bulk Zn is approximate- under a 12-mm electrode gap, 220-V electrode voltage,
ly 0.8 GPA but in view of freezing expected after 10% electrolyte concentration and 2.9 lymin flow rate.
localized melting during EPP, the coating grain size is A uniform, large grainycluster was evident on the
E.I. Meletis et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 150 (2002) 246–256 251

Fig. 3. Surface (a, c, e and g) and cross-section (b, d, f and h) SEM micrographs of (a, b) the cleaned steel, (c, d) Zn coating I, (e, f) Zn coating
II and (g, h) Zn – Al coating, respectively.

surface. A high deposition rate was also achieved in this that both Zn coatings were dense with good uniformity
case (0.56 mmys). The coating exhibited good conti- and no voids present at the substrateycoating interface.
nuity, with some voids due to the large cluster structure Closer observations showed that the Zn–Al coating
as observed in the coating cross-section. Microhardness exhibited more irregularities on its top surface and some
measurements on coating cross-sections showed high voids in the coating structure. The reasons for such
values indicative of high coating density. The micro- differences in topography are not very clear at present.
hardness values obtained were significantly higher than However, the high electrode current density during the
those observed in pure Zn. This more than likely is due Zn–Al coating treatment (Table 1) indicates that the
to solid solution strengthening effects. process is at the initial stage of U2 –U29 (Fig. 1), which
For all of the Zn and Zn–Al coatings, the anchor can lead to an unstable and weak plasma. The sintering
profile can be observed at the interface between the effects due to meltingycondensing in plasma discharge
coatings and steel substrates. SEM analysis also showed channel on the Zn–Al coating are not as strong as those
252 E.I. Meletis et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 150 (2002) 246–256

Fig. 4. EDAX spectra from the steel substrate (a) prior to and (b) after EPP cleaning.

during the Zn coating treatment. Thus, the Zn–Al grain structure. Fig. 5b is a high magnification image of
coating is expected to exhibit a larger cluster size. These the nodule cross-section that is shown in the center
effects are under further investigation at present. portion of Fig. 5a. Two very interesting observations
can be made. The bulk of the nodule exhibits a fine
4.2. Characterization of EPP-cleaned outer surface grain structure with a size of approximately 0.5 mm. At
layer the surface of the nodule there is a thin layer with an
ultra-fine structure. This evidence strongly suggests that
In an effort to obtain more information on possible quenching effects during freezing of locally melted
metallurgical changes at the outermost surface region, surface material produce a fine microstructure at the
FIB and TEM studies were conducted on the cleaned surface layer. The grain structure at the latter outer
steel surfaces. A FIB cross-section into the surface of surface layer could not be resolved with secondary
EPP-cleaned specimens was made and high-resolution electron imaging and thus it was further investigated by
imaging was obtained in secondary electron mode. Fig. high resolution TEM.
5a shows an overall view of the specimen surface and Thin foils were prepared from the cross-sectional area
cross-sectional area. It is evident that the bulk steel of EPP-cleaned surfaces. The results showed the pres-
structure has a relatively large grain size )10 mm ence of a distinct outer surface layer that developed
whereas the outer surface layer exhibits a very fine after cleaning on the entire specimen surface (Fig. 6a).
E.I. Meletis et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 150 (2002) 246–256 253

Fig. 6. (a) Cross-section TEM image of the EPP-cleaned steel. (b)

Selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern taken from the sur-
face layer of a thickness of approximately 150 nm showing a fine-
grained polycrystalline structure and (c) SAED pattern from the base
Fe showing the w311x zone diffraction pattern of bcc Fe.

4.3. Corrosion behavior

Fig. 8 presents the variation of the corrosion potential

of EPP-cleaned steel and background steel (cleaned by
mechanical grinding) as a function of time. Background
steel initially shows a small tendency for passivation
(increase in potential) but its potential is gradually
moving in the active direction and stabilizes at approx-

Fig. 5. FIB secondary electron image showing (a) overall morphology

of surface and cross-sectional area and (b) high magnification of the
nodule marked in (a) revealing a small grain structure in its interior
and an ultra-fine structured layer at its surface.

The thickness of the surface layer was found to vary

between 150 and 250 nm. Electron diffraction analysis
from the surface layer showed that it consists of an ultra
fine-grained structure (Fig. 6b), where the basic steel
contains the original large grain structure (Fig. 6c). High
resolution TEM showed that the grain size in that outer
layer is between 10 and 20 nm (Fig. 7). Plasma
discharge developing in the hydrogen bubbles at the
material surface during cleaning seems to have two
basic effects. Firstly it reduces andyor removes oxides
and mill scale from the surface and second, locally
melts the surface layer. Due to fast cooling rate of the Fig. 7. A representative high-resolution TEM image from the surface
thin molten surface layer a fine grain size develops. layer in Fig. 6a showing a polycrystalline structure. The grain size is
Thus, the end result is a clean, nanostructured surface. in the range of 10 – 20 nm in diameter.
254 E.I. Meletis et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 150 (2002) 246–256

Fig. 8. Variation of corrosion potential of steel in tap water as a func-

tion of time.

imately y590 mV. On the contrary, the potential of the

EPP-cleaned steel is significantly higher than that of the
background steel during the entire testing period. Upon
exposure, the potential of the EPP-cleaned steel moves
in the noble (passive) direction at a relatively high rate
and stabilizes at approximately 50 mV (approx. 250 mV
higher than its initial potential). Also, a comparison
between the stabilized potentials (after 80=103 s) shows
that the EPP-cleaned steel has a potential that is approx-
imately 640 mV higher than that of the background
steel. These results indicate that the surface cleaned with
the EPP method exhibits passivation that remains stable
during the test duration while the plain steel tends to be
significantly more active. Visual examinations after test- Fig. 9. Anodic polarization behavior of steel in (a) tap water and (b)
ing were consistent with the above results since the 3.5% NaCl solution.
background steel surface was completely rusted where
the surface of the EPP-cleaned steel seemed intact.
During EPP treatment, hydrogen plasma develops at significantly lower (approx. 25 times lower) than that
high temperatures, and besides oxides is expected to exhibited by the background steel. These results are
also remove C from the steel structure. Thus, the present consistent with the presence of a pure iron layer at the
potential measurements are consistent with the formation surface of EPP-cleaned steel.
of a clean, pure iron surface layer (with no presence of The NaCl solution is an aggressive environment and
FeyC microgalvanic cells). the behavior in terms of corrosion rate, is similar for
Fig. 9 presents the anodic polarization behavior of both types of steel surfaces. However, the results show
steel in tap water and 3.5% NaCl solution and Table 3 that the corrosion potential difference remains at the
summarizes the corrosion properties calculated from same levels as in tap water indicating that even in the
these tests. Consistent with the previous results in tap
water, the EPP-cleaned steel exhibited a more noble Table 3
corrosion potential and passivated for the entire potential Summary of corrosion properties of steel from anodic polarization
range tested. On the contrary, the background steel
exhibited breakdown at a potential of approximately 170 Materialycondition Corrosion potential Corrosion rate
mV. It should be noted that at even lower potentials, the mV (SCE) mAycm2
background steel exhibits a more active behavior (higher Tap water NaCl sol. Tap water NaCl sol.
corrosion current density) compared to EPP-cleaned
steel. Also, the results show that the corrosion rate Background steel y325 y535 3.51 11.8
EPP-cleaned steel y196 y385 0.14 9.5
exhibited by the EPP cleaned steel in tap water is
E.I. Meletis et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 150 (2002) 246–256 255

protection while at the same time produces a ‘passive’

steel outer surface that can serve as an additional
corrosion resistance layer.

5. Conclusions

The results showed that EPP can effectively clean

steel surfaces that possess highly desirable anchor pro-
files. The produced surfaces are nanocrystalline and
exhibit a passive behavior. The latter is a direct outcome
of the physics involved in the cleaning process and
results in a significantly improved corrosion resistance
compared to base steel. This feature of enhanced lon-
gevity of the cleaned surface is important when consid-
ering the quality of subsequent coating operations and
the allowable time lag prior to coating. The EPP method
is also capable of producing adherent, dense and uniform
Zn and Zn–Al coatings that can function as sacrificial
anodes protecting the underlying steel while the passive
steel outer surface layer can provide an additional
corrosion resistance mechanism. The present results
show that EPP is an emerging, high potential cleaning
and coating technology.


Financial support for this work was provided by the

Louisiana Transportation Research Center and Depart-
Fig. 10. Anodic polarization behavior of various coatings in (a) tap
ment of Transportation (Award No. DTFH 61-00-X-
water and (b) 3.5% NaCl solution. 00008). The authors would like to thank Mr Edward
Daigle (Metals Technology Inc.) for assisting with the
electrolytic plasma treatments and Dr Michael Phaneuf
(Fibics Corp.) for conducting the FIB work.
NaCl solution, the EPP-cleaned steel surface is thermo-
dynamically more stable than the background steel. References
Fig. 10 presents the anodic polarization behavior of
the EPP Zn and Zn–Al coatings and the hot dip w1x D.C.H. Nevison, Corrosion of Zinc, Metals Handbook, 13, ASM
galvanized coating in tap water and 3.5% NaCl solution. International, Metals Park, OH, 1987, pp. 755–769.
In tap water, all three coatings exhibit activation polar- w2x F.C. Porter, Corrosion Resistance of Zinc and Zinc Alloys,
ization and comparable corrosion rates with the EPP Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, 1994.
w3x A.A. Voevodin, A.L. Yerokhin, V.V. Lyubimov, M.S. Donley,
coatings possessing a little higher corrosion potential.
J.S. Zabinski, Surf. Coat. Technol. 86-87 (1996) 516.
The behavior in NaCl solution is along the same lines w4x X. Nie, A. Wilson, A. Leyland, A. Matthews, Surf. Coat.
with the EPP coatings exhibiting somewhat higher Technol. 123 (2000) 506–513.
corrosion potential. Again all three coatings show acti- w5x X. Nie, C Tsotsos, A. Wilson, A.L. Yerokhin, A. Leyland, A.
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