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COM 114: Fundamentals of Speech Communication

Guidelines for

Graded Class Activity 1 (GCA1):

Interpretive Reading

Weight: 15%


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The purpose of an interpretive reader is to communicate through voice an author’s work. In

other words, the reader makes the story come alive. Your successful interpretation of an
author’s story depends on your understanding of its overall meaning. To achieve the
requirements for this assignment, you should identify the story’s general purpose and read a
story by adopting the appropriate speech style. In other words, focus on communicating the
story through your reading skills. Use vocal variety, tempo, rhythm, inflection and pauses to
convey the story’s emotions and actions. The main objective of this assignment is to help you
learn and apply vocal techniques that will aid in the effectiveness of your reading.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this assignment, students will be able to:
• Use vocal variety to convey emotions and actions
• Demonstrate the ability to communicate in public.
Objective: Individual activity to practice interpretive reading in class.
Speech Requirement:
Topic Selection: Select a story that interests you and fits the length requirement for
the reading. This story should be in a book. Avoid using loose papers or mobile
Structure: Introduction, Story, Conclusion
Delivery: Focus on varying your tone, pace, and volume to enhance the emotional
and thematic elements of the reading.
Duration: 3:00-3:30 minutes (minimum 3:00 minutes and maximum 3:30 minutes)
Task: Deliver your speech in class and submit a recording on Moodle post-speech.
Recording Requirement:
As part of completing their task, students are required to have their speech video
recorded by a fellow classmate.
After delivering their speech, students must upload the video to Moodle, specifically
into a designated submission folder. They have a 24-hour period to do so after the
A penalty of 5% will be deducted from the total grade if the video is not submitted
within the specified time limit.
Late submissions are not accepted after the specified time limit.
Attendance Requirement:
Students must be present and prepared to deliver their speech on the designated day.
Refusal to present will result in a zero grade for that particular assignment.
Students who are absent on the designated day may request a make-up according to the
AUM make-up policy.
Content Guidelines
Restrictions: Avoid ideas that could harm the feelings and beliefs of others. All
content must show respect for human rights and comply with the laws and practices of
the State of Kuwait.
Off-topic: Make sure you stay on-topic. Check the grading rubrics at the end of this
assignment to have a clear idea of the criteria that will be used to grade your

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Video Guidelines
Format: Submit the video in a Windows-compatible format (.avi, .mpeg, or .mp4).
Recording Device: Mobile phones should be used for recording. High Resolution is
not required.
Orientation: Record in a horizontal position for a wide-screen format.
File Size: The video file should not exceed 150MB.

Graded Class Activity 1 Execution Plan

1. Find a story that interests you and fits the length requirement for the reading.
2. Read the text several times to understand the content fully.
3. Follow the following points:
Prepare an appropriate introduction of no more than 30 seconds to tell us the book’s
title, a brief story review, and a few words about the author.

Use your voice and gestures/body movements to captivate your audience’s attention
by reading a part of that book. The reading time is 2:00 minutes.

Make sure you save the last 30 seconds to conclude by explaining the part you just
read and by acknowledging your audience.
6. Rehearse and check against the rubric (available on the last page).
7. Ask a friend to record your speech in class using your mobile phone.
8. Deliver your speech in class.
9. Submit your recorded video as per the guidelines on Moodle.

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NAME:_____________________________ | SECTION: ______ | DATE:______________ D D

Opening: Smooth introduction. Manages to grab the attention. Establishes context and mood well. 5 4 3 2 1

Practice: Knows the story well; has obviously practiced telling the story. 5 4 3 2 1

Voice: Uses vocal variety/not monotone. 5 4 3 2 1

Volume: Speaks loud enough/speech flows smoothly—not halting. 5 4 3 2 1

Enunciation: Articulates words/pronounces words correctly. 5 4 3 2 1

Pacing: Story is told at the appropriate pace, depending on the story line. 5 4 3 2 1

Pauses. Pauses are used effectively and appropriately. 5 4 3 2 1

Body: Gestures are well planned. Hand and body movements are used to enhance the story. 5 4 3 2 1

Mannerisms: No distracting mannerisms (i.e. fidgeting, swaying, tapping, rocking, stepping back 5 4 3 2 1
and forth).

Time: Meets time requirements. Time:____________. 5 4 3 2 1



SA: Strongly agree GA: Generally agree A: Agree to a certain extent GD: Generally disagree SD: Strongly disagree

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