Assignment 1C - Samantha Herrera

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Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports & Culture

Teacher Education and Development Services

Promoting access, accountability, quality assurance, and research in teacher education!

Professional Development (PD) Opportunity Report Form for Facilitator

Title of PD Opportunity Ethics and Professionalism

Date of PD Opportunity From: 26th September 2022 to 27th September, 2022

Name of Organizer/Sponsor Stann Creek Ecumenical College

Contact Information Telephone: 522-2114


Reflect on the PD Opportunity in terms of successes, challenges and potential areas for
improvement then respond accordingly in the boxes following each question. Use additional
sheets if necessary.

1. What were the strengths/ highlights of the PD sessions? Provide some concrete examples.
One strength of the sessions was that the presenters allowed for positive verbal interaction from the
audience. The participants were given scenarios and role plays and were required to share what they would
do in given situations. Additionally, grouping was utilized so this facilitated learning by experience.

2. List the Output(s) achieved and give details of the extent of the achievement.

Participants will be able to:

1. Define ethics in the workplace.
2. Differentiate between examples of ethical an unethical behavior.
3. Read and evaluate the causes of ethical problems.
4. Establish ethical best practice for teachers.
5. Identify ways how to navigate through ethical dilemmas with colleagues and administration.

It was evident that most of the outputs were almost achieved. The combination of the visual aids, activities
and discussion facilitated this.
3. List the output(s) not achieved and explain the reason(s) that prevented such achievement.

Some of the outputs not achieved included the ways how to deal with ethical dilemmas that may arise with
a colleague and administrators. The reason this was not entirely achieved was because of the limited time.
The grouping activities exceeded more time than was anticipated.

4. Based on the output(s) achieved and those not achieved, what revision(s) need(s) to be made
to the professional development opportunity?
One revision that needs to be made to the professional development opportunity is to either extend the
duration of the professional development or commence the session with the ways to approach and deal with
ethical dilemmas with colleagues and administration. These are vital information which can be used in the
school setting.

Facilitator’s Name: ____Samantha Herrera_________________

Facilitator’s Signature: S. Herrera_________________________

Date: ___________26th- 27th September 2022________________

#52 Albert Street, Lower Flat

P.O. Box 33, Belize City, Belize C. A.
Telephone: 501-207-0025; Facsimile: 501-227-0031
Email:; Website: http:/

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