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MABALACAT CITY RIZAL | Life & Works of Rizal

Worksheet No. 5

NAME: Manuntag, Reigne Anne YEAR AND SECTION: BSCA-


Instruction: Read and review Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas and Rizal's Annotations about this book.
Compare Morga's views about the condition of the Philippines during the 17th Century, which is found in his
book, to Rizal's views found in his annotations and to the present condition. Identify five points of
comparison. Give your brief reaction or comment about Morga and Rizal's views.
Morga's Views vs. Morga's Views

Condition of the
Your own reaction
Morga's views about the Philippines during the
or comment about
Philippines found in his 17th Century based on Present Condition of the
Rizal and Morga's
book Sucesos de las Rizal's views reflected in Philippines
views about the
Islas Filipinas his Annotation of
Morga's Work

Morga talked about how Rizal was critical of the The Philippines is There are mixed
the Spanish brought Spanish influence. He predominantly Christian, feelings about
Christianity to the argued that it made with Catholicism being a Spanish influence.
Philippines and made Filipinos lose their identity, major influence due to Christianity is a big
many changes that he freedom, and traditional Spanish colonization. part of Filipino culture
saw as positive. ways of life. The Spanish Despite this, there is a now, but Rizal’s
created an unfair social. strong Filipino identity that concerns about losing
incorporates elements our identity are valid.
from various historical We should respect
influences. Modern efforts what shaped us but
focus on remembering also remember and
and reclaiming pre- celebrate our pre-
colonial history and colonial history to
culture, with a growing build a fuller national
interest in indigenous identity.
beliefs, traditions, and

Morga described how Rizal pointed out that The Philippines now has a The Spanish messed
local communities were Spanish colonization took democratic government up good local
run by chiefs and councils. away this local with elected local officials. governance systems.
These leaders helped governance. The Spanish While there are efforts to Morga saw they
manage their villages and replaced the native chiefs empower local worked well, but Rizal
made decisions for their with their own officials and governments and improve showed the harm
people. imposed new laws that governance, challenges done. Today, while
often ignored the needs of like corruption and political we have elections,
the local people. dynasties persist. issues like corruption
Programs are in place to still exist. We need to
promote transparency and work on making local
accountability in local governments fairer
governance. and better.

Morga admired the skills Rizal also appreciated Filipino craftsmanship is Our craftsmanship
of Filipino people. They these skills but noted that still strong, with artisans has always been
were very good at making Spanish rule hurt local creating both traditional amazing. It’s

MABALACAT CITY RIZAL | Life & Works of Rizal
Worksheet No. 5

things like woven fabrics, craftsmen. The Spanish and modern designs. upsetting that Spanish
metal tools, jewelry, and brought their own goods, Handwoven textiles, influence tried to push
boats. which made it harder for intricate jewelry, and well- out local skills.
Filipino artisans to crafted furniture are Nowadays, seeing
continue their traditional popular both locally and modern Filipino
crafts. internationally. Efforts to artisans keep
support local artisans traditions alive is
include promoting their inspiring, and
work through fairs, supporting them is
markets, and online important.

Morga noticed that the Rizal noted that Spanish The Philippines remains It’s sad that much of
Philippines had many colonization changed culturally diverse, with a our cultural heritage
different cultures, these diverse cultures. mix of indigenous, was lost because of
languages, and traditions. The Spanish brought their Spanish, American, and Spanish rule. Morga
Each island or group of own customs and Asian influences. While saw our diversity as a
people had their own Christianity, which many traditional practices strength, but Rizal
unique way of life. replaced many local have been preserved, showed the damage
traditions and beliefs. This there is a growing effort to done. Today, it’s great
made the rich cultural revive and celebrate to see efforts to bring
diversity of the Philippines indigenous cultures and back and celebrate
start to disappear. traditions. Festivals, our native cultures.
language programs, and
cultural preservation
projects are part of this

Morga said the Philippines Rizal agreed that the Today, the Philippines still It’s clear the
was full of natural Philippines had many has plenty of natural Philippines is rich in
resources. The land was resources but pointed out resources, including fertile resources, but the
very fertile, which was that the Spanish took too agricultural land, forests, Spanish took too
great for growing crops, much of these resources. and minerals. However, much and made life
and there were lots of This exploitation made it the country faces issues hard for the locals.
minerals like gold. hard for Filipinos to make like illegal logging and Today, we still have
a living and caused mining, which harm the resource issues, but
economic problems for environment. The there are efforts to
them. government and various use them better and
organizations are working fairly.
to ensure that resources
are used sustainably and
that local communities
benefit from them.

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