Assignment 1B - Samantha Herrera

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Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports & Culture

Teacher Education and Development

Professional Development Opportunity Evaluation Form for Participants
Thank you for participating in the Professional Development (PD) Opportunity. Kindly complete this evaluation
form carefully and honestly.

Level of the PD Opportunity ()

ECE (Pre-primary – Std. I)
Primary (Std. II – Std. VI)
Secondary 
School Leaders (Principals, Vice principals and Managers) ECE PRI. SEC. M.A.

#52 Albert Street, Lower Flat

P.O. Box 33, Belize City, Belize C. A.
Telephone: 501-207-0025; Facsimile: 501-227-0031
Email:; Website:
Title of PD Opportunity:
_Ethics and Professionalism______
Expected Output(s)
Participants will be able to:
Define ethics in the workplace.
Differentiate between examples of ethical an unethical
behavior. _____________________________________________
Read and evaluate the causes of ethical problems.
Establish ethical best practices for teachers.
Identify ways how navigate through ethical dilemmas
with colleagues and administration.

Name(s) of Facilitator(s):
Samantha Herrera__________________
Date of PD Opportunity:
From: ___26th September 2022___ to
_________27th September 2022__________
Location (District and Venue):
Stann Creek, Ecumenical College
Use the scale below to rate each of the criteria listed in the table by placing a check mark (√) in the
respective column.

#52 Albert Street, Lower Flat

P.O. Box 33, Belize City, Belize C. A.
Telephone: 501-207-0025; Facsimile: 501-227-0031
Email:; Website:
SA – Strongly Agree A – Agree D – Disagree SD – Strongly Disagree U–
A. The Venue for the PD Opportunity was… SA A D SD U
1 conducive to learning 
2 adequately supplied with drinking water 
3 adequately supplied with snacks and food for purchase 
4 adequately supplied with toiletries 
5 cleaned daily 
6 conveniently located 
B. The Content of the PD Sessions …
7 increased my knowledge on the topic 
8 increased my skills to teach this topic 
9 met my professional expectations 
10 was easily applicable to my professional responsibilities 
11 was presented in a coherent and logically sequenced manner 
C. The Facilitation of the PD Sessions …
12 was activity-based and interactive 
13 was adequately paced (rate at which the sessions were conducted) 
14 provided me with opportunities to ask questions 
15 provided me with opportunities to probe for clarity 
16 helped me to make connections between the content, activities and expected output(s) 
D. The Facilitator(s) of the PD Opportunity ...
17 was/were knowledgeable about the topic 
18 used visual aids effectively (PPTs, charts, handouts, video, manipulatives…) 
19 used clear and concise language 
20 used grammatically correct English as the main language for delivery 
21 used terms/vocabulary relevant to the content 
22 used available room space effectively 

With respect to the stated Output(s) of this PD Opportunity, indicate whether you Agree/Disagree to
the statement below. If you agree, complete 24; if you disagree, complete 25, 26 & 27.

E. The Output(s) of the PD Opportunity was/were… Agree Disagree

23 fully achieved 
24 I think that I have fully achieved the expected Output(s). The knowledge and/or skills I have acquired enable me to
do the following:
1. Recognize ethical and unethical behaviors in the workplace.
2. Respect and become more aware of my co-workers behavior.
3. Completely comply with school policies and code of conduct.
4. Implement high ethical standards in my daily life.

25 I was able to achieve this/these aspect(s) of the 26 I was not able to achieve this/these aspect(s) of the
expected Output(s): expected Output(s) because…

27 In order to fully achieve the expected Output(s), I would like future PD sessions to

#52 Albert Street, Lower Flat

P.O. Box 33, Belize City, Belize C. A.
Telephone: 501-207-0025; Facsimile: 501-227-0031
Email:; Website:
Thank you for your time … your feedback is extremely important for future direction and planning!

#52 Albert Street, Lower Flat

P.O. Box 33, Belize City, Belize C. A.
Telephone: 501-207-0025; Facsimile: 501-227-0031
Email:; Website:

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