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Manuntag, Reigne Anne BSCA-2B

Chapter 9


1) When can you say the drama is good?

- You can say a drama is good when it keeps you interested, makes you feel emotions, and
has believable characters and a meaningful story.

2) What is the role of the playwright in a Theatrical Production?

- The playwright in a theatrical production writes the play's story, dialogue, and characters.
They create the blueprint that actors, directors, and other artists use to bring the play to life on
stage. The playwright's role is crucial as they shape the overall message, themes, and emotional
impact of the production through their writing.

3) If you are the writer, what type of drama are you going to write? Why?
- If I were the writer, I would write a drama about friendships and challenges in everyday life. I
find these topics interesting because they connect with people's experiences and emotions,
making the story relatable and engaging for the audience.

4) What is the difference between ancient drama and modern drama?

- Ancient drama, like Greek tragedies and Roman comedies, was about gods and heroes
with clear lessons. Modern drama, from the late 19th century onwards, deals with everyday life
and personal struggles using realistic and symbolic styles. Ancient plays focused on fate and
moral teachings, while modern ones explore individuality, identity, and the challenges of society

5) Give at least two benefits of drama and briefly explain each.

• Enhanced Communication Skill

Drama helps people improve their communication abilities by practicing speaking clearly,
projecting their voice, and articulating emotions effectively. Through acting out different roles and
scenarios, individuals learn how to express themselves confidently and connect with others
through speech and body language.

• Increased Empathy
Drama encourages empathy by allowing participants to step into the shoes of different
characters and experience their emotions and perspectives. This helps develop a deeper
understanding of diverse viewpoints and promotes compassion towards others' experiences and

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